Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 16, 1891, Image 1

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    The Paper fnr the Stork
man, .Meeehaitt ami
1 1 V-.
The Paper for the Farm,
the Workshop ami the
Home.'o.' crrr, ciiuxt couxtw opcgox, riivitsn.'i v. .in. v in. tsot.
I 'ohtmc .7.
jYumber 17
The Qttlteofc.
'lite outlook for Dalle C ity
the country tributary l it
wvt-r brighter than it i ut
moment, Tik heavy rain fall
fully nssnrrxl a large grain nnl hay
rroji. Fruits of all kimls are abun
dant and hrirtg fair anil profitable
returns. The wool rrnit is fimnlv
itiitiinniui tn .., II lair (iiimrx i
of km) tlurii.B i!m rtast winter in-'
mire profitable return from the !
Hip even at moderate prieea. Mut
ton sheep bring better prieea than
w. have ever known them to do in
a resilience of ."ixtt-en yearn in Hast
cm Or.-aon. The price of U-cf i
tending upward and the long de-
jircssion in tin class oi ituluMry
ncetm at an end. The projiecl for
.k! price for cereals have not been j
bright for many vears, and with
an abundant crop assured the farm-'
ing claasea may confidently look'
forward to a profitable and prusjier-!
mi harvest. Ah uii element in ;
thia prosperity our connection with j
Portland am! Astoria by nit hideis-n-j
limit lion .if utnnmr.rii u ill cllt till till-
(iDjwjrttint figure.
ICvirv thing ijs j
ru'hla will Ik done to make thi line
ivailttbi for the removal of the
coining crojw and we have litt'e
leafon to doubt thai the cll'ort will
1h successful. Every cent saved by
rwluced rate will enhance the value
nf flirt insulti.) ntwl nt into till. rior-K-
et of Hie nniditcer. lk'ilea all
thi we are given every reai-ou to
hope that liefore many uioiitliHt'hall
;;.iive pasaed The Dalles will have
(CMinection with the interior by ono
(or nwfe line of railroad. As our
(Tender Rut aware a company has
lieen incoriK)trttel within the paM
few days to build the line, via Dufur
nod Tygh valley, to the Fossil coal
fields. Only those familiar with
the imniens.e resource of the coun-
try through which this lino will !
traverse cm hnve nnv idea of the I
benefit such n road will 1 e to the
settlers a well as to this city. An
othe.r company ha been iucororat
ed to build a road between The
Dalle anil some jKiint in Sherman
vainly. It can only b'U ipiestiou
".f time when this road also will be
iu i.'complihed fact. The needs
rtf the eiiintry demand it and there
is not a shadow of a doubt a to its
being a puviutc investment. With
these lines of
.-it tin lHiint
railroad terminating i
Tim Dulles will at !
once lake rank as the inoft iuiHir-!
(ant city in Ka.-tcrn Oregon and
this rank she will be able to main
tain against all competitors. Cheap
niethiKl of transportation will in- s
vite capital and capital will develoji '
iiidustrii yet unborn or in their in-'
.nicy, while the thousands of acre'
.'if cheap and productive land will
form homes for a huppv, contented
ftinl prosjs-rous
.,), Ir llallc I
AintHca'i Ditcovery.
Nearly wvery stale in the I'nioit
5 making I'hlhorale and expensive
preparations to celebrate ihu four
hundredth anniversary of the dis
covery of America by Columbus.
Mitt we notice that the Norwegian
of Massachusetts have in their uiet
way celebratod the thousandth an
niversary of the same distovcry by
Lief Kri'kson. Historically it is
well cstublishtd that Columbus
must have learned the existence of
the western continent from the
Norsemen whom Im met on a pre
vious voyage to that of hi great
discovery. This fact has led many
to the re'tlcction that it wou'd have
Imwi infinitely better for the world
nnd for America had Columbus
jiever sailed across the Atlantic
ocean. Approaching live hundn-d
years lieioro me iienoese pinmeu
ii... .i,...ui. n,... ; Aior.rii.ii lu 1
iMoplw of Norway had established I
wttlcment in Vlneland. New Jer-1
sw-y, and buihling still remain ,
itunding on the coast of what is
now a mrt of .MttSHaehusetU, IW ,
necticut and Music Island, as loon-
uments of the former oc-cupancy f j
the Norsemen. 1 he Haga describ-1
i ng the discovery ot inelaud i a-
oepu-u ny men oi learning a a gu-1
nine iintbeiilie mill irrefutable Ills- !
lory of went. It is not hard lo
nnderstanil how diU'creiit would
have been the record of the spread
of KuroKnu civilisation on this
continent hud the Norsemou U'cn
left to pursue their discoveries, "and
(he nations of northern, instead of
those of southern Kuroc taken sjs
hCMsioii of it." Hut erhai this is
l(oing a little too deep into tin- re
gion of might-havc-lMeu. Pe this
n it may, the Norwegians have a
right to celebrate the first discovery
of America by their countrymen.
The West.
Scitllc, Washington, is said
have 'J.imo idle
laborers standing
ji round the streets, with no pros't
of wot I;.
HaitraaO ami Mints. The Harney Peak t'onaolidatwl
,. i. . i .e -t c..ti.. ,.r' Tin CoJnpany at Hill City. . P.,
Salt Uke I nbune: H" have dee.W to commence Uh ewe
the radroad out into the dem-tt an f , wncenlrnUng ,)Jalll f
Kastcrn man the other day ! ovit) dailv canaeilv
"What eouh! that country supply to j ' CI ny.
get railroad revenues enough toauj-1
.. i. ... ..i :..i....i
pott u uxrti marge ami iw ihuhhi
: in hay nothing of tliviilf-ml ' You
! mv it would nivo vou tin t mIo of
Nevada and it 'IO.(HX) or 50,l)t)O
people, and would add 2VX more
jn-opV to be supplied
llttt IS -
immi (nople compiin-d to ."..WXVMW
The answer was that if miles of
railroad would put in direet con
nection with this eity twenty mining
district, and that mm gixnl miite
give more business to a raiiroati
man mm a hom o lownswp oi wj
agricultural hind. The man could
not understand it. Then he was
aakwl to Mate 1kw much freight an
ordinary farmer in New York with
HK acres of bind really gave to the
railroad in a year. He nan com
polled to nay that if it was in the
wheal region of New York the man
might nibly have for -ale at the
CtHl of tile Vt'.'t t a lliallcr of (Ml
bushels of h heat which wouhl be
, sent nwa) on the roatl. I hat ne-ans
j eighteen ton of freight. Two ton
; more would cover everything that
the man would buy. That is twenty
j Uuw. That Mould If -SO ton for a
j mile square; it Would he 8rio0 ton
. for a townshin. and thev do not
average that.
Now, if a mine produced but
twenty ton of ore per day for IttKJ
day (n ilia year, it would Ih Xh
tonn. That would esceed the whole
the w hole freighting product of two
towuHhipH in a favorable iliMrtct,
i . . .
and west of here then- are plenty o
mine that would each easily yield
three, four and even ten time
twenty lon xjr day.
Then, there 1 another feature
about it. The miner In hi daily
work uses of what merchant Hell
three times as much a any ordi
nary laborer in the ICnt. 'I hen he
earns better wagtm and he sjiends
them all. Then ho has to have
pick, guds, drill, powder, fuw?,
candle, shovel, heavy boots and
cars and tiinl er there i no end
to his dailv counHimi'tjon.
So we nee that if in these twenty
districts there could !) but one
mine in each district that would
vield twenty tor ol ore per day to
he trani)orlel on the railroad, those
twenty districts would be eipial to
fifty townhitK of the bct agricult
ural lands of the Fast And we
can H'v that 2i),tKX) miner working
in those districts would have to have
more supplies curried to them than
a hundred thousand xoplc have to
have Mipplicd them in the Kust-
Not only noiild they have to have
the materials to work u...n, but
i r . . . r I..
every (miiiihi oi im ir loo'i tmiti
nave 10 i.e .arrno lo mem e
jiericnce has eMabhidied, to the
Wonderment of railroad buildcr-,
that one good mining district is to
the railroad a little providence
And wc saw last year that the
I'niou Pacific railroad, crippled a
it wa for want of car and en
gine, notwithstanding it crippled
condition, drew a revenue from the
Tititie. mine, the mints of a single
district H'Vciity niih below here,
which was eipial to 10,U' it mile
for every one of those seventy miles,
And bv thesu- figure we get a little
idea of liuw much more imtKirtauce
mining is than any other industry
that man can follow. It not only,
when tint mining i gold and silver
mining, produce more freight than
any other occupation, but what it
prisluce enter at once into the
volume of money of the country :
that much labor is, through the
material produced, made immortal.
And so in a double way the indus-
try is n oicesinii; a iiesiui! lo the
tranHirtation combines that ban-
die the proceed, and a blessing to
the world.
''k food situation is U-comi..g a
w one i(l (!l.rilMHlV m, tj. ton-
,;.,,,,, tiai. itl uf raill it!
vn. nnmnt ,Jw Mur.
T,R f-lr, of ,h(. (m(rn,m.llt lo
. .,ru..,u,v j nilueiuif duties for
(lie Mpular Im-ih til is causing ueep
-. . . .
and widenpn-nd irritation.
Fxtraordinary slorii are Wing
told about the plague of locusts in
Northern Africa. One corresjKtnd
ent writes that caravan have near
ly Uen overcome by the myriad of
the insects and have Wen compelled
to dig their way out and through
them to escajM- suH'iK-aliou. The
country over which their armies
puss looks as if blasted by a con
llagralion. Not a living 'thing re
mains in their track. Tim earth i
swept clean of all except skeleton
Never were the tiests so voracious
"',01l " unng iw present
exceeded all recorded accounts.
A constable at Had, V-tAo., held
a railroad train for threw hours
Saturday night, on a writ of attach
ment for wages duo an emeloye.
It was finally paid, after consider
able telegraphing.
The interior department has ren
dered a verdict in favor of the state
in the contested land case against
J. M. Wiley of Warner valley, nnd
that gentleman will lose the valu
able improvement which he has
placed on the land in controversy.
This swampland question seems
It is said that a careful estimate
ha I cen made of the amount of
money in circulation in the Argen
tine Itepublie and it is found to
reach a total of i I "0 per capita. In
spite of tliat fact niiio out of every
ten men are in a chronic ataUi of
bankruptcy, and this condition ex
ist in spite of the fact that th gov
eminent printed the money ami is
sued it 'directly to the jieoyle."
Prof. Poster, the weather prophet,
predict cool weather for July, hut
ay we will have a few short peri
od of exclusively hot weather dur
ing that month He says, however,
that August and September will W
the hot month of the year, and that
drouths will have their prineijial ef
futiu August. Oetolior, Novem
ber and DecrmWr will average very
cool, and the greatest storms of the
year will oceur in theM- month
!J'le reader it not compelled to be
lieve these prophesies unless he
really wants to.
Year ago a young man named
Walter went for a soldier. The girl
he luvcd W'st told him she would
marry him when he got to he a col
onel, lie never attained that des
tination, but he got into jail at
Fort Kog for falling asleep while
on guard duly. There he ate Wack
bread and drank blank coffee and
Mlent on a cot that would have
broken the back of anyWaly but a
soldier. He w discharged last
week, ami then learnt d some good
news. It was that a rich aunt had
.'died ami left him .mix.i. Like u
true man, if he did fall asleep, he
at once cot a furlough, and hunted
up tin- sweetheart of long ago, who
ban agreed to marry him. een if
in ih not a ! i ii-1 nnd hux Kit it in
Legitimate Mpoll li,:.!. i.hImi),
be grow ing tir Minn- wImii a . . i r t
of civilied men will li n k in gn ut
number to willies a li?ht Ut-.wen
a bulldog and oung t innauion
War. An encounter of thi sort af
forded Sabbath amusement jester
day to a number of so-called sort
ing meiiofTaeoinaand Seattle, and,
strange to say, they all regarded
the affair as rare pastime. Priie
fighting, cocking mains, bull en
counters and live pigum shiKiting
are brutal enough In their way, but
this latest combination of bu Meg
and W'.ir surjiiissei th understand
ing of an ordinary mortal. The
"sisirting men"- who attended the
affair will, of course, maintain stout
ly that there was not an clement of
brutality connected with it. In
onh r to deny any assertion of this
kind, they very considerately plac
ed mittens on the War's efaws to
k'-ep him from tearing the dog to
piece ti early in the fight. What's
next? Orcgoniau.
In ptoiiiulguting your esoteric
cogitation.-, or articulating your
Hupertieiiil sentimentalities and
amicable, philosophical or psycho
logical observations, says one of our
effusive uotemjMirarie, beware of
platitudinous o.ulerosity; let your
conversational ommunications
)? a clarified conciseness, a
comjiaclcd comprehensiblencs,
cimlcsceiil consistency, and a con
calei ated eogency. ICschew all
conglomerations of llatulenl gar
rulity, jejune babblement, and
assinii e affectation. Let your ex-,
ti-mjM ruueotis descanting ami uu- j
tin niuiituted exnatlations have iu-
tcllii ibilily ami veracious vivacity,
without rlHslomontude or thrasou
istical UimbaMt, Sedulously avoid
all Hilyyllabic profumlity, jioin
su prolixity, psittacceus vacuity,
ventrihspiial verlaisity, and vuni
liMpu ut vapidity. Shun double
entendre, prurient jocosity, and
(s stifcrou profanity, obscurant or
apparent. In other words, sjsi.ik
plainly, briefly, and nuturally. Say
what you mean and mean what you
say, ami above all don't use big
Ifo- Ti NhiiIIhI l-r-rr.mnnl. Wlilrlt ,rn
.Sfw"rjr In rnn.
In the littflicr I'lvneh rlw. the ran
totn Is Uiat the civil or l.'t'.il tuurrtatru
hhoultt t' i-.-letrntHl Ix-f.vr.- mayor or
marii,trtit the ita.v or two lie ore tlw
r.'llifloiw on.-, a . nd.iiu tvtiou- origin U
tl tk'-iilV w tnv t!i,it t!i.-,.' .i.-it.U-r tlw
relirftotis ivrenvoy nlone vnllil tnm a
i'hrUtlan rlt tt l.-w The jmthg
tirkle retunU In her futility on leaving
fie town li!l. n:ut only .tn't for her
wMtrif jottnu y .(l -r V.xc i-iurrinst !v. .
I ikctt plmv In u eliutvli, In a t--n;U-t,
InU'.tdut iiltteen if worhi;i an
citltVtl -or In u syi.ijfe. This ereiitet.
K rattier cjtttv-.-..l He. Bjyi the
Xi York t' AitvcrUaer, .ir
If, vhlcti U mre. hut ta sometime
tiapjH-neit, some liu-ll.-lit LhaiUt OtfCUV
Wtweeft the two vnia ml' to tWtay
the WHimil on th- hn .1 snt nt wife
woutil Is? leir.tlly tu rrk-.l wilhoul being
o in fm-l. 1 kne of n-l n csm. On
lh- night of IV eivil iiihitI.i, tin- tius
ImimI rHiivtt a teUvrphte dispatch
ri,illn litll) (t t:i it'ier'n luiUlil,',
who wan dyluff, amt wfi HHt tn a (o--elgn
land amt wW..- illiiess hint pre-v.-ntet
her t?tn;f pre at at the wwl-tl'nyj-
tb- L ft, tHvivitJh.-r lt bleln;r.
ant retiderxHl hr tlu- last muI riU-s, nmt
wan itf U-rwant tiept nt the place by hii
nffutn. ruLitUig ther tk-ath
Wi Tk" of l..l K-l, .it tlllSlt,.HIMl
to him, Thf for n tii'mUi. Uh
wife, who vvfio a 1. vout t't!ioltc, wowht
tiol bdveettascntejl (or .riytlttnjr lathe
worl't to iro urul Join him until their
i i km hint tven tileveil by a prler.t.
During ihU iul rv..l the tiuslkUt'l IU' t fl
i oii-.1i hv hail fortm-ily tonnl. hhe ih";
. ee.leit in reeoti,) ,u i im' liiu, ..wl I.e hi it
ii'it thu eouru.'u I'Hi'ti uiuiiuit" tlii iuur
rt ip. leullv uctwt in Ptirtn, tie
off. rml to ho tltvonvd, but the yottng
w iti rrlhrioM'. !H-ruten n-n nti'4 her
from pliurf tlt. ir'itioti, urn!
t- .l.i-tl foi .oi.) "'it liin-d without dilrt-
lll ft le;ft Wjl(r tlofl flu im-ohihU
of (t. wriloit p.mevii', tu. lol'.liail.l
fmiMit u roiitiilulmt " - j'. more or U-mi
Ii rofrxihti. t m .rry h. t-iuMn In lb t
l..ii t, Iiiti' h.. tin-.. iii,l.ut in Outlet
li. ..til.l h - . .m ,i'!. i -il is hi:ramUt
hi. h' c. ife i. Mm,- . who h;e.
never tsei. hi !(; i li,- affair er ip )
il ifin'iil e.tnil,i n the llie lit I'm (Mull
MlllHllllHK Tlldt 1. Ilili.-r.lliiil mill
tiirlval Alxiut lit 4lfriir.
'file hl iiututry l naltvn to the
toil in this cnuitry, artliir to the
New York Sun. Away luU in e. .loiiinl
tiine Uu r- nan u vitlure hail -r. jiintus
there wuji ,t vllUi-tro htavksi.iitlt. He
.Milik-luiU of fellel wisl, itollbtle In
imitation of pattern breitgln fn m the
mother country bj t'ie lnU-it tatmt
h'rsnu. W'imiI fi-itl-iiif. ly the way, was,
seeonllnif to an niieiit tr.tilition, the
WH-iilentat discovery of Un hatter' pa
tron saint.
Aeeontitur to the letfi-lul the ,-oisl man,
tri!tU.'ili tdona s dii-l hi'fhwrty Hint
let to hU iieiii-t ry, foioiil his feet
l.h-edliiw iiii.l tili.O'ii .1 fmiii llu (ir.iVi I
that got ittt he. Not U inol
a H int, i.ti it "ni. t, In- (Tin .-it In -.ide n
I , . pi, !...! I ,wi'f
. . ji li.nt left iisiti the thortiii. and
.t it ml" lo- MoiiUIn for irreater
I li, u he triiilifint oiiwnrd, mid on
' in. the m"tery wun MtrprlM-d
! the wmil f.-lted Into a compuet
'.. the eonnttint fnunitlntf it had
., I f i-i .in hii ft-et, This hint uus
h i. 'id In eotirw of tima the fu
i"i '..-t ii(i ii a fetter,
i i- .ilu i.toiiastt r,v tho trndi- upri'ii'l
. i r;hb.riti villuf.t-n, uiu ml over
1 inn,!,., n i"ui-mi of thins lst, thecd. broi.;;hl it with theat loAtoerleu,
lt i-.- it ('i.uri-.hed in small way for
in. .re thuii eentnry. until the stirrliuf
aetlt ity of Aini iiv uiii led them to cat
ul nil for litUir-savtitir machinery,
llonever, the fm lory system wa tio
thorouirhly iti-velopcd tn thm eountry
until thirty or thirty-rive years sjfo.
The factories tht iraetietlly alt the
work nun, uud all kliid of hat are
iiiiirvi-louMy rheapetu-d. lltitfulo Hill's
e ovUiy buy their hni of u mainifac
lurer in ventral New-York, and they ant
vanity t'henH-r tliun Uiom' imnle by
hand In Meiio. I'owtNiy funey miiht
tie htudied by the umnufucturer, and
there U a irrent variety of ornament
on thee tint, "ne hu wn i-iiaim-lled
leather bund uliout the rrown; aimllu'r
UU elu borate Hum-1 owl oil the front; all
otlier a lout twUU'd cord or band,
with a tiny buobull dangliua from one
111,. Itltoxolllll'.
The horrified oii'r of the more-nu-nl
for women' riding en euvallei
may bu luU-rented ill leuruinir Unit hud
It not Wen for uu accident of anhlon
the ifeiitli r M- would ! striding their
liore nttll. and thut the iikMutdle 1
not uu invention duo to the advanced
inodi-hty of eiviliutloii. It appear that
one Anna of Ilolieuila, t-hlent daughU-r
of a (ieruiiui em)Hror and wifu of un
Untrlibh Uinil. intrmluced the custom,
not from delicute repulnion to the old
method, but simply Uvuiim- ilu. wa at
llii teil with some Mirt of deformity thut
rendered It iinpoMdhle for her to ride
upon the saddle in common iw. In
thiMM! days il na imperative that a
woman houht ride, iweoriliitirly tin'
first nldeniidillo wa invented. Koyulty
had then, an now, snobbUh (olloMern
ever ou the alert to adopt fus.hiu hon
ored by it patroiiuiro, and in a few
month every woman of pluee In Cnir
luml poeni'l a UleaUUlu and the
custom wa cktuhlikhcd.
Hi aoi'i.' ipulutioit nu January 1
wa :iU,Jll,(SNJ. The population of
each of the other continent was etl
waU'il lo be u follow; Ala, .",
(SSJ.WHi; Africa. tJ7,lau,0OU; .'.ustralia,
4,7:tu,Uoti; North America, ,'0,isj.n
kkmth Amerti-a, :m,ti,(Nwi silar n
iriuns, !HW.UUU. Tbu total would then
U l,;7,KMMAl. ,
SI vTTttm have Imhmi in eoiiimon use
lne is-ra.
ar ine lUlTainiH .rniv ! nwi or;i in
in t. unto,, b.vdn of o... U sold f.'.r a
Ar the Salvation Army's fHl ilep it.
In fmhionnble miirrinifo nntkvit In
the newipap'r the naun- of lh brhle
prt'oinh" that of the bridegroom.
Two Poart-ncKSK lniKillt neontty
eiefueil In a prise llxht of t.tS rotniiK
They fmitrht l hour n day, stopping
at noon to eat nnd nmoke.
A eaiiK worth winning has U,e:
o(Tonilby the Knl liullnn tlovernment.
T!i.- prl l JiVSKJ for H praeth'al ma
htne for lUwirtleaUnir rnmw,
A WHMoiow. to l.U iiteimnt Uolwrr.
who perished In the Jennnette expedi
tion. lll proliably I' erected In the
e'-iapel of the naval academe at Annap
olis. f -mccTmv Is a surwas at the
urt t'niverlty. forty-two mirrl life
e-vrasement . having lsen rMHirted tloit
far b 'tween Vh Irljr HH'1 (jlrls ot that)
"Itoxijm the pompa" l uaiutng the
thirty-two pdtit In onlor. Tims
North, north by east, north-north -a. t
northeHt by north, northeant. n rl!i
east by east, east-imrttpat. unM lij
north, east; afld vmiU "niHiltl the Ihn,"
(IM. of tluiowiitlnli ton gosl pho
1 1,-ruph I a clean face -not a ivlatlv
ly but an absolutely clean one and P
U .ild that photographer have much
trouble b unio they do not like to unke
unitrgentlon which might ly rcAClitoil
by their nittera,.
li. .. Swkst, who work a n tele
graph operubir St Helena, Molil., Ill
winter ami imnftMUt In nuinmer,
c-ntly l-v.ttel it plaei-r claim In U-iiim
I'ounty. Idaho, and tiottght upniljoinin -et.ilm
i till he had aonuired l.notl acres
II,- ha s-ilil all to e S.-n it. ir Titlmr for
.:isi.os. It Is now reported $ ihu
iros;rty is worth l VMsM),
An (Itlawa. Knn.diH-tor hns wnt a
lull to a widow for -'doclorlng yourluln
ti.ittd until he died "
''Tipn " Hr. Ilrmvu, the man
thnlMved yr life." "DM he have cure
of yolt then?" "No; but when I nout to
him In my lllin-sn, he intviKud lo oeiu'
for anotltet- phynlcian."
"ftv the way. VVlngii." nkrd a n'ewlv-tti-dgs:l
i tilr.iHli. "J HI hiklll,f fill
rt gtnnl plaeti la net up my pmtultoe lu
Can you uggtt a g"l dintt-i.-l '"
"Why, anywhere In the corn belt would
do wouldn't il.'"
titT.T (who has tried them) "Why
on earth don't yon out dowu thai old
apple tree',1 It1 so neiii' tin msnl the
Im.Vh ..teal most ot em, nud tlu-y are
hartl. sour thing uuvway." Dr. I'opu
hir nvlth a unlet smile) "They pay for
th. in at two hl.llng n vlnil."
vVoitBir.n Wife oh. doctor, wJu.t
ha detained you I sent for you ui
twelve o. loom my liunlMmi Is very low
bnloed." Inn tor (ooi'iiilaeeiitH I "
I received your call then, but as I bad!
uu engagement with another pain nl in
this iielghlsirbiNNl ut slv oVlisdi I
thought I'd make one job of it and kll
two bird with one ntoiu- '
M. IIiuskib t "Johnny, illd.tha dis-.
lor call while I wa out?'' Little
johnny (stopping hi phi ) "Yen. lie
felt my pulse and liM.kcd at my tongue,
and nhisik hi head, and miiil It a u
very nerlou cow, uud he left till pre -
neriptloli and mild he wiuhl cull ugiitli
U'fore night." Mr. Ilrlskie "tiraclonn
me! It wasn't you I neiit him to boo. It
wa the baby "
Kl'ilKNK I'lll.ti will iniblUh
nevt 1
kprlng a new volume of vome.
Mu. lIomiHus Hi iiMti r ineoiue from
her Ixsiks and playn uinoiints to otor
ft-.JA.0UM year.
TlIK flub of ue spaln'reom-siniideiu-i-fame
is Mr- Million in private life. Met
home Is in New York
Da. Hoi. ui-. is cheered in hi old ir -e
by the knowledge Hint "Over the Ti i
I lips" is selling more iHlgelv thau ui
of Ills earlier works.
Thk painful fact I made public that
the t't TeiiuyHoii has itlwiiysomplojeil
a rhyming dictionary to aid him in
framing his U-uutiftil 'm.
Ml, hrtvi.i.v's prollis on "In Darkest
Africa" ure nuid to ! SMSI.isni. I'cw
men would cure Ut go through what he
enilun-d, even to win a larger um than
Tiir. ttltvery of Arltotle' Iretttlw
ou the t'oiintltution of At lii-us Is pro
uounccd by the I union Tiitu- an almost
unprecedented in the hislory of elassleul
A Iktsrov publisher wty that he Mill
K.IU :;u,utu eoplert a year of "t'lu'lt
'I',, in s Tallin. " Several m-osoiih ago he
got out a edition of the Instil and
kolil 11,1,11 1 opie , oi u.
I'tci l.iMivr. the Ik-rlin jottrimll.t
Is i-omlus.' to the I 'nltod M tl'. on invil.i
lion of Henry Yillard to writ.- a none
of h-ltors to the liermau pn-hs o-i tk
deVelopiuent and prttgrek of the North
A t Ai.noii.niAg was out hstklnrf for
some lot kltcep In a ciinyou neat- S -.pc.
Ycutura county, on WediicMl.ty, tvltou
lie ran Hgulimt ri large brown ts-ur He
IiihI no Itreamin, bill lie lanmail the
1'S- mul druggi-d It to dculli. It
wclgjioil eight bundled pound.
uu auo;-Ar.itiii )i .gMu.iAi' us l" jo
's..inuui U.U.W ti p.u.Mi a .u i.w i.ioai I
;o s.ipm i.. .t i i 'v. iiiuui .i.'.u iji ; u
s..m , .ut).A'ijl t"'-1 up'Jl P !-l" "I'll
nn;i jjisl.u )ii. ujo i hi -.C.'i.
ptlt'4 tll1 UU SUM .tU.tHltU Ut iJ ui
.... .... ........ . . . .....
J. ,.lipu"VuU.;i.s m7uV.(7
An ehlbltlon of lltuurnrtuu worhnof
art will U- bold In Pari In
Sin 1 ,,1'i.mirK l.i.iuiiio.N ha tltihdicd
: ., .,
n of hi brone known us
The new Maine
Ik I i ! v-ut to Mr. I'm I JaooWu, nf
Ml r vmii.i.v I'liio II wnili. the oldenl
diuiiflit.-r of Jmd Cluoidler llarrl. li
alxmt to ifti to Italy to tc. Iv in t. .she li
twenty year ohl iitul u iflrl u( remark-
able beauty and talent,
i A I n i:-ui: ntatue ot the late llut
i -ror I'r-derlek will 1 imvaileil noon
I in lloiiilnirir, the celebrated liemnoi te'
! rt. The netllptor I Ib-rr l'pyiie.ii
1 pupil of Prof. Uelnhohl It.'iftn.
! Tin. I'op.' l having a li-MUttful piece
of m.matc iniiilo In the faot.iry of the
Yntl.'.tn fur ()iuvn Chrlntiiie ot Spuln.
The plitinv represent the Madonna
! w itti her child, and I a copy of a Spun-
Uh painting.
i Ai rio.ii n, ltnriiM.'un.n him IhiuhIii
fcoiu lonl Haehvllle the well known
l.ii trait of i:ilii Ann l.tiiley t.Mm.
slierltlaul, by (liiln-.liorouirh. The pi-leo
i- Iwehe tli. ninoul guinea, or at the
rut.- of one hundred nnd live dollar-, Iku-
I mtt.tre inch.
Tin.- uiimild p'ttnttiigi found lu .lute
llllpw'n nludto after hli death hi ve real
teil at aili'tluu two huudl-i-.l anil nine
th.iuiallil Helen hllllili-i'd andxit ft'.ilic
tforly-one Ihiiii'itind dollai-sl. The dtlu
d' uilKlli- bought for twelitji 1!i iihiiI
frallC'i his tail u h, "Itelurnlnif fitiui
1'leh) I.'iIhii- lu un Atitiiiiiu,.l " o
ii I so obtained (or forty lhoui..iiid fi-iiuen
'.not' p.illiliiigof -'I'll I'oiiivit," whluh
wa sold by tint pitltitar to Dupiv for
seven tlnmaud frane.
Ti;.ciu.a diluting out who had hit
Mm with :t pijH-r Imtl) " Ui.nudit
Unit very tinny, dldli I vim?" Alfred -
' 1 wouhl lime, It 1 hadn't been
Ti.aiukii "TlinniH. you may jiolut
out t Hie elan a hpot ii-iii your map
a, tot Ulieiplored and illieplailied, Hint
if vthlch tin- world at lar;ri an yet lu In
dor I'f.t" Pupil "Yen, lr.
T'lit hi re ink spit."
Vi'Ul;S ttn ttmuhsr asked what
the feiiiliilne of ljillor, a niniill lioy on u
float M'ltl In a pulilic lu'hikil proiii;itly
ev'lniui'.l "tire, maker." and v.- ly il 'llirhtetl that Im v.ii iibln 1 1
r. t lu hli .tunxvvr Him,
TUVIUHII (til gl-ulllliliir nehiioll
"Your lennoll to day In on liuliuit. Nolliin
are name of thlugn." Small buy "Ii
host a iiouir.'" 'I'eiii'lier "Yi." Small
(ht -"How ran It Is? There Uu'l any
Hiteh a tiling a a Kliot."
T'A'URn -"Pnidily I'tiiiKle. you uiiiy
tlve tile (leiiuiili inline o( the lllii-r
llaillltie. I I edit V "Dunlin. lonelier
, !),, '-,t riu),i. I m Ki,t
j )lae htu.Ilcil voiu- Iomoii no w e."
-,v,ilv In nurprbci, but keep. Mill,
j j-ovut ." Mild hi. ini.thei-. -do v..u
j ;UitU you 11 irct u piUe nt for
iR.n:r gir."' "No, ma," wild Tommy.
J - nhy not. nlr?" naked bin father,
sternly, laying down hln pitsr. "lie.
ciusc they dun t give any," tiniiw civil
Toinuir. meekly.
Mil I'lnu "I see alt the wood ban
tieii naw ed and split Have you been
feeding another trainp'.''' Mr. Dlgg -"No.
Tommy did It after he e.iiue
hnine from m IuniI " Mr. I'lgg "Oh,
did he? I gliciu. I'd better nee his
teacher to-murrow and llnd out w hat he
w, been tin lo
A Sr. I.ul'l junllce ha dceldcd llutt n
. young woimiii In ImiihuI to reluin the
jfl(t ft n-jeoted lover,
As I'.ugllnh court ban iliiddcd that the
chime of belln In the village ot I lepl
fold must mil In' nouudi'd because the
IIoIm- Is oirellnlve I i the majority of the
proin-ity- iwnern in the vicinity.
A vim expllull I oiin.'ot lout stiitulo
plivldes that no nhall kis a muiii
an aguinsl lu r will, and In-hind it I . a
still more rigid old blue law that says
a man shan't kl hi wife on the .Vtl-
Nr mi I imilln, (In., jnstiee
nf Ihi p-n who uei. t'i oath to wit
iicku's its follow: "The evideacn you
hull give In thii.eane nhull lie lite truth,
the whole truth, and nuthin:.' but the
lmth, unit jiay all costs, h lp y i u "
As Ontario hheiilf dropn-d dead while
till the (mint of hanging a inun '1 ho
execution pun ded ami now the ii'ivi I
law (mint is ralsi-d whether it was
or not. or whether the iepul uli.i
pulled the fatal ropa Is technically gmll.i
of uiarili r.
In the mayor's court at Aiithoiit.
Pin , a few days ago a bid for tiolati"ii
of uu ordinance wit-, limit two il.ili.n .
The e.itirt granted the boy's m illn i . h-
.privilege of paying the Hue or ulo.i
j ping th" lad in open tsuirt. hhe a pi
jed the latter, a nil the in lyor hat lo
cbivk la r to pit-vent an Him onl
I whipping.
ount: I'Ofl
Auuositor iiiuntli.ll can
In inliuli il
for a cobl.
A ii k of iiiinluo will nft- iitim.
break u," a cold lu the beginning
A li .Imp. of eamj'bor on II far and
di Aid ved ill ab r Is isnl for It cold.
Ilt.i into it n'i-splmlion b actltc cs-erei-..-.
mil U- verv careful unil in, I gel
oliillid Immediate!,) af tei w itrd.
A Mil ut io of eijual pail of p m
dei.d lo.,f Me'io und pitvilt-ivd alum
can I.- i. ed for a cold in the lu-inl
T thiMi a steam ltath uud wrappiiu'
lit ii bbnil.i I t induce a line in-i-siara
jj((U (Uj ,,ft,.iiUi Invsk up uu Im-ipi
,'llt Colli,
MlstSot. Ike lnly with vv arm 1
which - ill hut. been ml.l.'it. unil -n i ll
Imt sall. it water up the nostrils ot,n
three houi'n.
IUjimi plenty of llaceil lea In wlii h
' '111-; Is g.nJ il, Might blollchlul .tlf.-.
M ill li Nllrr?i lu
t llliinit 11 I'm
"I mv." he observed, walking Into
the sanctum, "that you need th." serv
Ice of a leader-w riteron jour pajwr."
. "Hint isltliin has been lllled, sir,"
I wan the reply.
He stghi'd.
I "1 notice, also," he went ou, "that
you advertise fm- u ktoii to inlilrensi
invelo-. Is that isnltlou still oi-iiV"
"Then t 'It take It."
This Ciinternntloli 1 chrtmtcleil hi a
comic weekly, and I nupim-. 1 to lllus
trato the fall from the Hiibllm to thu
r dionl .if., but It shnwi noutt-tlilng elnil
that the writer never thoi.ght of. It
show . the pli It o( cmiiiiiii M'lise.
Senator Slanfool one - remarked that
he r.-iii i.i'. t.-.l the ilu.ts of 'llltn Call
fnraia. it lien any man could iiiake four
it. ll ir . a day, and yd there w as a Img .m .-very corner Their Invariable
eveitse. when I hey ilclgiicd to git e any,
wtii that tlioiv was no work tit their
trade At the pivneut day there are
siiple in evi ry isiuiiuuiiity w ho ure on
lb- v.ay to st'inalloii or the llfo of n
l-.ttn,t, Ih'o,iu- what they can find to
lilt itlM'S not suit tltt-m.
The Uiy with the rlht spirit ami the
Isiy with the wi-ou- spirit come lulu
eonip tition every dny A titcrulmut.
.i'l.oltls..a for a Isiy lo help n the
Is. !.-., and g.-U lit it) In eouuss iiuothcr,int and when Inbuuied that tint
ine titer i. tilled, walks out with hi
chin In th . nlr. A tlili.l boy, on receiv
ing th.- nam.- answer, applies font place
t . t-irati I tmy. Ten lo one he gets It
an I in smiii pi-oiiiiitcil to a i lcrhshlp.
Ill tho ear y day of lllsmaiek, nme
the capital ol Nolth Daki t-i n city or
limine was pa .-,-1 r.-ipiliinu brick
.hlmit'ys t iti- built, and theie wan nut
a lir'.ektayer lu the pluoo, but the uhliu
ll.J'. were but I by two paintt-lsi, tllto
plumtii'i- a.t I a e .ipeut.-r, who would
wiirii nl a t, thing inlher than K'g
Thin I . Hit- rlifht spliit Hie willing
II. 'is t lake any tiling rather than
nothing ' a.- in life d.-pemt hugely and It Is iiluiiMit an
a id mi ih.t lb man who look for oiue
lliin " i.oiv u.'l llnd it, but the mini ulin
w ill do any tiling cun ulw uj s llnd noiuo
thing. Youth' ('iiiupuuiiiu.
ii u i. .w ui.. nu, i w i.i.'i, .tiiniii n-
r.'l.nol srfl.iu. I I .Nature.
The humor of Lincoln was, like that
of mint gi-.-al Ii 1 1 1 it ul ,ii, tli.-break nf
UII llitcii..' and ir.'inuuit not iinliue
Its sunny ll.i ,h c.ittght the eyo more
than th.' -...l.-niii d.'pth. from which It
lo't.'. and his li'iiirraphciH make lauuc-lltiit-r
like a protukt a;fulust tin- exag
gerate I ni;iuar estlinalo of It This In
loi" tu-Il. hut It w ill not avail. Thcra
Is u sort of irloksy eiprlce, a wlilin lllio
a woman's, winch llxos the sipular esti
mate of alt I tit iij'h. and which un rea
soning can chaii:fti It Is this, apparent
ly, which has chosen the (ieltysbiog
inlihvs to pie-euitiiout fame out of all
the beautiful and perfect thln;p. thai
l.liicolu linn written and nalil. Some
thing lu the ntiprcine iH-eailou, lu tlui
luulchlen worth of the iiiitiu thnuifhl,
li. id in tlio verv utility of baste evhlolil
In II, eonweruten II to Hie limi piui-o in
Ihc ineiiiiii-y of the -"ilo. and It would
ts' tsilh p.-rilons and futile to attempt
to replace il with any other words even
of the I..IIUO mini. W hat surprise i,
what a .t iiilshes one in a critical ill
umination of his words at all t in ion. al
most from the llrst use he make nf
w I ittcn wonts, In his artistic scumi of
tin-Ill, lieu- luilccil, tn hiimi'lhlllg lilitt
the oi. iatloii of ifculus, ot the thing
that we ore no many of un eager to siih-
klltlllo for foUSciollnuCH It U Ilk If
l.luioln were no deeply coiicei tied With
what he was thinking Hint he did not
know bow iliitlj ho was nay lug It.
lint we bi lii-to It would Is. a ino. lake I i
Mlphiso tllii , tie In liove thut thi llltlll.
without any nohohnly training, had
nchiH.loil liilii.i'K. hud trail. o, I himnelf.
In iho study of i-..iosi.i,,n. till he ft , I
through all lie. eon .i iousnc'. the Is-ailly
of simplicity, thai lust it nil fuitlienl
grace, and till It b. eiuiie his sin-urn I
uiilitte to use the right word lu the
i iglil place, so thai he coiitd not hatii
I IT' d W lth"lll the I'.lill til, .lit II t know
v. In n am i il' i. .!'(. I . William
i an ll" i II-. inll.opii Mairallic
It 11 tlul llllHllilr III lllll t.l'Sxl, Wlildl, K
ruiiiiilatlng In Ilia tlali.l (.( tlin lurk., .ri
ilurn in i s I 1. 1 1 y I u in ' or tm llllici; xhlcli
rami i aliiful ruiiuluit frii un tliu niii,
lii;i, nr fil l, Klilcli ilrti'liiit-t ulrrri In llio
!) i, on, it inn", nfli-ii rauilni; tilliulni'ii ur
Jutiuii, ulilcli Ii llni orlcltt ul .inilfi, rut
rrluut kikiiIIii, it Hip iniuy ntlirr lintiillciti
tliun mu-illy mrfll.i'.l In " liiuiiuit, " tililch,
(attiiiliiK iisni tlin luiiKi,raiiii'iriniiiliii'Uuii
nil ili-jtli. llcli.g tint muit ancient, It li tlio
limit ci-iicrat nf all illii'Airi or uRrctluni, foi
till i' iciiiiik aio tiairvly frro fruDt It.
H "udo " CURED
llf tjVluc HiuhI'i HnrmrmllU, wtilci, by
llin l einal kt.lo cuii'i It li.n ncrnlni'llililO,
i. Iti ll nln-ii lunik lint liu IjIIi-iI, lilt
I'l'itiii Hu ll lu tm intent mul peculiar
iiiidkino fur Hilt Jlnuio, homo of then)
tun-i tit' roll)' Hiiinlvilul. If )ouiurterfrum
rri'lula, lo mud tu try llissl'i Hamparllli.
"M) tlnucliti-r Mary wa antn-tcd with icruf
jlcrtli uli' ni ck (ruin the time ilii! vi ai'rruiMiitlil
ohl till it.u tacmiit! til )i-ri of act, l.uuift J In her tuck, ami ouo of llicin iflir
(rtmliis t llm Ue "f a .li;coii' rcK, U-cauio
a ruiiiilui; inri- fur utrr ttirrn vein. We tarn
her llwsl't Hoiaiarllla, wliru the lump aiul
ill linllratluin t.f icri'futa nillii'ljr ul
a s-ari'il, anil uuw ihn ii-rini tu In) a licalUi)
cliil.1 " J H ('aim. ii.k, Namibia, N. J.
ti. IL U aurt) tu cut only
Hood's Sarsaparllla
MiH-JslUrsrlUU. Iliilifurfl -.t(4uut
t,; C. I lllKIll CO., AllL.tlU4, UintU.Mst
IOO Doeou Ono Dollar
i .
;? -