THE GRANT COUNTY July 9. ISO I. Tho president lias nptoinlcd John W. Crawford nont for tliu Umatilla Indians, vice Moore lioiife, lUfiiglK'll. Very near ,000,000 of trade dollars stored nt the treasury do. jmrttiuint is to be recoincd into Ion font nnd twenty-live cent picrr. A (leorgiu timelier who eonld not tench onu of her young pupil to roinuinher tlie letter II ent one of tho letter out nnd imide him swallow it. Thin had the desired olfed. I'ariiull bun inurried Mr. I'Sliou. Ho thinks hi marriage will rein- j statu him tia leader of the lrili homo rule ennui ami any hn I j happier now than ever fiofoio in j hts life. He will viidt Amerien! thin year. J SAIiAKV, $2.i l'Klt WKKK Wanted: Go nI agenta In fell our general lino of Mi icliaud!e. No peddling. Abovo salary will bo paid to "livo" a;onts. l'or furtliur inforiiinlion, add rot Ciiicaoo Ocniiiui. Sni'i i.v To., Xu. 178 Woal Van Huron Su, ( hleftgn, 111. The I'ollce Oaielte. In the only illustrated taer in the world containing nil the latent sonaalionnl and mrting new. No .Saloon KwH'r, lUrlterorCIub I'ooin can nlford to In without it. It nl wnyw make friend wherever it go. Mailed to any Mildriw in the I'nib-d Slates, weurely wrapped, :t wka fur J !.. Send Five cent for imp!e py, Khiiamu K. Vox, I Franklin Spinre, .Vow Vork City. ; THE CROWN MOWER The tuiiull fry judith'Suna tire having a good deal to any nltout who i to receio the nreiidential Nl'.W TO-DAY. jyoTICH Ol' I'OHI'KITUIIIi i To .1 aiM Ili Ainwi.Kv Aim at. pkmojt ' ) MIMIXil HT, "It TIIKOCilll IIIM: You are linroby noiifttil tlml I haviM-K'iileil One Hundred Hoi I iu in lator ami improvements upon llie Itlitrk lbainoml mine. Maid mine Wit loctitnl Sept. .'1. 1MHP, by TaUor Altliouie, .1. M Itoril, Pat rick lliiilmliy nml .lame IlratdHlcv. niiil id Mtn.iliil upon flicenliorn , 1 .1 I mm IH hiio.iieii noon 111 1 11 in p 1 1 nomiuatiou next year, but the log . 1I101(lUi ,,, . 0llV() ,.rek M j iiiff, Dittii t. in Giant county, ()n- follows. thoo who rwillv control thing, are keeping silent in peven i Kon, beiiiK'.lm niiioiiut ieiiiicd to languages on that subject. 1 hold the aui foi the year Ix'.IOmul . ' if within !Hlilnw after the tlml pub , , Mention of thin notice yen fail nr During the present jcur many (lf0 (n roltt n,!,,,, .,. ,,,oHirtiou iliwiPtroiiM failure among the Nit- j ,,f ,, Miilit u ro as a eo owner, tional banks in wirioua icctiom Tour iutcrtml in tciid claim wilt lift have done much to bring diaercdit upon the system, which ban been bv its friends claimed to be well nigh perfect. " The majoiity of thoe failure have In en eatiRed by downright thieving oil the part of bank olliciuls. The negio miner lately armed from the otikt and the white miners at Fianklin, near Seattle, theother day, had a regular pitched buttle. Ono negro wan shot ami two white men killed. Two coiiipanie of militia fn.m Heal lie went to the hcuiio of tin) riot, and are rneainpcd between tho two nice. The troublu i the outgrowth of nslrikc of the white miner again! a re ductiou in wage which eaiuid the coal company to secure the iicgio. There is liable to be more trouble yet. At the laiit iiieeting of the farm touiu the pioi.otty of the anhacrihur iiiiibu Mm-iitm 'i'M nf thn l.'eviacd Htaluie of the t'nilod Hintm. Ta i.'ik A i.TiiMt'ti:. .Inly (5, 1 Ml I. ! s 'HHUII'F'S SAIdl lly virtue of nil exeeillion nnd de cree of fniecliiHUte ami Hnltt iMiietl out of thn fiicuii eouit of the lato ol ( no on P11 the county of (iiniil upon a jtliU'iiont leiideif-d in ttilid eouit on tin- ll'th iluy of i-ptiUiU'i' I SMI (mnl onler thai mod pitiperty bit realvi-iliitcl and mild umlur H.iid Xi'eiition 1 1" niel enti'ieil 011 tho j -'7ih il iy of Apid Mil)in fa'or of 1 .limcpli WhImwii riiel ilohu Itiuiit', ! phiintilV and against A (i Taltei, I (lco H Trteey, .laim'tt Toymloli and ! lleoigo M I'l'iMixer. ib fondant, for ( tho mini of S!iJ7.t;7, wiib intml , , iIk icoii fi.iin the tilth d y of .Septum ' ber l "S!l al tin' 1 ate of ten per cent. . ! per Hiiiiuiii mnl th fuiiher hiiiii nf 1 $M7.!l'J conIh. Iiijjelhi-r with nrciiltHK'ht and tout. I lime h-iicd iiikii: and dl ell at puhli- aui'linn 011 Katiinlav the 1st ilay of AiiRimt ii. . 1 . . 011 riiiu en, coiiuiy e ... . ..i- .....; ; M( (t (ifl o.(li((.k M ,, the following rcnolutioiiH were mi- 1 , , , , , , ,.(U1 aniiuoui-ly adopted by the delegate , voll (-ji (j,,,,,, lounl hlate of (Jin iroent: "lceolveil, that we de mand of the uet legiiilatiiro a law (treating piceinct auciior, and that all property be linted for a FOgBincut 011 a certain day; that the protect railroad coniininidon be aboliiihed and that in it htt-iwl a , rt.,n.i .....1 ... 1.i(,,i 1M tho "Ainiuou" luaxiuiuui rale will be established, miiii' mnl Yukon" mine, located by and that the lei'iil rate nf iutereft ! Opoi-uk .M ('leaver and ituate in all of the rndil. tnle mid inter- . i-hI winch the .li'ti'inlitiiU uitove iiamcil 01 (illu'i- of tl.riu hl on llie lillh.hiy of Hiipteiubei I SMI, 01 now hiive in'or to the following lei:rilid propei ly to wil : TIiomo cm tain mine know n, ! bo reduced to i tier cent., and that the national goieruineut pu 11 law that will enable the people to borrow money at two per cent, on the 8ub-trCanry plan fir on ap proved eeurity.'' Thift jear theie wine nineteen liuutonn' in tho army to be tilled by apointiiicpt from eiiil life, autl of the nineteen nelected foi'iinatiou i aie theimn of army olHcer. It nhoiihl be ic iininbered that then' appointment are entirely ontide of the grade ate? of Went I Vint, wheie many ion of army ollicer are every enr appointtHl. The building up of a militaiy or olllce Imhling ariitiwiiicy i cicry bit a objection ablo a the titled aiitocraey of Kuropc, and it will not long lie tolerated in thi country. It may lmcoiuo iu.'ccary for eongic to o.MUit a law absolutely prohibiliuu any poii of any man In aey brancli of lhu government t-enice being selected to (ill an apHiiutive olllce, in order lo protect the right of the jH'Oplu uol in Ihe magic ciivlc Letter Letters reiiiainiin? uncalled for in the Mmtollice at l'rairie City. Or., . I ul v 1. IS'.H. ' " .1.0. (Mover. I'erttoh calline, for any of altve hitters will pleiife ive date of ad vert itdiiu. Kin: K. .Mell.u.KV, I'. M. Letter Lilt. ! Lint of letters remaining 1111 oiillctl lor in the Mitolllce at I'an von Citv, Or. .Inly I, 1MH. " .Mr. Siliester llanin, .Mr. Krank WiUon, .M. Il.11 nett, .Mr. Thomas Newman, Mr. .lanuw A, Top ton, Joseph .McOaU', Ik . W'liK'it. Itev. .1. Windier. , lVrsons eallitiK for the above will ilense nav advertitHl. .Mit. Asnik It. I'.iuitimt, I'- M t,lo to tlie Kwl I'ront llilliard Hull for a cool, infresthiutf drink of the liuont litnr l''T in Iviitnin Ohkoii, Ituuk U'er on top on ami after Muy Ut. (Irani county, htate of Oregon, to (ether Willi all the ma .-hilierj theieen and theieuiito appei taininx iikIu ! ili tl'i' ipiurt. mill and .Umt. u.i'l b'lil'lin, uiluate one .piurlet "I a mile uio.e or leH ililinl fnai aiil AuiiU'iu iiiiuii on u li'il in known as (Jb'in,. (Irani county, (m'ii. Mini alxiut one ipinileruf a mile leuth noil Iwlnw ih known a Muhon Hk.'m imiHliii. the Hit 111 11 li'iliK tlie null mnl lu.hliiu foimeily uiluate al what vv.ih khown a the lliicklelwiiy j mini' in linker loiintv, Uiej-i.ti. to j g 'thcr with all and mnj?ular, the ten i em-lit, h leilitameiii mnl app.i. ten auci-M Iheii'iiiilo U'luuiu ; 01 in miy i w ie nppcttailiin Tel III of id'- C.hIi Unleil in the eotoil v of (Irani mid Nlnle of I licoii 1 In Ul day of .1 ill ' A. I. 1K1II. O. IV CltliSAI', Sherill of (liaat county, Or. My S.Hon 11 womii. Dcpuly KheiitV. I ! NOT I OK I'OK IHUH.I'.'ATIoN I IihI elM Huoi. Ormon I June 11. 1- Nullru lk,r.l, uiirtt UkI Uk' r..H.. n'j '.oni- .1 wilier h rlilnl ii'iltof at lU inlilm mk' llil ihuhI In Wl'pu'l ' I'l" e'-alm, m.-l ll Mnl 1 wont sill ir IUU tmlutr Oil. I Ulllll I'L-ll "I tliaul I iiimll. ill raiimn l'H. "c,..n. mi Aug ! II I1WI. ui.i I I.I IU:N MKI-H. UU. i'l- saw, I. Um mvi mi K .ir Jtt, w 1.1 Kr. .n i iir w. s. I i It W B lliiaiw Ibr lullnwlitr Hmm la ut Ul. nillUMt lIUiu uimh mwt iulUllull ut ( Mkl UihI. !' H L OUi, 11m IMwr, A. L. HUrt.J T. I'm.ll. 'l ol tupilK.. On J. II. Ill' VMM. To, Htirr 73 O It y&r : W ft Ml H Two Mowers In One! - FAST AND SLOW SPEED LIGHT .DRAFT HIGH SPEED STRONG AND DURABLE! Do not take our word; Read the testimonials from your friends and neighbors: Udl the Crown Six Vrnts. ItiitNr Kivkk, March 1, I MM I. Mkhhiim. ItASOIIH .V CO.: I have been usiuy the Croivn u.n ehiiie with the greatet atifaclioH fornix yearn. It i n very lighl rtmiiiuK and durable machine. Am long a I have lined the machine it never ban mined a iiwent on tny toniu. IIihuIk.1 very light on the horwn neck. YiiurTiuly, Oku. Y. ICu.iott. Simply t li o Hon DltrwHi v, Or.. March 17, IHU0. .Mkwh. ItAHfllK .V CO. The mnebine I lM.ulit riiim like a lop and I think it lay all others in th !i:u!e in all kind ol xran and all kind of ground. It in nimply the Im for light draft nnd MMed. .Nf K. lloWAHD. The Acme of I'cifccllna. .hiii.s H.w. .March I I, ISM. .Mkiwh. HASCIIIi .V CO. I think the acme of erfectimi had lteen reached in the invention of the Crown mower. We have Im-cii di KUdted every year in trying to mow our meadow, mi idch grow a enlinr kind nf urn. All other macliioe we tried would leave half the hay Uiidin', but the Crown cut il a Miiooth a a new-Hbaveu fce. We trieil it with like reult ill all kind of grain, bay and rye gran. All our ueighlxir w ho hh- it work think it i thoboanf all mow er. Your KeK'clfullv, T. II. Ct iti.. THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE . Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools of this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen , ters ol the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on wool in storage. T. E. FELL, Manager. uqu Read AdvsrtiEemEnts? Do you hike mhunluiie of a good ojfer II 'hen il is placed u iliii your reach? irsfl ( !2ti His Favmlte. Piuiiiik City, I'Vb. 27, IS'.IO. Mkjmuh. I! A SCI IK A CO : I will tate without hesitation that the Crown mower that I pur olmietl of you lnt year ha given good Hatlfactiou, and i my prefer ence of any nnnver I have ever ii"!-'!. Very liccctfully, (i. W. M. Hai.kv. The Vcr; Jlast Muwar. Camp Ux-.a.v, March 'J, lS'.lti. .Mi:h. 11ASCHH A CO. In regard to the Crown mow or, I like it very well. It work well in nil kind of gra, and where the jtra i lodged or very rank by put ting on llie ioereutted cei it work to a charm. It i the Iteiit mower we have in tin country, and I can rot-omuir-iiil it to any iH-rmin niching to purehaHc iiioweru N'our lie . lfully. .1. .1. Cokaht. Ktnu for I leering. Crown, .McCorm.-ick. linckeye, Victor, and Champion .Machine. AIo NVom., Ihiggle, llaeknan.1 C.nriage, at factory price. llardwaie, I IhiiIwikmI, Stove ami Tinwsre, liublter How, Helling mnl Packing. (la Pipe. Water Pipe, and I'IiiuiInti. Mipplie, Knginet.. Saw .Mill and t.luart. Mill .Maehincrv. Mail older- hi.lieiled and haliVr.ielii.ii guaranteed. All letter., of iiniuiry reeeise prompt atlentii.n. Bts't CoinjMtHtf, Baktr f V, Or. 0' S3 o nun OlUlli a THSWrbi : One. BREWERY SALOON Canyon (lily, Or. 77.V )i)tiilnr n'.snrl has hoc n rcoH'iH'il In lir mlilir, nnd now, as in (he jiixI, kri'is nollihi'J Inil Hi c Ins! Wines, Liinnrs Cigars- .'. I. UK'ti Alio, Propr NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon City, Or. AI..I. Chambers, 'inr. Hapfansfal! Oarf & Cd hlllt ss.ll.H 1 1 'lliii ItiwLnnniiil lias nsenily Un u tipt'iimi, ami w in mi nihil aiuim or t;iiig al li iug iuU. 7 V n 1 . . n i A .pii'iul fiiituiv aUitit lliin lioiite I HEjr OSTOFFICE J XTORE llml Clii..... eook, an .plo.,l VI ' J ' ill tlie kit.liell. iie the Ue..Ull.iOit a tiial. M. .1. CliAMioiim, Piopintor. . n'oxsr.i ll v n.urr, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO , OREGON. Havo now iicoivcl the larj;otaml mott complete took of n:w (;oo(l in Oraat County, wliiuh they will oiler for saleat prices that defy Ouinpetitiou SEU6 EJROS, (i ION E RA L MFAICI I A N DISK. cixvo.v ( i i y, on. . . I'arrish - - Cron: - --it A lilu- ..h k of fi li Nnt, Total, .it, M.ill'.IH I) . It . It'. I""! li-teiMil. lilte llie a i ill. IT IH TUB I lit: A I, M rillCl N V ... K , ,. O. ... I, . I- i II I' Mikra Ttic U .k MroiiR. Canyon Citv - - Oregon. Hi' hare irrcircd and nirni'd a nrl srlerlrd slock of drills' Furnishing llnoits, Hals, Hoofs, Shoes, Hlan- hrs, (JinIs, Hardirnir, I rovkrrij, Classirarv. Hlr, IRST") NATIONAL )f ANK? ! .v Fannj and Staple Crmrrirs, Hrorisions and "o it .Miruiiriit ii i airni , uca it i ties, , nuoits, iff. aW I'lilillc I'nlritiinge Sollclled -v Atlonclocl to. ' VflllF Drij (I'oods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoes, (Hons. .Mittens, Orel shirls, Cnderirear. osier;, Hals, Winter Cans, Ham Hoots, Hlankets, (Jnilts, Corsets, Ladies and rhidrens' Shoes, Hitiber coats, )'clluie Oiled riails, h'ancii (loads, Calient, Htc, Hlc, h'lc SoMoa t oaacowioo o o tooooova o doooouoihmkioodooo When cash lU'cnutpatiioH the otdcr for any amount from 1'ive S Dollam or nioio in aboc line of good wo will pa-pay all .Mail or J Stngo cliao;e, to any stagu Htatiou in Grant or Harney counties, I until .liinn lTith. 1MM. t3 Whoa sold on cioilit no charg- $ en prepaid. j ftl0MK0O'W3y.v.0..lol00..00U00l)00OWt0J0ft00l.wl) Wo will guarantee our Ion eat tetail pricta on Every Article and agroe to refund the inunoy if giwHlanto not atifaclory. lty needing to ut, wriiing plainly, just what in wanted, we cm H.-lci t tliPiu to your ntintucliuu. We have tho biggest assort liieill of tlen eral Meielmnilio to be found in a'iy Hioii- iu""()regon. Vmi a. ait wave money in evei v line. Cme us u r. We solicit . ul trade. Onler l.y Mail at on..-. rlj ,', sn ,a 1 1 if. Coffin iV Jiclrrfuifi, HEPPNER, OREGON. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT, IV FOR 1891, 3S The people of Grant county will take notice that our vast stock of Sprang Goods is as complete as any stock in this section of the State, and at such prices as will be satis factory to any person wishing to purchase in the following lines: Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloth ing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Hardware, Crockery and Glass ware, and a full line of Groceries. A call will be sufficient, as we propose to sell you your supplies. M. DURKHEIMER & BRO. 3raiirH (f V - - On iron. I I o i 6 K.I..VU... t.i ", -ll H M.ildu. k. ! MAI Kit IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon City ! nrnkinr n'c rr unur. u o iian wl )'. $1 u liollli'i t fur-' o r xxop ov. ('. A. ltll., 1 1: SK M.l.l.iN.1., Pieolili-iit i e Pn-Nuli iit. ( ! Colli, 1'. (onm.I:, Chiller. .1. I'. IIIIKt, T V llllt . I. T. I'OI'MIN, I lliei ti riiiii.icl a (,'fiit' ll.uil.liu' llii-liir-. Krclaifc r4it all junta of the worl.l- BOUGHT und SOLD. OollivtiLWii made at all iiiU oo lteaiMinabltt Term. Muuny luauuil at from utw la tun our mult. H'cIovm X'roniptty KSTUAV NOTICK. Culm to thin r;iitii' iilmiit three Meiirn iio, niie i hentnut Korn I initie, j I'lniinled two one under the other, on left iihouhlcr. Weinlit, alujitt ...... .. , . . . i.i linn) iimi. I nave winiereo tut inure for two wintera. (inner ran have the Mine by proving jiroperty ami laying clmrfot. Ill . lvAl.l'll ItYKAM, Capyan Orcolc, Orrnit, Co., Or. CITY LIVBRY STABLE. ' - lliiKiuniootl A- Co. 1'roprw. Cannon City - Oregon, Oregon. Cousin it llii on hand a fall assortment of o ! ( i ood s. Chilli inU. tools A- Shoes, (i rarer! rs. I I Hie., Hlc, Klc-, at Heasannhle 'rices. i. ovr.uiioi.T. g i no a oa4to rtotvo MHouuiiiii.HH(i .ju.m.uii ui.oa.uaiWi A. lAi'llENEr. -IIBALHH IX General erchandise. JOHN DAY CITY.