Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 09, 1891, Image 1

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    Th e Pit per for I he Stock
mun, .Merehnnl unit
The Pit per for (he Farm,
the Workshop and the
lume. XIII.
C.lXVOX CITY, Gh'.'lXT CO VAT)'. OliKCOX, TIll'liMM ). .1 C h V il. ISO I.
Xumber JO'.
HP 1 1 1?
A N'oblt Judge.
Nebraska linn a jn1?f of rme of
Imr district court wlio should re
odre Iht prayers of the unfortunate.
Al R recent session of I ho court at
Broken lkw. Judge I lamer gave
tlw Mortgage-holders a very binek
oye by tufusing the foreclosure of
ftfinftthtrif tnortgagr. His reason
fur doing so he gave as follows:
"Thi docket is covered, page for
ifc with confirmation cases. The
Inst summer's drouth has exhausted
ilje farmers' resource and h is un
able to jwv the interest on his loans.
Tito act of (od, for which jieople
ant not rcMnt-il!. has reduced
one half of them to almoH l gj;arv,
ami this calamity shall not l.c made
worse by any act of mine. We are
nsfcwl to turn Hs fanners over to
money-lenders, and iVM women ami
children to pauperism. It shall
iwver lie done in tlii district while
I ni judge. The jtcople are not
able to pay and I will not assist in
their being roblied. Let us wait
until a crop can le miscd and con
fidence restored, and all will come
mil right. If a man is living on his
land or living off of it, ami trying
Io cultivate, lie should have the re
ward of his laUir. I will never con
firm a ftilc in times like these, if the
owner is trying to make a living on
thu land. When the jKople are
compelled to ask aid to procure
seed it would be cruel mockery to
deprive, them of land to sow the
seed ujion. I have a right to refuse
lo conlirm a sale when the property
mid does not bring two-thirds of it
actual value, and in these capes it
lias not brought that amount. The
H.ilea are not confirmed,"
So long as the I alanre of trade is
ill favor of the United States there
ia no fear of bankruptcy. If there
was no such a thing as silver and
gold, as a medium of exchange; if
1 1 10 people would discard the use of
both the riches, the real wealth is
hero still, tiuld is not wealth, nor
Hilvcr, nor any other money. They
inorely represent the accumulation
of i-omelhing already produced, un
less in the ease of the mine owner,
lie is simply wealthy because the
pontile recogni.e that metal ih a
medium of exchange. After all it
is thu ic:ple that reeoguie its pur
chasing Mwer that makes gold mon
ey, that makes any metal money.
So if the people of the United States
find thu medium of exchange such
as to bo cramd what difference
does it make if they dtcide it ex
pedient to issue, or to recognize
uiuro "exchange" money? What
difference need it make what that
"exchange" consists, if the govern
ment tho piople recognuo and
Mamp it with authority to be ex
changed and of value its faeo calls
The bill prohibiting aliens from
owning lands in Kansas is now a
law of the stale. It provides that
all alien owners must sell their land
within five years or itcoome citizens
of tho I'nited Stales. In case they
fail to do either, their lauds will lie
told, and after payment of costs the
proceeds will !o debited in the
state treasury subject to the order
of tho alien owners. The large
amount of land this righteous law
will put on the market Hill be aston
ishing to those who have not given
thu mailer much attention. One
man alone, Lord S. ully.owns nliout
I! I,(KX) ncies of land in Kansas.
Kansas Karim r
Be Sure
If vai, li...., n u'..
up ) ir iiiin.t la Imy
i li.'t t..- Imltiriil t.i Ulu'
: . titu ! a nvulUr
) tu in. ut jxM'ulUr
i , tiiul u'luinitkm,
: l i any iiiIht article,
it. v i 1. .1 fclm vtautrd,
WjUI.j liulUlluu, Ulll
1IimI' S4r i' Hi!! i !
eny irtlirr. II --l - s .
UltHllcllir, pm ..
rujuUiullon, i ) it
cumtltn ' r mi, !
A llotti.ll laity t... I
biul wliusu i-x.u.i; ' ii
her ciitiUino Ulutt
i To Get
" Tn eno tre whore 1 vti-nt to luy ItMsl'i
BanaarUl.i tli rh-tk lin'4 to Induce mo Imy
their own Iu-JijJ if HumTi; lie iimi tliolr's
vtnuUI Ut lunger; I lulclit tako It mi ten
tia)' trial; that II 1 did Imt like It I iwl not
jay anjUiIng, rte. Jlut ho eoul.l nut (irvtsUI
cm mo to cluuize. I told Mm 1 km-w wlut
lli.l'iHarMi!irlllawa. Iliad taki'H It, ai
atbCcil IU It, and did not ffaut any uUivr.
I i hi 1 1 1 ii in n mini i
Whfn I lirm taking lloof KartapArllU
1 aj li eUiiK real inl- raM'', unrln
ft (Ttrat dial null il. Jh ..i, and weak:
Hiatal Him I c.iuld My ktarnl. I looked,
mid liad (or ii'tn tun , I.t.i n ! r In cun
aumitloii. ll iwl't i .r. 1,'iitlla did mo so
HiucliEOodtlut ' ' t in j 'i Um'liictlmes,
midiiiylrliiuHlr. i, ' m . f.aktllt." Sin.
Itu A. Lur, a T. rr..' . wwl, ltoilou.
SoUliy tllilrvralu. Sl.iKfiirfi. ITirMlonly
Vj C. I. IIOOll A CO , AvOv4kil, lwull, ilttt.
100 Doboo Ono Dollar
The Mouie Saved ller.
A young society man, who moves
in Hie younger circles, told a story
out of the usual run the other day,
ays the luisville Commercial.
He is a handsome fellow, till and
enect, and a prime favorilo among
the girls. He said that he attempt
ed to kissa pretty girl, and jut as
he got his arm around her slender
waist and was about lo kiss her, she
ortid if lie dared she would scream.
Not w idling lo have a scene,
which such su action would cause,
he withdrew his arm and resumed
his seal at the other end of the sofa.
In an instant tho pretty girl said:
"Oh, I thought you were braver
than that." She. however, obsti
nately refused Ui let him kiss her,
but she likewise threatened to
scream if be should attempt it. lie
thought ho would profit by his for
mer e.vperb nee and Nid no atten
tion to the warning.
lie kissed her; she screamed; her
mother came in and demanded an
explanation. The girl came to his
rescue, however, and said a mouse
was in the room, and she had as not given up ms National uiu
screamed as it ran across the ll.Kir. ! vers ity scheme, the chief purpose of
Furthermore, bv saving that the , which is to make the I mtiKl Statet
voting man had' gallanllv tried tow"'.v l'r"lestanl country. The
catch tho mouse, she explained the I"M','t ,H,."n for "Ml" '
blushes to the mother's satisfaction, undertaking by the friends of the
. . - scheme is only .',IX1,01X). Mr.
California is enjoying great pros- 'uls also expects that congress
ix-ritv and linaneial success fr,,,,, 'w" lake tho school under its
her fruit im.l .mi nroiliictH sod teclion and extend national aid for
larwi. r.irlmii.j wr.m iiiiwIk Inkl vonr '
in chipping them to the eastern
state-i. In lS7.ri the laud on uliieh
I'asademi, Oil , now stands, was
held at r" ht aero. In ISS'2, seven
years later, the same land was val
ued and sold in large quantities al
.VX) to tliXK) jwr acre. This was
for orchards for nuts and fruits.
Land which the owners protested
against lieing taxed 75c ier acre '20
yearn ago, have been sold and are
now selling at 'f.HH) to .fl-VKJ per
acre. Of prune trees alone there are
about I ,HKi,(KH) growing, outside of
the acreage planted during the win
ter of l.VvS-.V.I. In ISSS 7,U00,IXM)
lbs of prunes were produced. There
were nnorlcl into the i uitcd
States for consumption the same
year over 7I,(MH),(KMI lbs., but in a
verv short time California
will be
able to siipplv the demand
state now has over '2 ,(KKJ acres ofiby various t iconic for twentv vears
land planted to almond trees and
tho acreage is yearly increasing. In
ISKS lSU (KX) lbs. were produced,
li! Ccnlial California almond or-
cuaiiis oi zikaj io .khi trees aie not
unusual, while the Knglish walnut
is also largely grown there.
At Huron in South Pakota, an
artesian well has been bored that is
attracting much attention. Through
a '.'J inch no.itc it throws a stream
I III feet up in the air. The press
ure of the water is estimated at --JS
Miunds to the inch and amount of
ilow at H'.ODtl gallons per minute.
Tho force of tho discharge is so
great that I inch Uiards, li inches
in width, were broken by the stream
0 feet alxivo thu ground. The well
emits a deep roaring sound, accom
lNinied bv irequunt slurp rttsirts
asofauuu. The well is now UiiU
feet deep, and as soon as machinery j
now ordered arrives tne work oi
reaming the bole to S inches in di
ameter, making it an -iiieh well
from top lo lo',tuin, will 1m; pros.
cuted. The waler is soft, clear and
pleasant o tne taste, u is nooning jUlH rt.luriul rr,m, Bu extended trip
the low places in the vicinity, and, i through Mexico , savs the Apaches
although great ditches have la-en !f t. t.slrm(. southwest arc now
dug to carry it into Jim river, acres Unvoting themselves to agriculture,
of water may Ih- seen in every di-,'hcy will probably raise wheat in
n t ,,"- stead of Cain hereafter.
The prosK'ctors are abroad in the
Intnl. They aro back from the
haunts of men in the deep canyons
of the wooded mountains. There
they delve and work for the hidden
fortune which they have fuilh is
there. The great mass of our ico
p'e know nothing of them or of
their wo'k. It is only when they
come to the stores for supplies, or to
the ofiice for blanks that their
presence is Thepro
pcclor is it rciicc nt individual. He
guards well his holies and the field
of his operation, if he finds a mine
the world hears of it; if not, it will
never know of his lonely trials and
An exchange gravely remarks:
"The world's fair at Chicago is al
ready attracting alto . t'on." If a
thing that has lice u published in
every neivpaMT in KurnNj and
America for a year, has Ix-en the
Mihjuct of t ongressional debute and
action, has been the theme of long
dip'oinatie letters to all the nations
of the known world is only ' attrait
ing attention," it slums that the
prei-s, congress, diplomats and Chi
cago iKxnuurs aro of light weight
and of little const tpiuuco in attract
ing tho kUuiiUqii ui thu puoplu.
!Tlie Wrenf Hymn MmV.
Sain was a gotnl old colored mitt'
. ister of the Methislisl church. One
Sunday night he begnn service by
announcing a hymn from a lunik
' which he held in his hand,
j "Turn." sai l he, "lo page ?V
( page 7t and sing, wid de voice and
de understan'en.' hymn ttu 7tt,
I "As I was gain' down tmr ally,
1 met a eullad gal named Sallv,
"No, bri'den-n. I must have mule
I a mistake; try hymn on jwtge (57
turn to jaige 117. " I'll read do fust
! two lines of de hymn on page '17.
, "Shou, lly, cfon't Uxhler mo;
I b'long to company I),
j "Now, dat don't sound 'stctly
right. I nebber hcercd such a hymn
sung in dis church. I hieevo do
habtitt ctiUad briidder. who's a W-
, list preacher, n ml who met me till
cvemn in the dark, stole my Metro
dUl hymn-honk ami put his llab
titz hymn-look in de place of it."
It is said that in spite of the on
iiositioi! develoiMHl Senator Kdmunds
This will not be
done. It is bom and bred in tho
heart of every true American that
the church, whatever the denomina
tion may be, whatever its creed or
teachings, must keep its hands off
tho public schools of the I'nited
States, (iovirnment aid if extend
ed to any school of any denomin
ational should he resented.
Buried treasure as a rule looms
up big in the earth. Hut bo that
as it may, the people of Kershaw,
S. C, are greatly worked up over
the news that a ' couple of men
northern men, as it happens have
discovered and carried off a denosit
(of some f licm) in gold mi. I other
; valuables, placed in concealment in
i the- uround where Shermau niul his
men marched through South Caro
lina. The treasure has been sought
A gold pitcher presented to John C.
Calhoun hv tie' ladies of Charleston
is supitos. to have been in the col
lection, all of which was captureil
ami buried by Sherman's men, and
now, as alledtred, duir tin bv reason
of the secret having been acted upon
by a brother of the I'nion soldier
who hid the treasure.
The most encouraging feature of
the cattle trade is the fact that fat
lui'ves can now lie shipped direct to
Chicago at a profit to tho dealer,
thus relieving them from reliance
on tho whim of the San Francisco
butchers. Catt'e are going up in
price very rapidly in the oust.
The lioard of suKrvisors of Han
Francisco have condemned the zo
ological exhibition at Woodward's
Hardens and ordered the removal of
tue animal i ears ago tno gard
ens were the principal amusement
resort on the l'acilie coast.
(ieneral Nelson A. Miles, who has
I An Atchison, Kan., man has sent
a .r) bill to ICnglaud in an envelope
every week for the past twet ty years
land has never lost a dollar. This
i information came out in a recent
! trial in the probate court.
The citizens of tho oldest of ex
iastinir republics have ls'gun to pre
; iiure fur the celebration of the six
hundredth anniversary of what is
known in history as the origin of ll.e
Swiss convention.
Henry K. Huston, tho republican
candidate for lieutenant governor of
Kentucky, was one of John Morgan's
raideis on his famous excursion
, through Indiana and Ohio.
j Spurgeoii, the eminent Kugliau
divine, says that as soon us a man
loses his religion he wants to know
, who Cain's wife was.
! Klcctrical t xs-rts are discussing
the nishililily of a swed of I .'si
. miles an hour ls iug attained on an
electrical railway.
School lands aro Is ing sold at
mt Ciu.baiwi Mm siinirlar
hrotijjhl $10, HW.
Jif Stln tt-rf th Ael Ml j
I i o;' jwit la "i i.f '. iirainK. state-.- I
i i :i nrarri !- t.-li 1 fully In the j
; lie k.-.-i f ieie"!nir, anit Its ue-
i. . . v i ..-.v. . if vii.-.-rl:iintv
- ly l .!.od f.-e. If to tin- rhflit Hie
.-i -r turn il nil w.mlil (, wvlt; but
.( :o 'i.- K-ft. di-ui.ter mid confudon of
;l:it i woulil follow.
AKMotle, a l.'i.rueil i-viitleinan. llln
i I. ...v.- til.- i hrUti.oi era. of vthoi-i
i. 1. 1 l..'. :i ttntt.-n that In- attaineil
f. .ra'.l -ietl ili-.' for M-hol:ltillll,
i . i -,i '!i y U'liieil in Ita mynterinu.
i tiiu. -iiv. uml .ii.l. e.iiievrttilijf II, that
i :i..n iKtt'.n-n iim and mUlnil'l
I. r.-lui d -ees 1ml If K'twovn tlltflit
urii n.iii 111 hi k oitUI tarvl K-ix-;i
ri ik-vhI." V out ntrlareh of lot
tvi . .... Iran, even m his itay it
tt.ui no new d. hlHl.m with the Don't of
:.. '.i. ami tro.liii.rn avi-itxl by hl.:i
.tail lili pn-r. nflnm-'l that "ijrcat r.
h-f-vt was ftalit unto It. a thu most
i.ui.iifi' t ami mo .t cnsll.le ovratlon f
t'n- liea-t. that I'.-lntf roanUM an Uif
rtalpal m'at of t!n soul."
of Xeiiephon, known Kith a a
Anr a-ul a Md.Iier. It in reennletl In
U.ttry that "havinir enitett a sp.veh to
hi. .'...liiler i with these wortU: 'We
lis.'C in:n reuMitis to ti. v- for ren r
v.itl iti." tho i.iiilileii Miivxliifr at o:io of
hit u.-n ' the entltv army to ae
i ;it l! ii'iii-n aa faiiirul.le. '
Th eu-iloni of trlviiijr thanks for
i-'a.-r oriiflimu-il lonjf Iwfore the
''-i ti.iu er.i.
la t'u tw.-lfth e.ntnry Uve Kiinln
t'.' . a m.m "ni-ofounlly verl In
i ..t l i ,lc I .re " II t.hi ylel le.1
1. .'. . dut In-li.-f l.i this ul.l-timr KUth-r--
e '. i i
1 i lilt most ltnlc Ifjfa-y to the
-. ill i ( letter, a commentary on
i; n . Ilu'. l ik-i,l ihlvtiey, v llml:
: 'i i 'i n - i ,! utnutl,
. i - .1. l.u i. -.nil r.-huc4 lhruuh tho
r .1 ,
'. ' . Hi . : x-a ibtt tiapny men b!mwj
' . i . iU . lm;iliia fll l.y fio ojnifpit
out XVIII. lloiiier liTnl hunilretls of yearn
.1 (nr.. the Clirii.tun era!
It H mid th:t when the klnjf of
M. -Htuinla t.!if.-rf.i, acclsmatloiiH ar
ur.i.lo In all part of hU ilomlnton.
i i iain --long mo u wuiieii ui per-J
.us im kiiicxi, anV nmonif IVrnlaim,
If 't -'i ri'iH-nU'd. U rvfcitrdett an a most
mi .u'i.iin event
year 7,10 A. It. Is usually iv.-k-
0 if I the era of the custom of saying t
o.u- who happened to stieese: "Uad
h'e . . you."
Isi a lie v.-aUenth century wort; rnny
be f'lti'sd Itu-.s.- lines:
"1 Imni r.Ur bcn you rami
(UaI w.i will prajr (of jmflti i linn diUi no, fur I IhlnVo
II,' l rur In ui mii irwv"
Aivenltnif to L iuoaster folk-loie. a
.Oil il. Ill .1 . JK IIll , UK1FI tlm duy of the
nveU ; tin i watt r of inei iii(f:
. n ..ii i, Mi.Kilsv )r' iii. (r dsn for;
en .i Tan, 1.1 siriuiijvr ;
' i Wolii viay, .up ii' lir o l.".nr;
' si . - i :i a TUu..ij). fm H,u.i !!)lii4 bt'l.c.-,
1 j i i-1 i a l'rlilay, m'll fur r. tw;
. .. 1 1 JtatuMii; . j-our eolh ut to ra.r
ii n Nutul.,. ji.ur id ly m-nk.
li toi.l liali. ni i!, n ,t i ( On k'
lltl fK't
I s i nl ih f i li, .ii . have not
rli.i.'ij il f- i i. lie t itiiih.iii.1 . ,ri.
I.'. i i lii t Mil HI t.ul t t ie l I i.f
v.t ii-iii;' ill. tu'.iu,', I:ri'Aii
t in. tt.' t:. ,1 ! tin- i u ,t .in of v.'fj.--liV
-t! - I:. I'n 1 .'.r.
Mvi:. Hi -.ui UifAii i.i , v.ho hiei -4H ti
more ' f llil .'i t!i ,:it Trea.-h
Women, t!ie Ar.i 'rlcc.n wouun
untile lsi many
(i-w friemU.
.fiju '.int ll.f.-;. itlld tii
Win;! it If. dehiri-d t . ha the f'lovei.
over the enlir. 1.11:1. :v. Mvur with
i-velllnp dre. ., t'l-y IT' i.''e::rd t-i the
hhoiiluVr l y n of ..iti.. rih'sm that
bin-kle on the n.
Niiii.inv Hears veil, i'l'mrui'il with
iK-.i.ity '.jK.U uinr uiih s the ili.U of
court ptar.ter nr.- nrruiue. with a clever
e. e t-i ili'tail ate! . Ifee I in other ttord.
every jfiil i-. Iif r o. II veil maker, and
i.he .l..-i". l)w .iii.ill I.I -i ! ti.-,li in .ueh
a i'l.i. - in v. ill I'll all. mi. ui to her most
lie.ili! if..l leutiire
A v. i rii.. orn by a Ton
don l.rMe l.a.l a rieh . Lite 'dlk royale
train. Iml. red with whlh' iwtrifh
fentherh, i.t'd i'i-ncd over U Ix'liutlfttt
whit, li'lvil iliut rii'lilv
with jk-arl-. ha'f of the Isidic-e J over f"iiy . eeri :". mid hie. iulillihfd
front .a.i.f hit- i.ilk; the other of over I'lif l.nndri d works, but the royal
ve let ilmpi'd iv.tii i . K' de I'hlne. The ' lien he n-ei ives from them form a coin
tulle veil v.u held in nlu.u Uv three ' puntiivi h in.dl part of his ineome.
dinmotid iltirs.
l,H I : u ei-ltters, wmnen Is," said
riifle .leliiel. '-When one of Vm starts
In totfit ii mini till the itlii-i-i. tries to
head her off. mi' then, mon cs kite rit
him, they all turn round and help her
lo smiiutrehliu." Imli.inapollbilMumal.
PrNKi-oi't. '-I must I deffrnph Kmlly
inv i iiswer." Helen -"What altall you
wiy'.'" 1'eiudope- "Vi-s." llelcu "You
cuii end ten word . for the saute mon
ey." Awl Penelope wired as followt.:
"t hove (Weiihil to do im you have rv
((uei'ted ue " N. Y. Ki nliifcr Nun.
I hiiai.i. die happy," Mtkl an uxplrlnir
IiusIkuiiI to hi w Iff, w ho was Wi-epiiiK
dutifully ut bin ivdsliU-, "If you promlw"
not to marry that object of my uueeos
ltiif jealousy, your t-ntsln ITmrles."
"Make yourv lf ipiite easy, lore," Mild
the expectant widow, "I uin euifuifed lo
ItU brother.' - liveliest! i- TulUwan.
"IJox'T you think yi-u would make
Utori' money and cujoy U tUir health In
doluif housework ' ' "Veil, I rather
think I would." utiMVi ri-. tha "hule:.
l04ly." And yet your fakai prkle "
"tnt. prUh' lio notluuir tu do w lUi it. I
don't want to Is- Vism-iI by auothcr
woman, thut's all." ltiilluuaisilwi dour-iiuh
Ilrntttx Afrh-a U twice a Innfe as
II tlennany.
N .1 to the I nltf.l Stairs, Atiatrnlta
I .If. I to irtve the most (fold.
Tin: M. line l "alio shan-holde r r'
t -f t'.ilrly per rent, dividend r
nu t .m. It U mil htranife that so in my
k-;i of i l.mtle iimm-lenec srr willlnjf
t liive .1 In a ir.imlillmr butlnesa.
Tint Pop.! has cmle nsl the inlnrrf'
in -lit of t'i;- rewlinif-ristms slid other
lm;r.ivf ments in the Vatican. Th.'
new I.'. mine library will ; win h
r.'.i.l.-niul In It lll x pla.-ed Uml
,l I',. - j l ioki.
S..v i:hi.i.kctisii and stamp dealing
are tfr nvin Ut sUoh an etU'ttt that
IT -I l.i.ap lnuines"Ms In Uin.1 i.i n ov
let S very hljfh prl.vs, aa I a old
eit il.ll.lieil hie.tlic. has Jtti.t Uwll s.iht
for tin Ui. than W i.'iOo, it U rep irt.-d.
Tin; Shah of Persia recently vUltint
t'e- r.-.l-'.-a" of lh- Amrlean init
hi n .rifs In Teheran, th.' Brnt Urn.' h.
h v.r honored any fore lifneni
t'i -, out wa d'll,fht.ut with fie
li ! ': ";M.f and e .; vl.illy with th
uit '.i..-i i. oil whWh th V had HUii'-.
No t'ei:u or puhlleallon eol ilnin (
th '.!! 'Ui -l r.'Ilfftt.m on the tl w.-rn-ur-r
f ItiirtH Ii nlhv.ved ti r,i'h t!i
!i . ; of th' I'nr, and he It t'ler-'for.
-. . li tk'M.-vf that he U not only
t'i.' ;'..',iteit ruler on earth, bnt Uml
ill hi . ivt-. are siiucti m" ! by other tia-
'i'.ii: Kit ll.iroii Itnustmnnn iWm'rveil
th 1 1' -.'it .if tnakln.r that p irt of I'arl'.
iti.i.t f.-.i Uirto Am-'i-li-atn. Th. II ili
d It .i'.i.'i-. the b i.ilev..r.K and a
Fi." ii I.. .Tines, together with many
f ii:: : a'IL inlenn. e hur 'h .
mi.! t . a t him cither thflr
e .1 t - i r ihcjr improved -on litina.
Ib ii. .:! u 111 have u new op ra-hoiiie
b . v :i th - I'ott ulam brlil' and IV.lLv
I .ill i ;lll:i'.' wlthlll elifllteen lit .litlis
i'ii. )'...!iliii and 'ite will fist -,'-..i,'ki i.
whl. h i III !h ml.u'd Uirotijrli the .n-,;..n-I .il i f .1 i.t.H-U eoinouny. The kl.iifi
of Hie n-w will lie oH-u t.i li.fhti-r
i t'i 1 1 th it iriven at thi lir.nnl Im-p-ii
n u ru House neat' the palace.
Ir Is s ild
to Ik- a furious (lift that all
ot trie (flrlt in eue!.ley lollee v!u
lead their e Uism-h are liloniles.
Tin: iiuMen of Peru. Intl., hnVo
Is'i'ii wariied to leave town byaeoiii'
nilttei' of seveiity-tlve women,
Tin; Sultan ut Turkey has conferred
iisin Mrs. Whitclaw Held the i.i'.U-i' of
the Shi-fkat, the hiKhest Turkish decor
ation can U iflvcn to n w.miuu.
A Mm. Ki.r.rcmiH, who died lately in
Kiurlnnd. wan a dircfl ilfN.-vn.luiU n
.loan Hart. Hhakchpeare's sister, uml
the owner of the poet's jntr ami stick.
Nhe was a prosperoun ifun-inuker.
A ot Mi lmly llrlnjf near Misisehetul
lake t.sik to a llniitfor t.Me.l iiiereliaiil
recently thirty mink skins to hare them
made into a eaH.. She suid she hud
traprKil every one of them lienelf.
(Il.ivft Tiiuiiir. Mli.l.Kti has u ithiii the
past four in. .ut lis smtfil from her hunio
jii Hrtsiklyn no less than twenty ihoti
suml prlnteil sliw askinif the women of
New V-.rk not to wear birds or their
Tin: Impress llarako of Japan Is mi
enlightened and seholarly woman, who
has done miii li to further the soeinl
revolution of the lust twenty-live years.
Hi r bent frieiul and allv Is the Coiiiilfss
1 11111111, who, us situiiiiU Tumiitrown,
us ti Ifrudtiat'' of u hi .a r t'ollftre, and
no il.nibt In-ouifh Suek front Uie West
many a wlsi nolloii of donti'kUc life.
t'Akii-Axixt has the spirits of a ly
alnei- hU voice has lHn l'Ured lo him
by a .UOftivd operation.
I'ii ii found In the pyramids of
K;f.vpt. played thni1 thousand years
nfl.-r Imi'iiil. i.liou that the Ktf.vplltins
hud our wale.
A m.v. H.stiliiui of Ioiiirjuineau hn
Ii. .-ii fiiuiiil in a lliinutirlun fnue hiillili.
He li i. .1 In: l it .in- voire, uh yet entirely
iliitruiiiiil, Sit id to l- re. illy (Treat.
Km'U Antioii was foiid of Intvf lliiif,
iiuilyr ,.tl fiijn.ed a Joinney by rail,
lint .'ie di. liked ridliur in fnrrtiijr'. 1'p
t I'.i t.. i.' of her arrival in halt Lake
('il. had mi t with twelve eiin lutfe
.ie. ui. nt .. uml she hud a siiM-rstillou
Unit tin- t'-.ii bf nth would prove fatnl.
tili'l:.!. W ll l.HM W Mtlll-K. the well
l.u ... n .n,';uii-l and eniiisu'r, saysthat
th. . niii' of i hui-f h must.' Is Unruly a
lalsu- .if I M'. lie Is'Kiill n:ii.i..l!l(f
tile t tlilil. nit v l ill) esi'leilif d
In tin flu -li" "f a Miiifssi r to Itubiii-sti-lo,
v.l. " ii'hlj.'iiali. n i.f the direc
torship of the M. IVlfrsburtr t'on'-erv.
aloi-y t..l:i I'lTi'i t in June next. S,-verl
cm . :-t in i i i iti i'i l-i liu.f Tiehui
kou I.i i ii', iiii, tut if ilfi lined, ow inn
to tin ilii'.e uliy Itiiliin .1. in f'Htud In
(leullii : ith t!u MtUim ilien.
" . n : 'i i e'iiit:iiuiii)f hmmine and
iisluii' e .i.iiii' into use for disinfect
In;? i li i.s.i.f.
i i.i ii Kubriuuy l drank freely iti
al' f r e , vpl when the fever is oji
ue il . ith luu.'f troiibli-s, a . in i.Ufh u
fir it : il.fht fhlll thf p.itlenL
o. ,ii -,c;. In the iiiir-A- it a c;rc-it
i ii.t I.i i.utiii ,'lit( very i.i. li pnliellU,
:i. it I mi-j trying 1 1 the si, It to f.vl
I.i .1 I i.-v keep triu-k of the food,
m.-il i - .. . I-'.
T-i :oi.' - mi I provide f r her own
. e il lti'1 1 I il In
i.i I.I fllt-s
I i.l il of
. If Ii ijlii-- II. .1
'I I pi ' Id' a ui'ilio.
It I I
Ni.v :
r. .a.
sin ul 1
ii f ""I-
it u.-r Ituavy sIi.k-s Ui a shik
List or fell Jlp;ifT oi' slmeu
l- worn, us they ar- uut only
lolllf. ,t.l.l
U..IIM. d 1 )
to the weuie r, but a doubly;! t i I he '.if It lie .
A I.AM' Is eliirsKlnif a new cook. "Aim
you mire you don't Lfcp company with
any youn man"" "Yes, I do, ma'am;
but"- lu a whisper- "lie's an awful
small eater."
"Ill oouu.v." said llrldiret, us she
opf ncd n Isiltle of t-hampugne for the
tlrsl time, "the f.sil that lllh-tl this
piurt Uittle must 'a' put two quart lu
Instld nv wan!"
I. tin (to hiHlse (ftrll: "You shnutd
I ih.- a lessiin from the eisik. You are
lovfiilji , whf reus she washes her fare
three or four times a day." House lllrl:
'N'.. wonder. The fellow who comes to
f.iurt her U a ehlmney sweep."
"Mvnv Ann," her mli.ln'ss told her,
Is.f.iiv ironiivf the finer linen always
try the heat of the Iron on sonic thing
.i ii.e !- as not loseoivh the iiiatvrlut!"
I il fi t lussl to, mum; 1 hev a iusm',
oi. I I Un wvs when the linen Is seoreli
iu f by the smell of It, mum "
"Wi.l.1 . Mrt. 1'eltljfrew, If ihm't
r.ti-4' m . waife I sliull Is- ohleeireil to
f,- af liter lavln' je vhln me mouth is
up," "Why. .lane? When you came
here you knew siareely any thing: It
w.n I who tatiirht j-oii " "An" shure,
iiuim. wouldn't I Is- uf titer belli' w nth
more now. w hin I know so mm-h, Hum
whin I didn't know nothlii' ut all'.'"
M vn.vMW comes home mid IliuU Miiinii
(Uie servnntl stttlu In the hltoheu
reaillnira Ihsik by the llirht of two can
dl.'H. She Is very naturally annoyed at
Ihe i'lrl's etravii(futiiv "Why. Mliinu.
iftunlly rending novels with twoeun
dies bumltiK'-'" "Not ut all. iiiti'niii,"
win the tisd reply, "thut's only one
candle'. I just uut il lu two half an
hour Uifol"
A Ni:w YoHK olothliiK slyn Is Taylor,
I'ntttiiT .t I'u,
A Xkw Yoiik dih-tor, staithil by a
prosiii) of inarrlutte from u spltistei-,
called In the police mid hud her ot
ref'tcil. Two cmzKN-i of I'lilmyru, Me., have
had so iii.inv iiiiu rels thnt a few dnys
a.M ti contract was draw n up le tivccu
I'.iein Hint lit future they would have
tnillilii.r to do w 1th each other.
A Wovi.vNof lllitwiitha, h'lin.. hired u
pisir w-oiiiiin to wash for her at llfteen
ff Ids an hour, and while the washer
woman was at work turned the clock
baek nil hour mid a hulf.
list: of the lutfst things In church
fairs Ii a li.itnr held In IMlnlmrKli.
Seolliind, for the purpose of .raising
funds to provide affomiiiodittlouh for
Indies who fulnt during uhureh services.
W. 11. (iiicoouv was sent to Jul) tu
Kansas (.'Ity, Mo., the other day for
Htenlliitf a "led-hol stove," the oven of
which was lllled Willi liisflllts. He sold
the stioe at a seeoiid-liioid store, I'll
eiiits and all. for three dollurs.
A Nl' of New Voi k hotels have
speeiul cage for their telephone. Il
Is it room Idled with piileut dniihle
ihsir uml double w alls, so that imt a
sound utteiod by the sender of a tiles
satfe can Is' heard outside the fiic.
As old colored woman llvltu; In
Atfhisou used to prepare herself
night for df nth by ilrfsslntf In u
blue tfnun. ami sue wan niw nj s sitr
n l-j-.I to Hud herself Alive the next
i:i"rnili'. She kept tilts Up until she
wore out three or four blue dresses mid
then she iptlt. )
Till: results of gisst Ifi-u are otten
credited to the breed.
A i ll VMIK of fiNsl will often iflvc thu
animals an npsillte when every thlni.;
i Ise fulls.
Tiil.iu: Is no sUtiulstlll jsilnt. An
animal either ifiilnlu In welylii or list
ing. Keep It Inc rcitsiujr. It should !
a rule never to allow a siund of llesh
oliff gained to 1m lost.
Cm. i will muke a lietter irmwth .md
ilc vi lopme ut If they are (leii a lifht
feetl of tfioiiiid iuiLs every tiny, ll.its
are one of the Is-st fissls for thu de
veoiment of I m ii io mid uiusi'le.
Koi u upples fed raw to Imifs are nl
llli.t woilhless, as the Imtr tlis-s nut
like them and dues not thrive on them;
bill these Millie apples froteu mid tlieu
htf limed eiinu;;li to thaw and paitiully
cook thf in, ln'foiiie a very useful and
tie nimble fisxl.
I iilt.v and eob ground tisxether lititke
It ('i-i fissl for Inllfli eows. We do Hot
leeoiiuiiend feetlltiK vortiiiiful atone.
Thf rntum should he coru iiieul, ifrouiul
outs ami bran in eipial UHiilllles. If
we were tfoliij- to feed corn alone we
should prefer to hitvo the cob ground
with It.
I'KKIi yotir Imifs all the raw sitnti's
they will eat. If you have none, Iniv
t.'ieiii; they are the Is'st auti-eholern rem
isly known, also a cure for seitrvy lly
feediii(f plenty of Isitabs-s your Imifi
will Is- healthy. IVed them itHtiss
every tlay, don't feed them mice iind
then stop.
A lorn personation of dignity I', ih.
i iinvn 1'riiiff ',i of Denmark, vt li.i'.t.iinU
sis feft three Inelies in her stis-klits.
Tin lati' Duke of lledfoid ow iiftl sit,
tssi mif i, of lu ml in Ureal lliltitiii. In
flinliiif a Mpiure mile of London itself
Uilil) Nvl.lsni in I said U work four
Iff n hours a day, writing uml ivnilliitf
tlispiit. lii s. Add to this the time nm
sinned iii sis-la I duties uml lie r.tri l
yi t--. more than four or live hours' l.'. .
Vo . Mol.rKr. has ik-voU'd the lure
sum voli'd him by thf city of lu iliu mi
his Uotli birthday Ui the ion i.f
tin Moltl.f lirniii li of t(ie IIimih l,,i iil.l
l'fo.f. instil uletl by William I uml tin
laii; !'.- v. Aui'io-Ui.
IJ'ti i.i.n XUAI.IH ntinouiif.'. Hint
si..' can not lieur thf conllnutil liuinlli.i
U' ' 1 1. wlilek she Is subjceUsl lu thul
country wiy luaifur, and that .lw ha
ilfteiiututM la Wnvu MervU tuul llvn
nbiMil until th Klnusttoil someef ave.
In IMK) Chleniro haiidlfd '.l.lnl.SIO head
of cattle.
Tin. m: were il.sral deaths In Chlcno
laid jenr. Wrt Isdnif sulfides.
Tin. daily surplus of births over dentin
j in tin- l u'ted lvliiLdm It I..MK).
Tin. once mighty ludliti isimlatlon
of the l ulled Mutes has dwindled to
Till. Income tlerlved by Trench m
pie who n-ar fowls, uceordlnif to ollhihtl
returns, is :M7. 100,000 f runes.
Till. is-itMis which inn taken lu
.tntn last jear showed the sipulatlou
of Hi.- Umpire to Is- IU.uM.010.
Ni viuv S.'. !.W.iKH) n year art wild by
the Lii.'.i-di lioveriim.'iit for the ear
tug of mulls In that country.
Os' a recent Monday muiuluK' In New
Yorh City lii'i.OoO letters were taken out
by carriers In the llrst tie livery.
Tin; eul.ieoinln of Home contain tho
rem litis of alsiut il.lMO.iKM huinntl Ut
luirs, and thostt of Purls abiiiit a.lsJO.iHM.
Act-oltlUNo to the i.ttvtlstlei of llieNiif.
we.'i.tii iswitnl authorities T.Vt Aiu.'rloiin
touiistit vUiled Norway iliitin.f lat.l
year's senviti.
Till: niiiiils-rof telephones now utidor by the Hell Telephone Company
Is i; .."IV an Increase of", ovur the
aiii - time Inst ,c;ir.
Tin: 1'ivnch are a rendlinf and writ.
Inir soplf. I'lirislatik send eiu'li year
:i:i,u.n,ikKi letters, I:i,ok),(M) stul ettnl't
uml s '1,0,1.1,00,1 ncttspiits'm.
Tin.lti: are twenty-live Social Ih'lllT
cratic dailies in lieriiinuy, fourteen
M-inl weeklies, ten weeklies, three inuti
le lllii.tinteil p.isrs midouo "Sc lotitltle
Review " Must of these lllly-three pub
lications have upH'iiK'd since the ex
piration of the rcpiekslv c l.tws on last
O.-tols-r I.
UnnivNV has U.'iT.' breweries in oper
alioti. ni'uliisl U,.'i"il lu .laiiiiary, Isti.l.
I'he Is'er pnsluot of the vvhohi
oiinlry Inst .vcur wns .N,U.1-J,UTS,U0)
quart . utroliiht" l.TiUi.'JUii.litMi lu the pre
eeilini? year. The eoiiMiluptlon s)r
capita was I ml :i ipiurts, iiulnst li;.t
ipi.tits In the preeedlnt,' year. Tho
luri'est brewery In (leruiiiny pnld Inst
year a t.iv of s-iU,uoO.
Tu: rulliondu" p.ty ndlri for Ih'-W will
Is. nearly
Tin. live New KiikIuiiiI states lui.t
year built only sixteen miles of mil
road. Till: Northern Tuelllc added two bun
died itud ninety-four miles of tr.tek I.)
It', system In I HIM.
To riloi's.vMi two hundred truins
leave lindoii oidlliui lly every twenty
four In mrs.
Ciiinw 's solitary lseh;lity.otie
mile i lout; mid cost !U.0iK) it mile. It
list"! Aiiierlciiii listiiiiiillvf s.
IIivisiii fisitiuifs show the railway
mill ii 'e added III lVJ'J I i ls, lu lint
I nited si.iic'i, tl. 1 7: I'uiiiida, wl; Me
In i. Mil. TnUl Iii North Aitifil.-a, LV.t
1 1 1 1 staled that Stanley usl;fiii llvu
year-i iw. the i pnee of time neeesiairy for
the complf tl oi of a imliviiy fiom tha
M'.itsi.trd of Mi mil m:,-.. i to I'niitnl.i, lu
Till-, new Triius'Slls'rlaii railway
from St. I'etersbur.r 1 1 Yladowstnek
will ls a liltli- over il.OiJ miles' III
length, and Indus will Like a furtllllflit
Is'tweeli 1'i.n.f two tut ions.
Tnt Svvi e t ;. linn -nt Imseoiitrticted
with a iiuuiVr of Swl-.s and tSemmn
bank-, n I ( -, i. rw.uii friu,", with
a view t-i mtl.iiitr the swlus railwuyn
the pi- i,s-rty of the St tie
A 11 Villi" M Hue Hill ls built In tlio
Ciiiifnsii . nloii ' the wiasl of thf liliifL
.Hen It will run Irom Vladllmv Itri to
Hnkii. over fo-Kiii. I v Ih-rlrtitt.
niul L'isibii Therf i. also a proeel for
It line to Is- built from V id" "-has to
Till, lieriii.'iu liov-f ruiiiciit itm's not al
low Russi.tiiH to work lu Ilk siwiler f.if
torles Ai xu'.vw with two million dollnis
eapllul hi-, b'.'ii formed to woih n
nickel ill.- in Hiv;fon.
Tin l.ii',fe"l linen mill'i In tho world
tin- not In Ireland or lu tiermauy, hut
In .lar.tdovii. liuvl.i, vvhi-rekcvvn thuii
sand opiTittlves are employ etl by mui
An Ihiirllsh eoinpauy is wtirkliiu it
wlher tufmi lu ilolivln which yiuliU
more than three huiidr.-il mid si My
ouiiffs to thf Ion, whit. i specimens of
almost pine silver are im t with.
Tin l!us-.i.iii liovemtnenl has issuoil
an order forbidding tke employiiient of
AiiNtrluu vvoikmen elllier la ojf rioiilt urn
I or ni.tiiufac turfs. UiUirers of this mi-
Humility are eotuliicteil to thu Austrian
frontier eveiy day by hundred.
Till: trri'iit iluui aerosi. American river,
l uliforiiia, bus Is'eii lluislied T'he woik
was done by the font lets of I'lilsom
prlMiu, uml irrent heucllls will aecriii! to
.Siteruuii'iito throiiKh th'e i.niiletlmi of
the woik mid Hie ennui, which will bu
completed at a Inter date.
Till, steulil eli;?iliesof the World repl'C
s.'iil. upproxim.itel.v . the w orkitii; (low
er of l,o.s),utii,ii.i.i of ui.'ii, or more than
double the working sipulatloii of thu
world, the total population of whleli I
usually estininled at I, l.Vi.'.ii.l.dOO Inlinli
it. nits Steam bus iii'.-iirillnifly enabled
iiiiiii to treble Ids working sivver.
Till: iiiieienl llreehs Isdlevi'il llie
was only iiIhiiiI thirty miles distant.
As l.ii:!llsh astronouifr states
the otdest Idstorlfiil record of a solar
eeliMri Is lu ilomt r's Hind (xvil. SilTl.
Tin. plaiif I Mercury, a celestial Is'ltu
ty that is lotiicwhut rarely seen, may
ls olise rved with it "msl pair of oyoa,
when the conditions of utuiosphorc are
favorable, In the western sky, follow
lili; lu the path of the sun and M'ttltii;
shout uu hum- ami u ipiaitcr lutur.