IE GRKHT Wn m fonmojitrtt of notc. i ' (Ji 1,1.1 Vu-iowa i . ...til I writ'- Hn iIihwUiiicv n-wlil;-. It U wild t!iut .Mr. (lltulntone rra.l-. j p very iihtcI pnlilUhM In (Irenl ISrIUIn. t'oi-NT lliiimcitr iiihmahck. miimr to Urn llnmnl Mceiiger, nfenUjr lint 5T0.WM In the Nice elnln. I'lllSO: lllPMAIK'K Willi lately III MhIiI- line: ' M Idcttl N t-i 1 M U wll r.Umt l i t'hl-. Imw ami l'..v.tlfnl lov.n without vAti'l u fcln;:t' '':' tamed I., look nt im" Till: Oraml Dido SMiolits. tli.-- c-ar" vrnty uncle. I', ri'ltln U-tl r will mkhi l rvunnrctl t lo !mm ner :.t. IVU'Wlmr. lie 1 Ut. .rears 'M '! linn lieen In tltv army Jimsp h w teen. Aiv..iiiiixo lit Iiitiiihii Kinr itf ( cent il..le lit i H(fnK,'""t 'I"' hered itary ituimI dwUr of l.HM'nilxHiiy anil n THE CKOYN MOWER. u :jiia1ill.- nilh n MirVfidi over ll. et i,( i-iiilitiliuliiK tin' th of tin" ibiWi- H turn. 'I'll. i.nriiHtii wiiiiIm two hiiiitlu-tt nml Iw. nly livo nitiitil mill l lill llttrf uul Hi.' tlti'te l iiilv Milling to tii forty-two Himl, J u hj J. IS!). So fur t lit a HtmMMi one mini at The DtiUoA li:t fihinpcil 1200 hoy or eherriiw, whicli have nottcil him SI n hox. Vancouver prune men sliovv hy unniistnkuhlc lnlUllc llml there i ii protli of $100 nil acre on prune. Thi will In- a great country for fruit fortune. Secretary Unk continue lotiikit interest in memoire intended to do nwny with the notion that the Anieriean ho product are tin - i imr)itr nf tin- rUnv of Wnlm will ! healthy, lie Im hceu Ml (Miiciieo 1 iiiHumf.l "hi. li'tlt ll rc-url tii in.tit..ll..K ll.u m,,t j 1- ViutRN h Imreau, which i to uiicrohco .icall) (wilJ yvttn iM Rm Ut flfl..flri. Jmt examine nil hog meal intended for tin- Imnnitfh of Vtr evtKMt to (Internum! ilclinilelv that hamptou hi tin- lirltUli .irlliiiin'iiU tonl thev are not airecteil hy trichina-. ' J- ' lfjr fr Um- will V ,, . . ' ImVf imi lnr,.m w l n In- rt'llrv. The fcecretnry helieventliat an hii , Uu)HiM u ,..,,. f HM,. aa it can ho ollicially t-liown that ftitnil wmfclllriif M my f olrwltv American hon iinnliicU are ccrlniu- irlt th. Imi fnH-mn ( lr funpitttia nil ly healthful H,e K,o,,.. ...h. keU , 'X" t will he ok!II to them, anil llicie m ; ,,,,, irjh., .u,,,,,. tiu i.oU BOine grouiul for thin eonclunion. ' i nf a ionl .irtnT t tin- ubli talilf. . 'I'm; iluki' of WrutailiwliT. KitKlnml' .... .. r' ii.-.Illil-sl iKililriiinii, I I'liinmi'il In a ivx-uonrenamau uriiii Ohio, who wai orijii''lll' 'M'l'."' el chairman of the iuimiyralioii commiiioii anil wliime ill ailvlc(l eritiuiBiu of foreign horn Aiiiericau oltizens raised nucli a row a few weuks ago, wited hi nwinnatiou to Secretary Foster and it wan promptly accepted. It wan ouch a relief to Secictary Foster and Mr. Harrison to receive (icii. (Irotvcu or'a reiitnatioii that ihey lownrded him for pending it in liy making liiin a BjKHiial worlds fair commit aiou, a ignition that pay prceincly the eauio and which aUo include an allowance for a trip to F.une. There aie copIc inalicioii enough to my tliat (iionvcnor would not havi! icnign.'il if he had not l'cn jiromiied the other place befurc iiaud. Mr I lurrimili 1 lit rt ieeotflli1 d the l.alior orpinialioii ly ap j pointing Mr. II. .1 Sch ill-i. f ; the Oihlrict of (.'olumhiii, uho it i prominently conncclcd wiih lie- j i'cilcratioii of lihur, nn addiliou d memlier of the immigration com miiiitiou provided for hy the IiihI connwc, the diitie of which will ho to proceed to KnroM for the purpose of fimtiitliur ituuiijin lion. The appointment or Mr. Sehnllein may nlitn l' coinsiilen d a a hcuii olllcial recognition of the peoplci party recently formed at Cincinnati, an" he win" hy thai convention, named a one of the l.)inlrict of Columhia repietenla live on the national committee of tin- new parly. It would appear that the late (jmnd jury of Maker county had lieeu "monkeyed" wiih during their inventigalion of the "tieripl cam," greatly to the annoyance of that laxly, from the following ui.i'liim (if their final reiiorl: "We i n r hi o MM H k ji u m Two Mnwers In One! - FAST AND SLOW SPEED LIGHT .DRAFT HIGH SPEED STRONG AND DURABLE! Tin. ti.t. I uiiinUr ut i, turn, of nlikli u in-- lii:ol.ljft- may lie ultUiini'd liv tin- i.lii-,il i.i.ll.ii.i n.iiv nvtr.!iililp, nc....nlni,' li I ml ' wli.Vfr. I from itl, icmi.irH t., iii, mm. ova 'I iln -1 il v uNuil il.iui n t ! il.l.. t l in- iiula'il i )'. i-iii.i. il l li'fHllii'lwo tiinitHli'in Do not take our word; Read the bestimonials from your friends and neighbors: NKV TO MAY. gllKllll'T'H SA Mt. ly iitiin (if an e li(( and de- cum (if fiuei'linum ftlid mil" iwiod (ml (if the l iiciiit conit of Hi" t'de ill Uncoil foi the eiiiiuly nf (Iitilll upon a jiiilMiiiiil H inli'if l in ("lid (mil on ll.c I I'th dtiv of Si.jii. iiiIh i ISH'.l (iiii.I (inli r lint cai.l iui'('i!v lie iciiilvi'ilini'd and wild uiiilcr Hiid 'ii'Ciiliiiii iiiiuiii mid cnteic.l on the Milt di.v of A put '- I) m fir or of Joseph ' WnlMui and .i'hu l!ine, I . 1 1 1 1 tVi and iiiiin.l A (i TaUi, (ii-ii II Tuci'j, .InnicH Toyndoii and eiirn M t'lemer. li-feinhiiiU, for tliu niiiii .f !I'J7 I 77. Willi iiili'iiwt llieii iili ft.,iullie I'.llh d iv (.( St'plniil bur If.S'.l nt tin inte uf t n per cent, per milium mid tin fmtlicr miiii of " !l'J ciihIm, ..j;eihcr with acciuini; inti l.-hl mid nihlH. I haw levied upon and will well at pilhli unction mi .Hutunlaj tho Ui da of AujUbl l"!)l nt nun o'clock p. u. of Maid ihiv and al llin ciiiii I Ikmihii iln i in I'nn ion City, Court county Hlato of ie (on, aH of ihe iikIH, tide and inter. hi which the defendants itlinVii 1 1 II III -i I or eithnr of tliciil had (ill tile llllli dn of Si.ploinlMT IH!), or now lime in or to the following iIchmiUhI piopci ly to wil : Thoio cetlioli niiiicK known, h' filled and i e. onled iih t ltd "Aniniil" initio nml "Yukon" inuie, located hy (liore .I Cloaici mid hilnate in (lianl county, Male of Onon. to Ipitlnn with till llie uia. liini ry tlimiH.n mid tlieiciiulo iippeitiiiliilix iliclil-l-iiil! II e ipimt null and ipmU nu'l li.iil.liii,' sitipitc one iiilalli'l ol ii st, hiiwiivcr. i CBlie to Mule to llonorahle niurl that during our investigation of thcue cace a niiiii her of aiionymoiu letter and com municationi have hccii (Uit to uu and pinned iimu the door of the grand jury room, ome of which, in very strong term, cemuiie our action and noun thicalencd u did we not adopt a certain coiire. Wo ditfire to denounce the writer or writer, of theo coniiiinnica lion iih a conteiuptihle cur and couiml, and aid coiiimiiuieatiou u almolntcly falxe and fcatidaloii, and place our cundcmualiun upon any infamoiiH piece of humanity w ho would rcMirt to uch uieaKUicK to attain any end dcircd, and he Hove any pomon who would com init (uich an act would coiiimit any crime known to the law." thi j nolo nunc or It iliHimit (loin Haul Aiiiii.m mine on in l.noii iih Clem ei.ik, (Irani county, o..m, mid iiImjuI one ipiaitet f a Hide iioitli mid If low wind i known an Million IIii.'k miiNtia. tin' haunt liii ll.c null mill I.uiIiIiim foiuieily mtnati- at whm w.ih i,i,own iih llie 1 1 in'hi'i 1 1 lnllie III linker I'onnh , DiC;oll. lo K llirr with all ami Mindlin , llie ti-u-I'tui'iitH, In ifdiliiiuciii mid appni tun aiidi'M t lie I ii li I o liuloneiii oi in miy wihii appiulaiuiiiK. Tel ant of ale C'.o.h I luted in ihe cmiilv of ( I rant nml Mate of Ori'Koii iliii Nt day of .lult A. I). IS'.U. I). I' CKKSAI', Sheiill of Ihani citnniy, Or. My W. M. Soil li won i ii, ,Deput KhciilV. ndI'Ick I'oi: ri; i.u "ath n ImuI oAIit l litioi. oouii Jl.14.111, IMI Ni,iiii ! Im nl.i vi. ,i. Hal II... (IK, inir i.aui. .1 MrltUl U llllnl IHIII.V ,( ho iuUiiIIimi l !! t ... ........ ... .... .....I BM... . i t wi iw.".. - oejiKiiiLr ol llie lain oioer ii'- i ihu.iI iii i ...vir ii.i u .mi.n I . r .... . I Ui.1,1 i mini, l I 4, ..I. I I' I lli. gun. I I.I l l.S I II 1 lib. Il.l 1,'f .S s ... l. ,i s. . 1,1 M il Ml l Tlii II . . 0, l.,lt.,Mir., ttt. . , t .r . I,i ),.l,. . Ill It l. I tllll, A. ..Ml III Otl.l I', iwil i tan, ( u.. a , .ail im , n.ll.i.l W. J I iioli-liiir the Ktnte militia to tfo III to camp at The Dalle, the l.a Cirunde (iii.clle tiuthfully a: "There is ample ground foi t.e lief in .the truth of the Malciucnl that the expem-e of maintaining regimental encampment of the atn'to militia compaiiie i a fooli-h oxpondituieof the pcopleV nione With the exception of the I'irM regiment which i made up alinoM wholly of Portland counmnicf, that can he hronght together on a very i, 'iin isli bhort notice, there in nooportuiiity toaciiniie proliciency in icgimental , drill, and it' connndriiiu wliat tho drill aiuonutfc ' " 1H lu' quired. In llie Third regiment the eompanie are hronght together from long ilifliuiee, and at great expense to the Mute and iiu'onwn i(!iico lo Ihe cnliMed men, to meet fn,. !v dav. and after the whole,nr U n'ver with, it ihiioiiiiIh rothing more than a junketing e pedition, and in tin' P"sent i; a little Fourth of duly worn for 1 he Dalles. The encampment coming no In the inanncr it has, will not elevate the Mantling of military legulatioiiB as now in force in thi it ate. ,1 u( A UK I .k.i. I. Ol. III, H.-..l.i On I ... I'. 'l, O.N I I V. Oil. I'mpr. A lit... TuUi. i o, r.vciMil. 0i.t t li i.r fn li ('(tinlii't, NilH, M.iti..lii li, I'.l- , I'.tt , JU"t (ilie III)' II rill. to VP IH Till! IDRAI. MRtlU'tNr I' i.'i, I' II "In K II ,11 y , Mttkrn Tlui XV null. Ittronir rjrjltj!imiTO vCP F U NDE rTSSggq Uhi-J the Crown Six catii. Hi iim llivnt, Man h I. IWMl Mi:K IIASCIIH .V CO.: I have heeii UHiii( llie Pro nil li.a chiiie with the KrcatcM atifaclinn fori year. It ix a very light r 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i K nod durahle luachine. A Ioiik a I have ued the machine il never ha rained a awent on my ((am. It i also very lilil on the horw'H neek. Vour Truly, (Iko, W. Hi i.iott. 1S1MI, Siiily tin? Hoit I")iii:ivhi:v. Or., .March IV .I:iik llASlMIK A CI). The niiiehiue I UmikIiI run like n top ami I think it lay nil other in the hade in all kind ol urn hi ami all kind" of ground. it i (imply the Ui'm for light drafl and HUk. .M. V. llolVAIIIt. The Acaio of l'fifet (Ion. John Day. March 1 I, IH!)l). Mkixm ItASrilH A f() I think the acme of -rfectioii haa Ih'cii renchwl in tin- invention of tho Crown mower. We have U't'ii di I'tialed every year in tryinn lo mow niir meiidoiv, on which row l-' culiar kind of grit. All other machine we tried would leave half tin- h.iy Mainline, hut the Crown cut it n -month ni it neiv-Muiven fit it. We tried it with like reiodl in nil kind of grain, li.iy and rye craM. All our iieijthlMir who it work think il i the law of all moiv pw. Vour ltc?)x'ctfiillv, T. fl. Cihi.. THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE . Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools of this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ol the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on wool in storage. T. B. FELL, Manager. ynu Read AdvErtisemeritsr Do you hike (uhunltuic of a good offer Ji lien il is placed n iih in your reach? If so Wricc'tliif ur Oik. His Favorite. I'lt.uitu: Cnv, I'Vh. '11, I sin). Mkhii. UASOIIH A CO I will without hexilalion that the Com ii mower thai I pur ehacd of you hint jcar ha j'jveu yiHl KatiKfaetioii. and in my prefer ence of any iinniiT I have ever ned. Very leMctfully, (i. W. .M. 1 1 vi i v. The Vor) lint Mower. Camp Iiax. March 'J, I SIM I. Mk. HASCIIK A- CO. In regard lo the Crown mower, I like it very well. 1 1 work w ell in till kind of t;ni, '"id where the tfr.i.i lodged or very rank hy pill tint? on the iocreawnl teed il uotks to a ch.inn. It i the 1mhI mower we have in tin- country, nml I can recommend it to any ersoti wihiiig to pur. haw mower. Your lift vtfully. .1. .1. (! Kxlni for I leering, Crown, McCoiiu.tck, Ihickeye, N'ietor, and Champion Machine, higgle, Muck ami Carriage, ut factory price. Ilardwaic, llardw(hl, Stove and Tinware, liuhher i ' . . III. . . H' . . . It:. ..I III... l . i i .in I lite, n aiei i il.r, illin i" i-lllllllt'-. I'.ll..i', Mini onlei'" Miln mid ml iMncl imi I'liarantred. All Alan Witgoiif, IIoe, Iteltiui' and I'ackiiitf, Suv Mill and IJiiml. Mill .Machinery, fid r- of iu.iiir rc.-eive pruiiipl atleiili.ui J!iisct iy ('oiNjHtHy, S&akvr fV, Or BREWERY SALOON ('iiiiyoii Cid.v, Or. 77 .v mm la v i c.so7 Ims hff ii rt'iiiriiftl In I he iiihlic, iintl iidii', its in the jitist, kfpis iitithiii" hul I lie I ics I )) 'incs, Litu tirs Ciijttrs- (J. I. KICK i I C I . froti' NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon Cily, Or. . I. . ( 'litttiihri s, l'riiii: 'liiin r.ilaumiit has ittviitly hoen opened, and will I'nriiiili .MeaU " Ul tfiiiK at living nilfi. A ipeciid featliie ahont llii li(aine U tltut nn (Jliiiii'e.i iHil;aie eniploliil ill the l.itcliell. liiie the Itiut.oiraut ii tiiul. M. J. I.'IIAMIII I!, l'nipin tor. First) NationsBank Hapfanstal! Dart & Cd n.'irmxsT.iu. .v- n.irr, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. Have now Kiel veil t lio l.irgftl nml roinjilrlc iloci: of mw jjooiU in (Irani County, which llicy will otl'er for s.ile at print that del ciupHitioii r ; (,'mnls, Clnlhiinj, llims. Slim s, (Hurt's, . Milieus, Orcr- shirls, 1'inlcrireii r. Iliisirrij. Ihils, Winter Caps, daiit Ittiuls, lUtinkets, IJuills, Ctnsels, l.tulies iintl ehiltlrens' Slities, llnhlier etitils, )'ellnir Oilftl rutils, Fttiiri (lot)tls, (' ullcnj, IClr., lite., Hie- IKH0OftlMHHO9O11l..)'ll. ) l,0H,UI(,,tt,IOUIl,l,.HMl lVh(!ti cell iicconipaniii Ihooidcr for any atiiouul (rout I'ive D.iHatnor nioui in ahoie line ofooil wu will prepay all .Mail or j Staijii clint bo, lo anv tn;o Htation in Grunt or Harney countie, f e until .nimt ifitn, i v.ii. fl w nen toni on eiumi no ennrg- 9 A OH piupnill. a ftiuooiu. o-o o afKn..,K)o io o o fo aiMaa.MHM,.mutK.uitiiA Wo will jj'uarnnteo our hoi uhI iiiiml juiiiH on Every Article and n'tt'i' to refund tho nioiioy if gKdriuio not witibfuctoiy. Hy si'it.liiit; to tin, Miitin' plainly, just wliat is wauled, wo c.iu Hcled them to your natiHtaction. Wi- the liiJiesl ttsstil'l HiClll of "en eial Meiehandiv to he found in a'jy hiotr 111 Oregon Vuii can nave inonei 111 cvei i line. Give n a trial order We solicit lour trade. Order l.y Mad at on..-. I'er; Htsicclu 1 1 ;. f1oiit Mr frarlaiul, HEPPNER, OREGON. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT, R FOR 1891. 11 The people of Grant county will take notice that our vast stock of Sprmg Goods is as complete as any stock in this section of the State, and at such prices as will be satis factory to any person wishing to purchase in the following lines : Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloth ing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Hardware, Crockery and Glass ware, and a full line of Groceries. A call will be sufficient, as we propose to sell you your supplies. M. DURKHEIMER & BRO. 3 Or ('iron. yaUilOdUUOIIUUUUutiUUU' uitMiauuuuduojJiwaoouuoiioiiiMiui; sas wos, ( ; MiN'EKA j M ICHCI I A M'MKH. !..,., r t,i . 1,, 1 1. U i U k IO..M I. It IN- Oregon. in il nml tmeiictl ti ir II seleeetl shirk' Ihils, limits, Sities, I Ut 1 li- O t IX nppiiof. unr.A. niisK m.i.i j r. I'ti.l vtrl), II it loll U I ilil.rK l.oou, l'ti-Hlili lit l. e I'lrMili lll (1 1:0111.1: CoMO.K, (Vidiler. t ( 1 1 1 -. , T. A Hill 1, I 1 ioio, I le.'to Tin 11 4.11' 1 4 a ('eiicriil lliiiiklii,' lliolnei. Exchange id) jNiit of the world BOUGHT find SOLD- Dolled imi tiMide at all point mi Ite.itwmtd.ln 'Pel iim. .Money Itiiued at fmni on lo tun m-r cent. iCanyon Citv ! We Int re n 1 nt (, cuts 11 iiisiiir (,'ntitls, II tits, Hunts, i.v.v, (Jiults, lltirttirtii e, Cnu U erii, (,'ltisstrtirc h'tr, ! ,1sti I'tiiirii nml Sltiie (Irneeries, I'rtirisitms timl ( full 11 isurlniciit tifCttleul Medicines, A'tilimis, h'tr. Sf l'liitiie imi 111 11 ui;i .Sollellcil mg ojiiiilly Atloii(.lot:l to. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Cmujon Cily Oregon , S 3 0 0 9 9 I I I . 9 iVlt t 1 lMiltlle Ol'ClUI'M X'1 KSTIt.W NOTICK. Came to thi r.ui;e ahotit threi ear ago. our chctmit wirrel mare, hrandctl two .'t, one under the other, oil left holtlder. Weight, llUillt IIXhj 11m. I have wintered the inure lor two winter. (Inner can have the Maine hy proving probity and laying elmrg.. in Km imi Hyham, Cunvon Cnek, Urnnt, Co., Or. ' CITY LIVBBY STABLE, lliiKiieiiood A' (o, I't'oprt.. Cuniitm Ciln ' ' Oregon. Consltinllii tm littnd i full assortment of Pry Ootids, CI til hi mi, Hauls ,'' ,S7f'.v, Croecrics, i lilc, Ktc, IClc , til llcastmalilc 'rices. i). o i:iinoi.r. I & 0 auiionaaiiiiuai.aiiaai,iiuiHiiiMiiMi6uaAiHHiuMiiiHia(iii A. II iCIIKiXHV. DHALHH IX General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY.