Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 25, 1891, Image 3

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Thunttlny, J it no 2o.
See till filH and kiw
nt the WatehwnVer'n.
jwid clorkt
Weather ha remained cool, nml
a subject of general remark.
Tli choir u rrhoMt-ting for tit natal
ilny, nml contemplates going into eamp
up the eric.
Deputy Sheriff FUk U an a tHp to
th northern part of the otnnty t
(WUclnl Imshwwa.
Fitter line of clock never Mot
mi in (Smut county now At Ike
Watchmaker'. 1
McKrr and MeriU, ekirned with
threatening tho life of young John
I'lsk, were acquitted.
iMve Diinuen i on the tanch at
tlm City Ilrewery, meeting wenibeis
of the lr with hu tuual .mile,
Sheriff Oreap will prolwUy tenftnr
tlie imainilr of Murray llraa. iton-
to tJiiii city and sell the goods nt kmc
'ITi-jtnton Villintii anil wifi, nml
Dr. Anhfonl, of lturmi, jttMoil JirouRli
iwrton wmt wk on tltctr wny
lkiker Citv.
Aftr the cloitm exoTTtMH of the '
ItUc arhool I'Hiliiy cHiiinr thoyonnif j
iieople tripiH-d the light "miitivsiu"
n ihoit tiino.
'I'Iik last l)(iliitiiiv wmcMnI a ktw to
pnitoct song hinlt, hut roltina ami
uhnriii'H cannot Uj nmtlo to ilwelt to
Ui'thnr in hittinony.
A ti'lrphontt line lint m itihiUnI
U'luwm lioapol Hiile ami ltell Hill,
or in othor wonln, from tin totlHctt
to Air. 1''a nwiilcnco.
i!o to the 11hI Front liilllniil Mull
for n cool, u-fi hiug think of tho
lliinut lugr lor in l&uU'rn Owjon,
lliick lwer on Up on nml after
.Miy Ut.
ltuli(iii fiom tho oxteimivH prep
nnitioas U-inu in nil" for (Jiniit county '
raiioiiH l'm th ff .Inly celelniititiiin,
tho fri'linif njfiiiiiit tin- lliitisli on thnt
il.iy ill 1h intense.
.Miilille Fork on1 conUins kilvei nml
liud. It in free milling, nml ill Ih)
of lent nlne in tluxiii)( tlm ores of
tho (Jiwnhorit wction, niile from it
own intrinsic worth.
,ln. Smnll nml Juki) I loliuoiidiiolt
wlio enmo in from lU-nr uilloy lint
.Moml.iy mw miinc kiiow in the valley
lxifoio they hlnrtoil, nml mot with
hnil on the inoiintiili.
Tom Willi.uiM reoently tiiniml hii
r.iL-o horie ".lorilnii" out on tho ninge,
mill now In- laiiiiot Ui foiiml. It in
fimnxl ly Mr. Williiiioi koiiki thief
li;s "cravicd the iit-r with .Ionian."
l'reitictions uf the wonther prophet
have Ix-i'ii m'iM'imI in n grent down
jionr of riin, niimiiutiug ulmot in n
olouil luiiht in imiii' pliu'o. Down
iiUmt Dny ille nml Hatiuh (lulcli the
country is wiiil to hne lieon nearly
D.iyville Hection ni sisitt'd liy n
violunt thuinler ktotm lust 1'riiluy.
liilitniii; wax ven to ktriko the 1 1 i k I
limrook (Hi the ninth lido of tho riwir,
nml .i lure ui.oui of roek, perhnM ten
tout, wns liif,'iii'(l l.y the holt nml foil
down the hill.
loseph l'utunm, of .Monument, wiu
in town Iniit Friday nml nvc the Nuw.i
n plonsant cnll. Mr. I'utimin riioiU
crop prtMjH'. ts tlntt'U'iiiit. Iliicropof
rye liny in bimply iuiiuuiiw1, nml nil
other crop are in prooitiou in thnt
pirt of tho moral vineyntd.
W'liituiiui .V (Jo. run n tuiimil into
tliu mountain U-yoml Mnrym illo uonrly
two humlrud feet, through hard rook
mint of the wny, nod it it thought
tint the lode thi-y inU'iulu-l to itriko
it only nUut twenty feet further on,
Work v ill U reumi'l m-xt winter.
(inuit county lini sent to market n
imit iiuiiiy lo.uU uf wool thU M'linou,
nml ninny more nre to follow. Some
wo'il i even on the Wu-kit of ulieiip yet.
.Mr. Oliver, of Dyille, um in the
city hint Saturday, mid informed u HitrM'V I'ii'ldn hivd not ut tlnit
time fluuhed tilieariui,' nl of hi UimU.
John Uiyi'oi'k iiiforuil the Niwi
in tu none' time nji thnt fnrinem wen
only unitiiij,' for tlie wiMither Ui nettle,
when the work of iuoh inj ull'ulfa would
eommenee. Alfulfu u n more protit
nlilti oi op than wheat nt eighty cenU,
thereforo he thought thnt the farmer
from John Day down would not luuteu
to plow tip their I it'll uioudoua.
I'rot'iouii metal i U'ini; foil ml on
our hill nml inouutaiiik wheuuveruuy
one f-iHn out to look for it. l'lteiy
inxKH.'t ploinei, mid only wnter or
onpitnl it lucking, im t)io occaniou limy
riNpiiro. If it in ipiaitA tken they
want money, hut if gmnl digging,
they uro tjeueiiilly licit enough to te
ipiiie no outlay of cali in oeniug
them only wnti-r,
.Mr. .lohn Muldriek ha returned
lioino. lie did not unit the placet
iiiiniN on u lour of iunpectiou u con
templntel, hut Ulked with ropruMtn
tntivHH from the miiiei in Iduho, nml
fioin n camp ut Vieku, t!l. From
rupui U lie wn nut fuvomlily iniprem
od, iilthouh the maohine at work in
Uilifomin w.i h')itiu thegniel autme
llftv feet. In coiiMxiuenue of tllii
grunt ktralu Uie hrcak.igu mid wonr ;
win ootikiilumUe, ami tho utiormmi :
oMt of lopnini wiw iliuoumuiug. ,
llowovwr, oornmMMiilBiico it Ixiing had
with tha in inufuctuivra, anil nil Iiojh)
it not yet uUtnilyiiod,
'lite sale of Mwrmy Itrm iHmi tflkt
jJace at Dayvltte next Twwky.
.In. I'intteffui, of Mnlhimr county,
In leo in mir city on Ihmuiios kvtoly.
Hums will celebrate tlm I tit, and
wilt also Imvc racing to Iwgin July 1st.
5IiHtr Crewip started to tlie atrium
Twadnv with the insane man . lrt-
1 kn.
! Hi. iwir m fittMl with the riht
ui owctncl at the Watchmaker's
, Oanyon tty,
Mill Clark it mmdug a hydraulic
giant, iping in n gram claim near to
od Mnryavilhj.
TUk aui timi miilo of the Dr. Ilomlnv
tock of drug will Ukt place in thit
city next Tuesday.
Hill (!my mk4 in a whiki gat hold
of n exceedingly fnt U-i'f, which fat
indicates ii splendid outside range.
Asaesxor Timim linn Urn wailing
fw the weather lo settle Wore tlntting
out to finiah littiiiff the import y f the
, jt it mi, hukWriii will l pW
tiful this year, and (Irani eainty'
I mountain vles cannot Le excelled in
, tlt production of thi fruit.
Notwithstanding the ..-old nml luck-
ward tmiott, tie w potatoes Am U-cooi
iit plfiitiful nlonx m ether iucIi
gnnlcn "wjmi" in tliii uolh country. niut try nml I' on th
l'icnic jrrountlii t Soda Xpiinipi hy 0
o'clock hrtq to hoar the riirol ojhii
iug of tlie day hy the l!rn Itmtl.
". .1. Itolin and Son, of I'nion
county, oro in town a few ilny ag.t,
linking liecn orer to Harney county
ciilivamiiug for an improvrd itock leg
inter. Don't fail U tho Urge otenof
the Ith of duly celeliration at Sc-ki
Spriuga 12 niilt up Canyon creek.
The K't Picnic ground in lUntern
People hnvH Uon contniinel to
Aik, if it will ever iuit raining. A
aeaaou ago we enquired if it Would
never rain, nml (till mankind U not
Mr. John Powell i Itrenking aol,
nml iutcii'U wowing n tare acreage of
full wheat the coming iamiu. Fnll
grain H said to yield U'tliT than the
ipring sown.
Ub. leather Chnmpngue ii very
conliili'iit of securing n Catholic Iinlinn
achool for l.akeview, Hut how will
Champagne agiee with tho untutored
and untamed niwimlienl
Some of the solid tockuton of tho
upper South Fork weio over after u
pliei thin week. They nte in good
Hpirits over the pronjuvt of nhundaiit
iTiipu nml fat ninge Ktock.
At the nmigneo'a nle lust Saturday,
of projHTty of J nine tlieitiar
ter ectio:i of ihediwl linil was hid in
hy J. S. Ilnptomitnll for fMI.OU. We
miili'iTiUnil Mr. I laptnimtall made nn
oiler of J.IUO.OO for it at piivate sale.
An ell'i'it is U'iii' 1 1 1-1 tit! to have
(Innyoii ('ity'a itreeU gntelel. A
goo I move, nnd one that nhoiihl Ut
urged to peifectiou. In fact .Nlarkhnl
CllllliiliHtou linn all rally cniitmeuced
the colnmniitlahle wolk iouiIkUhI hy n
uuiol-or of the youthful cilife'itx.
Uenowed ullbiU nIiouIiI lie made
towanl having n mail toute ektuldi'lied
ln'tweeu tli in city nml Stewart, a noon
ui our fiieiul liiugor llenimnu !
turna to Wniihiuton. No tlotil.t the
line would luivo Uk-ii in ojK'Ktion now
if the hirlder had deposited the uxunl
jMir cent, with Uieir hil, hut thin they '
neglected to Ua
.lack Chnmher mid a proHictor
n line I ituili have found n ledge of
fiee old In'aiiitg ipimt'. on (!niiyon
inoiiiitain a hoil ilUtiiuci' nhove the 1
ditch. The ledge is narrow, out the
precious uietiil .tii ks out in a inuiiuer
calculated to eiuoutnjje priMjH't'tiug.
They will iuvektignto the extent,
the oie i the icheit yet found in the
cnuip, except "llont."
In our account of the liouiitide at
Monument lat ik a nuiiiherof in'
tiitciiienU iK-'Cinrotl, u it a I way the j
nine where imwn I tan tiwell a long
diittniice and U'ii ivjHintod fiom time
to time. Tin ir trouble nroite over n
Umrd hill which Church owed lliulwl!,
mid over a got of hLickamitii tool, and
a uariel M-curretl prior to the hoot
ing. Zollinger, who wuv reKiited
killed nrnr lleppner, wan only hot
thi-ough tJiu le,', nnd it now alut
Frank 1'itk cauie in from his I tear
valley Hindi hut Monday leading the
umre that wns wild hy the khcrilf noiiie
time niur to atify a jiidgmeiit held
hy John Xouloti agaiiml John Murphy.
She wns I oil i; lit hy Walt Ilerry and
taken over Ui Hear valley, and Mr.
FUk knew her n oou n ho aaw her,
and incogui4id her u one he had
loit three or four yean ago. In
udditiou to hi luiilnl, the mare had
another, J A II connected. lA'gul
piiH.'tHiling w ill he iiutituted fur her
The Oiej;onian mention a iinuli
room fiHiml at Auuiville, that uiea
tiitsl lsj imliHH in circiimferi'iit'o. Wo
are away of that, for .la. Sitrill
found one ut hi place in liear valley
thnt mu over I I im-hcn in diameter
lifter the outer ktlifuue win lenioved.
lie inteiuled to hring it to town, nnd
wak re nly to ktnit when ho found the
food delicacy would not go into the
hucket ill which he intendotl Ui lutul
it, and it would not Iwur tnumitoj 1 1
tmu otherw ie. (inuit oounty i fur
ahead of Wehfoot Ltinl, in imuhrooiii
nroiluclion u well u overythiug oUe.
And ktill, we luiveno uiuthrooui towita,
nnd iiich thing.
(!.NtTK, June ID, lfflll.
Taylor Altltmiar imuimhI thrcntgli
to tho (Irmiliorn district.
Mr. Ihirnlinrd. of Sliorp Kancli
country, vins in town a few dnya ago.
Somebody sniil Walk Tnlwr liml
gone to Maker mire enough tho
public school there h cloood.
AH the North Fork claim nre
being run to their fullett extent.
W'c hope their cleiuiuna will 1
1. Parker iwaanl through on his
way to Halter. He had U-en mak
ing a burint'M trip to Hie CahhcH
I'.ro. mine.
Mr. Hurnhain, who hna liceu atop,
jiing for dome lime with II. Met 'aim,
left yesterday for (ireviilmm cpiip-
jieil for n pmajHCling tour.
I. 1. McCoy change.! his mind
and will not come to Oranite this
summer, so tlie white blacksmith
shop will be without a workman.
H. Dunning, who is managing the
Milwaukee placer cluim, has laid
tho hydraulic oh vator on the shelf.
It is not a financial success this
Tabor A Son have had a two
months run on their placer mine
and tho water still holds out. They
will make a splendid cleanup as
their ground is good.
Kverything is very ipiiel hew in
(iranitc. Although nearly every
day some prosiw . ting outfit may be
seen wending their way towards
the (JnHMihom country.
It rains and it hails and it is cold
stormy weather and has been for
Iwo or three weeks, but it makes
the placer miner smile a lengthy
"smote" iKH-aust' it increases the
(irant Thornberg, the genial laud
lord of the tiranito hotel, lias im
Krted a wry lliw race Animal of
the bovine genera, horned species,
male persiianion.of Hereford lineage.
He ucms very proud of this acces
sion to tho attraction which go to
make a hotel life pleasant. Call
and ask him about it.
The Mstinaster general has in
formed our iNistmaster that (he
change of mail route petitioned for
by us can not Ik- granted, la-cause
of the remonstrance of people along
the route. The people of (iranitc
have been cn-dibly informed where
the kick started, and from the fenti
inenl generally felt nnd expressed
the kickers will fail to get the
chance of lingering so many of the
(irauitu ducats as heretofore. This
is as it should be; there are other
jilaces where lodging can lm had.
I'hey will eventually see they have
killed the goose that laved the gold
en egg.
Mrs. McCiiim and daughters
Maggie and Lelln lire soon exRcted
to return to their home in ( Irani te.
They have Irhmi in linker tho past
winter whore tho young ladies were
attending school. Miss Maggie is
to Ik- congratulated on her projHc-
live inheritance, and should hold in
sacred reverence the memory of her
father who anticipated her wclfuto !
bv leaving such a beoucst for her. !
Such un exunip'o as thin might be
followed by other fathers. What u
great "UmIsI" it would U- to the
hapless citizen who lakes unm him
self the risMumihility of taking care
uf the dear creatures for the remain
der of their natural life.
Ayti II,
Note the sale of Now York good.
i Hails on the Sumplor valley rail
road ure lK'ing laid at tho rale of
nl out a half mile r day.
At Moody' warehouse in The
Dalles l.UIS.T'si jMitmiU of wool
have lieon received this season.
HiiesA' Mason sold a Buckeye
mower lot it o. Sollinger the other
day. Several more are sjsiken for,
but freight is ilillicult to get in.
Thut mis a level headed youth,
who. when asked by the preacher if
he did not want to' go to a U tter
country, replied that, "(iranl county
is good enough for me."
A man named Cain, residing
down alsiut Caleb, had an examin
ation he fore Judge Ulllison this
week, charged with the larceny of
ahorse. He was discharged.
An up-country exchange got it
in.'rringo notice and a grocer's notice
mixed up, and tho combination
i .t t t. . -.1. i hi
rea.i no.: joii.i null a ... .mis
Ida Quuy wre muted in lit. holy
Umds of snurkroul which will bo
sold by the quart or barrel. Mr.
Smith is an esteemed cod Huh al
ten cents jht ()ound."
While complacently chewing Cncle
I lav bl Kinelmi t' apple , llii'M-days the
thought i thunk, thnt in no land in
tlli httxitl country aie mch excellent
apples, and tucli kplelitlid kenpiug up
plei, mined, us ill (inititi 0'iiity. Now
is the time In plant mure trees, thnt
they may Ut Utuiiug when we aie
hhsit with khippiug facilitie.
The rich iptarU led go discovered
on the mountain lately was fuiind a
couple of feet lienealh the surface,
and then only after much searching
and diu'giug. This couulv bus here
tofore only been prosMictud in a hi
hurry. If the ledge was seen Kt ti l
ing out of the ground a few feet a
..: ..!.-.,. ir....,l .. l..utLu.
made. Hut to dig for one; hanllv ' sin is to am! kill. Indians ! of' ,,ro hoM) '" whi,,,,
over. Wo will snv more wUirt tl.u I make jawr soldiers, essH-iUy wlnm , tho publio high ways nro yciu'roiu
lttad when ii csu'iit i prevail. ' firowater U handy. ly pmybhsl for uud maintained,
A Polk county growt-r has ucttwl
J.'KXJ oil' an acre oi goonberrtw.
H.wvwthy - l'isk took a new
Crown mower out to tlieir ranch
ycatenlav, and will m-1 it to culling
Hear valley hay. Their purchase
waa made of Unrobe .v Co.
Joe Hector, of t'tow Citmp, will
have considerable fruit lhi year,
consisting of apples, pears, plums,
etc. Who was it said fruit would
not grow in Harney
the Hums Herald.
county? says
A young girl is under arrest in
Newfitiry, N. V.. who within thrco
month married an old farmer, bum
ed his house and barn, roasted his
woak-minded ron to death, and
Anally ran away from the town with
a liver v team.
Signor Cortc, lato Italian consul -
at New Orleans, in his report on tho
i lynching there, says the victims
; belonged to no mrticiilar mR-iety,
but were murdered simply Waiise
they were Italians and compt titers
in the lacur market.
I A distillery on ijuite an extensive
' scale is nam to lie in operation al
i Troutdalo near Portland. It in be
' ing built by the Portland Distilling
! and Cattle' h'oeding Comiany, and
j will have a capacity for using ltxm
I bushels of gram, wheat and rye ht
Miss lClaue (ioodale, a well known
author, who is the government in-sRH-tor
of Indian schiRils in North
and South Dakota and Dr. Charles
A. ttastman. nn Indian of the ioti v
lrilo. who is government physician
at Pine Ititlg
agency wen married
Frank Meltean paid a visit to his '
Sialn ranch (lorinir the week. llei
rcturncil home Saturday, and said
there was white frost in that conn-
try Friday night. His rye crop is
tint as tall as it ought to tx, but
will make a good crp. lirass is
good, but short.
Purticulais have Uvn r-cctved of
the killing of three negroes and the
wounding of another near Clear
Springs, Arkansas. Tho sheriff at
tempted to levy an execution on
some pnija-rty, and the negroes re
sisted. A pitt h battle ensued, with
the result stnti l.
Ah tjiinng Tin, having U-en nc
ipiittcl of tin- i liarge of murdering
"Ptiker lorn, a Piute Indian of the
Walker river reservation, at Hridge-
jwrt. Mono county, Califnrnia, wns
drnggeil from the court room by the
friends of the murdered man and
hacked to pieces.
The ruling of Judge Shims in the
murder case of the Indian Plenty
Horses, that the accused was not
guilty of murdering Lieutenant
Casey, hccuuRU a state of war ox
idled til the time, may Ih good law,
but the effect will certainly Iw bad
for white men.
Mr. F. Clarno arrived here Mon
day from the (Irocnliorn mountains,
lie brought some very rich ssci
mens of brittle silver, which, under
the blow pijie, yielded globules of
tiure silver, and which assayed over
$ihs) Hr ton. He retMirts every-
i... i ii . ii . .I..
uiiiig KMiiciug invoraoie in mo mines
in the tin'enhorii district. Oregon
inn. The saloon kecR-rs of Itockford,
Wash , are wild over a notice given
them by the secretary of the local
I. O. I i. T. lodge to close their sa
hsiiiH on Sunday, or the law of the
state would Ih enforced. As n
species of retaliation, they have
combined and refuse to contribute
anything toward n Fourth of July
The following are the top prices
obtained at the last sale of Tasmiin
inn Wools at the Imiloii Wool Kx
change: Hii, .Tl, .'!!, ."ill, -", 2S and
J7 cents H)r pound resja'ctivoly. It
is somewhat remarkable that nil
these elijis had Ih'cu treateil with
the Coojier Dip and the makers
claim it is indisputable cviduncc of
the excellence of their preparation.
It seems strange that the I'nilcd
Stutes M'ltatnrs didn't see how projr
er a thing it would have boon at
this time of the year to le absent
on a little trip out in some distaul
j part of the state which they huvo
j never visited, as (inuit county, or
i Wallowa, or Klamath, where the
' jH'opIo ure hospitable and tho fish
ing is fine. Ort'ipHiiau.
The Dulles, Dufur and Si Ik stone
railroad company has U-eu organ-
I iaeI with u capital slock of f 1 1 m ,t m KJ
. . . . i 1 1 . . i t . t t
i every iionur in wii'.cn lias la-en
mUvT ud-und the
.... n n v...i.... i'
nro H. II. Norton, I. A. Hudson, 0.
A. Lielie ami K. It. Dufur. This is
the railroad from The Dalles to the
Fossil coal mini s. The ohjeet is to
build a iMirtago railroad aUve The
Dalles ami complete the lino to
Dufur, Oregon, this fall.
The sixty Chickasaw militia who
went to assist the I'nilid States
troops in ejecting iWM) I'nitcd Stutes
citieiiH who urn living in the Indian
country without K rinits, all U'ciunu
drunk, uud it is said they had a
gallon jug on each saddle and n bar
rel in the commissary wagon. They
killed n winner's horse, stopHd a
w hite farmer on the ronl uud threat
ened to shoot him I -era use ho was
while. So niueli whisky in the
jiosncssiun of Indians who are cloth
ed with some authority is liable In
result in the loss of several lives, as
when tin y are iiruiiK uieir only tie
ChtMCii Clevtity Ciptuictl.
Deputv Sheriff Honrv Ovcrholt,
Pry Wilson nml C. K. doll" nrrivod
in 'town last Saturday evening, lmv
ing in custody Mel Church, the
slayer of lladscll. His cajiture in
thus described by the Ilepjmcr It co
on I:
"Parlies from Mt Cteck nnd
Monument were mi bin trail, but
missed it and came in before the
' news arrived of the attempt to kill
I Zollinger. Imiuciliutelv utou tho
rcH)rt of the Zollinger tragedy
Sheritl' Noble sent men out who
scoured the foot-hills in every di
rection. A Kisse wns sent to the
PKt and traced him to wlu ru hi
horse was found, about two miles
sou then lit of what is known an "the
saddle." near the
head of Cabin
1 cam-on. He had
abandoned his
horio early Monday morning and
pniceedtd on foot, arriving at Clinr
ley lying's place, near Coin ell grade
about five o'clock in the evening.
Charley knew Church, but did not
make himclf known. James
Hrown, who is stopping with. Long,
bunked with Church, and says the
latter never let go his pistol, sleep
ing with it in bin hand. The Imyn
did not care to attempt his arrest
while he was in Misessiou of bis
pistol. He could lie easily cut oil'
from bis rille, which wns at some
distance in the comer of the build
ing. I King wns ktuuding between
Church and the gun, when Hrown,
without arousing Mispiciou. asked
to see tlie pistol. I he wciiHn wns
handed over in an
nienl. when it un
unguarded mo
turned on him
, with a demand to surrender. Church
rcnlhed thnt he wns a prisoner and
tm"e 1,0 resistance.
A "or bis capture oil I Destiny
! f 'h'lrch was taken to the lleppner
j J"1'. ""' on I rnluv evening
otliccrs ftartci! with him to Long
Crock, arriving there Saturday
morning, having traveled nil night.
There he was given a preliminary
hearing, but waived examination
nnd was committed to jail without !
bonds to awnil the action of the
grand jury.
Church denied having hhot Zoll
inger, and expressed regret ut hav
ing killed llndsell. llotvever, in
the heat of passion the young man placed himeclf in a (tositioii
where it is not Ksibk' for deep re
grets to make amemls.
; ,
ihccntiro coiisolidatmii ticket
J was elected in Portland by a lni j;c
The trensurers stnteinent shows a
net cash balance of but $ I ,'J.'t.'i,lKH)
in the 1'. S treasury, which is the
lowest figure yet reached.
1 Inrney county has the honor of
Is'ing the most civil ccunly in the
slate. It mi icpresentiitivt! in
the stale penilenti.iry, no prisoner
in the county jail. Items.
William Otitis, of Tillamook
county, wns killed by his vicious
stallion. When found, the lunso
was on It knees tearing him to
pieces and had literally eaten him
Tho head of the jri-ut Northern
I'aeilic railway system is only forty
years old. Ilo U'iiii his i nil road
career ns a surveyor's rod man.
Who wo ild not be proud to live in
n country where such progress is
possible f
A colored philosopher says:
"Life um iiios'ly inndo up o' pniy
iu' for ruin an' wisliiu' 'twould
clnr oIL" This colored philoso
pher is supjioscd to live in tho
South, sinco a Southern ncwsimper
thnt icjsirU liiiu: but if hu lived
in Oregon his habit of observation
would ceitainly have evolved tho
same truth.
The (H'tiple oflinleiin are to bo
congratulated on the statue uf (ion
cm! (Irani. It is lirst-riite Ameri
can art, with no classic nonsense
almut it. It shows the general with
his bauds in his Mckets, where be
always put them, looking so natur
al that the only wonder is thut he
consents lo stay on the H'destal in
stead of getting down anil lighting
a cigar. St. Louis Hepuhlie.
State comptroller Colgun bus
announced ilm! he will refuse to
sign tho warrants granting SHIM),
(KM) to the California world's fair
cnmmisbioii for a state exhihit.
Ho bases In- action on the pro
vision of tho statu constitution,
which ns no money should la-
,.l r.,,.
llm beiielit of any
II I I I I I I'l II ...' IWI
' .' .
association or iustitiilioii not under
thu cxcliibivu coiitiol of the slate.
Chi hiilis county, Washington, a
county situated very much like
(iranl, ha just voted ovei $:i()0,
000 in IhiihIs to construct wagon
roads. It in a long time until the
bond mature, but the moment the
roads are completed, tho net mil
value of property in tho county
will hu doubled, and tho people
will be enjoying good roads. A
much less sum than this would
build excellent highway through
out (iruut county. (iissl roads,
and bridges me iho foundations of j
tho country's prosperity. With
out them its resources remain un
ilevclojKil, and biuiness of nil kinds
is stagnated and ictnrdud. The
richest ami most prosiK-roii coiiu-
Smith. South woitli NuplUli.
In WcHxIslock, Illinois, on Wed-net-tin
v, .liine 17, KSIM. Mr. Sonccn
i Smith and Miss Sue H. Southworth.
i Miss Southworth is u sinter of our
fellow townmnnn. W. S. Sotithwortli;
ami Mr. Smith was formcrlv indue
of Multnomah county, and is one of cured two years njo, will lo of intur
the leading business men of Port- e?t to tho public and you, I will
laud. Oregon. stalo tlutt tho euro is krmnuont.
The contracting tmtties are well i I was almost crazv with imin in my
and lavorablv known in Canvou
City. They huvo the Ix-st wishe's of
nc-pmintrtnees in (rant county for
their happy future.
Fine line of ktmw ami nil
kinds of line httU nt Ovcrhntt'n.
Co to tho Hod Front Uilliar.l
Hall. CntlVnll Citv. for lino wiitiH.
I liituors nml ciunrs. '
.. . , . , , ,,
i-or t'ini nir r.mpire .viowers,
lteaHra nml Hinders, empiiro of
llines V Mason, Canyon City, Or.
Hememlier that the Prairie Cilv
Holler Mill will bo readv to fill all
orders for Holler Flour bv
Flour, Cnthain, Ikuley, (either
ground or w Imle) Chicken feisl, live,
I tnili, Slant, ,vc, Ac, nt
The Oregon Teachers' Association
will lie hehl at NewKiit, on Yaipii
na Hay, from Juno .'loth until July
."itl, inclusive.
Tho Pacific Hrewery's Celebraletl
Peer, the best in Kustern Oiegou, is
now kept constantly on tap at the
Hed Fn.nt Hillinrd" llnll.
Any one withiug lluckeve inouefs,
or I'lxtms for winie, eiin ohtnin them
by apply ing to I lines, I .Maten, Can
yon City, (live your ortlerK nt once
as fn'ight com m slow,
W. II. Kelly hit jlliit leceiltsl a
ktock of t xtrn linn Wall Paiier, ami is
pieptied to tin piinting and ipeiing
chtsiptir than any one. Work otiUidn
of tow ii solicitisl. (live him n call. '
Minor ltrolhers, dealers in general
merchandise, Main street, lleppner,
Oregon. Special (list omits to citsh
buyers. (ioods at Dalles prices.
Orders by mail promptly filled.
Scrofulous eruptions, such as
pimples, discoloration of the skin,
ess'cinllv on face, are caused by
impure lilood and will tlis:ipH'iir
rapidly bv using Pl'tindcr's Oregon
The price of sheep polls, hides,
etc , still keeps at a good figure.
Weipiote: Pelts, I I Jets. ; hides, Tcts.
Itegniiling wtsil the tuaiket is still
very inactive, although the product
is in gixsl condition ami in ipinuti
ties not equalled in any previous
year. Mountaineer.
When you send away for goods
remember the linn of Collin v Mo
I'lirlnnd at lleppner. They not on
ly guarantee you first class goods at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges on same to unv
stage ollico in (Irani or I Inrney
counties. See their new "nil" for
further particulars.
Tho Pendleton militia company
tried to disband tho other day, but
Col. Houghton declined lo allow
them to doll their uniforms and lay
down their muskets, lie instruct! d
the fomuiuudiiig olliccr, Lieut.
White to call a meeting for the
election of a captain, ami lo coiiim'1
attendance if necessary. There is
a good deal of "piny sohliei" almut
the militia, but some things are
really in earnest. Oregoniuii.
Clilklicn Unjoy
The pleasant llavor, gentle action
and southing ellects of Syrup of
Figs, when in need of a laxative and
if the father or mother he costive or
lotions the inosl gratifying results
follow' its use, so that it' is the host
family remedy known and every
family should huvo a bottlr.
The Coinlni; I. Inc.
Chicago, I'nion Pacific
North-Western Lino oilers the liest
accommodation to the traveling
public en route lo Chicago. Thioiigii
trains, l.iM time, magmliei nl sleep
ing car-, i h ' tliinii,' ,tr-. tulo
nisi shiiMM, iiilinm i li.or i.iis
and li.iiili!ti d iv t ii.ii le
ore J5 jjrxjjow
Until the method nnd n -lilts when
Sv rupof I'igs is taken j it isplcoMiut
and refreshing to tho ta-to nml nets
gentlyjet promptly fin the Kidneys,
Liver nnd Howe!, dcnn-ci tho t-ys
leiii eU'ectmilly, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
conmipntioii. Hvruit of I'igH in tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the huto nml ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
it action and truly liouclicinl in its
ellicts, its many excellent (pinlitiu
commend it to all. I' iforsuluiir
hOe anil 81 Iwttlcs ,p all loading
lOUIItltlfilll Ml tOMf, t, I
Almost Mlrkculou Rfiulti Attained by
the Subtle Acency of Electricity.
Tho Dalies, Or., Juno S, ISiH.
Dr. Dnrrin, Dour Sir.- Thinking
iwrliniw n revSi'U of II1V CAflO VOU
head and car accompanied with
deafness and ringing noisoa for
months prior to calling on you. also
insomnia and nervousness. Whoa
I visited you I had little e.vwclatioii
of ever returning home nlivc. Your
ICIectrie and Medical treatment has
made i: ew man 'if me. I formerly
lived u; .ifur, Oregon, but now at
Tlm Dalles. HHNSON McCOY.
Kidney Troutile and Sciatica Cured.
Long Creek, Orant Co, Or., Jumil'J.
Dear Dr. Dnrrin. I think 1 am
entirely well after vour Kleotrio and
homo treatment for kitlncv com-
' plaint ami sciatic rheumatism, at
i unv rate I feel no symptoms since.
j Yours roseetflllly, .1. W.lvKKNY.
Dr. Dnrrin treats all curable pri
vate, chronic and nervous discuses,
secret blood ami skin diseases, sorort
and swellings, nervous debility, im
potency and other weaknessos of
manhood. Ilo corrects tho secret
errors of youth anil their terrible ef
fects, loss of vitality, palpitation of
the heart, loss of memory, dossmil
eucy ami other troubles of mind and
btsly. Prevents consumption, heart
disease, softening of the brain and
spine, insanity and other alllictimiri
caused by the errors, excesses and
diseases of boys anil men, Ho re
stores lost vigor and manly jsnvorH,
n moves deformities and restores tho
organs of health. lie also euros
diseases cured by mercury and other
HiionoiiH drugs used in the improp
er treatment of private discuses.
Ollico 70 Washington St., Port
land, Or. Hours l A. M. toS P.M.
daily. ICxumiuntinn free and con
litlenlitil, tpiestiou blanks ami cir
culars sent gratis to any address;
patients cured ut home.
4th of July Kate.
As usual the I'uioii Pacific will
sell tickets from all stations to
neighboring cities at one fart1 for tilt)
round trip. Call on or write to mo
for particulars.
II. C. Howmis,
Agent I'nion Pacific System,
linker City, Oregon.
SA L A It Y, SJ'i l'l'.H WliKK.
Wanted; njrenlH lo sell our linn of Meithiiuilisti. No
nhlling. Alios salary will ho paid
lo "lio" iigciits
For fuitkt'i inforuiiiiiou, ntlilrsis
Ciiiiwno Oi:ni.iiai. Sci'fi.v Co.,
N.. 17.S West Vnn Huron St.,
( hicngo, 111.
Do v 1 1 want to Have fioin 'i to M)
conts nn ooiy Do!lnr you spend?
If so, wtito lor oar lllutiato;l Cut
nloguo, eontniuing ilhihtrntioiiH and
pricoH of everything in.iniifantiiied
in tho I'nitotl States, nt mnmifiicltii'.
orn' prices. 1(1, (()() illustrations, nil
lini'M represented. Cntnhn;uti iiiuiletl
fieo on iipplicutiou. AibltcHs,
Cuievini OiMaui Si i l l. v Co.,
No I7M West Vnn Union St.,
Chica'j, III,
. - -
The Police Oaiclle.
Is the only illustrated paper in
the world containing all tho Inletit i 1 1 1 1 ti 1 and ssirting news. No
Sahsiu Keeh'r, Harberor Club Hismi
can :i lit il 1 to be without it. It al
ways makes friciuls wherever it
Mailed to uuy address in tho
I'nitetl Stales, securely wrapped, lit
weeks for 1 1 IH).
Send I'iveceiils for sample copy.
Hit ii.viin K. I'ov,
Franklin Square, New York City.
Hy reeonimeiidatiniiH of grand
juries, and order of county coinmirt
siotiers' court, you will sen that I
am compelled to collect all It' I i I I'
ll mi 1 1 (axes. You will thereforo
save costs bv paying imnicdiatol v.
O. P.'Ciii:h.m', Sht-rill'.
Theostoffice) Store)
. A- I'd r risk
A line Mock of ficdi Caudles, Nuts,
ToUicco, Statmiieiy, F(c , Kte., just
rtrcivctl. I live me a call.
Canyon Cily, Or.
Al. ,1, Cluimln'i'.s, I'ropr.
Thin Hofctaiirunt tins nvently Is tm
oM'uis, nml will furnish MtsiU or IasI
gmg at liv ing nttes.
A kpi'oial feature alsjut this house
is that no Chinese cooks nro employed
ill tho kitchen. (live the Hejitnuiuiit
a tiial, M. J. (Jiiamiiuis,
I'ropi ietor,