Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 25, 1891, Image 1

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    . s
.77 (; Fa per for the Stock
man, Merchant and
The Paper for the. Farm,
the Workshop and thn
Volume XIII.
C.LYYO.Y CITV, CIl.'LYT COU.YTV. OliliUOX, TllUliSIll Y. .1 f.YF J',. ISOf.
.'Yam her 11.
I N DKIl Till':
.) lnd and 3rd.
Unettfl at t ho I'ntiric City race Intel;. Iliing out voir intlillu lioreos
for saddle purse.
Grand Ball on I he Evening of July 3rd.
The host of music, i oiionoed ami a oencral invilutioii i extended to
one and nil to pnrticiNitt) in this hall, (irantl .March hcedna at S::t()
blmrji. Ticking to Ik; obtained with or without nuppcr.
July 41
.Salute or 21 ynn at .Siim ite.
At 10 o'clock A. .M. every one in
for the following order of excrcifen:
1. .Music, hv (!lei) (.'lull.
Heading Deeluration of Iiidepcndoium hy W. IJ. I'Msk.
.Music hy (ileoCluh.
Oration hy ('. W. I'arrUh.
Music hy (!lee ( 'lull.
Noon Day. vw' your IkmIcuU full for lunch time.
' A FTK ft Not) X MX KIM J I S luS.
.Music hy fJleo ("lull.
I. O. O.'F. Oration hy T. Calvin Hyde.
.Music! hy Cleo Cliih. '
I'roeeeeion to form and ictiiri: to town for the following:
100 yard foot race (amateur. ) ."()
Wheel -harrow race. ."() vanl Sack
(boy.) lio.xino Match (.amateurs, i
Fireworks a I Jin
Good News for thr Farmers of (Irani County! ,
Frank Hum., ol Portland, Or, have established an agency at John i
Day, fprlho Mile of nil kind of Farm Miicluneiy and Agricultiifnl Iuiplu- j
intuitu Hllell lot W'lH'DIIM (!lirl!.IM(U KiliiI I'mlu I'luu'j llririiiuy I
........ , . n -.- , - r. -i i ( t
licupi rit, ltaku, etc., tile A whole cailoml t) Imi ilulivorod at once.
Kt'orythniK firHt-eluM ami ut the lowi-at jxuHiMr ralm. I'Iimso ;ivo ino
your tr.du. ). 1IAVKS, At.
Allow mo to wty that I h ill handle the White Hewing Machine m d
thn Knrhtilf Or;aii.
ST.'iTioxiiiiv. nook's, school srrrLiiis,
sil'i-:i: a1- ) n i:s.
finx-erien, Flour. Tohaeeon, Cigurri, and one hundred anil one other
varietieu, ohoup for cash, at
Tho OldSt(uid,0 anyon City.
Al SIMt i:s OF-
Fro rani:
requested to bo at I'lcnic ground,
yard foot race ladien. 7o yard
race. Catch the (irensod I'ig
Ancient Ortler I Mug I'glie.
is h of (he Day.
I In dieuing tin- cmue of llw,
glncinl period, Mr. Warren rplmni
t.t: l , . t. . . . f .i '
i nist-itrii ioc n-irouomic tiieorv. since i
it m'liiii wholly ntitennhle in view
of lln geological evidence llmt not
many thousand of year hnvc m
cd since tlir dt pnrturc of the See
f-li' t The nicnfuih-iiient of tin
gorge iiikI falls of St Alttliony. the
surw y of Ningnra Full, the' rate
of w ate cutting along the aide of
Lake Michigan, the rale of tilling
ot kettle holea, ntul tin- rate of dep
tuition in th Connecticut valley nt
Northampton, Mann, nit imlicnlo
! thnt tlio time since the gUcinl 'ritHl
i cannot exceed 1 C 1,1 H year. Mr.
i I'phnm cites evidence in rotf of
' the theory tliat the caure of the
' glacial jieritxl nun grunt uplift of
the glaciated area, prulaUily in con
jum lion with important chungc In
the eourfe nml volume of the warm
ocean currents.
An average t rop of hnv in the
I 'oiled Stalt h it eMtimatt't! at
Oti,'mti,,i,H ami Km valtn-1 '.7
Mnjr i-tulUr tlnU null It toj'i
iutllU u'.tIt lo all vtlicr tii.'iluiiit.
I'rrulUr In coiiibliullun, I tlvtll-n.
ami 'tratati u nt lntt.1.,-ii.
IIwhI'i .S4ti.irin:U i ii, id i
llir fullcuntlto talua c( t!.
U'lt known trmrillei
i of
Im.lur in r.i
iiiJ cronnii x
II -l t Mar
nittlllj It
tlm onlr incJI-
cine or
wtil tl can truly
'Oi..' lluiitlrvtl IK.irt
ysVyr rriti.r Urgrr i! t. ami ,,.II
S l'"Hluioa i;uul r. tulUaji II.Hfi.
IVcttlur l.i lit r-in!.. .lil mrrlti
llood'a 8arjian.:A af. .ro;-!ui, rrr l.iitt.
tttu unvn .wn. auJ liit , it t r nuir
Uie tills t.t "Tlio r'tlrit vlt
purlflrr ftcr .lite o vc t e J." f
boinc." tftrrn It now VV o,ofe
ol hartijatHU S 0 od In
Lowell. UtttS XSJu It ma.l.
Iltan of all S yuiltrr Mood
purifier.. yT' f VtcuMxt In lit
pliem me- S AN nil rrcotd f ial
attained iturh lopu-
iotj til BJ at. (ilt a nine,
X3 and t ..nflden. tmonc all cUiwi
S of pc'rlo ateadtiitljr.
IVi nut le ldu. id 1 1 Imjr t titer rrp.iratlon,
but In atiro It fti tlm I'.rulUr Metlleinx,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ftoMbfalldruulatt, l , .1 1 t..t 1. l r.i.Ju..l;
Vj (' I lltKtll A I tl , ,l,tti, rlj, ... wc:;, JIj,
IOO Docou Ono Dollar
'9 on)i)ei
1) (i (JVKItliol.T,
.t SKLS IlltOH.
l'lopiieloiN, W'vi
()ki'h.V Nifil
vm, Onlvtulon.
noKitr i.vmi einHtK.
I' k lvrfl Mi 4t l:urn, Orpif.ii,
iii, n lil
N'.illre llwrl) itf tint JIHIN l MKKII.
i.f lIlAfili'lt, t)i , u MImI nulird i( liitMti.Ni Ui
Hiftk. m4 .it. kl4 lMrl lal lUtm ihi tl, i.f ihr
K H' '' !' T 10 H 31 II . Iirl.iu
llirtWr i.d H4Ttvf at au'ti4, ttfYiii uit Ut,
thr ifih Uajr W Juiia. Iul
lla iiMMf IW ft4kH.lfitf wllttir ti pre tli
e.mplt lrrbFWti Nii.1 ruiliuitiu! ut M liit.
xU. J mum tiMlun, litiM lUnutun, J. I.. .twr,
MrllM Lata, all uf IUmui. Oiou.
J 11 III VIIM.-rtlX, Hrirlatvr
ni.stur i.m i'H or.
UnJ UWrtf l lltinn. or
W t). I!l
X'atk U hrr. Ii yt U.l M Mil t I A I II K It
INi: U h KII.H. ..f lUaiituu. iir.v..u, bu lllnl
MOlkr uf ttitrbll'Mi t luk (rfwrf un h.r l.rt
Uwl r'ni ua In. lot HU .t kli at KM it k
17 T It U il ' . ll'- Hrlun nJ IUf. lir n
IHItiu, IUrtrl. 'W r iW. Uw Vlk 41 . Juu,
fellf INmM thf fulllfiC itft. lu 0i
cvhiMj irilgUluii wiU r lmliit tt( wM Un.l.
U: Juwilt'tHi J I IHhim. UM HIUn,
lUMUi 1.0-M. ll t lIUlltMU
J II HI NTIfcLl"!, KiwKlrf
i HI , -v Ml;
fit , ,!00 CAUOUG
V j L ' - iJii-f -inc." rA
Hew the
1 una way lUU
C 1m ties tan.
KlialeJ the
All Aeapulco Hxcial pivr.-t ihi'de
ttilit of tlie I lata 'it arrival at that
jhtint. The Fnmeinl'lH and Itnta
left litiiiic tti(i't her, and o.i their
arrival nt Cnpe St. I.ue.m, the cap.
tain of the Kmn. rnliln, 0io i knowr.
ns Silvia iVilma, nml the net of thej
preniileiil of the ( lulinn nemtc, ami
formerly a lit utcnanl on the Mino
tur of the Kttrliidi iinvy. went on
Ivonrd the Itata nml took her to San
Dieeo, when- h.' got .'i.'i.lKiO in jttdtl
coin nml Niipplien. 'I'hp ltu then
tlennxtl imuth at the r.te of ten
kntvt, hul the Kxineraltln hatl itum.
tit .
I IK' I una i iiiititiuen to a point 1(H)
mile fotith or Mait4 intlln, Mt xtco.
whete life Kamrraltlu wn flghletl.
i tie. v uere at out to tiut CO.ll oil
l.onrtl the ICumer.tltla in a Iwrt
purehnitetl nt San Mini hy the
INmeraltla, when the r-ixnal tif the
pnmucr having Utu Hightetl wan
diMiLived hv a Ktrnm httiiich thicttd
att a ItMikotit. The (latit ituiiiediate
ly put Het at the top of Iter KM'etl.
The purtuter wan the I'nileil State
cruifer Clmrlfflnti, ami ait eoou a
the Kmncrnldn lu.d hointed the
launch nl onnl he prepared lo tiieel
the ( 'harlenton. The meeting took
place oil' the Imr.Ktr of Ac.itmlco ut
i '! o'clock in the morning, nnd when
i lie' Kemeraldtt'" m atch light fell
j upon tho I'harlctiton, the latter'n
mm 1 eat to qcar'crit nnd every
j man went to the gtiiut. The ICh-
I ralthi wait altto prepared, nml
Captain I'alma tohl the torreiK)nd
,tot that hnd a pUtol nhot U-eu II ret I
tin either nide it would have I teen
I the hignal for an iimlnnt nntnet
inent. The Charle!to:i eventually
.tleamctl into harlntr ui:hout ex
changing a.ilutiM, ami the ICfiner
alda folloHt tl. The t 'h.irleiiton sent
a Iwirge with nn illictr"to pay n
complimentary vicit. hut hewn not
allotted to I man I the Kitmeralda.
The Clin i lcfttoii pro. tvilc.l noulh
ttartl after coaling. The lCttmernhla
hail made arraugtuv-uU with the
I'acilic Mail Steamship Company
to Iniy IttO touM of coal, hut the
Mexican government refused to ier
mil them to loutl it, even After il
had I teen paid for. It in thought
I'almn threatened to light if il wan
not furninhftl. ami anchored the
Ktiiierahhi with her gutm trained
I on i lie loivn. Alter reptnteti pro-
tee In, the government at the City of
, Mexico (tent an order to furiiixh the
i vcmel with Ihencedetl While
the KtMiieiuldn wuh awaiting coal,
her gun were nlwav ready nml
In r tlcck Htrewn with aml in t x
M'ctatitn of n ltaltlc l'ulmn i re
Hirtctl a irnyiug the eongretmional
parly hwt M.VKI men in the rcvolu
1 1. m, m hiie llulmaceila could count
In- Icihhch nt 10.IXK), ami thnt the
insurgent needed arniH nml am
iiiuiiitiim more than anything ele.
If the Columhia e.xhihition i
. ' . .1 to viitor on Sunday, very
in my who would others ine lie Imjih'
liti. .1 will he tleharretl the privilege
( i x.iminiiig the work tif art, eien
tiii' achicvetucntH, ami ndvnnce
tni nt in nn chaiiHin. The l'uritan
irtl oliKerVAiice of the Chrintian
S.ilihath i not a optilar, even
among the orthodox, a it wit dur
ing a former jtcriod in church hi
tory, ami amiiciueut ami recreation
i not coiiMideretl a violation of tl
Handily. The hoiict wage-cart er,
who ilcvotr hix dav to earning
hreatl for hi family, should he ht
mittetl on hi tlay of recreation lo
u.ilk through the art gallery or
machinery hall, nnd In-the rtcipieiit
of Hiich culture ami information n
these vtill afford. There will 1e
hundretl of thotitami of tht'HC in
( hicngo during the time the world'
fair i Uing held, and th e are en
titled (o Mome coiisiili ratiou from
the management. 1'ntler our con
titutiou, which guaiaiilec fnctlom
of religion worship, il cannot lie
cxitcctcd that those Hhoolteive the
lirt tlay of tho week ohtitlhl receive
tln full protection of law ami Ihone
who consider the seventh the holy
day none whatever. .Mouiitriiiecr.
What d
think of a
ln-st to tlie
ri. h'
wlio is
the nngtd
tloing hi
Acron tUo !)etp, to tho Far Weil,
On ,c,tt und at igi'-eimrltej, lltit
inter't st.inu. It liutrrt I. r urlc.l u lliouwit limn In the iiuW.I.i niedlea of tlio
Iravellti publlo. Itdt'rlfei tlll.itvd, Urafk
IUttatir u IN Inirlful iiroci lies &ud in
ermUe fUtor, couuleraelt Ilia rnlcUt
c3eclltilHHi tlin ituniai'li.ifli.vl i.r lndlettlblo
fissl, rt'iuodlfi rraniii, I." .rilmrtt unit wltvl
Mmhi tlm i h It it a tin" drfrtitatiint
littUrial tlltiirtlrn, nu titi. t .Mts uf ft
rwwlte liat. .old und il nni. iltnirt kk
li,til,trlie. ulid It itn In. I'mi.arauli euftt for
WltKl Mid tilll-.ili - I Itn fallnuo of
Irui.l ntlrii Irllt lit.'-t; ittiuit III.
taltdt and 0utitralec-tit, .h-ertooually Iw Mica
till I'll flit H In Jr,iurillr hte IV moot In
(rlilv lielllt, aimdieiitliif In J vtlMta ffOlil
I rat el, will. if (,twn.ld tuitlt lltv luttun, tiafa'r
I IllaJ lu lui Ibalr innri ttwtnatl.
A Wlkl Seliftrw,
TIhwc ulio ntlvtie ite the iinrchafo
nn.! ,r lion, hy ., ,,,,,1 p.v
erniiit iit, of r.iilro.idt,,
telegrnph and telephone lim it in-iy
vrell liiiixc nt th- mniMiitmlc of the
Mil Iertaki Tw p-oiertv. it o't-
liiliml nt nil. iiiiixt Uthtained l.y
ptireliiixe. An Senator Carlisle 8a id
the ullinr ..,.1... ... I ....
H. m the ple mun Wf,tlrt,i
ami to tlo th:.t thev intntt lav i! ni.
I he rttiirondit. lt leifr.mli
I .
ami telephone line, and
of the I titled Staten represent an
invenlwl rnpitnl of aU.ul ten thorn
nml million dollnrn. Four thouit
nml million- in Umdcd imlehtetlmit
nml mtiftl U pud." The to'nl in-tcn-ttl
hearing deht t.f the Fnitttl
Ht-iten in the ISU7. three yearn
rtfter the Kilireiofi of the reliell
I w.m twi thon.-aitd two hundred nml
j fttrty-t-ight millions. The ptirehase
! Ol lliede lite mentis it ..,.! .t.d.t
nlnit Hixtcrn lime greater than at
present nmt nenrly four ami one
half time greater titan thnt ofJvtT.
Is it pt)ihle thnt the nation w.uiltl
ever consent to tax itself to pay this
in.lcl.tetlness Ami if not the pur
chiiHt of thcttc lines in n craiy tlreiiiit
of senseless lunacy. The men who
talk of this nurch'aje nre the men
alove all other wl,o complain of
high Inxe. Can they sc ioiisly ami
intelligently menu to ndopt n meas
ure Hint ttottll ineuiHe taxation,
for the purehate money only, hy
more than four hundred' per cent'.'
Hut this i not nil. A Mr. Cnr
lisle say: "After you hav got
these )rohrlie are you rendy to
tax yourselve to tipemle llleiu?
For the government never yel sue
eei tletl in iloing huxiues nt a prtilit..
Then again this plan would perhup.
mid one million tttu hum I red tlioti
nml men nml women to the roll of
government t inployc. How would
you ever uceeed in turning out of
jsmer ait inlmitiistralion tiith such
resource at it command? The
more corrupt it wn the more dilli-
cult it must U to displace it."
It I easy to ce that the result of
suelt u measure would le a slavery
ten fold orsc than anv the country
lilt ever conceivttl of, Dalle
l.aoliii; a Mountain I. Ion.
A mountain lion wn recently
captured hy lieorge ami I'ri Hutch
kiss, of Dallas, Colo. Tln v have
killed ten since New Year' day,
out itercaitcr will try to catch litem
alive. They are co.vhoy nml arc
ritliug most of the time, which tie
count for their seeing o many.
Thoy have hail several calve killed
hy lion during the winter nml have
th terinine.1 to rid their range of
thetti if posifh. The lions are tun
Up 11 tlee hy II small fliepht nl ting,
which they always lake along The
lion i very cowiirtlly, hut will make
n hard light if cornered, When
once in n tree it is very e.ty to hring
Hit in down with n gun. The one
captured alive was treed hy the dog,
nml the hunter rode up close to the
tree ami In gun throwing nt it with
their liiKiio. Out1 HtKin succeeded
in catching it around the neck ami
the other caught il hy tl.u fore leg.
They pulled it down from the tree,
dismounted and tied each of the
rojte to n tree. Another rop wn
thrown around it neck ami ulrcU li
ed so tight that it could not inoe
In any tlir. ction. Then n strong
collar was fastened around it neck
nnd (mo chain fastened to the col
lar, The row were taken oil anil
the lion allowed to rise. Il was mi,
worried hy thi time thnt they were
uhle to holt) it without the help of
their horse. They mounted each
one holding a chain, and rule into
town with the lion between them
The new soon spread ami men,
Women ami children rushed out to
nee (he Kighl. Thoy ciwdcd
around; there watt no danger, lite
chains In Id the lion.
A pemoo must he along toward
the sunset of life to lemeillher when
(jlieeti Vleloiia ascended the throne
at eighteen year of age. In a
month or so she will hegin Her ilfly
llflli year. Shu hit p:ted her
evenly second-year. Her oldest
sou i fifty year old, and ut lime
doc liol feel Well. It I prohttllle
that the parlies who have allowed
him to owe them two or three mil
lions nre imputieiil for him to In
come king, a he then won hi lie
nhltt lo pay hi deht. 1 1 is u
chance that liny ever gel their
money in that way.
Aitnvnu ( I'arr.illton, tin , while
etitt'.'ljf lite otlu rl;u. f. .1111.1 S'liai
tiling uti.';Hvt,-il l.i It sTfi.'tly mui.hI
iiece t.f Wtiutl. Sic tv'n.', inttliijf when
three Htrv trtrj i Juini--.! out. lie J'ro
ivctltHl to i'ui:i!iir llie v. isl, tint loutul
no dtway pluee, m-' -mt uear the rv4
tleuev ol thr fi..
I Inn it ever occurred lo you Hi. (
' i'"'1 might lrtlltahlv int r aw o.r
.--nt vol,,!,, of ..,.mc, hy ,loiK
ft htlle more hcwiWht ndc iIimiik
with thitlea of rent hiiiK theeiuto -
im-r? Take cttlne niievinl hrnnd t r
innke of notln nhieh you hon -ullv
, '"'''eve ptjem'(t mt nt, nml pith t
, '' Hli n inotiernle amount ol lv
1 I iiti If .!.,. i.i.l.. i.....l- ,...
' will . lo .i; ti in
Inc Jorm or inerenwim itnleit. I lieite
I . . . . . . .
ntrii'riuMit nrv proven oy ineexjHTi
eneeof hufinemt houActi wIhum nnmcM !
are familiar from one end of the '
country to the other. j
The firmer Uttine nil vine turn
ing the hen into the orchard if you
wish ft uit, ami thev will do miteh
to keep il front 'insect. ltigltt;
whatever lien tuny lack n rtetg
hint there i certainly nodr.twlH' k
from them n insectivorous hirtt.
lieeently a large n mount of l'lti'
n Iclphiit cnpitnl hit 1 eon Ion net 1
on pro-rty in Taconia nt low rate
of interest.
Tut: cotton crop of Alnlmntn l vnlttetl
lit f M.tkU.
A Mii.-rt train tif seventy. II ve cant of r In Havnunolt, tlit., r-v.-utl(v.
It 1 1 r.-tortvtt that whit.' nenrunU un
rtt;i.llv repluclnrr coloml help ill tho
t tt.-tt t of iithwehteni UVorifi.i.
t'.M iiivtirox c rtiuly, tti'.trrla, pr-
iltuvu tiiiint;lly ai.t)J3 lmU'.t . t cotUut. 1
c.ort.'i alsutt ti,.Ovi,lHK). Thi i It one of !
tin- lio'Kesloottoti-pruilui'itiif cottntlvHt In
tltc i.Utte.
Timni; nit two cotuitle in (Jtsiryi
th.;t Imvf nut n lawyer. They ni' li h
el . utitl t'ltiirlt.m. The return for Isyo
di.iw further that Clutrlt.m hit', tn.titli.-c
:i tl.t.' our n ticntlst.
Tut: ncjrroctt of Terrell emity. (lit., uletulil.v liiereitsin In pro-.s rit y nml
r.citilritw real estate, for ttltl. li tltey
lta. un tvtptH'itil likinif. They own
i.-m..' of the ticht farm Imtdi. hi tho
tlnv., .if Alattntno. lint. arrntttretl
with lite .t.ite eot.imlssliiner nf n.rHctit
tiuv :.t procure fur hint tree from all
the n.,.itti -liable b.tltlelU-ltlnof Vinrlula,
to U tr.tnnpltiuteil to tlm itapllol
irr.)uiul t.t Miiiiltfwim-ry.
In heveral ensteni cities barlior hlni(t
'its popen all nljjltt, ami tvht-rt there In
no Stin.iay law they keep open the ye..
Tin: latveht liartt In the t'tiitetl Stale
I . ;i!Mit t.i U" ereeUtl near Ia'xIiijUiii,
Kv 1 1 will U one llnmsnittl feel Imi-f
an. I one littiiilrvil fett wide.
t M.ii'oitM v':i(folil
i.lntveil nil other tutucm) ir.sltt; timt i
in t!t:tt i.t.ite tit it It in rath.-r MirprKi
t.. le ini that since lT J the yUM t
'jilt -'. dlver hint renrhetl a total vitlu.'
-;j HM.tAjtj.
.Mt years niro imtne earvlewt map
u tl.iT m-eUletitally iluiiurtd tedilut
i tv. I'ol , lo llolilcti t'ity on his limp.
'I he error watt tvltlely i opi -.1 into i i
i. laps, ninl ti thi-, tiny one seet. on miuh
i f Ui,-Is -t, t!t. n.iitt nf toit.liti
lilv In. Usui of Dublin I lit.
Tin: one-hour venlitt of n .M.tine
ettttrt III twit'. Is-lii'Veil to Ih the short, t.t
i. itteiuv 1 1 imprisonment in u trltnljial
case In I'tis country, was pri-ally iinilcr
tl' !i.- l.y an niiirlltih jit-Urt who S4-H-
teiuvil ; v.'oiii.m to five nilnutet la j.tll
for hat lie; ctnrrietl a man tvlllinrt oh
l:ilniti;f it tllvi.ree from ,i foi'iii. i' bit. -bantl.
Tilt . stntnln itott u the i.lioiti' t
.-J lilenee oil rvcttnl.
'I'm tit, I., a t nrloti frt-uli of nature to '
Is-'it uliiii)f Uie rotel l.'ii.llnt' j
tK a to t'oi hraiivllle, I'a Two 1
si.4il stn .un.-, of witter meet t.t i I'M! "les on iilino.t level roe 'l. e
I iif :t heat V full ia re.'tt l-lit ' t
isiltit. The water of both stream., t e d
but neither l.i impt-ili-tl lit iU . :
Tit. y er.M . liltc two roatln Mint s
in their re.pis-tlve Is-tlt..
A::l" t!-lt-:ileKtt jiv:. ,t . li !r
ha. U-eii fotintl that will pent tr.tU- i. lo '
bt It. r Hi in th. ol.l oil I.tmp.
Wlllll i . one of the Int'-st l't,ti
lloiiN or i'Im ovi ri-. It will not l i i.
soft mulcr the i-nu'a rays ia any .
nml l i s-. ti-il 1 1 ln iihett I ii' tv I .
eulUtlijf the tleeli M-aiutiof tin" y. lit-
Tilt: lippllcation tif the llil-m o,., t.
nim liilie-sliop prm-tiee, for the .u
of proving whether rf ace- nr.- trn.., t-
iroiioinifeil by exiierts as U-i:i t't. I. '
tin th si for obtaliiiiifx ut u... i t' i ( .
s-.l;-re tel.
A s, i.- tl. vie for ki:i tlliif nt i.en bet.
M. i ..t-. i ev fully U- l. il. With it 1 1 1
ft.l.te, , tnethiii;,' lilte It tllttfrie boil 'rn.
I M, t . fiol i i.K Iji Itvelve feet lon f t .a
Is- ttiiMwn oil a will ut nl 'ltt. and i i n!e
so e n etl. tiotr. that they may be eu! il y
reatl a mile front the ship tlKplavi tt
tin in.
A lUKWTl. of mw ntg Iron, tvehrbii:."
nlxint live isiumls. is worth live i. nt
il wottltl make about i.ixty t.tltl !. nil
bliules, worth oonvertc.l lot i i,t s 1
wutch-spriiigK, Utt-ni w nil.l be tt'ite'.
llU.Wvior ltie- lilll.i tsill. wltl 'i, ..(
the rut.- of ui.Ti a tloaen, woahl is
vuluetl at H0,o;o..1.
Tuk followinir plan U atlopUnl In tlte
Paris laboratory for Icftliug UutmnKt
alive tlttrubility of ptivltuf stornn, A
Hum pie of tlie nx'k 1 placiHl tttn a bor
laouul plaUt mlaUutr arouiui a vartk-. 1
aU. aiul preae.l atfaittht It by suital.l.
euntrivamfs. 'llu- wear U tlten ei.i .
poreti wlvli that of a ftUtmlarU mut. t ! i
umWr Utt tww nautili, m...
I . i
t-ir lnnJ.
j , in-e.Mt ii fnnii .aiultmr mj-i Uw
, c-.m. lu.l.m of n trentv lth tit nrnml-
i.-nt .hlN lty wtilelt lite little r Mgr? to
at Vim Is ntttrlallv nre
Am mwoclntwn lin inn
"ft .S'SiT
.1. imikI..iii tKnf It la ...u. .it tli.t.iiriat rati
' -
Ully K-rowitiK elllett In the worhl.
tivviitiMi nt Mimte Citrlo still llrmr-
' I ties. The cnpitnl attwlc of it jpvot
j -1 : liottw is l llllllillll of itollio-a, MtMl
, I he stoekhoUlerH liave Just ivotivttl a
I tilt id. ml of thirty-two pereetit. for thfl
j pnt yenr.
j A ccmof epltleinle linn ttpiHprsl
ntnotitr the imllves of I !rlimtlnntl, If
nlnrtnetl by any stnUIon nole, kiwIi an a
nl.Utleor sit. in t, the liittlttv. tt ill stafl
tioleiilly. t-ivtitrnct their frnturei ami
( tlfT. n their llntlm, Jump altotit mat
; t.nlU like ilervllie.
I A sKXtt.vriiiN tin Ismmi etitifcsl In Urn
(it-rmitn foreign olllec by a suit brtmghl
by n broker nnnietl .Intsittwiliii nirtnt
a iitrri.t'r nnnutl .s filer n for 9.0UQ
1 1 rl...' tsimitilknioit fur securing .N'euetni
.; pot itlotl in lltt nrvlee. Xetlern hits
b -en tllillilsstsl tin itecoitul of tlie senll
tlttl. I . to nnny evsrliiifnU hare menv
l,v Iss-.t ntntlc with sinitll li-ootrtotltrett
for t twin heavy Unit mi cnnaU. In however. o( attaching the mp' 1,1
IV locomotive It ia ntuichetl to a lienvv
U lag ear, which 1 tlnttt n by tbu Iikh
motive. Tho plmt in will to Im aaUafae
tery. Tue. HlntlotM am alsntt to ittlopt a
l.i-it. rn notion hi fnriiiliiir a "Itlittlott
tottrists party" for visitlitif Kurope,
At.i rieu, t Ulna, Japan ami lite sUttes.
'Tlie nolili-tnt-ii anil Keiilleineii"
w !io are Itivltetl lo Join the parly aiv
;,.s.titvit Dial Ihey will bo itbl U travel
it hint t violntloii of t-uste rule.
.1i an hail a plethurn of epitlentt-i
iltirlntr ltKl. In Hue i nta rvitcliei! It, r
res In l Vlminry. Clmlern folltitv. .1
t..ih over tlcallui. Hyueitt 't.v
. il.t a.: iHinmiiti, Willi ..'t;i
iie..tharalloof Is.Ulporeetit. Typholit
lev, r iKt-wrrctl tW,7t lime. t itit 6,:!i
(It'ittliH. ua.An cr cent.
r.r.tcsic U lo havo an liiUrnalloiinl
eswltlon In the summer of 11 for the
itpimruttih ami iiu'lhtsl f Out Itisl
tV..i.'t nKiftitm, the moot Itnprotvl
me nn. of fecillnir mill elolhiiiar i .tlilier. ,
hy.-fieite, nml Kiptilur eooUini,'. U will
Is-in the t'rvt.tal palats-. n strtieltire ..f
alsiut tttlee the si of MmlUoit Utmrt
Mn. l)Erf.AT -"What U that horn.,
sinelir Mr. IkiKlnt "I jmlfre from the
ot!. ,-tVttt U n nut' of lhu islurktin oil
I'n ii.Vtirn 'V.imluelttr, why uWl
t ii .--ill out lb" stations plainer.'' l'o:i
In i .r "rtnv. tblti nittl ilon'l bltv 1 1.-
," . , . i '. ltl..ili.l! !Hl'"
I. 'int. L,i;iii -"Mamma, whitt'i .
i. :-..tfj ? ' Mm-.iiuii "A x.t'!ioii '.
I. 'tt't. i . i. it imaj'iiiury plnee of imp
v. n. i. - Ite itiii no- ret.ulinK next wtei.
I'll Imi 1.1 i Kill themetliclue I it
uf In, .!i;itl enusc liiln t i rest
Mt . U t.l.l.-t'VV.'I'll'. (Mltllt
to. I.-. . llt' tii.slieul slmleiit'. .
.it- ttlt'ir il Itilti "
" I'sns i . regular iti;rlttnia"e tventht r."
. it I .lor.-'-.i yest.r.luy. "(low tit j.m
t.t-, I.. ilt..t mil ,'" ti .k.-.l (jiionua ' U ln ,
.1' . eipitiie iiis'lial," ttnstvi-retl J.iriiin
1. ittt l: l:or.r I .tlfll.
r...i.t. "I uiitleint.iml thai lite Imly
next t i you !' it line uim.lclnii." Hinl.le
-"" Wlnltl.' " I'ltey wiy she eotit-tj-v"
lllnUli--"lirent Ciistiir, no! SIm
, i.vmiipiM-everlKitly lit the tint."
A .s.ii, n irot'.i DutiKbter. tihl irenile
utt'i nt h":nl of htitirs "Sally, uliA It
tine- to jro I lietir' Httlly -"Ye, fa
tlt.; ilou't put It oir another uil.i
tit Your heal tb, you know, I notr.f
In 1 "
Ci ust i --"Are you eulllnir Um senna
ti ni nrti. les out of that puper befor.
tnkinir it borne to your wife unit ihtutfh
t rs'.'" llunlis (liauillluir the .heursl:
"o, I'm cutting out the millluery ul
tertlseineuta." Ittioax "Antl I saw thert a eurloii i
nlf.tlr ll. nily, J can t iltntcrlt it. It
b.iiltt't the llkenetut of anylhlna that i .
In lieuven above, or that is in the out ;li
Is in ii tli, tjr Utat l In the water mulcr
the etirth." J'tagiT- -"nil, I ec. It watt
n pil.-e eiip wot, inaome yacht race."
An mi the earlbtuakf at taenia. Utcy
ilwiut. rretl an oltt woman, uuliartneti.
"11.1 bli'io. you!" she eritsil, at. lle-y
hi I: il her out; "but for pity' snlte,"
idle tyjilisl, iuilM-tUOMsly, "dig a Utile
ili-.-js-r ami wtve my- -" "yhat! Is
lb. re itiiyoue else nlive Iiere?"' they In
iitin tl, anxiously. "Xly hen!'- ctmtinuetl
tin old ttauie.
A rot u wiKOKii tluek waa linU-htHl a
j.hort time n(fo nt liar llurlstr, Me.
A SiniKvaeonr (Ln.i Uvtof tlt Ulooil-r.-.l
t.-irU'ty wciirbs forty-nix jsiuntia. It
trri w on silver l.nke soil.
A n.owixo well from which a WrtinT
current of uolil air oont tanUy iruhlici. .
the laU'i.teurionlty near lim-nalrarir. La.
A Kixinri (S. Y.) lunliaa an emr
i.'.e!ie round, t i UKslie long o.l
t. -lrbii,r i onnooa. which he claim,
w as by a ben whk-h lie owiu..
An i Ktrsiitsllnariiy taiyc Hilar bear,
t!t fur t.f which is. a bright ilk eoljl .
In I- "t . apturetl In northern Hlbcrl i
'I l.e : nimal will be unt as a itrt-aeut to
tl nr.
''' ' '.tl.ti.tu (i in.) Consiilatttio ho.t
t. t i...,. tn publish ihU IUm.
"t'.:,.t t lu ll, t.f Atncrieu. aya ht
he- . im-iiio lit W iranlcit tucasuriii"
" tm lii t ticruMt and wKh a Uji Mihllt
i.i .1 . tnim; ihitl the .nall uoytt ollwb n
A ..I iuuU'i. will have U lie uust Ij
pull It up.'