Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 18, 1891, Image 2

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J ana. IS. J SOL
Tho 1'rufilty toriati geiii'rnl assem
bly will moot in Cortland next
year. This will bring to our state
men and womun from nil parts of
the Union.
l'or (he past monlli iniiny of the
ilne.!:. raisers who wen- driven otf
tliu Cliurokee strip by the fiovcrii- j
maul liave returned I heir sloek to j
thoir former pastilles, ami no loss i
tluui Uo.OOfl head of enltle are now J
rnzing on inrnuiucii mini.
Trouble in ox-ieclcd.
(tunnrnl Vea.ey, ooiiiiiiiunler in
chief of the (i. A. U., ha iwuicd
ollicial general orders calling iikii
all (Irninl Army comrades in all
parts of the Pnitcd State, to eon
tribute to tbo SHOO.OOO fiiml re
quired to erect the National 0. A.
I!. Memorial Hall at Decatur, ill.,
the birthplace of the organization.
Tim I'ntUli Him AlfrtMil.
Wlion utir m1 Hi- i.thli mini i ul
wnyh a wmtijiteit'nii II fitr- In a rlllii;rv.
Ilo wonro a tall Imt if miliintl uUIn;
ItltnilHl III lieuU llUIItf alUIWIIlldl liv
i Ktritii'n a few hiiiiiII kiHclnifn of IiU
wares, ami r.Iunif annuel Ills MmuMf r .
tiro little pwvpN of i-liarniit, Into wlilali
hit ktiu'k bliil- rrntlicr. .Metal rltitr.
tn wliloli m.vnU'riou llttlo isatii)((n uri'
nttnt'liml, cltiuli mul elntu,' n lie walk,
wrfllitf. lotfi'tlivr with it IIImtt! mipjily
of Inm Ik'IU fimtriml to lih (ktimiii, to
aninrtiiiec the .Vifuiijfu'. jirt-vrio'; nml,
at If lit ImxIv illil not offer n MiMi'li-nt
surfacf tmlUplajr nil hlii nmKlclil outfit,
lie carries, stuiijf over hi, left hIkmiIiKt
In n won-ii XH-Irt. a lotul of wonder
uorUlii material. A ih-cplitUi n fdUli
man'n naek iIIwIimc n rtirlmM umvirt
merit uf preventive can W clam nml
reuther. llxlilKiur, nnlcloiK? Ikji-im.
lxtKinl twtli. tallniuil lia!nif nunkes.
Hint kUmii', Imli-a of the eli-iilinnl'i tnil. huhipa, tiir.-r.iit .(. irv.l
chhlk. eccentric .lin.-il nmu, rariirui
hertei. ele. 'Iltere urv wlH-liit rti.iti't
1 for IiU carrying tlieae wild htm If he
I left them In his village Hiii One miff'.'
. i.teal tlu'in: nml, uifnln, prnlilis nn he '
! Is he mm ilmliiltr at n momi-nfk
notice to HiilTi'riiix liiiiimnlty miiuo
lU'ill-jinnif tiilxlinv -Crnliiry.
which wait
The lirat ipiarlx
ernshcd for told in
lti(.i.i U'nu U'nrL'ml ill ( Imas. vnlhn' '
'" '"" J
California, in lS.'O. l-'or forty
one yearn have the stamp been !
KMiuiiingon ipiart. in that vicinity.
ami bxhiy the qnarlz inlereln
down there i moie hopeful ami
pays better thaueer. This hIiowh
that a iiocxl oiiail. mini) is lhe
most permanent ami enduring of
prOHirty. And !rant eounly has
promise of lots of Ihein.
Tim stiiiy ii going l'Ml iouimIx;
that during' a nveiil lite in Merlin,;
the water giving oul, the beer vain !
and barielH of a large biewery weie j
tapped by the Hi emeu and the con
tenth uted In etiuguiih thellumet-.
The story is by some legardcd with
incredulity. It i pi obnfih enough
however. .Some ynr ago, when
the old church at the c Minion
of San .lone burned, the immeiiNe
caskH in the old ulwdu winei) were
oened and the wine lined to put
the lire out.
.. T. Win. rr, Vjr.
All olil iMililnjro of till Iftti A. T.
Hlrrtiirt, tlio nillllo.mlr," lrj iiU inor
cliiuit of New York, t 'II nn linttuiw.
M'liii'li tiliuMi, ti, uicitn wimi'tlm.vt rui
ployml ty Hint tf.'i!t!iiinii for i-ufur. iiiK
llu- rult-M of IiU Hlor,'. Tlii'iv ivmn nili
t, tli.- i-iTitt thut no triuiii rinpl'iji-.!
In the Itullilliifr nhotilil rarry iimtclic
,, ,i miliar n.'iialt.r f illititil'Miil, (inn mi'ii-
inn liii, Mr Ki.-rt vh iMiwIuir tlioiivti
Hip utori' on IiU way Imnif. lie mlili'iilv
tnriiiMl to a numlMrof rt'Tbt wlio mit
"tiiniliiiK ni'iir tin- ilixirnml naknl: "('nil
any of you nttlf.i inonll.'i n mntt'li?"
No one minu'i-i'il for a immiiMit. till ou
of Hi iii.mi. r.,iiiUil liy iimrli'.,y.
tlilnkliiK t!t .t III . i'iiii'oy,'r woolil not
tn'ie ailv.iiila f.' uf lilin. r.'illitl: "(Vr
tiilnly, lr, ln r' Ih on.-." "Vou niv il ..
rlmnf'"'." w-1 ' u'l rr.tolon . rjup.iii u,
"do t i llu il .k mi I M uhut It ilu.i
yon " Ami wltli u "rfit t i-vmilajf, "Mr.
i,'ivari mvi.,i on to lil inrrlii)'"
W.4'.llll'flOII I'o.t.
Tins nicaiK'Kt man In date li Ju (
U'l-n wot to llif .lollct ulliliM.
In. in ( lil.nio' III" iiHiiif t Cliurtf i
I ,'rkini nml III orliiu' irMil lar. v
for Vli" H'cft of liUiWwl lifrtJei"''
liiK, linMutliiiir a pin ami calf ImlUioi 1
in !i li.' t '. (''" I'-"' ctriH-i.
I i 'ii lj i f I '...I . i . I i I t I l.i
..f ii . i-.i...- I.. i . I. 1 .-It
ill' aii.i it t;i .i .i.i f, i.i..:..
i.l tti li.l.f r i.ll.ii.ilil ' I .r ii.M.1
uSll.'ll till! 111. .1.1 .'. I.I . ,)..!
ImvIii" Ir'.'Ii (tut i..i '-i It ... ',. t i .1 ll
-iik-.) t'ifoii.f'i t.i 1 1 1 1
' li. ilw I i.ll.J )illr UmI Ottwv il I.i IIi.hJ'. ,
.1141, 111 llf.Wl
N. Ilc ! itttii IImI Ih mu4M i. UW
! Ad "I (mlru, ,4.K,il Ut) IHh, t".tt ID
I ha ,i it.- th ilvil.iilntl l.f ifcv Mlntinr
I lloKlliw ..f I'llllwl Mllo," TW l'ull.'IMl
I llli.lnit eomiif. r,.r'HIIi ..wn;.l
' iiii.Ur II 'J (lfrwi. eUlnili, Um. Mi-
1 li try (.' iiMnlHinlii li.uru Minr, oln, Irt4, r
' n.iu.ri iUi"li, irlH( tjot.l jM.I llir. Ilr.
: llii lii.l In i. u!-nli lli.lcici.
(nii.lro( (iinui mmI U1k af Dlwi. M'lr
I., lor In ntl lin.l h, IImi Kli.l.l ual lioltMllli
imI. aifi in iim, uuii. ih iiiri o.nwui,
lru AM III Ui .)' ! IH' UtnUltl 111 Ol l
II,. I, ul klMlt llli)r-l 111 ! I.I Uf.tal I.VU.I
ilttoe ( i..IUi wm r, l.lil. frrkl Uuln '
irii., ttcrrlUr llir UiiiiHUrlt. rl t,!1!!! lit Mill
cUim m. II." KMifMi, ullli uanrilc varUlUi., jI
ltlir.. If. lillHUlr I'aI. Miaul. .i ml
IWnlm.lHir l iiurVr.l it Cm. M hU I "ui.
It. I I.H.i llwtKr S tl' lr M 1X1 II. I" Mr Sa
II.MMM Jl ilr ! II lu Kit, .Sii. .
1 ncr n, ni( .Ini " Mm i in m, Nn 1toM
H Nil tU'try C. In II. 11 Hl Nil S -l,n- .V.
Ul) Mr ll I5IK II I.. Ma .V" li THrbw V II iW.
tl IM0II. ! Ma Nt. i 1n.v.S tJ.rC U ll
II. In 'Ui of W(lmili, r.iuKIMlN JOTS "I" i
In Toaiwhlli lilni- vl X-'Ulli. lli.K TMHJ llti-CM).
ftil v !hK.iiuii Tmhi ll.i.i-lill.nJ l
l -a.l CNII "W lnilili anil iai.(r
Tlia ,a4 Xll.lna llm brttht ul Ir.iii.l In t ta ill
. ...i .il.; i .it I n.v ul Um liiuvd i lu. ,l i anUH ill, li, ll.r
Willi the lottery Iiiihiiichh, in licing i'.h,.,i, .,i aui. in.ui u.. i.i.mrj ,.,,. i Ilium In- ll... iii.l.illlii.i " '"" """ "i J lllU l trll., 1,-u I
wori.cii 111)4111 o tne Kiaioiuce h,,.i j....i .i,. n,r i. i ...,i.,i
Irirvwim, iim a, ran im nnvnaim ir.ui irrwni
i),alum.iili. Ihl claim lif llm Mrlniu'
I ,H,ai4lillnl Mllillltf I'lallw, l.a1 Illil Mlltillti aur
la. kiuiiihI kIi..w h iiii llir ulll. lat lal 4iIimI In n
h tlli tin iimir-wl kifiian l.itiiun win Idr Din
Inn I'lalm. Ibc aalil CuiM.IUiat.l liiarK Mlnllig
( 1,1111 Wilt .kaigmlaU aa l.-t No V, In IW .ffirial
ilal lal hali'HlIb
.KH aliil all l.riailaiiiltea.lirl IhaMibliia
at.iu,l, iriu, iw I'. a wrau, iinr
wf .. Aparrlhr.1 Niilirl.t, Jtlit'm! anil -,iillfal l..r
all' twiali) iiolllli.l lb, I hii'i m Im ir ail i wi 1 1 ,)m
an ilul, lliij a, aoui.iihir lu law. au.l lit-' ir
A jury at Sokano reriulcd at
the end of twenty. four hours that
they wen; Mill nimble to agree.
Superior iliidge ,MiKie ordered
them buck to the jury mom, to re
main until they reached a verdict.
He also iiihtrucled the baliir not to 1 ai'iii-.uj i . u.. i iiitaj m.h-ir !- '"'
. ... ,. i a,ul mli.lnt rlaiw. wliUrli I, IH..I1. fnllj .limTliVJ a
Si vi' ini.'iii iiiiyiiiiug ii cm iinui
ley had found a verdict of guilty
or not gniliy. In ten iniutiliN
thereafter the jury returned a cr
diut lidding the prisoner gniliy as
olliirgcd. A new trial will be
asked for on the ground (hat the
judge had no right to coerce I he
Another problem, in connection
nielli liy
department. Shortly nfter tin
law shutting lottery mutter out of
tlio mails went into elfeet, llic pre
widents of the two largect eprens
companies insiicd an order iiihlruel
iug their agents In ii'fiiM' nil hit
tcry business tendered theiu.
OW till) ai'DlltS III the llCllltl tlllCIlt ltl..lia l.. rnmbt, nllliliK'tli .la). Irum il, It ul
r .1 . .1 . Ihr lirl Hlliil.4i hrrr. I, alll, Iha llrvlaUi, ul lh
have seeureil proof that the agents r umu oi. at u imiMr. m. u. .i.u .. in.
ilf llu. li V liriiMU ..i.iiiii.ini,.A ni-.i Lin,.,' " ""' " ". Ollila .at llir .r.. aval
oi tne u.prert coiiip.'iuiiu nre igunr r ,o-i .uiuw Tn i ..atnaiiin,ucu.
ing these orders, piesiimably with li.,?iii,l!1!;
llie knowledge and eminent of the i,",' "","""''. iMafi,4n n .mtii a
men who issued them, and ute do , Miiunar.'
I ,. , n ja.iaaia
llllKllll'ft. I 1 1 1 W II, w. J.a llut.iat..
m i .Ml) lui I'laiiH.hi
ing a heavy lottery
tn kifmt 1 1 1 1 at iu tint Mitiiutnti.
the legal advinerH of the Mfllinatcr .
general are now ntudying, and it
is prooaole that il they i'iui Hceuuy
reasouable pronpecl of miccntMi that
mi attempt will be made through
the courts to compel the espicr,
eoinpuuies to lefune lottery Iinui
I. and speculators and explorers
have selected valuable mineral ami
iron claims on llawke's inland,
with ii view to homeiitiuidiiig llieui
and raising the iVmik between the
l!iiti'l SlateH uinl (ueiit Mritain
as to llie boundary between ('ana
da and MiuucMitu. It him been
chiiiucd heretofoie y Canada 1
and all the maps of the I'nited
State) have tihowu it to be on the
'n 1 1 nt 1 in 1 1 iilu of the border line.
According to the wording of llie
Webster Arlibuiton treaty, the
northern boundary there was lo
begin at a siint' where I'igcon
river en i ptiui into Luke Sucrior
and run through Long lake and
connecting watem to the ninth
westennost Hint of the Lake of
Woods. Now it is claimed that
the waters around the utulli bide
of the inland are iIUcoiiiiccUmI, and
that Indians and explorers have to
inako fmjiicnt jiortages when Irav
fling by them. The channel on
the forth side of the island, how
ever, is deep and continuous, and
it is thought that the old treaties
ami conventions must have referred
to the northern channel
1 Uraiula, inrmiu
ll la krrvlir i.rjrrv4 tlkll Ihr tlirrgollljr, (.utla 1.1
al'.lkallun liw IMUWt l ihula jNtltbnl wlnlu(
rlalMi Im iMllillalli'il Hi Iha llmai Cul'att .Nkaa, a
rll) uri)a,i Hitllahaal al I an lull I II). I.iilil
.4 a af tuu ul HO U) a,
CHIhlr orui
laaliaa ut aal liairi aMtaaair!)
Itatial ami afcliNal al U I ,
(ll.l.l.. llirKua,. Ma, ! IMI.
bring twi
Ull 0h al U
i:t, ins,
tll U (U.-l M.i iltMUIiMi atml laUfrt will
r ff4 IUt .It I'
N II H1 I Y. if...,. Ttt
1 j
Two Mdwetb In Cine!
Has been enlarged to accommodate
the increasing business. The wools
of this section which accumulate at
Heppner, attract all the leading
Western buyers to that point, and
' make it the best market in which
the grower can dispose of his clip.
Last season over 1,000,000
pounds of wool was sold in Hep
pner at prices which averaged the
grower more clear money than was
realized by sales of similar wools
in other western markets more dis
tant from the manufacturing cen
ters ol the East.
Teamsters charges advanced on
written orders. Cash advanced on
wool in. storage.
T. E. FELL, Manager.
Do not take our word; Read the testimonials
from your friends and neighbors:
INcil llie Crwn Six Yeau.
I'.ciini Ui Kit. Miireli I, I Sim
Miimsiih ISA SCI Ili .V CO
I have been UNiiiKthe I'ruvHi n.n
chilie with the xreilteHl Miili-ru-lion
fur nit years His a wry light
MHiiiiiiK uinl iliu.'tlili' iii.iehiup. An
lony, as I liiivn iim-il the iimt'hiue it
never has railed a eweat on uy
team. Itisalxo very 'mhl on the
horse neck Yimrs' Truly,
(IlIii. H. l.lirTT.
I Sill I.
Simply tlio Hots
Diikwskv. Or., March 17
.Mkh.-iis HASCIIIi ,t CD.
The iiiaehiue I UiiikIiI runs like
n lop mid I think il layx all other
in the hIkuIc in nil kiial ul gram
and all kinds of ground. It in
niuiply the Urns for light draft and
H'ed. M. F. 1 Iowa mi.
Th Aetao of 1'i'ifecllna.
.Ii.iin Hav. March I I, ISOO.
.M--hk ('.ASCII H ,V CO
I think the acme nfHrfectiitu hn
U'eii leiieliml in the invention of the
(niwii iniiMi r. We have Iteeii dia
Kitsiml every y-ar in lryiii to ninn
our meadow, on which urows a -
culinr kind of rKK. All other
inneliines we tried Wiiiild leave lmlf
Urn hay HlaudiuK, but the Crown
cul il a Hinooth ns n ntnv whaveu
fni'o. We iried it with like results
in fill kinds of grain, hay and rye
gr;w. All our inililH)rs who sre it
Work think it is tlio Uh of all motv
ein. Yours lb-ss'flfullv,
T. l'l. Ct itt.
udu Read
; AdvertiBEiTiEnts?
; Do you ,y adranhuie of iood offer II 'hen
il is placed iriltin your reach?
c hrn
j- ' r1 Ti1'
His FaVHilU'.
I'li.UiiiK Cirv, Feb. '11, l.HiKl.
.Mk-4-iim. HASCIIIi A' CO.:
I will state without hesilalioii
that the Crown iiioimt that I pur
ohasml of ymi last year has given
IjihsI satisfaction, iiud i my prefer
eiiee of any mower I have ever usml.
Very lesH'e(fullv,
ti. U .M. II M.i:v.
The Vcrj Uiit Mwar.
(Jam I' I.O0AN, March 2, I.SIM).
.Mbssiis. HASCIIIi .V CO
In regard to the Crown mower, I
like it very well. It woiks well in
nil kinds of grass, mid where the
grass is lodged or very rank by put
ting on the inereUMil hkmiI it "work
to a eharin. It it the best mower
we have in this country, and I can
recommend it to any htsou wishing
lo purchase niowem. Yours Ite
KK'tfully. J. .1. CWaht.
I.vtra. for lee.i.lf?r.Vown, MeC, ,el.. -keve. Vielor, and ( haniiiioi, Machines. AUo WW...,,..
k. Hacks anil ( urnaiies, at fuctur in ices.
niiLU'iiK, iiiic.KS nun t arruiti
I lanlware, I IhhIwihmI
ias I'ipe, Water I'ii.,
StuM's Mini Timnire, llu
, and I'IiiiiiIh r. hiipiilii'.,
.tier II,
.Mail oriUlr Miiiiti'. aiul atii-rni'lHUi j4iiaiaulee.l All l.-t I. i of
, Melting nml I'liekill.
Siw Mill and l.hiail Mill Mnehiiiei i
inijiiiiV rivi' pruinit atii'ntiiiii.
Buxvhv Uminuj, Baker f ', Or.
Canyon t'il.y, Or.
Drij (IdiuLs, Coliim:, Hauls, Shot s, (Huns, Milieus, Orci
shirls,rt ricttir. usici, Hats, Winter Cups, (Sum
Hoots, Hhinkels, (hi ills. Cm sets. Ladies and child rons'
Shoes, llulilier runts, )'elluir Oiled muls, Funcil (loods,
Ciillerij, Etc., Etc.. Eic
I lOOOafWIMMWloauilMI itmiil,uj'Hlub'JlllM.IOJOOIOllOUO$
' . o
! A liuu c.i all iiccoiiipniiioH tho oiih r for any amount Iroia I''ivn 9
i DoHnm or inoro in aboo line of gooils wo will prepay all Mail or
Stage charges, to any stagu station in Cirant or Harney counties,
until .hinu 15th, ism. jfMF When sold oaciedit" no diarfj- 5
! I eg iiTinid.
W it will guarantee our lowost lotnil priicw on Every Article
and agrno to refund tho inunoy if gixnlsato not satisfactory.
lty sending to us, writing plainly, j'ml what in wanted, wo cm Hflrcl
tliftin to your Mitistactioii. We the Uiinesl ussorl lliellt of (Jen
oral MeiehandiM' to ho fouuil in ii'iy hioic iii ""Oregon. Vou eau nao
inoiiev in eveiy line. (live una triiil order We sohcil vour tiadc. Order
by Mini at on..- Cer; usieelttllj.
f1oin ty JrV-ffi?
SSL FOR 1891. S
The people of Grant county will
take notice that our vast stock of
bprnig Goods is as complete as any
l I J1 l. . a
H. i t i 11 d , f - "X-' ikJ CJUXAJT
tnnHTa llrirf & Hn stocli ;in tllis section f foe state,
piuiiaidllUdl I and at such prices as will be satis-
This innilur resort litis
(well rtdjicned to the iithlir,
tintl. noir, us in the past,
keeps nothing hut the best
Wines, Liiuurs ,v' Cigars.
il. I. KICK tltl, frupr
Canyon Cily, Or.
.1... Chnintiers, I'rou:
i Jhe)Postoffice) Store)
Ct.WO.V ( I I V. Olt
. L- I'arrish
'I'llia Itintiuinilit lull Kseully Ui-u
ii'le4l, mill Mill flllliiah AluaU or l,i
Kiiii( at liv ilii( nilisi.
A tHH!i:il fiiituin iilmiit (Ida liuiiwi
it that no Cliiuuwi riair.ii aie 1 1 j 1 1 y m I
111 llie klU'lmil. lilMi tlni Kiialaniiiiit
I'l'OPr. " '''al. M. -I. OliAMiir.ns,
lt, irr).YS.T. ILL v ). '',
Have now rcrmvfil the lnrt;t nml nioit eoiaplete took ol iuw gooiU in
(Irani County, which they will oiler for tao at prices that ilcly etniictition
factory to any person wishing to
purchase in the following lines:
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloth
ing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Notions,
Hardware, Crockery and Glass
ware, and a full line of Groceries.
A call will be sufficient, as we
propose to sell you your supplies.
Canyon Citv
an..vaii lii liiv,.a X Mulilli. k
A line
.t.vl. of Cinili. , Nuti,
St.itlunei), I'.t. . I.ti , Jllit
due me a a. .ill.
.rimi a I Jll' H 1 1 "JJal lUiJl.i i.i..
Jiiojirf nj y "(0i -"tW
1.1.1 y Ul i
i 'i .... is , u
II ' i"(
'! 1
ivaui mix ut o.i
Of Iloppnoe,
I'l'i'Mllellt. Vlie l'li'alili'lit.
(Icoiini: . Conskii, Cnxhier.
I Ml i'. tun,.
Trmi'.ai't' a (I'l iirinl ll:niklii' Hnlnrs.
Ji.rci (ijc
it t all paiM of the w'oild
Collit'tiiiiiH iiwule at all siiiU on'
Iteasoiinhle Teriiuk
.Moimy loaiuHl at fitan ouu to ten
our cent.
We ll a l'l1 reffi intJ iiuil itnnii'il n nwl I ve ril ml i..,..
''T'i"''"-; of Cents' Eumishing Coods, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Hun-
lAv.v, (Jit ills, llurdtrure, Croekenj, Clusswure- Etc,
. llso Etuieij and Stuife Croceries, Provisions u nd
; u full a -tsorlnie'nl of Eulenl . Medicines, A'olt'ons, Etc. !
! i-iiiiiic i-ni riiiinue mi 1 1 filed mu
Canton City - - . Oregon .
h,. !'nn1ll(lf',l,l!!l''.n " 'lnio,t of
l rU (,omls Clulhinii, Hoots Shoes, Croceries,
Etc., hlc Etc., at Ucusonttble 'rices.
- - i urtioi-H a.-x-oni3 I ly iVUOlulocI to.
Came to this range ahout three
years ago, one ehe.stniit sorrel mare,
liraiiihil two It, one under the other,
on left shoulder. Weight, alunit
UXhJ 11. I have wintered tin niaiv
for two winters. Owner en have
the Mint hy proving irorty anil
laying eliargoii.
Ill U A 1.11 1 IIyiiam,
Oanyon t'leok, Grant, Co., (Jr.
ui 1 1 uiimii i
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Cannon VUy - - Oregon,
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