Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 18, 1891, Image 1

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    The Paper far the Work
man, .Merchant and
The Paper for Iho Farm,
the Workshop and the,
$ Homo.
c.ixrox City, giuxt couxt) ojwgox, riuTusn'Jiy. ,rxi; s. iso-i.
Volume XIII.
X'umbcr I Si.
July 2nd and 3rd.
Knees at tliu 1'rairii; City nice track, liriu out yo lr smldlu lionsos
for saddle, pursu.
Grand Ball on Ihe livening of July Svd.
The. of iniihii! in otifjiiood and a (."onera! inviintiun !i o.xtt'iiilod to
onu and all to participate in this ball, (iraud March begins at S :'!()
sharp. Tickets lo be. obtained with or without suppr.
July .'ilh Pvogvam:
.Salute of 21 ouiib at Sunrise.
At 10 o'clock A. M. ovory oim in requested to lx$ nt Picnic- grounds,
for the following order of e!ercihe:
1. .Music, by Clce Club.
'2. Heading Deolaratioii of Indepoiidonce hv iV. M. Kik.
Music by (He.-Club.
Oration by C. V. htrritdi.
Miihie by Clee Club.
Noon Day. Mi-inn your baskets full for lunch lime.
Music by ( Hoc Club.
I. O. .I' Oration by T. Cnhin Hydo.
Music, by (ilee ( 'lub.
Procession to form ami return to town for the following:
100 yard foot race lauiateur. ) "()
Wheel barrow race. ot) yard Sack
boys.) lioving Match iiiimttcui. i
Fireworks at Jin
Good Xcirs for the Fanners of Grunt Conn
Frank Hios., of I'oitland, Or,
Day, for the Mile of all kinds of Farm Machinery mid Agricultural Imple
ments, such as Wngonii, Cauiauu, Hoad (.'arts, I'lows, HarrowH, Mowers,
lteuerH, Itnken, etc., ote. A whole tin load to U- delivered at once.
Everything first-chiss and ut the lowest poHHible rates. 1'leaso give mo
your trado. F.. HAYKS. Agt.
Allow mo to say that 1 still handle the White i?eing Machine und
tho Knrhutr Organ.
sr.'inoxicit v. iwlrtss " IS s iiool spppliks,
SUA'Ei; ,S- '.. Y )' ICVA'AW.
(Irocoriot), Flour. Tolmceon, Cigars, and one hundred and one other
varieties, cheap for rash, at
Tho 0hmmul,G an nan City.
V- 'J v. w
anl foot race hulie. To yard
iuee. Catch the Groused I'ig
Ancient Order 1'lng I'glies.
is It of the Day.
ba.e (".tabliKle-d an iiL'eucy at John
' 2tth .lay ..f My, A. I) KMU, ot the
hour of Jo i rliH-k A. M., the under-
signed mil c ni the eorrnU of Ken-
hoth l McIUe, near hi residence, i
iib nt one half mils from tli town j
f PawiUe in Grunt county. Orogntt,
In the highest biddrr fur I'Aah ill
li.'ind, all tlio following perron tl
in..iTiy mi. I chattel and nl' the
rulit. nt'e and interest bieh Adam
.Mutrny. Alex Mutiny .ttld Willtnm
Murray, copartners Murray
Hruthern, n firm I evident of Hsyvilki,
(limit ootiuty. ( iegnn, Iihi) on lh
:id day of Mnrnh, A. 1) IfHU, nn.I
I have aitirnlmd And now Imui there-
I ill or thereto, to wit:
. That cei tain Itnnd of sheep eon
slating of 1'JIK) head, iiiuio ir lesr,
i tit AUmt '.) head, togothri
with the turrets thereof for the year
then I eing at time of sale,
which Imh.1 of sheep was un the !M
.1 . of M .ii eii, IMUI, herded by one
Alt v M. I i.-nalil, ni Frank creek in
whit ii km wit as the South Fotk of
i i- .luliii Day country, in said Grant
Also that certain Iisnd of hheep
cinititg of HUH liofiil. more or
Iran, loaother uilh the iiicn-nw" Iheie
of foi tho year IKiil, then Win at
time of sale, which Iwiid of hven
was on llm said !ld day of Match
berdetl liy one . I amen ( lordoli.
at Franks civek in said South Turk
of Jidin Hay country.
Also that certain band of slu-uji
ci.iiHiMting of 12(H) head moto or less,
together ith tlio incrcAM thereof
for tliu ytar If'.U, then bein at tuno
of aale, whioli band of sheep sa on
Haul .Id day uf Mitieh, IMU. Ii...lel
y oni'.Iol.n (lordoit in anl Smth
I'urk of John Inv cnunlry. Said
hheep above iiientioiied heiny mostly
biniidid with a lire bland (a bin) uu
the rij,'ht Hide of the face and ear
in irked wuli two under-btts in the
lllit er.
Also thai cerlHili imiiu ot own uliix-p
colinistmi; of 1 lot) he id, iihti- or lent,
to-wit: About l.'tlil) head, together
with the iiierense of said owes for the
year IMM, then Immik; at tnnoof sale,
which eweM were on said lid day uf
March IKD1 herded by one John" Me
IMicikoii at what in known as Cotton
wood in anid South l-'otk of John
Day country, and lieinj,' ear umikeil
two under bits in tho ritfht ear ami
branded with said lire btand afore
aid. Also that ceiLiin IniikI o uwe ithei p
couftintiiitf of I.'i(H) head, more or hv-ui,
together with the itiurcime thuiiof if
any, for the yenr lf'Jl, then being nt
time of sale, said no I einj atiout
one year old, mid haiiK on
said 3d djy of Match, lolU, herded
by one .b I. emu ii at or ihmu what im
commonly known as Kheep (hilch in
said South Fork of John bay coun
try, said owe being branded with
said tire binnd .iforcsuid, mid cur
ium kid a swallow fotk in the left car j
and An upter bit in the tight eat.
Said sheep hereinbefote described
couHistiug of about lil-'Ki head of old
sheep and altnit 'J."i7U IhiiiU of the
year I MM, and alnit lo(H) head theie
of Uuiig weatheis, and miidshusp lie
ing now in thu poHseHkiou of Kenuuth
F. Mcltae nucut of the uudutsigntMl,
at thd South Fork of the John Day
river near the (own of Daywlla, in
said (limit ronniy, Oregon, and mi id
aale bring under and by wrtuc of
two certain battel tnoilg.igcx imulu
a'lil deliveied by sail firm of Miiiimv
llrothert lo the uuder-Jgned in said
(Irmit county, on .nut hnmiiif; date j
said lid d.iy of M inch, I.S' mid
by the terms of the one of which
iiioitgagea .iid liiht thnii heieiu
ineiitioneil bauds of hheep, with their
inetea-e, were lliorald lo tliu nil
ih'isigiii'd to aecuie the pa) incut of
a ptomiHhory note of date Alurch .hi,
IMU, ovecilted mid deli wicil by hiu
linn of Mm my Hios. to the under
n'iu-d, due on demand, for the uin
uf f 7, 1 lit o!!, mid intercut therooii
from tiid ilale at the late of ten per
cent per milium until pud, together
with all chaigea mid expense of ta
king, keeping and sulu and counsel
fees in the premium. And in and by
the ii-inih of the other of which
uioilg'igcN j. hint two heieiu iiicn-
tioiii'd bunds of bhoep with their in
cictue will' mortgaged to the lll.iler
' I signed to kucuro the )ayuieiit of a
prouiutiorv note oi iiato sunt .tiaiei
.'Id, l.vji, executed and didiM rod by
said tlrni of Mm ray Itrothers to the
underaigued, due on demand, for the
mini of J.lKlll IM), und internal there
on fiom said ditto at the rate often
percent pel iiuiium until paid, to
gether with all charges and expcintoa
uf taking, keeping and sale and coun
sel fees in the pi utilises.
Said aale to eoiiimiiiice at the hum
of 10 o'clock afoioiaid, and continue
from time to time until all mid prop
citv or an l.cieut thereof, ia Mild to
aatedy said mortgages, xpensiiH and
oou use I foes.
Dated Mav III, I si) I.
lrihfi sale of tho iiIhivii piopuity
is lostpoiied until tho Willi of Juno,
Is'.M, at Ihs shiiio hour ami laus hs
sliovu mentioned.
coiunrr.t maolisay.
To the la.t jiayer.-i of School
.No. I.
YiMt are hereby no'.ifietl that (lie
Scial Sclexd Tux fur tie' year l.M'U
el on
F I"
or h Ire
lb ii -i y
lime .:!,
Tlni lu.p- it.inre f j urif jlns th likxxt
nol l oi. trie.- .1. f , . ; . ui j um bluoit
jour uiii..t MiJ. t xl I.'
At llil M-nfii ii-.irly . ry t nenlt
cootlni..!! ii" 1 j ;ufv, i.. Ui.-, iirnl enrich
Um Mwud. - tn'i ) a to tj Huad't
Porl ill If saiU. IUItaIUfBi
i oiiiiuti ,, h.u:u np IU KtUuti
crtaloi an ici:i. , ji It. .Ktlhn dlctiSluo,
bll It ruill.- il. t ,tti. n... Tli evlUr
cottilitiutliin. roitt. ii, anil rrpt atlon
ot I bo trgoUlilo JI.- uoil 1,11 o lit
ltuod'l SarurvitU Ih-i -.I- -p I . i f
Ur rurjkllta jxiwrtv N ItSCII
Uhrtwill.-liielu,iu !i a r.-- r.lo( wolnlrtfut
rot. ( yon luo in i.i ), ur n.liwt to
buy Itond'a HarurarltU Uo iu,t U luilurnl In
UXe nr Uwr lu.t.M.I. It u a I'c. iiur
ttlrloc, ami l w.'tlliy y. ..r-ril irvct.
Itno.e.siinit.jr l'ili 1 1 yi!l JrueclUi.
l'lriatril I) I' I. IW.I n, I., rll. Mill.
IOO Dooou Otio Dollar
1 1
i IjW
n. o. oviiitiioi;r.
K HKUS nims.
fUsvo.v t':rr.
1'iopiietors, 'st Cooi mi Nvfti
i.m, (inhesion .
Is Tiici orsrv
Iii the nuttier
ill I! I' lt
i: . M
f the
i ' 1 .TV.
'slate of
.Stephen I trail. no, .1, i
To the In us. i
eiaiiea nn.I all i d
eiiees, beuell
iotetestd in
the uUne nmiti 1 I'-tuti , Cireeting:
ill the inline of the ntnte of Ore
goii, you and e.ieh of yu tiro hereb)
cited to appear m ihe county court
of t ho stuto of Oregon,! for Grant
county nt ihe co'in'y com t room in
i 'any on City, in sun! county, on
Monday, tho (ilh uiy of July, A. U.,
l,-',)l, nl tho hour ' ti-n o'clock n. in.
of niiid day, the "aim- !ein the first
judicial day of the regular July,
I Ml I, term of said cmiil and the day
heietofoie, lowil; On the I Ith (Ibv
of Ma A. 1). I MM fhed by lh"o
judge of said court to idiow enioe it
any you have why uu order ahouhl
noi he Hindu uullnnuiug and em
poiuuing tieoige II. Wood, admin
lull aim of llin above nnitied estate to
xcll the teal properly of uuid estate
the same lM-iug kilmite in wiid Cirnul
ooiinty, slate of Orcgnn. ninl pm Mou
lin ly descriLed ns follows; U-wit:
Tho XH ol ihe HKJ of 1H in
Tp 11 S, Jt HI K W SI and tho Hi
of the SV j and 1.oh .1 ami I of Ste.
IS, Tp II H II ' i; W M containing
1 17 ninl '' KH) n -! -i.
It v order of the lion. O. I. Iluul
tine, judge of kite I ri nn.
Witness my Inmd nod the seal of
said county com I aliivd this '.'tlili
day of May, 1H,
lil:o MlirAI.L'M,
Count'. Cleik of Omul
comity, Stuto of Oregon.
Faiibi s.i i; I 'ox u,
Altoi uos for Utute.
st: vi.
i AW
. 1. 1 1" a i .. i -i i , mo
I -
ti I.Kahl oytcr ten Inches Ioiir hiy
f.iii iil l.i Mow tinltiea.
A l '.-lir.An.l eatfle that ineHnureil
ni . - f. .1 (mm tip to tip wa nhot at
".sr.t.i. (m!i.. a short time Mnee.
A as wn . liille.l In Trlnltv isuuitv.
j l -I . rv.-riitly. ln"i uiuini meanunil
. muI t when tnvil out. It welhitl
I -.ut -en
'I"'ii;v U'H vim of Leranitim In fali
' f-irnUt that (rfinv mi tntl that vott huv
i t ! up Int the wlmloH ot the mhhim)
I vt-.rv t father Ihe Itmverv Ami a
''1 in Mklitiraii lmi a (jeruulu.n
i hi ( -et nn.I live incite Mg .
t o. vm niejfo nai.i Mill teiin ot a
! c.i"c.' r hi l Uken With lion':
...t ll:ii tvicntlj- near Uiai Mrt. It
:. A three humlreil anil i lirhte.-n
r .i I :uul Uh- ooteher wua furty-tn-u
i linuten lit fetllltf the llali nhnirlile n
A Nsw 1 vvisn iiy liter ifruwer nport .
il- t Mi. ilrtv',v lroll;fhl up an ovitei
. it'i . .'i II eleven ami a half lit.-he .
. C.e ollu r iliy. StU'h an ovi.ler n
' . it -ry-t the Norwich llnlleti-i. e.m
I in v r In- put In Willi other o.vM.-n,
l. hv tlH-ipiart. lUahouhl U- retulh-.t
' a. . c.tuch a yanl.
j A i t l! whleh weightil Ihrec htm
j !.-il .i.i 1 .evenly KMimta waa kllUil l.y
..I ce!t I". IVrrjr, of ll uitwerl.-, :
. , ho foi low e I the niiimat ln-l.
j :u.! forth iiver Sassafras inoiiiilnlii for
, t'lirty- iii-ilayn. The bear hllleit eleen
.hj.s. Tho U.w'a hlite ahoweil twenty
i ; :i bull-t woumla.
Mow Mi!. i'oi.ku.vM, u fariner'h lv,
I f I Ittl- lit It i In, lailienkteroolinly. l'a..
, i ii ! t et I -el mukki-Hl trap rei-i'ntly,
lit. r ; rto.l. n line flxh of the blow.
-it v-tii-li on menaiiremeut ivmh
i unit i i lie thirteen ami nno linK
i i.-ht ninl one (kiuml nit omiii-on
, e. oi -ht Che cnii'k hint risen ilnrlug
i'i nl :ht uiHl'tlie water llowmlover tho
i'Mr men an like hlntthitr-piiik-r.
1 1 i.iay lieur the liniireio, of n hun-
!.- il irikkt lhluirHiiil yet they are Worth-
I I .4
lr ii oftener the i'iiw, that whnt a
in.i.i ferifeU eilucalea htm inure tlian ho rcincmboi-h.
If a i tan e.mht live a thomuinil vear
I ho wiiul.l pnibulily sjvinl the hikt fifty
r fretti'itf .iver w hat he mithl have ilone
i in tlio prcvlotta waktitl lime.
j Hill! i il. v one enter n eooin theiv l.ii
1 m-iis,. , ti,r of cheer or the revorm
i mo t io.'.mhk ne amriiiiout, one i:mv
-t U- utile l.i tell how It wiikfuriii'.hoil
mn everyone Knows tne elleel pro-
1 ur.ttt: -i no hnpiiineaa In thr worl.l
o.m,l to that of hleiklntf olheri.. .Sol
I ""ly iy irlvtnjr money to tl,e nemlv. heir
t.ithe hieh. f.kkt to tho hmurrv. U thii.
Ill -Mlti(f cninpttfcMHl; we (ruin II .-is m
, cm- It. liy MinMitliy. hy blteetion. hv
I M-otmf that which h. hekt In our frlomU
I iiuil shultinif our eyes to thut which i.
worst, liy lulling joy In their tfissl
thluur even when our own p-irtiou U
hentit ninl kkr.
To:. i oMklrcn never ueeoiiiiilhih
unj f.l-i., Ii-e.iuse tUiy loin i . .
p.tri-iit . umt llu-ii- Uvu lu rt.; loo m.iu,
m or mi. o.l H-.-,iii they are i.iatle U
fo. I lln-y Ui tor oiin Muny u ehllil .lu
ih mil of nniiiinUoii nn.I lif. uu.l (m
! h..;';ino i. muilo to liute hi
j I..'.. I sehool Iskik. Ih-i uitke hi-
t i.-lu r liik-n not tnUe the time ami
t in. nl ilo to ktmiy his itlsuuiilo- -ii
thn-. learn how lo govern him.
I in: Into iluho of ll.-,lf.iril m.ulo the
tw Iflh k-or to c miliilt siiloi.lo ilurini;
l:n oi-nltiry.
li th hit iloke of (letlfniM v. ill n
mly hii. Isal.v woeremut.-J. hut soy. ra
is'itos of iTmat olotlil.ix. h-.ulo
Ihsi? . illi),kn und ik-veral vviilkiu
sti -I. . m. I tii.ilirellas.
't it- ! ly of tho ontn-m.-ly rioh me
eeoeutrlo duke of lloilfonl. i.ho.e r
i-.-nt iv.ililetl I i'(in olT ci..1 1 -i so is.
lion In Kti;?hioil. won ineliiorutoil in ,,
crematory Imlll eiekilly for tuKoiic
Til." lite llllkl! of IUlf ;-. . it In fie
h im-' of l oiiitnuie- for twentv live y.-t.r
.i:el in tin- ti.msv of l.iril-. for oi fiit. ei.
i'i all e :ver
forty- throe viarts without op-.itnjf III.
Iii-.. llis ostHto evervi 1 1 m-rr-. .e
I. ...I .u, . ith ulsiut thissi t!iuu .:rnl
resiliences or -hops.
Tin late ilube of Ilcilfonl tvj., vert
rnn-h of a hermit . i-ar j went
a'i:.ut, uiul not one in u thou si ml o,
hi-, t iniiit-. hail over won him U In-
eomo .teoeile t it tsm a il.'.y v.-A ever-
iu.irii;i he uwoko t i tlail l.ltnw I
riole r t'l.m In- wuk tin- il iv I. f' i-
i:toiii f. oi is i ue lu-hfiit f Ms en,.
llwiti'f, HjfiMl ol'htooll. ot !s.-otlalli!
county. Mo. She is i.till ifrowlnj.
I'UAiu.l.t JoiiSko., of Amljor town
ship. M:: -.ii county. Mioh , it only I.
teen your, ohl ami .Vol ho w. i". , ttr, ,
huinli-eil Uiul ten piutlll,.
A -iin of fat men has jm,t lnun hel l
4t H r!in. Tlio gentleman t whom fn
first prUe was uwunlixl weitrheit liven
tynl'fht Uttie ami a half, or four htm
. lr. .1 iMiimts,
(i.m. of the lartfeal huhles ever nn-n
In ( lorlila Is Die s m of W'alu-r l-i-.t
r, living in I'alatk.i. lie Is seven
mouths old uiul weigh forty jmuniis.
linn WiNKir.i.n Morr IIammm-k
I'ai It io St l.i.iVA'. Vi.tlUli. of Allen
! . it, I'u., thirteen y. art oil nml
Wei ,'lnnjf one humlreil nn.I u-veiity-four
Hiun,ti, fnrtilnhea omuiu-inoiit f r
tho t mo hy utt inpl!ii;f to jump ovor .1
rope thirU-ou Im ho i from the Hour. II
can't eruM it ut thl-i hohyht, hut M lieu
lowveeil a couple uf loaus b fUo'er,
lifU'r nisoy siu-mpu, nml ifsts a nickel
fur hi pains.
I.vnr yenr the lxuloii voulli wore
ithi-li tirlms wit'. In half uul n 'iof
llhetr.os'k This Jour's (i.ilvlon t, u the
h..i tuu'.. want.
At llini three .muii-k ohl h.-is cet-.mllv
lie. n e.irrleil nlf by an -ij'le, u ar
' Tiviio-Iii, llutiifiiiy, In iUhl of the
father ami molher.
Tin. uereaire of the Ksthsx'toul fnlen
In Ktiiiik rnliKi-s from alkint half i
I ion to half it humlreil m-ri-i. hut
hurilly one of them has nsim etinnch
(r It. iiiilnmls.
A kl l I. eHiimiiy Invlteil to taste Ihe
ten nHvnlly puri'liiiMsl hv a lniil.iii
oompaliy at llfty-three ihilhirs a umt
arriviHl at the eniioliislou llmt it wu
north the money. "
To Arsriivl.tANtheHtrk'al niaimffi'rf.
hate Uittlett up In phonuKTnphs for
truukMrtuttou to the nntlpslos ihe
oli-oso( kevonil Aiuertean aotopi, sllitf-
ors ami latekuinu.
Is l"nr1s the ilrlvem of the ear on
some of the street railways ari' plae '
on 10(1 of the ear, thus living them lkl-
terismtrol of the horses, while jrulnlnj
mlilltlotlal spaee Mr lwsont'o-,
l.i in I'M., an uiroil resilient of llur
ivloiiii. imln. Is the heml of a (anillv of
tun humlreil anil fcoveuty-lillie porkou.
lie I in . thirty-nine Itviiu ehlhln-n Mx
loon ilnuuhtem unit twenty-three sous.
Tim follow luir ailvertiKomeut apisHn
In a Iioiiiiuii uewapamir: "Winileil. hv
a of iiuallly, for nilequnte leiniin
erutioii. a few woll-)ioliuvol uiul iv
sh-i tuhle-ilrekM-il ehlhlrcn to nuiiiso
oat in ilelieute heultll two or Ihlll
hours a day."
novki. feature ol a imiiiauerle es
hlliltliik' at the rrymtnl I'alsee Isn luii
euife inntiilnlnif a linppy fumlly
twelve lions, thnii Itoiitfut tlifers. ninl
ohootahs. puuthers, l'olur ninl ThllM-t
Ik-ar-. kiuies. ifoulk anil Isiar hnuiiil
iiumls'riutr twenty In all.
i ill. invention or a wiioiokomo i.m'.ory sulistltute for liulter is nil
imuiieeit in (ieruialiv nml llollniiil li
Isitli thosii eoiuitrios it is mauiifiioturoi
i to I snlil. It is suiil to eont.iln n. i fat
but to U- ooiillMim'it solely of oin-tnlili
its etrnrtel from the isvouiiut nml
ither olcnirltioiis plant.
1 r has lioeii iliseoyereil that ulinan
date hack to the yenr IIHI A. D.
It is estimated lhat every seal con
sullies utsiut ten pounds of llsh dully
A uililioii liroiifCht to t litis country ii
IT'.il stands In the window of a t'hestei
I l'a I furniture totv.
A im mi: of iiinrhles wna ployed by
sovoral prominout oltltons of U'ushiiifr
Ion the other uiornliih' on 1'eniisylvaiil
avotiue. A t'oSNiu-rii it mtor has
wi otnoks mid ifna-e to the pussl;! i
the isiiitrihutiou Imixoh, by appointilii
two little ('iris to the aerrh-e
A THoe,i:Aii-oi.n (.flrl who died u"
M iMimtah, III.. woljiluil twolv.
tsiuiul.1. oNuetty what she welfrho'
when She never ifot an tunic
ho ivier iliiriuher khort life.
A ( Him ..uu t. which had (nh"ll llu
it. -1 n-" was rci-entlv shot on the Iiaf;
rioilvir ijiioen '-in. I Th ore .tun i ..".t.irieii a 1 atner 'latliew
ei.i,k-- iii. o m -it il, ihit m! ImSO.
As oi .tor siipk-r wua fflveu nuvntly
., th ....t'loriti of :t Main - village In
ii Interest of the Ileum' fnnil," An
e. let- mir t have a powordtl .'rlp to re
i'u il-. pliMc In the nvi r.iffi' iiiiiii s
t- i-.i ic'i nmli r sin h otreutnstuute.s.
.Ni.m; IS'tila, I'la., tt few nlhU H(fo
in onIn.' struck a cow. which jrut
I... i d up in tho eow catcher, uiul l
fore I'i train could ! ktopieil kite wua
Iriiififed thr-o humlieil ynrils. When
trl. .ile.l she walked olf and Main le
'.iii to bite tfriis as if iiolhiuif had hap-
I'i rn ami treat the hoifk mi thn t they
will .-cirri t tk'inv eourei ted into hiiin.
b.u oii mid sntisHKe,
l i is sai I that when a cow has a 'r
Isle n I eoiitfli and shows slirtis of swell.
uit u'kint lier neck. Il is hii Indication
.if lulkTOIllosik.
iMi'iim i viKxr coiiiea by substltutlm
the higher for the lower. Thh. Is why
In breedilif we must he coiiktiiull) lli
Irmluclnjr better hi
Tin lino polish on the horns of show
little is (fivoii by first kcritplni w Ith
tlas. rul.biuif with emery iiis r ami
then iiihhliu well with linseed or
licnthfool oil.
Uu i i i .s induce cattle to attempt
to Hot om r, mid when the vice of jump
luiroier fcuecfcha been ueipilroil oi.ttlo
III utti'iui.t to do so on hlih f.'ie . f
'1 he rule should he to have till fen in
o;o.d oouditioli.
AilMi.liM. when they wish U rulsc
iniiiieiiMi hiMTk, let Die vouuir pl:r?. run
Inline the summer nml ul soft food
This makes them loiitf in Issly nml l.-i.s
I hen in the full they arc driven into n
Hn. ami their leetl is chaiured toeoiu
A blir (ruined hog will lake on Iw.
pounds of llesh every twenty-four houn
on corn feed.
I aiiiion (N. .l.liliHlihs'kedliis wife
ill the holicisili U'cauae kite had Hot
Ifulhercd euiiilifh eggk to sulufy his ap
Ik'tile for dinner.
A Ni " VotUi uiairffctralo M'nt. ...el c
I'irl of fourUi'ii to ten iluyii of u. r i
I. ilur i:inl ihreo mouth in the c baiin.
l"iy for stealing u utugwinc wort..
twenty cents.
A MAM to l!loomlntoti, 111., recent I v
l.avo to uw eniuireo, uiU'i-.i'ii;r I
js ml hi-. ilooilnutK Utiy . nilh iH.-n,
I lo--, i -i U'd the money und ih.-n i ...
it i p. t in the poor house.
.Vv i:;,i. Mtm ItK'.k) paper there nr.
ti...!iy .. uni psiplo it S V
mi 'iio.-i li.-ui uu.' only way v:tc ..'
ro:i..e a i ubliti Iwnetlwiur .ike l .
et r. iiwity Is Uy vcll.tajf b-awee;
trwvU.when tho ;.l 'Wftlln, w).
"W'iivt's that, Helena! Vntt want
thirty murks more to kHmll Wife, itit
yon know what that thing load to?"
"I'er-lnlnly --lo the millinery ture."
Un Dun. i.. - Horirvitnt When you put
the (run to your i.lmnliler to shisit, you
must stand mi still that a ifutito-ixw: lav
aide you would hsik Hint n limtikuii
iMI'Ulll.vr.-"O. Mlaa Ottllte. now
that I have aavis:! you fnun drowning,
will you not grunt me your Imnd for
life?" "I Is'ff you. ihs'tor, leave me nt
leokt tlliirt to think till I Kot tlry."
In Cocitr. -"Ilnve you anything lo
any In your defense, prisoner'.''' "Noth
ing, your honor, except that I madu tt
mistake In the uiimU'r of the hmise. I
lid not at all Intend to break Into that
"Wn vi !" exclaimed the hotel propile
t .r. ah the guesfa hair ktmnl on end nl
l'.ot.lseof the h.ll prekeiitcd, "il-i y.MI
m .:t to say that stnrtlea yott.' Votl
i tight In Ik- lier III the height of tho
rerfiilar season!"
1 1 ft invito Teneher "WhentheehHi
ilrvn of Iho Nputt ins did nut piMinlst' 13
!, w. ll un.i ktrouir they worw
hilled -.horll.V after lilt tit." t'arl' -'itut
how e .iil.l they promise that when tlwy
wer.- so very i.tnall'.'''
rru.iit Aiiyui:. "Maitrlee, when
voit marry, luke a wife no rich that you
would take her If she were the Innn'ell'
est woman In the world, mid then Is)
sure thai she Is mi beautiful that you
would i-hisike her If she weie the Jswr"
est woman In the world."
A thkiDHi-ri Aims. "My dear nephew
the Munition of jour bliop teems wry
ial. lint why did you put it tu tills
narrow alley?" "lint hmh, uncle, how
very convenient it Ui directly uppnallu
us Is another drliikliiif shop, and If uuv
IhhIv U hh'heil out of one of them fw
.'ll .directly iulotlie other." l'IU((fonilo
lllaotler . ,
Two woiii'.n were uutuntllieil tho
other day ut l-ouvcnnortli.
Tut: manicures say thai a tuetty wo
man ruix'ly hits u pretty humt.
Av lowu irtil rocoulli run uwiiv from
homo to avoid playliiK on the phiuo.
Alioi'r the only women lutliewoiht
who ktvliiir their arms wull.lnt.' um
llieriealls. woiucuof Alhuiiuiiniue.
V M., are said to hate ln'i-omo Insane
from the UM'of losnii'lli's on their fmvk.
I'KIISIAN women have little eihlcuthiu.
and are rented in seclusion nml lirno.
ranee, huouiuL' nothlni; tsiyotut the
walls of their house.
ltniiu:s iikiuilly uvold Jewels oil their
wcildlinf day, but n irlrl who was re
cently married wore them on heritnwii,
at lier tlireat ami in her hair.
A I. Hiv eiiuie to the mills In I'orL
fseiilt, h'an . who refused a llcliel from
those doli.Ilf t',u'-l out. raivlllff kbit tutil
ut llelti't a I ren. I v prcpurvd. Hho was
illowi d ti have her own aweet way,
mil w hen llu ballots w ore etmiiUil out
her n-."lstratli u tleUct. with lier lutmn
in liljf letters, turned up all right.
i iia iai women. It U alil, who
r.- n. toil for the veli-ely loltncsa of
tr cotiipic iout, umt roy bionin,
v.-r u-,.' ointment of nuy hiiul. The,
plv to their fjtfos hulf uu howr lie fur '
! ir Lata a thorough eouting of whit
( e,f,. U'h'-li this ha . e inipletely
led they w ash tt nir with (ephl water,
id then pnk'ccd to Isithe to, iiaunl In
.ti and w .tor.
Two ikit ore held for Uiul In l'tv
'.irk upon the o!inrno of kUallng lllrej
wtx ban Isien Bireatetlat UaUi ClU'.
'ish.. for klenlln-f n aawnitll asut unit-
ll Iweuty inllck.
I'm. county lull at Soiu irvlll-i. N. J.,
a it entered hy buritlurs the other II It'll t
nut n pk'ketlkkik stolon.
1 1 ti ulsiiit a calf in Texas Im;. re
.ulleil in wipiiitf out nil the par Ilea u-
llu .1 ccpl llie calf. Hue of lltu Htl-
'iint'. shot the other ami the sherllt shot
he vh or In tryln to arrest hhn.
I he culf was at six ihillnra.
l,. Nkl.Mi (Mlrh ) L-iau applloil fur a
warrant iiRalust hiuisi'lf for unsuult anil
bultvry. lie silhl he hud Is'olt ill a light,
and he wauled to get himself con violet I
mid lined, U'cnuse the fellow he licked
wouldn't Is' ahle to attend to the 0He
for some lime, nml he xanliil il off hi t
1 'nit mime hmiifluary oirense n womau
of l'liiluilelihia Miujfht to ifot oton will)
her ncihlsirs by Multorini uslies a Mil
khakhiK ours'U over their waijllltg.
.Not only this, but she freoueully ni:iu. vil
horM'lf by llrlnn off a hhotifun In the
iniitdle of theiiiKht. The ueljhlkricuiii
ilaiued to the colli U, it ml the olfendlu
female was oiiii(reii to eontrlliulo aer
cnly -llie d.ilhii-k towmdk the suprt uf
Ihe city.
Am not on the lute duke of lloilfonl
was cremated, when the bo (iron, raised
the eolllu they found il as heavy rut
usual, the diihe having loll luatruetlona
that a piece of loud should Im put Into
his eolllu with u .'.lutciiiciil of Ihe crema
tion, in cnw'i 1 tint colllti were opened
centuries hei., 'Jiero sliouhl nrlso
some kiisplciun conccruliiK his death.
Arrcn t'jc Deep, to tho I'tr Wtit,
III! itrniulKi'it", ct1 ami t.ii;e-riiartin, lloi.
trlti'r'n ktuiniu'ti llilttrt 11 carried n tlio Ino.t
liujairlara luiu In tlm m.ili il.i iiii'Jka of tliu
Iravfllni: public. U.lrprltd vltuti'il, liraclt
tthvultr ct Iti hurtful ru'rtlc and ri
rrrnUe Raver, rouuttricU tlm I'itiiIcIoui
I'.Twti ii.n tliiittmiiirhuf tad orlinllKCitllilo
(iknI. tenir.llot rniinpi, licnrttiurn timl wlml
iilkin the Mi.mirh It lis fliintUfi-nie aicilnit
tail uul illonler t, nutline the rllrclv ct ci.
rrtsito I. rut. r.iiil nml lUiiip, trllntri kirk
hi'iului'tir. nn.I It nu liu-nuijataliln ruru fur
oooin iini nn.I lilll'iuuirM, 'lh f.Hli;iKi ut
Irani uflru trill tuuit diiAstrouilr UIhjii in.
Hid eoiuralrwiiti (H-OJulouallx to tuch
nu viKiit at to Jro.anllin life I'rr'oin In
fMlile hrkllli,n.irrliriiiliHiif Imil rlfisrti frutu
trkid, Hill. II pri.vl.lf .1 with tlm llltllrtt, lo far
Imilllulj lo Lji their Nan rcallivU.