Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 11, 1891, Image 4

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    jJllKHIFF'S 8AIjB. I gllBltlW-S SAIJi.
Nollen is linrnliv L'ivi'ii that Iiv i Notice Is Ituiuliy uiyen that uuilor
virtue of nn execution nml order of and by llrtuo of rut oxpoiitioti mid ,
wilo issued out of tlio Circuit court o..lor of wlo is-ttio.1 out of the Circuit j
of tlio Statu of Oregon for (trniil Coml of tlio ntnto of Oregon for ,
counlv uiwn n iudginontnnd decree i Omul county upon n judgment and ,
of salo rendered in said court on tlio , decree of foreclminro and mIo, run
7th day of March HUM) In favor of, ,l,,,'C0"'l10l,1 tt
The Portland Saving Hank and :V' W-1"'? ?f VV !
against Willi.... Welch defen. , ; . V T ;
Canyon Citv - - Oregon.
KV hare received and opened u icell selected .stock
of dents' FttrnitiltiiU! floods, lints, Hunts, Shoes, ISlnn-
c,tatio.v. Ym"umw GRANT COUNTY NEWS,
lx thk (W tt count or TBtitATK op ' In Lb Connly Ooutt of the Stnlo of '
orooK, row ast corTV. I Orngon for Oratit eounly. ' iri.uM.iti. nvnttv tiichmiay mousim.
In the matter of lit ) un tw manor oi uto iwtaie 01 i
liatate of . Citation, t 0. 0. .Miller, diMMMri. f
ClMrlen Lux, dMMMil. ) ! Notice ta hereby given to all whom
To .11 whom it may cow, 11 :W ?df " ftf " f01!' U
..eiis, device., lagatM, benaficiar- of M"h' A V.1 'he unlerKned
lea, ami all creditor ami otberc in
Editor nnd Proprietor.
. ifniiiiroil i '"rsiiiui a. id ij. j. .Marshall ih- , ... ., , x ,, ;,, ' ,,.
1-n.ln (lA ""-"o 1 l'ni;nrndc decries, lesions a,
thereon In liko dold (on. at the f,om ,-,tj ,nj nf May, A . I). lS'.il " " ifi,,l'l lllt'tll nj Patent .Medicines, A ntinn.t, I'.tc.
. raw. " , iV, " 7, " nt tl.o rate of ton per eo.,1 per an-
Urn th day of .March I , lll0 ftlrt',ljr nf ,,,,,
father sum of rorty-I mn and HI- I tmr , ,,,,,, , , ,
100 Dollars cost, and disbursements , . , , , ,
l'tiltllc I'nl rontiL'c Sn I let 1 cil tj Sf
Ordoi'M Promptly A..touclocl to.
acaruiiiL' costn and thit costs and
I'Xiwnscs of and Uon this writ, I
have levied Ummi and will w ul
public auction on Sutiinliiy th" 1 1th
day of .Inly, ISUI, at '1 i.'el.K'k I
Hi.etiou on Hiturdnr
tlm JOlh (Uv i.f
.It.i.o A 1) 1MU nt one o'clork j. ' m.
of wtid diiy wl llio cou.t ho.ito dour
in Ciinyou City, t!nnt coiniiv. ntnle
of Oregon nil of Hi ii folloHiii dx-
I lines tV la son.
.M. of wiid day, at the Court lloiw I P,jHMi projily nnd ll of tin- rifl.t
diKir in Canyon City.tiranl lonnty, titlu nml intiHl of .h.- .! ft..litit-
Urogou, all of tnc rollowing lies
.1. I!. Mainhall ntid
tlict ?in to wit :
L J.
lull t H
M o -i ul
eriheil real iirotM-rty, and nil the
right, title and mterettt ofsnnl de- The of NWI of See 7. IV I
fendnnt Win. Welch therein, to-wit: j S I! .11 h W M conlnini.itf Hi. aerr i
The North Half of South Hast ! nlwi the NKI of sniil Sec, 7 eontiuu
()uarter of Section ISO, Tp. H S, It
'28, K. W. M., contrilning acres.
Also the South-Kast (2uart-r of the
South-West (iuarler, and South
Half of ''outh-ICasl (Quarter. Section
ilO.Tp. US, It UH, H. W. M.. i-
taining I'Jl) acres. AUo the North
Half of the North-Kiist (Mi.rter
of. Section I, Tp. 10 S, It 'JK, H. W.
M., containing SO acres, all being
situated in Grant counlv, State of
Oregon, together with all and singu
lar, the tenements, hiTcditauicnis
and appurtenance thereunto bo
longing or in anywise apM-rtai.iini5.
Terms of wile cash.
Dated at Canyon City, I! runt
county, Oregon, this '-'ml dav of
.June, A. I). 1N1H.
O. I. OltlCSAI'.
ShoriU'of (irant county, Oregon.
Ity W. S. South won ni,
Deputy Shcriir.
To tii: I lux. thk Coi'vi v ( iit ur )
of the State of Oregon fortlninl."
counlv. l
We, the unilersigned your
IM-tilionerH most respectfully repre
sent that we are each and all resi
dents and legal voters of John Day
prccinct in said county and stale,
and we ask that it license he grant
ed to Fred. 1'crt.i.iH to sell and dis
proof spirituous, vinous and malt
liquors, in said John day pn'rinut
in less ipianlities than one gallon
for a period of six mouths from the
eighth day ofJulv, Ib'.U. A. I).
Dated thlH2lstday of May, Ih'.M.
A I Mosier, T Duncan. I' W Don
nelly, I'erry Shull. C It Cobb. .1 IC
Duncan, Frank Kliy, C I. Angell,
Brad Herburger, W K Walton, tleo
llagny, S I Morgan, J D Combs,
Wolllngcr, W Morehead, A (ior
don, Anton Vadota, John, IC
W Webster, Joso Del.iuu 'iegi.s, F
IIIloborts.CIHai.Hcom, erauk l'o-t-cr,
1C 0 Comegvs, CDeis, AWShaw,
William Keller! Then Mcl.ellau, T
II Curl, J A Wilson, JO Cattanach,
Ira IC I Inner, Milton Voting, l.eyi
l.indbtom, Win Lemons, AC Voting,
Francis Wttlh.ce, William Itatemau,
C Koohlcr, Andrew Anderson, John
If ltcngtcer. Frit II Thorssou, T
W finlliew, John C Silvers, It S
Viegas, J I (leorge, O W llirge,
Joseih (leorge.
Notice is he.eby given that on
Wednesday the htlt day of July. A.
D. IKl, the undersigned will apply
to tl.o Hon. t'otuity ( ourt of Hie
state of Oregon for ( irant county
for the issuance of the license nUive
mentioned. Fur n I'mikiss,
( Canyon City, Oregon
I.' ' p 'ii t.nitly on hand
1 In fir it''. IIOMsK-'IKiKM,
lit!i. and unfitted, also
11 1 N Ml s, I HON", STKKI..
'M . Willi rl.KTMKKH, NKt'K
'. f 1. 1 . IIKKI.S, SI'HIMIS,
r ' i.i.l M.f Itcil.TS, I'U K HAN
1.1 I -. "It hij: It.VNPNKS,
Ml" I - .Hid WKIKIK4. TIIIK Ft.- ,
t trlel in thoftlye KaUlf,
On the Htb day of April 1891 the
final no. ouut of the Adrainiatrator
ith the will annexed, of the liauto
of Chnrles l.nx, .IvcenKed, nilnalo in
Oregon, linin.' Won tiled on tlio l.'ith
di) of May. ltwl, nt '.be Court roomi
of the alwivo entitled eouit in the
Court lli;t-w in Canyon t'Hy, Imjvu
until' d 1 j'.uity and Mtnto, kavi m Un
iiipiui((I for the hiniiif the snoie,
l,. ri if ptiMmbor) uotico waa duly
I :i l nrriiiiltiig to law in the (Ihaht
C..i Nf.wt a pnper printcl and
m.I.ihIh',1 lirrrin, and on aid day
:h:i v cmin on to e hcaid and the
a Iiniiiittti-nttir Aipc:itinr, but nii" of
the heir, devim-ee, legatee or tiene
lioioririi mnieil in the Mtid will ntid
a oy conanieration ami onter ot
the Hon. the County coutt of the
Strtto of Oregon for Ornnt county,
1 appointed Admiuiatratiix of tl.o 1
tate of O. C. Miller, doeoaeetl.
! All iK-rami having just clairoi
against said IC-inO- are lin by noti
fied to pre nut the same duly '.criflrd
aa by law required, to the underaign
ed at bcr rcbideuev near Prairie City,
Oregon, or to M. Dimtin Htloiney
for aaiai 1'tale, at hia office in Can-
, yon City, within ix months frotn the
' dale of litis notice.
1 Mtta. L II. Miu.i:b.
Dateit at Canvon Citv, 'r., this
1 13th day ol Moy,A 1) lr'.JI.
SeWription I venr in ndranco S'2 "0
If not mhl within !t uinnths . S3 (HI
Six Months 1 CO
Three MoiitlM 7.'
1 inch
tt inrh
I eol
I eol
1 ml
3 mo
3 tno
3 uto
it tno
3 tno
811. (HI
I ytwr
I your
I year
1 year
1 yonr
1 10.00
I IIiST ( l,ss (,MN SHOP AT STAND jr.
Air You. (loin ;f to Plnnl nn Orrluiril .'
Of Paycllo, Ada County, Idaho.
lias the I.nrj(et (ieneral Nursery Stuck in the .Moiiiitiiin Country.
Full Aaao.ln.ent at Wholesale nnd Netail. Do not order
until you haw visilwl our Nursery, feeti oitr
Aent and fot our I'riccs. One
lliiuilrctl and Tweiily liv-Acres.
nig Kitlseres; als.i the enit H)tn-li
of the HW of the NW (,f Mlli, s c
7 coutninitig !j neii a inure or U -.
and also the following (liubil
preioisiii lo wit : ('oiuinenciog ut '
slono nun Ling the M' comer of the ,
m-'l ,.f r n...i :....!
thence went itxls lo a alone, ('in'I'll'Jt ft, iu!fi( V liui kliOni tlsAlitlll'll) Ul llri'.
lliKiie.-in a Mouth easterly directum itT" 1 Ite 'moimiIiI.' DucoiiiiI I'or Cusli &M
I'J rod to a atonn. thence in south-1
imsturly diieetimi to a stoim on th
eastern lioiintlnry of said aeotiott 7,
(hence north 'in rods lo the plaro o(
beginniiig with th" rxceptioll of 1
nerca (Ii-c.1(h to school iljnltict Nn.
II ill tin. north east corner of said
lust deaetihed limit containing ex
clusive of said lj acre demled lo
anid school ihslrie'. 21 sciea nnd -l
(oils iniiio or less; also Hie fulosing
ilmcriluHl ptciiiiNtst lo-wit: Com
iiieneing at a re.Uin utoui' on the
north Ixiundiiiy of the Sh' of ttaiil
sertiou 7 'J'.Tii io.U west of the uoitli
eait coiner of tlio of Maid section
7 and thence miming west Til io-In
more or I"n lo a lUe.l !in between
the lam's of II. W. AihIcihoii nml
M. S Nichols, thence eolith V tods
iniiio or ltH to a stone on the ii'n 1 li
Imnl; of the John Dav liver, thencu
111 n Motilli-eitsleilv diliKtlon a (lis
lance of fit rods more or ih to
stonii on the imi th
'.hence in a north
i.I'imIi to toe piHcti 01 iH'Kuuiiiig
.'oiilniuing 3 acteti and 7!) rods 11100
ir Ichs 1 lilt whole five paictds,
iiliove I.-h. lilird ci'liiMii of
said 1 1 tic 1 i'H deeded to said i
school district, being conligiiou timl I
containing in the aggregate 271 aries
and '27 tods and all Ming nnd Mtu ;
ateil in (i in nt county, state of (lie-
gou together with the teneuinuts,
li('tedilameiits iiimI npptii leiiitueeM
thereto belnuqiiig or in mix wise l.
Terms of sale rssh.
Datmt at Canyon City, Oiegc.ii,
Una '.'(lili lUyof M.iv. A. D., IMM.
!l l:t O. 1'. Cniie,
Hhei ill' Ornnt county, Orcein.
sain loport nppear.iii e.tner in per- NoUc9 h hptf) von (lm, A(,RI1)
... or by attorney slid it not ,.j.ea. MM Alma- 3liirnmv ami W,b !
...g lo he sat.afaet.on ol (ha t onrt ; , nm M- t, bini- 1
that ctUlion l.vl len w.rve.1 ..pot, tcl MD,er'lh; ,,,, f:Mtlrrrtv ,
not of mi, heira, derhwea h-gateca , mothcr, t Davili. 0. rant County, '
or IwMncianra. Md ton U10 appb-; ,,,. n A -, 21lt, m
cation of the adminiatrator thwefor. . mftde , to mo of ft
me uoun i.anng uKuaiu ,wy ., .ll(rprM111.i rm-ir,v. .1.,, i
1 1 . -
' eaiun tieint; aitusU-d in Oi-aut, liar i
Grown Trees are Hardy, Vigorous
and Healthv.
11 llitot aliFii t tun
Sri'City Meat Market.
linen of iHL'iniiiiiL'
nr n
Wuillinxllill Hlli'l-t, ('.IIIX'MI fit)', (lie;oll.
W 1 CRAY, PiuprUtnr.
of May 1 f 01 iioslponed and aliiirn
el said henr.og until the 7lti ilny of
July IK'Jl in xl at tho SAine place at
n icolni term of aai-l Court, to ena
ble tho said administrator loaerxe
said heirs, legatees, devisees and hen
rlii iinits wiiii atich citation tequiring
them to nppear agnin,t Mid furtlier
hy and s!io xuuae if any there be,
why the said repor: be not approved
and tho pr.i)er the.eof grnntoil,
lo-wit: To close the folate, di charge
the nduiinisti itoi niel nlenae hia
sun-ties from fujther liability, and
also onleiing that no'.ieo of said day
and plaro foi the further hearing a
nforaaaid be duly published four full
weeks and five mscHiina in aaid
Caxi Cot sty Niwa paper.
Now, therefore, yott and eadt of
you nre Ucroby iiotiticl that the fur ther
consideration of said teport will
be t.iken up by the sloxo ontitled
Court si the uual place at one o'clock
1'. M. of the 7th day of July, 1S!1,
ami that yon inel ench of you ure
heieby ited to nppixn at aaid time
nti 1 plnce uii 1 hIioxv ihuxc if any theio
lie. why the s.i.l r- poit hhoul.lnot be
iiiiiox.'il nnd the prayer then of
KiMi. t.l, that i to say that the fo
late b" i'..Hed. the udmiuUtrntor dia
eb.irbd and the mi let us upon his
ollicial undertakiug exonerated from
further liability.
Ity order of Iho Court of thu dale,
to wit: May 15, 1MU.
Tuomrro.v Wiu.iamk.
Atty. fer Admr.
ucy and Malheur conn ties, Oregon,
for the Imm.pI'iI of all their creditors,
in proportion to their lospectixc
claims. AH persons having claims
against said asigtiora, or either of
thr iu, are hereby untitled to proaent
mich claim tome, under until, nt my
oftlee, in The Dnllea, Waco County,
Oregon, within thtee months from
the dale of this notice.
Dated nt Canvon Citv, Oregon,
April .'tilth, 191
Malcolm A. Mooov,
A Higiica
am ininiitb ( u( Mr Maki rafttorltwM
o Jr.lilK I" Oil" oilamft. mhiiiI nwntl 1
Owlr hnm n riu lnd fow. hn mm dor.
w iiur ta m.ol Itiwa. Tarn a4rrinK
nu will l rSaravO. tit. Vw9tM .rtwiliacrlfcaft
aria U- diucnl l iw u tot mttt Imna.
U.r.l.lloB. ( l..r l.ll. r tut rlSl. a lor hip,
I lor thoulilrr, I for Olih, ct
Canyon City.
J. A. Ixiftoi. atille conntM.Ud ,lT.
F. C. SU 1 s KO
John Day.
D. II. Kiliehrttt ri-ht Mile I) It
also cattle under iloie emli mr.
DW A FM Fi-,k, cattle r h DF
horseals tow and Arrow.
W. I. Duuca.i r iiu'Oter circle '
JVtr" For standing diaplny ads only.
All Heading Notices in 1x-nl
'.'oln inn will bo charxod at tho rixto
of 'JO cents per lino for first, nnd 10
cts onch eulicsqtinnt insertion.
Specinlmlns to logulnr ndverliors.
xv r. .xait t'Ni:i'AN.:ii to r.xi'.ctTf --
e Jot) Printing 5 -
or i;vkhv intacittiTiox, rtiKAi'i.v
I'oators, Dod(nrs, Ilillhnnds, Letter
bends, NotehtMils, State
motits, Invitations,
Ticket, Cards
Kle, etc
...0. I. lliizeltine.
, .(leorge Shearer.
Co. J udgo
Troosurer N. II. ISolev
,.. ( W. II. Johnson.
.Surveyor T J. W. Mack.
.Sherili' O. 1'. Crosnp.
Awiswor Chns. Ti.niuH,
ScIhhiI .Siipt M. N. llouhiini.
Slook Inspector .... W. W. Hinton
Uorouor Dr. A. J. Thibudo.
DisU Judges j
Dist. Attorney ,
....M. D. Clilford
Junius A. Foe
... C. F. Hyde.
Smith liroa.
ll.'.Xl.KKS in;
All Kinds Of
II) tXiulcinle nml Uitnll.
.'III orders Jilted nn Stun t A nlire
M. A,
Balcor Citj', Bakor county,
Money arfranccil on
this year's Wool Clip.
11 1 1 1 1 lit of 11 iloe.l of nxNigUliieul
iiimle by Jiiiues Noiuii.ii of John Day,
Ornnt county, t'legoii, of Wk(- I In
3d day of May, A. I). I Mill, by xxlueh
tun sal. I .lames iNoiinau ...iixi xe.l all
hia plopcilv, both i.eis'iiiiil nml ri
to the iindersigne'l for the beneiit
all his cteditor": the 'iihI'Tm-iic .1
sign e xv 11 offer foi hide at pol.lie
aiielioti. ul the ('unit llnnw Duoi iit
Canyon Oily, 'bant county, Oiegoii, Cooper's Slionp Dippintj Powders Tor Salt! al Wholesale
on Thiiisdny, June IKlh, 1 Htlt, at one Will ulwiix euihuxor to ol.i.iin 1 1,.- In-,i,, s( 11..1L.1 .ii.eNun xvih.Im, i t
11 clocli p. in. in sant ilay, Hip lolluw- tor p.oti.-.i ...ii.u;!,!!! I.. ,.., .i..i.-, I, ..I, I i.nw.n.l the mom ue.-oi-in
cittlu 1 a
Mt Vernon
l'.mntR Cole, horse itnd cattle 1 It
II. A. Cupicr. hot-sex, 1 s
cattle Mime I hide swallow ik
J. l'ut.utm, horae rs i-iiiiuoct xl .11'
J. II. Ilamilt ut, 1 1 (ooucccted .III
1'rairie City
( nils Swai.MMi r h
S. A. 'I'licker 1 a
LvMorthy .V Fisk I ide cattle
llolTSl-Ji 1 a
kCj OUIt, M. D.
Canyon City,
Oltlw mi Main Strrrt lit lto4ii. roriitolj o.-a
4 b) Ut ItOM.rJ.
ruotosrnpho p
Pahhish k Coz.ui.
Oanvok Citv, - Onr.oo.v.
:i 1 -in in.-.
ll. I. h ...h.ill -I:
1 ul ,1..
in. nil. (-.
iOmIii. .
11 M.ui.l 11. 1 i.f i-je.-ll. nee 1
,f j
1 11.' ut D.ul 1
" . I 1 .-ii .an
At(oi'iii'3 -ul-l.ux. .
,tftsris- A(
ilit deseillie.1 iiiiiiieilv, In xxit- Tin" ll
South Half of the N'I'j nml the Noil I. '
Half of the SF. of Section 20. in!
Tounship 13, South of It anno 31, K. !
W. M., cutitaiuiiig lilt) ni-iea, and hit-
until near John Day, (iiunt county, j
Oiegou. j
jauid propeily will lie mild o the
highi sl bidder 1.11 the in lernis'. !
One half to he paid 011 the il.y of 1
win nild the olhei half within i !
Ilioit'bs tin ii .ift. 1 .
J. W. .MACK, I
AlHUgllCll. ,
H'lr .ll-hlle.
Murk nil g-ootlR
S. A II I'A LMCll.
Ft) It l'Ctl.l"ATItN
A lininl ;i' t r:i. I i M
li-litfnllx 1.,
I., mi!
.d .1.1
111. of
III Kilt: 1111. 1 CUV ON (IIV
R. Hickson.
Canvon Cil it and Ar- oryi a H-f?. T.T1VT17.
linHto t. Or. .r.f-y .J J-i'
llASCHi: .t Ci iVi ttt'AV, Pruir.
it.l Irani., .1
. ... I (..I liiiit
O.xsvo.s Citv
I'or) .li.-i.lh... ...... 1.. lu. . ... 1 .11 . lj
Churaaa Ki..i...iiut.le.
- -ll.XI. Ill i in
nil OL UIIOKlUi)
Baker Cil, Oregon.
IWml. or htior. iu.Jm i.i i.r.ter ur iir.t it4li(.
iii rroi-k vvarr.iiiia.i
iMitltU tv mtt
If a it al ltilii'-ea litJf tn '
i . UIM llM III' llAllilllaJ
.1.1 Oilier it ISlnil. Or
V. li, Iwl
Nutlw Ii I. rob) glo n ll,. I ll. foll...ii( ntuirU
..III, I I... IUmI M,rr uf lil llil....UuM U l.itl.
II ml .ruul In rii..n ( lr .l.lw. au.1 Oml .IJ
v.u. Mill U Hi. (uuiil) ..(
Omit rounlj. al Ctnivi. CXIr. ni.iun, ixijuli
. laul.xlfi SIAItTIIA A HKXlMlll l'l UK V,
Mb. tut tlm HW ur S.-. la. T It S. It Jl K X It
Slit. nun. Il,a lallsMliHi altar... .i)...k. h.r
l-unlluuvlll ir.ld.ll.t. IIM. II..I .tilie.t.un . I. .nj
UihI.Ui II II. Mi-Mlur, XI I llu. i ii, sol I
II. U llrfHii..,.!) ..( I'r.iri- I'll. , oi.. n
iim J n. nr.sT.s..Tos, u.xi, ,
lan.l oni.r at llun.-, Oir .n
it., m
Nfelllr ll l.orb) iilrli that ll. Mlunim,- lun. I
trlllrr R'.tl i.i.U U I.U ...truu.Mi i.
final ixoul In tii.iuii ut I.I. i.ln. .il n,l ...
liay 4h.l ririiliia aroliHitf,
ai am nuir
SluJal. .n vi.irr
KuHitn.-att lra.-Sfr. aa.t aip(n
.'or trim. i.. I i4l.h.NMk a.l.l..- . 'llol" h ,X
tl.XM'ollll, I'rll . II.. I ( il.. S ... .-. . 1 .1. .i
erl'o sup. c II nii.t.i. j I'lim i..i .. i ii.. i
l.i. l. i4i. I . a. it... i I lal.ilit- Oi.k.i.
BEST ev-ErBrftBBM"
steel jk1" aa vaan
1 1 III w
l'.' fuitlier infm in itmu and for
nut'.-hiKe apply in 1'. C. Stt.M or M.
1)., for I Ai;iiiU at l ativiei
t'ity. Dr. or lo II..M.X K Dua'rii,
Geli'l Ttltstie, -V.) Stuk ittect, Foil-
hllld, Oleyoil,
II '. TCI, I.7 A'AV.S'
mid d h'll'h'Lh'US, Citv, ( ihkoon.
Dealers in
violins nmi cuitars.
It.. I..) I.. I ti.r. ..u
rt"" Opp mc I Ii lull Mi . it Mill Let,
Main H'lvt t
Lail ofll.r al llunu, Orrou
Mai . I-.I
N. ... .-I. l.rt,l.i icli.i, i.0 ..lli.., i..n ,1
.111.. I... l.ilr.1 ikIi' 1,1. ii.t.hil,, i.i mill
in, I .i.,f li. Miiif..,! i.f hi rt.liu. .1. 1 l).l ...i.i
l. he Mwlv Utvrv In. I u.ii.1. I til. f
.....I i ..tini), a. I'auwii Clu, Ur.-i...... . J......
l- l. l Fhl llf.N llt.l.l.H. U.I .i.i. .N
. . (. n. h ,,, hK h, -i, XVIil.K.KWur
' K jin I . I I l II '. K
II I ... - 11.. (.lU.lftiii ,tu. t . t, i lit
......ti..u .....l.ii.v i..,i, a.,.! f t, ;, tia .f
..I .11.1 Uq.l, . in,,,., ,, llsKcr, A.I.
I- fc. J T Co.. II. all .it .) . II. c. Ore
J. II. II.'VTIM.TOV, tlrjl.l.r
lllKHT twkXIl FKlMlF.
V. a. La. il iHtou at Harm, Orient.
. M... ii iwl
NiSl.-u..l,tl,l.l(llrnUul JllUN X XX'lt.MSKK,
r HJhl..h. ilrr., aa Slwl i.oli.-u ..f i.ilr.iiloi. lo
"tf- rw,', 'Ir-wrl land rUlai iiu l. t, Ih.
SK .,r SXX ar .VKur las if T S H II K , l r .1.
HmulrraMl HrxiVar al lhtm, on Fill..
ih ih day at Ju. Iwl,
ll lumra Ow ro.klnf alinr.M-. u. pr....- n.
.-ftniJ..i., Irrtgalt.fii laimLwrihi. ..i.i k....
til. iwn oaalan. OaMJ lliaukm, J
Xlarllii Luaia, all mt Uluiloa, Oramn
B UL'KTIK.ITUX, ll.fl.l..
7rSiM WAR-
IM.IINSIC rftlr$it!rti RANTED I
'!'' Ol,- - . . !, 1 , -, .
i'.. . I -' I . .,, . .
Notice is hereby iriven that I haxe
this day appointed the following per
sona deputy alock inspectots for
Ornnt county, Oregon;
Chus. 1. Jolinsou,
John II. llukor,. .
O. II. Kiiuboilaud
Warren Caraner, . .
Win Hall
Woods Cnrlor
It. S. niackwcll... .
L. M. Johnson Sltooilv.
W in litlliB Itittei
T, 11. l url, lohn Dav
W. W.Hintos.
St. i-k Inspector fur Grant Co., ().
I.iv Til,,
Mount Vernon.
. . . . l'raiue Citv.
, Haiiiilton.
I'ropriotor of the
John Day Milk Ranch
FiokIi null; deliveind daily to my
customers in John Day and t'an.xon
cities, tiixeme votir orders.
X 03 3T 'I' I T .
'III.' .-. .'
d r Hi. li x.
i I....... , ii i t
I. - ti:n, i..-ii..t s in in,. . , i ,1 i , ,,,. , ,
lion, niiiliiiiK ili.-in tli. i,,it -it 1 1 'i..
ol iiame.iUit anil Ucnliul.l.. ..r;n I i .
world for Jloim-a, Hclioul-., iluu, .
UlK.- nnd HiKtetles.
('ataloKUea i n ni ., ut.,i, VUU.
Gliioap Cottap Ow Go.;
nmrrr's Torn o. tiii. x.oiti.n.
I ' M.V I' . . I I l . I I.4H,-
. ... - I 1' XX..!.,,i.,
.'III'. ,j, ( I i. 1 ' ' I I i 4 1 ...
-...: i r I . . ! I,., -,l.rr-
1 ' ' .'" e - i - r i i i r .u'.-.ur.
I ll..,.,.
hmkiit nxn mror. iHBra a. Harm, or
U v ... lv,
frtl harrli, (irrn l.l VI Mill I I Mr I
IM. H U klaMl. ul IIuwomi, or.,. .ii. i,.. ni i
loll. . ..f iMtn.ll.Hi I., iiukr aau( .... I..r
laa-l r'.im no W, l..r th. ah or a: or N it ,
irTlia nil K., l.lw ltivl..-r and n....... .i
lli.n,-. fit lay. w SSIS .!.. .1 J..
St.a imuwM Ou-...toiiK allium-. , , , i,
. ..u..l. i. tirifUioii an.l H-rlamalHM. .4 ui.l I ..
'in... lU-liin. J L ll...Wf. .., i.i,,,,.
X. I. ..-aa, all 4 lil.iil.ia. imiu
Kool 1M t liwUrUlalalli. Unrl.l.i n,l nr,..r
al nuiBf, utrfoii, on ll. liwl, m o I
Kl'LLJ.'lt I'rr. II. . Su VIM, lor llii XV 1,1 sr u(
Src 31 and XV I.f S' Hr Srf. T. US ll jo tivij
lie i.aiiif-. thr llb.v.iu HltwMra l. .riv In.
lobllnuvilt lrLlr HI" al.l tulllratlon ol.
land, xli: T. I'. Sulrr, lixtkl li lleloilt-a.. XV,
XV.blw, Jainra llir.lwi. all ol IIUul.ui. Oi...n
Il.tM J, .1, llcintunw, lltlr.
Calr'. I 1 n XUi.,
rut ti ' i ! ! i
Oua Orr . r ia Oaiitirr
..I ,.f i. l a., t'ai
jin.n rit
PlIlhT Ol
I. , . Illu. II .:. I
u a
c r
lor Lis.-j.
2firu, rtiMhei and Railioads.
K i ;S VTl'1',,5 TIMll ' lblo I
Im1 M
IC' 'I1 ' it ' 'it i ll
h'fi, i.vf i .'nx!-. if i Imi , l(h Oi .(
HOW U - i v tf .1. nul 1 ,,f ,. f w u(
ti-r, O'.r iv h ti ilui tdl rit U ur4.
A PaUPMtrT "ll" to IM.nhl lltUllla. ' 'l
iiil,. a. f.i cii ot in yuur hUf, cautt, V
U'Mii, ut frv AUJr,
Orr p.TtNT Orrici. WttMiNStdN, 0. C.
Mil ni oy Slijign Lino.
I. .TewoU, Prop.
Slnno lertvea I'auyou on .Mondav,
Wedneadny and I'r.Iliiv at I a. in".,
nn I leaves Hums ou '1 uealy Tlmin
lay and Halurday, auiviug'at ('.in
sou Cur aauteday.
I'hhihw and Freight a leaaonn
blt mtut.
uuxx.a''-,. i a .".. . t a it m - w
BH1BK.L. . jg I I J Ilia
tiHl 1 1
, ix- i .. -a.
r, .K
.I Ik.
ffr i """"
iV iviit
I t, lt
t 'A R a5 1 t r i t IT lit
' m ' ' "I I I '. I U llll
W I I f
I t i j t i u It . . w tut In
a f i , 1lirauri'-.' 'Hi
4 - , . . , , , , f r , ., . . t
n I w i t T ii, i i u an
t . I i k i I i ..' i u i , tit .
I j ' I i i i i ii ii I'kv rt . ti Ittaat
al , -r , i.i u - i i . ... ' ' .r,,.. 4
i x a, I ) I (i h"i.' ai -0
l- taj u l,4i it. . !f Uj'..t. I t.l
liwatly j - . I i.,l t . ' i Iiu ..
wufi.i jr i . r xt. ti i f l, ii
K)M in it 01 t in
irln . r t H ft, ,
t li. x I'll' I t . I
(i)!li.e opp,iti- Il.ill)
Canyon City .... Oretfui.
&T- Jll Work U'n rran ted.
no to nit;-
Cauyou: Gtty : Earlier: Sliop
.7. J. .Stephens,
larh a.n.1 v
tftt jri t I '
luatrria. M.r
. i l..t'iji
; ? itt
I !.
a ta f f llt
int. 1 for
' .'.xtl laaj
i m I w.
foh x nasi ii xs-i ihtii, stixvi, hiixvi
t oo on it vm (it . v Tin: i ati st srvi.r.
3i"" Slit.ns mound for cents
pt r ptur
ano aii yn icr oZb:.T.s.:
oir.oxDLf;rj uta: i-w 1 V. w.!
inactive: uvL.n.
W e
It .1. 1'4 1. 1 I ll. .n, XX.
- S S"
f alasd Ml . ,
.. aaJ t'.r
, riiNos
i. . ii. ni,
in,. .
J '"IT
A! ',
r !- x i .
'- ' ll. -'xJ Ma
ll .1. - a., .u ,rl.
- tain, i, . at vttt9t i,
I i . ut i..... i , ii. u ttit Mia 14411 i
nr.sT i.v tiii: moumi,
It wvrlOiiquaUll'airUHiurpu-i, Liuallv
oulUkiiau- lwt l-jir of any .ylti.r irniL Nt
a-fl.. taai Lr lata tii l.T Til li U V.S
rpiiBuriiiTrunisfii Nnuuxjr
" t HiiiiKt kiati ,a4
' - V 4 l.a !., y9h
J nth,
'I al' it,f a fil tthe
. 9 ait. ..t U M
1 . -. Hk aaxal Mt
i. . (v.
aii taHlT Aua ii4
'( HM.W lb,
1 1 ' o taut .-a i,
..'I t .m lUa-isaw-j- fW.a
a'f a-'-' "" IkH-tf It. M
llUWa i if., IVKlUlti, III.
1 .i.iiM.i..i- -..lHVasTr,Tisr:r:
JuaaaMaaaau4i4A mmtJm .
.-44" s .Aa'MBJB-VHtw .