Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 11, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Juna I I.
Uki f!n and low jtriml ckvkx
nt the Wfttchtrnkr-r't.
Hi po ulniwIirrHm nnd c lurried, cur
rwnu Mid gooMWrii.
MomtlAin summits mlvr-d a imt
ing of now Uarinfi Ut ruin km Matt
rkijr. Wttw line of clocks UM-er lifrr
men In Omul county now nt tho
I'-sputy Pmlnutxlcr Hi. Parti,! tt
jMrtM on a Imiivrw tour to linker
Inst Sninn!ar.
A tj-rt-lm'iil f tJroifls and dep
uties And kwyer sre upcriMtnnllitf
tho stdet donn tho rivit,
Timothy turndown, which for unity
rmn hav Utti (Jinnl conniy's sUml
hy, look sick Uxsiita Un Hcli gr-mi of
Hlfnlftt fiekk
John Wolfing lw moved hi sheep
to Kox valley rnnjj-M, anil rind the
gnus totweort thii mlley nnd Fox U'l
Ur Uian it ha lwn far years.
At Elgin, Cnimt county, Fnitici
IjO Hnrdo wu kill! by l'vn Oliver,
daring n ijiwrrfl. Cnrxer was arrested
nbo Mr IO Bord, for complicity. '
Tmk laying on Uw Stintptor vnlley
railroad ii nlntt to 1m begun, although
!t ii dottliiful if tlin mid will extend
lssymtd Uio timls.-r lmlt this side nf
(to to tho Hod Front Billiard Hull .
for a cool, lefi-oshing drink of tin1
filiosl lnger Ikht in lutstotii Oiegnii,
i iick Ihhh- on tap on ami after
Mny lt
Orogott feeli proud of consolidated
Porll.ind, which will soon become a
oity of one hundred thousand Mpula- !
tion. Consolidation carried hy over !
night thousand.
Juno is making n record for low
tinM?rnlif. Monday morning tint
thotinomclcr registered six degtee ;
nlwvo freean ,, nnd pivvsontly tlin gen
tle miitdrops pnttcied down. ;
Two of Hull Bros' Moiino bucks
honied lust week, ono '2K nnd the
othor 22 Mmi., Ihu two together 50 11.
of wool. Who can l'nt ill Don't
nil imak nt once, tmt trot out your
The. quartz lately discovered u o
tho Vnrui springs' assays itlniut $S er
ton in gold, and some silver, n me
informed, i Ihjhj it mny prove u lx)n
uii'ai to iU disi'ovoroni and to (Inuit
Alfalfa is the eominf huy crop for
this ttlloy. Soon the mowers will Ik)
clipping tho iii'Ht crop of tho kuhiu,
and it is likely that three ornps will
U) hnrwMtod thin siiiiiiiiit, us wan done
last year.
Uiinyon (!ity is figuring on putting
in uli eloc trie! liht plant if the placer
miuiiiK project comos to maturity.
That is the cheapest light the uiineiH
OOldd Ute, the kiwU epenso i
chiving poor.
Oiir waUdimnkor hero in (!anyon
Oily has just liout;ht a Iinr of mh'U
ulen and eye hIushoh hii:ll it undoulit
inlly one of the !,(. and moit i'ompleti
OIUM ill ( Ire'dit. (ieniliue prhlileti a
Kjteoiulty. MmlemU pi ice.
Jlldo Clilliml and I .1. llajueuool
have ifo to l'id'tlaiid deleifuUu to
tlin Mitsinii' raud Imle. .Iiiile (!lif
forl wa aeeoiiip-iuieil ly hii family.
A. II. (iri)th nei-niiiuiuiiil .Mr, llajjue
wood M far us ISiiker and may io to
A trKedy was tuiactMl near Mil- i
gnrd in Hi" wejtorn )xut of Union
oounty Tuftwlny morning of lait week,
resulting iu tlin death of IViMoii, ouo
of the rUciiaiitH. One l.oftim ouitl
liilden n ntiittll hill, nnd they (pmi ndel
over the mini of fifty eentu in making
a KOttluUIOIlt.
Itoht. Ward, commonly called "Old
writo H Uie Nkms: "1'loius
wmii mn your Mor for the tot in of
one year. When l .M. Smith lmreU
Ilia watorinchjiiii 1 rill jiay you iu
spring chickens, wHtMiuieloim or ml
liogo. I m:iy py you ut cuah."
Wo will wiy Umt"Old lull's" unxlit
i ipncl iu tiiu pret iiu t fur any length 1
of time.
We learn ly the ISaker Oity Demo
prat that lll d mailer of Neil .McNul
ty is about to re.Uiie a omall legacy
left hi'r ly her fntlier. l'rior to hi
death; iu I 73, ami uhun his chid wan '
Kbout one year old, .Mr. .McNulty do
poited iu the IliUii iiiau Savings It ink
of Hau I'rauciaoo, the sum of $100
made Miyahlo to hi daughter uhun '
alio should unie nt tho aye of Is,
years. This sum lm o iiionnil that
it will a;gni;nt IxitWHo 1)00 ami
$1,000, .Mr. .McNulty was a resident
of ('anyon Oity, and diod here iu lh"li.
JtJiil T. Hays and I'mncis Clarnn,
the fw liter a miner of (ireeuhorn ami
thi) latter jtrouiiueiit lawyer of I'oit
latul who is interested in Mime Millialile .
lixlues on old ( ireeuhorn mountain, ,
wnrn in Uio city List wejk and gimi
the Nttwsa nleasaut call, (ireeuhorn
waa prutty tnoroujjhly mnM. U'd on
the surfocti last summer, and now all
tJiat loinaiiis U duteniiine Uiat the
rtclioat camp on ninth is to attain
depth on the lodges. This has aliieidy
lueon duJi U) sihuo extent, and with
satisfactory reulU. Momis Hays ami
OUrno ai men uf cool judguumt, and
their otiiuiou uf th' iiiiuiM uui lo
Uk fr ifn'Ht ihstl. Ibsokinjc thuir
jiiiljjuient vtitli w oik; thoy aie
wiwy Hpiirirtf mwi piopeity. j
Oity onliimueo niafiilntiitR piihlie
Inthing Iki lieou ptMtwl up.
Imlfo llinl, formerly of the neventh
district, dinl in Onliforuin lnvt week.
Atturiy 0. A. Sweek, of IlumS i
in tlm city attWMli.i8 to .some hwil
tltst your eyos fitted with tho riht
kiwi of wctiicl nt the WutchtiKiker's
StmvslHm madd Uvo m on 1 A grade Merino innke.. n pwlit
the tnarket, only for the l wmthnr ! a1'1 "-iJR morowujtl and
th kill few day.
A laud contest is hi prpgro! Iw
twetin lVnlWd and Trefry, for a pitx-e
of land down the river.
Oood roads command the rraHH't
of the traveling puMir, thersfom we
should improie the highwajt.
J rant county is not dev oid of jsit
ihUism. ami will rek-Wrnle th nation's
laithdav in uumenms loculitim.
I Ait Sn tu i day was "UilM' Day,"
rw:oprii!jUI in On'xn as a holiday, Imt
tlw printers j iuii.i1 forgot all iiUntt
it ami workwl all ihv.
Kemp Ilanhwtv has Ishii Wr hunt
ins, and was in town the utlrer day
with n scalp and hide of one of the
ferocious sheep isitem.
(Jiiiit.lmix miuin nro not N'in?
wiwkisl this stsiMiti, wu iinil(in.tanil.
Should capital take hold of those initios
then is no doubt of them myitis' welt.
The sheep fthnuiio; season is nlmt
over, and one of the limsit and largest
cniis of wisil eer gathered in lantern
Oiejfitn will ) iiiarketiHl at fair pi ices.
Dr. Oir Kitiirniil frmn llainilton
1111 r i ma v w ticre lie liail lneu on a
professional visit, anil is w
with the inllev ami little
tow t'ovrr
ii i i
.Messrs Duitratt .v Sous have Iweu
enmmisl dm iiuf the week liioviut; the
hou'ie which Kmnk Poster purchasisl
of the "ItuiMan," down to liwer
Tow n.
I'nclo Suiu's postal inspector made
a (lying trip through these parts a fw
days ago, taking the nllice hy surpiise
but of course tliidiug everuhing iu
proper shape.
Any one wishing lluckeye mowers,
or I'Atnis for same, can obtain them
by applying to I lines,!' Mason, Can
yon Oily, (iiie your unlets at once
as freight coiiu slow.
Horace Sloan tnturmsl homo last
week fromatiip to I'.oise Oity, and
lujioits the cajiiul of Idaho lioomiug,
and lots of gold dust coming iu from
surrountliux mining caiiipt.
It it, estimated that not more than
from 150 to 200 acies of piiiti have
U'en alwolutely destroyed iHiymul le
coiery by tlnu'iiokets iu the Wapiuitia
country. Dalles Chronicle,
Sevim DeviN camp cannot show
U'tter pronpeoU than our own (ireeu
horn mountain, ami after this miimiii,
when the millers attain nsit depth on
their ledges, wo may expect a IkkHii.
The little town of Mt. Vernon,
which is in a liutiful irtion of the
loltn Day valley, is only waiting for a
railnvid to come up tho river when it
will Ihkiiii and llourish, as it is an nc
ci'ilile business MinU
The circus w ill isit Heppnur, but
all iU living machines and ohiphniiU
thirty fi-ct tiill, will Ih conspicuous by
their absciicii, wu siitmiiH). So will
the dollars ill the w.'Li'U of the mm
pie after the show has gone.
ISnkiT Oitv m-iint is woith only fifty
cetiU on the dollar. Oauyoii City has
onlv U'en iucoiiMinitiil as a t it v a few
miiiilh. hut her sciint is at nar. and
, i i
a soon as you can rush to the turns
tiler ollice you get your money.
Small specimens of what is prolmbly
opals, or rtlhic, haie been waahml
from the giaiel Usls near Sillies val
ley, when Olark ,1' Trow hi idge have
their placer cliitii. Prociotls stones
may U' found iu Orant eouut)', yet.
You aie respectfully invitml to cou
ttibute any aiticle of news to this ex
cellent family journal. The editor can
not 1 in eiery place in the count; at
the same timu, therefore must depend
on coi ivMmt!t'iiU to give interesting
A section hand on the niiltoad U'
twivn Iji (intiidn anil On) Dell, by the
name of Casey, tried to commit suicide
Sunday by jumping in a Uinel of wat- i
or head nraL At last account it wus i
tlifiit.ilit uiiiilsl nuuil in' I riMfiitt t
W, II. Clark had
on his Silv ins valley
melt ptmpoctllig
niining location,
and they wotkisl pretty well into tho !
ravel bid lately, lidding ntetty uood
pionMvts, hot not sti iking a kiillicieut
(low of water for sluicing as they had
Two (louring mills iu thi valley ate
now assured. Farmer down thi way
must now plow up some of their pas
tine laud ami mine wheat. If they
had put iu a large acreage this season
the yield would have been abundant,
thanks to tho tiiitis.
W. H. New'uau, who has United
this city a number of titiio and for
merly traveling agent for a Unit of San
Ptnucisen tailors, was mat tied to Mis
(inico Norton, of Napa, Oal., lately,
lie is now engaged in hitsiite at
Fairhaveu, Wash.
An Illinois preacher and a counter
feiter had a "set to" and the pieachcr
claiimsl to have convei toil the counter
feiter. Siiluequent events indicate
that it was the pieacher who was con
vol tod, for ho was aonit ai tested for
(Missing counterfeit money, lie claim
is!, huwover, that ho went into the
huiiiHSM mutely to llml out its nsjirts.
UuiitH thin nenk lutvo vnlivuituil
the npjKmrnnco of viigotntion gonor-allv.
Lnko nnd Hnrnov countios will
! "'nkc 110 l,')brl io WS' tl,oir l,,,l,,l,t
, ,", t0 ('nu'1 .ve,,r-
Henicndr tlmt tho Prairie Cilv
Holler Mill will Im, ready to fill nil ,
orders for Holler Mour hv August!
; iir-ui naniur aim lunger im-ii inaii
the more opon-woolwl liretnl.
j One of tho Intit featuri's of tin'
, colelirntiiui up the crook ill In the
hIiiiiii Indian mid mid battle, con
ilitrted hy an old Indian lighter.
! The Ixuler of the MiConl m mill,
oernleI hy .1. .M Littleton, on .Sut
ton crook near linker City, exploded
. it.,iri,1(. up thing generally, hut do
ing no (lauinge to lite or ittno.
Mr. J. II. Hoiuig. for inany vonrn
Oanvon I'itvV hnrU-r, has removed
Willi ins lamiiy irom lleppuer,
...i. i... i i ... i ii:..
tilivil'llf Miuilil Hill. I IIP
1 prs-sH-til nililres is I'ortlanil
Attornev l'arrish will nn-eivo a
' "M'tting" of Ohinoso pheasant et:ys
iu a few days, and with the aid of a
lieu will endeavor to stock (inuit i
I county with these lionutiful game
( The secretary of war has ordered
j the garrisons at I'nrt Abraham l.iu
! coin, X. I).; I'orl Lewis, (Jul.; l'ort
1 Shaw, Mont., tn bo withdrawn, and
I tho several xts named will be
Haker Citv mills have found it
! iri"'1 going to
make her (,wn Hour and not duNnd
. tint! i f n Ii h tn uiiiii llmlr In ttiii ! run.
on Maker or any other jilace, thanks
to late enterprio.
m.. ii-.,. ...... i .... I .!..,.,..
healing last week, lieing charged
with an assault with a dangerous
weoii on the jiorsoii of Hill Pojw.
lie was Wind over ill the sum of
t'-'.'rt) to npear before the next
grnml jury.
A (iermati living in Spokane died
a few nights ago from pseiulo hydro
phobia or fear of tho rabies. He
was bitten by a dog, and though the
animal was not mad, the (ieriitau
suil'eri'd and died with hydrophobic ,
.1. D. May, who was attested in 1
Poitlaud on the 10th of April for ;
breaking into a hencoop of prank '
I lacheney and stealing eleven fancy
chickens valued at S'.'.'i, was sentenced ,
to nerve four month iu the county 1
jail. Next time he will buy hi chick- ;
en. 1
Posters will bo printed at this
shop today, advertising the Fourth
of July celebration at the Canyon j
creek soda springs. Kvorv prepara
tion has been made for the xtplc's
enjoviiient on that occasion. I' or
particulars ami programme pec sist
ers. Mr. Freeman Trefry informs us
that quite a frost was exM'rii'ticed
down tho river Monday mght, the
tops of alfalfa in tlio meadows
drooping some Tuesday morning.
This will probably not materially
injure tho crop prosM-cts of the
Wunhington county, Idaho, editors ,
don't marry altmeether for hue, but
rather that they uuy place themselves
Ill a poittou to say, "eggs, hotter,
chicken, lege tallies and other fill 111
chicken, veget.ililes ami other lanii
ptoduco taken on ulci iption."
of them have realicd thi sweet
dltliui l.itely.
ditiou lately.
Mr. Hays, of (ireetdioru, informs
us that a Ktiuill hydraulic elevator is 1
in use on (iranite cieck, put iu last
summer as an oxpeiimeut, and that it
is w ot king satisfactoi ily, not withstand- !
ing the numerous builders iu that
camp. It ought to I i a success iu
Canyon cieek; and no doubt will if the I
.omimiiy tn operate it become organ- '
i.od. !
A man named Misiu has been in j
town several days, and we under- t
stand he bus jiurclinsed the John ,
Day (Inuring mill and will put iu
roller machinery. Mr. Mtsin failed j
to call at the ollice of this agitator,
but wo hos the rejsirt of his pur- ;
cltiiso is true. The Xkws has ad-1
vocated a mill for this valley, hut
two mills will uecesi-itato a greater j
priMluclion ol wheat, coiiseiiietitiy
tiwirn iinwiuiril i I
i-.vr i
Seoreliiry Lelotig, of the Califor-!
nia state ' Umrd uf horticulture, i
states that the damage done in the !
interior by grasshoppers is not as
great as represented, but he admits
that the grasshoppers are doing a
great deal of ief. The greater
loss will fall on the small orchards.
The large orchards will faro the
herd. From all the upcr sirtioit
of the state information has been'
received of the presence of n greater
or less number of the insects, and
some complaints have come from
orchards to tho south of San Fran
cisco. pi... i. .1.... I..:.....:.... i i
i lie iiait't ii 1 1 l: a i ion an nan
aroused serious fetus of tho utter ,
drninngoofOooso lake, to tho ,,,.,
sturnatiou of all who now rely iism
it for their water supply. Dr. Loo- j
niif, agent of the Interior depart ,
meiit, recently came out in jstsoii j
to investignte' a reiiionstrnnco sent ,
to Washington, in the hope of pre- ,
venting the big water company re-
cetttly organized from carrying out
their plaint, mid that gentleman ox- '
pri'sno the opinion uiat ihuqiioslioii
will involve mutters coming within
the province of intorHlatu law.
Jacksonville Times,
Junott, ISfll.
Nowp kind ofpenrco Ui!m witvk.
N. S. Hnhcock lias none UtCjtinrU
Kx.j,l(K It. r. ,,,.s, ig deliverinK
, clctl,r;. in lowl, fr,.t. of vhaT&,.
OtirixjiiU'ra nre at ucuk huihlini;
i a court limine, to try our nan uieii
Tho finino for the church Ull to
hang in in Iteing erectinl thin after-
Mr. DomihliHiii U frainer at the
ehnreh this afternoon. Hois rais
ing the Ix'll.
Saul Taylor is galhrring cattle
this week, lie intends driving them
to Salmon river.
Councilman Sam S. Durkheiiner
(more commonly known as No. 'J)
went to Hums hist week.
(!. W. Mcllalev has his hand of
. ),,,,, .lmr(li IUH t. shearers have
' ... ...
' . Iw mill III iiiiiiwiii
The young ladies of this place
look nnd and down hearted since
Jnck Dixon took his departure.
We forgot to state last week that
1 (i. . Met onl nnd faiiiilv.of Ilaker
j City, were on a visit to this plneo.
tleorge Johnson had his wrist
I thrown out of place tho other day
I by the wool frame falling down,
I while ho was sucking wool for Mr.
. Mcllalev.
1 Frank Clarno and Jack Hayes,
miners from (ireeuhorn, were on a
visit to this valley a few davs ago.
! Tliey reKirt things Usiuiing over in
ll,,,,r w'l,ll" of l',Mt,lr.v-
t Messrs l'isk, Unwell and right
j started to (iranite Inst Sunday to
' view out a new wuenii road. This
leaves our ton it without any citv
dads. Pike had a rattlesnake med
icine with him.
Mines lless was in town and re
porls money scarce in his part of
the country. I lo thinks that Hruii
ton got away with the surplus. It
is all right M. wo have enough to
vhip a quarter all the samu.
Nick Oliver made a Hying trip
from Long Creek to this place last
week, lie was over in the interest
of his ranch nt the head of the val
ley. Hruntoii, who had it leased,
sold it to X. Allen and did not noti
fy Mr. Oliver of his intentions.
I have lieett e.xH'cting an item
from the c.ugar slaver, but have
not heard from him for some time.
I guess he is a little shy how he
goes round now days. They say he
packs two stxshiHiters and a case!
knife to defend himself and u siilinoii I
akin for a cap.
'lliuut Luiiraiieo has got his new ;
soda fountain.
I saw it standing
in the room. Looked like ho had j
got it set up, but there were a lot of
lit'le wheels lying around, enough
to make a collide of watches. Look !
out Isham ami do not get too much
gas on; linhlo to blow the limitless
up a little.
Potlol'S Pl.AS'l'KII.
Is hereby given that a meeting
will he hob! next Monday, June l.'i.
at the John Dav Mills by tlio sub-
ncrils-rs of the lJouu towards a Hol
ler mill at John Day Citv.
I he eenth ill ithu lirotMises lo
The gentleman who promises
build said mill will be present.
(iKOIIlii: (il Nlil.U'll.
. !
Fotiith of July w ill not seem what
it ought to be without brass baud
Mac Soiutnervillo is exected
here iii u few days with IIHIyearlitig
and two-vearohl Webfoot steers.
Hois taking them to the South
Fork of John Day, Ochoeo Heviow.
Scrofulous eruptions, such as
pimples, discoloration of the skin,
especially on face, are caused by
impure lihssl and will disappear
rapidly by using Pfuiider's Oregon
lihssl Purifier.
Postmaster-tieiieral Waiiamaker
has ordered ulll Mistmasters to place
a notice over each drop-letter box
warning all jHirsous not to mail lot-
tory niatter of any kind, since to do
so is illegal.
i iocoiiniv Koat ituchiion is now
about the same as settled, with
Hunts as the county seat, as it
should be, and as n majority of the
tM'ople of the county desired it to
ho. Items.
The resirts of committees of the
state grange showed that tho mem
bership uf the order had doubled iu
Kusterii Oregon during tho past
year. During that time ten new
granges were organized in tho stale.
Colonel Klliot Sheppard, known
to fame as Vuiidcrhilt's. son-in-law,
and editor of the Now York Mail
and Fx press, says that "the thun
ders of the Lord (iisl Almighty"
.,, . .i : . .. i :e
J?" 1,0 lU? " 1 ' t" . "
the world s fair is to bo kept ..,.,,
" h"'""l.v,'
Hev. S. M. Driver P. K. will hold
the fourth quarterly conference at
the M. K. church, this city, next
Saturday, June 1.5, I MM at 'J tt. in.
Preaching hv the Presiding Kldurat
M. K. church, John Day, Saturday
evening S p. in. also Sunday at 1 1
u. in. I he huiulay evening service
will 1st held tit tho M. Iv church,
this city at S o'clock.
S. M. Din':it P. H.
U. Ii. I.Uin: P. 0.
Klch Suite iu mtcr County.
Mininc pnv)ce(or! in Haker
county have lone- Mispx'ctod tho
prosunco of gold oro iu the ltogliack
divnle, liol
tween thuCnroiitcr placer
mines on salmon crook. A mini-
Iter of miners have made feeble of-
furtK to dig into the hill,
gave up the work K'fore
hut nil
what thev were in search of. It
! remained for S. 11. Haislev, the well
known discoverer of the Haisley
Klkhorti mine and several other
paying proortics iu the vicinity, to
Imd out what Lnreiiter lull, as the
j divide is called, is made of. lie,
too, stisscted that the hill contain
. ed hidden treasures, ess'cially as
. the placer mines on either side nro
among the best in Kastcrn Oregon,
and with his usual iKrseverance and
indomitable pluck lie dug in. lie
had sunk tho shaft but twelve feet
when he struck a veiuofg.ihl itinrU
that surprised him. After taking
out two tons of this oro he milled it
and yestorday ho came to Portland
with a gold brick that represents
J'.Ti'J .S.S. This was taken out of the
two tons of ore.
Mr. Haislev naturally thinks he
has made tho richest strike that has
Ik'oii made for yenrs, anil he will nt
onco proceed to cross-cut mo enure
lull. I he iitseovery created con
siderable excitement in tho vicinity,
and other miners who have long
had their eyes on the hill now feci
like kicking themselves for allowing
another to find the gold that all
susHcted there. Carpenter hill is
ulsiut seven miles from Haker City.
- -
ClilMtcn i: n joy
The pleasant llavor, gentle action
and soothing olfeetH of Syrup of
Figs, when in need of a laxative and
if the father or mother be costive or
bilious the most gratifying results
follow its use, so that it is the best
family remedy known and every
family should have a Ixiltlr.
For extras for 1C in pi re Mowers,
Kcaircrs and Hinders, enquire of
lliues eV Mason, Canyoii City. Or. '
Flour, (irah.uii, Parley, (either
ground or w hole) Chicken feed, Hie,
Middling, llinn, ShotU, ,Vc, Ac, at
The Pacific Brewery's Celebrated
Beer, the ltost iu Kastcrn Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at the
Hed Front Billiard' Hall.
A man in Wichita, Kan., is so
desirous of avoiding trouble that he
never allows any of hi children to
visit relatives oftener than once in
every two weeks.
A scientist of Tennessee thinks
that the gulf stream everyday par-n-es
through thoiihauds ol miles of
subterranean channel that is sur
rounded by a living lire.
Minor Brothers, dealers in general
merchandise. Main street, lleiipner.
Oregon. Sis eial discounts to cash
buyers tiixwls at Dalles pi ices.
Orders by mail promptly filled.
An epidemic has broken out
among hogs on a ranch in I'matilla
county. Fortunately for the pub
lic, the disease is a fatal one, so
that no diseased meat is likely to
be thrown u xin the markets.
A Washington yellow lir was cut
in King county and forwarded by
rail to bo on exhibition in Chicago.
Its length is I l.'i feel, filx'i.'l inches
across tho butt and it is III years
old, reckoned by the ting.. It is to
bo called the "Seattle."
Acting coiiiiiii.Hhioner Stone has
written the land ollice at The Dalles
that "parlies who fail to comply
with the inw under which they have
made their entries, within the time
prescribed by law, tire not entitled
to repayment of fees, commissions
or pitrshaso money."
When you send away for gissls
remember the linn of Collin A- Mc
l'arland at Heppner. They not on
ly guarantee you lirst class goods at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges on same to any
stage ollice iii (irant or Harney '
counties. See their new "ad" for i
further particulars.
A man living on French prairie
lost his half-breed wife Hie other
dav. She left him a family of nine
children. Their Indian hhssl en
titles them to asylum in the govern
ment Indian schools, and they have
promptly been ndoiited into tho
('hemiiwa home, where they are
cared for as well as they would bo
in any home.
Commissioner Haunt, of the pen
sion bureau, has signed a (H'tisiou
certificate iu favor of John i. Ilildl
formerly of company K, First Mich
igan volunteer infantry, for $ Mi.oOO.
This tension is for a gunshot wound
in the right arm, causing amputa
tion of the same and resulting iu
nervous prostration and insanity,
and dates from IS(i2, for amounts
is-.r month varvine from 'ri In 7.ri i
1 Nur'"K 'f"1"
Sheepmen have begun to seek
siiminor reforl lor their iierns.
Mike Kinney returned last Tuesday
having located his hand on tho
breaks of the Joint Day. Mr. Kin
ney says he will return and endeav
or to avenge the loss of three of his
best sheep, which were killed by a
conger the first night after their ar
rival at the mountain camp. Tho
hungry animal remained iu ambush
near tim herd for several days, no
casionaly venturing out for his mut
ton Mon'k, despite nilliieroliH lire
which wore built in tho vicinity to
frighten il a Way. lltppiur Hccord.
recommendations of Krand
'juries, nnd order of county coinmis-
sinners court, volt win oo inai i
am cnmix'iicu to collect an ueiiu
,-. .. . I, ii.
utieiit taxes. You will tltercforo
save costs by paying immediately
O. P.'CitKSAP, Shorill'.
Came to this range iiImuI throe
venrs ami. one chestnut sorrel mare.
branded two .'I, one under the other,
on left shoulder. Weight, alsiut
HXJ0 lbs, I have wintered the niaro
fur two winters. On ner can have
the saute by iirovinu iirotortv and
paying charges.
Ill U.M.I'II IIviia.m,
Canyon Creek, (irant, Co . Or.
(Jo to the Hod Front Billiard
Hall, Canyon City, for line wines,
Inmors and cigars.
At a late term of court it: otto
county iu Kansas, tho docket had
S00 foreclosures of inorti'ai'e caes;
! M jkt sent, of those went to Lug
lisli nnd Scotch companies.
"Where does the phrase 'lie
isn't in it' come from." asks a
suliHcrihcr. Aceordiitc to tho U'st
authorities it is attributed to
Xoali, who iiumI tho remark de
risively in refeirini' tn some pro
fane person who had oritioi.Mil tho
liuihlin' of the ark.
Tho evils of the tobacco habit
have been forcibly illustrated iu
the ease of a woman onu hundred
and ten years old, who was bin tied
to deuth while siuokiiii' a nine iu
bed. Had it not been for this tin
I fortunate weaklier she uiiltt have
lived to a ripe old age.
Tin' British government is stirred
I by another trouble iu South Africa.
! The colony of Xatal, on which it is
j oroHiM'd to confer self-government
I by a bill now under consideration,
i is said to Ih strongly imbued with
I republican sentiments, and it is
more than likely, if it obtains a
practically iiidcs'iideut system of
! government, to join hands with the
Trausvall instead of being a deM-nd-eney
of the cas'.
An exchange says: "In our
mad search for news yesterday we
hailed every mall, woman and
child wo met with a journalistic
quehtion, "What do you know I"
Some knew that Fourth of July is
coining, others knew it was a nice
day, some knew thai their We
deeuier liveth, but the overwhelm
ing inajotity "didn't know a
thing." Ami thus the weary old
world wags on, hut a tiowhpapcr
must bo tilled just the t-ame ami
here it is."
tin. i lti., larl.ui Mint Am I'r.itlui-ixl 111
lllilrr ii,l I'.iiinlrlr.
'I lie manna ot commerce com,-.
hielly from Sicily. Il I a svt eel null
lanee, olitaiinil from a small tree
w lilch ii liiiowu a the manna usli Tilth
're.- can ln grown a tar north a ling
I .ml, Imt In that country It ylelilh no
iiauna mul In cultlvatcil tor ornament
mily. 'Die miiiuia In funnel Irom the
-.ap Tlio tnvh are rcuily to Ik1 tupped
at Hie ui;c of eight yearn, when the
stems have a illiimeter of aUiut three
ilielie-v The tapphnf I ilonc hy maU
our eulM through the Imrk to the vioo.1,
the hicinloiiH In-ill!,' one or two tuchea
loin' nml alxiul an Inch Upart.
'I he IIit1 cut h allele at the lower
pint of the trunk. The next day nu
othcr i lit K mailc jiiht alwive the Hint,
ami ho on, ilny after iluy, ilurhie; Uie
dry hoason. 'Che next your the no
loiicheil part of the hteiu Is oinitcil
iihiii In the hitme way, ami tho practice
I -. i 1 1 ii ii.-. I In Miccchilvc ycum till the
tree lh exhausted.
The tlm-ht umliiia Ih llml which U In
criihtcil aroiuiil pieces of sticks or
htraws placed iu the IucInIoiis. l'lakn
tiiaiilia 1 Hint w hlch tun, hardened on
the trunk. The Inferior ipiulity I
f i mi the lower Incision. After its re
moval from the tree tho milium Is dried
on shelve.
There are other plant that yield a
similar proluot- The tamarisk of Ara
ii exude, from It liruuchoh. a Mil.
stance that Ik-coiiich solid iu the cool of
the morning. ThU is known a tama
risk honey. The exudation Ik assisted
hy the puncture of a small Insect. It
is wild that tills honey in doscrllicd hy
native writers list a dew which fulls
Umiu the loaves of the tamarisk ami
other trees,.
The I'erslutiH gather a sort of muuiia
from a leguminous plant hy shall
lag Its branches, or hy plcklui; tlio
I. -lives ami gently Wilting them over a
cloth when dry. Throughout Persia
ami Afghanistan naturally produced
iiiauua I harvested from dilTcrcat trees
mid shrubs. It Is ruten hy tho people
a a sweetmeat, anil I c.Xirlud to
III Australia u sweet substance Is oh
tallied hy the natives from the siimlul
Wo, si. It Is a favorite article of fool
with them and with the colonists. The
malum I'lithered from tho leaven of the
cuc.ilvnliiH Is rather a product of In
Si,ti- Ch" exinliillmi of tlin sap is due
in their puncturing of the leave, and
Hie i.aine Is supxisoi to Ixi the origin ol
tin- miiiuia which Is collected from the
tvvl'f . of certain iceles of oak.
The notion of the Arabs that the
muuiia was a dew deposited Ummi flic
leave of shrubs remind us that we have
the phenomenon of honey-ilew on
h ave , of the elm In tills country. It l
lo U- observed on hot and dry days in
A it 'il -t The Uicr surface of the
h s liecoiiios varnlsliisl vv illi a miIii
nle s.v.-et ((inn, much rc to by In
,. ct in the morning. Il harden-, in t'le
hot sun Tlil'i uppjurs to U' a tine mil i xiiditinu of sup from til - I ave ..
e.ia d by t'XCUfcslve heat. Thcr.' is m iti.oi of tilt leaviw lielng ptiuj
ti iv-U. HvJ v uf lliu lutiwli uro u i j
ull, uul A csuJ,-Yjulh' Couiyinluii
.1 Sil-r tukrr' l.lttlo .lake mi I 114 Mi'
rt.lrou Itisoilt.
There I n ivhlte lialrj.l old friend
living In Chester county, P.i , vrhmo
face wearH nil expression of doop ar
row that soouis irr.tvcn there.
who have Known him for tvvelity.fli'J
yeari have the lirst muIIo to nco o.l Ida
hrvsid. furenved face. He U ti vvoador
fully Ik'IicvoIcuI and kindly old Quaker,
osivcinlly n the colored voplo, who
come to him from mile anmn.l for
i-oiins-,1 and assistance.
There Is a shadow on tho old man'o
life of which f.'w of Id fricn I hniv
uuy Idea. It was cast way la.'U In the
war I line. Ill home had hecu a station
on the "underground railway," and to
hi homo one bleak night cuini'it bright
eyed, elHiiiy-skliined ruiinvvay of aliiiut
fourteen ,v ear. He was such a ipilcU
witiiil, chlih'r little chap that the
kind-hearted (Jitalier concluded to hoop
him to run errand ami do chores about
tho farm. esvcl.illy a he pleaded mj
hatxl to Ih allowed to stay. It was not
long, however, Is fore he .lev oIoikmI iut.t
the most Incorrigibly ml .chlevous t it 1 1 si
'd.iiky" that iveroaino out of slavery.
I'loadlugs, lecture and UvSildiug, ha,i
n-i more clToot on him than the vv hist
Hug of the wind through Uio trcea. A
gtxsl birch switch would hold him In
check for nil hour or two, hut hi refor
mation would dlsnpiHr with the tlliu,'.
One day the (Juahcr went on a railway
Journey and took the little colored hid
ultlililui. On the nflnl wus n long tun
nel, and In'foiv they reached It It re
curred to the friend that II terrors
mlcht Ik- utilised In bringing about a
reformation Iu the black bundle of inl'i
lilcf U-slde him. So he said:
"Ciesar, 1 have tried lo Indrleml tho.",
nnd you give mo only ilUolx-dleinv and
trouble In return -InirnitltudJ I a
black slu, and now 1 four tlice must an
swer for It."
Just Is-fore thov reached the tunnel
he rose and said, gravely: ", I
leave thee to thv punishment."
Tlio train dashed Into the hlackues
of the tunnel with a shriek from tlio
locomotive like a triumphant llcnd. ami
u lieu II cmcrgcil Into tho light Uuxnr
was lying In a heap ou the limit- 1m
tw ecu the scuts. They picked him up
The mischievous little darky wivi
dead. -I'hloiiL'o New.
IS. II. How i:, the ICansa . Iie, sinos'r
iiiiiii mul novelist, bus U-eu olleiod ouo
humhvil ilollur for the oiieluul tuunu-
script of Tim Htury of a rounlry
Town," theiiovclthut liuidc lilin fumous
six loath ai'o. And let. iio.suslliu' to
the Kiilisu. City Times, "there Wei..
lots of ulghlh while lid wus writing the
story Unit he would have taken llftv
couth for the whole huiluess und throw ii
up the Job "
Both the iiiciIumI mid results whou
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tnstn nnd acts
gently yet promptly oil the Kidneys,
Liver and Hotvcls, clonuses (ho sys
tem cHi i'tually, di"cli colds, head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs Is the
only remedy of its kind over iiro
iliiecd, pleasing to tho tnsto ami no
ceptahlo to tho stoiunch, proiimt ill
its action und truly honchcial In its
eH'ectii, its many excellent (ptnlitics
commend it to nil. It is for sale iu
fiOo und $1 Isjttles hy ull leading
34 imncisco, cal
louisuiir, nr. htw ton, a. r
It. Il.o I itltv.1 SU1.. Ui,.l Oltlir l U OruiJr,
SUIt wf Orrtfufl
Ni'l i ttrirli) tftitn Hist In pur.iuurtf ..I It
A, I uf Colifrril, truttt lla) tutli, llTf. t'l
"I'tuMMiU 1 1,0 llirlolilsfil uf lite lllnlli
llutllr.f of lll t'lillcl SUtra," Th- I'ollUli.l
llll.lliC fMHliy, isif H.rUini (irMiillol
uinlrr llv t'l Orriruii. rUlmliiif Ou1 tri-
liulit l'ihill.ll,l Omni Mine, ,!ii, lisl. ur
utintrsl .lrsMti, lsoi,tf ifelil ftisi ,ilnr, IIq,
Iwll. H, dilute ,t l,a urllllr,l Mililu IM.Ulcl,
IXiunl bf tllsut sl,.l Stftlr uf Ot.h'ult, Ills Ulftitt
i''IU4lls I'l lli t lillwl hUln fill lulclil Iu IliB
.ia Itlltttlltf cUlht, will. Il II lllurv full' .Irst'tll'i-tl
lullirl. Aitil ISiUlltl lil lli tiltl.Ul ilftl tl.ffwltll
pU.v. s,. l, U lt.-lt liutl Uf ,11111-. Illlvf,
hum nil III tlir nnllp al Hip ItrtfOUr of III. 01
III. I, nf l.lfl ltli),s I Iu ta l l.s OttH.U t.kli.1
OltWi, st tl ,l,.Ul lirr ilr. wtiUll flM liuUI uf
mnrjr ,1m. rib ltii buuiilll slut r ,tlil uf sl,
rltliti on Oir lUlfarr, villi lutou-tlc IsrUUilliiHt
t uMltrri 1 Hi I it il In 1.1, si full-is,, tu vl-
ll.uliiuliitf il 1-..I iiiolxl S O.HI, M SU. I hur.
. Il-in 0.,l., ft U,,lr VV U luM. .N'd.
1 n.cis n Ur-K W ft Iu HI. N. 1.
Hi, lirr S, U) J.( W Mull lti his. No, I.
S N-i l.l,w- I ln fl luSU No 4 Tli-t... .N.
I, Jrl I. Hi ft IjSI. Nu C TSrliM N. SI 'I'll
i: I'.ofi iii nu Nu. i ii. .in, i N w iirir w I'.m
U tu pn.1' uf lrk'iiniinr, ro.iltiili.t Tu T srrr
III Tu. ii. I. Ii lillir III) S.iulli. Il.ur Tl.lll) II,,' 1141.
IV 11 In Sr.tiuu, Tufiil) llilii (HI suJ I wrii.
I1',il frill UI ,sllil. I.l ralife'r
Ttir l.l VlllillK rlsllll tirliif uf trr.ll.l 111 l,t uf
(I., ul On- luusljr (Ink it t sli) uli l Iu tlir
Cuiilil) sim! hllr flt,rl,l, tli irr.uillr,l u,)(,,
ivuim uf Ulmtliiii uf tlir ailil su.(!i vriii, luj ur
lliilill.l UrsMlt IkIiii; ttuiwii Uiuli Oir 4l Jsi.lril
lirllli, nr 1.1 iaii l .1. Uiiiuiinl fruit, ir,n
ilr.vliilililrlili. Oil cUliu Ivlni,' fur llitf Slr.aLuiif
I ,.l,.Ul.,l llllillii; I Ullu. lurUirr lit, tlir Ur
fft,r KOitllul ,ttuMI. uli tkr uftalst U nUsl tit-fre
Willi llir In. .an Lsaliuli Uliic tkr XI Iu
lliu I'l.llii, 11.. 1,1 I' (JlMltit Uliiln
(.lallll Is-'iib ,l,lk-Hst.-.t IaiI Nu 31. Ill tliruniclil
iUl .lnl li.rvMUli
Ali li,l sll .rlciirllliiluifft.tliitljr i mi,l)(
Kruiiuil. oiii. Iu,. Timlt, ur mii iiurltun tlirrr
uf ru J.ilt.l, .ui,.),,l, .l.liel anil B.llu lur,
air liarrlir ti.itlflr.1 tllil uulila llirlr sjlalar ilaiiua
air (till) fll-sl s. Mt.urtlllii tu law, ali, Oir rr
lllalluiia III il-llliUvr, Mltlllll allll ilay Irulll dale uf
III Oral iiiulii.Uuii linrut, Mill, tlir llrylatrruf III
II S. Uliil ODks- al Ij (Oal.Ji-. In lliv alatr ol Oro
tun. It.) ill Is- l.aiitJ. Is ilrtii uf llir pruiUluui
uf aal, latutr 'yk I'uftrLi SU Uiaiau l'u ,
by Cilia f lltiii,
In AIIuiikj ii, ft.
llall on lli ilujliJ, IUIi "WU, ,1,. ui Al lll A.
IV lll.CBM-
A II. J. !., U' Vl.iaaia
lllH. J, IIS X Okllallli,
All) fur UlHial..
A I'liini,
llcill.l.r I' b l-hd Olllco,
I. llrindr.Oii-Kuii.
It la titrt-u) uiu.r.J Hal tin furik-ulu uolli ul
aci.lka.llun lur lnUul uf aUjv. J.ilU-i lulullur
el.liu U lAitli.lirO In th llluat CuUaii Nlwa a
latrkly tt.s,r iuullaliJ HCaiooo CH, Gi'iui
tuuulr Oir,,ii, fur.pfiKHl ufw Jar, i,,,
liuta uf uiaraaltuly,
PstrJ and .Ijl.J at Hi V. S, UuJ Oltl. st li
sll.1. Or.,li, Ui, W, tin. A. Cklliu