Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 11, 1891, Image 1

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    The Pa pot- for tho Mark
man, .Merchant and
. Minor.
n 13 A 'Y'T
unA IS i
The Paper for the Farm,
the Workshop ana' the
'olnme .V.
C.-LYVlhY riTV, niMXT C'OlfYrV.O!th'(iO.Y, Til VPS MY. .llYl-: 11. ISO I.
A 'am her I J.
NEW 8.
E Kit
(JALA i) Ws OK l I I I'llU 'IIiN AT
.) 2nd and 3rd.
Uncos nl tile I 'mine
for middle purses.
City huh! truck. 1'rinj' out yoii' unildlu horso
Grand Bull on Ike Evening of July 3rd.
Tlii! best of music is eniranisl mill a ooncrril invitation in extended to
ono uiid all to j:irtii'ii,'it' in ihi- Imll. Grand March Ik-ji iih hI :.'$)
blmr. Ticked to be obtained with or without siip'tcn
July ;ilh B rot rum:
Salute of '21 jium at Sunrise.
At 10 o'clock A. M. overy ono i i ciHttsJ to In? fit I'iciilo ground,
for the following order of cxerciiea:
Music by Glee (dub.
Ueadino I leolnnilion of I iiilcjiondonco liv W. I'. Fink.
Mtiic by Glee Club.
Oration by ( W. 1'urri-h.
Mimic byGleo (Mult.
Noon Day. I'riiij your Imnki ta full for lunch lime.
Miibic by Glue Club.
1. O. ().'!'. Oration by T. Calvin lly.U.
Music by (ileo Club. "
1'iwe.fcioii to form and rut urn to town for the following:
100 yard foot nice (amateur.) ."ill nrd foot race ladie. To yard
Wheel-harrow niee. ."0 yard Sack nice. Catch the (irent.fl
hoy.) lioxiiig Match (iiiuutctirs. . Aiieietit Order l'luj I'lics.
i Notice in hrtrhv jiitfii that on tho
Wih .lay of M. it, A. D, IMI, nt th '
hour of lo e ohvk A. M , the under- j
i;tte. will (dl n! the ruttnlt of Ken '
ncth K. Mi Unr. near hit reddenec.
about mit'hidf iiii'o fttm th town I
( DayTilla in Grant county, Oregon,
lo the highest ladder for caah in
liand. all the following ieroiil i
tonettv and chattel mid al' the i
iL'lit, life and intorcat which Adam
Miimut, Ale Murav and Willintn
Murray, copartner am M.iriay
Brothers, a firm roideut of I lay ville,
, Omit county, Oregon, bad on tho
; ltd day of March, A. I) IWU, and
i.fiT ainoe luwl and now Iwvo theto
i in or thereto, to-wit:
That rrt.n Itaud of sheep eon
I mm tin,; of 1 2tH) he. J. worn or lea.
. 10 wit: About I'll! hcid, together
i with the increase turreof for the year
I J'.tl. then 1 tng at time of aale,
' which bind of aheep jn the 3d
d ,y of Mm eli, IX'.H, brrdi d hy oiie
A: .x McDonald, at Kranla creak in
ImI in km wn the Huuth IV-rk of
, the John Day country, it (aid Grant
Alau that bond of alioof
cuni-.tiiig of Huo head, inure or
km, together with tho inoiea-i the it
of for the year lHtil, then Itotn j al
limn of Kale, which bund of nhcon
wan on tho laid :id day of March
1 H01 , hcrdcil bv one Jainca Uotxl'tn,
nt Kranka cn ek in aanl Hotith Fork
of John Day country.
AUo thai cvrlain band of Hheep
cviiit.iiii tf 1200 htiad moro or h ss,
(K!tber with tbo inoream thereof
for the year t!)l, thun bcina at limn
of sale, which band of fdie w,n uii
miid ;id day of Maieh. 18U1. lu rd.-l
l-.v one Joliti Oordoii in kaiJ Suili
tork of Julin Day country. Ktiid
hlicoji above tubnttoned being momly
hi undi d with a tiro btaid (a bm ) tm
the right aide of II. o fac anl i r
lilitked with two under-bita in
right our.
Alao that ccitniu baud of ewo '.In i
'eonaiating of 1 (K) homl, uioi,. m li no,
to wit: About 110(1 head, ltgi -tin r
with the incieav of aaul vwett tm ih -yi;ar
l!!)!, then Iwiug at time of
which pwea were on taid 'M day of
March lK'.ll herded hy one John M
Pbcrson nt what ia known u.- ('ott.i
wood in aiid South Fork of ,..l.n
Day country, aud lajing car
two under lain in tho right ear a-.. I
branded with aaid tiro brand ufoie
AUo that certain band o cue n1u- p
conntaliug of l."t(( head, nunc in Icm,
together with the increiue ihotiof it
auy, fur the yen- 191, then beiiik' tit
time of aalo, ttanl ewt'i li in' uWuui
one year old, and havieg br't on
aaid Utl iUv of March, IM' I, herdel
by oiiu Mi l.ciiuui at or neut ih
comnioidy known a Shrrti (iuli h in
aaid South h'ork of John Day coun
try, mid (iwcm Ix ing biandod wild
httid lire brand .iforeaaid, aud
uiatkcd a awull.-o fork in tin- left in
and an upjer bit in the right ear.
Said ahoep heruiubeforn di ncnbid
couaiating of about liliui head of old
ahcen and about 'J'70 luiiiluiif the
year IM'Jl, and al-out 15iw head there
of being weathcra, aud eaid al-oep be
ing now in the poMtion of Kenneth
F. Mcltac ngout of the uuderaiuued,
at tin! South Fork of the J .din Day 1
Dnyt ille, in i
To the lax payera of School Dixt.
Xo. 1.
"ou an liorebv notified that the
i ll S. h '. Tax f..r the . ir 1I
'i I
. r 1
: i
. ( I
"VTxTx-ixn' is
It U Hut !ii!,u.tlt !., II. i Uunl, xhlrh, (
JumuUtUig In t!" tl-mli it tin- neck. .f
duo I nnilgl..' Ium4 if wi-l!tnic ; whlcti
,-ih- f it" '"I i milling m.r- in tint run,
htpi, or r t ; utilrh drvli.jx- ulrrn In Dm
tje, earn, i r not, uflrn fuliig Uimlwi or
lafn; nhtrh It llm origin ( 4nilr, can
ctrotu f ro llu, or the iiiiiiy ullin nnni(rt i
Itons unuallf km-iIN-iI l.i -Iiiuhh., ' wbliti,
litniln( iihhi U liuv..r ni-i-4 i'..iiiiiiiI.i
MMtUratli. lu-lngt!u l.i ..; u . ii-nt, u It Hie
bm,I fv.nrjl cl ..:i .1.- i . . it Aflri omit, for
itry li 'ci,.ni i.n:) tiro frum It.
WAHIIMtTtt.N, I . I'., .lune it.
I'iiuniK (iuv.NT Co. Xi: A
very prominent iiii-iiiIm rof the farm
its' alhanee, u ho dm h mil uiali to
bo iiniiil by mime at 1 1 1 its time,
fiiid today. "There wema to Ite
general ininiirchenfiioii n to the
i oniiection of the farmerti' alliane.-.
patticiilarly it Soutliern tnemlicra,
ilh the third nartv tnovemenl, a
mtme old pretend to do Miiiietliing.
but in reality do nothing jhilicv that
amiiMil the rent of the norhl luxt
year. Nothing deHnitchns yd H-en
heard from Utnl Salinbiiry an to
Mr. lHaine'a iroKitioii for 'a ehmtl
fcawin, hut it would In to,t late to
enforce it now anywav.
A Hunter of lllctiwayiutti.
. . . i , ,
.lepncu enani, laitiniiH at)
II tV ll (L'tl I tilt II . I t..i I nl V ii
movement uhiel. H yet entirely , Vft),ft ri, ,n,t xv;.,.k ,;ft,r ,jn
d. K..,det tiH.i. e.,t.nge.,viea. I t h,K j,,,, , , f ,;7
iuip if-ii puiii-,1 nun ieroiit-11 inni M
How Cnn
It Do
the Southern mcmberr1 of our organ
iatioti could be relied Uhiii to Hip-'
mrt the nominee of the democratic
Nirty in the presidential i lection.
Now I want to xay that if Mr.
Cleveland or any other man who,
represent what Me ennaider the I
W all Street idi-ni of llnance iti noiii- I
mated by the democrntH that he !
.iniiot carry four of the Southern I
-late to have his life. One of tin 1
came to .Nevada I it v from Ohio
in the earlv flftiea and engtiued in
liicrchnndiiii4. SubniHiiieiitly lit
mined and did (Ktlice tilitv then
and una for u time rugugiif in cat.
tie raising in the utate of Nevada
On the morning of Mav I't, ISCil
the Mngo from San Juan to Nevada
( Hy wan ftopixd a few mile fron
there by George ShankH aliat" Jack
William, Itob Kinn aliiiH t'aton and
H llJ't S-kKAl'tr.!!.!, whir, tjr
the ii m ii ! rbri t it liu (,'oni II. In J.
uflrn lu ii otli. r n. -4i. : 1. 1 luin fail. .1. lui
(roTiii It.-.. U l la ..!.i.t ini.l .i-culUr
mettcliw tut llm iU..m'. Kuii.d ,.f ilicto
caret ait tialljr . iiil.'i(ul. II j.hi tuflrr frum
tcrufuta. t-o tiirn t- try I NirMparilltL.
Mr daufhler Mary ra mi-lf.l with tcrot
l"M'ltiric. tilrunillirlhiicl.c n.Tmmitlii
tlU tlllsh lain tit ytaiiul tft. I.unipi
(nmirj In lirr nrck. unit une nf them Mr
lenlnc to Um tllo ( 1 1 Igron't P((, 1 ame
tunnloj tore fur c.ti r Ihrrr r. t
tMtr llwid' HliaMl,:ia ntiru tlio luiu, Mvi
til ItHllcttl" nt i4 mti.fuli riitirrlf dlt
lrwiUFl, mm ,1 , rim . tip a h jUl
chllil." J t ( Am ti i . S uulnlit. N. J.
V. n. Ik' t iro tu cot only
fil-ilflfit W l.w.i-tt teloi ,i,nitiii..iil
deu.ei1.lK(.rtl.enlliaiicei.it7l(Kl yimui uhll participated
m e M.ver, ant. miiet.. me ueino- ( j,, , l,,(H, f.w hm ,tl.ri ;.
...u. - ...nt ihhiiiiiiiiik a, mm.! en , ,, (, l.jel,,, vinel. ill one of
ivioiiiai ...en you wu nee l ie K. iM1(.,,,,,Mll,,
ili flut-iil I'lltnit nt ili it ill hut it( llm . . i . . .
. ....... . ( H)n,H n (ui ft una canyon.
imiiiTu Pinu'P viiBi inr 1111 iioini' , u l,.,,,, ii..,.. Uiir. K,. ,v. I
. iin i 111 n iimimiii tin rariiii,
An encounter ciimied, in which
Venard, with a title, killed all
Hood's Saranpanlla!i .,61.
.J C I Ills ') A I . J
IOO Doses
t;lir.rf. 1 frarloltl)
;. .i. . . u.. ll. Um
Ono Dollar
. , i 1 ooiii in iiiinii-i iii-iiieii
ie iiomineea of the oh i t lu.r,niKJ 1 1 v temperate, of the t-t
w. I go the light nn.I ; ai1,'lot afltttl) of ,
ciuSL :iSH,
I WiV "... -.n
l I I L' - 'J
G0lt?tR'9 L' 1
1 Dii'rMMOf';i?
1 a"
7 ,
rirer ncir the town of
D, G. OVKlillnLT.
l'OS I'lTtf,
fireworks at finish of the Daij.
aaid Giant county, Ongou, aud aaid ; liopiietora, W. A Xirtj.
aale being under and by viiltie of j .w, jlwatou.
tw't certain i Intttd niorig.igc-1 made
and d livr.e 1 by aai 1 firm of Murray "tlTATIOX.
Brother i to the undcisigiiod in iaid ,
Clrunt oouuly, on mid loiting date , l tiik lotxrv mi ht oi no: htuk ot
aaid 3d d-iy of March. 18UI, in and oi:roos. l. i; mwr nrarv.
by tbti ti rtit- ..f tl.e one of which In the matter of the 1
mortgage t r,t tUre herein j Nubile of fil.i'ioir
uiciitioncil biilnlaof .lucp. with their Stephiu (, he'd. )
ini'ifUM', were mortgaged to tho mi-' To the In n-, dcviieiu, bi nell
di'iaigned lo H-cuie the liaMuent f ciari. and .ill pi i m.iih ii.tcrctl' l in
a proiiiiKAon note of date Atarch .'Id, tho aUo naine.1 II .late, Gril ling
nee of a third (tart v. The miciciij 1
of thia whole third patty bufiiiefo !
iH dejieiidelit Untn the nction of the
old purlieu, xhotihl one or loth of I
them nhow a reaminahle ditKi'iitioii j
lo I e fair toward the demands of;
the alliance the alliance an a IkmIv j
will not enti r the third pnrtv move-'
mint, but if llarriwui and Cleveland
lire to Ite the liolllitieea of the old
piirtleii we
t . .... ...
I iioncM Iv la lieve Unit we can win
aeaniKt thote two men.
lb preseiittitive Jerry Siinitaoii
' pi(inM ti making a flee trade can-v.i.-.
of Ohio a git i nut MeKiuley.
iiiimiii in doing thin on Ida individ
ual reK.innibility, tliealliaiice never
baMiig gone no far rt8 to ciidnrfc
fn i lii.dc
Sot for yeara haa no many iin- j
jhiitant ciiM-a been decided at a'
iti'ti ti i in of the I'nitcd Statca
-iipniiie court as at the unit which!
'.."i d i arly thia week. 1 he entire
mind" i of enwa dihK)tH'd of wan HIT
.iid .iinong'thelii were diH-ifiollH af
iii iniiig tin- right of Htatea to tn.
tin .i i j- iifthe I'lillman I'nhicc Cur
' . Mp.inx and the linen of the Went-
... i i.i Till graph Coiupany(it it
.'t.iiit ing lo know that we have
. ! ' "-nl tribunal which doea not
..ii tin wrath of wealthy monoo-i.-ti.
i'orH.iraliom) ; the legality of
the m nti nci n of the inurdereiit in
i w oik who are to be clcctrocut
id, ami the eoiiattliitionalit v of the package act which it will
be reliteiula red wan panttcd bv
hint cungn hh.
Auaddrena ifulled by the leginla-tm-
( iiiiiiiiittic of the National
i range of the l'ntromt of I lunbaiitlry
thih week han excited Illllch ilitcreiit
in ituliiji-al cireh-H. It naya in part:
The legislation nought muni wait
until the farmera leriru lo rend light
ing and faithful friemln to repicaeul
their intcrenU in congrena. l'iiciidn
, with- ut courage and pimh are only
, in the wav where reformn are
foiiglil. I lie lariuern mav
three and encapetl unhurt. Gover
nor Low aiKiilitcd him lieiitcmiut
colouel on hin ntall' for meritorioiin
nervice in the Held, ami the WcIIh.
h'nrgo Kxpreaa coinpany prenented
linn with a valuable tille. lie wan
a man ol ni(Mlet denn-annr.
thing l.akevii w ICxaminer.
It han been determined to send
to the W'orhl'n Fair, an a feiituie of
the govt rniiient exhibit, the large!
s-peeiineli that can he obtained of
the fainoiift big treen of California.
A t.ce thirty feet in diameter, which
in ulmut the largcnt nie that grown,
will he H'lected, and the limbs cut
oil' thirty feet from the ground. The
trunk will then be Hawed into nee.
linns and the otltnidc pieces only
neut to Chicago. On arrival at the
exhibition the pieces will le put to
gether tin that the outside Kirtiou of
tilt" tiee, neveral leet thick and tlur
tv feel high, will hta.ul iust an it
j did in the forest In order to cut
j the tree into Mctinun it will he nec
I essniy to have a special saw made,
1 al out fifty feet in length, which will
, he oM'ralttd hy machinery that
j mils! he taken into the forest eniee
, ially for that purHse. It is esti
mated that eight earn will be re
! nuircd to carry the tree to Chicago
! It la, I in ., u ..... I nl i,r.,...i,l I., i.l...... il
. i "r. (i, jiiri- , Jifill I- It
1 "' in the center of the rotunda of the
j government building, which will !
i I'.'ii fect in circumference. The in
terior of the Hee will be decorated
with cones, leaven and other attach
li.e.ita of the tree, dhided into live
KMimn, ami the whole illumimitnl
with eh ctric liglits.
The inotl impressive iiieiuorial
servicen recorded for thin year look
Jtlllee at Johnstown, I'cliimylvuiiiu.
file people of that city, so Sorelv
Jellersoii county. Montiimi, has u
euriotity in the nhajveof a mine, not
only invited, but ojieratctl by it wo
man. The ..line is situated on
Willow creek, and the fortunate
proprietor in Mm. Kohinson. Al
though Til yeara of age she haa donu
all the work in developing the prop
erty hernelf. carrying out the oro
ami waste iijhiii her back. Thin
she han been able to do from tho
fact that the shaft in on a mountain
incline and comparatively cany of
nncent. She han la-en doing thia
steadily for two yearn, and nppciira
to have lost none of the faith with
w liich she started.
About two thousand head of mut
ton slnvp were lurilcd over lo buy
em near here last week, thin being
the only lot sold from Harney val
ley thin spring. The wheep are in
line condition. If Harney valley
could turn till' ten or twenty tiuie'a.
thin number, an our neighboring
counties do, money would be a little
more plentiful. Items.
Klrctricily-.A Womlrrful XrmrJy
the I'lttcnl Acr.-Dr. D.i.ln
Comlnurt to Amointh tin
People Willi Kite
irir Cunt.
KIcclro-.Magnetisni, the wonder
of the age, and the mode of treat
ment is the acme of m-rfectlon. It
penetrates the anibllsll nf dis
ease ami cxlt-riuiiiaten it. tool unit
branch, fon ver. If leumvea inoro
agony nml -.lent nulleimi; tliaii
tongue call tell It cures the most
lioisdess cases and n-lieven aciltti
talun that every known meaiiH have
failetl in, which can be substantiated
the evidence of tlioiisands of
iersoiiN who have been cured hy
IIi-h. Damn, at .IM anliington St ,
ortland. The Doctor treats nil
limbic ch.uuic, acute and titivate
liseases. ICxaii. ination frue from
Hi A. M. to H V. M. daily.
the following:
i bo alow (tiai alow) in ntarling into a i ntiicken on that day two yearn ago
rcpaiifu eu iiiasse in tile cemetery
no f 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 is'opled bv their dcail
I SIH, oi'cuted ami delivered bv Haul
iii in of Murray Itrt-N. t tho under
signed, due on demand, for the auui
of $",I-l:t..V.i, nd interest thereon
from Maid date at tho rate of (en -r
cent, per annum until p.iid, together
with all charges and i xptnsen of U
kmg, keeping aud and couimel
fees in the prcuiiae4, Aud in aud by
tin uruia of the other of which
uiortgagca auid I nut two men
li-uieil bc.ula of t-heop with ihe.rin-
I cie.itin wero mortgaged lo the UMb-r-
flood Notes for the Farmers of (Irani Con nti! aum-d to cenr tim payuiem of a
Frank llros., ol 1'oithind, Or, bin e established an ni'i-m v at Julin
Day, fo- the sale of all kinds of Farm Maehiaeiy ami Agricultural Iniple
inuntii, Hiieh iih Wagons, Carri ij-u i, Cmtn, 1'lows, llanoux, Muutrs,
lteapcrn, ltakes, etc., elo. A whole m loud tj In- ilelivorotl nt ouco.
Kverything firtt-elaHi and ut tho lowest poHnib'c rales. I'huio give mo
your tt Jilu. 11. HAYHS, Agt.
Allow mo to nay that I a ill handle the Wl i e dewing .Miuhinu mid
the I'iirhutl' Organ.
lit:AI tMl is
SILl'FIt F.1A'( V W.'IUFS.
Grocoriett, Flour, TobaeiHW, Cignra, nml one liumlrml and onw other
yurietiw, uliyiip for onsli, at
TlwOUlSlniul.U an yon Oily.
piou)INirv uule of ilutu Huld .Muicli
.11, ltl, executed aud dflivrrod b
mud 11 nn of Muiray lirothera to the
iiiidcrfcigiied, due on dciuaud, for tho
ttn in of ij.l.OOO.OO, nn 1 in lei cut thoro
on from aaid d.ite nt the .ate often
per cunt s i uuiiuiu until paid, to
gather with all ehurgim and
of taking, keeping aud salo and ooun
sol fta-a in Ihft p.eiuiitca.
Said ulo to coiuuionoo al the hour
of 10 o'c'ock afoiuaid, and oontinuu
fioin time lo time unlil all sanl prop
el ty or ' 1 1 ciui.t thereof, ia kohl to
aatiafy aaid uioitga.jia, ixpetiaca and
ouunaol fees.
Dated .Ma V. l'Jl.
iiTI h i salo of the altovo pioHtitj
is itortpuM d uutil the SU.h of dune,
li, at ih - aatno hour and place m
aliove uiuUonc(l.
UQlllU'lT k MAChlSA Y,
ill (tie nnine oi uiu ntaie of ute
goli, you and t.o-h of )ou are held")
cited lo appe ir in tho comity court
of thu at.ito of Oregon,)! for Grant
county at the eouu'y couit r oin in
caliiialgli in llie.r own tlelcncc, hut
once the battle commence I hey will
never give up tin ntnigle till tight
prevaila. When cmigrci again
ansemblcn the larmern will pitch
their U-nta alongside ihccnpitul ami
renew the conical. The next con
grtnn, We feel nnniind. will IliiV,
more tut ii who haw- practical
know ledge of the luciln of agricult
ure, and we (,-onihh'Dtly hope that
much wise and just legislation will
result fiom their ellortn.
1 1 in Hot the fault of your committee
nor your fault that we have not
succeeded in all our ellortn, ami we
t auyou City, in mtiil euuuly, on j aincercly trunt that our aucccar-orv
Monday, the lith nay of July, A. D ,i may lo an ably Hitpioitcd. Wu
l;'Jl , at the hmir of leu o'clock a. in. ! di-wrc to nay that very much tit
ot m:d day, thr aarno being the Iii at jm-hiIh lisin having a luaii in the
judicial day of the regular July, a-aketV chair who ia ever ami at
ixlll, tenii of court and the day all liuien the friend of agriculture;
heiolofoie, to wil: On the 1 Ith day , l,u i-itn do more for or againnt our
of Ma A. D. I MM fixed by tho ' cuune tliaii any other ten men in
judgoof iiuid court to how cause ii,. t),1(tr,.HH. 'plt, farmer should
any you have why an order should therefore. Use their il.llucnce to nc
uot bo made ant I,.. ruing and em-, ,.,,. favornhle imin a npeaker of
l,W0iing (.eotgo i. oods, adutin-: tll4. nt.xt ))tt(...
niiniui ui iu miiuib imiiieu i-ainiu m , , , . ,., i . ,.,,.., ,1...,
p,.-per.y of aai.l (-at.te . ' """" V'
will have to go as soon an his sue-ci-stor
can he found, ami it in now
thought that he ha been found in
ad! the real
county, alatu of Oregon, uud pa. lieu
laily tleaciiled as followa; to-wit;
'I'liu M-'.l r.f il.,. Ml'l i.r W.u. 1-1 I..
Tp 1 1 S. It :i I K V M and the K151 lH,T"n ." '' ir"1 ',"l"" ommm
ol the SW and UU aud 1 of See mu"' r D'ividon u New orker, w ho
IK, 'fy 11 H :;. H W M containing undcmtiHnl to have heavy stliti
1 17 and 'f 1(MJ aciva. j eal backing. It in a thanklcnn ismi-
Ity order of the Hon. li. I. H.....I. tioii nt la-nt, and any man will do
tins, judge of vaid oourt. ! well to think twice before accepting , ma((. f calfskin
WituwMi my hand and theaenl of
sold oounly oouit nllixed thia iiUtli I (uriatlicy in liehring
day ol ilay, I xJ 1 .
t IlKO. KlIKitliKH,
I a ft A I. I Couulv Clerlf of (! runt
and iih the hour which witnessed
the calamity rctiiriit-d hundreds fell
iikiii their knees and engaged in
silei.l prayer To the extent that
such a meuiotial scene lumcncs
(Kople and unfits them for the
tllltlen of life it in to be regretted,
but time, that now brings so many
stricken mourner of n ipiartt-i of a
century ago to the graven of their
mldic r dead, in a measure unmoved
by the shadow of the calamity that
then pursued them, will in due
time enable these Johnstown mourn
cmto wear mil the horror of that
dreadful May day of 1H.M) ami to
regard its hapHu'i..gH a the vaga
ricn of a horrible dream Orcgon
iau. The May debt ntatemcnt, nhown
at. anparciit increase of I'J.Vl.f hhi in
the (lebt the 1st inst. Thin is
due lo the fact that the dinhuise
nielits during the i.iuuth have been
unusually large, leaving less money
in tin- I r amiry Mav '-'!!, by about
the staled available for (In
payment of tho debt.
The following 'M'ctilinr advertise
ment appears in a Weh-fistl ex
change: Lost! A small laily'n
watch, w ith a w lute face, also two
ivory young ladies work boxen, and
I a walh-t Udnngiiig to a gentleman
i-a thia
year ha at last U'cn determined by
the Cabinet ami Mr. Harrison after
aevcrnl prolonged sitting--, aud nail-
oouuty, Htata of Oiogon. ! ing inatruclbn ImvelMen telegraph
I'akhivi A i'o.u, led to the revenue cutter KiihIi and
AUomayt fur JJatato. Hitur. It in bollived that it in tho
A Kama woman boast that she
never ap-ared on the street twice
within the Name week il. the same
drc. Her husband in wearing a
unit this spring which he bought
four year ago, nml a hat of the vin
tage of 1SS,
Chronic Caltirti Corel.
Dr. Darrin: One war ago you
treatetl nn- for Chimin' Cata.rh In
the head ami throat. Your Klec
trie and Medical treatment sr...a-in-lit
1 y cuied tile. I reside at oil!
II street, Portland.
It. Wk I'I l.ll.XI X ItK.
Drjlnrii rnnuiiciitly CuitJ.
Macleay, Or., May l I.V.II.
Dr. Darrin: Dear Sir, you wish
to know if my hearing is all right
ami if I am satislh-d with the treat
ment I received. I will answer ynu
by thin that I can hear just unwell
now an I could directly after you
oMratetl on me ami that I think it
:i perlect cure I ruly yonm,
lll'.NllV Slot llll.
I'lir I.rjihiiL' Wool Houtr on llic I'aclfic
Coast KcUlft lis Kiicrirncr Willi
Coor'k IJip.
Sv.N I'll AM IMO, Mav Mi, I SHI.
Mesn.n. Win. CisiM-r A NeiilieWH.
GalveHton, Tex:
Dear Sim Iteft rring to vour
tpicry an to the merit of Cooper'
Dip vs. linn- ami sulphur and ol the
xiH-iieiice ol our ctibtimicm who
have used the former, we give you
the following fids as an instance
and which in one of many,
Handling one of the largest elipn
of the state we ricf-ivetl the Usual
spring consignment. On examina
tion we found the llcect-H caked ami
matted. On ouiiiiry we were In
formed that the t-licop had broken
out with the scab during tint winter
ami hail beet. iliped in lime and
sulphur. Tho result was n hntvy
Iohh to the owner, a the din wiih
depreciated iii value fully .'I cent
per HUIUll.
At our buggetttion the owner din
carded lime and sulphur and ...any
seasoi n han used Cooper V with jmt
fectly satisfactory reHiilt, the clip
always ari.viug in prime condition,
with belli r staple and eagerly nought
after hy huyci in t otiscipieiice.
Our general c.xericnce of wools
ilipM'd in C(kiht'h in that they (i's-ii
well, aie sightly ami well grown,
whereas lime and sulphur dipped
an uncertain in ipiality and con
dition. We are, dear dim, your
truly, Siiooiikiit, llc.M A Co.,
Woo Commission Merehanln,
San Francisco, ('al.
Aerou I'-o Vttp, to tt I'tr Witt,
On llraliiti.uli.CJll tint lUfi-Totrlitl, Hat.
Ifllrr't SIdiiuiIi lllltrrt It ciriltj tli.iaott
lniiorUul linn In Hit iiutrrla iiicdloi of IL.
Irxvf IIiik (luLlic Itileprlrti tllUltd, liri-ck.
Iili wlcr f IU liurlful i'rurrtlri raid n. lUrur, counltriclt Hit i-trnlclum
tHccli usiii (lioiloiiiirliuf bill orluUUrill'jIa
tiHnl, rrrurillct crainin, lititrtliuru fcinl wlud
IH-oli l.i itumtch lllit fliiniUfrmt t(nluit
lililtrul illtunli-rt, nuilinst tlittffteit ofn.
rrtilit lirtt. ruld and iliin. rr.lrrtl tick.
Iif ml.irlit, and It mi liiroiiiirabia cur far
roiiltriitia mid bllluutiii-M, rim fttltcu. ol
tmtil ollrn itllt limit dlititrnuilT upon la
l. tint ooiirtlturnti. occulouolly lo turn
bit rtlrut ut lo Ji.iiunll; lift Crrtuut In
fvr.ila lifll.i,ai'reliriiiliaiilldrtcctttrnw
Oivrl, will. II .roIJil wllk tk Ullttrlt. Im lit
lot llktl; lu bat. Ibilr Ittrt
IU, .i
,'rr 14,11 i Jii. UMl'IIUI . ' .CV. r.'