Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 04, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, June 4.
Om month (ill (lie fmutb.
. Tuna up lyitw for the occasion.
Jmlgn Clifford ItohU cmrt next at
Hiker, which will rommrnee on Ui
Staliynn etwtnty, Oil, ha spent
?8,07.00 in the IwiMinfof county
brhtfe the jsitt yir.
TIhj wool dip of lyatimn Oregon
this ymr will amount to nvsr fl.OOO,-
000 miihU or nl-Kd 1,000,000 morn
Usui last yur.
("mut canity it the pla-e to Invext,
nnsl now i Urn time white iiropftty U
nwny down. In n few yuan it will
iwt m tli on.
Tim m1 of the Murray of
shstip was MiktHHinl until tlic 30th of
.hum, nt will lip seen liy loferring to
tin) iKticr of ssle in another column.
'lite millettium mint Im t Imiiil; the
iiixrshitl lint not had occasion tn make
an artest i km- tlif recorder had u case
in com it sine thit city wut incorpor
ated. Co to the I ted Front Itillmnl llnll
for a CO J, rcfitadiing 1 1 ink of the
finest kijjet' lr in linttern Oregon.
1 tuck Wr on tap (hi nnd after
May Ut.
The itolllc ileiitmiit hit in
formed Itcprosontntiio Hermann that
service hut lieen ordered between Wag
nir, in ( Inmt county, and llnrdionii, in
Morrow county.
In Cnion county there in one or
eh inl badly aM'octed and two Rightly
with tlii iMHllin moth, ami in ouch
cats thu import iti u of infected fruit
or ho mm iliil the woik.
Five committee of tint Massachu
setts legislature Ikivo in olio month
presented bill ugtiiniit the tUtte for
cigar amounting to j'j:!..').ri, Thi in
n sample of tho wnitcfuhiCM of the
avemgo legislature.
Our watchmaker hero in Canyon ,
Ulty luu just louglit it line of Hcta
eles and eye-gluis which in unilouht
islly om- of tin- I - t and most complete
ones in Orcein. tionuiuc pebble u
specialty. Mixlcnitc pi ices.
John Dny people are building it now
road to thi Canyon City cemetery by
way of long gulch, which will shin ten
tin' distance somewhat, ami obviate
tho necessity of thi'iu coming through
thit town to reach the citv of tho (load.
A iaity of emigniiits diitiii',' miiiio
rather jaded and dejected looking
Ktcmls, jKiKiied through town liikt Sab
bath. They uiiiuii-d it, if ixi-umihsciI of
any imtinx at all, hy not locating in
thi valley and buying land while it is
Mr. I. It. Miiiehiit was in town
ag.iiu this week with a load of apple
from hix cellar, lliurhart'x fruit, be
Kidini Iming the liest in the countiy,
h.iK a knack of keeping linn ami miuiiiI
until away into the next sumiiier after
it ii grown.
The people of thit city reiiriHl to
the coiiintery Saturday with llonil of
feringK, and liedcckol the l.ikt lotting
place of ft iemU and lot oil ones. No
pub.ic exercises were had, love's of
fering being ipiietly liutoweil, The
weather would not wnnit many to at
tend the (i. A. M. pinule at l'raiiie
Opal uiiuefi of Moriou- county con-tiuu-t
to attnict attention. While
(Irant has her gold and silver uiiniM
hit Morrow have okiIh, and diaiiioud
too, if the can, Wo like to tee our
nuighbois proopiir, Uhxiuiiu in the
course of tnulu these priH'iou utoues
will ornament the thiit front of miiiio
of our trout eiti.mii, mit in hmiln of
Canyon creek gold.
The fhst volume of tho now state
lawn were nciit out to various public
olllcer vt ho are entitled to a copy.
Tht Uiw which were unacted by tho
taut leihlatuio when in Umk fonu
uiikoa volumuof fi00 or 00 mge.
A l.irge'iiuml'er will Ini muiI to the
libraries of other ktate ami the i-oun
tie. of thi kUtte Ix'foie tlie ktate will
oll'iir them foi aitle.
Chief Peo, of the I 'uiatillas, i not
in favor of the February act a a mean
of nllotiiijf lauds to tiio Indian, say
tho Ivi.t Orogoiiian. It give women
us well a their lord SO acre each,
while the Slater bill, which he favor,
gives the htnul of thu families K10
acre and tho women none. "Women1
right no good," i tho tern'Iy upio
o 1 opinion of the chief.
Until ipiite recently the unlimited
bunch grass of Ivtktitru Oregon kiip
. plicxl Kiilllciunt fiHxl for oountlow. thou-
mil of hoivoa, tuittlti and aheep that
mimed over thu vakt hilU and plain;
but the hunch gntM i fast ilitapjHiai'
ing; tho cattle Interest it no longer
l;iug; iiiktoad the culture of fruit it
f.tst bcouiiiig one of lvistern Iregoii'
ehisf iniluntrie, and will, in the near
future, Ui one of it many nourcos of
Following i an extnict from tho
farewell mtrinoii of a .I.ihmmI New
Juitey chirgyui ui: "Dearly Melovod:
Our putting ills' not kiiem hard to me
for tlnuti iiiaiMilui: You do not love
mu, you do not love each other, and
the lionl.loits not luvo you. If you
had loved mu you would hive isiid uie
. .
for my utrviuM during the it two
yuirs; you do nut lovu inch othsr,
othwwite I ihouhl have more uiarri
ag to ouluhrate; anil, in isiuiihttiun,
the Utnl dooa not luvu you, for otlmi'
wi Im would cdl iiKue uf you to him,
lake county shnepsaen report the
ktrgsst crop of stmbs in the Mttery of
the imtimss there. I
I), (i. Omltnil nnil JolniFrlimfclt
citch receirml a imv Imimv of twst -
em inmiuinclurp lnt 1'ndnv. t
lNijfU, Itklw, wa UvIunI hy a
T tlL T ' ' . v i'
m .km, to projty. .No lirm
i mman -Lit,! f.n f
CIh) Uc . .moll chiM Ml .t of 5
u'ltsrwi SitnHitv iHAmlna nm ui.a mil
ovw, hut Pr. Orr ropotU Uh litth" ono
not iwrioBly injuml.
At tho iprnttrly tmmiiintion nf
trai'liMH N'jtiii kat NHnwly, i
applimnta trttitiil thpmllvo iomI
the cttificHta were xnintcil.
Mr. John ICtilil mine in from the
ranch tlii iwk. Johnny kw on
growiiiR, in .pitc of haril work, mul
will noon weigh four lnimlrvil.
I'm pre torn are kIotimI in the mount'
in, awl it it cnifiietitly hnjwl tlieir
MrfNeriMnH will in, ittnl thnt tliey
every mte utimiMn uoti fottnne.
John I'Uk lro(lit over one of J.
II. Hamilton' k'nni nulliona Ut
wrek, purclmned hy V. C. Sel who
will take him to the ttrwr Hller in tic h,
'Hie Orefon MnrUr ami I.ime Com
mny'n work nenr 1 1 imtiiiUML, are
tunning to their fullest rapucity 150
!trrU of lime every twenty four hour.
'lite Nevada ami tVliforniit imrrost
gitne railmn'l i intending it auney
fmm Ameilee to Altuma, which mnina
an extemiwi into Oregon At an .esrlv
Mlie prd.ilMtion .t.t cunnUonof
lvMittiiiL-v I ii.. Hftiiti.infjvl a full i!r.l,i
with Joseph Hani of Paducalt for
goieriior. The nHtioiml plat form i
....... r,..
We that S. A. Ileilner, of
Maker t'ity, U mying fwin fimrtefii to
seventeen cents i piHiiMl for wool.
.Shiwpinen ale of the opinion tliat wool
in Uiiind to brinx a littr price.
The Nnws in in nn-eipt of a tttiph
let and iapera dencriptive of lloino
t'ity, Idaho, and KUiMHindings, the
coiiiplimeuU of Uro. W. Ilatt, who
ha a ImiU'r huoiueiw in that city.
The piping for Uoru'it anw uiill lu
artiviMl and will soon U- lncel in ttm
itiou. A twenty -one Huh pi) will
vupply the tin hi nt, with a fifty-foot
piesmiie. The pipe iathlec iteenl!ii
luilei- i i on.
Kiihiwalk legislation would in) a '
move by the town council. Some ,
of the hideuuR-H in thi city are actu
ally a dingrai'ti to civiliAtion, If ,
pmierty owners will not lepair them
they hhouhl lie couivollod to. I
Now niiit'it tho Maker City tngo line
in rcuioimhly sure of the nieni(iir
tiiiM'l Ix'twi-cu the tit i I m 1 1 1 mul thit
inteiior countiy the company will no
douht pineha.i new homes and put on !
an iiuprovtsl lino of eoichea.
a i
C. W. James, of Itnker City,
in town Sunday on hi way home fium :
Mum. Mr. .Ian.. wa. here in
during the Indian war when all the '
population witt in tunnel along the
Imiw of the hill, and note much im
pint cutout since then.
John Muldiick n'mile an nsssy-of a
piece of ore a few days iijio tliat was
biought to him by John Uiycook, who
lekidiM down the liter. Mr. Muldrick '
ciaild uit tell the Nliws man where
the lick wa from, but It asuayeil ex
ceedingly well in gold Slid the levs
valuable metal, copier.
Lightening struck and killed h val
liable male Is'loiiging to JtliLe Sel. '
mid a maie and colt l-longhix to Men I "w eny gameiw.
Cau.pls'i: ill lU-ar vallev one day Lut I M.r1v lurl'" u t"7
week. Mr.CnmpU'll ld ju.t gaihniel 1 w, lmv,' lww l"lh' oon.
the aniuiaU oil' tho range that morning i After suhjocting the Jews in his
and they were in the pustule when ' iloininioim to tho most cruel Krso
kilhsl in the afternoon. : cutious, in order to i'oniieI their ox-
lla.ney county ten., of circuit 1 f1"?- iUe Cr ,,u" leU and aaya
court wa not a veiy p.otlubb one for I "VP forcing all Jews to
the attorneys, we learn. And to add , t'lotgrate.
to the diHpioiiitiuent of not lioeoiuiug John KoImtIs, former editor of
atlliient, Judge Duktin who wst at- . the Harney Press, was brought be-
tending, stepiMNl otf the tidewslk ut
Muiiwand kpiniiul hi aukl
thet.v ,
foie is laid up for rejmirK.
The Suuipler railrOHit leimiiible tho
Oiegou Pacific in toim imihh-U. It
was to I' ill oie ration by the limt of
June, and now it trRiupire that the
tM'i'i.inueiit kurvey has imt lf u made
thtough Sumpter valley, nor thu light
of way wcuied. It i doubtful if the
Sumpter valley railroad will U'lielit
u this auuimer.
McCoy, the original con tl actor oj
the Canyon t'ity .Monument insil
route, wa in town lately, and we un
dcrktaiid atum.l control of the line,
the uh contractor hating failed. He
will run ita ivononiicul ns utible,
pioUtbly .-ariying the mail on horne
Imck betwoen .Monument and lug
cieek. That come of taking govern
ineiit contmct Ulow living iwt I
but they piolmbly know it now with
out 1 icing told.
.1. Campbell Martin was in town
Tuesday circulating a subscription
to raise funds for the layvillc-Ilay-btacl;
road. The jioople of Duyvillo
are desirous of securing an outlet to
the railroad, ami if they had a toad
over to Haystack valley they could
go with teams to lleppnef very
easily. Hcpnucr has promised to
aid them with cash, and the people
of Duyvillo have stiltscriU-d al out
f l.'iW) which gin's to show that they
nr.- anxious tor a road. 1'eniile up
this way should help them. Soiik
i i. - i i f . ,
nolo is exiK'ctod from thu eoiintv
hoard, and wu see nothiiiL' wrnin in
that Inxly furiiikhiiiL' aid. Davvlllo
precinct Mya a coiisidernhlo amount
uf tax, and Iihh ituvur nbke.1 fur help
.tunc it, 11.
i llgar .IoIiiimhiV ImihI in utmvly
1 iinmving.
ThT8 will lie two itnvK meintt Inv
fore tlw fourth, for punwt.
' 'ITw lclogiitr to lh (irmwl l-oilgc
f 0iJ , t, , , n..tiirnl.
I ' '" imiRf nt tire i
(, h11 , t ,,ri, , ,
n w
.Mr. Wliilinire, of tlte uniwr val-
ley, it renrte! on the nick list.
Our city council rvpealwl all tlieir
oh) law mul tnadc a net of new
Juliu.MainlK.rger WW ,,mIU. k
for a few .laya hut week hut i all
right once more
.laka llunlmmi I ma retunwHl fmm
.Mftllirttr county, wlwre lie haa Iwn
for pome lime piat
A horae fell hack
with Jolmie
Blinn one day lat week, tnnahing uniigranta panaing through the val
Ilia ankle very hatlly. rv en route for Jnekmtn county, and
.Mr. and .Mm. Porler in en they scented itn
our citv laat week and have reiiUil . fwwl with the idea that this muit
1). M. Kiak'a residence. In I'hicc where mother Kve got
Rain! Uain .1 U.I I 1 1 h. I l,W l!,,0
worth IhousatnU of dollars to this
valley in tln last few days.
Did. in Prairio City, .May .10,
Joseph, son of tieo. It. and luuma
Mirge, nge.1 2 yearn and IS days.
J. V. Mates has taken the con -
' ,n,cl 10 r,eor " " l"01"0 JNWiiil
furninh fireworks for the Fourth
,0fJ,U-V , , ,
"hlge I.aurance reports that ho
, . , . i
ami some oiner pnrue smica a ...... ear cn a. ii e nave not nearo remember the firm of Collin A .Mc-
larg.; .piarli leilgo alwut 2 mi h , of any further . amage hv lighten- , Kal liui(, at i u,,pm.r. Thev mil on
above the Warm SoruiBi. e , mg. but sinoo Mr. u nddell erected , i.. at,,,.,,,,.,,.. ii,, ..i.,' i, .
wish that they might make a for-
; tune out of it.
The (i. A. It. wero here in force
Inst Saturilsy to decorate the graven
1 of their comrades. After listening
, to an elopient dicourso hy Kev. A.
' ICa.U the wt riots and cltiieng
marche.1 to the graveyard, ami
: placed llowera on the graves of those
' thnt were dear to them. It raincl
' during the whole proceetling.
I I'Ollot'S Pl.VSTKH.
, Head SherilT Cresnp's notice to !
ilelimpient taxpayers.
i Mixs Surah t.'oad accompanied
l.awvcr Pnrrish from Mtirns and is
visiting her brother Y. (5.
Soda Springs on Canyon creek
will celebrate tho Glorious Fourth
in good shape. Don't forget it.
A now roof is U-ing placed on the
"Kwl Front" saloon, which is tho
only building iuiprovument we no
tice. The question of the KrmnneuL
m,iv Kmi 0f lupy county will
ih) iicfnie.1 witiiin sixty ilaya at
Maker City.
m-.u,, i l.n- Im.i. Kn... it,.
past few days placing f Iresap's'win.l- I
...ill ii- .iii..,, ,! il. .
milt it- inwitiiiii mul tb !..) un i
scientifically done.
, , ,
- .rip has l.ecii having ita way
in the mountains, and John Mon-
tonye ofthe saw null is recovering
iron, us elici ts rather slowly. j
One feature of the Fourth of July J
colchratiun up the creek will lie an
imnnii rani or. uie cnuin nun a
sham battle, we understand. Sham
Indians will be used, of course.
Huyville jH-ople are feasting on
green h-iim and such other good food,
fore Judge Clifford yestenlav. and
severely ei nsured for an article he
iiublishtHl, rellecting on the Judge's
honor. liurn Herald.
Prairie City will have a way-tip I ii.ll itll lb.. li.llii.ii'M l,i rl I..I t.
(live the people a hand and help
tliein make the usual success of it.
for I hey never do things by halves
See "ad" for particulars.
Mr. II. Topken and Mr. ti.-n
Itoiidcbukh, two foothill neighbor,
came near engaging in a lawsuit
this week liecAiiso of one cutting
timber on the other's laud. Hap
pily it was compromised.
Don Carlos Moyd and a printer
named Nelson have arrived in John
Day tn take churge of the new paMT
goon to lie launched ujmhi the jour- ;
nalistic sea. Mr. Moyd gave the
Nkws a pleasmit call yesterday, and ,
thinks he will be ublu to start his
uiMcliine in ulsiiit two weeks. j
An emigrant eu route to a hcttcr
land sold one of his hurses hcie a
few days ag.t. I 'our of the boys put ,
in four bits each and Uiught him in ,
purtiierkhiii. Tho owner said hu
was a gtssi horse, and hu only let t
him go for $' because he was tender ,
fistle.1 and lie hadn't enough money
to get him shod.
Mose Dtirkheimer and N. S. Hub- J
cock, of Prairie, made tho Nkws a I
phasut call while in the city Tues
day, and informed us that Mr. Por
ter, the new mill man cxM'olcl his
machinery to arrive hy tho first of
July, and that if uothing uueximUI
occurred tlio new mill would he
griitdiug last season's wlwat hy the
first uf Align t.
Mnv 30, m.
IWilor Nitwn while Vtu tV .SM.x
commn hllh Ownifc-lves to tli
nhmlv ml alwiicth vour (orrriitinl.
' enl Uvtiri'th hlnidelf ami ratcltetli
' n frw item which In ImMi'tli to for-
!r"r" lo. '. K'"r "W'
' icn 'ix(01 urau
' from tlwir kIiimiIht.
I Tealth la generally prettv g-.oil J
j except a few have the "grip. '
! Miaa Anna Hopper ami .Mra. I'. 1
, .M. I'eamHi are on the nick lint. I
...,, , , ,i
.Mia .Nora Ilopjier Jinn returned
home again. (ilrnl to eo vour '
ii' - e . ., i
, ...... . ... ... .,
tie iihvl' imi pieniyoirnin wnieii
will make fine grnw. Crojw look
well, ami there haa hern n larger!
acreAge aown than in auv previous
Y noticeil
piite a ntimher of
j There are several wiie proveing
I.. ..I i. ii w ii.n.. i..
li J r ' V
U'lu.m h. lifts I .win in iifi.t'.! in. .-.i.
, . . . . '
, , . .. . .......
his Iwmeatea.I. .Mr. Uuis Thilwult
has gone lo Murn to make proof on
' his desert claim. There are also
oincr jwruea contemplating prove-
l log il" on .l.-ssert soon.
, Va?" ?" i"for,". ' ,l,M liliU-iiinK
of V .Hlnemlay kilhil some horses
' ... II t. i.i l
his barbed wire Inst fall there
have I wen several horses hrdlv cut
1. .... I 1 II.. 1
Mr. Marshal had a horse badly out
nnd Mr. Mlnntoii has had several
cut badly, nil on account of the
fence not U-ing projs-rly built.
On the fifth month of tho year.
on the y.Uh dav of the month ns we
wort silting within our door
lating on the coming events of time
U! an angel aiMiireiI silting in hin
chariot drawn by white horses, but
aa white is an emblem of jioaee and
ptiritv We did not minko with fear
: and trembling, neither did we fall
down to worship th .mgi-l, but
uastcncl to provnli- provender for
his Umsts. And our better halfdul
hake bis-cakrs in the oven and did
Set them before the angel and he
took and ate thereof and when he
was refreshed he urose Ix-ing desir- '
ous to depart on his mission of 1
mercy ana ho returned unto his
chariot. We looked and behold we ;
saw no wing o-i the angel and we 1
were nstoiusluil and returned unto j
our seat greatly wondering if ho Ik- ,
an angel from Heaven or an angel
of the Earth, ami so the angel dis
appeared. NnSlllHT.
Syrup of lrigi,
Produced fro: the laxativ and nu
tritious juice of California tig-, com-
billed with the tin dirinal v irtm-s of
put), known to Is- most ben.-lh ial
0 ,JU, ,umall a( ts tly.
0 M,, liver and iniwels,
ff-tunlly cleansing the system,
dispelling colds ami headaches, and
curing habitual cotistipatiod.
Social dance Friday night nt
Masonic hull
Manufactured codec ca tiy re
Setllblllig the y inline b an i.- tie
latest swindle The Philadelphia
mark, t is ll.mdrd with this spurious
An eclipse of the hllli is advertised
to take place in (irant county next
Saturday morning about six o'clock.
Watch for it and have your smoked
glasses ready. j
Mr. (iallagher of Ohio has lx-eii 1
cow hiding a Mian Foster. There
npiieais to have 1kh.ui not one gal
lant Ohioan present to cry "Let her
go (iallagher."
The investigation of the recent
lynching at Walla Walla goes I
bravely on. .nel it i refuted that '
one of the i-. .I1 1 - u i ! 1 1 r airi nt has '
tiirm d -l id i i i I' i
Moth the method and r -nils when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
Mul refreshing to tho tasto and acts
gently yet promptly mi thu Kidneys,
Liver and Mowel, cleanse tho sys
tem clli'ctiially, disja'ls colds, head
aches and fever and cures habitual
coustipatioii. Svrun of Figs is tho
only remedy of It kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto nnd ac
ceptable to the sbiiimch, prompt in
it action ami truly beiiclicial lit its
clUcts, its many excellent iptalities
ciiiiiineud it to nil. It is furwilu in
ri0u and $1 bottle by all lending
lommti. t. Af iv ton; a. r
.VOT1CH TO l)1!M.V(jl'KKTi
My trcomiiHiMltlons of (jraitil
jitrir, nrol order of cotnity commi.
sloiMirs' ctHirt, you will too t lint I
nm comwll! to collect nil ilolin
MM'iit t.cH. Vou will tlicrr-forc
vo -t by ,,yi.,K immclliU.'ly
0. V. Ckai'. Shvriir.
(io to the Kwl Front MiMinnl
nll, Caiivon City, for line wim'f.l
liquors and clgnrn."
,... f,1P ,. ,r,
,, l or MlrnH ,hr, .mAnf .Mowcm,
KeHrj anil Minder, ciHHtru of
llinw V .Mawm, Canvnn Citv, Or.
! J"? Chicken fe,. Me,
.MKMIllifr. limn, .hoiU, .Ve, Ve, nt
ine i neinc urewervn i eieiiratcci
Keor. the 1ksI in Knstern Omton, is
now kept constantlv on tap nt the
ltwl Front Millianl Kali.
.Minor Mrothers, denlers in genernl
tnerehnnlis4. .Main street, lleppm r.
Oregon. SHrial discounts to cash
htiyer. (hhmIs nt Da Ilea prices.
Orders hy mail promptly tilled. '
Some one 1ms laid down the fol
i , , ...
I ' : " '
i. ....... , .i ,
.1... :..t.i.. t :i . .i
imiii-mv, sui!eriiK' uir ine p- i
jr and mv'for it in advance, keep
, m fw.t nwav fmm the devil, uvea
oil' the mamiiH'riiit. don't lull; in tin
eoniNitor, .hurt earrv od our e..
j changes and duit't read tyve In tho '
! K'y." j
u-i,..,, ,i ,. f. ,i. '
.-..v.. ..... r.,,.., mi cuinm
, i' Wwl i,,;,...,!,,,, ,... .,.., lmii nr
prices, nut tnev pav
I - ' " ' '
oxprew clulrges on same to nnv
stage olllco in Omul or Harney
countiea. See their new "ad" for
further particulars.
(. l D i - ii' i I.I I hit VI IiiN at
i ndki: im: i spu ()
July 2nd and 'Jrd.
IJaees nt llic l'raiiie City race truck. !iinj onl y if anddto hoitei
for snddlo purses.
(I rand Bull on Ike
The best of music Is eiijrauo. and
lie mid all to jmrlieijinle in lhi ball,
-iiaii. I ickuIs lu Ih oblmiii.'il with
.) l)rorun:
Salute of til uiis nt Sunrise.
Al ID ..'clock A. M. every mio is nipiestisl lu tm til I'ionfn grounds,
hu the follow ing order of exercises:
I. Music by (iloo Club.
Rending I lecluration of Iiidcin'iiilomv by V. II, Kfsl.
Music by Cleo( ' nb.
Oration 'hv C W. I'urrUli.
Miisiu by'OIco Club.
Noon Day. lirin your haskela full for limeli time.
Music by (ileo Club.
I. O. O.'F. Omtion by T. Cahln lly.lo.
Music by (iho Club. '
Procession to form mid leturn to town fur the follow iim:
1DD yar.1 foot race (amateur. .1(1
Wheel liartow race. .10 yard Sack
(boys.) Moving Match (ainateiiii..
Wt reworks al finish of I he Day.
t.ctier l.lit.
Iltcr? rvinniiiing tincallcil for
in the xtolllpit at 1'mirio Citv,
Or., .lit lie I, I.SHI.-
Mr. .1. M. (iiiltlo.i. .Mr. WVhIcv
j Urillltli, .Mr. .luini'.M (irilllth.
I IVrMis cttlling for nnv of almvo
1 letters will phwr uivo (Into of ail-
vci tiding.
Kick K., V. .M.
In nil .lim-a of the htonmeh,
liver and kidneyn, ue, to the exclu-
io" r",l "hi'T inll'iw. nutureV
0WI, n,miHVt 1 TutMUr OreKon
jjJimhI I'urlllcr
' '
... . f s , . ...
v, i
i y,,' i ,i, ....
!u i,""ihi'trb ""tihttl Hint tlio
i--.". .'hm .m-. .
must ho piid on or liefore Jutit'
IS!M. F. P. 11. .nil t:v, Clerk.
Came to this range about three
years ago, one chetitnut wirrel mare,
irnii.le.1 two .'!, one under the other,
on left shoulder. W'ciuhl, aUtul
ItHX) U. I have wintered tin
mare i
for two winters
the same hv pr
tliesamel.y proving pmi-tty and
I paying charges.
KaI I'II Mviiam.
Creek, (irant, Co , Or.
Urn oalr l Its. hi, Oine.
vitt t. tsut
NoUt, I. tint, Owl ll.o Mk.l.. rl
ll untlr at hi. Intrklhw lu hk
) nw In .niiluil r hi. lUiut hI IK. I .M
fanl Kill hiuIiUjii IW llcl.Ur .ml ll-li.f
t IIuim. Oltaii, mi Jul. 11. INI, tl. II. II
m:i,u:h it, n. s No vtu, in kt m: ui
Sot. SI .! W hi stl ijr w. Ht. U S. II .) KW U
II ttMiM Ikr fullnwtim Mllnvt.f. Iii i-rintf hi.
ranUauaa. iv.Upimv uiifi m.I rHtili.tliMi ut. ..UI
Urn), .U r I H.o.l.1.1, I'l.M I. HrllnUl. W.
VI StM.r, J.lut. ILlOwai, .11 ill lli.nlun. Olt-TUH.
II su J, II. ill Ullwn... Il.4l,lrl.
tirenimj of July 3rd.
a m neral invilalioii is oxlendml to
(irand March begins at S :M0
or without supper.
anl fisd race ladies. 7.1 anl
'race. Caleb tho ( ireiuod ' Pig
Ancient Order Plug Cglim",
At the re.nitlonco of (Icorpt (iiiinN
Inch, in thin citv, Suinlay, .May HI,
I .SIM, .Mr. I'orclinand Suliiricke, n
native of (icrniany.
Deceased was a cotidin of Slnto
Treasurer Phil MctKuhnti, and (lis
tnntlv related to I'Vank Klei.schinitii
mid .Mri. Clay Tixlluinter, of thin
city. He lea vch an ngitl mother in
( ieriiutnc. Ilelinil lni'ii ailini! for
Movenil day.", and grew rapidly worm)
until death claimed linn.
Willing haiidn did all that could
IhmIhiic, nnd friends followed Hirrow.
fully to the grave .Monday afternoon
where the hurial i-crvicc was rend
hv Kev. .Mr. Luce.
Notice is heiebv given that no thu
'"lib day of May, A. D. IH' Iho
hour of lu i ehh'k A. M., the under,
higmsl will sell at the eotrals of Ken
neth F. MeKae, near his residence,
about one half mile from tin town
of D.ivvillo in (haul county, Oiegoii,
to the highest bidder for cash in
blind, nil the following peisoual
propet ly nnd clinttela and all tho
light, tit'o and inteiest which Adam
Mm my, Alex Mutiny and William
.Murray, copartner a Mturny
Mrothet-H, a tl t lit ickitlcutnf D.tyville,
(limit eotitilv. Oicg'iii, had on tho
Mil duv of Muteh, A. I) hSltl, and
have since Inul nnd now have there
in or tbi'leto, to vvil:
Tbat ceitaiu liatul of kheep con
sisting of l'JOO head, moie or Iosh,
lo-vvil: About 11(10 bead, together
with the ini'ie.ute theieuf for the jear
X'.), then leitig i.t tiuiu of sale,
which buii.l of (.burnt tt-nu mi 1 1 ... !hl
i . .. i .. , lulu i tit
i day of .Mm oil, I SIM, herded by ono
i Alex McDonald, III FiaitkH liouk ill
vvlint IN kill VV II IIH til I Slllltll l'.IIK (It
the Jobii Day count y, in said (limit
Also that eerla'tt hand of hheep
consisting of 1100 head, mom or
less, together with the iuciviso llitiie-
I of foi the venr IM'I, then Itoiii ; ut
lime of snle, which Iwn 1 of sh-'cp
i was mi I !.. said !ld day of Mareli
IS.M, heidoil l y one Jau es (h id ut,
, at l'i iiiiLh ci im k in t-nA South Folk
I of John Day country.
I Also o.n'ain band of sheep
I ci'tisintiiig of I 'Jt ii hi ad im i e or Iosh,
together with the increase thereof
j f i i-1 ho v t in IS'.M, then being nt time
. of side, which I mid of sheep was on
said .1.1 day of Muich. ISDl,
I by one John Oordou in said South
Folk of John Dav country. Said
hln up al ovo mentioned being moot I y
1 landed with a lite bland (u I m) on
1 the light side of the face and ear
marked with two imder-bttH in tho
light oar.
Also that ceilic n build of owe sheep
c.ilisistiui; of 1 100 lio.ul, mom or lims,
to wit: About Ctu.l head, together
with the inciease of auid ewea for the
year 1S1M, llu-u being at time of mile,
which owes vvere on suid ltd day of
Mai ell ISSM beided by ono John Mc
Phorson at vvhat is known as Cotton
wood in sin! South Poik of John
Day country, nod lciiig ear innikcd
two iiiiih'r bits in i hi. light ear and
biaiiib'd with said lite In mul nfoio
said. Also that certain baud of owe sheep
consisting of I.'ilil) head, almoin bus,
together with the ineieiiho theieof if
any, for the year ISSM, then being at
'lime of sale, said ewes Icing about
i one year old, and having been on
win! :id d iv of .March. 1 MM, herded
by one Mi l.etiiisii at or near what in
ci'iiiliionly known as Sheep (illicit ill
suid South Fork of John Day conn
t l.v , said owes being bralldeil with
suid lire bland .ifoicMiml, and eai
liiaikeil a stv allow folk in the loft ear
and an ttp or bit in tho tight ear.
.Said sheep horuitlbofoio deseiibed
coiiNisting of about lil.'lt! head of old
sheep mid aUilit 'JoTO IniiiU of tho
year ISSM, and about l.'iOU head thei e-
( of lu'ing wcullinrs, mid haid iilniep lie
iug now in the poskCHHoii of Kenmilli
1 I''. .Me I tin' agent of the uudeisigm d,
at tlnl South Fork of the John Day
liver II eu i the town of Duyvillo, in
said (hunt county, Oregon, and said
salo being under mid I'V viitiie of
tvvoeeitain chattel nun tj;,iies mudii
ll'id delivei ed by sail I'll III nf Miiin'V
Miotheis to the iiiideisigiied in mid
( li'itii uoiinlv, on and bom ine (Into
said lid day of Mm oil. IKSII, in and
by tho teiins of the one of which
mottgliges suid liist limn herein
mi'lit jiiiii i t bands of kluiep, will) their
inetcase, wero mot Igaged In thu tllt
d'tsigueil to secure Iho payment of
a ploliiisHiuy note of date Match .'hi,
IS'.M, oxuctltod and delivered by Hiilil
lii in of Mmiay Mi oh. to the under
stalled, due on demand, for tho mini
of $7,1-111 511, and interest thereon
fioin said date al the rate of leu per
oeiit. porauutmi until pud, together
w ith all charges and expensoH of la
I iug, keeping ami Halo and counsel
fees in the premises. Ami in mul by
the lei ins of the other of which
tin itgages H.ii'l last two hcioin men
lioueil IihiiiIh of sheep with their in
I eriMso weio uiot tgiigeil to the ui.ib't
s.gneil to kocuro the payment of a
, pioiniHsory uute of date said Maieh
I :id, lKSM, executed and delivuiud by
said lltm of Mttiray Mrotbera to thu
I tiiidiiiMigued.ilite on duinand, for tho
' kiiiii of $.1,000.00, and interest tliein
on from said date at the rain of ten
per cool, per annum until paid, to
gelher with all obliges and uxiioiimuh
of taking, keeping mul hale mid conn
! sol fees in Iho promises.
Said salo o uouimeiiee nt the hour
, of lo o'clock iiforoAitid, and coiitinuo
! ftuiu liuio lo tiuiu until all said iiido.
eily or u i I'mnl theieof, in sold to
satikfy said inortgngis, i xpunb.m and
coiiiisol fees.
Dated Ma Ml, I hU 1 .
II-flT'l'lio salo of UiuuIhivu piopuity
is HJMtpoiied until thu HO.h of June,
IstM, at Iho Hiiino hour ii'ul lauu un
above iiiuutioned.
conurrr a- maoleay.