Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 28, 1891, Image 3

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Mm witty, May JS.
Mountain xulo nn hitc with Mild
itmwU'rrv Mooum.
UmVw itwro min fnlU soon some of
tlm spring groin in tliii valley will Im
n short crop,
S'nii Francisco M nuking a strong
fight to seeurw tin) next republican
national convention.
Intercut in tho promed hydraulic
elevator has iy no menus suUiili-d.
KvciyNsly linn fnith in iL
Oouiity Treasurer Holey advertise
Usbty tlxit hf w ill my nil outstanding
warrant t'jjiitrl prior toSeptmnlmr
i :i, is-7.
Mr. mill Mri, J. Powell Imve
said to Jot Oliver their Joel Howard
much, mill will maw lick to their
lull cm'k place.
I'rmn the vnrinhltmiv of tho ucntli
or one of our exchange hit the nail
when it said, "Hot a -hello, hero
come a eohl wind."
Not tin itoin of news iui Ihj found
nt thu court house. No marriage
licence has boon issued lately, and
general qtiii-t prevails.
Our Muttered population has almtit
nit returned, mid now-one can look out
nnil seo u few more person on our
.street Uiskiug in the welcome simile.
The "grip" hat assumed a ditt'erout
phase lately, that or something else
all'ivting the eye for u few day.
Illuu spit-tut-les are Imcoming quite
i A largo ninount of Kiint could Im
used to good advantage in this town.
Somoof our should tile notice
of this fact and give the svinter sonie
tiling to do.
Alex Murray, of Dnyvillo, telU tho
people nt Thu Dulles tlmt tho wool
clip in hji vicinity ii better and fieer
from dirt than it has Wen for a nuin
Imr of ytxvrs.
Grant county should Im represented
at tho Fair in Portland next
fall, and preparations should Im at
once made for a proper display of our
ores and fruits.
tin to the Ited Front llilliiuil Hall
for. a cool, refreshing drink of the
finest lager Imcr in Kastcrn Oregon,
Ituok lmer on tap on and after
May 1st.
Several lmys from Gilliam county
urn sheaiing the wool fioui (iraut
county's sheep. Shearing lmgan early
in the season, hut is not over yet, nvv
im,' to the large numls'i- of sheep in
' pails.
I'M. Walton, thu man who shines
the Ixiy.s at loliu Day, was in town the
other day and the N i:vs man shaveil
him for a year's suhscription. They
all like the paper Imcuuso it gives re
liahle news.
I'. I'.aschn A- Co,, tin) leading busi
ness men of Itaker City, have an ad
vertisement in this week's Nkws.
.Miosis liasche ,t Co. arc grxsl men to I
deal with, and any representation they
make can Im reliisl on.
Our watchmaker hero in Canyon
City has just Ixiught a lino of specta
cles and eye-glasses which is uudouht
edly one of the host and most complete
one in Oregon, (ieuuine pebble u
specialty. Moderate priciH.
Chinese miners aie working a small
r placer claim up the creek msir the situ
of the old saw mill. Pity hut what it
xvas worked hy Americans. I!ut Chin
ese often rush in where white miners
fear to tread, ami they generally make
u giKl cleanup.
CritMip will erect a windmill just
lU'k of the Nkwh ollice to pump water
from the creek for irrigating and
household ue. Then pietty soon this
oxcnlleiit family journal will li ahln to
use a water motor to turn the wheels
of its printing machine
Nuxt Saturday wo should all join in
decorating tho hist resting place of
friends and loved oiiim in the silent
city of the dead, Canyon City and
the (i. A. It. Iys will hold their ex
iircimn at l'niirie City on tlmt day,
and honor the resting place of thu vet
eninsuuil their friends up thine.
W. II. Kelly, who returned from
ImiIovv Sunday evening, hy way of Ilep
pner, repoitu plenty of Iiniso nwks in
tho lleppuei riuid, on the mountain He is too livshful to say so,
hut wo have reason to Udicvo that the
Morrow count)' supervisors are lax in
the discharge of their duty. This cer
tainly was the situation last hummer
oil pail of the road.
The patentee of the hydraulic eleva
tors for working placer mines first
tried his machine on this creek in the
"fiO's," hut tin) miners "joshed" him
so much he took it away. Since then
many improvements have Ix-en made
Um it, and no douht it will ho made
as successful heie as it has in Cali
fornia and Idaho. I'rolmhly all it
would lack would Im for our M'oplo to
take hold of thu enterprise in earnest.
Thu Uirnyurd fowl over on thu Crick
in mad, and calls the editor of thu
Nlivvsa "coyote." Well, coyotes somo
tiiuiM crimte consternation in mutton
camps, and mutton-heads generally
hate tlieui. Itccnuso the Ni:wn is con
tinually making new friends thu "hird"
hat it, and would ihistroy it hh if it
wen) a coyoto. The "hinl" tilks light
hut who wanU to hurt hiinl Wu have
often hoard of coyoton chewing up a
wliolu land of guoo whim tliey get
- suited.
A Snii Fmneiseo firm lately sent an
order to Coin Uxy for thhty Indian
skull for museum purKHos.
Should Out crook Im worked ovcir
thfro m enough ground to keep n crowd
of miners a numlmr of vmrs.
Wlsit is the rmson our farmers tin
not miM" utore fall sou n gmint It
must Im Imcuuse the snow in winter
j J' 0,1 to" enough to protect
, "
It 11 oiIIp that thm who hold
their mutton until the middle of stun-
liier w ill realie $3
Imvu nlrwdy lmm
Ochooo Hovievv.
Jxt hottd. Snw
ollcred f'J.S2J.
The HuiHin)r of China is anximts to
visit the I'nitiil Stnttw, and is mid to
li imttient Uthiiw tlm Chinw) Mi fl
itter in Washington urgt him to wait
until the World's Fair.
Ud. bckw-.. in his Wtinr Signal,
is having as much excitement an n
count v sit llflht would (onsimi. A
I change in the location of the Weisor
MMitolllct is causing the hig Ulk.
Ucv. ('. Ii. I.uw, of this city, will
hold eorvice ut Hear valley in the
I.tico whool Iioium1 nimr W. W.
Stono's next Sunday, May ;llnt, at
H):'M) a. in. and 7:HU p. in." All aro
IVtor SlciiRer, of Hunt!', juimil
through town Saturday on hi nay ;
' lionic from lilleiishnrg, Waoli. wIiito ,
he hail Ihm'ii with a Ixind of lurt';.
He rqxirta fine range wlicro ho left
tho aniumlf. with at least one
' citizen of great puhlio spirit. lie of
! fers to contribute $100,000, if nnil
to give that state an exhiliit at the
world's fair that shall excel that of
any other Yetcin state.
j Knight of 1'ythiiiM organized at '
j Lower Town last week and installed
i nll'ieeri'. Tho Nkhm acknowlcdm j
a friendly visit from ('. V. (JotV, of j
j Long Creek and Mr. Saling, of Hep- j
I pner, two of tho iimtalling otllcori). I
A weasel at John Herburer'H
ranch lmo lately been having things i
Inn own way in tho chicken house, i
and was at Inst seen in the attempt
to rob a bird's nest in the fence.
War wac declared bv men and dogi,
but the varmint escaped.
Died, at her home in John Day,
last Friday, Mav -"Jud, Mr.i. Dun
can, an aged laiiy, who came from
Kau.sax last tuimmer with her bus
baud and family, nearly all of whom
were nick lately with typhoid fever,
the disease of which Mrs. Duncan
Canyon City should aid in a sub
stantial manner the e Hurts of the
(.ireenbom miners to improve their
roads. No doubt if a Mihscripliou
pajtcr was presented to our cop!o
they would all contribute according
to their means, and in helping the
miners they would be benefitting
themselves and the town.
In the I'nited States dutiict couit
at Chaileston, W. Va , W'aireii M.
Kmim of llaleigh county, was convict
ed of violating the lottery law hy send
ing a letter through the I'nitiil StntoH
mails to the Louisiana lottery, and
was lined f'Jfl and costs hy Judge
Jackson. This is the first eouv iction
for this olleuse known to have Wcn
made in the I'uitiil Suites.
Dan (iallagher, the son of a Tucoma
husiuexs man, recently leturuiil to his
home after a year's alueneo. The
young man was shaugh.ueil in Astoria,
placed almanl the Auieric.iu ship Itu
inenl, ami after an extiemely lough
utssage iniclinl Dublin, Ireland, where
lie appealed to the I'nitotl States con
sul. That ollicial examined into the
matter, secured his release and sent
him home, (iallagher will proauicuto
the men who weie iiiktrumeiital in his
Iming ahanglmieil.
Thu "Iron Age Hardware llulletiu"
of New York, has a view- of tin' inter
ior of Itatche Co's store anil tiushop.
It says: "What would impre one
in lisikiug over this estaMuhuient
would Ihi the convenience of arrange
ment for each line of gols; the ino
unity displ.iyisl in peifecting the iiiiny
new features in which an euilssliisl
couiNictuess, as well as an adminilile
display of the stovik, and also the large
amount of thought and laUtr which
has U'en exHuded Uhiii the store as a
When long Creek's "llird" vvas in
town not long ago the News man hunt
nl him up and brought him to task
for somi) underhanded work which wu
hoard lit) had Inm-ii engagis! in, that no
editor with any Disport for the profes
sion would have been guilty of. Thu
hird was as meek us a sheep then hut
llops his angelic wings and tries to
crow when he loncluw home. v hue
hero hu said to the Nkvvs man, "this
little interview is not for publication,
of course!" Wu promisml him wu
would not givo tho "littlo inteiviow"
I Thu contract has I -con let for twenty
I miles of the Columbia Valley bind
and Irrigating Company's ditch to Im
I built across the uoith end of Morrow
county. Mr. Orillin, thu contractor,
is to complete the twenty-mile contract
this season. He already has a force
of men and teams employnl on the
ditch which will Im iiicrnaseil in a few
I days, The coiiiumy has an option on
! a laro niition of the laud along the
; routo of this canal, covering, no douht,
the alternate sections owned by the
railroad company. Thu principil dif
liculty which may Im in the way of
this enterprise is the drifting sand
, which will collect in the ditch ami oh
i struct it in u very short timu, if not
countoiactml, Aiiiplo provision is
made, no doubt, to incut this dilliuulty.
Heppner Ilocord,
(Ikamtk, May 10, 15501.
Mb of water now. I'lacer min
ors arc happy.
Mr. Noal Nivon?. our (Jmnit"
merclmiit. 1ms Ih?oii very cick but is
now improving mid able to get
A ihiIIht find of galena oro is rv
IHirtwl. This time on tho divide be
tween Olive lake and Desolation,
alnHit oik anil a half miles Mow
the oh! llltie mountain leilgc.
The contract to jwck and haul
fifteen tons of ore from Caviise mine
to Itaker City has not yet Ixt'ti let.
Any jMirties vvishing to bid on same
caii communicate with A. K. Star.
Cartmnter Uro's aro running tlteir
(irtiiiiom hydraulic with a full ,
head of water and if the rains con-i
tinue late in the wan they will j
make a baniUome clean up; other- !
vviw the water Mipply will not lat !
Ioiik, as snow is goinn very ft.
e ten stani! are now dropping
Itonania mill ihi Orocnhoni.
at tin
A I out two liundrcil tons of ore is on '
the dump at the mill, and the drift ;
in the lower level sl'iows up a four- j
foot vein that will go all the way
from seven to sixty dollars per ton '
free gold. j
The (iranile-liTceiihorn express 1
will make the Hrl triptmlav ns far i
as lSobinsouville, provided the team
can get through the
head of tjuartv. gulch,
a great convenience to the miners
as it saveii them twelve miles of a
walk once a week to gel the (iuT
Cm sty Nkws.
Mr. W. S. Hurt-ham, a mining
man and an old timer of the Monu
mental, arrived here a few days ago
from the mines of Idaho. Mr.
Hurnham bus visited all the princi
pal mining camps in Idaho, Mon
tana and Washington, and he thinks
there is a better show on tho Green
horn for a ermancnt mining camp
than anything tccn during his trav
els. Work on the new road will com
mence soon. Tho road committee
will try and have the road complet
ed in time for (Irani county candi
dates to ride over in June, l-Sii-J.
The 'tcuplc of John Day valley have
subm-rilit-d several hundred dollars
in work to the Wagon road fund,
which will help us wonderfully,
linker City has raised, at last ac
count from there, nine hundred
dollars. The little town of liranite
gives three hundred and fifty dol
lars. I'rairie City has donated
liberally. What does our county
seat givo?
Itomembcr tho salo of those hheep
at Dayvide tomorrow.
Mountain sections are blest
almost daily with light showers.
When Memorial Day bus passed
prcNiro for IndeMudenco Day.
First sad, and then patriotic.
For extras for 1-jnpirc Mowers,
Itcapcrs and Hinders, empiire of
Dines .v Mason, Canyon City, Or.
SheriU'Crecup sold a inaro last
Tuesday to satisfy an execution
held by John Nealeit against J. J.
Murphv. Walter llerrv bid her in
for $2:1 (Hi.
Streams are 11 1 ready beginning to
subside, and fears are entertained
that another dry season will come
uK)ii us. Hut we may reasonably
uxH-ct tho regular June rains.
Itu y all of your farm machinury
of K. Hayes, and you will not have
to wait for extras. A full Mipply
always on hand. Woods' mowers
and binders lead in all the world.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Hrower, of
Salem, are at I'rairie City on a
visit lo Mr. J. II. WaUon the lather
of Mrs. llrower. Mr. Hrower is
foreman of the printing ollice in the
Deaf Mute school, and is a mule
One thing that tries tho patience
of the average editor is to receive
the information that a subscriber
who is delimpieut, hits skiptetl the
country with another man's wife.
Such woeful information coine-i to
headquarter sometimes.
Next week it will cost nearly
twenty cents a month t. keep a dog
besides what it takes to feed him.
Perhaps the new dog ordinance will
have the effect of thinning out the
bauds of worthless brutes that go
yolping after teams in tho street.
We are informed that some of tho
farmers up the vallev have a great
1 deal of old wheat in thuir bins from
last year. This, with the new crop,
will keep the new llouring mill
grinding right along, and ought to
supply (iraut and part of Harney
county with Hour.
The otore of Murray Hros., to
getjicr with their interest in two
bauds of sheep and a large amount
of wool, will bo sold at Day ville on
1 the Sth of Juno, at sherill sale.
A lame crowd will nrobalilv ho 111
' attendance, as It will Ihi a good
! . . I . . i
chance to secure bargain.
Governor Pcnnoyer has apsiinted
Geo. Ii. Chamberlain, of Albany,
attorney general. Tho now state
IxNird of equalization i comiKMtcd
of Geo. Harold, of Multnomah; ,1.
W. Shelton, I'nlun; ('has. Hughes,
Josephine; Win. Hughes, Morrow;
II. Ii. Hayes, Clackamas; John
Hurnott, Huntou; and J. P. Robert
son, Marion.
May '2l, 1S01.
.loo ltntes is moiH! leit foot mcor
in tills place.
Wo noticed .lack Dixon back in
our burg oik-o more.
(.. IHrRM child is still very low
ami it rceoverv u douhtful.
Jaiuoj Matins is lKwloard puller '
at the saw mill alnive I'rairie ('it v. i
Several teams jmMcxl through
town this week en route for Maker
Dtfooration dnv and Fourth of
. n v vvi m olnierv.H a! I h a idnr..
in grand stvle.
,,, , " , , . , , ,
lwIgar.lohtis.inn hand is slowly
improving. His fingers are in a
bail condition.
Our lluilalo hunter prolablv will
have his life iiiMircd just for a
change, you know.
Mr. Sam Hough in putting the
roads in wmsl condition as far as the
i nm tax is concerned.
' ... , ,. ,,
.ir. . iii-ii, oi me iipjmr vauey,
has liought Hilly lliunton out; con-,
niileration not known. j
KiecMcllaley drove a band oT
npr.a ll. liinlliiluinn llw. ,i(l.r
He intends in fatten them on i
I'rairie City has two fruit tree
agent this wi-ek and si-veral life in-
snow at the suranee agent gives the lown it nve
This will Im Iv apimarance.
Frank Laurnnco and him brother
were over in Uigiin valley last week.
They roHrt fees I fine in that section
of the countrv.
I Hon. (!. W. Mcllaley and his
daughter Clara started this morn
ing for 'l'ortland and parts of the
j Sound country. He Intends taking
' a car load of horse with him.
I'M. (liU'ord has cleaned up at
' the quartz mill after a run of forty
tons of Colorado mine rock. We
' understand that for some reason it
did not pay as well as wamexpocted.
And still the l-'agle screams and
Kiurs forth its tales of woo and
misery. Hotter rest up a while Mr.
l-'agle or it is likely to make you
sick making so much fimlish noise.
Some of the I oys drank a little
too much wine Sunday and our city
marshal started to jail a lot of them
but a part of them outran his dep
uties and escajmd outside the city
limits. The rest wi re turned loose.
Pike Wright has returned from
Hridge creek, where he has been
cleaning liedrock for Me.Murdo, H.iy
and ('ruddock. The lmys are inex-mriem-ed
miners and it is comical
to hear Pike tell how they clean
liedrock, but be says they are mak
ing lots of money and wo hom it is
Poilol'S Pl.ASTKIl.
Lyman Perk inn, formerly of this
valley but now residing at Woiner,
Idaho, i in (iranl county on busi
ness. John Sutherland in assisting Stale
Treasurer Metschan in his ollice at
Salem, and a mure es-rt s-nmaii
or competent accountant would be
hard to find.
Hoys at Prairie Citv who defied
the law anil the nutliority of the
statu of Oregon last Sunday tlid nut
know what iuiHirt their words had.
They are not considered outlaws,
because they sjtoke without think
ing. David Hlautuii, Kstmaster and
mayor of Hlaulon, rode into town
Tuewlay to tell Frank .Mrllcuti that
his crop of rye on the Soda spring
ranch would bo all weeds unless
plowed up and sown again. Frank
says this is the second volunteer
crop, and oilers to back bis argu
ment that it wilt bo a good crop,
with a round dollar, (iraut coun
ty's excellont soil will stay on the
side of the rve.
Decoration dav next Saturdav,
May .'tilth, will be observed by the
iG.A.U. of this county, at the
graves ol the soldiers buried within
the Prairie City cemetery. Public
exercises at the M. Ii. church at ono
o' Oration by Hev. A. Had.
Music by the John Day choir. All
are invited and It is Imped that the
1, ill. Ii.. ir.tlki.rn 1 1 V Wtll inill ill thin
sacred and lH-autifiil manner "f
1. ( luii r j tall til rliu I fri.niU
ftv , 1 - ,
Several 'mrson in this vicinity
have again received letters from a
would-lm lieiicvoh nt firm of counter
feiters in New York, who oiler the
magnificent inducement of f.'l,(SKI
counterfeit money 'that cannot Im
told from the genuine" for the sum
of f ;MXi in good money, and other
sum in prosirlion. If tho counter
feit money i a good a the genuine
whv do tliey desire to gel rid of it?
No gentle reader, tho Nkws warns
you agaimt biting at any such
"frauds. The letter also says, "I
would befriend you, do not prove
treacherous and letray me." Hot
vniir counterfeit money this family
journal will do all it can to got
. 1 1 :tt. . 1 ..!.!...! ,1 -1.... t
Milch bilk Imbind the prison Imr.
A copy of a telegram is sent, to bo
transmitted to "Thninas liarl, care
of John Harding, 'Jl liast 1 1 1th
St.. New York City, N. Y.," if a imr-
son is foolish enough to accept thu
eotinterfoiters' terms, but we do not
think any of our renders w ill accept. 1
A small sum of good money in thu j
hand is worth inure than something,
you don't know what, In Nw York, j
Koom l or Mlnionstici.
The sH?ctplo jiresent! by the
filthy, degraditl, ignorant jieople
known as "mwnshinors," under ar
rest in Covington. Ky., is one that
suggests thu need of missionary la
Imr among the lcnightcd of our own
laml. Here are imrsons, represent-
' lug a distinct class of 'icople,
'are of our own race and countrv,
and who are yet as dead to the
graew and decencies of modern
civilization as the Indians that still
linger upon our Imrders. Their
homes, it the soualiil haunts that
j linger upon our Imrders. Their
homes, it the squalid haunts that
they inhabit can Im called bv that
lll",,. '"' void of all the com?orts of
""i r uaiuis are iiisgiiMiug,
. ( lr "-''"-''big of the rudest descrip-
thin, and their ignorance an dense
. W!, that of the savages themselvoi.
j They are in Hie main kindlv dis-
owd, except when Iming hunted as
'moonshiner" by 1'iiiled States
marshals, and their attempt to
mak the ICnglish language, though
by no means artistic, is sullicieutly
lucid to make it oihlc to com
municate with them without having
to spend mouths in studying a for
eign tonguo. To the jmison Mil
sefed of the true missionary spirit
the Held for devotion to the cause of
. I'"'"y prtwiite.1 by tho mount-
' H'CilOIIS OI ixCIUUCKV, .Mlflll
! Carolina, Tennessee and West Vir-
ginia. the habitat of the "moon
shiners," should certainly W a most
inviting one. "Home missionary"
endeavor that ex (muds its energies
ami the contributions of Sunday
school children in making up and
muling out Ikixcs ofelalmrate cloth
ing, silverware, tidies, silk cushions,
shpters, afghans, table linen, etc.,
to ministers who lead self sacrific
ing lives in sumptuously furnished
bouses in the cities, might work
with more profit in the field of hu
manity if it would hut turn its
attention to the benighted sections
where ignorance and immorality go
baud in hand, deadly feuds fester,
and tho very name ' of religion is
unknown. Oregoniau.
(lo to tho Ited Front Hilliard
Hall, Canvon City, for fine wines,
liquors ami cigars.
The Irish leaders are Mill quarel
ing. This time it is about the mon
ey sent from America.
lire long we will hear the sweet
music of the mower, clipping the
first crop of alfalfa from our numer
ous meadows.
Tho Pacific Hrewery's Celebrated
Heer, the best in Kastcrn Oregon, is
now kept constantlv on tap at the
Hid Front Hilliard' Hall.
In all diseases of the stomach,
liver and kidneys, ue, to the exclu
sion of all other medicines, nature's
own reined v. Plunder's Oregon
Hlood Purifier.
Minor Hrotbers, dealers in general
merchandise, Main street, Heppner,
Oregon. Special discounts to cash
buyer. Goods at Dalles prices
Orders by mail promptly lilted.
An address has been issued to the
Southern people calling for contri
butions to the .li'll'ersiin Davis monu
ment fund, and naming June loth
as the day umu which every town
and county shall act in tho matter.
lingland is becoming alarmed at
the exodus of destitute Hebrews
from Ituscia, as large numbers of
thein are seeking refuge in Great
1'ritain. This movement bus as
sumed such proHiriious that it is
termed "Hebrews' invasion of ling
land." Thunder storms are not of fre
quent occurrenc in Oregon, but dur
ing the past few days the mountains
around here have echoed and re
echoed tlm grand and majestic
peals, while the air has been made
purer and tho fields grecuor by the
The testimony at the court-martial
on the Waila Walla lynching
places Colonel Coiuplnii, the cum
maniler of the fort, In a very unen
viable light. All the witnesses
agree that he acted in a very care
less iniumer in allowing the soldier
too much libel ty.
A few dav ago I 'nolo Sam issued
his cheek lor f(!7,(X"i,(0), and bad
ear load of gold slid silver left in
the treasury aflcrit was paid. The
Northern Paoillc railroad a few day
ago gave a mortgage for,LKK),.
. mm-
bankrupt. I Ms
,t . ., ,
railway 1 not a
is an age of big
tlimg. 1
When you send away fur good ,
remember the firm of Collin A Mc
1'arhind at Heppner. They not on- ,
ly guarantee you first class gisnls at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges on same to any
stage ollice in Grant or Harney
counties. See their new "ad" for
further particulars.
One of two men who were travel
ing through the country w ith 11 peck
horse met with quite a serious acci
dent one evening during the week
while preparing to camp on thu
road between hure and Prairio City.
He was removing a shut gun from
the pack, and in some manner the
gun was discharged, the load of
shut entering one of his arms com
pletely shattering that member.
I lis companion came to town for 11
surgeon, mt Dr. Orr was out of
town, and as Dr. Harbor is prewir
ing to leave hu did not earn to take
the case, so lie suggested that they
lio to Prairio Citv. Wo could not
learn the name of either of tho iiiuii ,
or whore they were from, New ..w.
The new pliarmacy law passw!
by the last legislature, was filed in
the ollice of the secretary of state
without the governor's higuature on
Feb. Hint, and Imcame a law on
May'JIst. It provides that every
imrson conducting a pharmacy,
drug store, as)thecary shop, or dis-
musing medicines or sisons, must
Im a registered pharmacist ; and no
mrson not a registered may com
pound phvsicians' nrescriiitious or
disimnse jioisons. The governor
shall appoint live competent pliar-
inacists as a Uianl, which shall ex-
amine applicants and issue certili-
cine, uie ice 10 no ?.) in eacnca.'i
.ny ierson is council to Im regis
tered who is either a graduate 111
pharmacy or engaged in the business
at the lime this act takes clh-.-i
Thu latter class may, uhiu satis
factory prmif, obtain certificates
Umii payment of i'2 fee. Clerks
who have been in service two years
may obtain a certificate as register
ed assistant. unii pauitent of a $1
fee. Registered pharmacists are
held resKinsihe for the quality of
their drugs and medicines, oi4iis
must be labeled and a record kept
of tho imrsons to whom they un
sold. A fine of $ UK) may Im iiiiHs
11I for violation of this a'cl. and the
name of the pharmacist may be
stricken from ihe register.
To the tax-payers of School Did
No I.
You are hereby notified that the
Special ScIiimI Tax for the year IS'.M
must be pdd on or before June -.'.I,
IMM. F. P., Clelk.
Tho Willamette valley hop yards
aro affected to a certain e.xtent with
the hop lice. It is early yet to as
certain how the crop wilfboairoctcd.
Tho Kelsay hand of sheep, about
f)(HH) head, in Gilliam county, is
said to average hourly eleven
pound of wool to each sheep, quite
a heavy lleece.
Our imople do not fully under
stand the advantages of ( Iregon until
they read of death and destruction
in the Jiast by means of cyclones,
lire and Hood.
The county of linker is yet in
debted lo ihe state.- in the sum of
fiVIS.7 1 1, Iming delinquent with the
state tax for nearly every year since
IST'J and prior to i.S.V.i.
Saukey has sung "The Mistakes
of my tile have been many" and '
still the human race goes iilumh-r-ing
along, kicking at huts with
bricks under them and hotting ili
money on the wrong horse.
Aie we becoming a nation of
lunatic f We are nut by nature
inclined to take the alarmist side
of any ijueMiun, but a bulletin 10
cenlly issued by the census bureau
makes the percentage of increase
in infinity during the last decade,
7:t .'nl ngaiiiht an increase in popu
lation of only Uvm! per cent.,
which, we think, make the i
tion pertinent.
The activity and originality
shown in connection with tho re
cent development of tho American
navy atTonls material for thought,
not only to our ship builders, but
also to our slalohincu. Notw ith
standing this activity, we sincerely
hope that the two great linglihlf
speaking nations of tho world will
never disgrace civilization by go
ing to war with each other.
A syndicate of hankers in New
York have each put up .ft !(),(!"".
1 making a total of i UUU.iKHi, with
which to pay Ihu interest on $MKi,
XX),(XX) in gold which they are go
ing to buy and bold for sixty days
Gold is now practically at par,
although Great llritain' is giving
half a MMiny for it, and a money
i's plenty now at '2 jmr cent , there
can bo 1:0 loss. Tin syndicate in
tends to comiml lingland mid liu--sia
to pay a handsome premium mi
gold they buy, or leave it in this
, . .
Syrup of I'lys,
Produced from the laxative and uu
Iritioiii. juice of California figs, coin
biued with the medicinal virtmsnf
plant known to be most beneficial
to the human system, acts gently,
on the kidneys, liver and Uiwi Is
eH'ectually demising the syst m
dispelling colds ami headaches, and
curing habitual coiittlipatiod.
Ni va Meli on 1. nr.- , a few iluys u.i .1
llttl.- irii'l vv its followed Inline frmn pas
lure lt- a two-ycar-nhl ilccr, which is
reaillly MiluuUtlnjj to ilomi'stlcaUuu.
I'll ski IS, tin., Ii,iiU n a cut that
hail U-eii In 0110 family for tvveiilj -tw.i
years. When Its mistress died It piunl
away ami rcftisoil lo eat, literally starv
lug itelf tn ileath.
A iioiisi: ht Alcxaiulriii which was run
over hy a Texas A Tactile train and hail
one u( its lfM liroUeu holihleil tn a
store near hy. huimked lit the iliair, ami
hy signs and lirutu lioitruae itisahil
for relief.
A I'l N'- l.v vni v farmer has n hen
which habitually lays iniusoully I iice
'Kirs- lusiilc of eai h of these cj: . is
neither !s1'.miI ii, prr(c tly
furiiii'il !! til the inside ami ouUlile
cjr:( h..w a yolU uul whit pint.
A i.ixiii i.t story cullies to us iroin
Mi. hi -an. A straw liclil In the iiiiuith'.
of lliiif rat. ttrcvv the utU ntion nf citl
lcns of I.ashvlllc to it slrwnifc sljjht.
They were trivellnjf uloity tlm mail, 1
throe itluviMtti whan it was dusuorereil
llii.t tliu two iHiUhUi raW Her.i thus
ivudlnjr Um cmiter ou. whWo was old
ml hluul. .
i Canio to this rango ahoul throo
' venrs ago, ono choatniit sorrol nmre,
branded two .'1, one under tho other,
on left shoulder. Weigh!, nbout
KKK) lbs. I havi) wintered tho inaro
for two winters. Owner can hnvo
the same by proving projKrly nml
paying charges.
m it.w.rii iiviiAM,
('.11. von Crook, Grant, Co , Or.
. fctJI
v - ' iv : f
lloth the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken j it is pleasant
ami refreshing to tho Ins to and acts
gcntlyyct promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Hovvels, cleanses tho sys
tem cH'cc tually, diqicl.s colds, head
aches am! fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Kvrtin of Kign is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto am! ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action ami truly bouelicia! in its
ellect, its many excellent qualities
commend it to all. It is for salo in
MV and 61 bottles by all lcadinp
lovisuuc. a t ,mw tor, m. r.
Canyon City, Or.
77 f'.v mmlttr ir.tnrt Imx
hrt'ii reopen cd In the iitldic,
and note, a.v ; the past,
keeps iKiliinii' but the best.
Wines, Litnors Cigars'
J. 1. ItlCKAItlt, Prnpr
Canyon Cily, Or.
.1... Chambers, Prnpr.
This Itostauninl has recently Is'eu
opeiiml, and will furnish Mixtls or lssl
ging at living into.
A i.pccial fixituie alsiut this house
is that 110 ('himisii cinikaie employ ml
in thu kitchen. Give the Kiistuurulit
a tiial. M. J. Cii.vvinmiH,
O f IIopnor,
Plesldelit Vice Piesidellt.
lil.oliol. W Coshi.ii, Cashier.
J. c.
iiih:v, r v imr v, 1. t. noitsoN,
I llicctor.
Triiiisai-ls a d'ciii ral lluiiLlug lluslncs,
lis change
011 all pails of the w'oild
Colliv timet made at all point on
Huasoiiahlo 'IVi ins.
Money loaned at fiom one to ten
tier cent.
ifi iiir
I '
i). 0. ovi;itiioi;r,
L'anvos Oitv.
Piopiiulors, 'm. Uooi'tiu.x; Nn-ii.
r.vvs, Galveston.
i v woo