Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 28, 1891, Image 1

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    The I'aper fnrihr Stock
man, .Merchant and
. Miner.
The Paper for the Farm,
the M'nrkshoft ami the
II tune.
'olume XII I.
C.IXVOX CITY, ClUXT COVXT)'. OliKCOX, TliUltSD.l ) .!. r st ISO I.
X'nmlier 10.
N'olic is hereby given tltnt on tho
'i'.'th day of M y, A. 1). 1SSM, nt the
l.'uirof U ncl-ok A. M., thi under
mgnml ,H Mitt ,t tint eoi raW of Ken
neth r. MofUtj, nonr hi residence,
hIkhh one half mile from tho town
of D(iyiill in ( St nnt County, Oregon,
to tho highest bidder for enli in
h.iuil, nil ill o following pursotnl
proporiy nml chattels mid nil tho
li'ht, title mid intercut which Adam
Murray, Alex Mirrny nml William
Muir.iy, eo-nrtnori m .Murray
I'lnthers, n Ann resident ol Dayvillo,
irnnl Countv, Oregon, hnd on the
U day of March, A. I). K-Ul. and
hive nlnci hnl mid now Intro theie
in or thereto, to-wit:
That curiam baud of uln-op con
mating of I'JrtO head, nioro or lew,
t wit: Ab.nit ;K)0 lioitil. together
Willi I In oinrnaiui thnrnf fur tho vnm-
Ivil, then lxdng at time of wile, i
win h band of hp was on tho 8d I
I iy of M noli. IStll , herded hy one
Alex .MoDjiirdd. at Franks creek in I
what is known a tho South Fork of I
the John Day eountrv, in said (limit
county, niotit of all, tie- f.irnier.
Aim that roitaiu hand of shoop "This id a government of the jwo
eonMHting of U00 hoad, nioro or pie, for the HHjile aul hy the jmhi
ls, togather wi h tho iuoronno thino pi,., 'l'he ople will nee that the
of for theyar 1S9I, then hciiiff at reform eometi in good euim. Thin
tune of male, which hand of kIiwi conference which we will hold at
wai on the said :id day of March, (;j,u.i,mti will he one ctep toward
ISill, honh-d hy ono.lau.oH Cordon. rm.i,ig tu. (Jnal remilt, and we
t l-ranki croi-k in mi.l South l'ork )IIlV(, arrnllgtM UM for n w.rie of
of John Day country mammoth mftfw meetings in all sec-
AUo that cor -Inin hand of Hl.eep tio1H of Ul(, coul(rv (Iuri,
roi.M4i.ns.. .13 0 head n.oro or lo. mllllm.r. When the' farmern' alii
t.... l.or with he uioroiUM. t .orcof m()V,llUMlt wns ,-muil ,
for tho rear 1SU1, tholi Iiuiiik t tuno ... it
ofsale.-whi l. hand of .sheep w,m on " '.. had to work down
H, ..d:tldaVof March. lS'Jl. her.ltil " H'' P1" .v vrtl of i,Hth.
In one John Gordon in a,id S.utl, WHimH.w eont.nually inn
Foik of John Day eountiy. Said ri'VuT ,,l,l ''
Khetp alKive uiontionod hoinK inoHtlv Hiteeelie. e have come now to
I. ian.Iod with a lire hn.n.l (a l.r) on t,,lU IK,mt whrrt' llu'' are giving tin
lie- nyht side of the faro and ear ,'1 rieetful hearing, and we can
marked with two uudord.its ii,"tl,0 j feel .-tire that our meeting will lie
nht ear. eorrectly roKirled.
AImi that certain h.uid of owe nhee) "'e do not expect to form a third
coimiHtino of 1 lODhoad, nioro or h'HH, party at Cincinnati. There will he
to wit: About lllDli head, together no iliitciiMioii of candidates or prep
with tho iiicroiMO of tuid owes for the aration of a party platform. These
vein 1S!U, thou boinj;iit tiuioolsale, tilings, if they come at all, must
which owuh were on said ltd day of eonio litter. We nhall content our
.Miiich 1 si) 1 horded hy ono John Mo- nelvcs with itwtiing a brief mldrodK
I'lioi-Hon at what is known as Cotton- to the pople of the country, and
wood in said South Fork of John then we will go out again "among
D.iy country, and Urine; ear-marked them preaching thw new gowjiel of
two under bita in tho rifjht and relief from debt at unurioiiN interivt
I.Muderi with said liio brand aforo- u,j frnm n,ii li continually
f"im; . adds to the wealth of the elnplovor
Also that eoitaut b.uidofowohheop ullI U.lvrii ni,thitig for the emiilov'e."
eM,Mt.nKof rm hund nioio or lost ,, u l,uril)llg ci.ineidence, jnntl
together with tho lticriuso tho roof if (,.' i..: c..oi, l'.,ir..r I '
any. tor the year 1MU, then be.n at t.x.Sl.m,r ,,,,,.,11,, whl1 ,MW evident-tin..-of
sale said ewes bcrny about , ,if , f UUh.a jn
01 V x!" , Vk'1 r'"i'! t'"' "ir.. of I... hired man Mr. In
said .id dav of .Maicll, IS'.M, l.or.lo.1 ,. . ,. . , , ,
, ,, -, . i , calls i it ii'ii to say what liroui'l it
hv ono Melioiiiinu nt or near what ik f. . . ' ,. . , ,.
, .,. i oi 'ii, ;.. him here just at I in tune, hut there
oiiitnoiil v kiio'm) at Sheep (.uileli in . , ' . . .
..d South Fork of John D.iv conn Haruii.or in c,r. h s that he
i, v. m.J ewes be.nK jth ' was Kent tor by M r. Harrison who
naid lire brand afoiosaid, and ear j ' desirous ol making him i Ins Ineiid
m.tiked a swrtllow-foik in tho loft o..r '"r ' pro-ie of asking his advice
and an upper hit in the mkIh ear. j "'""'t some very iniM.rtant matterii,
,S..i.l heep lioroitibofoio du-eril od , "ud that if he proves agreeable ho
coiis.stin.'of about lil.'HJ hoad of old will U- tenden d an ihiH.rtai.t feder
sheep and about 3570 latiibH of the ' al s.siti..n. p i-iiby the werelary-yea.-JH'.H
, and about l'.(K) head there ship of Mar Of ci.ur-c there may
of being wethers, and said sheep he ..II m this, but the
inrr now in the poiu.etu.ion of Kenneth ,
I'1 M. ltau Hgout of tho undeis.yned.
.it the S.iuth I oil; of the John Day
.tr neir tho town of Pay ville, in
sanl t rant county, Oregon, and said
sale I eing under and by virtue of
eel tain i hiittcl mortgaoes iii.ule
..lid (leltvt u'd by nai.1 lit in of Muii.iy
Jirutl.iT- to the iiliilei'nigue.t in said
.irnnl county, on and lienriug date
Kti 1 day of Maieli, 1 1 . in and 1
Jiv tho terins of tho one of which
mortgages BHid fust three lien in
ixei.lioi.tid bauds of shoep, with then
iiu-rcxe, weio moitgaged tj tho mi
ih-r-itf'ied to soeiiro tho payment ol
ti roiiiuory note of dule March M.
IS'.M. executed and do iveiod by, said
firm of .Murray Itros. to tho undor-j
su'iiid, due on demand, for the sum
of ",! I'l VJ, slid interest ti. croon 1
from m id date at tho into of ton pet
cent in- annum until paid, together
with all ohaiges and ox.eiis.w of tu
king, keeping t 1 1 1 wale and counsel
fee ; in the premises. And in and bv
the -ims of tho other of wlueii
iiiott.'sges said hot two herein inen
t nine.l Umdii of sheep will, their in-1 weie inurlgai.'ed to the under- to secure the payment of
j.Miuissory unto of Into said March.
;i.l, lv'il, exocutod and tlolivotcd hy j
mud lem of .M unity Hiothors to the ,
HinieiHigiiPd, duo on deuialid, for the ,
Mint of s'J.ttOo.OO, and iutotost tl.iie
on from said date nt tho into of ten
percent, p ! milium until paid, to
oether with nil clmrgrw and expenses ,
of tuli.iiij, koeii'ig and mIo ami conn
s. l fee ill the .i
4- ml kh'o to commence at tho hour
. f ID i'elook ufoiowii.l, and eontiiiUH
from Uuw to timo until all said prop
4 itv or Mitt, ient tin-roof, is Id to
sutler witil morigages, o.xpensw aim
iiunsel fees
D.ited Mnv Mth, lhtll.
COH 1111 T .V MACI 15AY.
Flour Umliani, Ikwley, (eiUier
. 1..1..1 ni.t..-..,. f...-i ltd
ml or ttiib"' -v'i
M.l.lliuiA li'wn,
Sliuita, .vu, .vc, at
W, D. ('., May 22.
ICiitniK Co. Nm-!: Sen-
Utr I'rll'er, v stinking t.v
authority, My that no third wrty
will Ik formed by the convention
which is to be held in Cincinnati
thin i k, nttil he consider 1 1 1 h 1 tho
Hilly rumor nlsmt there lacing dan
ger of tho convention Winn controll
ed hy socialist and annrehuit were
tin- work of parlies, opposed to the
gathering which promises to In so
iinjortunt and fruitful. "We have
not come," said tl senator earnest
ly, "to destroy; hut to huihl up.
Our mission i nt to i-oiium-I the
rich man to give up what ho hn
hut to devise some way hy which
tin1 Nor nnd opprestwd may lie re
IicvimI. We arc united uiti the
necessity of ls'iuditting tin- condition
hilnir iinil when I nay latior I
mean the work of every one who
hel'is to add to the wealth of the
eountrv hv what he produce. Thin
include the huihlerji
the railroad
employes, the'fuotorv
hand, and.
llakui II... In-ii i.( maiiy nilwralil, ellill I. I'll III lir-.U'ltlUi III. II. DUtfl'U
l!.r i.i;nig. miui sIuIhacIi, tick lu-Ajcltc
In irll urii. lumtif aiatlt, a fall.!, "alt rihhi"
(icln.j:. Uul v, riutuil tuiigui), aisl IrrefU
. Uilty nt lliu tHiwrli, ate
DlStrOOS mum tP( M runuium
AftOT'tun. I))iwt4 iIims
p ti l""t Krt well ut ltH. It
ti.lin, nulii- cjri'ul. jwrilttMit
iltr.illon, nml a iciunlr like llisxl'n 8ara
lirtlU. vililtl. ai-u B-olly. )'t unly awl
aiii-iill). II tmu-1 tli" Uiiucli auit otUcr
tifB.nn, rcguUti t tli ilUi'atlun, rfuln .t
npiicllli, uul 1 Hml Sick
(ni ri'i.mtiiit tin local )iu-LJ . .
tui.. rvuiatM tl '!' Moat,ncn
llatH cUccU t.t tlio I'.tKUli', IwitUli! llio
ln'.i.U. Iir, ami .lirlicj tl.o tlml lulwl.
I Nth troubled will. ilyijwjuU. I
tuU hut Illlto aifWtilo, lu.J wlul I twl oat
Unnrt- iitr,r' ,uel ur U'' ,M
rtonrr jlul) j a
bum ttrr cmiii I woulil nHV
tlenro a Liliilmm, ur llrcl. all teUnK,
aitluiueli 1 Iwl iiotrjIi-iiaajtlUDtf. .MylruU
lil. I llili.l.. wa aroatnl hy my tiuil.K'M.
n lit) It u that nf n .j.lnt r, anil Irwi. Ixlug
iisnu or lr tlmt In -i Sour with I-it Ci,,
prii.s I t'-'V. llir sow oxoinacn
HU-tik tlirco t.ttli. It UI.1 ma an
ImuiuIlH. amount ( phJ. It K n '
ai.tltc, ami my t'l nl.Oiril ami iaiuflcl
the cialii I I. .n .f VlollOy Cll-fJI'iirwl."
(Iroitui: A. r.toi., Walcrl.iwii, lliu.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sol.l.jrllilrujiliti (l.mfirfJ rrrnJonlf
fcjrl I lllSitl t O . Ailli. U mil,
100 Doaoo Ono Dolln'
THEPosTOFFicg Store)
Cl.VVO.V ( I I V. OK.
h- I'
A Hue itouk of f i. nh Otuulii, ,Vut,
TuUjeeo,, Hie., lite., Jttit
received, (iivo inn a oall.
fact that Mr. Ingull should come
hete at thiii enoii entirtdy une.v
xt leil hy miy of hie friend. give it
n plausibility.
The minor official;" of the navy
department regard the chM of the
Chilian insurgent steamer I lata ns
n firt cInKji lark, nml regnd are
lienrd on nil fides that thespenker
are not aboard one or Ihe other of
the I'liitwl States vetwels now in the
l'aeilic iM'oitn. No one Miove that
it nil) K' anything more than a
jolly picnic, nml nolsxly cares three
snajMi aliout the Chilian government
or tho insurgeiitn. ()f coiirnr this
fovcrnnietil wnn compiled to net
tton the ntjumt of the Chtlinr.
minister nml striate the Itata; hut if
it had demred to keep hern stronger
low timu n single ih puty imtrshnl
ould probably hnvelHtsn i placed in
charge. It was a good deal like the
pruc crews of one ninn eneh which
wi n' placed in chnrgi of captured
Canmlinn sealers in Ihdiring sea
iM'ason U'fore last.
.Mr. Harrison has returned safe
nml sound from his long trip, and
he undoubtedly knows a heap more
than he did when he started, hut it
is yet to lie een whether his in
erenwd knowledge i lo U witdv
lined, or whether it i lo swell his
head with egotism. He find plen
ty of work waiting for him, nml if
the fear expressed hy many that
Mr. ninine wilt not U nhle to re
sume hia duties until he lakes it
long rest is verified, he ill find it
extremely ditlietilt to dissse of
some of it, particularly that relat
ing to foreign nations, much of
which is at this time in an unfinish
ed condition, where it requires skill
ful handling, if we are to maintain
the prestige which Mr. Itlaine has
undoubtedly given by his ml
ministration of the stale depart
ment. 1 do not Udieve (hat Mr.
Itlaine's health is in the condition
that some jKtiplo are trying to innko
the country ladievi' it is. He hail
his own reasoiih for remaining in
New Vork a few days, and his
health had iiothiiiK to do with it
See if voll don't hoar more nUmt
llluilie before long.
Some Klne Specimens.
W. M. Turner, who hat been nut
with Jacob Wngeubliliit. oil Hie
middle fork of the John Day,
brought in with him a large num
ber of lino sM-ciinens from the ga
lena mines, in which much interest
is now being taken, say the Hast
Oregnnian. The ore is from three
ledges, and contains silvor and lead
in abundance The result from
four assays made at Walla Walla
by M linnon shows mi average of
f-'Vl to. the ton. The principal
ledge is nine feet in width, anil
judging from the euiecinienii destined
to Income it valualde projierty. Tho
ore is free-milling.
The W iKConsiu legislaturu has
Issued a law regulating tho dec
tion of presidential elector, which
U sensible and just, ovou if it is
straining the constitution n little.
It jiroidcs for their oloctloll bv
congressional districts; that iseneh
coiigicHnioiial ditriet khall have
the right to vote for ami elect ono
presidential elector, ami not tutu
for all the electors to which the
state entitled.
The Klgiu branch is proving of
great henelit lo l.-t (iritnde in in
ineniihing the tnule of that town.
The Sampler 'Hey lsilroal will
iimve of etpial value to Duker City.
It will bring the trade of (irnnl
and Harney counties into fdotur re
lation with' our city nod eventually
will bo iho means of bringing
ultout a ihroiigh line to western
Oregon. Democrat.
A rendleton hidy, whoso heart i
touched by the number of houielesii,
fiiei.illess cats which eku out a
miserable existence in I'emlletoti
back yards and alleys, intends start
ing a new enterprise, an asylum for
orphan felines. Ilcr worse half says
-he has collected nine already, and
in order u. Hid her in her human
d. sire- he intends purchasing a
che.ip piece of laud us a cite for the
.iylum Knot Oregouian.
A couple of iiiou lalolv discovered
I he money which hud been buried
by the ill fated Donner party in
Trin kee, Cul , in 1S(I-.7. It'wus
unearthed by the fall of nil old tree
near which it wns buried.
A Chinaman went to Seuland,
Washington, lust week to take a
place ns cook. One hour Inter ho
w leaving in a great hurry, mult
having threatened to Mil lilui if !
did not gu.
i The I'niletl Staten supreme court
, having declnreil that the execution
J of the denth jH'iialty by electricity
' is legal, the horrible scenes of hang
ing incident to the old method may
U- e.xHt tel to sisni be things of the
jutst in nil the states.
, The government's exiK'Hses nre
j nearly live million dollars n month
iiiou than last year, nml tlie reHnl
ol the sugar duties makes a big hole
in the revenue; so the billion dollar
congress nfilictcd tlvo jn-ople more
! than thev ever dreamed they could
do ICO.
A report from Im Angden
that n woman there sold Iter -l-voar
' child to n Chinaman for MO. 'The
liody wns fmiml l the hfttine of n
Motigolinn, dressed In Chiuew
clothes. The woman deniinl having
I sill him. I he jioliee an- tnvesli
I gating the matter.
A mean nmu linn inventiHl n hen's
! nest that every hen in the country
j should kick ngninst. It is so ar
ranged that when the hen lay nn
egg it disappear. The hen in nat
urally puzzled nml tries it again
nml npiu until she 1mhouic ills
gtistetl and worn out.
If the rumor is true that the
Fourth Cavalry, C. S. A. nre to U
soul to Arixouu an a punishment for
the Walla Walla lynching Ihe War
Depot tment is nt fault. I'o punish
an entire regiment for the oU'ensen
of a few of tlieir comrades doc not
strike the public as the correct or
just thing to do. Hoi He Statesman.
A a result of the recent whiteeap
sensation near I'cklown, Tenn., the
young bride who was whipnd bv
Women whiloeiiMi has since dietl,
after terrible tortures. The three
men fired on will die of their
wound. Tin women who did the
w hiteenpping are under arrest, but
tlu-ir friends say they will never go
to jail, and a light is imminent be
tween the limb and the olliccrs.
A Hoon I'or Rheumatics.
''This information," said a well
known physician to me, "mnv wive
initny lives; at any rale it will prove
an invaluable Uxm to iicoplo sudor
ing from rheumatism in any shuw
or form. Khctimntism, us nearlv
every tssly knows, is caused hy neiif
ity of the bhsid It should never
U- neglected This remedy, ns I
know by long practice, is very tllica
cious and it is a simple ns it is
"Here It is," he added. "When
n rheumatic twinge is e.xs?rienced
the patient should proceed ton drug
store and buy l'i or 'Jo cent worth
of oil of gaulteria (oil of winter
green), put ten drops mi u lump of
sugar, place it in the mouth, permit
it to dissolve slowly and swallow it.
This should 1 repealed at inlervals
of two hours till the hut Vestige of
the uiuhidv has disappeared. In
the nieiuitiuie take a dose or two of
Hochcllc salts.
"That," said the physician, "i
all there is to it, hut il taken a 1
have prescriU'd, il will save sull'er
ing humanity many dollars in doc.
tor's bills, to say nothing of tuiliis, I
aches and swellings. No. I chargu
nothing for thin advice. It is simp-
iy given lor me neneiii ol mauKimi.
N. V. Herald.
A Mutt ltciiutkjtile Cure I'erUHmeJ Uy
Ulccliiclly tiy Dr. Uariin, Jt ju 1-3
Wanlniljjttni bt., 1',
Dr. Darrin: Sir Twenty-three
years prior to coming under your
treatment by Klcclricily iny wife
hud been alllieled with chronic
rheiiiiinlisui, limbs contracted and
joints suixilcn, also ulceration of the
womb and other complications, and
liver and kidney troubles. For
mouths previous to coming to voii
she had Im-cii un crutches, and iui!
to U- helM'd to your ollicc. After
a course of your s'culiar Ireatinent
I lind her '. jkt cent, better than
when she comiuciicod, ami the cuie
U ulmiMt perfect. I cannot let this
oporluiiity pass without expressing
our gratitude Itefer any one to us
ut AinUiy, Clarke Co, Washington.
W. Cowi.ks.
Drafuewi ami Kin K in c NoUes Cuteil.
Dr. Darrin: Sir Ilegarding the
condition of my hearing, you wish
to know ulxmt , will say I have never
had any return of (ho deafness 1
was cured two yeurs ago by vour
Ulectric Ireatinent. I had been
deaf with ringing noise in my ear
fly yiinrn before coming under your
OArn. Can be reform! to at Hills
lUle, Or. Wl4. (l.TKs.
A Smiw lliu. i Mil) m.m i,l. li.ilf a
I' "t ivanuts hi .. sit tin,; llio
other ila.v.
Av tltilo mm who u- nwnllv of
fertl el-flit ilollam f ir l.l- rot - .!.-t'.riM-it
the tvuM Ik ctrriiotioai .'. t.
(ulllnv In f.ili.t.
A ol Nu tell..'..' hai U't-n tnikhl ; a
llrinjf n roe. in I H.tnoma Town, IV, by
mill. Itln f Hi. Umn of a're otain.;.
Mo einr tain ta al r mUiiiv went.
Ax itliiei-.nit lillmt iUMIit who nut
llh an Hivlttcnt ut St.KUt i, I'al., im.t
lt.ul to Is taken to n hiwiiltat wits fouml
to hnvo twelve hiiinln.! ihitlars on hU
A IX.iHNi:v (I'nl.l editor l In tniiih'.'
front linvltitf nulilUhiit the followiii :
'Xtl .lime., whoeaiue hetv h.'dnx- t!.j
II . tt ntlll tho point of Irt-r hnither."
lie fomut It to convince the
lal that lie meunt no rcfcn'Oee to her
A Sot-Tit r.t.till.KIICM (i'u ( m;1iimi.
t.'.icher illH:.iH-.irl U tweou oiNloim
f.'tv it.t "M. mill in u iliil tint np,' ir
Hi. wholur. iir,r;inlo.l them lv iul
h'liuiiU i.iul ittxtltiititt ii H'ltiX'lt. Ik u :i
f.mml aleii In n e-inier of th.
hchoolliotiM cullar,
A v.u lu ( liiel.innll has iiuuh nlll
ihtv'.t that he ealleil up nn iuiu.iluUiu'i
hv teli-thoiH nn.l hml it Urn iiiliii.U'
chut mtil then leunicit Hint the nmu ha.l
Uv;. ileiul lto hours when he helloed
him itp. It l liovil Die deail iitau mil
.;.tt-.f:M t t.n. orer the lrv. Tlml Uiuutv
than any lire one will crer pvl.
Coimtis as n rule are eiitliuUtle, hut
proh,ihljr n eertatn UeorHlu editor has
the keviiei-t vlkluu for tho bright ih of
thlnif. Ilekiiyx: "We have In'cli il.nvn
with the urlo ihiys, but we Hit
fit'lintr iiutto cheerful, ns we own it hit
lu a riMiirtorv nml the eotlln factory
owes us ten ilullurs fur nu i..' tiw
Tin lie Is it living In M.iutmt
t.oi. Km. that has written orer 'J.OtW
soiiif. I'l;;ht of llt.-iii itnivnivil
in lH,
A Ni.n VmiK w.uiiiin curries with he
a: a talisman niece ..f ruin- cut fl-ol.
the nmuM- that chol.i il n inurtlerer I
the T.uiibt iilmut live year. a;o.
A tin i oonmii iiMiiiWutu hua fun
of elifhty iictt". on which she 1ik,. lie
of lit. t.oi-l;, employtinf only one c.'.ir
--n in in, hint year she lnm)ht a h
of new f.t'"U Hint niaeUmery aiiiteleaii i
over l,lKKi Ik'shlcn.
A i.;. mi I v.Vl tu a Imrse ear f:ive h
wul to a huly with a m:ill haitil lni
says the lto-.lou 'l'hii. AfU-r .l'.
herM-lf i.Jte ohfHul tlie lite HI..I ,,'C .
fullv I'uvc the (.'clilli ill .tl who' e
.!ie u "Ijfur!
A muoiiT .Vmiii fflrl who has line
Uuite e.o'OS her llvllilf ill Xe.v Voili hy
Htiierliitciitiii;,' the iiiriineiiii'iits or
uu.r Ulml of entertuliuiient. .She ilceo
rut. s thu tahlu ii nit make soiiid ilell
. I.ais .llkhes wilt, her own hamU.
Mhsm ii. silMi is the liusitieKS of a
llor.lii Hoiiinn. Mie piM weelrly to ull
the iiblh- parhirs in the larirc hotels,
nml with the ireteiis.' of Mitliijf (or a
fr. -!I, uamlei'i fr..m -'.it lo kt'Nt, llllll,
when uiioi. h rvci. tuns haiuts b
t n l!te li.ic'.l ami shies of the luMll'b
oil l,.l!hi.l.'tcrii eay chairs. JSI.0
once f aunl a t,' bill, hut her
.Ui. I hiirve-1 h. i.niiill nU'eet of ller.
,lii:t. vitu Ite.ioiu. Ihe nctiesK. is
iiearlv ti.-ienty years old.
Mie. J vmi lluowN PotTKIl U the
voun;:.'..t i'ii.utii. on the slntfoi Mine.
I'.crnhaiitt. nho U forty-six, is tho ulib
xi.,h .It 1 1 M Mll-owi: Is until to have
the most n.iulerfiil faculty of uieliior
.lii:f of any wn.nal. on the htne nml
he lludi thai this faculty has been iu
UMisii'.e.l by her recent illueso
I'tssv I v nintr has a hnrnilii(r
luiiiiier tioiue nt "ilillside," in mi old
house thai lies ut the '"it of the limine
talus lu IViiiis lvaitla The hulls.' Is a
iiiimKI .f iloiiii'ktlc comfort, mid is sur
rounded hv In es neiirly a eenlury old.
s m; u III .uuiu r.'.-eiitlr vteut into
a New ork Issih store ami ordered a
eoinuletc set of tlioi'ii's ImsiIim lo tie
bound for her ill the hilllilsolllcst liioroe.
co hiinlinif. The aetres i a yreat ad
mirer of Ibsen, although she says that
she w i mill ruther read his plays than see
them on the stajfe.
Is "I. uly Hurler" Mrs l.uuutry wear
t'.c lurjrest sleeves ever seen In a drusk.
Tlu jfown which iH-urs lliein Is a jsilie
loil-H' dress with a M'tlleoi.t of H'urh
irr.iy suttii, with scroll work dune in
fold mid fa ii color. The silonalse is
of fawn Mlk trimmed lightly will. K'dd
piiMs-iuculerie. The hlecrea are fash
lo.ied on the le;f of luiltloii pattern llli t
mix Immuiisii hImivc the elbow.
Al 1 1 it they vftn lading, mi en
rr ilay is not Miiertaiu with liens us
. itli ilili Us. It is only ill i'.xecilliiiiiil
c 'i. Unit u hen will lay every day.
A ui Mi of ciibbuifc u. the midtry
io'.lvlll U foiiiid i ry iui epUhle to
ihe Inns, ii I. d ' d f' w du.ts will
(. I.i i:- In foie n.itliilij but the stalk will
be left
Through tha Wiry Heori
Of miif it n'itlii, in a. I.' l.injr l.j III jirn.
trai'tisl mku.i), Ui.i rliiaiiiisti.' miuior tutiti
to sail (in on tit lrrilrM ciuch, Tfttnlf
T,i)IM (ur llitt li'sl wlilrli (ililjr r.iuiri Iir
nt ami tmt4 II. la cue "lil.Ii
uil.ii ln ufttii full lo rllc,
luuhuroli mu.ilg nl.louru In .oi Ihalllin
rUli-lt'iil lit hmI i.riurr.i(, lluilrUnr'a Sloiiiarl.
llillm, allurili IUi' rliruinnl.o rrllatile inrt.u
u( relief. I tiara lint inaUily lu lu lnrlilciit
laira, when Ida Ural .reinoiilturjr Iwhijcn
cuino mi, w.tli ilil aKrnralilii nu iln-liiff, aii'l
until vi-or of torture. I lialnar In- Iho rati. n.
alt) ol Ilia arllrc liiHuriira ol Ilia lliurrt Usin
Una malailr, rrrlain It Ii Ital nu rrlilrnra
rrlaluiit In Ua rlliri la ln..rr illici t ami wa.
Ilnrllioi thai Hliirl. ri'lalra lo Hi aalluii In
Mmi ut rlmumaii.ui l.ikv all aUrlin; rrwt).
illca. Ineri.r, II ianra a imitraelr.l ;!
inalla nut, sihI ahoulil not do atiamlnnri
Litf'aMaa not at unci' ri'incllAl. It la cjuatly
imarluua In il;aiviaU, lujltcatluu au.l
iiuJitO Jlicaaca.
Mi lli.i.i'N (iitvt I'ou'i jqsr In
the t'entiiry on "Wouien In American
Utcmlure" hits U'eit trim slated Into
Dutch and publlsht'd In Holland.
Itlio n II tun tnn's u Iff Is a plump nnd
eimv little Knirllshwotnaii. the hronl
llciitlm. of ciiercy, nml In thai msmh'1
as well as In sluluiv the tery opKslte
of her t.ileuted hm.l.aii.l.
Mm. Ami. in: Kivcsi'u m.i:i. is
rapidly rveorerliur fnun her recent serl
ou Itlnesn, mid it is iituiouneitt that she
witt soon publish Hotel that may
ecliptic all her previous el but.
U I omo. .N 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 . the novelist,
ss-mls his nuiriiluK hours lit urltlny.
slid has a Is'i.utlful little entUotn fur
the purHe built in his irutxten. Ills
daughter relieves him of all labor in
eipvlntf iii.nuiM'ript.
L'titiiMnii: M. Vii.mii:, In her sixty
K Velith year, ponm-MM'S all the vloro it
woman of forty, hih! smu1s two hours
if m'!i day at her dealt. Ml, Vomre Is
now erunirttl ummi her one hundred mid
llrt Usik, which t lo 1k a slorv of the
time of Vespasian.
Mn Mut.iwo:! 1!. Swostuit, the
editor of 11 r,K'r" Ihosar. Is ti lull, well woiu.iu with pli.u eheelis :n.l
snow -w Idle hair, she Is a hard worker,
tint theiv Is no truce lu her pleasant
ountiiu .nc. of the worrv that s.un -t
lim's comes (Mm literary worli.
I'titx:. niih'k ton, the atllhnr. .ll.'tntes
all hi . ii ivel nl the rat.' of 1,001 wonts
a uiuriilii;?. Helms the etillre plot of
lie novel, will. Us situations and even
sirtiou . the conversation mapped
nit i.i his head b.'f.uv he has word of
,iut it on pajs-r. He is ii dark faced man,
.tit'i j t bl.n l; hair uiul dark eyes.
Till family of fount l.eo Tolstoi I. uve !
'kvii mi timioycd by fiilae ivporls le--iiailiu
; tlu-ir all. i Irs au,l iii..!uicr of
if.-, which have upiKarit I.i Kusl. n
ti.l f u in palKTu, Unit they Ic.te dc to receive fewer people In the tu
uv. The eouuiet Iccenlly oixleixtl
ii.t no one was to ls lntinsluci.! to the
Lilly or the count who was lull is
.KM.'. I of lett.-in.
Sfi'l'ltAM'Isco nets her coal ".apply
it .in Ausli-nll:i,
Til . hl 'liest iiltluiiti' ever renehed by
i 1rillt.:t Wiih seu'll miles.
Tut. eetiMiii. returns show ihut Sewmil
ity. Atsldi, eontahih thlve Inhab
itant.. M
Till. (" Tunes.! ut Miiiysvllle, i'al., had
' ccl.'lu-.itluii a few days afro, In which
the Idir drain ii i was curilcil by folly
ncn. The ihskcksIiiii iviis three bhs-ks
.ii h'Uifth.
A wo.vnr.iu i t. memory- Is sisi.ieil by
V. rhi.p.itnu, it foiir-yeur-ohl lmy
a Ktturtuh t'lty. A of nineteen
.tu.uu.s 'ii rend to him three times,
.and he could ivpeul it woixl for word
tM!of tho deois-sl coal mine. In the
vorhl is the Ashtou Misas colliery, In
. .ucutihlre, IhiKhnul. IU lowed level
.1.1 JO f.-et Is'low the surface six feet
ivat.T than eleven tin. cm Ihe'
com the sidewalk to the lop of the spire
f '1 rluity churt h. New York.
A l'a.Kiiii,.Mi,i. fit tuliiliiiii whose
linuiu ends lu "n," who hns n man with
with a li.uiie eiidlne wit), the siittic let-
ut mi the ticket Willi him for vice pies
eh ut always has won. There have
1st n over a half a doenof these cou.hl
nation., ami all hate lieei. s.nt'
To nn III theenptiileof trulu miIiImts,
Il hu. 1m'c:i siiififcaled ihnl OK'keU I
Mipplkil lo the trains, . that they cot. hi j
Is- m-iiI tip. to alarm the s'ople in the I
vicinity. 1 bus a hmuh' eoiihl Is'
ly i.uiniiioneil to the keeiic of the loli
Imtv. r v lrilanl eje Wlirnnil to loo),
out for t.U'.pichius chiiri.ctei-H.
Uootu.x nutini'ifs vvetoii Vaukee no
tion, hut the manufacture of iu
collee Ih-uiis is a (iei'liian industry
Thcw Im'.ois are Intended to he used 111
trade for mUlilg with the uolniluo aitl
ele, so that fuslldloiis customers may
have the whole roasted mid mmuul Is--foit-
their ejes without biisti-tim the
I 'oil lieuriilifiii. bruise hurie-rii...h
and apply lis a isiultrlco lo the wrlat.
uiti: onioiiH, eaten raw, nre inure
on) uiorc roeottmienih'd n a eiirv for
A.xt llllSUi Ihnl aa-ls the bhl in net
re circulation -including a bucksaw
will In cult up n cold.
til.V l.l.W V.v..m i: says Ihut' Ii jsmj.
lice of mustard uiul m.rllu applied to
the Miles of the feel will uuie
tUni in ouc nlifht.
ui.x cold wuler Is iinivitl (uIUioukIi
old water really liiterlcrcs wllh dlcs
tiom, it should be Uilled mid lillered,
.ml ciailed in Uiltlchiiu lie.
Ton still neck, Mire throat, pains in the
ehci.t, a (oih1 remedy is lo Mill some oil
o- ti.M'lllle into the skin, then cover
with n piece of cotton wiiddhur, the shiny
side outward, mid near till the du
comfoit in ifoi.e.
I 'no I ( u.viii.iis lllf ill: r states in the
I 'mules Medlcul that iKleeil uralns u(
siilphute o( iilnliic, udiulnUteied t ,
l.oi.ii., or (our hours at Hie most. U-fure ,
cmbiirklutf. will itnnpletely fiec even
M iisitive siibj.t;!. the honvrs of
A .Ni.l.u.vsUA oouiHilitor lu n mieiskliiK
litest CMiue within one of the exuel
.s.pul i tion of that state ns given in the
census icjMirta,
AiniKN- of Cwlar lllulls, Nch., h'.d
Ihe novel cxs'rleiice, the other iiiorn-
i j of khootini; a wolf in hi dooryunl
Is forc breakfast.
A I. vx vsn.n tPu.) man recently re-
eiveil llfty dollars through the mail,
with a letter stating thai it wus stolen
fioiu him forty years ni;o.
A lihsmii.vT of Juaimr, (la., killed a
hawk a fuw duys iik'o uf ureal lu. It
inunsurud llv feet uu.l seven luche
from tip lo tip of its whiirs,
j Till ur nr. I.Msi.iKSIifypsles li.'i:urov,
lM.T J.nil foivlfiiers have U'cn list
uralliitl In Mexico since lsjs.
l'MlltXs semi each year .tn.tKM.IWO
Jleltel . I.I.ISsl.lhH) Mtul Vtinls lltlll
! .ssi.isn ncwsmHrs.
! Tin, l oiiiro liter is llftccu miles wide
In wui.e phot's, .steamers often pass
'cMcli other, hut out of sl,'hl.
A ll.w years uio the nrvnt Selkirk
,1,'lacler in llrltlsh l ol.unbla wus pun
water. Now it is jrl.iy from ushes
saMtlcntl by the wanton burning of
I foivst trees.
j Tila. lowest Isslv of water on the
i "lolie Is the rusplun sen. Its level has
' Is-eu ifradunlly for centuries,
i uiul now it is eighty-live feet Ih1ow Iho
'level of Its nein-hlsir, the lllRek sou.
Till; (iermali empire, hy the Intt
census, has forty-ulue ami a half
, nnltloiis of sipnlatlo.., Prussia having
I -f these thirty millions, unit the next
'.IvImiii, llavaria, hnVtm; live utld a hulf
lullliolls. ,
I 'on the waul of rye, vv heut or s.tu
t.t's the s'iiMoits ii. ihe ltussluu prov.
:inv nf Kurun bake bread with uit.ius.
It produces ttilles, swelling of the lliuht
out dlsleuslon uf the alsloiiu'ii. Thu,. s (utnl lu uilill.v enses. .f
A iu.cio.i: has Is'cn Issued under the
.uthi.i lty of theklmrof Itul.v toi hl.hlllur
uy.iuc to emigrate under the nru of
wenty-fmir. unless uceoiupauled hy his
r her father. This Is luteluled to put
ii end to ihe padrone trulllo lu chlb
r..i.l.ou.Mi Hie exiiiuplos of Kranris
id Italy, the Uusslau Medical council
i prohibited the use of sacchui In ut
.Ii aitlele of fissl. Ileiicefoi'vvuitl tin will lie illstH'llsed bv ulsithe.
coles and tlnuoflsts only on medlcul
Tin, ipiecn's iliwijiliters are not only
If.ssl needlewomen, but kimmI cisiks,
lci;i:.t Vu-ioiua has presented u rich
ly caparisoned Indian elephant to ihe
'inpcroi' of Morocco.
Till, ipiccnof Kiik'himl llriuly Itellevex
that objects uiade hy blind M'ope hrllic;
il k. and she has had the cradle for the
ouinr piliu'ess of llutteuls'iv entirely
i nle hy blind men uiul women.
Wui.N ijueen Victoria nt the
nhice, whether In public or private,
he name of every dish put on the labia
tears n lime of the cook who is ivn'hiii.
ihle for It. This sounds ns If heriuaj
sty was afraid of hcim; H.lsoneil, hut
he cause Is not four, but usat;e. The
isaae dates hack to old times ami Is of
el into, nrliflli.
Mix Vu-ioiua always tukes her
nvn luattresscs with her when she (joen
ravelin;,' These mattresses cost uluctv
illllelis each mid the iUeeu Is as seus.
he iiIhiiiI them as the princess of
ru mhlcd rose-leaf (nine. Not lonjf nco
ne of them wus liiuile ulsnil half mi
nch thinner than usual, and her majes
y detected tho dlirerence ut once uu.l
.ml it alteit'd.
f.'I'l.l.t Victual V's
tide by 1 in II. 1. Her tablecloths have
a- . tar of the (iirter In the center, w ltd
tlie .-..MO nuns. (In the luruo rat k of
star nre woven the mimes ui the
' (floater ili'ls'iulcncles of the crown, and
! the lesser niiines nre on the lesser rays.
A In-utitlful wreull. of rose. i.hau.ris'U
uiul thistle Intel twined iiImuiI the eiown
liiis'rial is woven In eneh of the corner.
Mils, ( i i:vi:i.a.nii is lukliu: lessons on
the violin.
I.l.oliiii; llvM'tloii's eatale Is now'
vulucd ut six I... lulled thousand dollaitu
Mils. I'im.ii' 11. Auuorit, the wlieof
the ('lileano u.illlouaire. is a mitahlc
honsekeeN-r, mid prides herself iisill
her culinary successes.
I'. T. UuiM'vt within the last Iweutv
M-nrs cxH'iiilcd upward of three mil
lion dollars In newspaper advertise,
incut, mid he left behind tttrtt u fortune
o( live dollars.
lii.M.uvl III il I. lis luncheon, w'hl.'h
he eats nt tvvo o'clock, docs not vary
(mm day to day It comprise on.
i.iuall hum sandwich, one small chicken
sandwich nnd a (ew swallows of
brundy mid water.
I'. T., after uialihu; his will
tu It-'J. suiiiiiiuiiitl wver il iruuiln nl
physlehiiis lo exiiiiilne Ids mental con
dition mul to make nlllduvits to his san
ity, which they did This w as to guard
against any (siMihlc contest usii. the
plea of Incapacity,
I' T llviiM'u's lust innrrlutfo was
nlsiiit us original us nut tlilnir he evoc
did He saw thclilin tlie street -she
was a ifovcrucs mid followed her
home lie then IntriMluced himself to
the mist res und suhl he would like lo
in.nry the (flrl. The inlslres couiiltc(l
the i;irl. mid the whole altalr was ur
raiiK.'d inside of tweuty-fonr hours.
M.vMt uii'ii say their prayers by proxy,
but very few do their cursing that vvuv.
- N V. Herald.
XI i. s who Isijflu bruvely at the fisil of
the h.ihlcr are kms'lied out at tin llrst
,, ,,). -1 ; 1 1 j i ( ri lincttc.
hnTllt.,x , thl..fs Is to Kel a
mllIl ,,,, lllMi (H(U hlllA., s,,u.,.vy
() u, fu, Kuii.'a. Horn.
'I'm. m in who know., he w.isou. kind
of it fool yesterday often hu'.UKitspl.'l.iu
he I Mime other kind of u to-day
Until' Horn.
1 1' Miuie men had the nine lives of a
cut they would waste them all lu i'. illy.
und thou have nine deathbed repent-
uncos. -N V. Herald.
Mi'.s may Ik just ns willing to hute
you for your virtue us for your faultt,
but they seldom have the same op'siit
tuultle. N. V. Itcoonler.
1 1 I not safe to Jud- a man's col.r-
agu by the tunc of volue he employs
wneii ne speit us to mo ouiie imy. tvull
until you hear him addreA hit wlfu.
y n,,,.,)rijr, -