Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 21, 1891, Image 1

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    The I 'a per for the Stock
t no n, .1 civli ant a ml
Tl T I
'' Paper for tin' Farm,
the Workshop and the
J Ionic.
1 111
lot nine A' 1 1 1.
C.l.YYON CITY, Ch'.I.YT COUNTY. OltKUO.V, Til Ch'Shl )'. .!. )' l, ISO I.
Number II.
Tin: farmer's uln Is parllclimtoil In
tf the whole community
(NiMNrtin. ore exeeodlnplv rich In p .1
ash s tvo them, imrn tltem and oar.
fully rolled the ashes therefrom.
Ivmtrr wiler U t. expensive for
fercml ns cm the farm, but It will io.v
tu h1 It m tlowers nml In the rron-
SM! winy lands nre mi stliT that tho
writer camml if lon n. Such land are
iwtxillteti hy tleep plowing, MilMMillitijf
nntl tik tlmlniik'e.
't'MR well may contain water as clear
a-, eryatnl nml yet it ih-.sIs lieitiilnir
irfU-iMT 0u U dune on ninny farm ..
disease sami'ilmesootuos (mm tbedrink
Injf water.
lift mi for liny should not ls nmuii in
the i J ! iirvliunt. It not only niW
Ute mill ii( tlte fertility required fur tho
fruit, lint if moisture, which Is of even
mow eotiMHiHt'iKM.
Ir kHnU it deal im tho soil
whether culture should ) level or not
On Isittntu lands whore water luts a
tendency to stuml after storms, ridge or
lilll culture will U U'st.
1'tiK mealy bugs on ihmt.s use llr
ItvooU, which tuny Is-obtained of tiny
drujorlat. A touSHmful to a irulluu of
water Is the rljrht pniportlon. Itl-.ii;-piled
with ii syringe nml with consider
able force.
'I'm: fftnsl suggestion In mnile thut
the owner' iihiuc should 1h on all Im
plomeiits ami tools. A hmmlltit'irou.
by means of which the mime can be
burnt Into the, Is not exiten
nlvo, ntul malies the Impression per
inumml. Till: wtiy to Insure n iuhi! ntul
healthy growth of UiiiIht. according to
the Nebraska I'armcr. I to mulch
around the treei. with straw, ohl hay,
or trash of any kind. Such treatment
will. It says, in the course of ten yean,
secure a growth of timlsT from one
tree greater ti:m that of half a tlmcii
of ItM kind left to their nun resources.
Aliotrr seven hundred ami llfty ooupios
are illvorceil iiiiuually in llerlln.
I.ANH Values In Iterlln have incrcasctl
tlMy-llvo percent, in the last tcnycari..
'I'm: fumi of SJ..MIO.IMH) which Mr. I'cit
ImhIv left for the NMir of London now
amituuU to over S.doo,wh).
Tliimts are dying out in liullii. Sir
Samuel llaher, iluriuir a rt'wnt e.s'ill
tlon In the centnil provinces, onlv hlllcil
It' Is state, I that Chinese hl;ll of
llciaU have U-en In-.tructcil to tr.tve
henceforth in jfiinlnat- on account o
the fr'iiieiit ilisaster. t.i ui.'reli.inl
O.v account of the n.'W 1'rench hct
tiivf law the the t'olomlieh meeting, a
which prl.cs of la.Mi.l fianct. wer.
plven, show eil if.iU' ivecilit of i.Oj
I nine only.
Iris the custom In Mmn, Peru, t
hoc;) animal-, on fie nxif. of house.. .'
calf umlu'i. I Us llrst aiis'ar.iuce on th
n-of, a'i.1 never iU'kviuK until it come
down as hcef.
Ar Munich there Is a hiwultal which
li entirely suisrt.-.l hy the sale of ohl
steel pen nibs, eollcetcil from all parts
of (lermtmy. They are imule Into watch
springs, knives anil niir. (
JtllUl.l.s'.s wieiety for the homeles)
hhclteriil lust year I in. 000 men anil l.V
S00 women. Since 17U the Ms-lcty has
asslsteil, with loilk'ltlKs, haths, break
fasts anil meilicimil care, -J.JiW.lsn) ht
Thk new court ilrens to be worn in
llerlln consists of a lllit blue coat wit.
red triiniiiiiiK's ami elulHirate silver cm
brolilcry. This garment will Is- worn
hereafter by all uicmU'r uf the hljfh
aristocracy huhllinf hcreilitary .i ,f-
A I.I'M will settle rlleil water.
I'AMM.KN that have U'cn fiiizen ucver
Dlt.M.v plp.! limy be cleunctl by ur
ImiIUi aclit.
!l.i:.v.S (ilnno keys with u Kift rg
illps-(l In alcohol.
A nt'l.t.Kli pen ran tw Improved by
heating It In the K"k jet.
To ci. can a black kllk drc j use a
slsiiiK' dlpisil in strong black teo. old
T.iiii: taln fnim ullver by rul
)ilii,' with a wet ra;j which lias Ih-cii
dlpwd In common tabic salt.
To ci.iun celliutfh that have In-eli
blackened by tuiioke from a lump wash
olf with ras that have been dip(vd iu
mmIii water.
Tin: lmt coviirlni,' for a poultice or
mustard plaster Is tissue mist, the lay
IT ued deleriulnluif the strength ot
tlie planter.
'J'o i I, can a tt'iikellle take It ami)
from the lire and wash olf with a r.i;
dlis-d in kcroM'iic, followed by u ru
hluv with a dry llanin-1 cloth.
A iiI!i:aii'AMi-waii.ii poultloi' Is mad.
by dlpplnir a piece of bread, alter tin
criil hak Is-en removml. Into hot water.
I. lit It out at once and apply us hot as
can U" Uirne.
' Dl'iu.l Vaiim:ii has tnkei
(i -i) a at I'lurcnee, Italy, for the seawm.
I'liiHUM parties have U'cn abumloued
In llnnland owlnjf to the scarelty o(
A OAHi: ejilhwl "protfreMdve jsitato
plcldii),'" l all the rage In North I'lntte
j.N'eb.) WHilal circles.
'J'lli: rciiiriU of Insurance companies
ot tin' I'nltetl Slates sh.iw thi.l tla
.American muu lives louder than men of
the name nuf In the Old World
Tin: tuiHit rniwnable answer to tho
ijiutsllnn: "Where did you tfel that hut?"
would Ui: "Prom lianbury." thtTi"
ukw over ,ILH),(ko hat inude In tho III.
1)9 Oeuuootltiul town lat your.
DrrHoir. Mich, claims u have four
teen thousand cast's of In rrips.
Ir ciw.U the Americans nlsml Sl.OiW.
(nil a year to plup their t'th.
New Yohk siys her nhlermen S'J,P0O
a year Hilary. Iliiirlo pnys ht 91.IMW
a voar snlnrv ltnsiklyn jwys hers
: IHHlllnif-
i (iKM It st'tttt lends tin' mirlil In IU
'rcentnire of dlvortvs to mrri(if's.
i This year the ratio was one to tire and
last yenr one to sW.
Snt.loii A. At'iN.,i.ti thinks that
lite title "Am.'rirant" shouhl be
servisl fortnnulla'i-. lie culls th jksv
pie of tho I'iiIUhI StJt-.'s "Vonkees.'"
Ir is estimated that In American rllh-s
the jssiple have imlv ah ntt one-Mlth
mneh friH- playttrtmiMl ai hare tlte jss -pie
In IheeltWsof theelfru' monarchies
of Kurope.
Till. allieof tlw exports of Im'l. h.g
and dairy pnslui'l. frtMu the I nltel
States iluriiisr IVbruarv was it I.HJt. 10,
nil Increase of fJWt.JU over lh' cor
ressiiHllnir month of last four
Tur.Ml an- nearly one h'imlnil iiiilllon
acres of laiwl In the tenitorie . of ri
ma and New Me-sU-.. whtse ownership
is In dispute i. iu; to the confusion
Ifrowliitf out of tie Mexican Kranu and
the. foriferies of Sjun-.H il ssh IhV.
have Ih-ii pn'valeut.
TllK j;m.ite-l me it eat -rs la lV
world are the js-opl of Am-rlou. whoat.
ai eraif-c Hisiiiiiptinii I one hundred mid
wcnty-tlve putiit st annum. The
KtiKllsh eolue next, with an avera(e of
a little ovcroue hundred and t.'ll Iiuuds.
The French enl only half as much meat
as the Ihiaiish.
A woman inn only Is? a friend ti a
woman when- her Interests are not con
cerned. Man men make their servants a pres
ent of their old clothes. Most women sell
theirs Ui struvfK'Hnif. raifK'"1!' maid ser
vants. .Mil. III. tlMiiiM:' Idea of lH'iUeL. Is
thus set forth: "What is wrestwl frnn
mi' by the tfrfp of death I can In no
so u so ls sukl to five."
I.s a nvent addres. at a K'rls' srhisil
at Siiudrlnirham. lln , th princess of
Wales said: "The auiMti ei of my life
has Im'.'U to mind mv own business "
royal pn cepl from royal Up..
Till: true iiwthetlc culture niUthl Is'
realizable as a new form of tho contem
plative life, fouudiiii; Its claim oti the in
trinsic blessedness of vision -the vision
of p.'rfoet uicn and thln;r.--Valter
Wiii:n a younjr man's form ! sweet
heart tells him she is t i in irry
Mini 'lssly els.' he hold . out hi . lruid t.i
her anil says: "I hop - you will If very
happy!" hut he know , .til th time that
in his secret heart he h ,'i she w m't
Soxi: things for a Isiy to 1 'cm: To
lual.-e a lire. To Is' punctual. To haiv.
up his hat. To help hi mother or hi
sister. To wls-his Issit mt tiie ci.. t
To eh..' a ilisir quietly. T treat the
irirls so well that they will all ish lie
wa . their brother.
A ikmi: isirn undtfrow . f -uther .
ti.i-...- eau. coi n mm vrows hair. A
.sin oats corn and trrows fur. A cow
at .oru and jfrowt milk A hojf eats and inw . fat. A sheep outs com
and tfrows wisd A mail ouU corn and
jfniiu tlrtsl of it, and that's alt he does
Till, hiresl stato prison tu the I'nit
isl .States Ih hs'iited at .lotfersou t'itv.
'I'll:. Ill: Is n K'ar on-lianl or Hti!en In
the of .loi-wy c.intaluln(f slty tlmu
viiiul kar trees.
Till, largest s'licli orchard iu the
world I. at I!IowuwVn1, Tov.. which
c mt.ihi'. eleven lliiiitiHtuil tn-es
A Tl HMl' mcusuriu-' four foot in oir
ciimfercnec uud wii-fhlnir llfty pounds
U cm ("chihitluu nt tho Now Whutcoui
( Wllsll. I chalillsT of commerce.
Till: lan'ot order for a single inlver-tli-'Ulclit
lu one pupci. Is'fore the
vr. -as jriveii hy the 1'ulrbanl.s
sjuI. l'uiiiiuiij to the New Vork
rrllmno, and It amounted t.. three tli.m
and dollarr.
Tin. mIc by Mr . Kin:', of t ..rpu
iiristi, tlw rattle nuoon of Tea. of
l i.OiKJ J-yonr-ohl i tei'rs is probably the
I ir:T't single ortlor ("real lie over Idled
.nTe .a The consideration was-.iJ.n-K).
Ir.. liitif's r.i:io!i Is north "tK)i,uoj.
DM: of the lur;?'' t Inn's i i America
f not, in f iet, the lari-st i i the world
wa .- i I b . .1 i.i '.I I V.y ( Id i I
tail 'I he leli.rth w;. i I flit fiH't nine
icho-: j-'lrth f n '.. .1.'. ati-l a half
h t: ifirth of colli -r of lssly, ol'fht feet;
,'Ullh uertsj. t!n hips, thirty iuelios;
,-oi ;ht. one t'.iuii..aiiil tiio hundreil .mil
..lirtj-twu siuih'.-..
I'ihttii. iMnl win:itr.sluii'ilon.luno
:. IHT'j.
l.oriiUAN' wusiurclias'dfr.un Kranco
jii April ii. I mi I.
Till. Uittle of Watcrluu was fmiliton
Sunday, June Is,
I'oj-atoi wen nut pliiuteil in New
i:iiflaiid Holds until 1'Hi
Till: lin t ttl.'ri.'ult.irul exhibllloli was
held nt liinrrfot iwii, l. '.. lu s(U.
Tilt: inilun ilu;f was lln t . huwu on
January' I. I'1. t l'a::ilnid re, Muss,
Till, territory i.f O wiis iidinlttisl
aft it state Into the uulou on IVbruur)'
II. Is-.l.
Wahiiim.ton t.sik the isith of ntlloo
as llrst'iit of the 1'nlted states
April IM, ;su, UI the baltsmv of
hull, New York ilty, The oath
ailmlnlstorod by Chancullur l,l In f don.
Tin: only muu tried, fuund guilty uud
I'tevulisl for treason during the exist
ence of the I'liltud Suites was William
II. Mnmfiml, In Tlw cxiuutton
tisik plnoo lu New Orleans, under an
nrihir uf Majiu-Ccn. Ilonjamln I', Hut-Irr.
lt ii vun Cr.i..: -i. who years arfi was
a fatuous In,- nml sun' "Hear
Ye lnol' Is-aullfiilly, Is now n tonor
In Pari.-.
Yon liri.oft-. the museiun, Is n excel
lent a id a'-urat. I lis el. . -lu.lar. lie Is,
imniivi-r. a. u.iu u.llv woll-lnfttmetl
man am! an entert.ilnin,; talker.
Cot-XT tlsutA JCiriiv. l!.' ae-arwl
pianist, has Bs-'.ttl fi directorship o( I lti:r i.i.:. tlotsl I'ri. u.l ., -"Siv that
the royal np-ru of Pe.tS. II.' la also j p r Mr. N ! II. r t i t i , i ..v. IdiwWer ami
dirveUir of the I'e .th ottservaUH-y of I I.I a, kr!" 'thssVus.' ism t you know
music. 1 tlu.t Is Uvansc there l.a-. Is'on s.t much
l.'i.KTltoVRi irw onr.. d.'eplr In lor. mournln f in tlu' fUunl i hit. winter:"
Imt Uck.l I'l o M m fe 1 1 mike his af. j At a ball u ndori i wlmlrer ap
f.HtUin knowa. ail IIvihI and Hel ' on .ached a ..u:i iirl v.h.i was ilrososl
devoted I.i hh art and averse to social
l.fti't, the sln:('r. will hcrenflerde
vote herself c.-laslT.''r t.. t.-achluif, nthl
she will receive only oljfht 1 hi pi In, iiihI
smoIi a.s .how that they have A lf-"I fu
tnri' Wfori' them.
As llluslrntlou of the plcntlfuliiess uf
musical ulcnt l'i N .w ork Is (rlren
thnrtitfh the r-jsirt that there weri'
iwarlv throe lur.uh-.-d ajmlk'nuts recent
ly for the chair of organist in an up
tow:i church.
I'vi'i.r. the fsm-ms singer of 1km
lsiiaism. tvfumsl nti offer of thirty
thousand fru'ir. a m'i to ag at Iter
lln. lie rcplltsl: Ma(rillHeiQt offer In
the case of any oilier country, bat In
llerlln :iovor!"
I.. ruii.i'U'i i Witt, the oldest tsm
p.ssvr of mud.- In Orrmany. dlel r
eently in Kiel, v. here he was leader of
the orchestra. Prof. Autrust liasel-
uwski, the well luiowu lilnturioal Mint-
or. also dleil n few w.s'ln niro In llerlln.
Nrmirn lln'es have lately been found
Ilia r.s'l: ooP ir in lifint Althnuih
rery old. thov are 1 i perfect coiHlltkwi,
ami It Is tSt.-t they will jrle
Interesting cvldoniv of the Hifvptlun
mil. teal scale. They have Iwon taken
t Kmrlund.
Till: inieen of Denmark Is a Urns
plant 4. uud her datejliler. the cxarinn.
Is neurly as jsmsI At the I laid;. h ismrt
eliamls-r music is n dully .s-cupHtloii,
generally a U. rt.'tte. wltli tho .(iHH'il
at the pluno. 11,-etli.e. i-ii and llralims
are tho favortL' eom;sr,ers. r
TllK lato Kin r h'a!a'..ail4 wasa m.'aum
uud had allaiiiisl the thirty-thlrtl ilegreo.
I'lirsmcsT Dtt. of Mexico, I re
sirtctl t-i have arraujtsl a trip to
t'oioM.t, M ii taut, im., who was Kal
akau i s cliamls'rlalli. s;iy the klliir led
nil estate worth ulsmt UW,isW
Tilt: hikhmi roifciit if Stmln Is sulfor
g from acute nervoti-. pmatnitkitt
broutfht on by unxioty ami overwork.
Till; Arvhilueluw. Kllatls'th. inollier
of the ipiceu of Spain, ivlobrutetl the
sixtieth anniversary of her blrthilay In
TllK onisTor of Atuitria sent tho
(lerman empress a dlaiu md sot whieli
cost s I I.IKS) as a rill iu celebration uf
her infant's chrisU-uinjr
Mr. Hi ii ImiMi tuts reoeivetl the
Kroat .sunp'im tit of election to the
Martlsiroiitfh inn. Ills pn.sser havinu ;
Ish-ii the Prints' of Wales.
Kx-Kiso Mn w is a resident of Paris, 1
htiviii-r t iken a Iioiim' oii the avenue of '
th.- II. .1. do ttoulono. He is n-rv un
popular In Purls sts-iety. 1
Tu: new arehbisliop of York. !r '
Ma-'ee, formerly bishop of peters-
iNiroiiuli, is the llrst Irishman who has
ever Is-cunc primate of Knl.xnd.
U imhiiiiiwt. the letulerof the Center
mrty in the liormuu ivlclwtiitf. Is a ver
itable Ula.lsl.iiie. lie eoleliruteil his
olirhtloth birthday two weeks ao.
SioNoh I'liini't had not Itoeu out of
olllce it week Is'fore he returtletl to III
old profession, the law, and held a brief
for the tieneral Steam Nuviaatlou Co.
I'UAIII.KS ilHAIU.Aroll, M P., Hs a
titilor's shop-walker when ho was u
V.nii;; man itiul llrst chiiic Into notice as
a member of a country tlchutinH' class.:
TllK sultan lives in constant dread of i
assassination, lie never leave the ,
frrounds of his palace except to ifn onoo j
a week t i a uchhlioriiiir uioue. j
Kx-tJri:i.N Isaiii.i.I.a Is extremely i
fond of tlress. she is it blonde and has I
n IIUiu for brlKht colors line of her ,
retleomlli features Is her (rreut troiier- 1
oslty. 1
I a mil Nil. Siuoli, the primate of Hun
tfory, enjoys a revenue uf &iuu,UiiU a
Till: revenues of the u roll bishop of
Pl-UffUu muuuiit each yeur to the sum of
Tin: arehuislm! of llrbiu. in II unwary,
hus a yearly revenue which amounts to
alsint k.'T.Xissi.
Tin. prince bishop, of Cracow, llfJVlls
trluii Ouliciu. reis'lvos in revonuflTMicli
your tho sum of rJtw.uuu.
Till: archbishop of ( IliuutA. u Mora
vImii city, ivcclvoH revenues which
amount 1. 1 nearly SJ-V),udu a yeur.
Till, prince bishop of SaUburif. cup
Ital of the duchy of the same nam ' Hi
Austria, hus a revenue of KIT.'i.UJO s-r
hi mum.
l ilt: bishop of l.luU, which Is Uu
capital of upper Austria, draws front
hi rx vcninis cueh your u sum iwpial to
ulsmt IM.IMW.
Hi ii'.i Kiii'i'i', owner of the gront mm
factories, hu-t uu c .tlmatisl luooin of
),uj ),ito i mark . ( l, .JJ.imji. ami U culhsl
the ri he ,t man In I'rwsslu. Huron
It. .lbs. hild com s uevt.
Osi. of .Vow York i. richest women In
real e. tale 1-. Miss Coll ' id r, wht Im
uu i i .iiue of tMi.UJj , year. She l.
alsuit t'lirty.Qve y.-ir. old. Is tall, slen
dor and prx'tly. :..t l po "es u lino vuliv,
lillti T AVIsTui'U. Ih' i-uooosaor tj tuti
title, end c tales of the Uu tluko of
l'..slford. I . il 1 1 h-' ex'J -.Ivcly nurse
proud. A . lie h 1 1 i i "m ' of il."J..
OiMny. i it hi l b d ii 'd ho ha. a
ooul I ' ' I" '' I '
A i To bachelor friend. "lKi come
'niids.,- ia,. ,h,ip. mind
i vom. my dauifhters a'r -II of them en-
i llMXKs - "I've iuveiiteil an Ink Isittle
( whls-h will nake i.iv f rtune." Iljoncs
j "What kind is ll.'" lljlnks It
stenuls ..n i.lann at the approach of a
' miuilntfv brush."
j in black. "May t
ask vm Ui tlamv?"
j he nskctl. "Ys." -.he replksl. '-luit
I pleusc ilamv vt-ry slow ly. 1 aui not yet
! ot of monmln r- '
A.v InUtvL'uW man n n Ninth sttvet
; I'hilodelphia oar k. pt cai'i ( nuxtoUsly
I at the fai. roifister, I'in illv, turning
i to the other only pwu.'ii;scr on the car.
ho sakt: "Shay! I tfotU r (hlel keleh
trtiln. Zat el.-k nlti't rt jht. I h It ."
:.ui: - "No: poa hat. no s.tliveohjoc
Hon to you. lie in'rely think., you a
Utile l.v indolent, a.. It wore, lie
My i you Mi-lit to no object In life,
siti -ttU." lie "No tihjevt lu life'.'
U.- snrelv uW-.n t Like you Into oorisld
ciMtlo.t nt all."
ili.l.l.o. ohl (el l..v, froinjr to hunlV
"Yes tiMlny for tin' flrrt Ume. 'Phe
Ur.t 1 t.hiH't it for my wife, the
' - ml rs to my daujjhb'r. and the
lilnl I in -an t- (five lo you." "Thut Is
tel.- Uln.t of you, hut Would loti milu
h.s.tin;r the third labblt first.'
' I.irr.llAHV Not-'.--"I mo th..t In tho
prt tlv- uf your (sail, you i tale that it I
written to 111! a hHtff felt .atit. What
i y u ii. i n ly th!.!" "Whbt t'o 1
mean by thut! Why, I've Ui-u tieedini
a M(u::n meal for the lui.t el('litn i
month .. Don't you rail thut a long felt
A lim: Y.'ashlnirton Isiy who hail
Ish-ii ii iil..tin, hi-. pui o a. t i Is- "i
;a .ii." to, -.,-tl Id. fattier f-T roller
k.l'-.iud fit th.-m. One evening hi
father . in.- fiom the of.Uv, and for the
'Clke uf t -aslnsf tho little man, i.alil:
Thiit's like. Unt It ,' The Idea of a
man playing like t!i:it. W hut would yot!
think of Mi; woe.' he to co;ne hum till
akntes'.'" "Well." said lhl ydlinifstei
alter a thoughtful slletio., "inniiima
say jrpu
A max 1. 1 1 walk im stilt from l'rl
to Moscow.
A Albany (Kan.) paper jmbllshes
Ihe fotlowliijr tu-m: ".lohn Tltoinioirs
iloffs urc all iloud lint twelvi'."
A liAli.v-i roiiviiNo ri'llo l.t bvlntr adver
tlss'd lu Kunsiis ns "the woman Henry
M. Stanley w-us i.tuck on llfui'ii or
twenty your . ho."
A Ijii of laud in Cincinnati thirty-nine
by nlni ty feet lu dim -ilslons, once
Isiu.rhl fur four dollars lvntly soltl
for ninety llumsund dollars In cosh.
l U evidently on the in
ercuts' in Wusliln-ton. An advertise
ment iu one of the pus-rs reads
'Wnt -il white (firl for coidtliu "
'1 :: i i r aantn . f Murir.-ou, Mo ,
. i it -rod bit . itu Iroiielu.t aive- I
ii nt t enforce tin- cu .'t sj st in 1. 1 thut !
v.. " Vnyolie tll'lil selllll f tfo ss
i ere. lit forfeiU all Ills oiitstaudin.r ue-
. mt .."
ir ! ipillt ion istinjf of t.'J-J'l pieces.
-s jii;.t Is'ou completed le. a maUlc:: i
,.U of (J.i.ikci-tiv..i. .N .1 il i . l.o
ant. tvitl atbl tao and a quarter
ant-, in l--n fth. a.ul over two jears
.ii. .js'tit iu m-thiliif it.
ih M .mil chi.'lceiis worth two thou
on I dollar, uplcec uttr.iotetl ciirl.ais
.1 flit r. at the poultry show ill New
nil t.iiile dome tic fouls. Worth each I
only , few hilliilr. .Is, were so common !
that the;, baldly won uii.l iiotlou. ;
, A H.u knows ns "lltilful'" Jones
- lately furnished the novelty of a sale !
of a herd of buffalo at public unction ,
iu Hard -u City. Ia. There was a inort- j
i on Hie lici-ti wiilcli Mr. Jones ooiiui
j not lift, and the sbcrlir did the rest.
! Mil. V. tils, of llaitiiiK Hollow, 1. I..
is now neurly dirtily yeitrs of aj'. and
he hus kept all lleeollllt uf the II 11 in Is' r
of coriU o wtsst out during his life,
ami reports It u t:s.;si. About thirty
years atfo. on u wajrer. he cut. but did
.mt pile, ton curdsof pine wood ls'lwcen
sunrise uud sunset.
Aiioxt. u lliK'k of blackbirds that vis- ,
llctl Uurdiuer, Miss., li few days u(fo Wtt .
one that Was pure w bile
j A iii:ihk:iT of i'a.up.i, ITa . ha. a
uaturul curiosity iu the form of u uiir 1
:.f th'er noma with a clcrly dollned '
' iiound'h head on the tip of one of them, j
formed lu a maun, r that makes It im- '
j sasible Unit il should Im u work of int.
A S luces': I N. V. i man has u snake
III Ills stomach, .mil unless the reptile i
jlfots what it wants l . eat uud drink It i
makes troubli-. Port wine Is its favor-
IL' tipple, but If it tft-ls Usi much of the ,
wine It nets us If il hoi) tluHiiuiu Ire ,
mo I u. !
Till: oilier day a philanthropic holy '
foMUtl Ute follow iu-f appeal amolf her
usual ffrist of l-fni:iu letters. ")eurl
minium: Will yi.u help me Ui mhiI a k(-
hilion a., a luuchcr I i supsrt'myself
I. ml two little ones ' AImi tell mo wliuru I
I I can buy a purrol one . ar old."
I CdMIIII. s VN-tMa ,Ha pr.
; so II In 1 the Marvlalul slate luuseuiu
I ixilh a pi'tritittl i-t. r. iliich v.-el hs
thrts- siiinils and nine ounces, uud is
I tcvon inches lona. wren inches wide
I nml two laches llii 'k. Il ivus rcocntlv
pU Uc.l up by one of the dredtfers.
1 Till. Ilirmiii;;huui lAla i Aye-lleruld
I ;irtut . the follow in t iu ription from u
I toiat.-.Lxic which vld. i tly refers Ui a
j mcinb r f o:in of the iK'forv-tho-war
ilurkv f . milk's: lleiiryelu, lUiimer
j ctta. D. mirt'U.i. Cn .-iincrtarUT, l'un
ilini. II.. I tic, Dan fbt r of Utb uud
Sis.'. . i ..Mill."
1 Tiir hljfhest altitude ever reached by
1 i. Ii..1I.s.ii was seven tulles.
' Nl Ml the mouth uf Pistol river lu
j Curry county. Ore . there recently fell a
meteor which when uchhoil tipped the
Is .im at l.issi sitiins.
Tin. broiMilsh illscolonilkiii of cell
Injrs fjns Is used Is by
ttust. currlisl aifulnst them by the
heati-d sir currents pnsluced by the pis.
Am Italian physlolofrlnt tif repute,
liuined Misimi, has ttemoustruteil by o.v
perlm. iit that IhlnUlnjr cuumsI a rush of
IdiMsl to the bmln, whk'h varies with
th- nature of the tltoiiRht.
Sis Ilorlsts lu Now York city '
have hud their hands polsttuiil by hot
l.ouse (lowers. It Is thut
l'uris irrecli. ntul other Hiwtlers oil
the llowors to kill buffs, eailsed the j
I..T An fust then was n fall of
in . ana in A in Minor, which was
bu'.cd for bread after the maimer of
the Iroimii.ti. It had Is-eii ox
nml'.i.d by frenchmen of science ttud as lichen of the fuinily ...,
liar t o if. si'.i.
Ox Tuesday imirnliuf, l'ebniary Si,
Nairn. I i the mirth of Scotland, wa
litfht.-eu tlcKTitcs wnnu. r t.'i;.n London
nt Ihe same hour, twenty doirrees
Warmer than Parii fourteen ihvrees
wanvl. r than Lyons and three d..;-roes
Witrwcr than .Mot'.
A an IK:. Inch nf i.unlutstt. mneh
lnminuun power as two hundred mill
nary t-lectrlu lights of oinitt o.iudb
power, In every secmd uf tim ii
jlv-. f ilth aa much heat u. lu.ultl re
sult frotti Ui.- burning of twelve thou
sau. I millions of millions ..f toie of the
U'sl OOill.
I x t rcsplrntl.ui nu i'lttilt iuh.itcs
unc pint of air: a ht-allhv man r piro
nlxtis ii to twenty lime . a inl'iut -. i i
twenty thousand limes a day: a . Idld
toeiily-llve to thirty-live time a min
ute: while i.talulln.' the adult respira
tion is twenty-two js'r minute, uhlle
lyitt .- ii m n. llilrteeit.
Ili t. t.'.l thai thcr i. ..u element
i.i t.i' c. inuioii pineapple similar to
pepsin., and of such remarkable In-n, th
thut the juice of a single apple willtli
Ift ,,t leu poiin.U of Is'if, U I, furthol
stut -.1 Iht.t tho Juice of the fruit U u
very active udvent of the liu'inbnino
f.mud In dlphl'u rUi,
A tlKoltoU woman e.mlit tlitiit three
rats l.t it trap In one day.
A Mlt'tlHiAMM.H mistiMik siryohnliu
for sttiflkliiir-tohiu'Ci). Hit nootcrod.
is.xow i ii 1. 1., , 1 1 1 . . mini ute imlf n
j-allou of penuuU nt one itttii - Die
other d..v.
Priiliy, Tex., has a bride who I. si
I 'd llw ami thriHvfourths Inches I
i 'Uht. uiul only sevent.HMi y 'i.r old
A Tiroii to Muiitc Curio froiu Um
'o i I-. suld to have won the m.iximiii'
:.iii l francs In fourteen cuasce utivi
A . i:n;;ltsluinn hn-i ln-on asionldiiu
"Id !:.h inoiint ilii hunters by l.llll:i
ri.'..-ly Is'iin. i.ilh ovplis.tvo Imltot
hiir.ft'd tiith d -ii..!:iit
A Mil .so man hunlliiif nunr Newmor-
k.-t bad his month cuuaht by a burls-. I
t.ii. feUct . l lib the result Unit scver.i1
of hi', t t'th were torn from his jaw.
A M vim iiiai- e. cut sl. tjf li rl.lln,; n it!
hi- dau rhter Im wore a hr."ht is-,
wr.p. and tlu-y were cIuimiI two mile
liy a bell t'.i.-.l olijvt.d t. the c dor
the j.-.tritiunt
r .Hidin' in Aivatllb. Pla.. th
ot'iordiiv tho bride win. married to ho
ninth, and lour of her forme
Im- li.iiul . xvt re present ..I tlie veri'iuoii;
to synipathl.o wilh tho ninth vL'tim.
I r I conceded that the liuilliploli L I
f ir oalrol shotthl iro to the youu
lad of M. Joseph, Mo., who lay s rfee!
ly ipiiet iu Is'tl and watohotl aeoiiple.
buriflais carry olf her Jewelry and fahi
A iixhimi fellow in Dtitroit has chu.
lentft'd Sited, who alwLiluotl fixim 1
for forty-live days, to try conelmliin
ulthlnui. He pixipiMM's tit wa;fi'r l,
.i llmt Suecl v. til weaken tn-fori- h
W. lu a "fast to a tlnish."
ua.x livln-r lu Tails. t count
Oeor.iii. has nctcr uttoiulcil icrvloe ;
itchiiivh. has n. v. r riiUloli on a tru'
or iitr been in ii city licct-iilly
( o(f. nil lo jsty his turv t
( i il iiiii Im .. but be i'. ! u. cil to ft
A ji sld garter bu -klc In nllvtir r.-pre
Kilt . u broad leuf with u frog ujl it.
Tilt, uilulalure Is lielng eiuployoil t.
orlMiueiil cuir buttons ami bnu-cle
A iksikuaiik is iu the form of it inu
ton's trowel, of silver, a lib un iior
A Hamiv.iii. tins' horn Is luade ..
Ivory mid has a hcav silver hiindh
clalMirutiiy chnseil.
A U llvi: silver plrdlo is deslifiied t
represent a heavy rope. At one end I
a lare silver lusik mid 'it t!i - oth -r ..
oyel -t with the rope apparently spile.
uud tsiund with cord.
Sua I.I) hrms'ltesund vinulrolto-. .1 i
or.ileil .i emerald are now show u iii
s!iasvt lire generally plain and I i n-.
wis odd or striking; hut the emiiu -le.l
tlesltis ure very pretty und soimiiiii
even elaborate.
A Novel, design for a ss-U. t . n '
screw upiM'iirod In u j-wclrs win In
lately. Uteii lioscd t'n- In-liu.n .
presented the ups'.i ranee of a cub
tiuw, u hltii oM'iiet on Is. th sides. .Ii
eloslnu- the I'SM'iitiul purt of the .ntn I.
I.x a llnsulwny (N. Yi J-we. i
window a cltfarctle case uud muUiilsi .
ovUU'iitly miMle to Hccoiiipuiiy ca '
other, art' shown. Thoy arv Iiicim .1 i
u ueut loHtlwr coverotl l,x. Th. -,- . r
uf lur win! are uniaiiieuUst lu ciiaiu.i
Tin sumo ilnshjii, h buiK-h nf richly
tulured lii tlfs, llrVOIkles hulh.
A mmtiim: for making sli,H'trlii(rs
out of pasT Is a recent Philadelphia
AxoMi m.slcru liiM ntl.m . Is nnmcd a
bird'' w Injr of diamonds w ith the least
sasslble settinirof Kohl I Isltde.
A ItAll.ltoMi oniriiieor litis invented a
pump with which to stiulrt hoi witter
on tleaf ih'Tsoiis who walk on railroad
IA NlKOI.lMVItt'll .IKOI'I- of St.
I'etcrslniry has tllstsncretl a inellusl of
lmkiiiK- rjo breud tllrect .rum the Krulu:
I lie rjo is wnsliol loolcttii It and Inline
illittely altorwartl it is tin uitl liitoihiUKh
Mid Istkctl.
A n:t phactoti bus upts'iircd In
Paris reseinbtliia an ordinary phaeton.
II curries under the lssly of ihe onrrlae
it Is tiler which caiiuol oxpl.slc, uitliu
funnel Is'iit don n and tliseliara-liiK'
smoke under the buck sent.
Mom: has produced n Keely with u
myslorlous motor He liti s In Monrss
and says that Ids machine Is capable of
one to ten horse siver and does not tie
rile il from steam, Water, pas or any
uKeiicy now kuovtii. He's Koine; to
bllch the machine toeliuins uud pumps
Osi: of the employes of the jststal lol
onraph olllce In M. I'etersburif has In
xonttsl u watch ttlilch will inn forty
lite days at a single w lulling. The Me
cliuiilcalTcchlileal AsMs-lalion. tow hich
the Inventor submitted It, wound the
watch, placed It lu at null nil. I found
that it ran the full time lialmcil for 11.
Ol'Al.s that sold fur SUM luuo Wen
found In Ort'iron.
Illinois olfors a Ismiity of three cents
H'r head for the destruction of KiikIIsIi
Mlssot in iiliiiiiully exieiidsoti'r ST.IhhI
for tobacco for the com lets lu the is'iil-
Till. s'tilleiitl.irles of Texas have con
trlbulcd STl.lKsi in the stale treasury
the last year.
A mki.iux'U l'M mine hits Wen discov
ered lu I'lorlda. They will s.s.n bedu
to lay iIh-s from It.
Tilt: enumerators of live stis'k for
New Mexico rosirl I.sisi.ismi cnltbt uud
l.lHHHI.IHhl sheep for thut country.
Tin: constitution of the ii.-tv slate of
WttnhliiMton limits the session of the
legislature to sixty consecutive days
IN sixteen cities of Virginia the
liexrts's own pros'ity worth ,,M J
the Kiouter pull of which Is lu leal
estate. In liicliumuil tSclr isesslons
ainoiinl to isjii, :i.
Tin: htiitcmeiit Issued by the census
department for Alabama's sipubttion
elves tin' total as I.M.1,017; of Uu
nuinln'r tkl.TlKl nre n hlles, ilsl.ui ure
coloicd, T.MI ure Indians and u ale
Jul: .li:n i;ii-on, himself a painter,
oallsCorol the liaUess-nre of 1iiiiiIm'iis
Tin: llrst prie in the Pails art etui-M-rvutory
was icccutly awarded for
"two studies of an eliliirwed head."
Vinnii Hi u lloxii:. tho sculptress. K
iloM-rlWil as "an emolloiial little cicu
tin-.-, wilh an alternate tour and smile in
her eyes." Ilcie arc the elements of a
M 11 lb i ah. I.i: bus finished u Initf.-1
uud liuMirtiiut iirilitnry picture, cntltl. il j
"Ylvo 1' Hii)M'tcur!" and leprest-utlti
the fumoiis chu lire of the I'ouiih Hus i
siirr- Ill the eiiinsilt;n of PtUT.
A I'olil'llill' of the lute Scnittor (. ink
Unit Is now on exhibition. Thoiiitl-t
Mr Cuyhr Ten Hyck, of Albuuy. h.i
isiilriui d the statesman asoii the
of inliltossliitf an aiidleiu'c.
Mm M ma, the llrtsikly ii urt putrou
whoisiioti hclllliir a choice eollc.i ...ii
says ho thinks the foui irrcul. st lit mr
puluton. arc CikIii, Kiiuiis, lnne. aim
Isrucls. The last lends the Until
IIi.iii: Is a sentence of C.ili-tv-i .
ttortl Whloh nil 'll feliloU per., t.i hi
smstructed of th W letters foii.i l in
Uie word "m ii I bbi. a m I I "' '
mean m ill "allied " .1 Dea.l . id M.-dit
a mad d uu in I m lie ml di an. I
dime, and nun. I a mo-- in a du-i d. a in
Maine --1 I. 'in- le'publc
Minr irculur siluti uuku IbssTi Hir
UailllA iu lo all other m.'.ln iiu'i,
1'iHulUr In t..iiililiitl..ii, 'r..ja.rt.cii, v
and I'li-paralicii of liiErrillrntt.r a
llissi't Sinajaiim srri
tlie lullcutallln talun i,f I ho J S
U-l k It o M ii t c la r d I c . ' S a f
II. o vrcrUl.le kin
lVrulUr In ll
ill) III .
itr. i.s'ili
ami rruimiiir VC
)hx i War
iaruu it
Ilia iMilr inrill
r I n it 1
w1ji.1i ran iiulr
t.c iiM.XO 3 S "'.iIknr
- -
Ours Qi Hollar " ttrukliiri In
sAJ larrrr nit mallrr liltlr
0rriulrc larger ilotri, an.liloiiot
V S l"'lu. o at Kml rciulli a llwri.
Wullar In 111 iiieilklnal nierlU.
IIismI'i 8arj..irdU rroni.Iltie rurc Ii, Di
nt. i unkiumn, and for II self
tlies inir if "Tho r.iuatfit Moeil
l.uimrr cvrr uiicovrrca," n'
recuiiariiiiii"ciMiiiamo wC at
uirar."-ltirrn Ii now S V iiiorc
of HisMpa Kara.arltla S S vM In
l.owrll, v.liris S JOJlt limaile
than of nll J SuXUtx M'ssl
fiurlflera. V''. y V'reuUar In III
plieurmr. A n, (ro ( r,
it.ri.aib rN'V' "" ",irr 1'iri'aratloii
rV S rvrr allauii'd audi isinu
Parity la almit time
S S . .. . Ii. .
. - IMI I.I4II1..I ll '..l.
X3 and rotiflitritcn smoiij ill claiiri
f 3' K'T'o " ttrailfaitljr.
Do not tsi liulu. rd to buy t.tlitr I reparation,
but la ante 1 1 ret tlm 'miliar Medicine
Hood's Sarsaparilla
RoWl.j.lldmnliU. lliro(i. l-i.tiiMi.!.!;
J C 1. IIIHllia t01rvllnailaa,lll,Mal
IOO Dobou Ono Dollar
No t si: baliK'lu' do lame mule. I
Nossl tlef what u.i know hide. j
Vol talk all day. dut uoctsik 'tutor.
lli:rrruset lu tie inn. I dan fall In tie
Wiii:n yo' slnjjs tloit't yo' never shot
yo" niouf.
l!i' you (jut un skoe tlnu't tminplc In
tie hntmhll
Yo' jess follow biurnnl and yo 'Isiuu'
tin' dead boss.
Yo' l.Kik shark wiien tic do
no make Imrk.
W'iikn do old man chop wtssl, wutfh
out for spllnteis.
Vol' cull nliTMcr bluck, und you uo'
mo' while yourself.
Pool, around lu de caucbrake uuj
inelils- you llu.l pis'sleui
Wu il'l'o yo' chu.-k up rook? Mebbj
he full di w ii on yo' ow u skull.
Dox't you neWr lol hsise tie w ildeut
to chase away tie hutist' kitten.
Hill. II Ilur, he thine pit ditched hy hliu
fisit. Mister Mini by him tongue.
"W'llo my b iss-" ux tl' copp'rliAiJ,
uud de lihlwtssl chunk he sny "I Is."
III. in. mini skis. i fi u de bresh. Mchbo
ho chase sake, siiuko ohuse nf
I'aci: an ox Whlmc, a mule befo",
but a raskll no whars; he don't 'it uu
safe side.
Si i. hero, 'case yo' tla.ldy was,
yo' mammy pcpH-r, dut no reason why
yo' In yam.
Cani: yo' ohlmhlv done oiilt smoke In
summer time, uo pull her thut n; bliueby
wiuicr Come. Atlanta Coiistltullou.
'Kl I I'lNo up i.iiis'nruuces ' Is dcllncd
by one aiitliuritv iihiii laodern manncM
to mean "a frit ?al .llct In tuder to iftvu
an tvcasioiia) tll.incr party."
llv way of diversion a illstliiL'ulshed
hostess of Loudon irlve a dinner to u
iiunils'r of b.'iohelors. with ludlirs
dressed RK m.y!il wrvnnt i tu wuit nu
llioiu.' dlllliiir Is expecteJ
soon, the Miineli to dine and be wallod
on b I'cutleinen attired ns fiHituu'ii.
Jfnki h.l s tjurrr tlrrniu lh other tilli
llf lliiiuiiht Im 4tv s 1'ruo.flf Men' tiuj
n.l In tlut ml.ldls uf ii itMI ilouiili-.j
llttln oliainiiiii who inrl on. I itrllts-rstcl;
kiiiH trsl nrrr, on lijr imp a cor or mors
of Mir, lniilr-lisiiiiiir f. ll... ibrr j
rinnsl lu tli stuck. (Inula si Ibcjr wrru
In riir, the valiant .luiujr inured mors
limn it insti ll fur thrill, ft wa all so lull.
IT Hint Jrllka wnan up lalKliliii-. lln nr.
lunula lor llio ilrraiu I. Ilin fnel tlmt tia
ti.i.l Jiul tsiinii lo 1 1... riiiiiiualiiii. atlt r Irr.
Inir nrarlr evrrr Mr, ilraitio pill uu llw
liinrkit, lliat l'lrrcnra I'loaaslll I'uttlallt.
I', nr tin)- Hiuiar-castt J llruuul.-a,
taailx " knock I'll " an.) U-at all I ho t,U
PIIU liiillnw I "I lir.JP ais Ihs urislual alll
nnir nt'iiuliin Liiilfi Liter 1'illt.
Woaiu nf liiiiiatliiiia, which contain Vol.
annuiia IUii.iaU. Alirajt atk fur Dr.
Ilrree'i Prlluia, s-lilih ara UtUa Mujar.
iirnlrd I'll La, ur AuUtilloua (Iruauix
llllloiia llssJsrlte,
II I l I ll n a , CI o ll
s I I i a 1 1 ll, llltll.
realluil, lllllutla AI.
urlta, uu.t all Jerainco-
laenla of tho itouiscb
nu. I iHiwt'la, aro proui'itlr
. . . leneitsi ami is-ruisni-iuiv
enrol br tb usi uf llr I'li-riv'a 1'lrsuiii
I'uritatltti I', Tlier ara jrntlv Isis.
tltc. or itrunxlr tattisnii', acctirdlriir lo
lie nf tlm- Hiuallral, Clu apral, 1-ULa.iat
to take unit u ul hjr drua-gliU.
Cofiilflu, Ihm, ii. Wosi di ln Mauaj.X
l iwp' kuui tuii.t, li.aik., h. I.
iiu Kcwaid.
Slrnyiil or stolen, from lli'ppni'r,
Mnrrmv niiinly, mu' ilnrk-lmy umri',
mix: yi'iirn nlil, liriuuli'tl .'X on left
shuiililer. Iluiinlit nf lien ( iiI)i1m1(
nf .lnliii Hay 'alli'V. liy II. Cur
rnigtiiu. . M'wanl of t'JI) will Im
paul for Manic ilelivereil in llcppnur.
11. V. C'.MIItlNUTilN.
Ilcppner, .Morrow county. Or.
-v. ii u r r xi i o ii ,
lUx.u ri t ho. i ma.le in '.rJrr nr Itr all; rrialreJ,
All Work W arm ii ted Mrat.oUs.
. L- I'urritsh -
A line stock of frnah Uiiruliia, Nutt,
Tolsuoo, .Stut ionoiy, Hto., Kto., Just
rt'criw'tl. IS I vi lue u cull,
C'anvon Citv
. :
"a '
M v- '1"