Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 14, 1891, Image 2

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' .May 14, J SI) I.
111 l it ib country. Wliy not nut
thft Itntinn Mnliii on liifl truck.
Mr. Maine. Im milTond n much,
or uioiv, at tin; hand or his
friend I hull Troiii hi cm'tniey,
ntttl lie might lie cxcniicil for cx
t!liiiiiiinj: "Deliver inc from my
Tho ropnhlicnii ami democrat
an: lining 1110M of tho talking
aliont uct year; l it the farmer'
ullianeo ifl milling to iu member
glifji nt a rate that eiik forltclf,
am! in no uncertain tone.
The now of the eviction of the
fuuiilic of strikiiiL' coal miners in
l'uiiusylvaiiia mint make nlcnwuit
.,..!!.... r.. .1... 1 11 1 .....I .m..
stalilcs in Irchmil, who have It 1 1 11 -cfto
enjoyed a uionOoly In tlii
inrt)etilar ImliiRtry.
....... .... - -
Four illifercnt iiioimtuln
In Idaho are from l.i to :
iiktt 1
o r,..
lower, by actunl mctiKiiruincnt,
than .liny were llftcen yimrH ago,
1 ,1 , 1 i i ,1 ',! :,
11111 It ft boltcvcd tin unt 1 1 1 11 tr id
going on with many other. The
Idea l that quicksand have under
mined them.
If there Ia aiicIi a tliiliL' in the
dead hcing cognizant of the Imp- j
jHiningR of this world, how it mui-t '
worry tlio Polii 01 111c uniruy aim
. 1. . 1 ... .11 .. !. 1
IIUI(!)U!ltlUlll Olll Wliriuir, tiuiiuiiti
Sherman, to know that liin children
have accejited a puree, contrilnitcd
by friondn." Dm-iiig his life th.
general had a horror of what he
used to call "piiHidiig around the
hat" for him or lilt after death.
Sonic people think it nt range
that little I'oitiigid Imckcd down
coinilutely when .lohn Mull inmlc
certain demands of her concerning
Kiiglish pomenkiouii in Africa,
Wo don't. It wan about the amo
thing iib John L Snllian catching
a nix teen -year-old boy by the nunc
of the neck ami ditmamliiig tlio
eontetiti. of bin jiookets. Dicie
tiou in always a good thing, and
litthi Portugal stot'iii to have a
xiipply on hand.
Tho death of tho distlnt'nii.hcd
Uorinnii soldier, I' told Mitrnhall
nn iMolko, wiih a heavy blow to
the auibitloiifl young emja-ior of
(lerinaiiy, lie was 111 Ida ninety,
lirnt year ami in iho of war would
not have been able to hate taken 1
an activo part, but the Iohh of the '
advice of the 1111111 who had proven
hiinielf to bo the forumoM Kuro
pcan Pohlicr of iiKalcru timer-
nnvorlhclcRH no nlight one.
A plan in being nrganixed by a
Spokane 'man to irrigate nevoral
thousand acreM of namly html lying j
along llm Coliuubia river, by an
iinniuilK! Rtuaiii ptini), having a
capacity of l-'OO gallons a ininutu. j
Tlic mviior wiyii it can be i nn at
littlo evpeiiM', ami that 01111 man 1
'.. ..... 1
coulil eaten cnougli itriitwiiou inn
ing tlm hummer to fninich fuel
for the whole year. If thi can bo
oporated siicccBsfiilly, it will re
doom many acres wliich an' now
COItHidciCil WOl'tlllcHH,
Tho New Orleans grand jury
has exonerated tho lyncher of the
.Malin murderer, and the lynching
luminous goe on merrily. The
now Ptafo of Waihingtoii teem to
have caught the lynching fever
very bad. r'irst ltoM and Kd
wards at Soawoll, then Hunt at
Wit llu Walla, then young Archuui
bault at Seattle, of wIioho guilt
thure wn no poitivc priMif.
Waihingtoii is aciinirnig a very
uiiHavory ropiitation in coiifc 1
ipicnec of thetii) crimen. j
A Koine dispatch ay that, I
while tlm Italian pro protcut
against the failure to prosecute '
the Italian lynchurn, the ulndr 1
ha ceased to oxc.ilc Heriott 1
public intgrofit, in view of the ,
gravity of tho dituatlon iu Italy.
1 lio atoning or Mr. .lai'ipie, tin1
American, at I'loicnce wac, it ap
puar, the act of mine of the worn I
clasa, and i wtid to have been
incited in the lir. t nlaco bv a beif-
gnr to whose app'al for alin Mr. I
J acq nen neglected to listen. It is
claimed thai the incident had no 1
motive relating to the iniisfmcio at
New Orlitann, iml it in deeply re- ,
grotted by the Florence authorities,
whoso city deM'itdK ujion Ameri
can patronage to a gmtt extent
for income. In Homo American 1
go about entirely unmolested, and '
It Itt believed they are safe in any
part of Italy where other people
urn safe.
711- ZULU HOUSE. !
it nml liiilll lj llm Irnuli'
'I lie it In tveiniili t, the architect nutl
I ullU r of Ui. Zulu liouMj. nml the Myle
..'1' r 'Pi;,;','?,",,,I ,,,,l,:",;lol,,,f"
n . '-rattle nml dmtb. It loolo. like nu
i.,.!.ti.iMi.niii.Hiv i'i,u u . .,,',,.
! tin- Ithmof uiiviMiiir that U not rouu.l or
lllntknl l.i form. Tlrtrt are nn mi wire
hi nature. To liulhl her Iiuiim. Hie
1 -.-t. tart truce 11 elrvle 011 tin1 proam!
, 111.11 l-M'ii ft-el In diameter, mill Krltltua
nv.ra'tor of ItMl?. llinlxT linOH'lc. she
I ntli-M thi-m llrmly Into tin' naunl a:-.l
I thou (tends Dip top over, ami Men them
wllli Ultra olitnlueil front tin- riiinienmti
rr.-t ht. or "iiiimlo'y" roptM. Then lie
twine thicker creeN'rt In iiihI out of
theo tlpl. ull round tin rlrrlr of
1 ipw nlmiii twelve liiehit, apnrt. umt
llifii tuklnir wattle in klnil of etMtre
irrnM or rt'ctl I he thatches tin1 el ...
, l a'lnjf a ftiimll hole itt the top for a
' .lilnmer, ami another hole, three left
vpiMri-. for a iloor. In front of this liu
Iml lit n roruretl ttity, e.xtt'lHlllitf out
wirtli. nlHittt llinp fpPt, Mini tin- cxtprlor
of tin' Iioup i IIiiI)ipI iy a ctKil.riK' of
ilrnili" or mini. tlii-u ( tli
I .n'.t-. nf tlx- mIiUk mit. unit ilU'liw
tl.. .... iiI.ImIiil ....... Ill ..f tflill..
1 0l..v. v.uu-U Mn'. to iwiir, ilri.-,
1 ... ..-. ........... ... .....
tiu-n inlvlnjf it with wu.r. loumiH
it nntll It l 011IU uiiMitti. Tlil Iip
.lin-nil nil nitr tin- t-nminl lnlili tin'
IimI, uihI U-Htft it I'liri-dilly until It U
.jiill.' Imnl nml lur fiinn cnu'U. 'I'll Ik
. Or B IIh-I lllMIWWlf.' Mil) MNIIIr tll'P
lay wltli Miinotli lours, until tt Ik
ll'v plpw uf Killsliit iiiarlilo. Tlio
UrvMilnoi' l.i ni'or tin- ilir. nml U ftltuply
1 "
f thUi lay to conllnt1 Hit' rliilxTn
Iu 1 hp pln.v. 'I lip otlit'r iirrt'iiMirli'i
i.tim.l In .1 lint urc a tmuillc of H'ur
" irjrimr. "; toiHu-c. h.i.i
I ml Imiu'liwi of mlll. t IiiiiikIiik' from
I tlio roof. (lrtiiiM'.l niiinil tlm wnlli nr.
I tlw tlirpp huiih! In kmh'Ipi of Minr uillki
)nr.. llif imtlvp Ukt Jurti uml oM'ii Jiir
!ioilliir k'nilu. (If oiiiri, tlic iIi'Iim'
mUmiiW.' rlniui; pouU tho roof, niilK't
iml tolmotti wltli kiMit, uml lniik'
ilnifi'rV uf It liiiunr In vvi'ry llr'ctloii;
lint tlio lliHir nvIII If L'li'iiu iuioii'Ii to
nt 011. nml nh lout; n that U mi, the
rftt'Inl Mr. (Iriiiulr of tlio Zulu U iitU
.1. il l..iilic' IIoiiip .louriiiil.
rriE scitNce of faihy
..t'rii.l. uml Hi lli'f. Iti'ri.iiili.
linilr .nttiUll -.
Tin coiniKirativf iiivtholuiHtfi liai
mill to turn llii'lr iittt'iitlmi to fairy
I It N 11 fuM'iiiiitlinr Miliji'i't, uml
nu ' of tin' roiii'liitniH ri'iivlo'il nn
nflily InUivstlnir. mIh'IIut or not wp
i.v. j.i tti.' M-U'litlllt uml historical t.1-
..hi 'Hup.' liiiiutPil to fiilry lori.
TIip liivpptltfutori. llml fiilrylnml vt-r
I. ti 1. tun In it. orifNiiiutlini. It" iiilmli-
r.aiiti laurry, tvniiii'tiini'i. hiiuhik 1 1 i.-iii-.-lir
, oiiii-tlun"t Into itimiltinil 'liny
' 1 .t . vhllilri'n Imrn I., tln-m. uml tiny
.(llllV l.t l.llpll tillU". fpllllltl' US.lttlllll'l'
liny t.tpul t'ltililri'ii front inwi, and
I av.' Hi.- r oiittlT-.iriii 111 t'Xt'liiiuKi'
In' .-.alUil tluilcn liiiyo. Tliplr ft
11.I. limp -)'. 'tint niilttt' l.tiiii'ii,
nt i.u.'li iiiiI.hi . 111.' 11-t l.iMlnif, for, on
'1 l.r.l (ii:M.rtii.ilt., . tli loin't
fit rv 1
11,1' 1 11 In row 11 l.imi, uml lii r Iiiik.
..iml 1:111 -I fiin lipr tlit'iv If In- wtnil.l
IVtfllill IllT.
Ull Ilio olln-r liaml. tin' iimrtiilttlni
i iitpnt friiryliiml ami turtali' . nf fairy
I iimi. i- ;.-!ihjiiiiii; 11.- t-iioii'il i.'tiuu
! at It-atil fnr iiiunt year to tin' a'li'
1 .. .1 t. . . .in 1.
! f mi. Amonir their luu.m.i it
li. .iltwrt e.l lli;:t Ijlriv. nr.' ful to
nn n for U'lH'til, uml ivxi'iit
ful fur liijurh" . 'I lipy nevpr (all to re
tvar.l th-t..' wlioil.i tltt'iu h l.llitlui'.t.
I lit III. ' ('i(t' ILIlLlllV IlllVf I'OllllltllUlt
will. It it.'truct (mm ttn lr t:ilu.
'I In !r t'liit f ill .lin.'U .1 tr in. iii.'M Is
llii'ir MKJtfitsl..n t.f iuilkii::iil .1 i.imkIi'uI
ntt cr. 'I lu y uiM'ur a..l til iiiear ul
will 'I lift- iniikt' a 1 niif tune M--i.i l mwl a klmrt tic- In. 'I In )
olianiTP tlictr own furiint- 'I In-t ca-t
'.n il. over iinirUK u .. ..-vi i'.ciii
i III-111111I fur a;rt'v All llirw ci-'.. in..
:nl imttcr nr.- to tin- ! 1 ry
Ik tr.itlitl'M uImhiI tln-in
.tr.' irprf, Sm li Ipircml. nml U
l..'f U nr w ituc .j In u r. nn .. ,nlty
llt-y t-uaie tint. 11 ti 11 . f r ,n-
a t ui It m'pi.i itrtilMiltii-lliat
..I' of the n 1'. .r nut of the ihiotrlii t.f
, Hi, ttic il virtue t.f Iran ..fuiini'.Uons
eiil the iH-bef In trit.-iierutl held hv
N V l.-ilvr.
n. a. u.
Comrade, Attention! The next
regular meeting of (ien. Hancock
Cost, No. ." !, on Tuchdny evening,
Mav lillh. livery comrade whould
be fn atlemlaiice, o a to arrange
for Dcciiratinii djiy exercUc.
K. Cniii!'i:v,
J OTlfF TO t!lfli.DlTOIt.S.
I In the County Court of the Stale of
j Oiegon fur (I runt county.
In thu mallei of the Kstutc of
O. C. Mlllol, ileceasotl. )
Nolici) in hereb) given to all whom
it may concern that on the 'Jllth day
of March, A D IMIl, the uu.lerHigned
wio by eoiiHitleriitiou and order of
tho Hon, the County couit of tlm
Statu of Oiugon for (Want county,
appointed Admiuintratiix of the l'
tutu of O. C, Miller, dti'ivmcd.
All peiHoni having jiott claiiim
ogainal aaid liitate aio le n by null
tied to prn-eul the Hnme duly ' eiilied
aa by law iiipiired, tn the underaigu
od nt her icNidence near I'liitriu City.
Oiegon, nr to M. DtiNtiu attmncy
fui naiil Mutate, at hid olllce in Can !
yon City, within ii mnnthk fmni thu
ilato of thi nolic.
Mas. I, It. Mi 1.1. mi,
AdminiNtr.itii. '
Datott at Canton City, Or., thin
Dltli day ol .May,' A D IK'.ll.
li. l 111 v it IIuiik. Oraauii
Ui) , IMl.
N.tliff If l 11., (Urn 11.11 fullualDt-lilUitll
tili Im. Ililt.l noli. ul lit. mUiilluu Iu wil
mitt In iikm ul la. rltiii, ilia nutl .
t.wul lll I" Htvlr itt
III l-r u.vlr l(vl III. I uuull I 'Ink f I
Ouiil l utiiii), it i-tJB CUT. onwnii,
W, lvl. Hi.: ht'.l'lir.N l if t Ilk. TIJ
Ii.ui I'tttiiii), ! er.ja Cllr. i'rr". un Juw
",i'S',1,i,S 1' S !1, W U 'Sr'- " " I
I lll.Tt III. I OK II J. Hill. ,.
Mr Ilir luHeMtti- ill.t to wwf III. I
uhtmuMt,'iM uu m4 taltl. tllun of )
ul iiu iti, tin 11. u mini, lira, him
Kn!"'' '
II lit.,
j. T. I'UH, til u ItlltllH, lllr.
j, u, utumNcnov, n.itio
, fc'olico wlis,y Kv, ijiat 011 tho
f til liny of Mi)-, A. I). ltt'.H, at the j
. . ., ,.' ,..,1 .
ign(l will mill t the coira! of Ken
neth F. Mcltae, near hi rnmloucc,
about oiiu bnlf milo from tlm town
of Daytilli: in Cmnt County, Oiojjoti,
I to tlio 1 i k ! t biildcr for ctuli iu
liaml, ull tlic following iuimjiu1
piowrty mid rlmttnlx nml id) tliu
riKbt, title and iiituriml which A1U111
.Murnty, Alex Murray and William
.Mnrry, co-partner km .Murray
llrotlnTi, a firm nuidcnt ot Dnyiillc,
(irnul ( ou ri t . Oregon, lial tn tliu
day of .Mnii-li. A. 1. lilH. ami
linvo Hinca hail and now have there
in or lliPioto, to-wit.
Tlint certain bnnd of hIjppii ciii-
hinting of liSOO bi-ad, morn or lorn,
to wit: Abmil !KKI lumd, to.-ctln
with tlm i'lorouDp tliiirt-of for t ho year
lH'.U, thou biutf nt tiuiP of h.iIi
wliirh band of niiinil was on tlm -Id
day of .March. I HI t , licrdrd by one
Alex .McDoimld, nt l-'ranka ciccl: in
what in kmoTi: an tliu South Fork of
the John Day country, iu naiil (Irani
A Inn that cot lain IhiiiiI of hIico)
coiiniNtiiiK of 1 MH) head, morn or
leu, to(,'otlnT wi h llieiucriia-m there
of for the yvar 191, then bi-in' at
titnu of Hale, which lximl uf Mtcep
wan on ihc i id .Wl day of March,
lN'.ll, liordtd by oiio.lauiPH (iorilou,
at Fran I'm crepk 111 naiil South Folk
nf .lohn Day country.
Ainu that certain Irniin of nlic'
comiiitiiih' uf l'JOU head moro or let,
tiifjcthor with tlm incrciiMi tliercof
foi tliu year IK'.ll, tliHit hoiiiK at tiino
of lulu, which band of Hh(fi wai on
Haiti IU ilay of March, 1S'.M, In r.lcil
bv one .lohn Ootilou in naiil Soiith
l'ath of .lohn Day couutiy. Sniil
alicr! alxjvc liKHitioiii'il li('in liiotlr
biauilod with a fit bnuitl (a lur) on
tho right Mile of tic fare ami car
inaikcil with twu uudbr-hitH in the
right car.
Alno that certain of cwp ulicep
coiiNihtiug of 1 100 head, tunic or lean,
to wit; Alxtul i:iOO hi'iiil, together
with the incrfaii) of naiil ewc.t for the
veal lS'.ll, then buinif at time ot dale,
which iiwcK wi'io mi aaid Ilil day uf
March Ih'.tl borilnil by 0110 .John Mc
I'hi'iitou at what ih known ax Cotton
wood iu Miid South l'ork of John
Day country, and Iming ear-marked
two under bitH ju the illit er ami
biamli'il with naiil ti 1 1 bland afure
xaiil. Alto that certain band of ewe nhncp
coiitiiHtiiig of ITiOO head nioie or !),
tugutlier with thu incro.iKc thereof if
any. foi lite year IS'.M, then being at
1 1 nut 01 tale. Ham pwch oeing aooui
Dim year old, ami hawng liein nu
aaid .Id day nf March, I Mil I. herded
by iino Mrl.uniian at or near what in
commonly known at Sheep (lulcli in
hat ! utli I-oik ol.lolin Day
-nth Foik of John Day conn
' lit-, mi id ewuH beiiiL' branded with
hait'. tire brand aforesaid, and ear
1 marked a fY,illow full: illllie left Cur
' and an upper bit iu the right ear
Saul sheep liereiubefnii) detcril ed
comuHtinu' f about 111. 'Hi head of old
Htu ep ami about 'J.'iTII lambs of the
1 year IStll , and about I 'it'll head thei.
I of being wutherH, and aaid hhuep lu
iug nnw in the poHRp.Huinu 01 Keiiiieth
V Mcllae agent of the undersigned.
at the Wniith 1 oik of the John Day
, liver near the town of l) ville. 111
Haiti liraiit county, Oruguu, and naiil
aale lieing under and by virtue of
two cei tain i-hattel mnrtgagen uiiiiIp
I and deliteied by aaid linn of Murray
I HrothciH to the underaigui'it in aaid
Orant eouiily, on and bearing date
, aaid lid day of .Match, l.Mil, iu and
by the teiniH of the one of which
mortgage aaid liinl thrie heiein
tueutioueil bands uf sheep, with their
iueinaHp, were laurtgngeil fj the un
ilerigned to hecuru tho jutymcnt ol
1 a promiasoiy nutu of date Match Md,
I Kill, executed and de iveietl by Miid
I linn of Mm ray Hioh. to the under
' aigiied, dm) un dumaiiil. for the hiiiu
I of $7,1 III .V.l, mill intercut theteon
j from said date at thu rate of tun per
1 cent. 1 er annum until paid, together
. with all chaigos and expeiiKim of ta
, king, keeping and ualo nml couiiMtl
feoH iu the preiuiseH. And iu and bv
! tho leiiiis of the other of which
11101 liigfH aaid lai-t two herein men
I tinned Kindrt of nhoep with their in
croaao were mortgaged tn the under-
aigued to Hecuie the payment of h
piomisiury imti) of date Miid Match
Jlil, lii'.ll, execatotl ami delivoied by
iil linn of Muriay ltiothei-H to thu
uiidetH'guoil, duo on demand, for thu
Hum of ;t,tl(H).00, ami iutervat there
nu from aaid date at thu ratii of ten
percent, pit annum until wiid, to
gether with all chat gen and expeiiHea
of taking, keeping and aalound conn-
he I fees iu thu (iteuiliea.
Sniil hide to cotumoiice at tha hour ,
uf III o'clock afnicsanl, mid contiutln
from time to titnu until all aaid prop
erty or Miilicieut thereof, in at hi to
, aatikfy aaid iiiurlgngeH, oxpense ml
I cmiU'el fees
' Dated May Dllh, ISlll.
iuni ht i.mi iiro) .
I Ui.a ottlrv .1 lliiru.. ot
u.v . 1 mi
soii. 1. i,i.-ii ,n. n iui iiaiiii 1 triuai
INi: w li Kihi.H, uf 1u.1a1.11. mm"". )'. Oft
IMtilt. ul Itllttltlutl It. Hlkf fMU uu lr J.wtl
UihI i '.Iki uu ID, Iw lb HW V '. ul NW .41 J.
I. T IU a II II t: , ll.wl.Ul .wl ll.rrltvt tl
llu, tit. OrrfM, u l'rl.lj. Ow Wlh a "I Jitin-
Slif utltwS O, to lUmlDI olllit.Ml to flute II..
llil.'lr l.ll.lluu iul r.'UlMtliaii ! ia Un.'.
IU" J.ltw. Ot'luu, J I. HuMMl, ItttiJ 1 1 ! .. .-.
Mtrl In l.ltm, tit ul llltlitou. OIvti
) III NTIMIIO.V. Iti.l.r
liKtllHT l.tMl I'lllMir.
I M. l-tuj Oltl'f l IIUIMI. I't'-V
Mi. i. ivl
V..ll I.L.i.1,1 Ili.t JllllS' A W 1 Klxl'll
i iii..i.,b 11,. L.. rlll uuli... ,.f l.a.i.l,... 1 .
m,yv au, ull . ,i.,i tUnu ih. II. m i.
.l'..'kU'., VI!,,. W'liritll II II I
lUtrtiw m Hum.. Utruul, Ull I Mi .
llr lit lalkmlur IIikni le uro. II..
maiiOrt lirWilluu tud i.tuauimi ..( in.a
ii. jtuHt ottuw, lutw auuHw. j. t. iiuwi.
Iifllu imn: 1U ol llimluu.
j. h, nti.vristmiN, Ktn,i.r ,
doofl News for the Farmers of Grant County!
Kmnk llrtx , ol I'oitlnml, Or., ban- otdnblidipd nn ngnncy at John
Day , fie the nab- of nil l.iinln of Kami Mnclilnciy miuI Agricultund Iinple
inentH, hiirh n Wagon, ('atriagt, ltoml (,rtjt. Clown, lliirrown, Mower.
Itpnpirx, I taker etc., clc A aIio1o rmlnml to U deliveteil at onre.
Iiverytliing firnl-clxt aiel at the lowest H.ilp rnten. I'paie give me
your tiJile. K. II AY lis, Agt.
Allow me to Mty that I itill handle the While h'ewiug .lai lone did
tie1 I'.arliulV Organ.
! HaptDnstall Dart & Cn
ii.tPToxsr.iLL ,y- D.irr,
Have now received the hrgcit anil most complete itock of new ijootU in
Grant County, which they will olfer for i.ile at prices that ilefy competition
Dealers In General Merchandise.
A lurge Aaaotlnwiit nt IiwmL I'iipp. (!roU Hold al IJedrock Fricci.
Trade uf li'oint Onunly Solleitd, ami Sjwi'ial Imliuni'iiU (lirered
The Wei' ; ltenownfil
I j p p LJ J I O
JJJl f J
Is rfiluceil in price '20 per tent.
,S" ( ( ct tsc j'ai
I (it 10 Jt I
talis teas
Only Reliable Scib Cure ami Improver
nf the Wool.
j.oeni. aokxts:
D. fi.
A- SF.I.S nuns.
Csvon Cnv,
Piopiietiira. m. Com 1 it A Nu n-
1 tvs. 1 ialtiittoii.
.Monet atlrttneetl on
tltis year's Wool ('!.
AppU) to
R. Hicksorv
Can uon Cltii tin it ,lr-
fj (''(oil , Or.
Illlguctt 0111I A Co, I'riiprf,
Canyon City - - (hru'un.
'rlt II t
MitVi! Tho W i'k Hlmm;
'til tttriruliric, ti u toll If I .It fur I'
! ' I
('anydn (?ITY, OltKllDN,
(! Itortl ,y TlldM t'.SOA
Tiiiteling men will find thia a
pleasant ami tloairable plnce at
which to xtop.
JI t e iim 11 Cull
or iioppuui
'. . IIIIKt, HUNK Kl.l.l.iM.ll,
Preitlileiit Ice Pli'kidi'lit.
tii,uti.i. W t'osKKii, t.'inhii'r.
J. I'. HIIIU, T. A. IIIIKA, I. T. tOtiOS,
1 lirtH'ttjiv
Trail-.. 11 Is a l,'i' lliinklni; llu-liii".,
ti j' change
sOtl all uut uf the unrlil-
(llis'tioiix made at all )MinU tm
lteuwaialilc TeiniH.
Minify tonmsl ut fitaii one to tn
r cent.
C an 011 Cily, Or.
At.. I. Chti mlirrs, t'rnie.
Thin ItiwUitlhiut hs lwtintlv I "'tli
ojieuisl, ami will furniiUi Munla uc Ia
Xing at living 11 1 tea.
A tp.t-ial , fmuuiv nhratl tiiia Uww
ik that no (Jhineae ittuka inn euiployml
in tha kiU'hen. Hive the ItttaUilinuit
a (rial. .M. J. I'iiamhijh.
Cimyon Cily, Or. ;
- 1
This 10nt tar irsi)rt has
In cn iraiciictl lo lite jmhlic,
and note, as in the pusl,
keeis nothing but the best
Wines, Liiuai's f- Cigars, j
(J. 1. KICK.tltO, fropr j
you Read
Do you luki- uih niiui- ofuoooil ofrr II '!
il 1.1 jlrml 11 il 11 iii your mirli.'
n nni'.'SSff
U Ulll
Dnj Conrf.s, Cliilhiinj, Hauls, Slim s, (-'fairs. A! Ulcus, Om
sliirls, 1'nih'rienir. llasimj, Hals, Winter Caps, (I tun
ttaols, lUttiikrls. (Jit ills, Cnrsrts. La f Hex and rtia 'n 11s'
.Shoes, liuhht'v mats, )'rthur Oihil van Is, Fancy (Snails,
Cutlery, tile.. Fir.. Fie-
joaaiMiHiaiaii)0 -f i ta.uoiijaooctj
0 When ch nrcomnaiiiei! the order for any Amount from Five i
Dollars or 111010 in nUto lint of gooda we will prepay nil Mail or
Stage chfti'nep, to any stage Ution in Clntnt or Jlnrnoy countit'H. t
until Juno 15th. 101. tfSr U'bcn oold on credit 110 cliarg 5
0 prepaid. X
DMitlKIIHHItlUlia .! J0nnulllllOOI0O001l'O.lul,l'
Wp will guarantee our lowoat rotail pritm on Every Aftidc
and Agree to if fund the money if g'xxUaro not nAtisfnctory.
My ac'iiding to in, writing plainly, just what in wanted, wo cm seli . t
llipm to your Mttifttaclioii. We I1.1t o the ht'niit si nsso't lin'lil of "cn
ernl Merchftiitliitp to bo found in aiy atoii' 111 Ongoti. S'oii '1111 save
mom", in cvpi y line, (lite un a li 1 d nrd"r. Wc .nln-i' t "in-ti.ulp. Onlt-r
by Mail nt on.-.'. I rry Hrsn rlfnllij.
Coffin JFciirfmal,
i The people of Grant county will
, take notice that our vast stock of
i Sprhig Goods is as complete as any
! stock in this section of the State,
, and at such prices as will be satis
factory to any person wishing to
purchase in the following lines :
. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloth
! ing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Notions,
Hardware, Crockery and Glass
, ware, and a full line of Groceries.
A call will be sufficient, as we
propose to sell you your supplies.
I'rairie ltii - - - Oregon.
m .nisi s, i'ukki
' In rp"' d Pud up
C'oinmissiiniaiul Fortettrttin'J . Igenls. Cash ad
eanet'd tm HW on. si gum en is far l.HUl. Wholesale
Dealers in
Armour's Packing House Products.
Shiiiiit" dirert front Kansas Cily in em- las ire
tire uriared lo furnish interior mtrehauls with II a ins.
Ha can and Lard, at the lowest trhaleale wires, sarini;
shiiiersfir'nthl front J'orluud la lie, inter. II 'esell I In
let ule anil.
M. C. L. & T. Co.
lt.K-.xwf III o.,rl. Il 4 tlnMii. k
Can to 11 City - - . 0,rd().
. . ""'I1'"''''.!"'' I"' I'd full assorlnienl of
t ry (.aatls ( Inllunu, Hoots v Shoes. Croeeries.
l.te., hie., Lie , at Unison able I'rices.
A. IA(1tffjYfy.
I II Ill.slInC, TI. I -
( ' i;.f il ! --.'-iiiii,
T. E, FELL, R'kinaner.
"uu - 000
t. . OYIIKIIOl.T. t
O O 11 o
Ktt uo toor,