7, JUT THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS, Thursday, April IK LOCAL BREVITIES. . TrtKW and shuriM nlstut to loaf out. Uhlwviks and slKiwsr and emerald hum Smw Itw akw ly tewnnl tho summits. emwlhijf up Fran .tin fttirar UM. awl their lMHti?Ml songs can ! hml. Iftt MmnUy was tlw twenty-fifth niiHivmiwry of til wjputiitiHi of tlio (1. A. K Sitting iii this locality, as, indeed, tit nit Ifrowm OrMjjon, U . Itnst two whMsi Inter than In former vnn. Jurist fU rciUmied hcmt Saturday eventing. I If Iwil inther tr htsilth while lojuminx in Wfhfn.it kind. Kmiiwth McIUe wits n tmsewigor on Kntttrdny's stage, from Pottbmil, whsre he hud lwn mi n Imsine trip. It might be u oil to icmittd success fnl nitjcltm for trout Ileal tli close .vststm i now oil', mill limy. need not ts nfmiil to mv how nmny thoy . iiDflit. On tli' '.ft th circuit cooit for thin eounty w ill convene. Thin tom will hit lliiubt Im a lengthy one, tho docket, liotli ulvil and ciiiniiinl, giving pioiiii of Ix'ing gimtly extended. Atlvieto from down tlio valley uro to the utTtMti tlwt nmnc riiim i lino, onil sheep rtliairmg is in full blast, Fred Onion's crow of ten shearers i it operating in the) vicinity of DayilIo. Tim school entertainment Saturday evening wiih tin occasion of much enjoyment, ami successful (iiintioiully. Tlio limitation entitled "Woman's HlghU," liy Miss IWl Kulison, elided tlio greatest pplnusc Sloan fc Haskell, who have tlicir ptacor mine on Elk crook opened up in linn slinpo, intend to opnnito exten sively tlio coming season, no wo loom. They lmo iitkhI ground nml excellent facilities for working it. Our watchmaker hoio in Canyon City ha just Ixmght 11 lino of spootu uliM nml eye-glasses which is uiiiloulit edly oiio of tlio Uist nud most complete onus in Oregon, (icnuitio pebble a specialty. Moderate prices. linker City litis become weary of paying for the luxury of electrio street lights, mid the tapers iililioillico tliat the town 1ms Ix-en left in total dark ness. This is a xnd eoinmentaiy on the Queen City's enterprise. Wo learn that U. S. Miller, tlio owner of tint Monumental lilino, w ill ojairate tlio mill as a custom mill. This will bo a groat advantage to tlio miiio owners in tin; Clninito country, eipecinlly to tlioo oMmting small veins. The lyist Oie'oniun fc.iVK: 4,Tho (iit.xvT Coi'Vrv Ni:.s is twelve years old. It is a priHiporoitK .Hid useful looal jmper." Thank you, 15m. Iv. O. Wo intend to heeoine more mid more useful until we loach the piiiuaulo upon which you proudly stand. Now that the city has a rogular set of "dads," the first good move would Int to do Mime sidewalk legislating and sanitary leifiilatiug. Hack yards and refuse heaps should receive attention, that we iniiy gumd against the iaita tion of soino terrihle epidemic when the wai in days of summer come. Hmil Si'lioi II', of llamilUTii, milled on the NKWtTa feu days agoaud iiifoimid us that sheopineii in his looality li.nl had wiry good luck, so far, with the land) crop. In another your ho thought all of them would stand oil as solid a footing, financially, as they did piior to the big loss of one year ago. Men VHrsod in the habiuof niilroads prislit that when a railroad eoiiios this way it w ill nuiko a detour of tlio lusid of tlio alloy ami follow the lino of ill" miliars' ditch, and then puili on up tho gulch to llainey. This Uiing proliibht, it swiuld ! well to socuio building lots on Whiskey r'lat, half a mile uliovo this city. A fine hoi's', mined by Ailain tior itou, of lleoch cieok, and owned by (iordiin A- Itluut, was a guost at tho City I .ivory .Stable timing thu wook. (niiit county has produoisl many im provwl hor mid is still pioduuiug thiitli in fact tho day of the cay use potty is uUiut emlwd, us fur us murl.et able unlmnls are coucennl. A soiii"hnt porilous ilshiug excur sion was pat ticiKile.l in at Dayville, a short limit ago, wo hae been told. Tom Connm-, lUii Murmy unci .Mike .MoN'ulty went out in tho raging John Day to fix a salmon net, mid lost con trol of their Uut which lauded on a stump in tho middle of an eddy, Tho )oys shouted for help, and Hud (Jreen well throw them a roiio and with a horso pulltsl thoir froil ornft to a safe place in tho stream, thus wning tho livtM of tho bmvo fishermen. ljist ytsir iiiany ttxtmitors from this section took nwl to tho lleppuur wuriihouso, but jsutially uiarkotl, and wuro in soimi casus miablo to inform tho wiirohousotiien us to thu postollico ndilrtiM of tho ownor, or to udviso con curning sliipuiHiit. All thoy could miiiNiiiUir was that thoy wuro to get their freight money on dolivtuy. Tlio manager of tho warehouse) ritpiosts that persons suniliug wool to lleppuur will kindly mail instructions oouoorn itlg their wool, or at least sum) writtun itutmstions by the tuauistors, VtirUtl ordiinl (ire umioitain and uns.itisfao-tory. It lins beon ik'iiion?lrnte(l thnt I water will not run up hill. j If you need iotntoos rend tlientlvrr j tismncnt in those columns. j While tho marble man i? in town you should onler your monument. l.i (Srnndt' liotl nnothor fitr Inst ! week, half of a buiiis block l'ing 1 buniotl. i A jmjKjr in n littlo Kannns town ntmouncc!,,,All of JohnThomnin'a ' dog? nro tlonil, cxcojl twelvo.' April tOtli ArlMir Day, ami shoulil ho ohwrvecl n.i huoIi hv J cvory pnhlio sch(sl in the land. 1'lnnt tree nml Ixxiutify the whool 1 goundit. Sheriff CioMip lias startetl out on 1 his mission of serving notices on sucli uiifui tuimts us haw li'ou selecteil to , rftirm Jury duty at the coming term ' of ccHirt. Chsrley (!my i-eceiwil a knifu ! ' wouuil in tho hand while at work in the slaughter hiMise, lint .Monday, ; nkinniug n lti'f, but no M'rimis lesults i me auticiKited. 1 Tho oil uit iHHilt ban dissolwtl tint! injiinc tion nguitist the sole of the John ' ' Carry property, nml the sole of the ' hors, which was tlekiycsl, will eotne , oil on the 17th iust. Dayville folks take inimeine pn'de ; in their SabUith scIhhiI, ami soiiik of the meiiiU'nt inform us that their par ticular institution of .eligious Induing is pM.gros.mg tlnely. We came ntsir having to coiitiutlict all tine ntsitlior items in this issue, on u vomit of a few snow stpjalls nloug with the spring showers. Hut grass is growing all the while. People in Chicago and other Eastern cities are living of "la grippe" at an alarming rate. Almost two liundretl deaths were rejiorted in one day in Chicago. England's jiossessions in India are disturbed by a rebellion. Five hundred native troops wore am bushed and massacred a few days ago by their fellow-countrymen. John Mollis returned homo last Saturday, after n sojourn in California among itilatives. .Mr. Mollis leturns much improved in health, ami reports Californiaim in good spirits, in antid ilution of abundant ciom. We aro pleused to nolo the succos attending tho labors of the llouriug mill committee. Alout $'.TiUU was raised as a louus, and partiiv. who hae Ih'i'H corresouiling with the committee have lieon written to. Want Somk Situs! I have for sale about seven tons of the finest K)tatoes ever raisetl on the John Day river. Can bo hail at my ranch, two miles alovo Mt. Vernon, at 1 1 cents per pound. FltKI! I.. TltKKIIY. ltoprukontiitivo Merui.iiiu has pre sented a numerously-signed petition from people in (intut mid Monow counties, asking for direct mail com munication U'tweeli llaidm.tll, ill Morrow county, to Witgnei, in tSnint county. Mr. Vinson, of the Niles v Vinson Marblo works, was taking orders in tho city this week. We see by Walla Walla exchanges that this firm shipped, during one week in March, over twenty thousand iKJunds of freight to l.ewiston, Col fax ami I'aloute country. herilf Crosap has reertivotl for tuxos, for 1S)0, 1,1)00 out of a total levy of $;I8,000, leuwiig Jl 1,000 still dtilimpint. Notwithstanding the hard timuti nud plot ailing scarcity of cash, (Inint county's taxstyers gtmer.illy manage ti "dig up," although it is sometimes a grout efl'oit U'fore the mutton ami wool is marketed. The wise men from the Ivast en mo Wist anil stuck their peg in (Irani county. .Subsmpiently they remained here, anil ero long will leap the toward for yours of toil. Thine who liaxe laud will wake up some lino morning and find it valuable, while person w ith ins laud, and not much ambition to ncipiiio soino, will howl mid tear their clothes. . A man woman fall in Milwaukee saw a down. He helped her up anil smike wonts of convolution and she sent him a tleed of a f .r00 Int. A man in Astoria did the same thing last week, but tho woman yelled for help, the husband came and the consoler's nose was broken; all of which goes to show there is no understanding woman's ways. Astoria Columbian. You will lind the Nkws in favor of progress ewiry time, linuit county must produce uioie of the fin-1 con sumod hole. We want more mills. tud muiiufacturies and must hae them Uifore the county makes the strides forwanl that should murk tho coming years. Natunil advantagos mo gtsxl in their place, but whom nature has done her a!t enterprise mint step in and join the procession. The Nkws is cheated out of aiiother lirst-class item U'oaliso tho gun failed to do its work. (leu. Joo McAllister was in town a lew days ago, and after ho inturnod home ho imagined that someone had roblxtl him of his pension money. Mo unnouiicetl his tleteimiu utiou of sh(H)ting himself, and neigh bors tried to encourage him in thnt projwssition. Joo did lire it gun in his oabiu, mid when his ncighlxir arrived on thu scene they found him tpiietly picking up chips to make a lire for supper. Of course thoy wore disap pointed, having had their run for nothing. Jih) afterwards said that thu loss of Ilia money was only imaginary. t'KAlKIB CITY NKWS. April 7, 1S01. all comiiionccd Farmers have plowing. William Anderson is over from .Malhuor. Thoru was a tocial dance at the Grange hall hist Monday night. Wo noticed the face of Attorney Denning in town one day last week. City election passed oil" very (piietfy. Forty-nine votes wore oast. "Cixiney" Johnson is over from tho Malhuer, gathering his crop of rice. We understand that tho tie for marshal has been given to Albert Worley. II. F. IK 1st m has returned from Sanger, where he has Won working in tho mines. lion. (!. W. Mcllaley and Judge U. II. J. Comer have filed an injunction against the citv forineor K)ratiug government land. April fool's day has wsod, anil we are very glad of it. Some of the jokos here caused considerable trouble. When a man gives a joke he ought to tnko one. Our worthy detective was sci bo sieged on election day by ollice- , , ,, illlluolleo U) w nIll0UIll' ()f n1(, R K,W r o(w!i WM seekers that no refused to vote, brought to lx'ttr ukui him. At the municipal election the following otllcers were elected: Re corder, J. T. Sullens; treasurer, W. It. Fisk; marshal was a tie Initweeu Jesse Mc.Murdo and Alliert Worlev; councilmen, M. Howell, W. Wrigfit and S. S, Dnrkheimcr. Died, at the residence of 11. John son, March 'tl, 18111, Henry Molina. Mr. Itohua was lorn in Clackamas county, Or., Dec. l.'l, IStiO. Ho was just in the prime of life, honored and resiM'ctotl bv all who knew him. Hv his loss Prairie City loses one ol its best and most resected young men. 1'OUlH S I'l.ASTIMl. Clean your premises, mint your buildings and show that you jsissess some enterprise as well as cleanli ness. Even Lake county is complaining of bail roads this spring. Had roads in tlio spring mean lug crops in the summer. ; A ton of diamonds at the present j day ix worth f :t.r,00),0(X). We fur j uish this information to prevent the , public being overcharged. I Tho Pacific Hrewery's Celebrated I Heer, tho best in Eastern Oregon, is now kept constantly on tap ut the j Ked Front Milliard Hall. j Canada exerted -IO,0X),0()0 worth of products to the Tinted States last venr, ami the I'nitetl States sent to Canada f r,-,0U),(JX) worth. ' A package of four dozen fishing I Hies, addressed to Senator Mcl'her- son, of New Jersey, has been seized by New York customs ollicials. There are no llies on the free list. Quotations at Salem on wool are linn, and the prospect is there will be little change on account of the spring clip, which will come in dur ing May and June. Valley wool is quoted at 'Jt cents and Eastern Oregon wool at I7(i-0c. Fruit is very backward. The season is very favorable to it how ever, for its being now retarded insures it against Hissible l.tto frost. ; eruit proscets are, imleetl. very I Haltering and if no unusual eoudi ! tions arise the yield will lie large. , Little more than a year romains ! before the nominating conventions for the presidential contest of ISSI'J. It is noticeable that the calculations of thu president makers accord an increasing imxirtanco to the Wont ern and Northwestern states in considering the issues and Hssible candidates. The secretary of state is in structed to have published from thu material in his M)Scsion a record of the early Indian wars of Oregon and a brief sketch of the pioneer history preceding such wars and connected therewith. The cost of this work shall not exceed tl.WO. The published liooks will In) soltl by the secretary of state at their actual cost. We feel much pleasure in an nouncing that Messrs. Win. Cooor A Nephews, Hcrklmmstod, England, proprietors! of the celebrated sheep dipping jKiwders, have just estab lished a branch house at (ialveston, Texas. In this, as in any other wool producing country, the Coojmt dip has won for itself such a repu tation that wo most cordially wel come its establishment in this country. Hitherto their trade in tho I'nitetl States has been worked at a great disadvantage, as every business must be which has no es tablishment in a country where it is being carried on. o note one very iniK)rtaut result already. Tho retail price, whichv heretofore has been f'JO, will in future be reduced to $10 jer case, with a small addi tion 'for extra freight to distant jKiints. With this reduction we aro informed that tho Cooper lwwder will, in the usual two dippings for a for ction i over scab and if used at direction strength, work out at a fraction one cent per sheep. UKAK VALU1Y ITEMS. April I, 1801. IMotny of snow yet. Stock looks as well as could lie expected. Mr. Hlake l.andreth gave a taffy pulling tho 1-Sth. Tho young folks all rujiort having a pleasant time. Tho literary socioty did not bust, as rejiortetl by Nemo, but only olood on account of bad roads anil high water. Mr. A. Wickiser gave a dance on the 120th of last month. Several from Silvies Valley attended. All had a good time. I don't think Nemo climbs to the top of his new s tree, for if he did ho would have seen some of the Kcottv creek men with their bristles raised. j I wonder if he thinks things are ; ipiiet on the Silvies river, also. What young man is that we foe going to Canyon City in a buggy, every few days. Things look sus picious, my Imy. K.xkh'1 he will bring a woman back w ith him Mime of thissc times, "(tit there Nemo." It. V. 11. COUNTY ASSESSMENTS. Assessor lirannin,' of I'matilla county, who has been industriously making inquiries to discover the basis of assessment in other counties of the state, gives the Oregouian corresjwutlont the following state ment ol values the tlillerent assessors heard from intflnd putting ' on projwrty tins year: Josephine I(K) per cent. Columbia Krai estate, the same as last year; machinery, .10 jmr cent; all stock, 7.r per cent; mort gages, .'0 per cent; money ami accounts, 100 per cent. Polk 75 ior cent. Benton Laud, oO jwr cent; money and mortgages, 100 jiorccnt; stock ami merchandise, 7.1 per cent. Coos lil'ij ht cent. Douglas Less than 7.1 wr cent. (irant HKJ er cent. Linn Same as last year. Uine -70 per cent. Wushington 0 jHir cent. Morrow Near 7.1 isereeut. Jackson Higher than last year. Multnomah One-third to one half on really; mortgages, K) ht cent. t.'lakamas Nearly "M per cent. I'nion Average. Wasco I'ndecideil, but will assess at 1(H) percent if the people do not iipiv.H' it. Tillamook Higher than last year. Tho Yamhill county assessors writes Mr. Hranniu that the average of tho above is noarly (!t jwr cent, anil ho will entleavor to assess at that value, except money and mortgages, which he will asssess at '.)() per cent. Assessor Hriinnin intends placing a valuation of lillj jier cent on real estate ami mortgages in that county, ami will assess money, notes and accounts at their face value. Ktult.Cliowliii; In lite Notth. The culture of fruits in Oregon ami Washington is one of the unde veloped promising industries of those wonderful states to tho north of California. A writer in the Pota Ilium Courier recently put the case in this graphic style: The pioneers who crossed (ho dreary plums into Oregon in 1 Hit) ami ISM carried with them the seeds of fruit trees, and planted and fruited thwin there early. Some of the oldest orchards in California have trees still growing in Ilium, and bearing heavily, that were brought from Oregon before the days of ' 111. Oregon has a magnificent climate and soils for all hardy and semi hardy fruits. She has not pro gressed ho rapidly as California in fruit culture for want of a market. California attained transcontinental railroad connection more than a score of years curlier than Oregon. This gave the dry state a long start ahead in fruit culture; but now, as a matter of fact. Oregon is tho better fixed of the two in having compet ing lines of railroad across thu hills and prairies. The same may also be said of Washington. Therefore those great states are beginning to "make a fuss" in fruit production, and they are going to keep it up, and rightly, to, for they have got that great northern world, swept by hlizmrds, to supply with fruits. It is a country of vast extent, which will soon bo teeming with millions of (H'tmle, living where fruits cannot grow, out where "stull " with which to exchange for fruits can be; and, Inisides, they have a cool, northern, direct route by which they can ship Lust. wrogon app.es am. prunes an. , plums, ami iKw.bly grapes audi istaches, will soon make a great showing in the world's markets, for no better or greater or surer crops can be grown anywheru. First-olasi clean seed Isirluy for sale at (uudlach's. Co to thu Ketl Front Hilliard Hall, Canyon City, for lino wines, liquors and cigars.' To oxnoLAWe ifhpuritioB in tho thoJP"' m " tluii"'' ivo strength to tho r ..ir...... ..e lo oin-oiB oi ivariii c PfiinderV Oro- o oin-oiB oi ivariii i PfunilorV Oro- Flour, (Indium, Ituiloy, (either ground or whole) Uliiekeu feed, Hye, j Middlings, Itmn, Shorts, A-c, Ac, at (limdlaoli's. I Vigorous-growing Iomlirtly jop I law, from one to three years old, nt D. 11. Hltinelintt's place, cast of town. Will U packed anil sltipKtl to any address, IIuIiuch thikhiCHH COllrKO Ol j l'oitland will open Sept. 1st. J. A, Wesco, tho loading penman of the i coast, has becoino a p.ulnor in this ! school and will make it tho lending I Husinoss College. Send for catnloguo ! 0 in 1 When you send away for goods remember the linn of Collin A' Mc j Farlaud at Ileppner. They not on i ly guarantee you first class goods at lowest prices, but they pay mail or express charges on same to any stage ollice in (Irani or Harney counties. See their new "ail" for further particulars. Throughout Franco there is a general feeling of Iiojhi that the tlilllculty between Italy anil the I'nited States may result in war; not because of any dislike for Amer ica, but becaufe of the national hatred for Italy. It is assumed that if Italy should go to war with the I'nitetl States she would com pletely ruin herself ami thus enable the inevitable war between Russia ami France on the one side, anil (iermany and Austria on the other, to be fought squarely anil fairly for the prize of r.tiroKau supremacy. As will l seen in another column, under notice of administrator's Kie, ! there will U. st.hl on the Uth of next . .1. ten - ..t I l i..: . ...it. moiitn, iu acioi oi laiiil lying south of the llerburger and John Luce fui ids, all fenced, it is splendid pas tille laud, with living water, mid Hullicieut to lamb 1000 ewes in with out trouble. Also lfiO acres lying U'twecii Canyon mid Marysville, in cluding the old race truck. It has a j grtsit donl of farming land on it, nml j water can lt got easy. One-fourth of ' cash, oiiC'fouith in three mouths, ami one half in one year. Fur xiiticiilars ' see notice of sale. The assessor of I'matilla county I has done a public service by oh i turning from all the counties in I Oregon a tdutcmeiit of the basis of ! at-hci-siiicnts and grouping the va ; rious roKrls so as to show plainly I the glaring inequality of valuation, and consequently of taxation. The ' valuation of precisely the same procrty for thepuriHise of taxation 1 varies, in tlillerent parts of the state, 1 from .K) to 100 jier cent. Here is ! work for the new state board of equalization, winch ought to ho organized so soon as tho law creat ing it becomes oH)ratlve. Orego uian. There is a man traveling around the country, savs an Oregon ox- ' change, with a roll of counterfeit money, and showing bank clerks I anil others, for i 10 apiece, how to ! distinguish counterfeit pajKir money. it is a secret tiiat a lew pam lor years ago. Here it is: Every hill is numbered; take the last two figures in the numlier of the bill; divide by I; if no remainder, "D" must upM'ur as the letter mark on that bill; if II remains after dividing the last two figures by I, "C" must ap'ar; if - remains, "K" shows; if 1, then "A." This rule is infallible. Suppose the number on the bank note you have is 'j:t7,-I.S.1; "H.1" are the lust two figures; divide by -I, there is a remainder of 1 ; then""A" is the letter on that note it is gen uine; if "A" doesn't apiiear the bill is bogus; supMifii the bill is iiinii bered :III!,I7I; "71" are the last , two; divide by 'I; there is a remain- derof; then "H" is tho letter, and I I so on. A False Report. linker City, April .!, ISfll. Eniioii tiitANT t'o. N;ws: Will you kindly insert the follow ing in your pajier: It came to my knowledge that somebody traveling in your section is spreading the ronirt, in order, I presume, to interfere in my busi ness, that I have arranged to buy wool for a certain firm. In onler to vindicate the nqsirt, I emphatically deny it, ami in justification I beg to say that lam not connected in any shaiie with any firm for the purose of buying wool or anything else. My aim and object has been to sell wool on consignment to thu highest bidder, and for thu best market price, which 1 invariably obtained, so far, and those who hnve consigned . to me foimerly will justify my assertion. 1 ruly yours, S. A. lh;n.NKii. - Letter List. Letters remaining uncalled for the ixistollleo at Prairie Citv, Ill Or pril I, LS'Jl. p k Nt)VV)a t;iaros W Meek Persons calling for any of above letters will please give date of ad- vertising. Kick K. MuMai.ky, P M. l ESTHAV NOTICE. Came to my ranch, on Canyon oreok, uhout May 1, lh'.K), one bay saddle jmiiiv bramlitd AH and under it on left shoulder, described as follows: Four white feet, white face. Also one gray maro, branded V on left shoulder. Owner oau havo the above duscriltod animals by paying charges. Kam'ii llv , MUNICIPAL CONTEST. At Canyon City's first election under the ohcrter of incoriwration, hold last Monday, the following iicrsotii nml ine nonor oi receivini: rich. Frank Mcltean: recortler, X Kulison; treasurer, John Muldrick; marshal, W. It. Cunuington. The closest vote was Imhvecn Hulison and his opponent, W. II. Kelly Kulison received II, and Kelly 10 votes. To" use a familiar iiuolation, "the election passed oil' tpiietly." - - . . Head the new ails, this week. Kev. Mr. Luce ttnik a trip to the Iongwatcr country during the week. Mrs. Dayville Snow. Ilirdie Sets is visiting at , with her sister, Mrs. D. (!. Overboil anil wife started , yesterday morning for Portland, where David will purchase a large stock of new gixxls. Win. Overboil, j of Monument, is assisting in tho i store during the proprietors absence, j The state penitentiary closed its ! gates the other tlav on two men, ' ,'1,),,,vn,.,l,,I ,)u"B' fro"' ArliiiKton. Pliev had stolen two dollars ami fifty cents, ami for this crime tluy got three years each. Sandy Olds was committed a day or two U'fore to the same hostelry for a cold blooded, reil-haudcd murder. He got a year. From all which it loi.owsiua intne eyes oi wrcgon judges and juries it is a thrice- ll ".I . f .t . e . greater crime 10 steal two ami a half than to take a human life. Dalles Chronicle. Foster, the gieat weather pro phut, predicts terrible storms, oarthijiiakcs, cyclones, tornadoes, and all manner of bail things be tweeu the till of May. 1 Sl I , ami the -M or May, 1SU2. He says he i knows he will bo criticised oten tonsivcly for making such predic tions, but time will prove him correct. Foster has been running successfully a rather large retail weather bureau for some time, but it is to be hoped ho will prove a dismal failure in the wholesale business. Two branches of the Mormon church at lndeendenco, Mo., known resiectively as tho "Hen tlrickites" and the "Keorgauized church," aro lighting for Hiscssion of Mount '.ion, a low hill about four acres in extent, which was selected by Joshua Smith as the place where all the elect will assemble on judg ment day, ami from there be taken to heaven. The Mormons believe tho foundations for a magnificent temple were laid many years ago by tlio angel (iahriel and his hosts, who will descend from heaven and uncover these foundations, and in a single night erect a beautiful temple. Italy killed all thu members of (ho Matin that did not escape to America, and now when her escaped assassins meet tho death they so richly merited, tiu Italians aro boiling over with rage. If thev would kick tin a little war. ft ' would bo a gorxl eteuso for killing thu balance of tho Italian cut throats left in this country. Hut I 'lido Sam has already saiil ho was awful sorry it occurred, ami ho hones im how t( U'tin! fwetti- iimiiii ,,. ,..m llli1Ili,i.. u.imi im ..... , ,r. . , it . . , nig aiioiii it minion umiars apiece for tho brutes, rather than that the king of Italy and his subjects should havo any hard feelings over the matter. Tho Dalles should be the diverg ing jioint of suvcral railroads penetrating tho country south and north. Gilliam, Crook ami Ciraiit counties must bo reached from this city, and the samo can bo said of Klickitat county in Washington. With means of transiiorlutiou these counties would mid their natural wealth to the trade of this city, ami tho greatest wheat and wool shipping point in tho North west would bo hero. Wo aro at thu gateway of the Inland Kmiiirc, , , " , ' cv"r)' k,iww" facilily for couimen e mni iiuiii iiaciiires. I no lime lias come when we must help ourselves, or roan no benefit from the Hood tidu of prosperity which is now rushing over the Northwest. Trails-continental lines will not help build ut) this city; but rail roads controlled by local capital will. Iluild a road to (iohhmdalc, ono to the Fossil coal fields and from thence into Crook and (Irani counties, and in a very little while wo shall witnoss a wonderful iiioreaso in business mid material wealth, --Mountaineer. FOK SALIl One dark-bay Morgan and Kidney stallion, II years old on ihn 8th day of next June, height. 10 hands ami 1 imh. Ono iron-ijroy Morgan and Hidnoy stallion, tlyearH old. M. M. AtiAtuo.f, Buiumit Itonch, Hour Valley. a ma iirilv ol voles lor mo various )r..ww . i . s ii iiiaii mr mvii mvji ..in '. 'i i w P.,rr;l.. tnroiign the country, u.itwo. -'Y "'. '.' ',".',' ; , SW) miles of wire, on OUUIII.-IIIIIOII, k. u, v.unvm, . .. transnillttHl S0.0J0, I hompsou, .V II. Holey, a. iiupp- (sr,at lirluln has lso. Mil I'KTiiotr, who had nltargo of th census ot .Masks, estimates the popula tion ot thn territory si from a.000 to ! .is.ooo. ot tbu number onc-snTciitii aro white. Tin: Unltea Ststes has 77fl,5O0 miles of telegraph wire, anil In 1880 no less messages were sent l-ranco has3')).- which In 18W wcro 000 illspstoliet. 000 tnllfs ot motsl line, ana In tsvj sent SO.eoo.ooo mns I sages. , Is Kiiglamt aiul Walos, out ol 'W.Oil ftKhl samples which wore recently an aljritxl, 3,01 wero found to bo adulter alcsl. This Is tspial to tD per cent., a percentage loner than In any previous year since Iss, when It was under II. Nearly one-half tho samples taken wero ot milk, and the pereenlage reported against was IX'i. Tin: miinlior of maliM ami females Is , a I .nit euat mid their nxerago Ufa U aWut tlilrty-tlireo years;. one-fourth of I tho Inhabitants die before they reach ; ttielr lUtoonth joar. To I.IKM Mrons only one roaohet tho agoof una humlrrU 1 yo.iri totwery I0J only slx'reui-h tho ago ol slxty-IUe, and not mur thua one III 500 llvtm to sco their t l.-htletli Joar. If a man eats a (oumt of beef, mutton or other flesh tuery day. In a year ho , wilt consuiiin 30,1 h)iiiiiU, and la six years 'JI.VoO pounds o( int-aL lie will eat ' I lie same weight ol vegetables and quite as iiiuoli liread, so liere are U.SKI peilinU more. Iln will drink every tluy two tpiarts of colToe, tea. w Inc. heer or water, making a total of 10, WO iuII-i,m, or atiout 175 liogsheads of llipild TIIK LAUIUS UKLiailTltU. The jileasant ellect ami tho jsr feet safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions maku it their favorite remedy. It is pleas ing to the eye anil to the taste, gentle, yet ell'tctual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. 7Y1' 1 7rr. oivis isisrjOYts Doth the method ami results when Kyrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing 1(5 tho tan to nud acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver nud Howelt, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, heath aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of lla kind over iiro tlliccd, pleasing to tho tasto nml ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly bencticial in its ellects, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil. It is forsaloin fiOo ami tl bottles by all leading druggists. UNUAOTUMD OM.Y Sr IMS CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SiH HAACISCO, ct. 10UIS vittr, AT. ll f tonic, K. 1 WOOL. Money a den need on. this year's Wool Clip, slpply to R. Hlckson. Canyon City and. Ar lington, Or. plE)pOSTOFFiQgTORE) OIXYON I TV. Oil. I.- lUtrrish Propr. A fine stock of fiesh Candies, Nuts, Tolstoeo, Stationery, Etc., Etc., just received, (live mu u cull. STOCK HHAND.S. W will HiUi.li fi stit bf uur t.ifuUr lubMtibers v UriUtnt', Iii Oil. ttifuiMii, s tlwtilt iitcfilUn if lli.lr lor or Mitli triud tttt, fitn muis du not unuiir lo urml t linn. Thru Ixitlns ult HI W hrirr., TIL I'muni not tulmrlbr tilll It tUtir.) ii yr fur mil btsnl. ALbreiUtwiK: I l-r Ml, r Im right, h Ur Uli, t rr il.oul.lrt, I far ll.lli, tic. Canyon City. J. A. Iifton stille connefltetl ST, (I. D. Kickartl 1 h F(J JohnDay. Kiuolmit light side I) K D. II. also cuttle under slope each t-ur. DW .V I'.M "isk, rat tie r h . DF horses Is How and Arrow. W. P. Duncan r s quarter-circle W Smith llros. cittle I N HZ Mt Vtrnon Emma Cole, horse and cuttle 1 h NY Monument J. Putnam, horse r s (connected Hamilton J, II. Ilumillon, I s conceded Prairie City Chris Swuiuen r h S, A. Tuoker I s Slantoa, Ktwoithy A Fisk 1 side cattle horso I s JP J II OSJ F" . t X 4 "" ' . i I 'll ' u ' it I: ' VCJr - .