-I a Jfc . ' . . V " ?JR BaaBau.4u3aya.aanKaaamaai v.- War ".- SKkSamVTl la: -m j' I I V , 1 rf"f. , a 3, ' it I J V "" CHANT'S H0H5EMANSHIP. An litrl.lant That Omirrfl After lit Hal III of I'ort IliiiUini. "SifMklW 1t General Urania fi.r iafaMaEthtft." aakl lleneral N I' Hanks It a .Sow York Tribune rrtmr;. 'VVOIfrtfnla me of an Incident that tr ' - Mrtwl noott atUr Hie ttsltl of IWt II, ! ; j tii wnlltti he ptv me th r" ' rite UeiiWsl (Irani JHl the n Tr myrAtomaml a vtlt at the l . I 'wjjfl ami was hwl to ri in v 11 (lit with llltH HO horw. n 1 I tint for Itio ooeaaluii tli ii' . Imy iiaratlo liorun wliuh the lUliiiim of MuMachuaeti pre fiHawhen I tent to the front .All Of my oW miUllfrit will n fltyUMt bay heras. 1 rode on the tjS tVprotWlibrml til ark mare, it'i.l aV.it WTttUint slate of anilely li -t jswld raH away vilth mo when t U(l. Willi, the trMl4 Ml re 1 lk Hjo ami Mi) rwle .li.ttn ilt JMiTT " Tf . ii. i. ficltiHl . tho tmar Urn lirnnf Wit Am lxiy at lil "I (SMil, ami a wm wr- glibrMl ho euuia mn mi the lay at if li- Of him. but tit Jitll. uliy I TSotf In m nut lo Il.'. ii ni at WetSttwM itlataitce. but to .fi-ti 111 If atiMaSTfrorn dtalttticltig tlif ( rnl awl runHttg oil lth we. (Irani r.l. Vllc ptmroji ami I aftr lilm until tin' rVrk ttrflalahntl, the truufrt In the (fjMbintr tlio mi mi with In imnieilwiiH afuiuinnnifiiv- rr tlMHAtl'THanl tlm tr"oH wito nmt$in tlm I'Voiit anil, ai far iW ran lftarn, ni,Tr ewltJiil thuiiui- t U wlii-lhiT It fa a liuravrnrp M . m iliary nrlor." Wl.Hooii thciilJirtof liori',"viii ItftCul Dm Ofm-ral. "tlio two anlinaU tlrtftl tvok Midi iimlnl.. tlm fli'Ul at th' W'tCHMk vl thoi'tvll war mirt IvihI nil of 'l1ljnwmMliflt III wlilrh I nat I'llvraid 1 ' WliSn I IMturniil Ulfhll tiriu!ti I t.iok litfSTiftfXX Jiark Ui Mawa-'huwHA Willi Mgjid koiL tlif falUiful nnlinati uiilll .iij)tilTWiijil I rarnly utMtl rxi-cjit on j,i "Mil 'III an einiivtpy. Hp w.i iki .lo to rlk htN life on tln lli'hl uf .JSH- TW .tlii." 1 initially rtxln aimtln r l.ay In ltlo, a lil, Niwnrli.l ami unilmn an .nnl. IIt mti woumliil mi mm ml i tim liut noun of tlio MiiiimU Mfiinil In I3l nijrlouil munih lu liicuarUuii' It I id tfirlautl.il hiirvko. I rtxtn liliu nt Hit nSltluuf Cmlnr Minintalii." te: ' - - - JWJ&Mi I!l'!ifim.l. Iiwki.i. k UIit, Mm )lHwm gf JjgtUW) 1 ihiInI nt. a lln 'JJJhMUI BiltlMir of MiiiiH vi-r.v to ISfra on IVIUh ami llimirnrluii kmwurti. Him liu itUo w rltl.n n ittilllk) JkM'lll V .Milt. I'lltllUIII UHk . M, INiR. anil U ii ) ii- .ii'uin oI.I.t nil lirlkitiiitfiiUlii'l lirotlu-r. . iSfitaJlek far I.MCuei Aracnd houfeltoiuttuni'il Iniuli, unlrn lull l""lW HiUuKtrnnl nrrr li.ii.la, M1...I1 ;lin MWllVtl't tli iMtii! maUrU liii.iii:ualn -ctHrnu.ltii laaaltst nt rrory brnlli tjr Aiuijili unHovl.l wall any UUU (rftitlhl flUtlUoUii'l.il liidiii'ttco. V.l SrBflhitU(Bt alitnl.i rrmoljr nr to pre tit, pum Til ll ruiMtituciiU, ami Ihn pro tWMnally ri noniiluM tuliilUute lur ll.o ba to Hi ilrutr. 'fwlnin.. It nama U IL.tti llrt'j t' llnilrra, n family nlo. timl hi. I i iilx an nut l..iu u ill Al4tnH a tiu'ftii it m iittaiiMit.ir , lKrHiiA, uii.l irlUnlnir i'.mi .lipa vr iHUMi'liii.t, tliiMiiiialiiiu, kitlnr lilaitiltir niltitriil, ai. i'rrv.iiiiri, UK intlftuinhlt It lair. tin. llr-l .Ur, ata.1 a UH'ib nppcllvr. t'cu It jilo .?lt ,1'OK I'UIILICATION laal oni'i ( tturni. oi..m. Man I Jl t livable riven thai i!k I..i..mui ..u.'.i BIM HUI M III. InlMilluu . II.. I. la aai-twit of bla rialia, an.l t).l .al.) waaim itftivw iiwi unii ri.ii. i 1 ..i.' I, al l)inrni rlir, lir.v..ii. i. l: lHUI.LI. CWII'lll'l.l . Il.l f Ui:.,rvc 31 T. U K J' . AM tba Inikwliw aili-ur. I., nr.... I... aralMiw' .! awl rnliWai..i. i .il l w-lvaa I'. Ilnalay, ollaniui. riit.in. . if Cantuli I'ttt, fir. . riH.ma. Ml, Ola , llai.k W I i l 1 II. Ill STIMIMV H. , TIIK noy tiUgi Lino. .Towott, Pro). we fen tea rnnyoii on .Monday. , ..atfdny nnd l'Vidny tit I i m , .mil Jen v os lluriii on Tuci.d ty Tliiir dlty ftiul .Sittuidny, unitiiif.; nt Cmi tou Oily Knino din. PflHuillgcr mid Fici'ht ft) iniison.i ile rain, FOR SALE u fi i nm 'I'V ft ' n v n 1 1 n i rJii) in mi: i UioBt nttrn i( , l i tutiful in I il lifjlitfnllN 1 i it' 1 H iburb of IPORTLANDI For fiirtliii infoi in itiuii mid fm iirchniie apply lo I". C, Sir or M .rroiiii, Incut i: ids nt ('nuvon 0r.wur lo lli.siiv li D.istn I TriMtrc, SO St.trk ilitct. l'uit Oregon, F. C. SELS. i iETABLlf PANACEA tV I'liEI'AHED fHOM rrOTS lie HERBS. ' I AH Ttir lllna nan ' rwn (iia, wji(. wr ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIHO fHOM A j-ttO STAT EcfTiic STOMACH OR AN CrriVE. LIVER. ron salc uy ai l 1ISTS & GRNEHAL DEALERS. 3 THE ONLY TRUE SPaGN TONIC will rHPf it u4i v-Uiia ur a4 iumi t4 a4 ta tart. rlittittiMUi tit MJi Uri vf. A rIC?c r llhlr mi will t4 LMulUOli UK. HARtRRH IKOJf TON 10 iMtml e r OttM tlr, bl iJ talk thofe f lh Mlfllll (Of, HARTCR'S U TTLK LIVCH riLtV Df HARTtfl MCOICINC CO., iLUUi, Kfc t I I mil In fr llm for plil 11 rr lreiicU rii llir illuf ll v itrgiHiMt rrtfiil lb tlUHU Willi UIO lllltrllMlvil M Mil ANTI-BILIOUS MEDIGINE, III Ml al Mr In I ilUlrlrla I lift r t rltir. r allrl rrric llli'l( h I In1 Mjra r illarirtirrlltliilrrtliit;ilM'iaiam friilit HihI laill. I ti'Kiiltllt ailjajf. cualcil. Ilo.o ainull, I't Irv, 'JActa. Sold Evorywhoro. Ollli c. 1 1 Jliirnty St.. Snw York. UOMSUfIPTION SCnOFULA nRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting Diccasoa EMULSION CURES Wuiutuiftil Flooh Producor. Many liuvc ,'itintil cno pound per tl ty by ils u-o. SritV J'nmlMi.,n 5 1 n.l n sccrot rcincdy. It cuiiluiiiH tlio Ht i miilnt in,' I'n.porlii of tho lIyHiphoH-phili-1 niul ptnr Nmwc;,'iun Cod lii Oil, 11k- polciioy of both boiik l.ni ly ini'i i'umhI. Itinumiil by I'lisxi.-iniiH nil "Vet- tho world. PALATARLE AS MILK. Solil I'! oil Urmiiililf. flOOYT A 'IOWNG, Ohonilalo. N.Y. PATENTS A 4mt4tlrt nf lnfornitl n nJl- J t'UI&lU I'AIVIIll, lf(Alf ifJf( tvliiit MUMM L. CO. ')! ) l. VI .!: . ' . I. .. l .i i i . n. Il ' tr li ia . I. .p. U . ..I i.i ' i i U .i 1 r ' i .i pio i!i...t tliu liitui i i. . r ho nm. j.tii "I hi... Wi- can olotho yon nn! litr.-ih yo.i i.'.lh all thu niHit aa.ti y uml ituuut-t i.iy niillniii'u to i id ". wall, .luw, i.luui, twt, llah, limit, work, 1 cluirth. or atay at huma, uii.l l.i . .ir..iia itiua, tlylaa ami iiioitit(on. Juat lUuru mil what la reijmrcU Uiil..atl thiwo thtitH COMrORTAtlll. an I y.ii fall i-iul.o a Ulr u.tuiml.i ul llu vulu" ..I I li.. IIIIYi:i(li' DU1DK, win. li will ho aotil iipnii rr(-oit)t i.f 10 i iti I) i ty ......taita, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111.111 ilKliimll Aoriu-, I'lii .i.j.lll. XHE "CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN" lit' ntlaliiiil n -l.iiilni.l of itrc. Il.-tico lil. ii ii'iinii nf mi t.iiiu rior Il f .ul .nut i vi iv In mv. nu nt II, ut jni'iillti t' iilu , ( kill mi l nu in y can WAIN I1ANTED rou OmajJMmBmi riVE YEAI1S. I- an Tin .tt olletit Orgmm nm ei h l.r.iie.l f r tl i Ir volume, iiimllty of t .nc, ipih l ii I "i , t arh ty of coinliln.tt h m, ni 11 . I? ih !tl,:n,ln ,tuty In UnMi, perfect eom tm.' ti 'li, n..il.nig thiui Mm- mo 4 (tltini-lne, orna ut il nml ill Irnl.le urfaili In tin woihl for Unuie-t, HcIiooIn, I'liuivlu i Iiilt'r.. end rix.lctl03. ( atnlogiii'H on npi'll. ntlcn, Fiiki: Chicago Collage Organ Co. ti WAbASH AVIi., CHIOAOO, ItU TirH nm 5 ruib s faMaaiH OHCANS OF INTMNSIC VALUE AND ' STEII-LINO iirnir J. L. B. VIAL & SON IIW7V .I.A-A7.V (i ml ..' II 'l US, ll th i.i: Citv, - Oiin.ov l --Di-ali'in in WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWEtRY, NIlVruWAII', V'OLIHS nml GUITARS. Xl.a.i In Imii iitt C'.ILit.iala. ITC Opptmile I'nion Mem Mm kit, j Main Slice t. Laurance Donlnrs in Prairie City, P.egon. aijw Annum itw Tr. Km nt Itro a lniili-nipiit Co 'a Mnoliincry, (onuititiiin ot ilownrn, ltrai Si if Himiiiijc llnrvpatoni. ItnkM nml wniroiii. A full Hue of Atf- ririilliunl IiniliuiPiiU nml etrni Wliicli wr will h II clump for Cnali City Meat Market. Wmkingtmi Htitl, V ! CRAY, IIIUM.HS IN All Kinds Of lly Vlin1rinlf nml Itrtnll. .'III orders filled S. A. llEILXI'lll, Forwarding & Oomniissioii House. Bakor City, Baker coxiuty, - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale al Wholesale W ill idu.it H riiil.'.nnr to (il.l.iin tlio hii'lii'ht lii il ki t im i, in nn WouIh, etc , lor I'JtlirH loii.siiiiii to iin, vii.ic, llifii ih ni i . III. Mark all g-oods IHUl II'K Torn or tiii: moiii.d. . c 1:i'i "I.. A w'JilS " 'i ifiuinri i c i.i i n ... " ' ' I r I c ,i i I j I I,,. ..J.cr. ll.rm.nl in Oil. ..p.r on ! .rn l i r .Ul.Htuc. jBBrjiiWJs&ji.- x'swirvx BEMTY fen . 1 1, ur - il lb lattlg if, lata, t t tu,U, ( , t i Ian, i fa i .IV 4, I'aUihtof , u i UtU atMII- np'V , ' . I a.11.,, J Jfr f J ' I ' 7 1 . r . iwla . I M Mai AM IL V : riwatt 1 I 1 . ) I f .1 jrU K I) i 9 I kf lul.If I' , W I iV w I. vw k - U t .M I luiiruierkU MI4' ot V I tl.U v l I. - ay r - i vi if li--r I wo a '4VIUI. Q fl t fr.1 I ft '-I tl a. I i i lvlat ii ir ' l .i ii 'r U tl V i rtfAin .1 pt -rl.C If . r i tuUl a ttiijr ( 1 1 i . cb M jr I'm if Wn r. h u i i . tnAl t marl I l.l. I'l Uaa , v. ItH I -ii I S it t H I I.al t.ir i..t nt. ! fur tl.. Iet (n buy. I fl aiaV llou. li.i.it I K II. ,,i, .U 5.' S' W ffiT) TB. lo i uio IMi .u-r. , -,. L II p .t. 'U, Jl .1 hi ., i . i i . i. i : Uio ..' ..;..! ...i r fjivtrrii'iJ ,t.i. .. t.a.1 llii NU A I.I.NIo . i In ili. Uciii.l,, II.g bi.i.t. , l ii i i hi i'l ti --.r i .i-ivi mi m1. rj..ll.l .1. li.- tll Ali'm. ,r:oT."S Ilnlllo. 'udtcouvoiii I.I.IMItlUtJ if Unit HJ. Catcal., an J Tri ' Me. a. utiial ml and a. I' ii.ltuu r C i,,' r MoDimii rrca oil orricc la orroaiTC U S Ptint Oifrt alii o rail a . ur v. t u lea lluiu llau tl ! rruiuUi fr-.nt t a-Ti,, it N.111I mol' I iltiw iuk- ur i.hottt . llli i), r, tlou. W aJti.a. If (al. Ul, i,r i.t, fin' tif tliarx. Our I.,' i.l iUo till .alriil Ii .if urrd. A PiMaMltT, "Il'.ar lutlliialii I'attli.U," llll iiamaa i,f mual cln ula lu jruur bUn,cuunl, ur lunu, taut frro. AdJrti, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oar, ftTinr Orrict, WtiHiNarON, D, C, r U 1 a.. . CltafS i . . . . .. bill: mm r-i t!y HoweI. for nil Marliitin niaml in (hi rountrr, nr tut limn with npprorc.l Mxurity. Ornymi Cilv, Ot Prnprlrtnr KIJMSir H Vi A I S M,Jk311 111 liJxl- nu Sinrl A'nlirr 1. 1 1)1' flll'W.Ild till' H.1IIIC Itl'.'Olllit, HAKDH CITY . 11E1LXER. iDF.l'lTY STOCK INSl'F.CTOHK. , N-Ih-o U hereby gi von t)...( T hnvo , tli is dnv iipiMiiiilcil the following per- t ii- i f I fc''llH llcpllly Hlook lllHpCCtOI'S lOl" ! (ii'itnt county, Oregon: .VAMKH, I'OSTOITICK. Chns. 1. Johnson, John II. linker,. . (!. II. Kiniborliiiiil WniTcii Cmnncr, . Win. Hull Wood ( 'mtcr K. S. r.lnckwell,.. . L. M. .inliimoii Win (iilliH T. II. Cm I Dayvillu Cnlol). Mount N'oriiuii. Wngimr. l'rnirio Cilv. , Fox. Ilniiiilttin. Khoollv. Kilter lohn Dnv. V. V. IIiNTov. Slock Iimppnlor for (Smut Co., Or. Mny 7th, 1891. on to Tin: I' fh tu TlmOioit Hi . UHJ ,1J(UIIUM . J '. Kfrpicns, - lropr ion a riK.-tr ri.H hth, hiu-ik, siitu i'. in mi ii tin 1 1 r is tiik i..r hru.i Shenm giound fur '2' edit per pair. NOTICIJ FOK I'UIILICATION. UtMll Ottlra at Huma, OrrK.Hi. I'tlwwary laVI Si. III. 1. Willi) vltf II IIUU ll.r Mlua ill 11 miril nu r i.aa nl. niitlcv 4 fula li.ivnil.4i lo n.aka rn.nl wia4 in auiiiui of nla 'laliai ami lhal a I i.kiI lll Im uu4a Wlar M. ruul clvrl .il l.'ai.l ...mil) . Of , t ftl)Ul! Clit- or., un AiKll 7, l-l. to- J I'AMI'HKLI. UARTIN, erv H No .i'.. I... tl.,-Kj )., aw. 11 T. I I. a K I . Il. ...nn U.u lull. .Hln iin,aara tii .,i, hi. . I.I.HU..II. it .Ult-i.m ttM4i anl t'ltltlta'liHi nl, aai4 'i'l. to - on , M lu i.i.l.i... .,l fa,. , .in t'll. , r It . . 1 tl ,. h . . I' I.. I I- I r .. i. ,,f l.t . lilt , Or. I J, li, II' i v I.. ...I.r WOVEN WIRE BEST FENCING STEEL WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. ACKNOWLPnnp 1 -rue ncu-r (of Lans, G3rJenj, Farnu. Rariehcs and Railroads. Mill .Slll 1., 1 . I T . . ... . HI I , llrHI 1.I.I..VM flit LI Ut .M.TIIMi, ,VtrlliU i wm wie uama amma i i i n 1 1 "at" I tme CiBtriT eottrr roa rnr. Statk or OitRno.v, rom nr. rotrrr or (Ihaxt. MMrgarst I'owull l'Muiia ) va. Atlnm iturnty. A let Mnrniy Willium MHrry, cofinrtfiem aa "MHrtny llrotln'tT," mill Kinnlh U. Mcl.oiiHflii I)fmlnnt. To KatiiMth li. ,MoIinnaii, one of the above imrtiwl ilofentlnnU: Iiv Ilia nitrtiH of Um Stale of Oregon, you nre hereby reqitireil to imr nml snawor the coiuplaint rilml ami in t von in the almve nntiilcil action on or lforo Murnliv the L'Tth lr of April, A. 1J. l?fH, the iwinc itr of April, A. 1). M tho mioo einff the fir judicial ,Iaj of the mt -guTar term of tJie Circuit court of " SUte of Oregon foi llninteotintv; i..l if ..... f-.l T . ......r I.I li rrgii the StaUof Orpffi and if you fml no lo answer, forwntit tbrtHif, the riHintiff will Uko yulg innl ntraiiiai you fur the aunt of ll.l0O.(Ml and ititoreet lliereoti from he 10ih,!y of September l the rate o! ton ptr o-nt. ier aiinuin, nml the further snm of $'.'00 reaeon- J able Alty'a feee, ntnl fur the further ; nm of flHU.i Ami interest thoreoa from the fithiUy of .Iniiunry lffH. At Iho rute of ten per cent. pir niinuni j loan the atnn of Si'li interaftt jmiil ' tlioreon on the '.'nil day of JninmrT If'.Ml, nod for the further mini of i 1 110. (K) mntonnble nltorney'n fee. ! 'or the coU nml diiburacmenta ,.f ihhuptfc,,,. You will nlao lako nolicii that ll.ia iiminoua Is ubliahcl br order of Hon. Morton 1). Clifford, one of tho JuilgoR of the Circuit court of the SUlo of Oregon fur tlrnnt county, innde nnd onterod the lltlitlnyof .Mm-oh, A. I). I SIM. 1'arribii ,k Coit.tn. Alloriicvg for I'lnintilV. DMINISTISAIOK'S SAhli. lly viit..., of ., order iwued bv the I'o.u.iy Court of the SUto of Or' .!, foi the .ouiitv of (irnnt, innde nnd enlertHl in tl. jouriml of ani.l court on the ltd dnv of March, A. I), I Ml I . uthoii.i.u; "the anlo of nil the it.il property belonging lo tho eatnlc of.Mnit.ii Gundlncli. il.ceal. tlm i.i,dc.iL.....,l Ad.i.i.i.Blrntor of thcea- tnleof .Martin Uundlnch .Icwnned. ,..,1 r ti. ii..n.....i.i.. i.'.iin,.r (i.ii.dlncl. .V Uro. and Jnint-H N'orinnii A: Co. will oiler for iwlo nt the Court IlutiHo door in Cnnyon City, (Irani eitiililt' f irriiirnh mi 1 1 1 1. 1 it v rtitt 1 lfli il.t of April, A I). 1M1M, the follow- ing plupi'itv btiluiiL'iiii; to Hiiiil KhUIu iik follcw'H, to wit: Tho South Half mid Noilli enat (iimti'i- of Soctioi, Twenty-niiio -tlin TowiiHliip Thir teen, 1 1.'! Soiithof UiiiicTliitty-onc, .'H KtiMt Willuiiictto .Nloi iilinn, con tniiiiug Four llundiud ii'id l'.iolitv ISO ncroa; nnd tlio Nortli wcht (Junr tor of .Section Tliirty-i.'ll5 inTown whip I!l, South Kitnge III, Kagt Wil , It mot to Meridian. coiitiiiiiiiiL; One lluinlrud mid Sixty nciOH. Ami also the propoity kuow'n nu tho .lohn Dnv Flouring Mill mid lot on which it Hlandn, iloHcribod us follows: Coin inoiicino nt tho Sniitli-eniil corner of thu town lot of A. li. McCnlluin in John Day city, in (Irani county, .Stntu ( of Oiogou, on wli it'll miid McCalliua's I itmitloiicu btiindi, thoncu in a 2s'oith I urly direction on the oahtoiu bouu 1 diity lino of the Miid reaideucu lot to the Sotithorn lioiindary lino of 11. C. i '1 rowhridgo'x land, thuiico lias I on K.iid line to tlio woat line of the toei diincc lot of Jaint'N Norman, in miid John liny city; tlienco South along wiid went line to tlm (.'utility Koad lending fiom John Dny city up the John Day river; Uioiilo Wonteily idling tho line of nnid comity id county rond to I tlio place (f hcgiiiuiiig; with tlio inti'icut in the ditch conveying water (o mid mill Irtim tho John Day liter, mid the light to tho line of Hitid water for naiil mill; all being aittuted ill the County of Cumit and !tnto of Oiogou. Said piopoity will be aold to the liighobt bidder on the following teriitft: Ono Font Hi of the put'clmae lirice lo be imid in c.iah on the ilav of Hitle; One Fomth in tlueo inonthit i lifter MAid anli': md on i hn'f in one I year fixim aaid aule. Defi-ried i i.. 1.. I I -I i fi. nii-tain .ii i.u atiuill.'ll ll Mutt' niul inortgugo on thu property aol.l. Silo to coioiuence nt Tin ltl o'clock in the foieuooiiof the atitl Sntunlny the llth dny of April, A. I). 1KU1. (Ikoiiui: (IrNiu.Acii, 1 Ailuiiiii-strntor. jyOTlCK OF FOKFKITUKIi. To 1'athh k Hkiohhiiv: - You arohoroby notitleil that I hae nxpendeil One lliindifd Del la is in labor and improvement iixu tho I '.lac!; Diamond mine and One lliin died Doll.us in labor nt:d impiuvn. meiitson the Surprise miue, both ait timed upon Oreenhotn luoiintniu in . 1. It.-- i . l. i . i mo vyiiio leva, .u mill'' wiaiuut iu Cran. county, 0,v.,. being il,., , mi w-,..;,a,.i ?. 1...1.1 ii.i. viiiik iviimivii ir f iwui iiiv vn 1 11 U lor the year 1SU0, and if within DO .l,.v ..ri..- il... r.-i ...,i.i....,i;.,.. ,,f ii.:.. I uto your piojKirtion of atich es nili tin e as n to owner, your intereat in said claim will lieeome the pro mi ty of tho aulmciiber iiuJi-r Section '.'IIJI of the Kotiacl Stitutcxof the ruiled Slalos. Ttu.oii Ai.riioisK. Canyon City, Or , Feb. Jl, I Mill. ItAKlllt uml CA.VYO.V CITY STAGE LINE, IVcCUEN JL UHll'FIN, Pruora. t, - .1 taawa, yo..l i'rttv.ajifrf ai.4 f.it tin. l.iij .tl.-i.lMHi g.tin totita orti.ltl of (uaa.-it.. ,a Churi'.oa Hruauilithln. OTIl'l. 01' 1'OUl'lElTUltll i ' To Jamu 1'. L'ucavmi:-- om n bnrelty noUfll UmI wo ! hare expended Two Hamlroil DolUrs i lit labor aim! improtemoHU iqmn I ho j Goufftr ami I Hue Moiinlain Chief on the eitet vide of lite weal fork tf i Iiie creek in I'nion prcrinci. (JrAUt eatinLr I lrff.a. liaitHiy (liat finikttnl tr. inir..,l to hold the antnn for tho venr 18WI, am npiteftra by eerlifionle on file Dec. il 1300 in the comity oleik's offire in miiI rou lily, rihI within lKi daya after tho h'rl piiblimtioii of thin notice, yn fail lo rontribiito your proitortion of anch rKllditltio a.i A :?"nr "r ,n cU'"' 'i1,bccwmeIll,n 0Jwrtr "f ,,a ff" "" c"" a ' " 1UTi,, lt f the I'm lbtt. , JlAHeHALL IIOWCLI. co-ownT, otir inti-m-t in aaid clniui i" uko. Fnctmui. Cnuyon City, Or., 1'eb. I Si I . j i.mT,7v i S' VS Is tut Cimtit cofr n tmk Statu o ai:oon run TtO! Cofvrv or OtttNT. Milton M AtUmton Plaintiff VA. Mnrv A . Adameoii HtfHiidAiit. ) To Mury A. Admncon, DefeiuUnt: In the name of the S'tnle of Oregon, von nre herebv twiuirml to i l'nr nnd anawrr tfie complnint ;M ngNinat you in tho nliovo rnti- "it Oil or lfoie MondrtV U.u Si ih i ,'B)' ,,f -M'"1 IfUl, tko name iKiiu the nrHt of the next rrulm term of i the Cm uit court of tho Stnlo of Oio tfon for rirnnt t-ounty ; nnd if you fail no to nnnwer, for v,"nt thereof, tlio l'lninlitl' will apply to tho Com t for the lelief dtiiiaiidc in the coiuplnint via: l'"or n judginout nnd duoieo of the Court ditaolring the boiulb of tiiatiiiiiony heictoforo exiating le twoeu plaintiff and defendnnt. mid i ,'"rlt'0,uK ll.o onre . ou.lotly nu col,lrVl o( ht ,.,"?or children of anid ; ". ! J'liieiit gmnil on 'haburec.nonta of i ''".t""11'.., ... , 1 " w'" ll"f1,l,r ,l"k" u1l,co l,,ml ' """ b ..hml by onlor ' ? 'i?.' V.- ,nU"1, . . f .,M',M,,.8t' of tho.( 'remtcourt of the hl" 0 ' ",0o .fo'.' ?m".vl for (Irani inauu aim oii'.oroii uiu inn tiitv oi i MnrvU A- , ' 'v V.V"' v I Attorney for IMniutiA. ! , gt'MMONrf, In tiik CiRctrr roi KT tok ritK Statk or Oiikoox i-or tiik corsrr or li'lt.VNT. Xapoleoii Dnvin I'lnintilV ) Or'olV Fleming Defomlnnt. ) To OrlolV Flomitig Defoiidant: In the iiitino of thu Slate of Oiogou, you mo hereby teipiirod to appear mid answer tlio compli:it tiled agauiht you in (ho nbove entitlwl suit on or Iwfoio .Monday, the i7th day of April A. I). 1MU, the smiio being the firat day of the next icgii lar term of tho Circuit court of the Slato of Oregon f-r (Irnnt county; mid if you fail ho to mmwer, for want thuitor.tlit'l'laintiirwill take judgment and decree iigaiiiHt you for the hhii; of i:i,l(IO.'J7 and inieioat on tho Mini of $'J,H(lll.'J7 nt tho into of s pur cent per niiiiiuu from the 1 lib dny of Feb iiiary 1801, together with his coste nnd tliaburiioiui iitn of thin aiiit, and a decrt'O of forecloHtire mid alo under his moitgnge upon the N' MiJ, SV! NH1. Mi NU and W K uf j Soction 'J(i. nnd the SKI NK1 niul '''1 Shf Section .".), m I p, H, S. K. -" " unint coiiiny, t)ic- j gon, and will apply lo the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint You will further take notice Unit l Ida anuimoilM in ptlbliahed by older of tho Hon. Moitoii 1). ClitVuid, nt of tho Judge of the Cucuit comt of tin- St. it.- of Oit-gou for ( ii ant county iiinelo ai.d enteitd this 7th dnv of Muieh, A 1). 1'J1. A. S. MuKXiirr mid Faakikii .v Cou. Atlorneya for l'lniiitill'. CM'MMONii. i-' Is TIIK UlRCI lT COIIUT I'OH TIIK STtTI Of OKtuoN KO TIIK Coi'KTV OI (illtNT. Minnie 11 Keeves Plaintiff, ) vs. riiointou It'tereii Deiemlant. ) To Tluiriion lttcu.i (ho above do feutlnnt : In the name of the Slate i f Oiogou, ton are hereby ictpiired tonipear nud answer the complnint liledugainat yni in tlio nWo entitled cuiiae on or lx foie Monduy the 27ih day of Ajuil, A. 1). lH'JI, the wtmo being tlio fltt dny of the uit rfgul.tr to in of the Oiicuit coiui ot the Stnlo of Oicgon for (limit counlv: uml if you fail no toAiiHwer, for want i ,i,,,,, t , , , . ,;a ,..-n , . ., ' tf'f" " ,tt "Pl''-' .1 !(o,,rt 'r 11,0 i1" In f doinitndetl in plnintiU'M complaint in ilii auit, to wil : For n ditsolution of the marii- nml the auiJ pluintiir.that the pliiintill' ' nave jiiiigiueni agNiiiat you for tlm costs and tliMbiusemonts in t Ih'h unit; that it bo uiljudi(c(l mid ibciitetl thai I pljiiiiill' Imve the erne nnd custodyof j the minor ehililreii of said mariiiige, I nnd that you tlm Miid defendant pey ; to plaint IV thu atini of S'.'O.OO per month foi thowipjioit of said ehildion. j Tliia suuiinoiis is inil liuhittl by older , of M. D. (.'lilfonl, Jiitlgo of Iho court nlaive iimuetl, made ami rutciod 011 thin the .'Id d iy of Marth, A. D. lKHI. M. Dim in, Attorney for l'luintiiT. uai I. I.. ttaaT uaaaU L JaJaaa U Hl..,l... N .1 n 11 ft 1 taA 111 atWt , a M 1 a. . a a. !. la t l Ml !( y at hI all h . ,..H , U) al It" alajtl u.- 1a a, ,y g H ) all I t I sm I ( S I NKM r.-M.tlMt..r ( 1..4M jjl, at' Ul". 1 la. kttl.li aula 1 Il X4 1 t, l h 1. IIUj. . III., ItTtalUIH. biiu' THE GRANT COUNTY HEWS, irw laiim nvmv tiitimdav mohnimi -nv jJ. I. ,'lSIJUJfY Editor nnd Hroprlotor. Hnli ription 1 year in nihunoe VI ! If 1101 lmitl w'll,i 11 ionl S.T IKI j Montlm. 1 CO Ihrco Montlw 7f i - j A DVI.HTlSIN't! ItATIJS. : j j i I inch ! !c 1 co col 1 I 00 1 .' mo SI IHO :l mo :i mo !! mo $1.60 Stl.tH) la.Mi '21.00 10.00 1 ywr I VaKr I ywir 1 yemr I yonr ' $15.00 tsa.oo $11.00 sss.oo l io.oo I inrli SVC For Htnmling diajiliiy nils only. All Hending Nolieea in aki 'Join m ii will be cliaraod nt tho r.tto ' of !i0 eflnta per line for Ural, nml 10 ! cU oncli MiibefHiHtiiit innorlion. pemnlraloe to rpgumrndvtirtiaon. -wi: auk i Ki:i'iHt:it to Kxm-n:- i or kvkhv tiwCKirriov, ciikam.v I'oslorti, DotlKont, Hlllhonds, Letter lieniln, NotohutiU, Slitto uiontw, IuvitnlioiiH, Tickela, Unnln Klc, ulc. iKt.vn:i to oiuiKii. OFFICIAL PI KF.CT0KY: ....(!. 1. ILixeltiiin. . . .Ocorgo Shorn er. N. II. Holey. W. II. Johnaoli. II. II. Dttvia. I. W. Mack. . . .. O. 1. Crewip. . . . Chnn. Tiiuuii. .... M. N. Iloiiliiun. .... W. W. llintou Dr. A. J. ThiUido. M. D. (Mitri.nl . . . J hi nen A . Fee 0. F. Hyde. Co. Jiulge Clerk TiiMaiirdr I Cominiiiener i Surveyor Shei-ilV Aaaeaaot- . School Supt Stock Impoolor Uoronor Dint. Dial. JmljfeH Al'orney . l'KOFIWSIO.VAL OAKDS. G. W. IIAKIIKK, .M. D. I'll) Klt'lllll Surgeon. : Oiegiin. Uaxvon Citv : : OR It, .M. I). Cnnyon Clty.Ogn. I)nici Vlaln M In Huma. lotMHtl) .lrM I.J it. iiom .ru. G. 1. IIAZKI.TINK. l'llOtO 111 1 3 It O C CASVll.V CITY, OKKIKI.V. P.MlltlSlI .t Co.AD. A'lTOK.S'liYS AT Canyon Citv, LAW. Oiirco.v. s S. DliNNIN'O. Alloriicy bNM Clin K II I -1. 1111'- Olll l.o.V J. OLLIVER, rropni'tor of tho John Day Milk Ranch Frenh milk ilrlivnoil daily to my ctiHtomii-H in John Day and Cmi win cilioH. (iiveino your orders. jy II. IIOLIiY, XJ 33 3ST 'V 1 13 'X . (Dili, v i.i.i it. M.itoiiii II. ill) Oregi.ii. Canyon City itr .ill 'ork II 'a itu nt I'd. STOCK lilt A.'D.S. tt will iHiklMi . ant at tmr rayttlar wWarlNra mi ajtilrlnir. In ll.li ntlnnin, a aCalrin kamllaN al Utah l.nrw xr ralil., 'bniid Iraa, baa Mia Jora m ori-api inat.vnl I lluaa. Thra a4aUaiaa; ! IV -barwtal. Yai. Ca lll ka rhaniHl II iwi taar far aaaa lunaal AlAratlaUoua: I lor lain, r lt HgM, Ii I. r bhi, 1 lor aktniltlrr, I for llilali, m . JohnDay. D. II. Kiiit'hmt iight aide I) K nUo cattle under aloiMi eiifh ear, DV .V FM Fiak, entile r h DF huraea I a How mid inoii. Ml Vernon Kiiiinn (iiln, horse nuileiitthi I h N V Monument J. l'litimm, hone) la cnuiKK'tcd JI Hamilton J. II. Hamilton, In mniMiotod J ,l Prairie City Chria SttaiiHi'ii rh (;s ME AXLE GREASE iii:st iv tiii: woiti.D. oJfr.72,J.'Iu."","".,' uaaureaaaaU. artuall t ootlaai air two tit,a of ouy olliar krana Not m.u4 i,y t.t, trin:r i 11 1; ay.s 11 it i-ou ha i.i: jit ika i.iijati KuritA i.i.y. iyt. J .' - . afA., 4 . at.. a