Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, March 12, 1891, Image 1

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27 c o Slock-
man, .Merchant and
77o Raporor the Farm,
tho Workshop and the
J fame.
Totone A7.
.... J
. - -
3W1 ft
1 St r i
Xo nouirr oxUu n to the fact that
mani- ill-oit,so.ri snimsf." ,,t ,.,it light,
tlfotjgji the precise nature of the
T?fHnWdm for lu emission In not nl--Way
TflK algtc ..f the ocean, and coelnlly
ut highly -saline sen, nrv In nil resis-et
dllTcivtit frum fresh-venter nlgH. Tliry
constitute two indenilent orders, one
of which Is adapted by It.n orgnnUation
to froth water, the other to Milt water.
TitRttK are the curious ribliott flh.
:,xvltu thotr Hn prolongiM Into feelers
in a 1 1 J times im long rut the IsHly; and
Vtw . uro other strange tyvs with
Tn'Uil tails, nml cycle heads that
JSktte' like nightmure than actual
rtstiietlou of matter-of-fact nature.
jr TMHxvhnle In no mow n fish thnn the
T l&t U n:blnl. IU ymuignro Istrn like the
1 klttn and the puppies, but only one nt
2k'nf t'f" young whole takes IU
ttirlslimpjit it lt mother's breast. Just
toftthtifftimnn ltby does, nml it Is Jut
aStOnrcrtjlly watched nml jjunrilcil hy ltn
IKnwtto the ilcpth of two htimlrvt!
fathom, wliore dnyllht ilimpponns tin
pt of n (lh jjrow ronstantly hlfKr
:umI hlintr. Hoyoml tlmt ilcpth Mimll
i .vuil form ct in, with lon feclont lt
vi lowl ktij)iliuin'nt the eyp. Sicht,
in UetilSill ' tlx'Klnnlntf tinlniiihy. In
(rrwtnffnlirJ tho llh nru mostly
SpantMi mnckcrol, with It
iT iMiiiHith. e
eone-MintKiI ixxly. I nnonir
f the wlfUt of llshi'x, nml for hix-cil
only HikIh n purallol in tho ilolphln.
'I'liore U a preat fclmllnrity in hhnpc Xw
tween tla'M! two, uml iKith cut the
wntor lllio a yncht. 'Hie first follow
the ftiKtcht htenmern with the Rivntoiit
onfKt, in It. iIuhIiok suIiiiiuIiik ut llvo
times their dpoed.
Tiik niethftil hy which the solo
M'nrchi'H for food Is peculiar. lie taps
tho sandy lHttom with hit lu-nil, guided
nppnrently hy Mcnt only; when the
tuvtllo IllamcntH find Miiuethtnt; etlthle
he Immediately seizes It with n vigorous
mid sudden snnpof the lower lmlf of
the jaws, where the teeth are situated,
but novor 6napM nt any thltifr not first
localized by his feelers.
X A WOMAN' seventy years old, who
ilves on the Island of Moiilieb'aii, Me.,
ns never seen a horse.
t0dtiMjn man has had the plenv
liiif; his own obituary notice,
it himself, and hn laid it
In' published after his death.
tidlminpolis man lias constructed
le of steel tuhiiiK and aluminum,
though exceptionally light, Is
to Iju practically unbreakable.
ut'lAVhua compiled somo very
VSlfil"s",s-W iwinonHratts Uiat
tnmigui jive, on nn nveniKe,
n and n half longer than men
mry vocation of life.
Jt Norristown, l'a., attacked
he, left the theater, nml
hliorine; dentist had the
uxtracted, after which
e tho rvt of the piny.
1 jtiC piHtinen,
". Sly tolled ti
wmffj) V. They
mi muted on
ttie malls in
lire on duty
ti. ui , Ky p "I., in piiuianves in
ho that no loan hos to Arork
hnn ei(ht luwrn R day.
.KcriMitm uMin Hie HulUli lun-
hnh preilktetl that ln-fon- lon
Uh irrnnd opera will 1h- iK'nuaneut-
,tablUlu'd In thK oountry. lie snys
the lhijlUh hintrmiKO etui be Mini;
hout in any way disturbing the mi-
fiilned letfiito How of voice nml tho
beauty ot tone.
A vr.ltv expeiutvo fail Is hnvliii; your
portrait otit a nn onyx euineo. The
work U verj Mow, ditllcult uml lulnirl
nu. The Imago when done in perinnii-
cut ami ill hit for centuries. There
t are.enouijh people In New York who
J enjoy thin kind of uxtrnvaipineo to Ivo
2 constant eiuployment to llvo 0:111100 por
trait uarverh.
C A wi i,iipiihhi.i lady on n ioulsvllle
fctreet-cur declined to pay faro for her
little h'Irl, Miylni; that Mie was "only
Uln-eo yuar old." Wliereujion the little
' " -ko forth: "Why, mamma,
" jhw thai I'm bc year dd,
Jnv hirthdnyT Tho lady,
a penny, hnrrloiljy irave
r another nickel.
,Ket that kinduew and ton
tire vnMiitlnl to mieceMifiil nur-
jtoN'T nMt a convalewent if ho would
ike. thin or that to oat or drink, but pre.
iif tho ddlenelen and preMint them In
tftomptlni; way.
I A ,nu:wi: mutt never h'ot Impatient. A
yk iHrmn U often Irritable ami Mtine
Vex"olstlnuto, but tliiu must 1k over
f hv Ijliidnfiui ami llrmni
' ' Bbn-Mok perMiu unless you
.i-etted to do mi, tir there U u
j ruuKou why yon should. A norvoun
piiou is often iiiiulo von uncoiufurta-
ilu.y it.
Till nurse miut learn to Ixi cool and
collected in Minis of trouble. Any ex
prcstlon of alarm or anxiety, u( a criti
cal moment, muy result dUustrouMy to
ho patient.
lM tho early moniliiK' bouis the vital
'orces of tho nation) are at an ebb, nml
to add additional
or provide muiio-
Is time.
ho nurve's work
ht and trying.
lo,rvlii; phyM-
rmliie whether tho
VJLlloi 1 ruin . nor
Caitaix Kino' novel, "lletwtvn the
I.lnei." hai won hli;h prnlMi from the
fiin mtlltnry nutlmrltles In (irvat
litttut Zouv hn Uen pnkl frt.000 for
tin rtifht to (mblUn hU new mivel,
"Mnney," In one of tl I'nrU ovenlni;
Km Tkhkimh hn written a lik of
remlnlKeuees of fwmoii men he Iioa
met n hU hetiirtni; tiMir, ami Juit
piibllsheil under the title of "Klni; of
I'lntfonu atul Pulpit.''
I.ffv t.Attnixt, the autlHire, to mi per
stltitHHi In that Mie Udleves it n bul
omen to a)nk of her future literary
viirk to even her miMt Intimate friends
'If I did," she wtys, "I Mumld never 11
on with It."
Tol-ATnf niece ban prejKirv-d nn edi
tion of "Wnr nml l'enco" for the blind.
'lliU edition will W orlntisl enllndy In
ml v1 letter, nml each epy v III contain
nlMUit neveii tlMiumtml Ho,', The prt
ami Ion of the work haslnittsl live year.
Miw. SofTinioitTll Utile author of eigh
ty novels, "Itetrlbntlon," the first story,
Ivlng pubUMieil In 1MB. That I bit;
work for n woman's hand ami bruin,
and the world none the worse for It,
either. Tho latter fact U her cniwnlui;
Ax old Mhfsdnmte of Ithler llnggnnl
says that at college the future author
of "She" WM not accounted clever, lie
xvax n plain, iiintter-of-fnet liy, who
lived simply. Ho had n preference for
traveling, however, which he Indulged
Immediately after graduation.
ArTKli fifty-nine yearn of Inlxir, liar
thelemy Salnt-llllalre hai flnlMietl his
translation of Aristotle, n work In tlilr-ty-llvo
volumes, l-'ur the hist twenty
years tho tranitlntor has nl lKen very
active In polities n Sen:tnry to Thiers,
Minister of l'orolgn AtTalrs, ami Sen
QtiKKX VierolilA has presented n
rlohly-capnrisoned Indlnn elephant Ut
the Kmperorof Mons-co.
IIciuno tho forty-nlno years of hUllfe
tho Trinco of Wnles has drawn SJlrt,.VK),
000 frtim tho public treasury of (In-nt
llritnlu, nml his debts, it is said, now
amount to ntsiut SS.Ooo.ihki.
Tiik finest stvolmu of phvslcal man-
hotxl on a lhiroH'an throne is King Os
car of Sweden, In whose royal veins
there runs very gisul red plelsdan bliHsl,
with but little of tho real blue article
mixed In It. Ills ancestor wns Napo
leon's marshal, lleruadotte.
Is spite of tho advancing years nml
Increasing llesh of the l'mpress of Uus-
sin, she has not lost her taste for danc
ing, but Indulges in that pastime nearly
a frroly as she did in hor youth, when
her devotion to It won bur the tonne
among her friends of the grnsshopper."
LlMJt'OKAl.AM, who iH'Comes Queen
of Hawaii by tho death of ICalnkaua,
her brother. Is the wife of nn Knglish
man, I.tciitennnt-dcueral John 1). IKim
Inis. Her designation as heir apparent
was due to the fact that she was the
only iiicmlior of tho royal family who
had children.
Tin: (ionium Kinis-ror Is now a land
owner in Norway. A few weeks ago he
made a contract with Holm Munthe, 11
well-known architect of Chrlsllaula, for
the erection of five villas and 11 hunting
lodge 011 his estate. The Norweglmis
Indlevo that It Is tho l'.mieror'h Inten
tion to visit his Northern homo each
Til 11 Ihinos are known as Danskers.
Tin: Swltzer rejoices In tho name ol
Colon Tampon.
Tut: Italians lire almost Invariably
known In Kuropo as I.uzznroui.
Till: Irishman derives his name of
I'adily from his National patron saint.
A Scotciiua.v Is known the world
over as Ssjuly uml never object to the
CotdlN MtcillU. U tho name by which
the Herman Is known to the continental
ll.soi.lniMr.N have accepted the name
of John Hull ui suited to the National
Till: ltusslan Hear nml the I'uspeak
able Turk are hardly real nicknames,
IhiI they go.
A.v ancient nursery rhyme rooortU
the fact that Taffy is u Welshman uml
wi he is culled.
Don WiiiHKiuiAMMM t almost a na
tional nickname for the .Spaniards,
dating from KllvilMlhnu times,.
M Mii:i:it ft 'uxiii, an abbreviation of
Nicholas, sums up tha Hollanders, who
aru often known simply as the Myn
heers. K.Mii.isii sailors call tho rrouchmmi,
In contempt, Johnny Criipuud; but in
Franco he is Jaciios Itonhumine, or, us
a ism rtfeols, M. l'rudhomme.
Kaut year tho (loverumunl sold 18,
000,000 aorcit of land to settler.
Twcntv acres of land of the
t'nltod Stales Is held by foreigners.
It costs tho (iovernmcnt Hi.'M,iXM) n
year to print tho Congressional lleeord.
Tin: fashionable hotels of America
have U'como the most oxiouslvc In tho
CioAiiirm: smoking In thU country
Increased thirteen (sir cent, during tho
past your.
Tin: nuinW of suloldo in tho 1'nlted
Stutek In IhtXJ was .'.HIO, while In IhVJ it
wasS,)l. nml In lsss, i.isj.
It Is estlmuteil that out of nn army of
U.000,000 smokers In this oountry, those
who uo Imported cigars only number
Tin: gold do!
tvorld over. 1
liar Is worth 100 cents the
lu l.ondoii or .ShaiighultW
00 graliiK of standard iftilil tire eijuiil
Noo cents. 1 r
Sin: (sentimentally) "Shall you ever
forget our lmiicynxsm. darling?" lie
(prnctlenlly) "Never! Mm bills were
something tisi awful."
I'oha (eltf siusln)--"I. jim ever go
tmt drlvlngT" Stnnrtweetl (cHinlry
cHisln) "Yb-h, Wen tin' tdo ettws
won't eiHne up wltlHHit K"lu' arter Viu."
Miss I Sim-mikxi:s "My faithful on
nlno pthales knlokerlsx-ks after any
violent iiiHseuhtr exereKe." MUs
ltrwjiy-, "Ytm mean to sny his breath
comes In short punts?"
A MAX had etmsuHiHl a fortune-teller
ns to his future. "You'll lie ssir, sir.
until you're thirty," was the prediction
of tho I'ylhoness. "Ami then?" "Oh!
niter that you'll get used to t."
KxAKPiniAmt Vii-rm (tossing s-nny
to orgnii grinder) -"Herts take this nml
lie off!" Spaghetti (gratefully starting
his crank ngaln) "Not yetta slgnor;
one gtssl turn ileM-rres another."
"Yi:," said the bulldog, after n hard
effort to break his chain and chew up a
tramp he saw In the rottd, "if I wasn't
so much attached to my home there is
nothing I should llkels-tter than to join
that ioor wanderer yonder."
Soiuiowolii: "I heard tint of the girl
undergraduate make a truly womanly
answer the other day." Junior "In
deed." Sophomore "Yon: the profoswir
lu astniimiuy askeil her why the earth
givs around the sun." Junior -"What
answer did she make?" Sophomore
" so."
Tin: Modern Stylo. Visitor (trying
to amuse tho baby) "See, baby, see.
Then- goes the elusy-ehisi." Nineteenth
Century ltaby (contemptuously) "lu
deed! I have always umlersttssl that
that was a locomotive; but If I have ln-en
iiilsinformcil. I thank you for tho cor
rection." Mamma (coaxlngly) "Come, Hobby,
take your medicine now, and then Jump
Into lied." Hobby-"! do not want to
take my medicine, ma." Father (who
knows how to govern children) "Hub
ert, If you don't take your medicine nt
once you will lie put to Iwil without tak
ing It at all." Hobby takes It promptly.
O.v lielng asked what n nephew Is. a
little Kostoti schisil girl replied: "It Is
whfii your nlrco Is a Isiy."
A TKACllKll asked a class to writa an
esMiy on "The Itesult of Laziness" and
one of the bright but la-y Isiys lu the
class handed lu ns his composition n
blank sheet of paper.
Tin: following written definition of
the wonl "bachelor" was humlod lu by
a llfth grade Isiy: "A bachelor Is n
man who has no wife, nor wants no
wife, nor can't get no wife."
C ...,,.. ...J 'IV
,w.NliMmtnl Wnr liilll-,1ttlerr''r"' tuut iiitJ v mint- nute
............ , .,...,.,,
what would you do?" Tomin--"!
would not let anylKsly wash ' ly faeu
or comb my hair any more."
I'l.oim: (hsiklng tip from her history)
- "Well, what I don't understand ulsiul
Columbus discovering America Is how
he knew It was America, when he'd
ncter seen It Is-fore."
1 "W11 Tare you doing, Willie?" akcd
the startled father, as his son suddenly
sllps'd on the ley pavement ami slid ten
feet. "Traveling on my shapt. apn."
was the answer that the Interesting
ehlhl gave.
JoliNNV (entertaining the young man
licfuro "Sis" entered tint parlor)- "I
'lowed you'd never come back here nny
more." Young Man "Why so, John
ny V" Johnny "SI said yesterday
you was clean 'gone.' "
Willi. K a farmer at Shiph.tch, l'a.,
was attending churuh his horse froze to
death outside,
Oknkva, (., thinks It has the only
horse lu the world that ouu turn a com
plete somersault.
11 II. Ki:.un, of Hoston, has biught
tho famous Knglish St. Itcriiard dog,
Mr Iktllvcre, paying for It. W.-IOJ.
It Is estimated that from tsJ.OOO to
100,000 deer feed In tho forests of Scot
land, and that 1,000 stags are killed an
nually. Tin: king or horseshoe crab chows lit
food .with IU legs; the little animal
grinding Its morsels with its thighs Isi
fore it passes them over to its mouth.
is the spring of every year seals may
lie seen In the waters of New York liar
Isir. They are not tho ss-clus so valua
ble for their skin, but u variety known
as the gray-baok seal.
Tiik dogs lu llulfalo steer clear of a
fighting cut ownisl by I). A. Slaght. ll
weighs twenty-eight iunils, and Its
clawing power usually takes the cour
age out of-a dog of twice It-t weight lu
alKiut one minute.
"doss," Tin: rod Chines.' chow-chow
dog that was long the traveling com
panion of tho l'riiice of Wales, is now
fourteen years old uml tiitlrui, uml tho
honor has fallen upon "l'luuiplo,"
another dog of tho same breed.
Tin: China Sen mid tho Hay of Fiindy
are the two roughest seas In tho world.
Tin: Knglish Chnnnel ut Its nnrrowest
breadth U twenty and u tpmrtcr miles
Tin: Kvnngel, the American HaptWt
mission steamer 011 tho lower Congo, Is
the first vessel to uinko the passage
from thu mouth of the river to Matmli
In 0110 day,
Nkaii Honleaux they have a buoy lu
thu harbor which is connected with the
mainland by telephone. Ships arriving
can communicate with tholr owners to
their greut advantage.
Till: depth of a sea alsiut six miles Is
reduced 0S0 foot by compression; if the
occuu were Incompressible the level of
the surface would bo 110 ftwl
higher than It is at prc'siit, uml nUiut
3,000,000 square uillus of laud would m
submerged. -
Titr. people of Mexico hnve taken to
drinking beer. Hrewerles are spring
ing up In every city of Importance.
Ax agitation has Ik-gun In Kuglaml
for the repeal of tho law providing for
the execution of women for capital
Tin: llrllUh llnlloon Society has en
tered a sturdy protest ngalntt the
threatened choice of Jenisalem as the
prime tnerhllau of the world.
Km l commencing the cultivation of
tobacco, the enterprise lielng assisted
by the concession ot government land
to thu planter on easy tonus.
Tin: wettest place In the world Is
Cherrnisxiujee, alsiut t&O miles north
east of Calcutta, Just outside the torrid
lone; there tho rainfall Is upward of
(100 Inches every yenr.
Tin: otllclnl Itussiun 'bulletins now Ic
ing Issued assert that Ji'APV'l,'w'r
(iermnn etilonlsts vvilloVtJjc Kmplro
have Is-come ilangt,rKc!Tt'!?lfi iffljc' prov
ince they form slxt,eetfx3icenL of tho
s.piilatlon. "-.ft''
Tin: French ChamlK'r ban agreed to a
duty on mural advertisement, ns sug
gested by a prlvnte nicmlver. The duty
Is to Is- graduated iiceonllug to the s
ulatlou of the hs-alltlcs lu whlvh tho
placnnls are alllxed.
Kmi-kiioii Wii.i.iam, of (Jerinany, Is
said to have demanded the resignation
of the manager of the Court Theater,
IWrlln. owing to the faulty manner lu
which the "l'rlnce of llomburg" wax
recently represented there.
Tin: Ministry of the Interior of Rus
sia has approved a project to establish
agricultural colonies for professional
In'ggars and vagrants. A social com
mission has been apxlutcil to work out
the colonization plans lu detail ami to
present them for adoption to the Minis
terial Council. The plans will Is) ready
by next spring ami put ill operation as
soon as Indorsed by the I iovernmcnt.
.Swirzi:iit.AMi gets about f-J, 000,000 n
year out of American tourists.
I'liKVtot's to the time of Ktlralicth the
only article to assist lu eating w as the
Jack knife, which also served for sundry
other purposes.
A Ji:v:u:ii says that It Is n rare thing
for him to sell a solid gold watch chain.
F.vorylssly buys the plated article
nowadays, even those peoplo who are
well able to afford the solid.
Aniuxo the first figure to the second
lu IsVI gives us the third, nml sutf
trading the fourth from the third gives
us the second. And If we add all tho
figures wo get tho numlicr of the
, . . ..m .... .!
IU stralglit streets or walls. Wvauso
they believe the del II tratels III a
straight lino- Tliey are great ls'llevers
In signs ami portents, thousands hi
MAt'liiMllir I accomplishing wonders
for agriculture. It is slated that in
' ICniiMis biscuits were eaten that were
made from flour, the wheat of which
the Hour was made having stood lu the
Held lu a growing eomlitlon ninety
minutes before the biscuits were eaten.
Tiiciii: is a temple of Slvu, near
AllalMibitd, In India, surrounded by 11
high mound comisised wholly of the
fragments of earthen lsittles. On 0110
ot the last days of February from HO,
000 to 10,000 pilgrims assemble, each
lielng provided with two or three
earthcru Isittles containing water from
tho (i angcs anil n few copH-r ttiliis.
(loirrili: states that he one day saw
the exact counterpart of hlmstdf coming
toward him.
I'oi'i: saw an nnn apparently come
through the wull, uml iniulo liupilries
after Its owner.
UviU'N often received visits from a
sMctor. hut he know It to lie 11 creation
of the Imagination.
Dli. Johnson' heard his mother call
his naine In n clear voice, though she
was at the time lu another city.
Il.tliON Kumaxi'M. Sukiikxiioiiii l
lleve.l that ho had the privilege of in
terview lug persons In the spirit world.
I)t:iIAIiTK was followed by an Invisi
ble ponton whose voice he heard urging
him ti continue his researches after
Ixtrtt.A, lying wounded during the
siege ttt l'auiH'liina, saw the Virgin who
uneourgvil him to prtsvouuto his iiila
skm. NlH JtMlil'A ItCVNOI.IM, leaving his
house, tHWght the lauis were trees,
ami the uteii and women buhes agl
tatetl U Uie breeze.
I'.a v.Ai.iac, while chanting tin- "Mis
erere" ami "Do l'rofiindls," fondly U
llovotl that the sou nils he emitted wt-iv
of tho lUituro ami hud the full elfeet of
a truiiipV't.
Ol.l Villi ClMlMWl:l.U lying sleeplesi. 011
his couch, saw the curtains os-u and u
gigiiiitlti ivoiiiau apis'iir who told hlui
that ho would It'coiue tho greatest man
lu Knglatiih
Coi.n meats are generally found more
easy of digestion than warm ones.
Srr a dish of water lu the oven with
cakes when baking and they will seldom
liVB.V tho broken tacks are helpful lu
this utilitarian age. They uro excellent
for cleaning Isjttlort.
l'trT old rublHir rings of runs Into
weak ammonia water, and they will re
cover their elasticity.
Halt nml water, quite strong, ami
used iKirslstently for a time, will pre
vent the hair f rom falling out.
AN excellent cement for fastening
leather, pa sir, or wood to mutul, ouu Is)
iiiailo by adding a ttfuioonfulof glywr
luo to a gill of gluo. ,
A mm. of fifteen of Atlanta, Ma., was
divorced from one hui.lmml and has Just
taken another.
An Atchison innn Is soon to marry the
woman wIhi sponsor for him when
he was ImpUted as n lstby.
A ( inc oo man has reckoned thnt ho
has pttld the proprietor of his hotel 9'M,'
000 for his own Nxiril nlone.
A txt.Miiii.tiAitox nt U'h-oster, Kng.,
has s-tlllousl their vltmr to dismiss a
new curate U-cause ho Is the sou of a
MissCattov, of Constantino, Mich.,
lost her xolce through Illness several
years ago. She reotnertnl It by sneez
ing the other day.
A nu an at Atchison, h'an., sots a
chair at table every day for her hus
band, who died more Until a year ngo
Iu his plate she puts a little iNiuquet of
A urru: Isiy nt I'tlcn. N. Y., one day
recently played letter carrier, nml dis
tributed through the ueighlsirhiHsl n
bundle of old love letters that his
mother had saved from her courtship
W A. I'ft.ToN. one of Clayton Coun
ty's (On.) oldest nml best eitliens, died
the other day. Just us ho drew his last
breath the old chK'k. which for forty
years had faithfully kept time, stopiHtl
nml has not run since.
'I'm 10: Is no end to tho artfulness of
womankind, There comes a story from
P.iilgway, Pa., to the olToet thai a man
there, while blow lug smoke rings lu the
presence of a young lady, was surprised
to see her run her finger In one ami tell
him we'll lie married next spring. What
could the Hir fellow do excent to Ihiw
his head lu meek submission'.
(1:XI:uai. It. A. Al.(il:u has Just lsen
victorious In a land-case contest lioforc
the Interior Department, In which the
amount Involved wits J 1 110,000. The
land Is situated near Seattle, Wash.
A m.w Jury law lu Minnesota enables
llvet.lxths of the Jurors to render 11
h gal verdict. This will eltectually nul
lify the stiihlsiriinesM of the juror whe
knows that he Is right and all tho otheri
w rong
Jl'lxiK (It'lllllir, of OiHirgla, Is deter
mined that his court shall Is- tieutei.
with resvcet. Last week ho fined the
Solloltor-Oeneral 8'J-J0 for smoking and
the sheriff W for talking while the eouit
was In session.
Tin; following Is n ropy of the re
turn made by a colored constable 011 a
warrant In MU-rty County, tin.: "I hnve
this Day ltest the II. sly of Kate Ann
(.ocouiito. I have lllr In My Cust.
VhJA lho 5tlda,vufrthaJ7ih i.f..Juiu,
A uoMtx who figured nnpatiMr died
recently In Sail l-'niiuiscu leaving fit. If),
which she had accumulated by Is'irit'ng.
Three lielievolenl ws-letles that had Ik
frieiiiled her to the amount of jSIO. IKJ.t
mill JtWJresH-ctlvely have In-gun suits to
recover the sums named from her estate.
A woman in liar Harbor, Me, was
brought Isifore a trial Justice charged
with Is'lnga common scold. The reeoril
res,rt.thut "after all enjoyable enter-l.iliiuu-iit
of nlHiut tliree liours" the pro
eeeiliugs ended w ilh the sentencing of
the culprit to thirty days In the couut
Jnll Mie apiealcil. however, and tin
case will probably Is' heard from again.
In the aliseiice of a complete ehcinl
enl test, the high ssitillc grat ity of gold
1 10..: 1 is the test of its purity.
lti.i KM' Investigation Into the rurlou'.
question of the uv of uu annular drill
hy the anoleuts load to tho conclusion
that jewel sints worn Used III Isith
drilling ami sawing.
Tin: prUe engine at the Uoyal Agrl
cultural Society's exhibition In Isi'J Is
said to have burned 11 S pounds of coal
per horse snver mt hour; that of ts.o,
T',; of IS.VJ, l; of 1,VI, -I , j of Is.',-,,
a, ; of IsM, SH,; uf and of
Ism,;, 1 is,
Ar a test of steel manufactured lit
Heading, I'oiiu., the other day, 11 one
Inch bar broke at n strain of 'JjU, Ki:t
laioiiils, "Is-liig alsiut Jo.iHHi kiumts 111
excess of the highest reisinl authorita
tively known " The test wits made un
der the supervision of (iovernmcnt of
Tin: following Is recommended as a
sure way of finding when' 11 crack In a
piece of inetlil end. Moisten the sur
face with stnileuui. then wisi it. ami
then Immediately rub it with chalk
The oil has penetrated into the
crack exmles, and thus Indicates where
the crack ends.
Wood ami I no.v notices all Ingenious
wuy of cooling a journal lu iiiiichlm-ri
that call not lnt stopjssl. This Is to
hang a short endless ldt oil the shad
next to the box, and lei the lower pari
of ll run In cold water. The turning of
the shaft carries tho holt slowly round
bringing fresh cold water continually lu
contact with the heated shaft, ami
without spilling or spattering u drop of
Ir ducks are made profitable they
must Is- kepi growing from the start.
Is sending eggs to market a hotter
price can bo realled If they are wubhed
If managed quietly turkeys are very
easy to handle and eau ho driven with
very little trouble.
Doi m.i:-Yi;i.iii.i eggs, lint egg nml
nil Hint class are nearly always the re
sult of the hens lielng tii fat.
r.vril. tho chickens nre six weeks old
sweet milk can Ik; used Instead of water,
ami the niltry will thrive lietlor.
Yol No fowls when first hatched do
not require any kind of fil for twenty
four hours, liroad .soaked In milk In
good for I ho first food.
It Is estimated that to eo'leet one
isiiind of honey from clover A4.000
liends tif clover must ! deprived of
nectar uml 8,710,000 vlslta fnmi Is-es
must 1h made. enn detract more ftxim our
crop of oiHiih honey than to hnve our
Is'es get the sw arming fever during the
honey harvest unless It Is having them
so weak at the time that they are of
little or no value.
Tin: largest amount of wild honey
overtaken f nun one tree was nqHii ted
from Oregon recently. A farmer tsik
TOO siumls fixiin olio tsittouwissl tree
III which n huge swnnn of Is't-s had
stotN'd .ip the annual accumulations (or
ninny year. !
I x hs-nllng nn apiary avoid the close
proximity of laurel thicket as honey
gnlhenil from the laurel Is iiuwholc
some. If not really poisonous; avoid the
uelghlsirhisMl of ehler-mill. and do not
locate luiuiiiltately near a large Isslyof
water, ns ll will confine your U'e-range
to onedlreetloii exclusively.
Tin; prominence of the Wc-kccplug
Industry Is not gononilly ixt-ognleil.
from the fact that It Is nlnnwt etery-
here carried 011 as nn Incident of gen
eral agrlcnlliin'. Kvery Stale and Ter
ritory rxqsirts Is-es ami inure or less hon
ey, usually a hive or a few colonics fur
each farmer, w Ith occasionally nil ex
tensive uplury nml hirgx- prtstuction.
Al.w axh in uiamigliig Ik-cs, the apiar
ist should have an eye on the future ns
roffurd his honey harvest, until the
harvest arrives, mid when ll urrites,
then Is'inl his every enei-gy for the lime
which Is present. For Instance, my
honey harvest isunes from busswissl. or
during the last half of July, so nil tuy
ojs'nitlonh previous to this thu 1101 t
Is' lu reference to this harvest, or all nit
elloits will result only lu fmlute
Ovkii 4tKI,0O0 negrtKis are annually eu
shivcit lu A f lieu.
Wiiiiin the last decade .Vtfin.iSO for
elgni'rs have come to our shores.
II.M: of the latest crazes lu St. I -on Is U
that of riding upon the electric cam to
cure rheumatism.
Ai.Tootnunii, Kugllshmeii buy 1h
tweeu oletou nml twelve bundled mil
llolisof fortigu eggs a year.
A tot'iniAl.l.M: ledge, recently discov
ered 011 a farm near Auburn. Me., Is
said tohavo alreudy yielded S7,ft00 worth
tif gem.
.It sr iiIhivo Vienna, 011 the Hautibe, Is
tho convent and sehiHit of Melk. which
has just celebrated Its loooih nuntvorsn
ry. Iris Mild that from Nt. Main alone
.Miu..uilsUuUsj,uiutiully-ldp'il -glnml
Is equal In volume to half the
houses tif tho town.
TiuiCoinmerx-lal Tnividors' Ssicty of
Franco, founded ten years ago, has7,fxi
lucmls'r. 'i'ho President Is M. Ilris
son, ineiulx'r of the ChltmlHir of Depu
ties. ON account of their lightness ami lui
sriueiiblllty, compared with wo. si,
large tin packing oases uiv now fro
queiilly us, pi the shlpineiit of light
manufacture-, to South iiiericn.
Manr rulUr 'lnlt mkn llmsl't Htr
iipailll.i tii-ilor to all oth- r in.'.lirlnci.
iVi iillir la cointilnitleii, piusirtloii,
and I'H'iar.HU.11 o( Iticrrdienti,
llissl'a H.ir4artlU pxictic.t
llio fullcurathu vaunt uf tho
Wit k 11 o 11 ii'liirillea
tlin trfoUl.lo klnc
uo in,
Prtulur hi lit
si's Har-
tint cronunij
iiparllu li
tins ttt
tlio only tnrdl-
wlilcli eta truly
Uiild.0 c
Oiiallumhrd (Visra
One S CV
IMUr" Jlcdlflnci In
l, .... It-. ,..
xj S Ir'iulro larcrrilmi'i, andtlutiol
S I'K'licoai Kissl iciulliai Ihssl'i,
IVrullar hi III liioilli-lnal intilti.
Hood's rlaiaanllA f ruinplltli. t rurn Mtb.
tun unkiioMn, and hai won for lltclt V
llio llllo 1 ( "Tlai froatrit .lt
purifier rvnr illacuvcrod." S p
jrcuairmili" toIiiaina
houif,"ttirro li now S inorii
of Iltvsl'i Baiiai'aillla S In
l.owcll, wlicro S 0Jtliiaadf,
than of all Votbi-r Mood
purlflcra. JNpr-ullir lu Iti
phrnoino- ual rrconl nf a!ci
ibmad rJ'rwa utlirr preparation
l oS S nrtr allalnnl lurli lwnu-
V ylMUj la sii ihorl a tlmf,
. auu rriAiiitu in p'i-uijo
X S ind ronftdcfira amoni: all cuii
ot peoplo si) atradfait),
IVi not he Induced to loir oilier rrpiratlont,
tut ho uro tu rrt tha IVrulUr tlrdlrluo,
Hood's Sarsnparilla
BsMlirslUruMUU. Hitliluili, l'iiilsl;
ty 1. I. IIIMili A to.,Arfkwarl,l,w'.l, IIh
IOO Douou Onu Dollar
OT XXopjiuor,
I!. A. It II : A, I'UANK Kill. 1X1(1,
I'rosiilent. V ico- I'rrsiilent.
(1 1'.oiKli: V. CON'NHII, Cashier.
I. I'. ItllKA, T. A. IIIIKA, l-T. nonwis,
Transacts a (Jriu rnl HniiLliig iltisliit's.
on all j mi I s of tho worlil-s,
Collection inailo at all jiointa on
KwiHonalilu 'I'uriim.
.Money luiucil at from ouu to ton
Mr cvnL
yTtop tiu told u ttit tsls of s mills
i xlilch, from otrrfNMllnr, isllotsrit sNait
n.t felt fr, ssruir to hluiM-Ui "Mr
fsttivr, turrlr, " Mi h-insltlcil ucrr,
sn.l I sin bit own t'bll.l In Ki.t nj
I plrll." Nml Jr he st tlrk sinl wesrri
tncn rti'lsuiiMi - luiul lists msJs
smIKsks, inr fstlicr. sflrr all. cuuM hr
l-vn nnlj sa m." A tun, fur rstlnr a
foaj. illntirr. msr trrt rllrsiaf snllr Jor
iiui) tmt nit Usr (I don't mean run to
Infrr hn frl Ilka sn iul lit ll tutlr slid
rrliu, lilt ttorusih sml lltn sro HirUh,
u rooruso, Oiisaulont nut mil uf
nfU" irvniTsllr. for Indiirrttlaii. HU
liiuinrs sad si I ilrrsnrrtntntt nr llu
Hlniusnb. I.lvrr sml llimrli. Dr. Pierre's
(UiMrti Modlrsl IHscovrrr la sn unMiiilts
Krni.sjj. IVntilni no slrabul to Ini-Lrl.
slo; no nrrtip or tugsr to (rrinrnt sn.t its
rsnia ths dlk-etlv irocrses. It rlrsnsea
thu irtlem sml curt Jmilc, Mutchi,
ruliona slut sll Hkln slid ttcslp llltcasn.
ts-rutulnus irfrcllont, sj l inrrniiT, Hits.
Ifllnt l)tns HifHlni( and Tuimirt, jkld
U Its lupvrlor sllrrstivn preprttlm.
Woiii.n's Durtsttnr Hsiucti. Afiuy.
cutiuk, Uauufscturrit, lluSslo, ti. r.
offnrast fnr sn
If s st t Inmiratil ra
ft A 1 In lbs llrait
'JJ rictnis uf 1
v , 4 Incoratils rsan uf tVlsrtli
1 In Ibn llrad, by lbs iro-
Urrb Kainisty Daly W ctuU.
aUU4r(UU otcfystian.
llngltott nod tV Co. I'rtrxirn.
Canyon City - - Oregon.
Canyon City,
.1. ,. Chambers, t'
'I'liis ltiwtaiinint has lecently
opoiuil, nml will furnish .Meals or
",ing at living rates.
A spiwial fisiture uisiilt this lioiisil
is Mint no ('liiuitso eoikit nitt einployeil
in tho kitchen. (lle the ltustuumlit
a trial. .M. J. OlIAMlifclin,
Canton Citv
IImoIi tit HtiiHa Uf da lu oi.lf r. 01 liMll) ljllrJ.
All Wuik Warriintnl F Irat-olns.
Canyon City, Or.
7V.V popular resort has reopened to the public.,
and now, as in tho past,
keeps nothing hut the, best
Wines, lupiors v' C'igars
a. i. kick. tun, rrir.
Oanvon Citv, Ohkoon,
a rot 1 r iflnoji rsoj
uv.' irurrnion,
Tritvolttif? iiiPii will fiml tliU' - iv , v. . t ,
plcnHiuit nml tlonintblo plitco" , '
which to ntop. .' VriV "
" " ' s, '
(Jll'lt IIH IX illlll I x s '
s ! a
7"' .
6 'C
H- "
0 ce