11 ' : - . - . - v-.. t-'-i -'v : ' , - y, tuiftn v,- ,wr : f , - J' THE 6RAHT COUHTY HEWS, .February 2(. I SDL 'llii' rcnpKjrtionmcnt hill mmoI by Congress provides for n mom botlhip in (hi! house of !lf( mem ber!) instead of W.Vi, ihe pitwi'iit nimibor. Oroiion will bo entitled to two M)preontnlie, and will! oloct four pre.sitletitnl elector. I i Niuoly -one thousand dollar for j n dome on tlto state eapitol btiilil- ing, hatchery, hot tioultiiinl ami otlmr eoniniistions are all right for tlio "W'obfoot eioud, but when it eomofi to nsaiatinq llit.' people of outlying counties" in the construe tion of wagon roads it is all wrong; at least that is tin; way it looks. Haker City Democrat. Political leaders claim there is a systematic iiioveineut on foot in j republican circles to prevent liar- 1 rison from securing a nomination ! in ISfl'J. All hid party leaders arc working to secure tlio nomina tion of some other man who they fondly imagine will bo more easily controlled in the matter of dispen sing patronage. Kinin I'asha says that in tlio for OJits of Msongwn is a large tribe of monkeys that know bow to make fire and go out with torches at night to bunt for fruit. This o tablishos the infusing link in Dar- jwin'a theory and accounts for the ol coon hunters in Mis- m:. .....i ,.f . - . SOILNTIPIC DftlPPIHOO. !i,t;i: friHii wlmk? refue l ti new ar tlolo of eommerw In ipfiniiy. Oom;. If Mink I willy feet In throTn. will not rite m wwtuit of the premrore (if tlto Witter. A TCAi'lliiti of ninth? mutiva mts tlmt tho simple touring up or diuW f impel- hi fi n'ttt rolTr-f to the mlml niter mental lnlr. Toinu paper I tnado by mtnlnjifltltH iiW of ltte wllli the pulp. Tito i.mrv ooueoutraleiT--thu Hue olutlon lite toujjlter III l the tnvr. An A.N ItmUnroof tlio wnmlrrfiil fluidity f vegetable llfo. It I said tlmt j a single toltneco plntil will prodtvv j three hundred mid sixty tltoti.aml mhiK A eilANttl. In tin- channel of llto river ! Stour, (it Kmidwieh, I'll?., hint iovoiiIihI thonrorkof II Vi'wl It.'ll.'Tf.l to have Minlt al tlml spot during tlu reitfii ut lloiiry VIII. In tlio ton your after ho (tuttsc thirty it man's foot grows' l length Hourly an inch. In tlioeasoof it woman, howoTor, her foot In jfononill.v smaller tit twenty llvo llinn It wilt when she wRitoltflitooti. Dirri'.ncxr elwifces of sultuneos lmvo Imh ii fotinil to affect the oryiin of taste in tlio following order: Hitters, uolds. Mil Ino MilmUinro, swooU nml alUnlloH. Tlio taito norvoK nro Hourly .,0K Unio u n wiihltlvo to ipiliilno iih to gnr. In oaclt roKplnition an lulntl Inlinloti olio jiinl of air; a hoollliy man roplro Hi to .'U timt'K a inlnuto, or '.'O.ihki Uiiici, a ilny; n olillil, 'JO to :i" Union n ininuto: wlillo Ntanillnif tint mltilt rriipinttlcdi U 'Jri tlmoH piT iiiltnito; wlillo lvlll ilown, IX Tin; mannfaeturo of Imttor from tlio niarrou- of oocoiiiint U si now lull tfrotv lnr tntltitwt o bi (Jormuny. Tlio Imttor Isofaclonr, wliltUli color. Tlio prioo of tills Imttor Is from twelve to llftoon ci'iitH porxiiinil. It Iskiiitalilo foroooU In. ami Ik not ilituiirrcoiililt' to taste 61 .moll. A MoNSTiat t'ffg Is e.xliiliitotl In tlio inuKonm sit Hnila-IVstli, llnnirnry. It Is mi !'(((,' of tlio preliUtorlc Iiinl .Kpiornii. anil lint few museums poshes Much n iiHclliion; IIS hens' Ptfjf would iliul rtMini u It, ami it would hold Hourly iitiui titartt. It was found in IST.o In MiuliiKaxinr, COMMON-SENSE CURES. A thin llct of raw fut iKirlt dustod with oayeiiiiu pep)or lit our Itefct romotly for a sore throat. "''water applied to a bruise, will al- t"'it ilisooloration. I: " . . .. ""'"VJVwnloiV I.. . ' - '. : ;l ' '.Aiiiu:- ' - - NliW TO-DAY. N OTIOK OK I'OUI'KITUUIL To I'atiihk Hiiioii.miv: Von aruhcuobv notilicd that I have ciieti(lo(l Olio Hundred Dull in lnhnr and improveinnitlH liivrin tlui Hlnuk Diaumiiil initio and One Huii tlrttil I)nlltr in lalMr and improvo uhiiUoii IhaisnriiifRO initio, Ixttli mt tinttd iipou Onoiilioin inoiintnin in tlio Oltvo Clock Mining PiHttict in lit futility, Oifuon, In mi; tint aiiitiiiiitTe7mt!(lloli()ld tlio twino lor the car IS90, mihI iFwTthtn-W; ilnyn aftm tlm liisl piibltcatinn of this iioiicn, Aon fail or refuse lo conlnli uto oiir )itoH)ilioii of Mich ovjKiiili tiim an a ro mvnur, yttnr intoivHt in wiid claims will booomn tins innpcrly of the Htibioiibor nnilcr Section 'J'Ml of tho liovisrxl Ht-ittitoHof the I'liiled SlaioH. Tam.ou Ai.Tiint'Htu Canyon Oily, Or., Feb. 21, l.s'.ll. NOT I OK KOH l'UnLICATION'. lttid onitw ut lluittii, Orfjruii. IVdruarjr . IstU .Votlia l Ixul.) tiun 1 1. si I !. (ulltmlnn iimiiml Mlki I... Dlil liottr b( il iHlilitl.in to n Vf I l l (HiH.f In iiiiaitt tit hU jUIiii imI llul M i imtf w III 1 ttiMl. Ufi.ria tlm ruuMt tltrlnf tlr.nl khiiiI) , Or , nl fiiitiHi (It) Or., on AII 7, 11. l: J. CAMI'lllIU, MAltUN, I'rt'. IIH No Hi. fur ll.o t'J K' X 14 Ti 1.1. S II SI. K lit time4 tl fulloMlitf tltnrtt4 In yutvv liU r iiitiiiuont iriilMM iiti'iti miiiI ciiIIIvkiWhi if. raid ImI. vl: H Orr. Il itni.lf. u( tit.noii flti, O ., U.Hal l llji Kj, ImuiIJ Tu.. r. ut t ) lllt',l'r. INI J, II, III MIWUI, I;. vWUr. WOOL. Money advanced on this year's Wool Clip, dpply to R. Hickson- Canyon City and ,'Jr lingto'n, Or. DEPUTY &TOCK INSPIX'TOHS. 'irf i , ; i lmvo you Ad Do you lake (tdran il is placed irilu't. If so LT store r- ... -t . -ii .? . t, .yV.v, irndcrurar. Hosiery, Oollars or tnoro in nbovo lino of ' . t- ' ' ' . ' ....... . ' .iJi? "yrjfeg ' ' ; ' ; "k:.y'y " - JJ ills I - m mMm . !I i . - , ;'v - - - - oo.S hiankets.uuiiis, Cnrsels, Unites and children lme that WP dpfv POvri VfTr, .SV0r.v, nubbcr coats, Yellow Oiled coals, Fane, Coods, 1 U COinyumi-. Cutlery, Etc., Elc, Etc, jtb DURKHEIMER & BRO." B((KKIOOOIM)I(Kl9lOOSOi.tMI04OaOO(MH(K, .lL V it I V i (' X f i if " - i (' O' f ' g Whon cn-sli accoiiiDnnios tho order for nnv nmoiint trom Kivo I Stajj'o clmrsos, to nny Rtago Btalion in Grunt or Jlarnov counties, until March lfith. 1801. XW Whon sold on otcxlit no clian- os prepaid. ioooo3j((f.iMooi)aoou.oa,,,rtW,OJ0OM; Wo will yiiarantco our lowoBt lotuil pricts on Every Article and aico to refund tho inonoy if goods nro not nnlisfac!ory. llf 0"''' f -. wriliiig plainly, just what is wanted, wo c.m select them to your Kalistaction. Wo lmvo oral MorehaiidUo to bo found in auy store luOr.gon. You can save inonoy in ovory lino. Oivo us a trial order. We solicit our liadu. Oid. r by Mail nt once. I Vv l,'i.vir, r'u I A. JIA, DHALHIt IN General 1 1 ! ' i ' t .- k . . . ... - .- .'. IV . W hi H' JJ 71J .SOTTM ' CHSR t" 111' ... - Hals, Winter Caps, Cum troodt wo will nwnnv nil Mail or ? the hlilit.xl i, ,,,,,, I of r.n HEPPNER, OREGON. Pnv flio v UJU.V J-t SUCJOL lllClUCe Niiusox joskh, 1'itiarr. (Incorifimtisl. Paid up M fi D D HU PfilSMTV H7iuunuf7 uuuni i IIE3?rN33Il, OCV3ST. Commission and Fortran! ini; . Ieiits. C'mhad. vaneed on. Wool C onsignments lor ISU1- ll holesal-' Dealers in Armour's racking Shipping direct from Kansas City in oar lots wa nro prepared, to furnish intarior merchants with latnsffi Iht con ttnd Lard, at lite, lowest wholesale prices, saving' shippers freight from Portland lo lleppiier. We sell the. K. It. IIISIIOI', THKKKd Capital .S'Uvk g'JS.llOO.OO.) IftMH P. TDMOT OH lhnu oi inuoi uu. House Products -1,