THE GRANT COUNTY NEE February If), J SO J. .No tax is levied in I'oiiih)!vu nia on real estate for statu jinr- JK)S08, Senator Dubois of Idaho says tliat tin) inllneiicc of till! Mormonv, far from diminishing, is htendily increasing. The Into Portuguese levolutiun must have been modelled njion the came plan iib those which period ically occur in Cunt nil America. It lasted just one (lay. It would seem that thu money iie3tion Is causing as iimeh troll hlu in certain statu legislature's as in Congress. Von remember thu adnuo "Money ia thu root of all cvifi 3 ' Tho question of making a sur vey for a railroad from The Dalle to thu Koesil coal niincj is being agitated at both placed. The Fos sil coat is said to bo of excellent quality and there is plenty of it. Prohibition is in a fair way to prohibit in North Dakota. Thu snpcumu court has decided thatlhe original package law would not protect saloon men in selling liquor and all saloons have been closed. Washington physicians have de clared thu White llouso to be a very unhealthy residence, but there is no diminution in the number- of gentlemen willing to rink their precious health by a four years residence therein. Once more Congress is asked to charter a company which proposes to lay a trans I'acille cable. A hiinilar company was chartered hy Congress in 1S70, but not having begun work within three years, its franchise expired by limitation. No time is inoru uselessly wast ed than that taken up discussing "might havu bcen's." Wu all might havu been born millionaire?, but as only a few of us were the rest will havu to keep right along hustling, or down we go deeper than .MeUiiity. Senator Sherman said in a re cent newspaper interview that the desiro for free coinage of silver was only a temporary craze with thu farmers, who imagined that it would buuelit them. He also said that Mr. Harrison would certainly veto thu free coinage bill if it evei reached him. which he did not think it woidd. Time willidiow how much of a prophet Mr. Sher man is. Daily Democrat: Thu belief is growing stronger day by day that the Greenhorn mines will create a great excitement in thu spring and that a general stampede of miners and prospectors will occur. News conies from Portland that great interest has been awakened con cerning the minus brought about by numerous rich assays from mines in which Portland parties aro interested. The Democrat has all along advocated the claims of Greenhorn and long ago predicted that tho mining world would sonic day turn its attention to thu won durful silver and gold dejioaita of this section. KveningTclegram: livery stran ger to this section is amazed at h appeaianee of thu majestic Coliiiu bin, for few are aware of the hie of this great highway of nature un til they seo it for themselves. To keep this grand avenue and ils tributaries thu principal of which are thu Willamette and Snake riv ers -continually open is a duty incumbent upon thu tut re people of thu great Northwest. Fiutcrn Oregon, ICaatcrn Washington and Idaho are vitally interested in this question, and it behooves Portland to do all in her owcr to aid them in their efforts to secure an ojhjii river to tho sea. Too much inert ness has been our failing. Ab sorbed so much in local matters, many havo failed to properly con sider this important movement. To hull) in every way to open thuso natural arteries of commerce, The Tolegraui pledges its earnest and continual supprt. Al'FUCTED FIKTY YKAKS. And the Method Mr. Chamberlain Adopt ed to Oet Helief..Mr. VV. S. Cone's Experience With Dr. Uarrin, ' Fur the Orcgonian: Wo often fail to secure to ourselves tho results of the oH'rati(tns of a system, by re quiring too much of it listenine, to others or allowing ourselves to linil fault with those who operate nr rep resent the same. Iliad consult d for many years phyr-iciauH micro. fill in treating "acute dinoiiHes," but found no relief for kidney and livr trouble and neuralgia of the Mom nt'li of over forty yenrV ulaudinji until I came limb r Dr. Damn's "Hlcrlrie treatment." Hut. thank to Divine (5 rati', by its un-lb troubles an a tiling of the If others care for particulars anVctiog my illness I will answer their ipic 1 ions in behalf of the alllictcd. Ii. It. ClIAMIinil.WV Wo-kIh, Tillamook county, Or. Another Vloudrrful Cure. It.vv City, Or., Jan. I.'t, IMH. I'M! tor Oregonlan: For nine months prior to callinj; on Dr. Dar rin, I had been alllictcd with a bur nine, pain back of my neck and spine, which finally settled in my kidneys. My liver and stomach became deranged and rheumatism commenced to develop. In that deplorable condition I came to Dr. Darrin. With two mouths' home treatment, I rejoice to say, I am cured of my stomach, liver and kidney troubles. W. S. Com:. Dr. Darrin' Place ofUusinesj. Dis. Darrin niuke a specially ol diHCHMn of tho Kyoj liar, N'uju mm Throat, and all nervous, chronic and priuito tliscitsoH, Hiieh as Loss of Manhood, blood taint', syphilid, 1,'leot, 1,'onorrhoon, xtrictuir, sportnv tordinea, souiinal weuknoHH or loss of dasirn of sexual power in man or woman. All peculiar fonialo trou bios, irtegtiliir iiii'imtrualion, lis-pliit-'ouiout, etc.. lire eontiiUntmlly and micoLsftilly treated, an 1 will ii nilor no uirciiiiislnuccs tako a case tliul tboy cannot cure or bcnelil. CoiiHiilt itton froo. Charges reason able. Ctins of private ilihCusrs jmar nn I cod and never nblished in llio I upon. CircularH nnd nticMion t hinks tent fmr Oflices, 70J Wash inglon htrtot, Portland, Or. DEPUTY STOCK IN'SPKOTOKS. Notico is horoby (jiven that I hnvo lliis day appointed the following per ioiih ilrpuly stock inspectors for (Irnul county, Oregon: 1-osToii icr. Ik 11. Johnson, Dayvillo John H. Hukor, 1,'alob. John 0. I.iico, 1 oli ii Dnv. John lllaekwdl, Loiif; Cieel:. Woods Carter, l'ot. Win. Hall, Prairie ('it v. It. S. Itlackwell Ilaiiiiltou. I. M. Johnson Slioolly. Itenj, Hunuakor, Vn;ner. Love llailry Htowatt Win CHlliH Ititter W. W. IIi.stov. Slock Inspector for Grunt Co., Or. May 7th, 11)0. CITY HOTEL MAIN HTItKKT Canyon City, Okkoon, C ROTH A1- THO.MPSOA Proprietors, Traveling men will find (his a pleasant ami doniruhlo place at which to stop. iih ii Call TO IHC (ilVKN ItV Gen. Jl uncock Tosl Wo. U, G. 91. Monday Evening, ill llic Giangc Hall, To coniuu morale th AVash ina ton's A FREE PORK AND Will bo served by the Ladies of Prairie City, assisted ty nieinbom of the Post, from .ri:.'!0 to 7.oO o'clock in the cvciiiiiL', of which every one, largo or small, is invited to partake. ('rand . urch at $ o' flock. Committees: AUItAN(ii:.MKNTS--niel A. Hyde, Sam llouuh, ChaB. Cooley, Thos. Perkins, Jas. l-Vy. KKCKPTION II. IlunUr, Ja. Ilutchings, "John Zeph. Kl.OOIt Chas. Cooley. Martin Lucas. t'f' Music bv Prairie City String Hand, .a a Tickets Including Supper A General Invitation FlRSTflATioMPflHiQ or II oppnor. 0. A. IIIIKA, I'ltANK Ki;i.l.(K;n, President. Vice-President. (Ikoiiok W. Uoniikii, Oashier. J. I'. IIIIKA, T. A. IIIIKA, I. T. DOOSON, Directors. Traiinnrts n Crnrral UnnLIn? Uuslnrs, IS.rchange on all jmtti of the worlil- BOUGHT unci SOLD- (Jolleetioin umile at all oitiU nil Itetisonahle Term. Money limned nt fitun one to ten i"r cent. BREWERY SALOON Canyon City, Or. This popular resort lias live it reopened to the public, (did now, us in the, past, keeps nothing hut the best in nes, Lienors p Cigars- . I). KICKAltl), I'ropr. EHGllSlAlADf STEEL PENS J rH4iiiiil I'em, illfTerrnt lallcnn, In I C.t .Mi-ki-l I'llitml .71 Mill lint, .nt !t-uiiii, mi nitift ot io rii.vrs. PERRY a CO., London. ciliubh. u. s. OWc. 813 Croiilj, h oil. THE BEST. SEED ANNUAU K 1091 v.JtU p FRtt io all .-I'D i Ml ' f ukttHiitft il ii utnrr inin ever tlioutj ciul fur II AiJ) tl d. m. rcnnY a co. nrrnnir. mich. Ircil ScctJiiutn In the woU J Talmago's Life or Clirisl NOW KKADV. KNTITI.KII "Fl'DIl Hlipr Ifl TIII'BIIO." Ity the world's greatest jiulpit sov ereign, Rov. T. DcWITTTALMAGE D. D. Including a History of I'alcntine and account of his journey to, thro' and from the Christ-laud. Illus trated with more than -IUO superb cnejaviiiHH, Scenes in the Holy Land anil copies of worlu-rainons paint' inj;s of the oi.i) MASTKits, from the greatest galleries of the world. Kiiom -f 100 to f.'ilK) iwr mouth can easily bo made on commission, or we will pay liberal salary. jGEiiTSXWflNTEDl sSS Ministers, brinht men and lailies in everytown to nhoui we give exclusive control ami territory. Act now before ter ritory is all taken up. Write for terms and full particulars. Address PACIFIC ITItldSIIINti CO., AhiMuirlh llloek, .'til A Oak S(h. Portland, Oregon. Fob. 23, 1891. Jr. Anniversary of HirMiday. BEAN SUPPER : : ; : : &()()' is Extended to All. I 1 1 Liou Read Advertisements? Do you laid1 udranhitje of a good offer II 'hen il is placed ii iliin roar reach? If SO .iS&Kj-'-' SGHII v'-d3r' sore iwftlF0C 'jiilli, ' I1DU J- --zzrzzz?r. .); (loods, Clothing, Hauls, Shut s, Hiatus, .Milieus, Orcr shirts, Cndertceur. Hosiery, lluls, Winter Cups, (inii Hoots, Hlankels, (Juitls, Corsets, Ladies and child reus' Shoes, llubber couts, )'etlutc Oiled cats, 'unci (foods, Cntlenj, Ktc, Etc., Etc- 5000 iovi c 000 000 0000 o oouiHiOoaooaoooAoooftdeonoo I When cavli eccoinpanio tho onltr for any aiHount Iroin I'ivo 0 Dollars or mora in nlxno lino of gooiU wo will pipay all Mail or 1 HUie cliargos, to any sUyo tnliou in Grout or Ilnrucy countius, 9 until .Mnicli lotli, 1MM. ben ol.l on ciodit no chnrg- 8 I oh piepnid. AHoMniMiiniiaii9ti)joNieaioc)ioMoi)ni; Wo will guarantee our lowest loail pricts on Every Article and agruo to itifund the nionor if gnodro i.ot sntiifactory. IJy sonding to u, writing pUinly, just wlmt is wanted, wo cm seltit tlieui to your natislaction. U'o huo tho fn'n'tfrxl assortment of Gen crnl Moreliiuidiw to Imi fouiul in iny stoie in 'Oregon. Yon enn save money in ovcry lino. Give us a trial rder. AVe solicit rnir liade. Or I.-r l.y Mail at once. Crt llesperlfull l. Coffin Mcin-Inl, HBPPNER, ORECON. A. tiACflJ'LVIir. DKALKH IX General JOHN Haptonsfali Hl'CCUiSOIlH To it.'irroxsT.tLL $ n.iirr, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., ORECON. Have now received tho largest ami most complete stock of new goods in Grant County, which they will offer for stilo at prices that defy competition JAMES & JONES, Proprietors of The Cihj J nig Si ore. Keep constantlv on band a complete slock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- Patent MtNlicinoH, Toilet A 1 tides, PeifmiuH, Soaps, Powder, Pnfls, Coinlw, Toolli Nail, clullicH nnd liar ltrtiKliOH, DraggiMt's Suu iliinH, Laiups, liiinip Oils, Glims, Putty, CbiiuyM, and nnd everything to bo found in a first class Drug Sloro. Nothing but PurE, Fresli Drugs Dispensed. Orders from ndiHlanco will recciv e pn-mpt attention. PrcBeiiiilioiiBnimociallv HAKK" CITY oitHGON Ulines Mason. Mil is. KlltSP t'lASs WMiON SHOP AT SAMH STAND .s Carriages, limbics A'- Backboards Made to Order. Kf ICe"Hoiiiihl. Diicounl I'ov i'asli JJ JPosTomcE) Store) t'lXYO.V ( I I V, OH. L- Parrish Propr. A Hue ktock of (!h ltd in., XuK ToUitM-o, Stationery, Kt, Ktvjiut I'ceeiviMl. (iie Die a end. liCF Oil. anil ordei at once z v J ereliandise. DAY CITY. Uart Ec Co WffilJMOIilili1 1 Canyon City, Oregon K ' I i-t inlly !i h.nid al.'l fur -ale. Iioi.-h sili'V - Mild and uiilitttd, umi I' I -I N MI.s, lltnN, Hi' y ki . M ItlKH KTKM S, SI'i'k I WIIKKI , SI'IIINO.;, ' M...I V.iK IHil.TS, PICK II.W I II . M.KlMiK ll.MNKS, 1 1 i'i.i - and wkihiks, tiiii: IK..N, Ktc, Httf. -HAKKIt t ITV Bakur Cil, Oregon. TWcmi NiriMf I Ww for Um iHttalng I"")r umI tri,n( I'talmi. tlu4a( rui enUr at ali tllilv KNtHi.iril tut UUI al)4llMf I'.ir .ml ..t-ilihim' iilJrM I'ltoK S A liAKIulili. I'iU.I,UiI.4IW Suim.l J.iCui.Ht, 1.1 l' Milu I' II H.ilni j, l'Ou.ll ul thv Cuw im i.i4l J. irtiu. lUk.rl'e), o,wl HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! Fur Gaps, capes and mitts; fine and cheap dress goods; fine and cheap facinators. The finest line of shoes in Eastern Oregon. .W Ihv (JeHffnucH: Elegant fur and wool caps ; fine line of winter overcoats. A neat bus ness suit and a fine dress suit. Also a full line of furnishing goods and for the general trade. We offer you sucn maucements m tne grocery line that we defy competition. M. DURKMEIMER & BRO. I9 r a trie Ji(t - - Oregon XI!IJK)N J0MJ, I'll 1ST. (IncorKrit4d. Puid up MORROW COUNTY Commission and Fortcurding .'Igcnls. Cash (id ea need on II ool Con sign men Is for JSDJ- Wholesale Dealers in Armour's Packing House Products. Shipping direct from ICaitsus Cilij in e tc lots ice urn nrciiared Io 'ariiish interior merchants with. Hams. Ha con. and Lard, at the lowest wh olesu le pricyu ci 11 ? shippers freight from, fort land to Heiipner. trade on It. M. C. L. & T. Co. 9 rMM)aOMlfl(l(IO(iaOOM)OIHtUOOOOOOOIIOO(llKiOUOO(H0(10)0IO bimmor In JL .Mulilrkk. DKAI.KIt IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon. City - - - Oregon. Constunlltj on hand a full usso tmenl of ) floods, Clo'lhinu', Hoots A'- Shoes, Groceries, Etc., Etc., Etc-, at Ileasonable Prices. 9 i). ;. vi:itiioir. 5 I I I BLACKiAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I- I MM h 'I T" 1 Hennner, Or. I iT r 1 f ". 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 I .. nnilnnc In f!nnniil M nrIi a n rlicn J i I I LUUIUI J 111 VIUIIUI 1... I I A UitX" AaaoiUiHiiitat l)H'ft.t Pric. GothIk Hold ut Ilmlrock Prieos. I nulii of (iraut liounty SolieiUl, I ' I I I I LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN EASTERN OR GENERAL iJERCIIANDISE. Canyon Cltv II hure received a nil opened u well selected stock of dents' Pit rnishino- (lands, Huts, Hoots, Shoes, Hlan kels, Quills, Hardware, Crockery, (Uusswure, Etc. ,'lso Euncy and Stade droccries, I'rovisidns and a full assortment of Patent .Medicines, A'olions, Etc. g3f l'libllc I'nlroiiiiKii SollcKeil Jf 3VLiil Orcloi'N Promptly Attouclocl to. 0. P. C RE BAP, l)i:.i i:it in S'MTO.YEH)'. BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SLl'Ell ,V KLY( )' W.'lHES. Gru'erieH, Flour. Tobaccos, Cigur, ami one lmndrad and one other varieties, cheap fur cadi, at The OldSlund.C anyon CHy. I'- It. IIISIIOI', TIIKAS. (Japit.d Stvk ?2.r,000.0U.) LAND & TRUST CO, T. E, TELL; iviUi father. 0 0 0 i 9 I 0 0 0 0 I T & CO (II IIIOI VJI llll IU Uly. I and SMvial Induoeiiitutc Ollitred. I I 'I I I Oregon. u