Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 12, 1891, Image 3

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I JT hoad
ThuvmUuj, Feb. U.
ParUhflry Hake.
Kills kotttiiitic to
Attaint tlte night school,
opent tonight.
China now your vvm celebrated in
royal otimital stylo.
Mm. I ton Krway nnd children nrc
vUitinj lit linker City.
All ipiostion of a water supply for
pkieer initios iippcurs to Ixj settled.
lwrn to writo with u rnjiiil, muscu
lar movement, by taking n two month's
Of m mo it the nij(l.t solnsd.
TIkka uho have not fit) thuir stisjk
nny liny so far must throw out n fow
h.tinlfoU to the poor bruUH now.
Tim Jtiii' of Prairie feel proud the Urtuid Army I mi honored
thorn, unit vv ill ilo well by the l)y.
Kuiop U wnjnying cold weuthor.
liut .M outlay thr wind blow from tho
direction or Kuropo, which iudicnti
nome nmn snow.
Cinyon City's incorporation hill hat
become n law, and tho tint Monday in
April wn uloct city oilicors if tho (!ov.
don't veto tho hill.
Tommy MeKw.ui hrmight u load of
freight through from I taker last week,
ji:ut of which wan tho water wheel to
jirojii'l Horn's saw mill.
Mr. 1 low oil of Prairie City inform-
fil ux lust .Monday that mww was re
ported four feet deep at Qu&rtzburg
six miles above Pruirio.
China new year U gone, and now 1
comos Valentine's day. We expect a
tender missive, hut will no doubt 1j
doomed to disappointment.
When grub gets awfully scarce th't
white rabbits on the hills make veiy
good chicken pie. They nro being
utilized for pie purposes now.
Set out orchards and care for them.
few years this valley will have a
and then a good bcarinz or-
will lie cipial to a gold mine. !
Fisk has just uudu final proof
table tract of 80 acroj of tho
wiiiri-iay vuuoy wiai nan ueen claim
ed along with another tract for twenty '
This city present;) more coasting ter
ritory not seacoast than any other .
city. Half a a natural toboggan
slides mo in roach, and sleds nrc in
Snow clouds seem to hug the inoun- j
talus, ami snow deepens on tho sum
mits whcie it ought to le. In this
valley there has Ix-en pretty fair
sleighing for a iiuiiiImt of days.
M. Dustin and Uavid ltlaiiton while
buggy riding last Thursday night
. drovi; into a prospect hole Ixdow John
Day. Dr. Orr was culled to nee Mr.
Dustin who received rather a shak
ing up.
Harney county remonstrated against
(Jiant getting buck any of her terri
tory, claiming that while the "jog oil'"
was straightened the promised lino
created a jog c(Uully embarrassing to
Harney county.
yS' PeOjilo ill the country frequently
have social dances and pais an eve
ning pleasantly. We learn that an
enjoyable time was had at Joe Oli
ver's residence a few evening's ao,
and alto at Mrs. Hiatt's.
Mr. D. II. Kiiiehart, ( rant county's
most successful fruit grower, is in to
ceipt of a letter from a fruit dealer of
MiuuuiK)lis, legardiug the purchase of
apphw. IS runt county's apples nio U
comiug celebrated, and if we only had
shipping facilities money would pour
in and apples pour out.
A Unit the only impoitant dispatch
ill the Orogoniau's legislative column
is the strcotyM"d one that ' the senate
was opened with prayer." One day
it was not opened with piajor, them
leiug no clergyman present. The big
duly did nut say how tho senate got
open, hut it is presumed it was opened
up with a cork screw.
An Fugle coriosjMmdent likens that
paper to a good little Sunday -school
lniy who divided his apple with his lit
tlu sister, while the Nt:w is held up
us a naughty ly who goes fishing on
Sunday. Ho says: "Ixiok at the Fu
gle' items; 'Major Mugone has gone
down to Salem to work for the enab
ling act.' Now hxk at the News'
items; '.Sherill' Cresap has gone to
Salem to attend the sherilfs conven
tion.' Ftc." Voters and taxpayer,
does this supeiior and profound logic
snt foith by said wiiter coniuco you
that the county seat should lo remov
ed from Canyon City!
Our Itoprosoututivo in the lloii.e,
Mr. Dustin, makes a bid for u second
term. Ho says: "A man is a great 1 dated at the plnces the haglo men
deal U'ttur qualiliod to do something 1 tioued was genuine and we could pro
after one sunsion, ns he can learn to duco tho signature of tho writer. Now
handle his bills so as to keep them comes u "valued corresoiident" to tho
from leing swamped." No doubt if Kaglo and alleges that tho letter of
Long Creek hud all to say Mr, Dustin "Monument Taxpayer" ovor which
would get another term, since hu seouu there is so much howling was publish
to renrtvsent that section exclusively ed "at least a year Ufore thu editor
and to have made the enabling act his
pet measure. Ho says: "It will pass
tho Houso if there are enough peti
tioners to outnumW thu remonstrance
but may get strangled in the Senate,
as money and iiillueuoo will tell." Is
this tho way you size up thu two
houso? of the legislature) And uro
wo to suppose that this was why you
were so keen to eo to the Senate while
tho candidacy for tho House you took '
with reluotancel
Waeon road anil bridga bills were
scaled down from 207,000 to i7,
, 000. Dayvillo to Haystack was
, cut to 1 1,000; Cirant county line to
i Callow valley to I'J.WO; Moiiuincnt
j to John Day was left as aakud for,
$f,(X)0, while tbe Monument bridge
bill was rofn.ed consideration by
1 tho committee.
j Tbe bill to regulate tbe observance
of Sunday fitted to pass.
lllackman's Monument-John Day
wagon road bill has passed the sen
ate. K. S. llage, ii farmer with lived tun
milm south of The Dalloi, was burned
to death in his onbiu lately.
It U salil that there is not u Uwver '
in the legislature of Ninth Dakota,
nnd that DO per cent, of tin' tui'iiibora
are farmer,
The ling Creek Hale is made the
agent of so touch uiisii'proscnUtiou
lately that iU ery ink turn pale
with mortification.
The expenditures for Ongon for tho
lisvnl yours I WSS and l.NSD nmountd
to f 1,07 Tho heavient item,
fl7fi.10S.Ul, was charged to the I li
mine Asylum fund.
Died, at iU Wolhssloy street, Tor
onto, Canada, on Tuesday, tho 27th
, of January, 1S!M, Mary Ann, beloved
wife of Augustus James Thibodo,
M. A., M. 1)., of Prairie City, Or
cgon. ' Cenerally at this season there is im
mense competition among buyers otl'ur
ing to advance money on the coming
i wool clip. Now there is no advance
otlcred, which indicates that the (lis-
tress in liiiMicial circles is general
i throughout the Intnl.
Tho Portland ICvcning Telegram
, has been purchased by a company
headed bv tico. II. Mollett, recently
from Minnesota. Mr. Mollett has
assumed editorial management, and
a great improvemelit is noticeable
in the hvemug lclegram.
Hani times in the east makes us
complain also, for our homes, wxl,
mutton uud U-ef seek an eastern mar
ket. Our gold alone goes ut pur every
where, and if the miners make a hand
some cleanup in the spring that will
relieve the distress somewhat.
it is not worth while to acquire
fame. Lieutenant Hchwatka who
accompanied an exploring party to
Alaska and made iinjortant discov
eries has just died from injuries re
ceived in tho very ordinary avoca
tion of falling down stairs at Mason
City, Iowa.
The Nuws has a habit of publishing
facts, oven though a few soreheads are
oll'ended thereby. Wo published the
fact that more taxpayers signed the
remonstrance than did the enabling
petition, that persons who had signed
the latter reconsidered and signed the
former, and that taxpayer north-west
had remonstrated. Truth hurts a err
tain few ulout 1ong Creek.
'County Assessor Timms has just
I completed for the county a plat of all
lands within the county for which a
final certificate has U'en issued. He
j finds ii'jri.H 10 ncres. This is fi 1,000
' acre more than was given in to the
I assessor ill lls'JO, and II 1,000 acre,
moro than was assessed in ItiS'J. A
I diU'cretico in laud asessmeut sullicient
I to pay for several plaU. Parties pro
ving up sell the tract ami the final cer
I tificate is not recoided, therefore the
land heretofore has escaped taxation.
: Olio hundred fiauduleiit names are
l rejHirted to lt on the remoiistr.iuce
, against the enabling act, is the. latent
wail from Ioug Creek. No doubt this
I has lieen "reported." So have a iiuiii
Imt of other pievarications equally as
stupendous eniiuatod from that por
tion of the. county. They resort lo
lying in order to shield themselves
from Ijoiug smitten by the Ixiomorang
they hurled with such a jiowerful ef
I fort lately. Tho Iong Creek ring
' cried "fraud," but investigation re
1 voalcd the fraud all on their side.
i The niggardly policy of the l'n
i ion Pacific in discharging white
section hands and filling their pla
ces with Chinese should be frowned
down all over the state. That com
pany whose lines in Oregon scarcely
contain a sound tie or a safe trestle
or bridge, will soon be utilizing Chi
1 namen for engineers and conduc
i tors on their trains. Plenty of ac
cidents hapMn on tho line now, but
then look out!
"Misapprehension" is nuiqunt in
tho Fugle ollice, and out) continually
' reading that sheet and tiyiug to believe
, ull it stated would soon have to Ut con
' voyed to the asylum. Jan. 1'A tho
editor accused the editor of the Nkws
' of publishing a bogus communication
1 signed ".Monument Tnxpuyer." Wo
i made a statement denying the allega
tion, saying that our corresiiondenco
graced (irant county with his pres
ence, etc." As the Nkws man never
claimed to have the boiiafulu signature
of "Monument Taxpayer" wo point
tho a ecu so r to the Uilauco of untruths
and misrepresentations that have Ixrn
proven against the Faglo and its stall'
of correspondents, again saying that
to such communications us wo huvu
published wn
have tho name of the
we can show if ueces-
writer, which
Feb. 10, 1891.
News is scarce.
Quito a snow storm lust night.
Know is about a foot deep here.
Mr. Wbitmire is very sick at bis
( i rami Calico Hall next Friday
Measles "till prevails up at the
bead of tho valley.
The lycouui at tbe Strawberry
school house is running full blast.
Sleighs are in demand at this
! place. The front part of a liob is
Stock on the range will lo scarce
in the spring; (here is a time-bar
horse here, lie looks kind of thin.
John I.aurance has bough! J. It.
Johnson's place, and also Alex
I.iiurance's place, known as the
Cripsel ranch.
(ieorge Cleaver is very sick, lie
has not improved much since being
brought over home from (Iranitc at
which place he was taken sick.
According to tho rules and regu
lations of the Prairie Citv Dancing
Club the girls of Prairfo City are
.worth fifty cents apiece, as each
member of the club is required to
bring a partner to the club or for
feit that sum So much for Pruirio
Last Sunday I saw a fellow out
sleigh riding with his girl. He al
most ran his team down. Ho said
she kept Hiking him in thu ribs, but
ho did not take a tumble till he
looked down at tho road and saw
that there was no snow in the road.
He concluded to turn back and
wait till it snowed some more. 1
guess he has got his wish, for the
snow came down all night last
Look out, boys, and don't say
anything about one another that
might hurt our feelings, for if he
does banned to squander a few dol
lars and buy a few presents for his
best girl and then get left it is no
body's business, only the parties in
volved. For a man has feelings as
well as other animals. I am a man
of few words, but would sit right
down, and argno with you all day
rather than have any trouble.
N. (1.
Dayvii.u:, Fob. 10, "Jl.
We've gone "dance" mad. Last
one was on the .'list. The "crowd"
danced until midnight, ate supper,
and then I guess they didn't go
buck and dance on Sunday morn
ing. I know I didn't, and I think
it a malicious slander to say the
majority did for
We've gonu Sunday school crazy.
Latest "fad;" boats pitching horse
shoes. It is especially tiopular with
a few a very, very few of our
young men. Tho balance of thu
boys sit on the fence and view the
After we incorMrato we shall have
the city fathers build a narrow side
walk for "'tho procession." It will
Have blacking shoes.
In addition to Sunday school
we're had a term of court. A case
of "slugging." One man knocked
out. Whiskey hit him the worst
lint with all the metropolitan in
cidents crowding on us vvo'vo gone
'incorioration" daft. I'nluckilv
however, for the future town, wo ail
want thu chief offices, and tho con
sequent lack of harmony seems
likely to prove fatal to our ambi
tion. Well, wo will have lots of fun
watching all you other little towns
lighting over the same question.
Hut we've gone solid on the road
1 see that the committee on roads
at Salem has roiKjrtod favorably a
f -1,000 appropriation for tho Day
villc and Haystack road.
The coldness ami indifference with
which John Day and Canyon City
received our subscription paper,
which had on it from this small pre
cinct alone, ilttOO for a road of great
public benefit, is not at all liked.
We are thinking some of sending it
over to Long Creek and making a
bargain with them.
Of course wo would not like the
county seat removed to Long Creek,
still wo would like to have our near
neighbors appreciate our own wants
u little.
I wonder if the Long Creek Fag
let will accuse Mr. Ilellmau of wri
ting this letter. I hope it will.
Sau: Hitrsii.
- - - 4
Under tho snow tho grass is grow
ing. fT'ightecn inches of beautiful snow
at Moan s l;anyon creel: rancli.
Country folks are still sociable.
We nro informed of an enjoyable
surprise party at Frank Fisk's last
Tuesday night.
A number of telegrams have been
received announcing the passage of
tho enabling act. Time has proven
them to be unfounded.
Long Crcok Fagle corresjKiudenU
will soon be asserting that the tax
levy for (Irani county is not close to
three cents on the dollar. Tho levy
is 'J'.) I'J-.'tJi mills, but wo expect
them to deny it because the Oiia.nt
Cor.vrv Nkws publishod it. Cor
resjoiidents and "informants" over
there are having a "most a pleasant
time" contradicting each other's
Mrs, Miry A. l.lvti mote's Famous Uool,
"My Stry of the Vr.M
In this new and Ucrhly illustra
ted work, the world-famous Mary A.
Livermoro narrates her personal
work and experiences as a hospital
and field uurso during the war of
the rebellion. Wo do not know when
700 pages have given us more genu
ine pleasure. Mrs. Livermoro sout
four years as nurse in hospitals,
camps, at the front and on the bat
; tlo-field, and these four years were
I packed with patho?, glory and sac
j rilico probably never paralleled in
j the life of any other woman. Her
: narrative presents a vivid inner pic
i hire of the womanly side of the war,
moro csjcially of her own work and
j thrilling exjicriences, with many pa
, tlictic and and thrilling c.Mriciic
' cs, with many pathetic and humor-
ous incidents jKirtraying the lights
i and shadows of hospital life. These
I are described as onlv an eve-witms
and a tender-hearted woman could
describe them.
lint a wondorlul work she did.
How heroic her labors, how thrill
ing her oxivorioneo in those dark
years. It is a story never to be for
gotten. When she first entered up
on Iter Hospital career a ilentliiy
faintness came over her, but she
nerved herself for the work that had
to be done, and soon became accus
tomed to it.
We regard this splendid book as
a wholly unique work, for it repre
sents tho womanly, or w hat may be
very appropriately termed the hea
venly side of the war, and this has
never hitherto been written. It lifts
the curtain and shows how heroic
and devoted her blessed work was.
Stranger stories are here told than
romance ever dreamed of, every one
of them drawn from real life bv a
woman's hand. Shoiild every other
look on the war be blotted out of
existence, this one would complete
ly rellect the spirit and work of the
women of the North. Such a work,
by so eminent nil author, at whose
feet hundreds of thousands have sat
and listened in admiration and won
der, ower, wisdom, influence
and fame are now world-wide, is the
literary event of our times.
An able critic has said, "This is
the most richly euibellibhed work
ever published in America." We
endorse this opinion. No uewspa
ior description can do these costly
plates justice. They must be seen
to bo appreciated. There are ulso
sp-endid fac simile platcj of famous
old battle Hags, from photographs
and paintings made from the origi
nal liags, printed in sixteen colors
from one hundred and twenty-eight
engraved stones. They show ullthe
colors, tints, blood-stains, rents,
shot-holes, and splintered stall's, ex
actly as they apjiear in the original
Hags. Tho story of each Hag is told
with pathetic incidents attending
tho death of color-bearers who died
under their folds.
Put tho book into your homes. It
will be read over and over again by
old nnd young, with increasing plea
sure and lasting profit, and will be
prized by all.
Was it Homicide?
Last Friday niirht a couple- of
residents of Dayvillo, ('. Ladrow
and Fdward C. Ilrauii, became in
volved in a quarrel at that place,
and Ladrow thumped lirauu most
shamefully, wo arc informed. For
this ho was arrested and lined t-0
in the Justice's court. lirauu died
Tuesday morning, and an inquest
was to have been held on his body
to determine whether or not death
was thu direct result of his injuries.
Wo have not yet had time to learn
the verdict, ltraun was by occupa
tion a sheep herder, and had no rel
atives in tho country.
Notice is hereby given that for
the purose of making an examina
tion of all orsons who may oiler
themselves us candidates for teach
ers of tho schools of this county, the
county school siiK!rintendeiit there
of will hold a public examination in
the M. K. Church at Long Creek,
commencing at one o'clock p. in.
Wednesday, Feb. 2.'.th. I Sill.
County School Superintendent of
(Irant county, Oregon.
Dated at Long Creek, Or., Feb.
Ilth, IS!) I.
Chun. Frey's son who returned
from California last week nqsirts
that boomed country very dry and
hard times.
I') to last mail wo had no au
thentic news concerning tho fate of
the enabling act, which has been in
the hands of tho committee for toino
time. Major Magono telegraphed
to Fd Allen to send down some more
names. We do not credit the rumor
that ho said "manufacture us some
more names."
This is a hard winter on coyotes
says tho Lake County Kumiuur.
Last winter cleaned out thu rab
bits, and there is no dead stock
now, which makes their picking
slim, and they are becoming bold
enough to jump right into a bunch
of sheep and kilt tiieiii in daylight,
"Informant" in tho Fagle admits
that he accused Mr. Ilrllman
wrongfully, but says "it is general
ly boliovoll by the public that you
wrote it." Indeed! That shows
that they will make all kinds of
false statements and still think the
public will believe them after they
are refuted.
Three More Prominent People of This
City am! State Testify to the Km
cucy of the Electric Cure.
The same marked uuccesw that
has followed Dr. Darrin tho pas!
four years Millers no diminution.
His rooms at No. 70j Washington
st., Portland, am crowdrd night and
day, and many have to go away
without seeing thu Doctor, or make
apKiiii!ineiits for tho future. It is
not often that any known remedy
will reach such a' large number of
chronic, acute and private diseases
as does electricity. There seems to
be no bounds to "iu utility in treat-
iui disease as well as its annlica-
' tion to machinery. Tho three fob
lowing cards speak volumes for the
, doctor ami ms new ineory in curing
the ills of which we arc ull unban
pily alllicted:
ICniTon Oiiiwonian: Jan. 17, I
came to Dr. Darrin for treatment
for deafness and rinuini' noises in
1 my cars. I was cured iii ten min
ntes. as well as ever in my life.
The treatment was by electricity
and other methods, liefer to me at
SI! Oak st., Portland.
Amiiu:w Dot'iii.AHS. McOtew's ClooJ Luck.
Km run Oiiikionian: I have been
under Dr. Damn's Klectric treat
ment for three months for nervous
ness, kidney troubles and other ail
ments. I am cured and recommend
him and his treatment by cloeti ici
ly. My place of business is Mo (i
street. Portland. I have gained l.'i
Rjiinds in the time.
Lkk Mcd'ltl.'W.
Another Soul Made Happy.
Kiutoii OiiKdo.NiA.v Dear Sir:
It all'ords mo pleasure to testify to
the excellence of the Klectric treat
ment given by Dr. Darrin. For
several years I have been troubled
with kidney troubles and inllauima
tion of tho neck of the bladder, for a
while unable to got out. A fow
mouths home treatment has put
mo on my feet again, for which I
am truly thankful to Dr. Damn's
great skill.
D. K. Hoi.i.owav.
Newherg, Or.
(lo to the Ked Front Milliard
Hall, Canvon City, for fmo wines,
liquors and cigars."
Mr. (!. 11. Coad was over from
Harney a few tlavH ago, and says
Ilarncy county is enjoying consid
erable snow.
The Pacific llrowery's Celebrated
Peer, the best in Kiistern Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at tho
Ked Front Billiard' Hall.
When you send away for gixids
remember the linn of Collin v Mo
Farland at Heppner. They not on
ly guarantee you first class goods at
Tlowest prices, but they pay mail or
i express charges on same to any
stage ollice in (irant or Harney
counties. See their new "ad" for
J further particulars.
' President Harrison in his mos
' sago says the imports since tho
passage of the McKiuley bill have
J boon S per cent greater than the
corresponding perioil last year.
This shows that the people will
have a certain class of goods, al
though they have to pay excessive
Many years practice have given
O. A. Snow A- Co , Solicitors of pat
ents at Washington, D. (-'., unsur
passed success in obtaining patents
for all classes of invention. They
make a specialty of rejected cases,
and have secured allowance of many
patents that had been previously re
jected. Their ad. in another col
umn will be of interest to inventors,
patentees, manufacturers, and all
who have to do with patents. $
Tho Orcgooian has tho largest
circulation of any Daily, Sunday or
weekly paer West of the Itocky
mountains. And in order to further
increase its circulation they have
selected with great care, a large list
of valuable hooks, ar.d other useful
articles, and are offering these as
premiums to each subscriber to any
of its several issues for yearly sub
scriptions. The Oregoiiiau should
bo in every household. Send for
premium list to the Oregoiiiau Pub
iitdiing Co., Portland, Or.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining un
called for in tin' jMistolliee at Can
yon City, Or. Feb. I, 1SDI.
Uov J Wischer, Mr F Kapanke,
Mrs Clara Loftdn, Mrs T S Merritt,
Mr John Schurtz, Mr C W Slade.
Persons culling for tho above
will please say advertised.
Mits. Annik It. Paiiiiisii, P. M.
Letter Mat.
Letters remaining unoalled for
in tho iostol)ieo at Prairie City,
Or., Feb. I, LS!M.
II C Phettiplaco 2, Mr. Malting,
Mr Will Milligan, Mr W F Miuard,
Mr Walter Still.
Persons calling for any of above
letters will please give date of ad
vertising. Kick It, McIIaLkv, 1'. M.
Tin: market for the lloost product
nro seldom If ever glutted,
llit.UNM on the farm nro more valuable
l lian capital. Farming really combluei
several (K-cupatlon.s, amtlhcro Is nhvnyt
vituctliliiK' to leant.
Tin: vvltlo-itvvnUo fnnncr vlsitn other
(arms than his own. When he tlmls
conveniences, methods nml crops better
than at home It Inspires him to greater
Kvkiiv farm should 1h nn experiment
station, with plots for maUini; oxixtI-
mctitfi. The humblest farmer Is capable
' of discovering Nouiuthlng that may be
' of advantage.
i A tciiiii.:-Ih)WN building should W
l torn ilou n an, 1 converted Into lire-wood
rather than to allow It to illsllgure the
farm. A single rickety out luilhlinir,
J worth not over ten dollars, will Injure
the sale, of u farm ten timed itn value,
i Tun (inner who carefully save all
the uiauuie, ami uses every emleavur
l to preserve It, Ik the one who also uses
i IcrUluorw. :tiu-h a farmer Is never
with the matcl lain that
are necessary to lneroao the feitlllty of
his soil.
A t'.viivinn should tube eaiv to keep
eivh.v and safe ways of ItitfrcMt nml
t'U'ivw to Ids cultivated Ileitis, More
vvamn ins' lirolten down lv irt ilnr
through deep furrow or over rldjfv
than by twice the travel on smooth
highways. j.
'I'm: MieeoiM.fiil farmer is one who
l;eeMt liK eyes oKin, his fnrm elenn, nnd
his stock In jrood bondlllon who makes
money. And, it might W well to add,
who uses his means for the advance
ment, morally and Intellectually, of his
family and the community.
A 1-osT-omci: in Charlton County,
Mo., hns been named Mlku
A Moiiviov zealot hns started u pas'r
at Hast Jordan, Mich., whkwho elirh.
teued Herald of Millennium, tine arti
cle in his' ereed is that it Is unislly to
wear Killed shirts.
A wirNliss In a Nebraska trial the
other day testilled that he believed
that a eeitain ihtsoii was Insane Is'
cause that H'rsoii washed his face three
times a day,
A mwi.U. Innovation In New York City
Is the 'hlue-rlblxin Invitation" to din
ners, iudlciitint; (by a knot of blue rib
bon in the lower left-hand corner) that
wine will not In- served.
Wiii:n some Istysaud mlor were elms
Intra rabbit at lllcli Hill recently, it
tisik shelter under a lieu vv tth a brood
of chickens. The old hen nearly picked
ami scratched the eyes out of the dojf,
and from that day to this the hen anil
the rabbit are ltiMp.trahle.
A Nuvaha congregation, wishing to
get rid of an obnoxious pastor, hit upon
the dastardly scheme of giving him u
donation party, but the plucky shep
herd pulled a gun iimn the crowd, and
laughed long nml loud to see his sheep
Hying through the wixhIs. dropping
baskets and bundles on the way.
A ci'iuofs custom prevails among the
bridesmaids of Sllei la. Kaeh brides
maid plant., a tvv Ig of tin- bride's myrtle
wreath Immediately utter the ceremony
and watches mid tends it until It nmts.
The ilrst twig to show signs of life and
growth It kiipscil to bring gissl luck
and a husband within the year to the
girl wIhi planted It.
Tiiciii: has
hundred and
been iiiade a list of two
ten birds which inhabit
Till: weight of a crowd of men closely
packed is alsmt eighty-four siunds xr
suis-rlh-kil foot.
Tin: Smithsonian Institution is nlxiiit
to Ksiie ii publication showing the com
ing t tiie-tion of many valuable iiuiiuals
in a few ,vi ars.
I'vi-i i: or other Illinois forms of eellu
lo.w p.isst d through a bath of nit ili
ac Id and then washed Ih-coiiii's eelln
vert, n new mi.lerlalof grenl toiighneiJi.
'I'm: uiti'icuui of the Ml. Petersburg
I'uivcr.ity has received the remains ol
a ui..un.ioth found In Kllieria hist sum
mer alsait a mile fivm the militaiy sta
tin. i i f ICrusMiiy-Var, on the const ol
the river l.oinovata. Among them is i.
bsitli p. rfectly preserved wcighiu;!
ulsiut eight siiiuds.
l'lloiooiiAi-iix for determining the mo
tion', i f moving uiilmals and dying
bird, lire now taken on a traveling
baud of M'Ui.itUcd pnH-r by means o(
iiiteimiltenl Hashes of light, and the
movement i. ( the pajH'r hi the fis-us of
the camera is eontrolhsl by nil eleelm
magnet, In Ninth Ameilea the phakingldie.
variously known as harvest spiders,
harvest men. daddy-long-legs, etc., in
cludes but twenty-two known i.jmm-Ii-s.
1'raiit-e has u list of llfly-nllle of thb
family, and thisve of other Huros-an
oiintrles aie iirtlonalcly large.
1 1" you catch nn animal in a steel trap
every minute it stays there its meat is
grow lug w irso.
Ai.tii.iioii the virus from n vvolf-hlte
is not more virulent than that from the
bite of a rabid dog. yet Its action on
the blood is much more rapid.
Sovn: hinders will not eat the meat of
a deer that has Wcu run nnd worried
by dog-., but only of those which have
Ix-cii killed by what is called still limit
lug -that i, which are shut and killed
and so don't i.uirer much before tin y ill
I r is Ih'IIcvciI that there is no re:iMiii
why African elephants should not lir
tamed and trained to the service uf
man. The Carthageiihlil army of Han possessed some elephants, but
they may have been luiHirted by the
I'hieiiiiiam. from Ceylon. The natives
of Africa nowhere care for capturing
ami domesticating wild animals
It is a curious rellectiou on the Intel
ligence of mankind that while animals
easily learn our language, we make no
advance at all In learning theirs. One
can not help hoping that some future
generation of men may be sullleieiitly
kind nod patient to Is-lleve that vv hat
these loxuilcut creatures have to say
to us may sometime Ht as iiiisjrtaut as
vvhul wo have to nny to them.
Mas. Sr.NATon Doi.i'ii thinks that tho
wife who receives a regular allowance
Is more economical, uud that the hus
band can ls-lter calculate his yearly ex
p.Miscs, thereby Is'iiellttlng Isith.
"No woman should Ik coiiih11c(1 or
e.H' ted to ask her husband for every
cent ..he hx'iids," declares Mrs. Itolxirt
I. Porter, wife of the census couimls
.inner. "It piitu her In a false and
bumllliittnif position." - - r
Maim: men do some strange thlnps. fy
Tho owners of an unsuccessful "pants
factory" nre converting It Into a maplo J,
I H Ill-Mil j.
Titian: Is a woman living at Newton,
Ivan., who Is forty-eight years old nnd
she hns never hail a proposition of innr
rlntfo. She thinks N'ewton Is the dead
est town In the world.
Tin: hunting eiwtuuio for women Is of
such n elericnl stamp thnt when a lady
was thrown lately In Ireland n country
man rushed up with the remark: "If
your reverence will Just knpo nlontf tho
Ismk n bit there Is n handy mil you
miifht climb over."
Whim: Mr. Williams, of Montezuma,
(!a., wm driving under nit oak tree nt
dusk he wns nuiiued to Hint his horso
leave the ground ami remain In the air.
investiifntlou proved Hint the nlYnlr was
not suSTuaturnl, as the animal had tfol
cmiirhl in n swln lianiriutf from n
Ixuitfh of the tree.
A u.viittKi. of apples oivned near the
of Whflit htul a wry lino nipU' In
! ,"' ' ""7 " "'"""'KV " r""' " ,
n ii-t-f in hiht: n any yoiinr laoy
who chance to eat this apple Is desir
ous uf matrimony she will please eor
rvsonl vvith Hartley Marshall of Falk
land ttiiUtv, .uuiitoliH County, Nova
Scot lu."
Tin: l.ewistou (Me.) .loitrnn) has this
William Tell story: "There was a
Maim-dis'tor triuniii)f for hltr irnmc a
day or two ago, and he i;ot helplessly
Inuijf op over a precipice. His fellow tisik aim, cut HT the brunch
ol a tree that imprisoned him by shoot
ing it olT at -.'(Hi yards distance, and the
hupi Ihfiiusl doctor was rescued."
Tin. f1ii' In the shin' factories at fJar
diner. Me., have originated a new fad.
U hen one of their number needs a hot
of false teeth a pasr is passed around
and i-ae!i MiliSi'iihcr pays for one tooth.
When a .ullliient sum Is collected the
- t Is unlensl, and a parly Is iriveu at
ivhl.ii the "friendship teeth" are pre
Tiii:ui; is a scarcity of lieutenants In
the I'.iillsh navy, and every ollleor ou
the II'. t It. In active employment.
Wm.N the vessels provided for luivo
Is-eit Hnislieil the Culled States navy
will have twenty-nine new steel tin
timored and armored cruising vessels.
Srcm.TAitv Tii.vov has decided upon
'he names (or live now ship , of the navy
.low building. They will ls called
( 'in. I. liulelgh, Indiana, .Miissacliii
i tt .and Oregon.
Tills Stationary Knglneor remarks:
IT ii i. tei. in plant on Mime of the war
vessels assumes astonishing proixirttoim
mil If the principal element of their
siiiilswltlou. The new llrltlsh war-ship
Vletoila lias In her equipment eighty -eight
i. team engines, not counting those
In her torM-rlo boats nml launches.
Tin: uniforms of the Herman inaiiucH
will U altered shortly, so thnt the neck
ami chest, which have heretofore re
mained bare, will Is- covered, as I . the
ease in other navies. The object of the
hau-o l, to prevent illness among the
recruits whose lungs are not strong .
enough to endure tho customary ex-
A I'lTl'M vu phase of the use of jsivver- '
fill projectors in naval vvurfnro has Isvii
brought out. In misty weather the re
lief II m ami glare of the light from the
irojeetors served only to blind the ship,
Old the torx-do Ixiats Were able to up-
.iroaeh within easy distance nnd dis
charge their lorpcdix'ii without being
Illl.l.l vim cloth makes the tlrvcst case ,
for a banjo.
To ouv ivn: the shiny iipieiiriineo ol
silk, sixiuge with unsweetened i.'in.
if pretty women would remain pretty
they must not xriult their teuiK-rs to
become milled. A rage leaves creuses
and w rinkles, and we all know these
give an Impress of age.
A ni:w bed-spread Is made of coarse
linen sheeting, embroidered all over in ,
gold-colored silk in Ixihl, conventional '
lcslgns, wrought in the loiiL'-steiu stitch
known to our grandmothers.
Al. I. dainty women are fond of scent.
Some of them use It very extravngaiitly.
I uey saturate llielr dresses with tier-
fume, so that when they are tuken nut
of the wardrobe they are as fragrant us
a bank of violets.
I'm: fashion of sewing tiny sachets of
fragrant isivvde rs in the oorsatro of .'
dresses Is not new, ami Is certalulv a .
very agreeable oim. There also "the '
xrfuine used must be no stronger than
violet or sau d Lspaguc, umber or
An excellent and iuexis'iisive prepara
tion for cleaning soiled gloves nnd other
delicate articles is the following mixt
ure: One iiiatt of ilexlorIeil beii.lne,
one drachm of sulphuric ether, one
drachm of chloroform, two drachms of
alcohol ami enough cologne to "mke it
pleasant. "
Both the method and results who -Syrup
of Figs is taken; itispleasai
and refreshing to tho luslo and tie
gontlyyot promptly ou tho Kidnoy , .
Liver and Dowels, cleanses tho py"., .
tem effectually, dispels colds, hem',
ached and fevers nnd cures habitti -constipation.
Byrun of Figs is tl,
only remedy of its kind over jir
diiced, pleasing to tho tnsto and a- '
coptablo to tho stomach, iiroinpt
its action and truly benchcial m
effects, its many excellent qualiti'.
commend it to all. It is forwilo
fiOo anil $1 bottles by all lctulir'. .
druggists. ' ,
MAHUr AOTUntO ONLY Uf till .,
touismu,Kr. new tout, ti;