The Paper for the. Stock man, .Merchant anil .Miner. THE GRANT COUNTY I 7'? Paper for the Farm, the II urh'xhtii and the, 11 tune. Volume XI I. a-LYyOA' CITY, GJL'LYT COUNT i 0 11EGON, Til U IWDjI V, FKllltlMllV li,JSl)l. Number 4(. ATTTIWC 11 . 11 4 r. Y MAB. 4 Storv nf a Love Thrice Offered and Twice Rejected. (T row ibi- AryoKj.) CIIAPTKIt II lnnr jmm bad ttassod. A vi ry sllont family nt at tlu lak fan mule tlil August morning; tin head o( the family hud descended in an lirtialtlii mood: .mil his viouinn-fnlk, oh- k. rvltijc the pucker on hit brow, n nervously anxious to nvolil Balling his attention to themselves. "'I he eolTon Is colli, Mabel. It's y strange that vo never have a decent cup ot oollPtt in this house! I'or nettrly four year our cousin Ma bol hail been our Wp-fnlhor' wife) he had Ionj; .il'o coasts! to smile ut her bo nlk'nly, and censed to extol her virtues. 'I'lio toast Is tough," tm LTiimMiil "My dear, will you lio (fixnl enough to give llttlo thought to those domestic JutltHV Thoro Is ono of your ohllilnin Drying i that Sydney acaln?" "I think so, dear," was tlio pintle, nervous ruply. "I thought I forliailo 1 1 1 tit to cry.' "ton, hut hut, you forgot, Adrian llu'a huoIi u baby too younjf to under- stand." 'ot too younp to ho rulnoj hy n uuiKoneo. Aiwr nrcak-rast you can uo to tlio nursery .niil send SyJncy Into tlio utiiiiy to mo." "Adrian, you am so Rovoro with tilin." "On tho contrary, Mahel, I utu tnoU Rimtle. Hut one can not too early teach ones ehllilreu to understand thu Innv Itahlo eousco, nonces of thclrownactlons. vWiou Sydney disturbs our comfort by eryine; In a foolish and peevish manner, we disturb Ms Idea of comfort hy seat' iiik liltu without his toys for two or throo hours, with his faco toward tho wall In the corner of my study," . . I!ut " "HiiuiirIi on the suhject, Mabel. Pray uo not heuomo argumentative, mydear. A painful silence ensued a silence ho heavy and painful that Alice, my youngesi hiHter, holilly hroko It. "Mali, do you know that Ned Harnol'fl (toliig abroad'.' Hols. 1 heard It." Allen htllfered for her boldness; our ttep.fathur looked nlowly in her dlreo Hull. " hen was that frock of your clean Alice?" "Yesterday, papa.". "So I imagined, my dear," was the uilhl-volccd reply. "No wonder thuhllli from tlio laundress are extortionate. You will wear no moro washing frocks this summer. After breakfast you can take ott that dirty dross nud put on the hlauk horgo you wore wearing In tho winter. You will wear nothing else tin til I give you permission. "I'apa, there's tho "llarnets' garden party to-day. "You can wear your black sorgo or remain at home." He roue as ho Hpoko, carefully brush lug a speck of dust from his sleeve. He had successfully depressed the spirits of us all, and his own temper had grown almost placid; tho creases In his brow ' bad .smoothed thouisclvoa out, and lie went slowly and contentedly away to ad minister reproof to his three-year-old ho n in tho study. I went out of doors Into tho garden and there, half an hour later, Alice joints! me. Shu was a pretty, graceful girl of sixteen. hlio camo walking slowly toward mo with a very woo-he. Vm countenance. The sergo dress wait badly made and too small for her; tin material was coarse and thick; It wai a last winter's frock and last w Intel Altco had worn her skirts short, and lately she had tasted tho dignity of skirls that roaohisl her ankles. "Look at me, Mali," she crhsl, tin tears In her eyes, her voice Indignant, oi pitiful, "Mali, tell mo truthfully, do I iook aitsniiiv "The droH is hideous, hut you look pretty In spite of It," said I lovingly, "l)ar old Mah! Oh, Mali, I uih tin tables could he turned for a hit and we could tie the tyrants. I should like to ilroiw papa in a schoot-lioy jacket and an I'lon miliar, and uiuke hliu wear his hair long In ringlets." Wo lauglii d. Alice linked hor hands around my arm, and we strolled slowly together down the garden paths between tho trim bisls with their low, closely uroppeu iMix-iMiruers. i longen to a si; a ijinnllun; a simple uestlon enough, 1ml It was only with an effort, after much dellleratiou, that I atkisl It. "Alio, who told you that Nisi was going away'.' " They wero talking of It at the Ci-drs ycntcrduy. "Ah! it's true then!" " Home scientific expedition wants him to come with them. I didn't listen ver attentively hut they'regolng toexplore Mime place, Africa, or Australia, ot boine pluce. Ills mother was so funny. .Mah! She's proud of his being asked to go, but she wants him to refuse. She says It's an honor; and then she forgets the honor and says shn lias heard ol tigers and r.Ktlesuake.s." I made no reply. After a mlutlto Alice clmttisl on again. " He'll be away for a yoar or two If he gons, Wo shall miss him, shan't wo?" "Yon. " IJon'l you think It's odd of lilm to wUh logo?" " It scouts to inn ijultn natural," I re plied, abruptly, almost sharply. "His stileullllu work Is most absorbing to blm ; ho hotsomod more engrossed In Itotery jvar." "Hut ho ought to settle down and marry ; Iio'j (,'cttlng so droadfully old." "Noturyuld. 'rwonty-nlne." " I wwmliir why huilouu't marry, Mub. lo vou know what tho girls bue fan. cltsl'.''' . "No." "Thpy havo fancloil lately that h movant to marry you." I turned sharply away, llendlng over Ihc wn.t-ia, I plucked a sweot-scont-ihI. many colored handful. "Hut ho can't marry you If ho Insists on getting eaton hy snakes and crooo' dlles In ( entral Africa." "IKin't, Allco!" 1 exclaimed, harshlv. She throw her nrm In an Impulsive, nanirting way around my shoulder. "Poor old MabI you'ro not ere- she ciiesllonisl. ".No. Hut don't talk llko thal-1 Jon t like It, Alice." Alice reganlisl mo In silence for a mo rn en L "Wouldn't you marry blm If ho asked you?" said she. In a thouirtitfcl ;une. "No." ' "Ifeally?'' "Heally. Are you surprlsist?" "Well, yes; you seo thoglrls alt fan clist that you would." Tho girls' voices roaohisl us from the lawn, and after a few mluuttw Allco de serted mo and ran acrocs the grass, and presently her voice reachisl me with thu rest. 1 strolled on, away from thu sound of tlio merry chatter and laughter. My heart was heavy, my steps seemed weighted with lend; I had suddenly grown loo weary to walk. A little summer-house stood tcs!do the pathway; 1 entered and sat down on the rustic seat and laid my arm on the rustic table. I looked out with llxcd, unseeing eyes through tho open doorway. Two or three minutes passed; then between the doorwaj and tho sutisliltiu Ned llarnot stood. "May I some In?" ho nsked. taking the iirmlsslon for granted, and enter ing e uu while ho spoke. Ho held out m. J. 'MAY I COMI, IN?" his hand, and my tiaud was still in his when he sat down, on the scat beside me. "1 hopisl I should find you ulone," he said. I smiles! In acquiescence; his tone had a gentle meuulug as, or late, it had often had; hut I would not uuderstand It. "I came to speak to you, Mah." Ills gray eyes looked down Into mini) with a direct, frank glance. Ho still ro ta I tu-d my hand and I let It rust there, too proud to draw It away. Mah, do you know what I want to HIT?' Yes. You aro .going away. Alice lias just huen telling me." I looked at him oiiletly, straight Into his eyes, If four years had taught mo nothing else, it had taught mi some amount of Holf-control; I could speak In steady tones, glauco at him with calm, unfaltering glances, though my heart was sick and sore and aching. I am sorry you aro going," 1 said, steadily, in tho regretful tone In which a friend may s'k; "sorry for our sakes. Hut for your sake I am glad. It will he such a splendid opportunity." He did not answer mo, lie rose from his seat and walked to tho door. After a minute I rose, too. Standing in the doorway, leaning against tho creeper colored framework, wo faced each other. That was not what I cauio to nay," he ohsonod at last. "You'ro not going?" . "Whether I go or stay, Mali, depends on you," ho replied slowly, looklngdown at mo, My vauntisl solf-iHisscsslon deserted me a llttlo then; I was conwilous that a wave of color swept into my face; my glance fell, t was angry with myself for the Mush: with an elfort I raised my eyes and looked at blm again. oil want my advice. ou must lull ino all alsiut tho proito.sisl oxpmlltion first; I scarcoty understand well enough to anvHo you." -v "I don t want you to advise me." Ho looked down at mo steadily. "Mah, you know what I want vou know as well as 1 do. I have tried airaln and again to speak to you-you know that, too. You havo always prevented me, nut now l must sneak. I love vou. Mali; If you will glvo mo any hone. I will stay in Knglaud, but If not If I am no use here, If there Is no hope for mo I may as well go," I hero was a note of deep feeling In his voice that set my heart heating mad ly, Joyfully, Hut next moment I was reasoning with my unreasonable bappl nens, bitterly smiling at It. "Win do not believe In my love," tin continued, In his tjulot, steady tone "I nave ell your Incredulity, Hut you must believe, MaK" "I do believe," 1 returned. I bolloved that ho luted mo, but I bolloved. too. that liU love was basis! on pity, 1 he. Moved that Itwasa forcisl growth, which he had carefully fostered, and which, If the care and encouragement which he had bestowed ou it wero withdrawn, would die an easy and natural death, Pour J ears ago ho had learnt that I lantl fur hlin; tho thought of my unre in I ted love bad ialnist hlin constantly; n had been very sorry for in very grateful to me; ho had longed and striven to pay Hit "ht ot altoctlon which, unasked, 1 had bestowed. And his heart had answered thu demand ho nude usin It. Uo loed me. I had witched hU lovo grow, road It In tho lofter glances which nowadays he gavo me. heard It In tho gentler, less mas terful tones with which tie spoko to me. Hut such love was humiliating more humiliating than his Indllferenee had been. He Imed me, not inimitably, but ot ilelllierate, anxious desire. "I no lielleve," 1 said. "I think you love me- hut I think, too, that If you try you will forget me.' "Mh, yon aro cruel!" ho exclaimed In a i(ulet voice, hut reproachfully. no maiie no (urllior protest, no stronger ilenlnl. Protests were not much In Ned's way. but I etioso to Ig nere that truth. In my pride and hit terncss I e.hiwo to tell mself that he knew he would. If he tried, forget. Iivo whlrh Is IkimiI on gratitude and pity Kill die an easy death when the bash of gratitude and pity has been withdrawn " on think mo llckle, Mali. Perhaps 1 ill-serve your Judgment; I havo proiod llokle once. I shall not change again, I think." Ho iuallflod his astertion by "I think," for Nod's statements wore al ways tetiipor.-ite but them was little doubt expressed In his volco and glance no camo a step nearer me ami toolc my hands In his and looked down Into my eyes, lit spite of myself, 1 lot my soul for one long blissful moment drink Its nil of happiness. My heart danced; my bead was light with Intoxtcatlnu' toy. 1 hen resolutely I struggled away from the loto that tompted me; again I uallod prt .e to my all. Sod, tcdl me ono thing. Will you answer one question -truthfully? ' As many questions as you llko truthfully, you may Imi sure." "Did you line me at first Wcauso you thought lli.t i lovisl you?" "At llrst. perhaps m. I am not sure. The beginning of my love dates a long way hack. i nre my hands from his, and put tin m lightly together behind mo. "Ned lately - " 1 asked "what havo you thought? Hate you fancied I still .tared for Jou?" He hesitated for a moment. Then: "Yes," ho answered, truthfully, "I hae thought so. You hate often been fold to me, and .sometimes a llttlo cruel; but I iM-lli-io In your heart you love mo; I have read your love In a thousand ays." "You havo been mistaken," I returned, harshly. "You have read what doesn't exist." He was silent for a few moments' space. "You do not love me, Mah?" he asked. In a grit-ted tone through which a thread of surprise ran. That nolo of surprise nrAivu my pride, which his sorrow would havo otherwise softened. "You used to loe me!" "Why should I bo more constant than you? I was a child no luuro than a child. Why will you always remember that childish folly against mo? One outgrows one's childish loves and halo." "Is thai my answer, MabV" "Yes." I turned away from tho door of the lUinmer-hoiise; I went slowly u llttli way along the garden path, lie followi d. "You will very quickly forget me. Ned," I said; and I i topped hastily. In lime to check a sob that rose. "We nt'tnl nut discuss that question," he replied. "In a year or two you will he rather glad that I refused you. He half smiled. "You hold one view ot my character, Mah, und 1 another." he resuiiidiMl, quietly. Very slowly we walked toward the house. When we reached It, 1 smke again. ".shall you go away?" I faltered. "Yes. You havo decided that Milnt for me." ho replied. in. May-day a breiuy, pleasant day of alternate showers und sunshine. In the garden tho laburnum tree is just touched with yellow; tlio lilac Is budding; tho trim beds are golden still with the last of tho da Hod I Is. As my step-father has Just reminded me, this I.s my thirtieth birthday. Mabel has kis-si j me in her gentle fash ion and wished ino many happy returns of the day; my step-father lias smiled, and sighed, and slightly shrugged his shoulders. "At the ago of thirty, my dear, an un married woman prefers bur birthday to he forgotten," he remarks, "1 prefer It to bo remembered," I re ply, briskly, "Thank you for your good wishes, Mabel. "Thirty!" says my step-father in u musing tone. "Thirty!" he repeats, "I AM XOT AN MA III IT, I'VI'A .' and sighs. "Thirty! Well, I supiosi an old maid Is useful In a family," I laugh. "I am not an old maid yet. jiapa." f "No?" Ills mild Interrogative tonn Is certain ly preuklng; my own louw has tome. 0-1:1 Xr ' Of I ft fif 111 : thing., 1 admit, of plnster-llke sharp win as I reply. "I feel quite as young as I desire to feel." i nat is Miistaetory. it Is not every i one who at thirty still feels herself to I bo an ornament In thu matrimonial I market." v j I turn away silently; but my sllencr j serves no purisMo. "An ornament- but reletratid to tin shelf, continue my step father, In musing tone, with a rotitcmplallvi smile. "Age has, at all events, Its advan tnges, jwpa. Sarcasms at thirty fall to touch one." He professo not to hear me. "As far as i can see, my dear, Harnet seems to leave you to grace that shelf." I havo carried tho pinafore I am mak ing to a dtitaut w ludow. I, too, profess to be deaf to the words which I will not hear. "Let mo give you credit tor onn vir tue," the smooth voice continue. "You are pvllcnt. You have milled ou Harnet for thirteen year, and still are unwill ing to regard the task as 1iomi1iss!" I have said that sarcasms no longer have the power to hurt me; but tho IhkvhI Is vain. In spite of tny thirty years I turn away now with burning cheeks, with childish anger and with tears springing to my eyes. I take my work into the garden. Tho garden Is quiet, for the children are In the m hool-room at their Ichmiiis and mv own sisters are all marrlist and tronc. I'he lawn Is ch,-ly shaven, smooth as dlk; the box-border trim as ever: the beila ure guiltless of a weed. I take the path which nltie usirs ago I took with Alice, and I ston now as I stunned then at tin little rustic suuiluiir-house beside the pathway. I lean In a uiusng, pensive iikmhI agalnsl tho framework of the i ntraitce and look alwently before me t the dancing branches wet with rain, at the moving luittin s of light and shadow that the branches cast uimiii the path, at the lilies of-tho-iulley bvueath the wall, nl the hisl when" by and by the sweet peas w III blossom. The swiet in an were blossomlnc on that morning, nine vears ago, when Ned and I stood here together. My thoughts travel slowly hack ncrixtM thoe nine years, ncall their history, and slowly return to dwell upon tho prei.ent-the Joys ami sorrows ol to-day. .Many happy returns of the day to you. ' I start and turn my head. Hound tho path hi hind the summer-house Ned Inid eotne suddenly uon me, he stands closi hi side me, holds out his right baud ah smiles in i-alin, friendly, unembarrassed (asmon. Thank you. You remember my birthday, thou?" l es. .My memory Is very giMsl, Vou know. It Is pjtrt of my i iiuipment as a Hulcnltst. Ned stands, as he stod nine years ago, In the doorway facing un Nine jears have aged him. He Is nearly forty; his thick hair Is turning a lltth grnv, his short, bushy heard Usprlnkled with gray threads here and iheru, his frank i scein to have rm'cdcd further beneath the grave, thoughtful brows ins ugure lias grow u more miuare, inori set; the truth must he told, he look uilddle-aed! He looks graveiy and quietly nt tin in.. . , . . . . . . inn iiiiiiiiiit mis morning is very illlier- i-ut from his maiiui r ou that far-awnv morning of nine yi ars ago. No then Is no suggestion of luvo-makliig. Ill voice takes no tender modulations, his glance does not linger long with soft meaning on my face. I inn thirty; he I approacning loriy- wo are grown pro saic! Prosaic?- are we? I can not .speak for hlin; hut I can spjak for myself Nine years ago my heart nevor ached so badly, so outokly, as It aches and heats to-day. 1 stand In a quiet ko, my hands loosely clasped bofori me, and perhaps I look as calm as he, hut the calmness Is surfaco deep no more. We stand and chat quietly nlmut many things. For tho last few weeks he has been from homo; and he asks me about the small events that have bap polled In hU absence; and I ask hlin about tho visit ho has paid. am not sorry to get hack again, "he ays: hut he says It In thai sober, mat ter-of-fact tone which ad in its of no Mat tering personal Interpretations. "You are tins! at last of traveling?" "Not of trave'lng but of country house visits," ho replies, with a grave yet humoroiissmlle. "Yes. I believe you are right." he admits, alter a moment, smiling quickly hut gravely again, "I am tlrml of wandurliii." The African explorer Is bottling down Into u oountry squire," I answer. "l or awhile." "You do not expect tho Jog-trot life to Milt you?" "Not for long." lie dotw not sigh, and yet there Is a suggestion of a sigh In the voice In which lie answers. Whilst there are worlds to explore you will never ho content!" Ills gray eyes rest on mo. They do not exactly smile; It would ho dlltlcult to correctly duwtrlho the expression in their depths. They rest on mo with a long look; then he glances slowly away at the slender ralu-ladeu branches of tho laburnum, which sway lightly In thu breeze and shake down showers of rain-drops which sparkle in the sun light as they fall. "While life lasts, Mah, I shall never ho content," is all ho says; but his tone has a llttlo thrill of deep meaning, and for a moment my heart stands still, then ImiuiiiIs forward at a kihsIoiiuIo speed that keeps me silent whether I will or no, l'or uluo long years the record of our talk with oneanotbur has been u r coo id ut safe commonplaces, liuperonul, un emotional. Only at rare intervals across that desert of year have 1 caught i i;',.iic.-, a tone, that has made me won h r win Hut the love I refused to take it deiul? Nine years ago 1 put bappl te .-. r.wtiy f i mil me proudly, luiH'luoiis l. l.r nine yearn 1 have known regret. Inn, lint hitter heartache. To day I have. a rh.ips, too little pride, as nine years ago I had too much. If I thought he still eared for me, his silence should not stand between us; I would let no .en monies, no conventionalities spoil our lives. " by are you not content?' I asked. My lone Is Mi ady with an elfort. He turns his head find half smiles at me again. "In another week," ho says, as one wh) has ansiwinsl my question and change his lone, "tho laburnum and lllao will both 1h in bloom." "Yes." And then wo are ImiiIi silent. "e.. we have been friends so many jean." I plead, trjlng to snk easily, frankly, pleasantly. In friendly fashion; "friends are useless If they can not giumhlo to one another! Twenty yearn ago fifteen yearn ago wo used to pour nit to ono another all our causes ut dis content." He looks before him for nearly a min ute before he answers. "Since then" he says and pauses. "Yes." "We have been both tnoro and less than friends." Does that prevent our speaking of our troubles to each other?" It prevents my speaking of one trouh'o to you,'' he answered, simply. How my hands tremble! I clasp my fingers together. My heatt Is beating so fast and furiously that I can scarcely draw my breath; my thoughts leap for ward to a Ixild resolve - a resolve too Inihl to bo womanly a resolve so bold that I dare not pause before 1 spi ak. Ned, once you said you loved inc. You have got over It your love?'' I'he reserve, the silence of nine years Is broken. It Is I who have torn down the barrier! And yet t have only nartlv "M.II, IIM'i: till' SAID TOf I.OVI.K IIC! destroyed It; he would like to hastily pile up the breach. 'One gets over most things, Mali, in time," he says. Hut I scarcely hear his wonts: his voice bus a tiemor which makes my pulses beat with Joy; his face hctrav that the time of which he speaks has not yet come. 1 scarcely know what I do, but I know that 1 put out my hand and lay It ou his arm. "Don't get over It, Nisi," I say In tho lowest of tones; and then, having been the boldust of women, I suddenly be come the silliest, and hurst into a Hood of hysterical, foolish tears. And leu minutes Inter Nisi and I are sitting together ou the rustic seal; his arm Is around me and his strung clasp holds me close to hlin. "You loved mo nine years ago when vim refused mo?" ho siys, lucnsluloiis ly, repealing a statement I have Just, 'twlxt laughter and tears faltered forth. "Yes; hut I thoiwht you loved mi) out of pity. 1 thought you would easily for get." "And I thought my niter had hurt tun! ilfeiided you. I thought your girlish love for lite was dead. I resolved mil to persis'tito you with my love, mil to .peak to you again." "And yon have carisl for mo all these yeari?" "All these yearsyes. And wo might have lieen happy together!" 'And now I am so old, Ned!" Old! Not so very old, Mali. If you were younger, you would scorn your fray-haired lover." "Papa will call It a prosaic match." Wo both smiled. Our eyes met, and the smiles In our eyes deepen. 'Whatever bis verdict may lie. wo can bear it with philosophy," says Nisi. And again we smile. "Is the match a prosaic one to you, Mah?" ho questions, a thread of luiiL-bter ami a thread of tetidoruos both running through his tone. .My answer Is a smile and a question. "Is it prosaic to you?" I asked. "Oh. Nisi, why have we throw u awny uo many years of happiness?" i'orhaiw the discipline hai been good for us," ho whispers mildly. "livery thing happens for the best to those who to not take their lives Into their own hands. Ant! you. Mah, am dearer, sweeter to me than ever." He gently lays my bond utxjn his shoulder and folds mo In bis arms. My heart Is at rest ut last. I would wait another thirteen years for this happi ness. (lilt: l;i. Pllll.AHi:i.l'lll V is hiivlni? trouble over the color lino in the nubile Md,.,U There Is n strong prehldice tiiruliist mixed schools fr w r(Mvli ,! t resulted III the establishment of a large itutnlwriif "isihintl miIiisiIh." A LAW has Ikvii iiuiuhnI In Kiiii&iis bv which the district inav stdfet nml own such tevt-lMXilii. us thev cIiih4i. A Itiuiitlty of text-lsMiltN will he iiurcbiiKl for the schools unit phusd ut the ills- ssil of the pupils, thus vlrilullv malting biml.s free. ii n .'j iww'i'v i r rn: v. FOnCIGN KHAGMENTS. IsChinii lew limn rio.oou ollli-lnls suf fice to rule, In ti mm I jvrfecl manner, oue-thlnl of the world . . Inhabitants 'I'm: odolivelsi bus lieen l. tint 1 mi the Mindy plultis nf llniiuh nhiii-jf this Milli liter, much larger olid liner thitii thine of the Alps. A sintvio: of carrier pigeons Is to Im established ln'tween '.nintllmr mid Utile Nynvm, In Africa. The stations vv III lie thirty utiles apart. In two of the laiinloii clulta when' the chief liutlem have Won In nlllce for forty years, till gold nml silver change ts wnsheil liofore Ising piveu to the iiiciulers. I'lNiiiMtMov over ti latyeimt t of V.u niH ulw iiys hill the fish re. mmi its they tulie them out nf the water, itiul do so upon the ground that it Is Wter fur the llt'sh of tin- fish that It Is- hilled nt once. Tin: most nstiiulshlilg novelty In Parts Is a calculating machine Inveuiiil by M. llollce, of l.e Mans. Hy iilmply turning a wheel It mills, laultipllc, or divides any uumlicr of figures tip to Ilium of fifteen, and with iiniiulug rapidity. Hl.ANM.'T ure loaned to the jmnr, during the winter iiiiiutliH, free nf cost, hy it Uind-heiirted cltiioti In Hrutis vvlck, (Icriuaiiy. They nie f.tuniKil. to prevent them front being Mil, I nr pawned, ami they ure returned ut the close of the cold u outlier. 'I'm: Dutch have an original way nf collecting the tiiM-h, If, Hftor due' no tice has Wen given, tho money It not hout, the nuthurities pluce one nr two hungry militia men in the Iii,um, to W I bulged nml maintained ut the eciii.e nl tho defaulter until the iiiinmut nf the lav Is paid. A mm:-m. iii-iii ii lad nt .ln'ihiilKiiv. India, Is under arrest fm- having hurled lillve his younger b.'i. titer, iifcotl three, lie nilmlts the nlfetihe, and iilatch that he nml his brother wctv orphans lie hail to Wg for n living, and un he omhl lint take the ynuuirstt'i-iiIhiiiI vtllli blm he thought much trouble would W saved by burying hint. Tilt: latest vuiiatiiui nf the conjurer' lsi trick, pert.. lined by Mr. Ilerla in London, iiu.iiiieles u mail nml tiudhi'lts h.n In ii li:tnl. and then i.usp. nib. hint III inlu-alr. I'uitaiiin tuv tin u drawn nioiiiul hint, hut nut rem bill;.' within severnl feet t,f the jf ti n 1 1, t . In it few M-cntitls a vvniiian Is fniiud In the place of the uiiin, nud the man himself U in the audience. PAY OF NEW YOHK DIVINES. Illsnup l'nni:u is ct lies jtO.nou it year With ii hi, me rent i.f t'S.lsh). Illl. Dll. I! UNM nnti, t.f St. lienige'i hi. feh, I'etx s.(MO and u iv, t.iry. I!l. Dll. HlinWN, of Nt. i'hiiiim,. Church, is paid BM.tHW. with a leetury l!l.v. Dn. Dun vi. n, reeturiif llict'hiiivh nf the Ascension, nvelvvi Sfl,lua nud o rectory. Kl: Dn. h'irilitliiii:. of the Min-u Avenue Iteforiued Church, receive IU.I)Jl). lir.v. Dn. Tinmesos-, nf the Miu11m.ii Avenue Presbyterian Church, gcttlilo OOO it yenr. lUv. T. Dr.Wirri'Ai.MAiii:, I), p.. has a i.:ilary nf Io,oihi mid collects us much iiinre f i mi work. U:v. Dn. Mhiioan Dix, rector of Trin ity Chuivli, has it mi I ii ry nf Sl'J.tmu with mi allowance fur u house nf ubtiut M.lllsi. l!i:v. Dit. P.vxtov receives gi'j.tMX) a year nud has no n-ul In pay, fur his cun iri'egtitluu hiive ifiven hlin u battiUutite dwelling. I!i:v. Dn. DfxrisiiTov, of Orace Chinch, receives grt.oou in addition In the use of it rectory, which would rent (or I,0imi. Itcv. Du. Auriiri! Hiiimii.s, brother nf Phillips HriHihh, get ;.. I m n ) mid a ree tnry us the pastor nf the Church nf the liieniimtloii. It:v. Dn. K.u ii:l:i.i:i:. nf Culvury Church, Is given the rout nf n IiuiuIhoiiic rectnry live risking tiraiuerev Park ami So.uoo in cash. ltl.v. Dll. Iilil:i:it, nf St. lliirtboloinew -. P. K. Church, receives gN.IIOII, hi:, boil -' rent and the premium of uu ,iiiiiiii, ,. ; on Ills life nf S-Ml.iKkl. Ki:v. Dlt. .Inns II a l.l. receives u shlaiy of UIK.tioO a your, in addition to u house In 11 ft h avenue adjoining his dumb whoso rental would W nt least M.uon. ItKV. Dll. W. M. i'AM.lilt (C.lllrega tloiiallst) nf the llroadwa,, TaWi-uuc!.-, recti ves H 111, 000 a year n.iil. in .iildltlo i, his enugregulinii Is i.uld to pay the pre mium of uu liiMirtinec on his life for Or the well-known Coiigregatlnnal ministers of Ilnsihlyn. Dr. I.yiuuii Ah Ixitt receives S1II..V10, Ids,. Storm unit Hehreiuls each nud Dr. It. It. Meredith, nf the Tiimphiiuv Avenue Church, St.iHHl n year. EXTRAVAGANT WOMEN. Saiia HcitSUAiilii's traveling kit con sists of forty-eight triiuhh, weighing In nil over two Ions. Miss OAiilirtT, of Hiilliiuor,', has it hath In her home lined with Mcv Iciiii nny x that cost pi. tsKl. As American lady has a line Wd kteml Inlaid with real hmi.. Aern..,. the top runs a hniM. rail, mi which the owner's name U wrought in s iiiis Mas. II. Mclv'vt Twnvini i i . if Now York, Is said to own the Inn-si furs t,f any belle In that city. She has on, liiaiithi nf Itllsnluu sable which cie.t illl.lMHJ. A.N Aiuerii'iin wonian with h pn-ttv fisit mid well-llllcil pure i-. luvii.;; all order filled bhriNitl for - p.iii .of U..I., to Is- eiicriisttil with prceiine, -.time. IMdcntly the fair diplomat ilesirei. t i call uttfiit Inn to her hhaH-ly Miw. IIiiaiii.kv Ma in 1.4 has ptirchuMtl In Paris tho crown of Murlo Antoinette not u coronet which In picture booh . "chorally docs duly fur a crown, but u Ifi nuliio velvet cup, v. Ith Ihc In- ljnl ,.f r. ...tltj finlilnonel tisti It In precious stones, Mlt. r.vtvnw IIi.aivi!, nee McOne. inlck. pihl 1,71 for her new Uib.r'tt bus Im-t mid ti.iuuenu. The furniture nf the tolli lU' liaaUt Is lv.ry UmhhI. with the fmully inoiiKgrnin Vuimtisly lii' rllesl hi sllti r, turititiluti and i,tnll tlhiiuoiiiU. - . Kev. T. I)e Witt Talinaye's New "Life of Christ." A book wlliell Im Hiiro til lmv oront IK))iil;trily, ami hninuiise aalo, both ol itn interiuliiij,' ntvlc ami its Hiipurli ilhmtraliiiim i'k "From .Manger to Throne." a new lift of ChriHl nml a history of I'alt-iitino ami its koiIi in'cluilinj; r. Tal niiti'' tti'eoiint of liis faiiiotis jour ney to. Ihroujjh ami from tlieChrlst html. Tho work which in Hplentliil ly printed. rontaiiiH nearly TDOIaigo Hied p:tKi'H, tlx 1 1 inrhfrt." It is il luHtralinl with inon- limn ItHJ uranil illnstrationH, amont; whieh ait nc- curato ropios of nearly '2iH) of Hie lamoiiH paintin-.s of the old niaslur.i which have Kt loill! eillielieil tint pillericM and calliedralH of Kuropc, hut were never In-fore published in America. He trcatM Ihc slorv of the Saviour with meal icvcrcnci', with une. pee led tendcrncsfi, there beine nontrain- iitK lor cUcct. Tin. worl: in. a hiso rv, and in no way tn'ctarian, ami in therefore one which everv f Mirisl i,m may lead with titlvantnyo. It will do Kimd, instruct ami en tcrt.iin thicc thincjH K0 f,,w wri(Crrt in a i;inglc voluniu. t In speaking, of the work, tho Now Vorl; Herald prcdietH an:tloofa million copies fr the lirHtycar. Tho book will be mild only bv mibm-rip-lion and agentH arc whom liberal IcriiiH arc oll'crctl. The wcll-knotvn and cntcrpriHinc' publiHlicrs, thu Pacific I'ubliHhinu Co , AiiiMvorth Hlock, ;td anil Oak Sin , Portland, Or., are the nolo eon. oral ugcntH for the Pacitlc (Joust. N c call attention lo their adver- tiMcment in another coltiinn. A I.OVm,Y WOMAef orrrlirsiil otto tar of hrr. " Ilr liMrrn lin-j aliitedl" Vr,M rctntU.l stiu In tllaimntlr, "mid It hcsrrnonlu'" lluihlr lioalih inantlrd Iter chrok, yet tkli twautN lul Isiljr, onco Kiln siul plc, nd iiiHiirlim Iroiii a dry. hacking ooiiuli, nlht wctj. kh,l iplltlmfof I.IihkI, ivimol Jrtllnn.1 to till a oontuiniUvo' travu. AfUr epoiid. Iiif tiumlrcdt of Oulltri on pbrilclsm. wiihout iM-nrdt. ilia ttlod I)r. I'lorcss's tlolilcti Hivllrnl Jlin-orrrjr; her Improve nml wh mioii inarkpil, snd In tew monlhi iho wiu pltiinp and roiy ataln. prrft'il plcturo of health an, I itrvnith. 'llilt on,i rful "Dnldnii Ucillinl llltrov. rry." now world . faiuo.1 ua a rrmixlr for ;-iiMitiiion. which Ii roulljr lunf-acror. uls. It nut on! an sclnionlmJi il fui that ti-rrlhlr '"'! milaJr, whrn takiut hi tlnio tnl (Ircn a fair trial, hut also for al forma of Hcrofuloui, (tkln nml tirli'a, M Whllo Huclllnga. Jvrr aona, llip-jolnt IlU-asc, Unlt-rhriun, Trt tcr. hrioina. JlnlU, Carhuncln, Itrraterlaa and Minimi sllinuiita. All acalr, cruitr. Ili'lihnr, ruptloni yM, rrail. II r to iu vtirsllT jiowrts. It lurhruratni tlin liver, enrleliri tho hloo.1 and iroinotivi all th Ixiitlljr riliirtlniia. It It thu eiilr liver, hloo.1 and lunc ramnlr. told hr lruuy .lt, lini.r a io1Uto gtiaruntao thai it will do all tfiitt K rrooiuuifttidoJ to, ur money paid for It will ho rafuuiletl $500 a ' , , ntTcrn.1 tor an . . 1 liiciirabli nuu of Catarrh .J "' "ln "i-a.l, hy th prtip. Urrk Itciuedy, w i.uu, by dfUCKliU. NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon City, Or. .!.. Chaniticrs, Propr. This KiNtlaiiruiit lias recently lieon o)iiusl, nml will fiiiniili .Mmdi or I.inN ging ut liv ing nites. A i.ioiiil foatiiro iibout thin house is that no ('huntso cooks are employed in the kitchen. tiive tho Hostatir.nit a trial. Jai kmis (Jiiamiikuh, Piojnietor. ( I in it I it Iho lniili liter, Nlrciiglli. lis llit)illi;emlvuiirtcitn, i egiilulxn Ilia liotiels, mill uio iiiitiiulcil i uu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In in u I it rlu I ills 1 1 lt I lift r t it Iocs ur vt lilel) t eciitfnlieil,ua Hit ) imssrsa itr iillur irtiiurlli-i. In Ira-rlni; llict.aliii I rent lliul poison, llemtitn, iuirmt toulvtl. Huso sniull, I'rlru, aiJcts. Sold Evox'ywliuro. Onk-o.-M Alurriiy St.. Now Vorlc. 1ttK? i ci iJ Tutfs Pills i' IT , -I .' . .... .