Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, January 29, 1891, Image 2

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January 2i), ISO.
The United Statu atithoiitics
arc yoing after timber land idiarjs
with n vengeance. Recently tliey
jailed threu or four nt Portland.
One member each of tlie Orei n
nnd Washington legislatures has
died since the sesaiim hcgnn. Son -ntor
Kanthnin of Clackamas coun
ty, Or., and Ki'iireenlalivo Davis
of Kittitas county, Waah.
Professor Wiggins is again in an
active state of prediction. He
nays there will ho no earthquake'
around uhjttt or on this coast nn
til fthont August 17th, 1001.
liooincra contemplate capturing
the Cherokee nation in the famo
wny they did Oklahoma. Unless
they get a better bargain they had
better leave the Indians iiij)Oosts
siou of their laud.
Kvun kingH tlie. Kalakaua, king
of tho Sandwich Islands, who
came to thin country that hi
health might bo beuelitted, died in
San 1'rancinco on the t!0th. His
body was conveyed hoiuu in one of
the United Stated war ships.
Tho iMontana legislature, a
usunl, in doing nothing. The
member are divided olf into fac
tions, and have a big row nearly
every day. A "most a plenum t
toime," surely. Wo ought to feel
j)roud of our own peaceable Ore
gon legislature.
The Oregouiau's motive in
booming Governor rennoyer for
tho presidency cannot bo clearly
understood. Perhaps the Orego
niun hees far enough ahead to
know that he cannot poisibly be
elected, and boom him for the
purpose of defeating the democrats
next year.
Hakcr county' represtiutatives
will makii an cllort to piocure
Btato aid for boring artesian wells
in that county. Artesian wells
would greatly benefit Eastern Ore
gon, and while the State is in in
the appropriation business a sum
of money might thus be judicious
ly expended.
Money bus a huhit of (lowing
out of stock countries, except when
sheep or cattle aro marketed.
"Wells, Kargo's expmis odlee at
Lakovlcw issued 1I8U money or
ders aggregating 3 I I ,752.28, dur
ing lallO, while they cashed but
1 HI), aggregating but S!l,071.!ll),
during the same year.
At a meeting of Kx Confederate
soldiers in llaltiinoro recently the
veterans cheered the name of Gen
eral Grant, and announced their
intention of pushing the comple
tion of the promised monument to
tho Union-ooldicis. What a re
buke to the Union soldiers, who
have permitted their old chief
tain's last resting place to remain
unmarked for seven years.
Oregon will have to be rcapjtor-tinued-by
the Icgsilature and some
provision should be made so that
each county would have n member
of the bonne. Washington which
leads Oregon in many ictpcctn,
lias such n law, and it apperas to
be a good one. It gives the little
counties a chance. Olherwie
many of them would be practical
ly without representation.
Among the pithy saying of a
well-known German philosopher
r.nd reader occurs the following:
"Sign no p:ier without reading
it." In these days of petitions
and remonstrances such a caution
is doubly necessary. It is aston-
ishing haw many people there are,
including good business men, who
uttach their signatures to papers
or documents whoso contents may
have a Ecrious bearing iiK)ii them
selves or their affaire, with scarce
ly a glance at their contents.
Carelessness in failing to acquaint
themselves with tho character of n
paper before signing it has worked
incalculable harm to thousands of
well iuteutioucd people. It is a
good thing, therefore, to bear in
mind continuously the above quo.
tation, particularly with respect to
such papers as express or imply
anything in the nature of n con
tract or obligation,
Jay (loui.l) lias purchased three 'salt
pltinU In Kmikos.
UoiiKitT (UniiF.rr, since hli ruturn to
Ilnltlmore, Is reported to lw "looUImr
like lilmHolf a(,'nln." Interesting fnct In connection
with Cyru field' golden wedding wo
that the entire bridal party of IS 10 wan
pre Kent.
Hkxatou l'umn on tho tutnp Wgln
Rpeaking with hi right hand ntuftVil
deep down In hi breeches MKket. The
thumb of hi left hand I stuck into the
lower rct ockct.
J. 8. llnow.V, who was Onrfleld'
private nccrctnry, nnd who married
.Ml Molllo Oarflcld, ha lately liecomi
private decretory to Secretary ltusk of
the Agricultural Department.
Skxai"oii KVAnTd said U) a reporter
the other duy: "I think now that. If I
were ktaudlng tvheru I was llfty-three
year ago and joumnlUm win what it
now in, I khould cIioomi a the 1uk1iiik
of my life that of n Journalist. 1 euu
M'e In It greater Kwill)llitloH than are
embraced In other profeviloim."
.Hr.NATou Caiii.ihi.i:, of Kentucky, and
Thomas Carlyle, the gn-al K-oteh phil
osopher, are kuid to (hi from the Milne
fninily, deoplte the tllkklinllurlly in the
fMtlliig of the name. 'J'he memlnrs
of the fumlty are able to trait' their
lineage back to the days of go.l King
Alfred mure than eleven hundred
.Mn. Ilor-KniT.M.Kii, who hn n very
line pluee on the lltidfton, I now unit
lug mi Italian garden, which U n new
undertaking In thUcoimlry, there lielng
only one like It, and that U In Miiw-n-chuM'tt.
ThU will 1 tilled with 14
variety of foreign ptnutx, and In the
hummer kcnsou will Ik) a place of great
.Mn. lIl.AIMI! I a great student of
Naoleon lloutipartti, lie bin in liU
1ioiim In Washington a tllllillx'r of ex
cellent engravings niul etehlngf. of the
('ornlcuii In thu vtirloun htugex of his
meteoric career, but thu picture of Nu
cleoli iih the youthful, alert, tlgeilhh
commander of the urmy of Italy li. one
that Mr. lihitnc detlghU in showing liU
Hon.inKii "Hay, Johnny, dlil your
folk have a privatil lit the theater
last night?" Jobliliy "Xoi but they hud
one after they gut home."
Al.oeiiNo.v-"Tofniny, do yon think
your sister would murry me?" Tommy
"Ye. .She'd marry ulniost uuylssly
from what she said to mu."
".Ma, bus utility got lee In her
nioutli'" "No; why do you led;?"
" 'CaiiMi Citpti Jone caught liohl of
her, and said he Wtq Ifillllif to l:e
honey from her llp and she (.aid:
'Well, liiuke liasle.'"
"l)o voir know what the dead lan
guages are, Kufii-i?" usked the grout
orator "Yep. I.alln, (Ireek and l.'n
glUli." "KllglJsliV" "Yep. i:.i;IL.hl.
dead, too, l'u said full iiiurdcred It
In your sieeeh last night."
CilAlil.ev "Won't you teach me all
von know ulsiut rlilltlinir. Mr. llab
)ey?" Mr. llubley "Why, 1 don't know
very inuch, Charley." Charley (mn
ltlvely) "Oh, you must, Ih-ciiuko I
heard pa say that you Were always
making pointed remark."
(il)i:(ln.i.iK "Hobby, did your mother
make any derogatory remark olxiut
my singing after I wu gone the other
night?" Hobby "N-n-ii o, she didn't
miiku any derogatory remark." I)e
(llllle "I'm glad to luitir that." Hobby
"Hut she neurly died liiiighlllg."
Wl l.l.l k'h pnpu had a visitor who wore
a very tall silk hat. Willie had never
wen such a tall hat, mid as they were
going up the walk to the house he
astonished the visitor mid mortllled hi
papa by exclaiming: "Suy, mister,
lloe your head go way to the top of
Unit hat?''
Aiiciiiti:ct displaying thu plmis)
"Here I the front elevation, with the
outside window and circular gallery,
this Is the east elevation, showing oriel
tower." Teddy (enormously Interested
In tho new house) "And where are
tin: tWO mortgage pa said he wa go
ing to put on?"
Tin: I'omotia (Cat.) public library ha
lost but one lkok in three years.
()C sovu huuilred Iniys and girls who
drew books fnuu the library of the
College Settlement III lllvlngton street,
New York, lust year only two had
American parents.
.Mils. Ih.wii:i, I'm. ami IEa.SKIN, daugh
ter of tho lato I.uke 1. l'liluml, bus
given to the town of .Morrlstowu, VL,
olin ho)isaiid dollar towurd a library
which. In being established there.
Tin; record of the .Nutv llltvi'll P"h
lie library show that tliere were four
thousand le.s IkkiUs drawn last year
than the yeur previous, the decreaso
Wing wholly In the Held of fic
tion. A ki:nium: memorial will lm that
dedlualuil to Will;!.' Collins. It will
consist of 11 small llbnuy of choice tic
lion to ln presented to thu "IVojile'e
I'alace" ill lindon. l'lfteeu hundred
dollars has iilreudy U en rulsed for this
Soui: one ha Imcu Interviewing 11
country tHtok-sellcr In Kngland with nil
extended bllsuesmid learned fnuu him
that while the hulliis an ri'lldluga more
serious Hue of Isxiks, Arnold, rroudii
and l.ang, the men are taking to novel
reading with a vengeance.
With the ensuing year the Impcrlul
blhrary of St. I'etersburg will begin
publlhhhi) catalogue of all the Hiissluu
Imkius it contain nlili'l) were issueil
from the press since the url of printing
wa ititrtHluced Into Russia. Tlie cata
logue will bo publlNhed In iH'rliMlicul In
stallments, tinder tho editorship of it
Willed commission.
Tin; fifty largest libraries In (lennany
jmvisck ulxnit rJ.TiKi.uog viiiie,agulust
l.'iigland with alMiut (i,SM),(sXi mid Norll)
America with alsiut il.QO,000 volumes,
With each library Is givi'lb iM-sldes the
number of volumes, thu nvullublo
amount for purchase, and fither ssclul
feature supplied for thl pursi,c by
the different librarians.
J Vr u ill i I lull.
Miss llusioy (on (j(Vlying lior first
Vli)- I'm surprised at your audacity,
Mr. Hraco (giving hor anothor) I'm
llttlu hit surprlied at It myself; but 1
guuss It' all rlgh'- -l'uck, '
Mrl a ti(luil ul lgt,
dunday-ashool Toaul(jf Wljat U ab
solutely necossary to ofiallo a mn o
got along v.oll In this wicked world?
Johnny A rattling good pair u'kgsl
I.s tho middle gc the lower anltnil
wero frequently tried, convicted and
punished for various olfonncs.
In I(1M, hen Urn Protectant chapel
at lloeliello wa condemned to Ik ile
molliliod, tho boll thereof wu publicly
vhlip-d for having assisted heretic
with Its tongue.
Atfoxo tho legend of tho early Ohio
saint nothing I more common than
thu story of Iho s.tlnt being sent to Ixir
row lire and carrying It In his lap with
out tho lire Injuring hi garment.
I.V ancient lireeco a law of l'ittacii
encleil that "ho who commit a crime
when drunk shall rcrelvo a double pun
I'hinenl" -one for tho crime Itself and
thu other for tho Inebriety which
prompti-d ti tin ti. commit It.
In V!M n pig wa burned at I'ontancy-aux-ltotvt,
near Paris, for having eaten
a child. In 1.134 a (udgo of I-'alalio con
demned a sow to txi mutllatitl and
hanged for a similar olfenie. Three
jmin later a horo wa solemnly tried
before the magistrate and condnmned to
death for halngkllliHl a man.
In the day of King Kdgar the live of
criminals wero sometimes spared on
condition of devoting thotnselve to
killing wolvo. and periodically pruduc
liij' a given iiiiiiiIkt of woltpx' tongues.
Several estates In what wo now call the
Midland counties, notably In Derby
shire, wero heM on thl tenure.
In tho fifteenth century 11 was lo
lleved that cook were Intimately asso
ciated with wltcho-4, and were credited
with laylutr accurs(d eggs, from which
sprang winged serKjiit. In t ITS. at
ll:ile, a cock was publicly accused of
having laid one of these dreadful egg.
Ilo tried, sentenced to death, and,
together with tho egg, vas hurnml by
Mm executioner In tho market place,
Tin: railroad capital of tho world I
estimated at S-.'
Tin; live New Knghnd .Stale have
built so far this year PlmlUwut rail
road. North Carolina has built !().
IrcotiU on an 'J. 17 cents to
carry a passenger one mile In tho United
State, and tho uverago length of hi
trip is -1. IT miles.
HeADlNO car lilted out with tho most
Hiiular perlislicaU and hooka will bo
attached to thu parseuger trains 011 tho
St. l'etorburgWar(nw plrund. Ureal
care will bo taken to have thu our prop
erly lighted In ihVcvonlng.
I.s Kngland one. person out of ocrv
..WO.OOO peoplo carried 1 klllod. In
Trance one out of every 2,OJO,000 pan
hungers Is killed. In Ilelluui one out
of ovury U.000,000 Is klllett. In I'rumU
only one out of 'J 1, 100, 03 J Is killed.
Tut: I'ennsy Ivanla Kallroad Company
hns awarded cuiitrcts fur hulldiug an
Iron furry-boat wliloli, when completed,
will ho thu largost and xlrongest ferry
l,.at alloat, Tho now vimsel will bo en
tirely of iron, except tho Joiner work,
11 ml will be a double-decker, propelled
by a screw at each end.
Till; Imperial Council has, Haiictloiied
tho plan of building tlie Uclilriaii rail
road. Tho work will begin Immediate
ly. The entire coil of tho enterurne Is
estimated at alsiut IU.),0UJ,U.HJ rubles.
The road will unite the interior of Si
beria with the I'aolllu Ocean and will bo
very aUuntajiiuus bo qlmteglu pur
ADVANCEMENT. u Is talking
about n M,Ikk),000
shlpean il.
Tin: pneumatln lino between New
York and l'hlIadephU Is llliw consid
ered an asi.ured (aat. It Is expected
that II will transport largo package
between tho two cities In lens than
twenty minutes.
Oi nci.w. returns of the Canadian seal
fishery hIiow that !I0,5T seals were
taken tho past season, an increase of
t.,ooo over last year. Of this number
a,3S:l were taken "If the coast of Ilrltlsh
Columbia and IS.IH.I In llehrlng Sea.
I Tin: mineral Melds of Idaho are among
' the largest In tho world, and since their
.discovery have producd 8l.'71SS(),r.(l).
j'l'lii' yield last year was as follows: Hold,
'S'.VJUl.r.OOj silver, g7,lir.:,500; lead, S'l,
I IIHI.00O; copper, SM.OOO.
I Tiii;iii: Is a prunn orctmrd of forty
I tries at (iraugervllle, Cab, which Iioro
I this year 'JS.'.'uO miuuls of fruit, an aver
age of 705 W)umls to tho tree. One treo
among thi number prislm-cd 1.1 n
Ip.iuuds. Tho fruit has sold In that lo-
.1.1 ...., 1
rainy iius neasuii lur eeuis u iHiuuu.
Tiiciii: Is a project to construct a ship
canal across Now Jersey from the Dela
ware river to tho Atlantic., Tho scheme
Was llrst Biiggestisl by merchants of
Philadelphia, whodeslro a shorter water
route to Now York and an abbreviation
of tho Journey of hundreds uf tulles
down the bay and aruuud Capo May to
strike the ocean paths to Ihirojie.
Mils. IIaiiiiison Uncinates 1 n't ween
white and u )curl gray in her choice of
note pajier.
Mn. Ci.KVKt.ANO Invariably uses
either u.pure white or a pale gruy puer
for use in her corresKiiideiiee.
Mits, Asruii finds n wliitu woven
I iareiiiiieiu iiiiisn more 10 iter taste uiail
liny thing else for letter paper.
Tin; .Maritiisc do l.anza Invariably
uses n pale luure-llned pap.-r with a
small red crown in tho left-hand corner
Mils. J.uiks (1. Hi.aini:' dinner card
is a wliitu curd with tiny lwrdcr of sll
ver and a small "II" In silver at the top,
Mm. Acnt'sri: Hixuoxr" dinner cards
are of plain white curdtsiurd, IhmiIi
sli:is'd, with the Hclmont crest In col
on. 011 the outside corner,
Mas. I.kvi 1'. Moiiton has for year
used .1 smisith linen nolo pup'r lit pure
white, with her iiOitngraii, i. ,., i
dark-blue 11 1 the top of the page,
Mlts. Ciiaiu.cnCoomii Ik an ardent ad
mirer of rose color, and every particle
.if note paper or cards In her quaint
wrltlugilcsk Ix-nr a faint Huge of old
rose color,
I'hkttv .Mahu. WmnuT wn formerly
very fond of heavy white utohlng note
paHr, hut since she has U'come Mm.
1'enllnaud Yznuga she use cream linen
pa I s-r with IMgecllU court In tine red
(irutp the opM)it unity ami subscribe
for the Sxwi.
County MuirnnU taken ut jmr at
this ollico for subset iitiuu and udver
tisiiii; account.
Flour, Graham, Ilarley, (uitliur
(round or whole) Cliiukun feel, live,
Midilling, llntu, Slioits, &o, ite, at
you Read
Do you hike (ulrunhujc of a good offer When
. is placed iriliin your reach?
If so &&0, r' --
Dni floods, ClvUi'uiii, fouls.
shirts, ln ilc niuuir, Hosiery, Huts, Winter Cans, Gum
tools, lilunkels, Quilts, Corsets, Ladies and ehildrens'
tSliues, lubber eon Is, Yellow Oiled, ends, Fa net Goods,
Cutlery, El v., ICle., ICte-
000 o io otiooorxioti oooo vo 00 ft o o ooorvoo ooio naoniXH) o
5 When cash ncconiiaiiioH tho order for nny amount from I'ivo $
1 Dollar or more in nbovo lino ofgocdi wo will prepay nil' Mail or
S Stage nlinrgcH, to nny Htago Htalion in Orunt or Harney counticH,
5 until Match 15th, 1MH. tfMT Whon sold on credit no charg- 6
I oh prepaid. J
Wo will yuarniileo our lowot tolail priotH on Every Article
and n-'roo to refund tho inonor if freodHnro not saliufnclory.
lly sending lo u, writing plainly, jiml what is wnnled, wo cm Bokcl
them to your satislactton. o Imvo
erai aiurouauiiiso to 00 10111111 in nny
nioney in oyerv lino. Oivo iih n trial
by Mail at once. J V' Ilesteel fully.
Coffin McParlaiHl,
Haptnnstall Dart 8c Cd
..- PTO.YST.ILrj. D.'IHT,
Unva now rtrelvcd the largest and most completo stock of new Roods in
Grant County, which they will olfor Tor s.ilo at prices that defy ccmpetition
l'ropriclora of
m. if f; if
lvcop conslantly on
I'rtlnnt MislicincH, Toilet Atticlos,
IJouibs, Tooth Nail, t'lnthoH and
tiiieH, idtnipH, umip UUH, tilasc, 1'iilty, CliuioyH, and
am) ovciytliiiif,' lo bo found in n fuat
clasn Drug Stoio.
Nothing bul Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Onler from a distance will rccci v prompt allonlion. ProHci iplioiiH nHpcc.ialtv
itAKl'.lt UITV,
It hies iS
Carriages, Buggies Bucltboards Made to Order.
f ,1 lttv.iHouulilo lUscoimt Tor Cash . fr
jHposTOFfjci) Store)
CMXYO.V tlTV, on.
.. L- I'arrish
A line stook of fntsli Ciimlie. Nut.,
Tobuoco, Stationery, Wo., lite., Just
received, (Sivo uiu a onll,
Shoes, Gloves, ,Hlcis,Oiri
tho bfn'i'.sl assort lllCIll of Con
mote in UreL'on. J 011 inn Bavo
order. We solicit vuiir trade. Order
Fi. cr.
a sing A3r c;.
hand a coinploto iilock of
1'cifiiuioH, Soajis, I'owilor, Pufl'n,
liar UiuhIich, l)riigp,iHtH Hun-
Canyon Cily, Oregon
Kci p loustantly on hand
and for sale, iioiisi shoks,
fitted and imllttcd, ubo
IIDI.SI S'AII.H, I HON', htki:i..
'OA I , Willi TI.KTItKHS, MX K
i iiui.iit;, pick Han
oi I S, SI KIKIi: II A.Ml.S'KM,
IKON, Ktc, ICto.
Baker Cit, Oregon.
A MWiibtf auj I'Urtkul Oowr ami
a TlHirwmli (Svriiul Osuru lor tl lrtli)j (
liar am iiwji.r mi.Ioik. Uuuiit mu hiI
at .'O il
10 llsir.
I.MndltHM'l lulir( ua Ulwl aeiMlitut,
1W l.ruii ami asUliaMi. aiiimM
HANPOIin. I'llntuWlk ,VfHUI J(-IU)HI.
M (si. rup.. I). II. l,llsr, l'ilmrll ul U Cow
uui.Iji dtiuilbitnl, lUlcrCti), Orison,
I'lltir. b, A,
For the Ijfidies:
Fur Caps, capes and mitts; fine and
cheap dress goods; line and cheap
facinators. The finest line of shoes
in Eastern Oregon.
For the (J en tie in en:
Elegant fur and wool caps; fine line,
of winter overcoats. A neat busi
ness suit and a fine dress suit. Also
a full line of furnishing goods and
for the general trade. We offer you
such inducements in the grocery
line that we defy competition.
Prairie Cilif - - - Oregon;
(Incorporate!. Paid tip Capital Stock ? J.r,()00.00.)
nilXTNUn, OOIsT.
Commission and Forwarding .'gents. Cash ad
van red. on Wool C'onsignmeils or J SOI- Wholesale
Healers in
Armours mcmiir
.... a
Shipiing di reel from Kansas Cily in e ir lots we
are prepared lo furnish, interior merchants with Hums,
Bacon, and Lard; at tlie lowcsl wholesale prices, saving
sh ipjwrsfreigh I from I'orllun d to lleppn er. 1 Y'e sel I the
trade only.
M. C. L. & T. Co.
KunrMor I"
Canyon Cily - - Oregon..
Constantly on hand a. full assortment of
.Hry Goods, Clothing, Boots $ Shoes, Groceries,
Flo., .Flo., .Flo-, at Hausonuble I 'rices.
i. j, ovi:itHoir.
f.i .mn oou iiohi'HMMi)0mkooooo no otjoofl
J Dealers In General IVlerchandise. 1 , -1 ,
I . I
A Uirgti AxtoitniHiit at Unseat l'ricex. (,'ivU Sold nt Ittilrook l'ricos.
Truth) if tinmt County Solii-itod, and Special linluccniciit-s OUtucd.
Canyon Citv
ll'e have received nnd
of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Huts, tools, Shoes, . Blan
kets, Quilts, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Flc.
,'llso Fancy and Staple
a full assortment of Fatent
gW Piilll liitrouui;u Solicited
2VLj11 OvcIox'h X'x-oaxiitlj'- A.ttonclocl to.
. P. C RE SAP.
SL'Fli $ FslXCr W.llFS.
llrocoricH, Flour, Tohnctw. Cifars. nnd nno hundred and ono other
variatiou, ohonji for onuh, nt
Th a 0 Id 31 a n d,
K. It. II1HIIOI', Tltr.AH.
House rro a nets.
T. E, FELL, Manager.
0 MuUrl' k.
I.Kit IN-
i I
i .JL
I . I I I
opened a well selected slock.
Groceries, I'rovisions and.
.Medicines, Notions, Fto.
Q a nyon, Cit y.