THE- GRANT COUNTY HEWS. Thursday, Jan. l-. LOCAL BREVITIES. Uto new ndvmtUrinrnts. Stockmen in thin valley are lauy gathering ntnck and foliiff. Vb m plan god to note any vvoik of fiMfirovorooiit in town or county. UmnUlit and Wiim Spring Indian are about to jc to glHMt dancing. 'Ilifl UU tax !vy liaa Iwen ftMl at four find tweUo tJiiily -fifth milk Capitol in the inlaw of Gnin't nntl Gtwthori will hurry up uVvelopiireiit of Umtc onm, Har' ii y-ar cotntn .ii .il!..n; tin Nkw. u ploiaud I) rvjfiw iUon fioin your iit'iitiWhouil. The- rnm.dtwlfv f th CotimiiaieiiiH or crtotrt jrt-1 iMJing. will lm putrlUh ed itmt Wwk after tuit adjourn.. t.nh Kfiie Musk of Truirie City mi l Mr. Homy ChatulxMi fomi erly a rtilitnt of Unit platt, were Hurried at Burns week. Thn county iwor - BrutHsy, Ijiw-rn-e and Mrmmin worn oniivcynl f.vm l'.-urie) City to their now home wayupthcet-cck last Pnttirdity. A letter in the Now York World wiiltrii fioni Neh:il(!in, Oregon, fctrong ly nilvoeatc. Governor I'otinoycr in the democrwtic nominee for president in 1JD2. Idaho rweUvI 21 new churches nnd m-eivod l!WI new church tnciidurs List year. Therefore thu RoUo Statis Uiau nays tin) devil may as well take a lank; tout. Unless plenty of soldiers watch the raservatiftni all the Indian tribes in.iy turn loose for u general cleanup of tho wliitus nnd gut thonnelves cleaned up whim spring couie. If Grant' county is to have a county ItnU contest at the present timo that fact i"i to he deplored for Kuvoinl ro.i . sou!, chief' of" which is that all is to loo and nothing (o lt gained ly the iiixpuyoift, Wo will shortly begin tin- publica tion of i "brand column." All sub criben; to the Ni:us in Grunt county who send us a deseiiptiou of their stock hrand may have tho same pub lished in the column free of charge. 'I'lio reappointment of Walker Mill ion to thu ollice of stock inspector is satisfactory an near ns we can learn. Ill conveifntion with men from dillcr ont parts of the county wo gather tho information that he has made a good olllcer. Wit are in r.veipt of a couiuiunicti tion fro i ft Savannah, (in., asking in to publish a half -column of tilt- dotinitioti of I'.ildo words, aoiiio of which we would nr.t permit in our columin. No, m a decline the roquuat with thanks, Mr. Long. A hill has been prepared to present U) the legislature, changing the time of holding couit in this district. If it becomes n Uw circuit coutt for Grant county will U huld on tho drat Mon day in May and aocond .Monday in Oclolier. For Harney county it will In two weeks later. in c.vsc of an Indian war next sum mer Grant county should have a well drilled company of State militia. .Most every other county has one or moie. Some of you valiant Inn mm who thirst for uiwasli gore ought to organize u company. Apply to Gov. l'unuoyor for arm and uniforms, There is an abundance of low grade silver ore and som exceedingly rich in Grant county to tho uoith of us, us well iu licli oU ledjit. In a ury few yeiiih that country will liao mil communication nnd nwixo an inllut of ctrpitul. Thou will prin into ex-ist-nco ono of tho tidiest mining cities in Uie world. Kierietnve in Grant county has proven that hlitiep vuuso to thrie when fed ft few weeks on timothy or wild I lay. Alfalfa alone teeuu to wes nory nutritious propel ty mvejiary to their K'Miunil healtli. .Some of the nheepnieu down the alley are well nupplic l w itli ulLilfa liny, having cut as inuy a thrau oropi rroiu thu miui. ground thu post lonii. We liMtni that 1. .Mann of llakur Oity,' reproMiiting easturn capitalists ha hottded the i'huuix miliu near Ivoli1wtoiiillo, owned ly Iterry Huh. Ikmiett, for the miiii of $'fi,00O. lie nivw to put work U the valuo of un the prnH!ity whuthor it is taken or nut. Ore from this mine o fafR drelojnnl is very tich, and our Informant was of the opinion that a wns wnt iin. 15l Allen spe.iking of "the tiny," ay: "They ar tho kanie ring that puUi)ic pi ecus purportinl to Ihi homo lionwit liloiiumont tax-jiiiyor or Day villt) voter." I'M khowK symptoms of ItjtlruphoMii. If it was any other dis onse a good noikiug of his heud uiiht nflbnJ R'lii f. lie moms to imagine Gut lie represents the entire otiug pepul ice of Grunt county. The com innnicatioiui that we have published were voluntary contiihutioiu from ivpii'ti'ritative inon of Monument and li.iy ville, and if ocoasion rispiinxl we itouhl kho'w Uieir signature to any res ponsililn man. Othurwiso their iden tity will bo prtered snurihl. As to tlio 'huFj' u have novur yet unit thu urut'i. Tlw UltANT Uoovrv St.n has nut publi.hed a communication that was not f;cnuiiiH, and does not uopoe to wu do not conduct u deceit simp. Kui thernuire we have never Imhiii io ijuwUod to by the "ring." COMMISSIONERS' COUKT. In the matter of the cnreoftlio county jvoor for tlio current year tlio following Lids wero received: H. O. .SUnsell ? I.OOjHjr week. Stephen Tucker M.i.'i per week. J. W. llutefl ".00 jht week. .1. C. Gillenwuter I'l.W jht week. Mr. Stmiscll Ik'ing the lowest hid tier the contract was awarded to him, lie being required to enter into an olllcinl undertaking in the mini oflL00. Fred Perkins wn? granted n li cense to .ell liquors in John Day precinct for the period of six months. V. V. 1 1 it) ton was reappointed Htock inspector and lequired to exe cute nu ollicinl uiidertukitig in the sum ofS'.'Ooa W. 0. ticntry, ('. T. Williains and (Jeorgo ltowm.iii were ajijioiiited viewers and J. V. Mack surveyor of the proMHel change of county rontl from Vox valley to Hamilton. MOHUMKNT 1TKMS. J. M. H.iy a short time ago full a lnrge iine tree across a new shed that ho had just completed. The shed collapsed together like a Long Creek biscuit. J. 11. Mellaley had a line half i breed l'erchuron stallion to ilie last week with the llatulent colic. This disease is generally caused by the animal eating a large quantity of coarse fucd, then drinking a large quantity of water which washes the food out of the stomach into the in testinal canal which is clogged. Gas forms in the stomach. The stomach bursts and the death of the animal is the result, as was the case with Mr. Mellaley's horse. Regarding the county seat ques tion Mr. "A Voter" says: "First, it would impose more tax on the peo ple." Some time ago I consulted one of our oldest settlers and heav iest tax payers in regard to this matter, and he said that he had learned from experience that tho deeper in debt a county is the better it is for the tax payers. He says that when tho county was deep in debt he could buy scrip at fifty anil sixty cents on the dollar to pay his taxes with and taxes were no high er then than they are now. So what we are after over here is to just keep building court houses till we can buy scrip at forty cents on the dollar to pay our taxes with. I tried a little experiment a short time ago that I cannot recommend very highly to the readers of the X i:vs. Leading one colt at a time to water became rather monotonous, so I thought I would try two. Their ropes wore rather short, and for fear they might get away from me I tied them together. I had no more than done this till they took a scare. One ran around me ono way and the other went around the other way, and when they met ono jump ed over tho other's roio and went on around again. Just what they did when they met tho second time I am not able to Fay. Hut tho next thing I knew I was completely wound up in the rope underneath tho two colts tumbling head over heels and being kicked occasional ly. The first thought that Hashed I across my mind was to cut a rope, I but a man being tumbled into forty- seven dillerent attitudes per second has not got much time for cutting ropes. Fortunately tho colt that was doing most of the kicking got tangled in thu roo and became al most as helpless as 1 was. I out with my old frog sticker and not caring much for ox-nscs at tho time, cut a brand new roe. lCvSllKKIMIKIlDKIt. . . . Tho skating pond is the liveliest hpot in the city. Mercury hnvoring close to 0 many of these mornings. W'e devote (juice tslay to the jml lic.ttiou of a scruji of ancient history. "Go slow, there's a hen on," is a need I ess caution eggs are four bits a dozen. Tim Legislature did not meet until last Monday, the l'Jth. We have not had time to get any rojiort yet. W'e will soon oommence tho publi cation of a love story. All love-lorn lads anil lassio should sulscribc. Gtuh ii gutting too hot for the Mormons and they aie trying to soouro laud in Tcnnosco upon which to lo cate. Olive and (irauite jireciiuts did not lusjKind liUunlly to the petition for an enabling act, as many sujiposcd they would. A I'endluton jiajnir says Tom Kol bins brought two deer to town which ho shot with a coiiikini u on I ti roll creek, Tom's companion must have Im-ch ii gun. l'uuuock Indians on tho I'U Hull tesurvation, who were hsiders in the Indian war in this country eleven ami twelve year ago, are thieuteniug another outbreak. An aiteiiau well Isiing Isxeil at Boise Gity (truck Istiling water, The fellows up there ought to l) careful how they Uii'o down; they might 1st Hiking around close to that burning lake. Tho Ni:ws circulator in every jire cinct in Grant county, lsicuuse its aim is to advance the Uttt interests of thu whole county. Lilcrty of tho people to exjiross their view on every sub ject puitoining to their welfare, and to print interesting local news and cor losjamdunco, is our jdatfoiui, I'RAlRtK CITY NllWS. l'ltAinn: Citv, Dec. 12. ThomaB MeKwan paid our town n Hying visit. The "Arcade" has broken up and the boys hie away to other parts. Any one wishing a S'i.oO shirt for 75 cents can have a chance to get one at I'rairie. The lioys are trying to organize a dancing club to furnish amuse ment for the winter. Jack HolTinau said the thermom eter stood 1(5 below zero Saturday morning. I'retty cold for tliia lit tle place. Henry Molina is very sick with typhoid fever. Tommy Coolcy i aUo very low. He had the meas les and took a relapse. lVairie Citv is going to he in corjKirated. think I shall run for ollice. .Mayor I think will be a good billet for me. The remains of Oliver Miller were followed by a large concourse of friends to the cemetery, lie was buried by the Masonic frater nity. There nre a great many stray cattle butweeu here mid the Warm Springs. Parties having stock out should be getting them in, as they will bring tiftccn dollars next sum iner. Oscar Meador returned home from Portland Saturday evening, where he had been atteuJing school. The climate did not agree with him and the physician advised him to return. When we get the county seat up here, .Mr. Kditor, you will have to move up here. This would be a nice place to run a gas foundry, for everyliody would help you to keep it going.' Hill Cuhoe has left our little town. He has gone to .Monument to fence his ranch this winter. We hope he will return in the spring. That is right, Hill, improve our lit tle county us much as possible. Thieves are invading our town. Joe liates had a lot of canned stuiT stolen from the Geo. Shearer cellar. They packed the goods across the tailings and hid them in tho old planer building. David Taylor found all the goods except a few cans. Some one also (tied to break into the cellar of I.uuiancc cv How ell but gave it up for a bad job. Some partic.) have been taking hats and caps, pen knivcf, spun! and cosmetic from dilTciout ones of tho boys. Jon Lots. Dojiuty Hherill' .South worth is erect ing an addition to his residence. Goto the Ited Front Billiard Hall, Canyon City, for line wines, liquors ami cigars. Died, at his home in this city, Sunday, Jan. II, Oliver C. Miller, after a long illness of typhoid fever. There will lx services at John Day M. K. church Sunday evening, Jan. IS, at 7 o'clock. Preaching by the jiastor. Special meetings will I- hold at the M. K. church each evening this week, conducted by the jmvtor assittcd by the choir and others. Tho Pacific Brewery's Celebrated Beer, the best in ICastern Oregon, is now kept constantly on taji at tho Bed Front Billiard' Hall. A jetitition has lccn circulated and unanimously signed, asking for an inuioasu of service on the ("any on City Bums tout" to six times a week. Constable 1 Justin of Long Creek during the week brought over a fid low named Thompson, who is under $,1(X) bonds for assaulting l'aul tirujijie. In our humble opinion thu Baker City Democrat utters a great truth when It says that there will be a rush of miners to the Greenhorn cauiji in the sjiriug. I'oL'SO On the road near this city, 7 It J lO-'JO cartridges. Same were left at this ollice with the request that the ovvner jirovo jirojicrty ami ji.iy for advertising. Charley Dustin who was over from Long Creek this week informed us that the jictitious for an enabling act sent down to Salem, contained about eight hundred names. Thu remonstrances ugaimt the jiassuge of an enabling act contain alxiutsix hundred names, vrc have been informed. Some who had signed the jietitiou reconsidered tho matter and attached their names to the remonstrance. I will jtreach (D. V.) at the Win. Luce school house Saturday, Jan. I7th, LS'Jl, at candlu lighting; Mt. Vernon Sunday Jan LSth at II a. in., and continue daily for two weeks or more. W. L. Mi Comoii i., Bajttist Minister. 44 NOTICK. All those knowing thcuikulios in debtod to tho Ustate of H. It. ShU by note or account will jdiKikit settle the same ut once, or eots will he added. Mus. Louis v Ski-h, Kxccutrix, SKNTIMKNT OK TAXPAYER. I'kak, .Ian. 12. KniToit i:vs: -Having seen your Day vilto i'orro3Kmlctit' in vitatiou for some one from this part of the county to give their views on tho removal of the county seat I will give mine. There are numerous petitions being circulated over tho county. I'or whaU To get an act pasoed by thu Legislature to bankrupt the few taxpayers that were not broken up last winter, for an enabling act would surely do it. There arc, wo win safely say, hundreds of persons in the county who would vote on the removal of tho county seat from its present location who in all prohability do not pay a cent in taxes nor fiavo had a tax receipt in the last ten years. Nor do they own a foot of land in the State. " Will the legal tax payers sit with folded hands in a semi -mesmeric condition and scu all of their hard earned prop erty go thusf See the Gitvsr Co. Ni:wsof Dec. 18th. Look at the cost of county buildings; ul?o county indebted ness. The locution of Canyon City may not be as desirable as some , other localities, but is about as ac cessible to all parts of the county cast, west, north, south witli fair roads centering there. There are some hungry chronic otlice seekers in the Long Creek IJepublie who want ollice and cry "Oh! The Canyon City litng!" when their U-i n-g is as large as the one around the moon a short time ago. Witli Senator mid lioprescnta tive to pull for them they think they can get anything passed that they ask. Let them go into Morrow or any other county they like, but let us keep the county seat where it is until the county is out of debt, let that be long or short. With good and honest men in ollice, who n mi prudence and econ omy, we can soon got out of debt. ''hose chronic ones who want the county scat removed put me in mind of a fable 1 once read. A fox being chased ran into aottin brambles and stuck fast. The Hies swarmed around him sucking his blood out fast. Along came a swallow who olicrcd to drive them ' away. "No," says tho fox, "you drive these away and more hungry ones will come and suck the last drop of blood in my veins out." We don't want to mortgage the last cow and let the slicrilf sell ho und drive us over the hill to the poor house. I'lti.s'i.'i.u Tam'.iv. r.ic. OKKICKRS INSTAU.KI). Last Thursday evening, 'Jan. Sth, K. J. Bavley D. D. G. M. installed into the chairs of Hohah Lodge No. I. O. O. F., the following named olhcers: 1). I. Anbury N. G. V. G. Sec. Treas. Warden, ('(inductor. I. G. It. S. X. G. L. S. N. G. It. S. V. (1. L. S. V. G. It. s. s. L. S. S. G. I). Uickard G. I. Hazoltine 1). (i. Overboil J. A. Whitman I.J. llagucwood N. II. Holey M. 10. Stansell W. II. Lincoln Ira Sjiroul O. Guernsey N. Hulison J. W. Bates Call and Settle At Once. This is to give notice that I have jilaeed all my accounts in the hands of S. S. Denning for collection. So come settle the same at once and save costs. Ilrou Smith. Canyon City, Or.. Jan. 10, lS'.ll. Flour, (liali.un, Bailey, (either ground or whole) Chicken feed, Bye, Middlings, limn, Hunts, Ac, ,Vc, at Cundlach's. Be" Sure If you liavn mailfl up your intiul to lujr UckhI'i KamapaillU Jo not lo Imlurr.l tu takn my other. IIinhI'i Uarupaillta Ii a wcuHir lurdlclni', nr ulnt, by vlrtuo o( Ui culUr combination, nxirtl"ii, (ml I'lrparatlon, ruratliu Kivter urlur to any oilier articlo. X Ikiiliia laily V.I111 knew vtlial alio wanted, and wlioio eianiilo Ii vvurUiy UiilUttvu, tclla tier cijt'ilcuco Uiluwi To Get wIn one MorowUero I went to buy Hood'i Raraaparllla tlio clerk tiled tu Inauco mo bujr tliclruonliutcailof Hood'i) iiotolilmollietr'a would laat lnngeri that I mlglil tako It on ten ilajV will; lliat It I did nut Ilka II I need not ujr aiijOilnc. eu. Hut lio could nut inetall on mu to disuse. I told lilm I knew wliat IIikhI'i HanaparlUA was. I )id taken II, wai tatUHcd Willi It, and did not want aujr vUicr. Hood's When I lEan taking Hood's HanaparttU I was feeling real inlieraMe, tuSeilng a great deal wllh djipeeila, and ki weak that at Umea I eould lurdlj tland. 1 looked, and liad for aomo lime, like a pea 'n con uniptlon. IIim-1'1 Hartaparllla did mo so mucb good that I veendrr at iii)tm.'1i sometimes, and mjr frlemlt trriicnlly ipoak ut It." Ma. Kux A. liui r, Cl Tirraco Hired, Boiloo. Sarsaparilla Mdbf alldrufghti. Hi ill foe Jl. 1m pared oaJf lf C 1. 1100 1) A CO., AiutbcOti, Ull, Hue. 100 Doges Ono Dollar A SCRAP OK HISTORY. IOiutoii Git a. st County I see in the issue of the Long Creek Kagle of January '.Hh LS'.ll an arti cle entitled "A false document" and signed "Kd C. Allun," which by rea son of its slanderous denunciations of the jKMide of Grant county, and jinrlicularly of Canyon Citv, iloes in my oiinion justify the author of the article alluded to in heading his communication with the name "A false document." The article alluded to is not wor thy of reply in my opinion for the jmrjiose of in any way iiillueucing any citizen, voter or tax paver in Grant county, for the reason tlio ar ticle shows for itself just what it is named, "A false document," but a reply may be interesting or amus ing to some of the readers of the Nkw.s as a matter of history. Tho author of the article sjveuks of "the Court house ring," anil the head and source of corruption, the 'ring that ignored the rights of the peo ple and tramiled their jictition to death six years ago when they wish ed to be consulted about building a Court house. Now the facts about the building of the Court house and the jK-tilions are about as follows: About six or seven years ago while A. J. Van Horn of Middle precinct, and John Latirance of I'rairie City were county commis sioners and as such had control of the business, money and jiroiverty of the county, they jroxsed loiniihl a Court homo as the one then used was rutting down and the jail was entirely unlit for use. Cjhiu this great agitators of jiublic opinion of John Day town and vicinity and Long Creek boiug informed of what was about to come to jiass without their jicrinissioii they became high ly indignant and immediately com menced work canvassing the county with a remonstrance and jtersuaif ing the iojile that a great outrage was about to be perpetrated and that high taxes would bo levied up on them and great money would be taken from their jackets. The Bots Agitator who is always ready to sacrifice all of his relatives and friends for the sake of the public, and who in all probability has never paid any kind of tax in Grant coun ty, under the employment of the ring of growlers canvassed the coun ty from one end to the other and managed by much persuasion to obtain about 10J voters to the re monstrance against building a new Court house until the people could obtain an act by the next legislat ure, enabling them to vote ujhiii the question .of relocating tho county seat. All of the remonstrances then circulated on the subject having been returned to tho headquarters contained in the aggregate !I(X) names anil were iiresented to the commissioners anil were considered, and although not one-fifth of the voters of tho county signed the same thu county did not jKircced to build thu Court" house as they had proKscd. A general election was held the June following thu presentation of the said remonstrance and Win. Tureman of I'rairie City anil Geo. McGowan of the town of Burns were elected county commissioners of (rant county. Grant county was represented at the next sussion of the legislature by Henry Hall ami George W. Me llaley both of Union orecinct. No petition was presented to tho legis lature by the voters of the county asking that an act be passed allow ing the people to vote on the ques tion of relocating the county seat ami consequently no enabling act was passed. Then after the legis lature adjourned the commissioners with the consent of l'hil Metschan built the Court house, which act of the commissioners, aided by l'hil Metschan the then county judge of this county, was highly approved by the voters and taxpayers of this county, as was clearly shown by the fact tiiat l'hil McUclian at the last election in this county when he was elected to tho high ollice of State Treasurer received more votes than any candidate then before the ko pie. The idea that the cause of the in debtedness of thu county, and the corruption in ollice, as expressed by the author of the false document of the Long Creek lOagle, to every sen ssble man and men of sober un prejudiced minds is Minnly abetird The men who have lilled the major ity of county ullicos for the last 17 years have come from outside of Canyon City. Tho commissioners as I have be fore stated have control of the coun ty business and are elected for the purtoBo of watching over the peo ple's money, and chosen by the people for the Kisttion in conse quence of their lltness for that par ticular vocation. Ami a iioint of fact is, as any one will sou from an examination of thu records of the county, that but one commissioner has been elected who resided in Can yon City for more than twenty years. And the i ommissioiiers who now run the business of the county and are rosKiisiblc for tho corruption if thcro is any, of the olliccrs whom they superintend, are Henry Davis from Long Creek and Henry John son fioni John Day. And only two pernios now hold ing ollice in this county were resi dents of Canyon City precinct at the time of their election those are the sherill' and county treasurer. The condition of all'nira us fur as tho ollicors nro concerned are tho same as they have been for tho last eighteen years. The people who live in the dilfer cnl nrccincts of the county havo Ik-cii elected to ollice and many j when elected came to tho county seat to reside at least the treastir- j er, sherill' and county clerk. Hut the author of "A false do hi nient" mentioned seems to consider that the location of the town is the cause of the indebtedness of the county and the corruption in ollice, I and tdat the atmosphere of Canyon City is so iiolltitcd that no man can lie elected to ollice and attend to business in Canyon City without being a rascal and a fraud if not a i thief. That immediately usin breathing the atmosphere of the j place he lieoonic-i tainted with the disease of dishonesty, and falls into the "stinkHit" even tnough hos-hould come from Long Creek. Now 1 will conclude by Maying J that this kind of a sta!einent and in fact the whole article headed "A false statement" apcars more like the ravings of a madman than the writing or a man who is working for the jveople's good. The county scat was located at Canyon City by the vote of the jieople about twenty-six J years aeo. The olliccrs who havo 1 liail the places of trust and con trolled our county business for the last twenty years, Cameron, Cozart, Win. Luce. Vrank Wallace, Ollleer, Damon, Wollinger, Van Horn, ranee, Tureman, McGowan, Mc Kinnon, Meador, Mellaley, Henry Davit", Henry Johnson, Max cy and Ha.eltiue, may ho somewhat corrupt, they not being residents of Canyon Gity, but I don't think that thev have ever been stiHpicioned of robbing the C. S. Ma'l. VolKll. "THROW IMIYSIC TO THU OOOSJ.' Kleclro-Maiructlc lnlluence and its elfecti on the Human System. Ah the world advances in age and the people become more enlightened the old schools of medicine gradual ly give way to modern science. The God -given powcis of electricity ami magiietihiii suiiplatit the ill antic drugs of the pliariiiiioo'rcia. The "nostrums infernal" aie only kept for human gargoyles. Among the most prominent profesnois of the new curative age are Drs. Darrin. Wondiotis to relate, they are csh) cially successful in curing chronic, acute and private diseases, deafness ami catairli. It is not long since they restored to health Mrs. Olintl Olson, of this city. The had been sorely alllieted with chronic rheu matism of the knee joints, ami not not long since that Mr. George 11. I'apciiberg, a German resident of Tualatin, Or., who had been almost totally deaf for ten yoais, was cured bo he could hear as well as ever in his life, ami the euro is permanent, as shown by many of his neighbors visiting Drs. Darrin to be cured of all their chronic diseases. Tlio cer tificates of lures made by these cel ebrated physicians would fill a vol ume. They embrace every disease to which humanity is excised. The remedies are painless, almost pleas ant ami iufalliable. Drs. Darrin are entitled to great credit for their almost miraculous discoveries in the art of electric healing. There is no known curable malady that they cannot conquer if patients will give the doctors a fair chance. Their ollices, 7UJ Washington street Portland, are bos'iencd with the lame, halt, deaf anil blind, from 10 A. M. to S I'. M. They give free examination and charge about the ordinery fee of other physicians. Thousands arc given home treat ment by mail or express. I'arties not able to come can send for ques tion blank and circular fice. From Oregoiiian. . LOST lid BIOWAUD. On the Baker City road 10 or l'J miles above I'rairie City, at "the Ditch," one iron gray horse fi or (i years old, broke to work. Branded O.I on left shoulder. 1 will pay 10 for delivery '-'J milcH west of Canyon Citv. " Jas. A. Lu! ion. OiVlS I51VJOVW Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant ami refreshing to tho tusto ami ucU gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver ami Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever nro ihiced, pleasing to the tafito ami ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action mid truly Injudicial in its cll'ccts, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in fiOo and 81 IxJttlcs hy all leading druggidts, MAHUrAOTU'lID ONLY Ui Till CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAM IRAACISCO, CAt. touiSYitir, tt. tw ion, . r aOtmANDIZING, r orereatlnr, or I lie partaking of too rich and Indlieeilble food, la a common cans of Cmwufott end luffirlnr. To IrutuedU tlf rlle the llminih end txiwclf from iu-Ii otirlesdlng, n full do of l)r I'lerve'a operelu cmUjr, ytl Iborouilil end wllu run elite rell.u 11 ine Ix-il rrlurdjr. inr etu til ellKtJ. ui, uauave, or bluer uupleaeaiil If the too fni lndnlgnr In nub Intern perate cellitf baa drreured dlceetluu, caue Ur djipepala and lilTloutnoM, attended wllh a Mnto of fullnete or Moatlnr after eating, poolod Inngue, liltter or bed taata lu mouth In Ibe morning, on erUlur, Urim iluees efler inraLi, Indcecrltiatile frcN Ini of died, or of Iinx.u0lnr calauiltr and hjr-ocliumlrltt Ibtn tu need tn fof l iw tin Ibe vim or the "I'ollatt" with Dr. I'hreoa Ool.lru tleOUsil lllicoterr, to Unie up thu tloiuacb, lav If oral the II tit, and Iti ell Ibe prtHvetre of dlgMtloii at work. While curing ludlgeellon. It purl fire Ibe blood, deeming the t)itirn from all bunion and blood poltone no nutter nf wbet neuie or nature, or from whet feiiee ertali.g. There It nothing ihnllar to II In coiupoittlou or appruaublng It In triulta. There torn, don't l dupbd and Induoed to lake koine uUlltllto, eald tu It "Jutl as good that the dealer war eneJee a larger profit. $500 OFFERED lir tbo manufacturer of Dr. Utgu'i Catarrh Itumedr. for au la eurabl caaeuf Cataub lu tbo Head. IIoIiiioh UiihIiichh college Of l'oittaiid will open Hup!. Ut. J. A. Wchco, the lending pciiiiinu of tho coast, has become a piiitnei in this school and will inuko it the loading HusiiiOMS College. Hi n 1 for catalogue (! in xl.' iiurrnion, Canvo.s Citv Oiikoom. tlooli or Sheet made lu orJc r, or tittlly rtliid. AU Work Plret-oluee. pTRST") ATIONli7)fANK?3 Or Hoppnor. 0. A. IIIIKA, I'llANK Kill. 1.00(1, President. Vice IVmidcnt. Gkoikii: W. Conskii, Cashier. J. I. IIIIUA, T. A. IIIIKA, I. T. tlOllSON, Directors. TniiiHiirts a (Irnenil lliiukliiir. HuhIuck , Exchange on all pints of tho woild BOUGHT and SOLD Colloctioni made at all points on Itcasouable Tonus. Money loaned at fioni ono to ton per cent. Kor uuything in Bluckxuiithiug that Bill MeCluro can't do. At the Sum French lunch kcvcn union above 1'iui lie City. Ilm;sc xiooiiiQ' i Sjt'ciallj II a ifon Making Done. ALL WOBK GCARANTHHD. THE)pOSTOFFICE)fiTOBit CANYON CI I V, OU. , A- I'ari'ish - - J'rou; A line stock of freah Candies, Null, 'foUtcco, Stationery, Kto., lite., just receiver), (iivu mu u cull. I BREWERY SALOON Canyon City, Or. - TU in popular resort has been reopened to the public, and note, us in the past, keeps not hi n ii tail the best ' Wines, Liquors Cigars- a. 1. UUJICAUIj), Propr. NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon Cily, Or. Jackson ('ham tiers, I'rvpr. Thin llnstuuraiit hut recently Umiu 1 opened, and will Meals or Ixxl , King at living rutos. A tpeciul feature about this house is thut no Chinese cook a ure employed in the kitchen. Give the Restaurant j a trial. Jackson Oiiaviilhs, l