Mi ifvi THE GRANT COUNTY HEWS. January lo, ISOL Curry in probubly the only coun ty in the State tlitit 1ms only ono saloon mill not n cliureli, A gigantic conspiracy to Howl tlic United States with counterfeit nilvcr dollars lias beun iinenrtlied in I'ittsliurgli, Pa. Nineteen per sons nrc under arrest nnd 31100 in spurious coins are in t lie liamU of tfio police. AVIiat'i in, a name, anyway? Henry Cliristiauson, of Chicago, was the name of a Christian ton who choked his wife to death, and on a Salibatli day, too. IIu after- WirJs tut his own throat, which was very sensible indeed it saved someone else n disagreeable job. The fatherly government of "Russia has sentenced a woman ni hilist, Sophie Oueiiborg, to be hanged. She did not murder any body, but it was thought she was going to incite somebody to kill tlio czar. Therefore because she merely, perhaps, thought "kill" she is to be hunged. The dispute over the llehring tea fisheries between the United States and England grows more serious. Indeed it looks as if we might be couielled to patch up the old navy and give the old mother country another thrashing. Germany also is liable to fool mound Uncle Sam's Hulling hole till she gets hurt. The attention of our farmers is culled to the fact that almost every thing consumed here comes from abroad, though nature intended this favored section te produce a great surplus of bicadsttilbi, fruit, etc. A new cr.: is dawning, how ever, and hefoic many bcitsons toll around most of our food will be ) rod need at home. Lawyers bury their mistakes in the supreme court, physicians bury theirs in the graveyard, but the printers put theirs in the most public places imaginable, where every one can see und criticise them. And, mistakes or no mis takes, u printer has more criti cisms passed on him . than any other individual, Smart men who profess to know exactly what should be printed and what should not, borrow their neighbor's paper and turn themselves loose en lightening the multitude. An affecting story of destitution comes over the telegraph from the northern part of Kansas. Four years ago John Clifton died and left his widow with live children to carry on the light. The year after the crops failed and the poor woman was obliged to sell her stock, head after head, until there wus none left. This year llnished the light, and when the recent blizzard came it found the house with neither fuel nor food. The house was four miles from the nearest neighbor. Finally, no signs of life lieing visible, neigh bors broke open the door and found the dead bodies of the woman and three of her children, while the other two were in the last agonies of death. They had starved to death. It seems hard that this should happen in this country where food is plentiful and neigh bors are supposed to be kind. With the commencement of the year many of our exchanges are J liroudlv suminiiiL' up the number of new buildings that have been erected in their town the past year. The Nkwh regret a that it cannot display a column of iigtires show ing a million dollars spent for the erection of new buildings in this city. A Ins I Very few dollars were blown into monuments to mark the city's growth. An ad dition was built to the blacksmith shop. Numerous houses had now roots and some had new paint. Long Creek parties have a (lo.dly antipathy against the town because it has the court house, and they swear by the Legislature tlio town shall not survive. If they are the menus of its death and are possess ed of suflleieiit humanity they will surely bring over a few shovels mill ,.! tin. t ru.:at:..., i. ii. B" . . " " " ml. Then Urn spaces where the new nouses woutu nave ueeu win save them much shoveling and the iitness of things will bo in their favor. ENTERTAINING CURRENCIES. Tub rolcnoos of Wellington ro so otlvo that around O'Oanoifsn and Laku Choban, oast of tlio Cascades, In a rtlon of changing lovol and almost continu ous oarthquabos. A tiwvki.kii with tho postago Stamp mania acknowledges that ho has ylsltod countries for no other purposo than to got raro postago stamps to add to his immonso collection, valued at thousands of dollar. A nkw sVotchlng apparatus for cyclists has recently appcired In Kn gland. Tho paper Is placed on a small board In front of tho cyclist and tho work can bo roughly contoured In about half tho tltuo ordinarily required. Tin: l'lma Indians, who IIto In thatched liuUon tho banks of tho Illvr (Ilia, In the. South Arltona mountains, antedato tho whlto man In Amorlca by many yoarn. They woro a flourishing race 31K) years ago, whun tho Spaniard camo among thorn. Ci.kvkii thieves aro robbing Importers of Havana cigars by plundering lhn boxes In transit and substituting chips and shaving for tint cigars. (.'aro Is takun to roplaco tho original content) with trash of exactly tlio weight of Hie cigars, so that a tost by scales would show no discrepancy. Tucson Is one of tho oldest as well as largest and lest-ktiown towns In Ari zona. In fact, It Is so old that lln.ro Is no record showing whon It w first sul lied. When the llrst Spanish explorers visited this country, about IMO, they found an old Mexican village iberu, and It was then said to have boon Inhabited for crnlurle. Tin: largest apple troo In New Kn gland, and probably In tho world, l In tho Northwestern part Of Cheshire, Conn., standing In Mr. Doles llolchklss' dooryard. Its ago can be trai'od by a family tradition to one hundred and forty years at least, and It may be ttvoti ty or twenty-live years older. Its cir cumference Is thirteen feet eight Inches. A ntiiiiv uf a Urn at Saranhah was rundered novel by '.he addition of thin lllllo incident. A cat and sevoral small kittens were huddled up for the night la a rettatiraut, thu building adjoining where tho lire was, and as soon us the lire alarm rang the old cat, with moth erly Instinct for thu protection uf her kittens, carried them outside uf the building. HIBERNIAN HUMOR. "Wkm.," said an Irish attorney, "If It pluzo tlio court, If I am wrong In this, I have another olnt that is uliiiaily conclusive." .M.viilsiUATi: "Were you prl lint wliln tho assault twas comiiiltUsl on ye?" Witness "May It plaze the eojrt, I had lst got there." "I ixi.N'r see the boll," said a hand louiii woman at tho frontdoor of it bouse to nu lrlshinaiishoveliiigco.il. "Faith, uta'um, an' ye would, though, av ye worn to look In tho glass." Mil O'K.wmirv "And what did yer brother think was the ralo cause uf Ills death?" Mr. Dulfy "Me brother tit ver knew the rale cause uf hlsdealh, ai no '.iiiiict was lillJ on Mm." lloss "I've lost my tlmo-book, I'nt, ami I'll have to dupeud upon your hou esty as to how many days you'tu put In this mouth." Tat "Well, let mo see; I think It do bo thirty-two, sir." AN Irish editor recently wrote a oulo glum In which this sentence occurred "A great Irishman has passed away. Ood grant that many as great, and who shall as wisely love thulr country, may follow him." Tin: following aJvertlnoiuont lately appeared In an Irish dally: "Wanted, a gentli'iiian to undertake the sale or a patent medicine, Tho advertiser guar autees that It will bo prolltablu to thu undertaker." A 111011 Irishman offered an old sauce pan for sale, llli children gathered around him and lii(u!rod why ho parted with It. "Ah, my Jewels," answerm! he, "I would not be afthor parting with it but for a little money to buy homethlng to put In It." l'. mi V is often poetically polite. On picking up and returning a lady's para sol, which had been blown out of her hand, a gallant Irishman said: "Faith, miss, an' If yo was as slhroiig as yer handsome, bejabers, a hurrivauucouldu'l have snatched It from ye." I.AWVim "And you say that you do not remombor ever purchasing a single artlulo from the plalntllf?" Witness (Irish lady) "Indado 01 do, and 01 iilver run an account with htm that Ol did not pay cash; nlvur traded with him, ulver enthered his sthore, nlver owed li I in a olnt, and 01 have tho receipts In me house to show it, too." W I I 1 11. r MUlllkJIinULUi In tho embroidery line there Is no de sign so jHipular as the llou-de-lU. One large linen house has been unable to uiipply tho domand for lluu handker chiefs embroidered with this dainty de sign, T11 111: totally fashlonablo Just at pros ent you must possess some piece of Jew elry in the shape of a heart. Ileautlful heart-shaped pins and rings aro shown composed of a turtjuolso aurroundod by pearli or diamonds. A 1'itr.TTV addition to a dresslng-tablo Is a cut-glass candelabra. These como In pairs of two branches each, or one of Cnn TUC rAcuinuini r- llvu branches Is equally desirable. The newest ones have gold and silver sock ets for holding the candles. Chuvsa.miu;mi!m lamps are all tho rage. The prettiest aro of cut glass, suported byijuitoa slender stem, and with thu shadoof whlto or yellow silk, fringed so as to resemble tho llower from which they take tbi4r name. Ox-ciiain bracelets aro tho nowest things that society girls have chosen by which to announce that they are fet tered to a bold laddie. They can bo made In gold, If one ho desire, but the most approved ones aro of (.liver. It was sure to come, In light of cer tain events that Is, the dancing fad. The (Kipularlty which tho wtrlouu for eign dancers in New York havo achieved and the evident deslro of tho public for all descriptions of stage dancing has brought It alout. ' THIS PAPER may rx round a lllo t liLu. 1 Uowux A Oal lwipHT ArirnrtUlutf Ouruau (10 Sprud krvC),vrtisn. Mirer, mm ill lfinl 5 NEW YOHK' Of Interest to Ladies. Wvlll4 liUHIUIUMI nu NEW TO -DAY. QlTATIUN. Ik t.il County coukt or tiik Hthtkov t'RkOoN ion TIIK COUNTY 01' (lit INT. In the Matter of the ) Esute of Mnrtin v Citation. Giiudlach, Deceased. ) To Max OundUcli, Christians, ilnrtutig, Marin Doerr, hirs of said Kslalo, nnd ull others interested therein. drooling: In thu uutiio of tho Hluto of Oregon you nrn hereby cit'od and ibuired to np-nr in tho Coun ty court of thu State of Oregon for thu county of (trniit at the court room thoroof nt Canyon City in tho aid county of Orsiit, .Stiito of Oro gon, oij Tiiosday Ilia ltd dny of March, A. D. 1891, at 10 o'clock in thu forenoon of tuid day, then and there to show cause if any tLro bo why an order shall not be uiadn by Htdd court fur tliu Halo of tlio rosl iroiity of said Kstatu uccciiliug to tho tirnyor of thu Adioinitdrutor of tuiiil hatato by his million tilotl lierein. Witness tile lluu. O. I. Hntoltino, Juilfjo of the County court of tlio 8 nto of Orogou for Hi county of Grant with tin nnnl of said court af fixed 7th day of January, A. D. 18J1. . , Attest: J sin.. (Ir.o. Hiit:ni:n, 1 ' dork. D'HSOLDTIO.N' NOTICK. Public notice is lioroby given that the firm of Smith & McCtillougli, do ing business in Crook county, Vyo uii (if;, and the Htato of Oregon, is hereby dissolved by mutual consult of tlio undersigned members of said firm. Tho Hnid dissolution is on tho fol lowing tcruiH: Tlio entire proporty of said firm is delivurud lo nnd belongs to John J. -McCullouli, and lie, tlio said Mc Cullough, hurehy ussumos and nfrcoa to piy all the Gnu dnbtH and is liare by (j.ven full nutlioiity lo collect and roceijit for nil accouiits nnd sums due thu said firm, and tlio procoods of said collect'ous is, unit shall Ira tho prop erty of said McCulloui'h personally. Tho sniil McCulluitii accept nnd n;reo to e.u ry out tho miii con tract ol suit! Thomas CI. Smith, betweou Siindnnce, Wyoming, and Whito wood, South Dnkotn, and ulso the inn i 1 contract between Sundance am Merino, Wyoming, on tho tonus specified therein, and shall receive nil paymoutH onrnod thereby ufter Jununiy I, 18'J1. Tho said 1 bourns G. Hmith i to pay the oliiim of Homy A Smith natust Haiti linn, in his individual capacity. All other tlaiiim against said firm urn assumed nnd shall bo paid by said Mc Cullough as horcinboforo sot forth. All xpross accounts duo said firm ihiuuh thu Whitowootl, Spoarlish and Sundance 8taf;o and Kxprosu line, shall b the jiroperty nnd may bo collected anil rccoiptod for by tho said McCullough, nnd said McCal Imi;h shall pay all clainiH owing by said firm in suid express busiuoss. In t slimony whereof we haMihcru unto set our hands this '27th day of December, 18V0. Tiioh. 0. Huitii, John J. McCtu.ocau In prostnee of w M. llAiiin. ; T. S. NVUAN. J . In tho County Ooiiit of tho Htato of Oregon for Grant county. Iu tho matter of tho Estate of 1 Cluirluj E. Heynolds deceased. J Notice is hereby given to ull whom it iniiy coucirn thut John Lauraucu Administrator of tho nbovo naintd Ettuto lins tiloil iu tho above entitled court his Haul account as sjch ad ministrator, and Monday thu 'Jd dav of Murcli, A. D. 18!) I, at 10 o'clock A. M., has lcen nppointo l by mid court as tho time for homing of ob jection! to i. ml let Icuiout of said nccount Dated lids 1 3 tit dm of Jnnuarv, 18D1. -w- (to, SiiKiUta, hf.u., County Clork of Giant co, State of Oregon. John I.Ai-nANCr, Administrutor. l'.Mtlllhll Si Cozad, Attorneys for Administrutor. piNAL SKTTLKMBNT. Iu the County Couit of tho Statu of Oiegi n for Grant county. In tho innttur of tho Ktuto of Mary A. Wilson decmsod, j Notice is horoby givon to all whom it may cancel ii that John T. Hum mack, lulininisirntor of tho nbovo named oHtuto has filed iu tho above entitled court Ins final account us such administrator, and Moudav tho Jud dny of March 18U1 nt 10 o'clock A, M . of said day has Ix-cii upnoiiitoil by said court us the time for hearing of objections to and Huttlciuonlofaiiid fiiul account. Dated this Kith day of Jauunry, 18UI. r-J- (l:n. Siikuikii, hi: a i- County Clerk of Grant -r"- county, Slate of Ougou. John T. Hauwack, AdmiiiiNtrutor. THE BEST. II, l I A to lUailiattil, !imiiIm J l'ikJ SEED ANNUAL Ki 1DOI ,.IUu.llrJ FHtEl Iu til i pliuu, J In Ul mhob'iI ICUIIM. II ! Hfllfl ! i-ttrv imbM utlb bi( ihvtitJ uoJ hi ll. AdJn 0. M. rCRRY . CO. nrtAoiT. MICM. I Lcitn iJ,m U il U J NEW TO DAY. QlTATION. In tiik County cot'itTor tiik Statc or Oucoon rou Quant county. In tho matter of thu Estate of K. W. Aldrich, decoasod. J To Jenuio Etilknrson, F. J. Gngo and R. E. Aldrich, lititsut law of E. W. Aldrich deceased nbovo named. Iu Hie Name of tho State of Oregon: Vou and each of you are hsroby cited to npienr in tho County court of thu Stat of Oro(,'on for Grant county at tho county court room in Cunyoii City in said county on Hon dny tho 'Id day of March 1891 at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., tho tamo being thu fust judicial dsy of the reg ular March 181)1 term of taid court, and thou and thoro show causoifany you hav why nu order should not bo made authorizing, empowering and granting license to K, F, Aldrich ad miuislmtor do bonis lion of said Es tate, to sail the real property of naid Estate, the humio Luiug situated iu thr town of John Day City, Grunt coun ty, Slate of Orogon, and being n jor tion of tho NK of NW of Section '.', Tp 13, S It 111, E. W. M., and bounded as follows: Commencing at tho South-east corner of tho lot now owned by W, II . Johnston iu said John Day city nnd running thonco South to tho South lino of said NIC J of NW of Section 20, Tp DJ, S It 31 E W M; thonco Wost to the West line of said NK i NW of said Sec tion 20; thonco Noitli on said lino to a poir.t duo woHt of tho North-west comer of said W.H. Johnson's snid hd; theuco Eftst lo the North-west corner of said W. 11. Johnson's lot; theuco South to tho South-west cor. nor of said W. H. Johnson's lot; nud thenca Kast to theplacoof beginning. Witness my hand nud the soal of said County court u liicd this 13th day of Jnniisry, A. I). 1891. Gi:o. SiiKAittn, rcai. I County Clork of Grant r ' county, Kttto of Orogon. I nuanoim - I". MM 4 Wo have made arrangeinents to olfer JUDGE'S LIBRARY -IN CO.NNIXTION WITH- THE NEWS In order to get new subscribers and to induce old ones to pay up. Wo therefore otfer to all subscrib ers who pav their subscription even to date and i'A for one year ahead, a free copy of Judge's Library for one year. Good inducements offer ed to new subscribers. Sample copies of "Judge'H Libra ry" can be seen at this otliee. Call uarlv and avoid the rush. mam fc art M M A. II A CHENE Y. nUALUlt IN General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. HaptanstallOart&Ca Hl'CCKBSOUH TO JtAPTOft'S TALL DART, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. Hav now rtivd the largeit and most compltte itock of new toodj in Oraat Cuaty, wblb lit will ffr ht nU at prWu Ikal dify ettspttition HIS QUEER PATIENT. A J'hrlcln ll.Utu Ills .HInsolr Kipc rlnr with a It'ouan ol faitiUti. "My funniest patlont?" said tho doc tor. "Voll, that question Is something of a facer. You nowspaper follows do ask tho queerest questions." "Toll mo, Doc" urgod tho acrlbo. "about the moit singular patient you havoor ovor had, as tho caso may bo." "I soo," said tho doctor, thoughtfully, "you aro bound to stick to mo llko a vatnplro until I toll you something, so horo goes. A certain woman who lives on West Kltty-sorontli streot has a mania for ovory thing oxtraordlnary. Kho Is what you would call a beautiful woman, but I don't bollovosho hasoron an apology for a soul. Whether her husband roalltcs tho latter fact I do not pretond to say, and If ho doe ho has too much prldo to confoss It to tho world. Well, this woman camo to me ono morn ing with a Hltlo vlat and requostod mo to Inject some of Its contents In both of her arms and neck. Of courso I In quired what tho liquid might bu. She answerod: " That's all right: I will give you fifty dollars II jou will do IL' " 'Hut, madam.' I protoitodj 'I am not In tho habit of Injecting unknown fluids Into tho human system.' "'Oh, I know what It Is,' alio an sworeJ, 'and, moreover, I don't want It In my system nor In my veins. I sim ply want It administered under the skin.' "I lookod at her a moment and won dored, though sho did not look llko ono. If she was a morphine Mend. She aoemod to dlvlno my soml-susplclon and said: 'No, it Is no kind of morphine Hmell of It' "Sho held tho llttlo vial In her own hand to my nostrils, which Inhaled a potent fragranco In which rose oil was ropresonted. 'You see.' sho oxplalned, 'I have a friend who has Just returned from Paris whero sho has seen this thing successfully done. Come, hero Is a flfty-dollar nolo. Do you refuse?' "Now, you as a newspaper man know tho valuo of fifty dollars and so do I. It socuiod wlso for mo to say 'No,' but 1 secured tho nocossary Instrument and told nor I would comply with her request at her own peril. 'All right,' sho answered, and In five minutes I had complolod my novel task. She had an Idea, you know, that hor arms and neck would exhale a dollclous perfume and sho went away as happy as a two-days'-old butterfly, "In about a week sho camo back and wanted mo to Inject somo more of the potent essence In hor arms and neck. On her right arm I noticed an In llamed spot Just whom tho previous Injection had boon made, and I told her that It lookod as It an abscess was form ing thorn. "Never mind,' sho said, 'I want to find out If thoro Is any thing in It.' "Thon I firmly declined to pursuo the oiiorluiont- Sho departed In a state of wrath, and I have not seen hor from thatday lo this. Sho was my funnlust patient" N. Y. Tress. CITY HOTEL MAIN STIIKLT Canyon City, Oheoon, GHOTll $ THOMPSON Proprietors. Traveling mou will find this a pleasant mid dosintblu place at which to stop. OlMi IIH U Cull iiAKuu ciTv- Baker Cit , Oregon. A complrU hud iTUtit-al HualhrM fuur; tittl Thuruuii li NwujuI L'curee fur Itir trIitlii t Jrrhcrt. MuiUuU 4. ft it enter I ftrit uiui l.ipirirnrrj rnuet kUA llit aitiitlu. Kur tttron sn1 mtfttutfUt tiJJri I'llOK. H. A. llANKtilUi, 1'ilicii.ftl u( tlic Nuruul ilcrttnut. uf Co i"up V II .HiUnry, l'rlmlt oMI.c t'otH lit t ret l tisrvftrlinetit, lUkyr Vixy, Or,; cm. MONEY iikrf mi, hi.t "U, s4 U ikir Mlu,ltitt,bt-ftitr Ms Amy ! Ik SM Llli ltt. Vf furnish iffflklNf Wii)Ut S w risk 1 ! lri fumf f tHiSMtl, s oil sstf tlM Ik k 1 kls ! lit If M ssr ts44 tfl( wsMHltlfttl w ! Ntskll, tiiiff ( (iMf irvx, Vll i ft f satsti h stl ). i-l iMil wl laatk t- I HI t. N it ifUsio kr, I all UfMsaiWa U.I. ''Hl';,t CO., 4lU!4, lAUk. HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEM .; flu Jjddirs: Fur Gaps, capes and mitts; fine and cheap dress goods; fine and cheap facinators. The finest line of shoes in Eastern Oregon. I 'W (he JetfrfwiH!?: ; Elegant fur and wool caps; fine line of winter overcoats. A neat busi ness suit and a fine dress suit. Also a full line of furnishing goods and for the general trade. We offer you such inducements in the grocery line that we defy competition. M. Prairie 1i(y MUJiOS" JONKS, I'llllST. (IncorMiitiil. Paid up MORROW COUNTY Com mission and Forwarding . hjt'nls. Cash ad vanced on xd Consignments lor ISUl- Wholesale, Dealers in Armour's racking' Ifousc Products. Shipping direct from h'ansas Citi in ear lols we are prepared lo famish interior merchants leith. Hants, j Ha con and Lard, a I the lot re si trholesale pries, saring shippers freight from Portland lo llcppner. We sell the trade tin It. M. C. L. & T. Co. toooanoaxioooooiooo(inooitflti60CKOAiooiiu coot tr .. 0'fi Hutxftor to Ovfilt.Jt i Muhllt'-W. im:ai.ku in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon City - - - Oregon. L'ni' n n 1 1 ii nn. li.iinil. ii "nil rixxni'l monl nt' " .) (loads, Clothing, Hoots Shoes, Groceries, g Flo., Fie., Flo-, a I Ilea son a hie Prices. ii. ;. (ivmuioi.T. 2 WuiiuaiuooHiuaMiMi&M OMtaOUOOOO 900iKIOO0000000l H. BLACK1A f I I I I lleppncr, Or I' I I I III , '" Dealers In General lYlerchantlise. 1 r -'- l .... . L .-.. I I l t i I L..1JLT A Ijirgn AwKiitmuiit at Inmost, 1'iicsw. ( lood i Hold t Moilmek 1'iices. . Tmdo of linint County ikiligiuxl, nnd Hsoclrd Jndiioineii( Qlfsrod. .iixzj i i " i . i i i i i i "j LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN EASTERN OR SUS G EN Ell A L M Canyon Cltv 11 V ' hare received and opened a tvell selecled stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hals, Pools, Shoes, Plan kels, Quills, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Fie. Also Fancy and Staple Groceries, Provisions and a fall assortment of Pttlenl Medicines, Notions, Flo. tW J'nblle PiiIi-oiiukc Solicited lVLvll Ordoru Xi-oiiTi3tl- ilttonclocl to. . P. CREEMF, UK M.Kit IN STATIOA'F P )', POOh'S, SCHOOL SUPPLIFS, SID'FP ,y. FAA"( )' UAHFS. . . Cirocorios, Flour. Tobaccos, Ciyarn, mul iu' liuiulrcd and ono otlior vark'lit's, clioaj) for catdi, at The OldStund, Canyon City. DURKHEIMER & BRO. r. ii. niMior, thkas. Capital M-s l. J.'i.dUH.O'i ) LAND & TRUST GO. T. E, FELL, HA'anacr. ........... A I" ""1" I I i i i i I BROS, ICRCS ! A N DISB. Oregon. n &. co