THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS. Thursday, dan. S. LOCAL BREV1TIKS. All kinds of weather. The red man dances ami Unsle Sum wiys tho fkltllsr Judge (Word Im moved hi lav? ollleo to tho court Imuio. . i Inch ly Inch tli snow uVopens in tli mountain reservoirs, i . , J All in favor of a plonto next th of .July hold up your luft hand. ' Dr. l!3ilo.' 1ms boon ernlncd tn hit Ul Millr tyiilmld fever for over u wcoV. Ilnv ! soiling down in Ijuio county this winUrat ?!T.fiO to f'JO por ton alnvAly. 1"""" How many who Ixiyui tliu nowyunr with flood rosolulumii liau kct tlunii tdll (JikxI nMtls into the mining ciuiM will Unri!t the furmont of thu wllry. Let us have them. - nngiot of Kftiima City hao pctitioueii tho mayor to allow them to have a hmt dunce. If you hworooir don't let know .U I ion your oiiiUirrannirnt ' 0 ' Although tuxpayiiiK limn u in or - dor Sheriff Crosan informs thai thu cash is not in r.u.idlv. u1 1 1 1 itfi 1 1 hie rnttii 'fiii iiii-oiT " ' A "kid" Mn u i ran i MJumuoiii' .1 .i . ilk in to iliiitlicria Ii.ii liml 11 hold on thu icoilu of this community. Know on Dixie mountain is Haiti to lie growing deep enough to mako prut ty fair Bluihing for thu stages. Jr Horsu thieves mature vury youiif ( in this ujimatc. Even tlie kids take . totho oeuupation ipiito readily. Ko snow in this sheltered part of thn mI ley, hut it stnros us in thu fueo from tho surrounding hxit hills, v j Tho "wise onus" say thu winter will 1 he suvuru from now on. Of course it , will if there is any w inter at all. , N. Uulisou, Jud Hui;uow(hnI and ' John Ijong were husy duiinj,' thu week upprniMn the prnieity of tliu Into Dr. Jlorsley. j Ono of Mr. Dole's little (,'irls the ouo tlmt Mr. and Mrs. Thompson 1 udwptcd died last week in the N'il j iiimitlu valley. l'ay your sulnoription and a little more, and we will furnish you 'Judge's Iihnirv" for one ycir. Cull and sen sample copius. ' Thu lieaiiH in this precinut all shin el ' oil their mustache. In onler to ap- . .oarmore ihlieulous thu belos had ' their liair shiugled. J" Comuns.siouerh' court convened in regular session yesterday. The usual amount of liusiuosi for tho lir.l of the year will come up. If we had Houriug mills the John Day valley would ship tons of llour to adjaeent mining camps and places far ther in the interior. Iteaiuse you treat a man as a gen tleman it docs not always follow' that he will tieat you as one, hut still it is Intst to lie a gentleman. Thu legislature is supposed to have met hint .Monday. lnsidu of thirty days we will know what the fate have in store for (! county. The Canyon City Itod ,t Cun Club has Ix'cn orgaui.utl with tho uyowihI purponi of enforcing an obiurvaucu of thu laws piotocting game. Iive ISailcy, tho largest stockman on South Fork, writos to have the all dien of his paper ohanged to l'uuliiti, as ho has removed fioin (inmt county. Dr. Orr who madu a professional visit to South Foik last week ii.po.t ; uti'iiii Mioliiiu tl htitti in iuu-Lliut unti seven inches of snow in Suou'shoo ii 1)110 year ago thciu was nearly sin en font. Three eolnretl people ejinie over from linker with Tom Sewull tho other day, and two of them u ui.iu and his wife have gone to work cooking at tho City hotel. ' Com Dure has puroh.iSiKl Hugh Smith's freighting outfit uoiisi.tiug of six mules and two wagons, ami w ill put thu Kiimuoa the road next summer delivering lumUjr. Tho rhvi eased nuinlwr of wedd'nas " -"' I during the ja.t ymr is an indication ' that the iiiatiimoiiial unrket in Cnint ' county has shared thu llnanc-iat depres nion of thu horse ami other markets, Who will the legislation elect to tin . U. S. senate! This is a conundrum and cannot 1st answered upon the spur of the moment. Thu ipioktiou is even a Ktunnur to inuml-ers of the legislature, Thu wheels of this machine have licen mudu to whirl faster this week In-c.iusu a iiiiiuIhu' of porsous have dropped in ami paid their subscription. Others would help us out iike thunder by lining likewise, but wo sllively refuse to "dun" them, j ' A loy mimed Huskius, who p reli ably thought it no huriu to steal a hoi-se from a Chinaman, is heaitily 10 pnnting of his folly while spending miserable days and nights in tho wuiu tyjail. Young Haskius vihouuunut l-o more than 10, was hold under lsntds in liOtig Crei'k pieeinct for taking un aniuul ovvnod by ono Wing lieu of tlmt lir.fMiul 111 fliifallll of tllll HIM!- essary bond ho was committed to jail. 1 UttAK VAI.LliY MtlWS. Fnow about two iiiohw tloop. ' Joo l!x worthy 1ms now liooomo I n large slock owner of llenr valley. Slock twins to look wishfully lownrds the haystacks that this valley 1 m well supplied with. U'ull n I Mint I lii eoiuilv sua! bus- . inoiw Canyon City is good enough ! for "we Mill," nml wo pr,Mc to let 1 COOd OtIOUUIl JIIOIIO. , 1 otec " """"I.V1 " nir win nv ii certain panics uon i ,llit lMrjng ,,,. ,j8 f4.IMV- ' ',0 aristocracy of Hear had a (InnC0 (,rj,tIll'ni, evo ,, nnttj,. er ,. Now Year nifthl. hut naonly tin- uristoeracv attended hut few wore there. MurIer wak'lv i o:iiiniUol in thw valley on the 'jsth ami 2".Hh of Hccemlier or woiihi have I - i f tlic JaxourithliilN ami niaitpi, h hail not hunted their holea. The follow ing nnnicMl iuritona will hive to Ihj imlictel for nyaull outhetiiith (liitigeroua weawni: Frank Me Ittnu, Hob IliiH'f, Wait lkjrry ami .1. I'arribh. Vox. i .1. I'nriibh. j Vx. . , i (jounlv warrant taken at pir at this mllw for suWHpliiai and aiher . tuing aoeouut, S Thc WUcon.ii. 8tt. .nnm. do- . . - ' iiiandi Hint tho legal rale of inter- . 0st ho reilneed lo G )Kr cent, ! , ' AimcliM arc ugatn oil Uio ram- i !.. I . .1 ... II...!... iniiii in in.()oii uuar uiu .uexiean i i, , . ,l..,l .. . I pursuit (liinnell, who tnttniertil in cold blood the ihtroyer of his home, was acquitted by a jury at Macon City, Iowa. Mr. Jackson Hendricks one of Ml. Vernon's moU popular voiiiir men, has token his deNirtur fur Portland, In attend busiueiut rollei. I larva Summen illu of South "Fork wax in town thiii week on his way to llartishuiy, whurn he will ma the lemnindur of tho winter. The Daily Oregonfun dinlaneel all competitois in thu way of issuing n holiday uumlior, and predated its ruiulers It'.' pages of choice reading. iCitiiMU fanners aro oi"ganizig with a view to holdui" corn from tiio market r.inl forcinif tliu price ' to $1 a buehe . . w Financial trouLlo eoiitinuoi at moiioy centers, iiiul failures of inoieantilo linns all our tho laud aro iiiimeioiis. This edierilf of Unio eoiintv has cvje( .)011 a st. Kernard dia' to fv .... O.s..entioil in his hands ; against the owuur ' I'lider the now opjortioiiineiit tho Faoilic coast will have twenty- three votes in tho oleeloral col lege, - an iuoretiiju of nine. An I tul inn has sueeueded in go ing forty-livo days without food. Now, can nnv ono toll what leiiefit the world will get from it I Owing lo the luck of winter il seems iiupixilmhlti that this is tlu si-c-j oud week in January, but ovoryliody I knows it to 1m a fact, notw illisLuiul- j j II. D4I0 and 1'.. Silver, the associ ates of K. II. S 1 i v in issuing twigus ' linker county warrants, hiue Uhui placed umliir $1000 l.nls each to ap pear at thu next teim tit coin t. I'eiijaniiii V. llutlor, lawyer soldier, statesman, orutor 11111I sev eral other thing, has dolivored anotliur "farewell" k-etiuo. l.ook out for the uet one; it's coming. Lots of newnitaper spaeo is being ... 1 !.. 1 . . .. 1.- I." wu,Uh j pvpluinino tlie how, why . . .... . . " and wliei dure 01 thu killinu 01 tho lato Sitting Hull. I'ut ho is dead, and that fact alone pretty well sat isliua the Ainerieun public. 1 will preach (D. V.) at the Win. Luce school house Saturdav, Jan. 17th, I HI) 1 , at candle lighting; Ml. Vernon Sunday Jan Slh at II a. m., and continue daily for two 1. .. t f f t , ' ,u l'a" I llaptist Minister. 1 llio dotal taxnblo piopoi tv of this state as returned by the as ... - 1 ..ill -tw' ... !.. -",00 " !Hn,o.t.'v,.l 1 1 last your. It i es timatwl tlmt tlie levy lor state pur poses will bo M 1 mills. Last mtr it was nearly y a. Xoah of old advertised tho Howl and it eaiuu through all right. Hu was thu llrst man to advertise. The fellows who laughed at his adver ticing got drowned. ICver since Xoah's time thu man who advertid od has proserod whilo tlie other fellow was swallowed up Jjj. Ihe IIimmI of adversity. t -""" A trick that deserves to bo pat onturl was played on a linn hi Wheeling, W. Va., by a fnriner who it n'uiiii had two largo tres on his farm, 0110 a blauk walnut and tho other a blauk oak. Thu walnut ho sold llrt, after entirely strini)iii!i off tho bark. Ho next ntiiiiifiiiu wi, tiiw ,i .1 "SJ" ok .ml nfu,; uU. uff thn leii-l: lie eurofiillv tuekud on tho bark lie had taken off the walnut Mild thou sold it to tho ! "iimo jwrly for walnut DAYVIU. DOING. Datvim.k, Or. .In. 5. I'.mto AKw:That the South Fork Precinct might' bwiin t,0 1 Hnw lottery for (Jnl county ilur now vrar with a feelinirof In-nond ! !!!? 1 10 ,HW0- aml w." of lhcm rf it: i . r." i.'i!... i- i iiiniiMirf nun Korinoimv .nr. and Mrs. Frank "Wood gathered the commwily regardless of "casto i Or Creed" ni their itkiiIi ni l- on ihe otcnimrof tho 1st, and after mnl. ; lfc w h , , . . . ..'.. ... B .. uunirs iocju mat .tirs. v . so won known how to proitarc guvo thtnt , tho freedom of the house. Ami to too Uio way Mim. Vonnfr, High- laiitl. (imniwcll. Oliver and n fu.v moro of tho "fortv-niner" took ailantav of it to trip the lijltt fantiutie toe, well reiflid tlieir kiiui host ami hocrtet for all the tronh!u they had U-cn to. One of the event of the ovenit-jj wat to ee J. 'l'nttler" I'owcll toting to mtiie. 'Uio eae nni craco a well an dig nity with wliiih ho cnHMttned ehieken and pie to ,-lmv walls time was unrlnuiting, hut when in a spirit of initwhief the musician changed Uio Utno suddenly to a ' Uvalv iitr. iho entira intrtst man ifw, j ,his magiiilieent knifo ' and fork play gavo ve.nt to tinnnlt- j on applaiuo a ho linUhed with ', nprnt cae, not tinning a hair. j This preeinot is aiso waking up ! to the ihmwmUy of a ckm! outlet to I . . . . tho railroad and aro pushing tliu )nyvil!e& lleiipner road through i the canyon. When completed this will be tho main winter road I front tho John Day valley to thu railroad. It will also open tip the i lhuiu country and give our Shoo tiy and llaystaek neighbors a ' cfianee lo uet to tho county scat - that ii, by the way, if the county sent leinaiiisi in the John Day val ley. From the interest ng Creek takes in tho matter I think they have an axe to grind. Though Mers A Heti, tV 1 'at Ui son while here a short lime ago disclaimed any designs on the county sent, but they wanted it out of Can) on City. They each made a sjhwIi and weto followed by Maj. Magonc. Their argument was well, it Was "words, nn ire word!" I cannot recall that they had any reaons at nil. t be lieve it was Mr. P. who described to us a modern I'topia with wide lrucl, "body uveuues, honest ad- .. . ... i i. iniuiKiraiioii, etc. mil wnerv ne will it tit 1 n location that will real i.e his dream I do not know, un less we lix up Dayville a little for him. Sauk littrtm. JAPANItBli WllDDINO. This play, intended lo represent 011 Oriental wedding, was given lo our people last Friday evening by I ho young people of Prairie City in charge of l!ev. Mr. I.uco. Mhw Hosa Mack ami Harry Hire re-presented the bride and groom. Uev. C. K. Luce was the Huddhat lriit who tied the knot sure and fal. Misses Mellaley, Meador, Dor sun, Danilson, Lauranee, ltice, Mael, Hyde, Howell and Mrs. Dolliua, also Miss Ullie Overboil and Miss Jessie I'urrish of this city, assisted in the capacity of maids, etc. And aside frm this play theie were musical ami other exorcises, participated in by Miss Ivioller and Miss Overboil, I'rof. Collins, Miss Clara Mellaley, Pearl ltulison and May Sluitscll. The sum of ip.VI was realized, lo bo applied lo the purchase of a bell for the Prairie l.'ilv church. LOST fid UICWAIID. On the Baker City road 10 or 12 miles iiIkjvc Prairie I tty I!l..l. :. v at 'the Dileh," one iron gray horse 5 or 0 rears old, broke to work, llramh-rl ()J on left shoulder. I will pay HI for delivery - J miles west of Canyon City. Jas. A. Lonnv. I.cltsr List. letters remaining unealled for in the jioslollice at Prairie City, Or., Jan. I, 1891. John (Uemous, Merrit D Wilson, Mr Lem lJarnell, Miss Jtasle Me- .Seal. Persons calling for any of above loiters will please give dale of ad vertising. liu-K U. .Mr II a t.ev, M. letter List. List of letters remaining un ealhd fur in tho jsitotlb-e at Can yon City, Or. Jan. 1, I aw l, Harvan Uwis Josiwr Murdo (lieu Owen II W Clark A it I'oss 0 F McLuin William Smith L D Keen C J Helm llenrv (iardner J DsWlitfu Tone S Newman Mrs Margaret Whit lock. Persons culling for tho nljovo will please ray arlvertlserl. Mils. Anmk It. Pahuisii, p. M. 1'HOCKtvSe. Il is very imiiorulnt in this ago of , vast material progrens that a remedy . , .11 tt .1 iijTlt213M3: ' , ... . ,. thy in its nulure and effeots. I'os- sussing these ousliUes, Hyrupof Figs is iL one ncrfoct laxative and most 1 I gentle diurvlie known. ORAttD PRl DRAWING. Tho following named rwrson rro purchased tickets in Uio great Mar- ii it nopcu nnw van n prisc: JA.Vl'AHV. C. . llocklcr Toory Hiubhiofiehl V.. Ii. Darin Syren Mulkey rk-naiAnv. J. W. Cochran M. C. Howard dohn V.'.tch Knlo Murphy MAY. R K. Turk Iona 0. Hlackwll Mark K. Tinuns hillie !!. Mtiiligmt Jt'I.Y. C. II. Conger Alice Harr T. (I. Omnw M. U. AltltW. Wm. V Itmtn Ilntth' May Halt John r. Hitler K t io V. WiiN aVlTKMUKU. I.. I. Luce K. M. OflUer Asa Shore Melius Stark J. Whalin I.iml.i ). fleroggins S. Williams M. 0. IlUneh (MTOIIKK. II. A. Tucker 4. W. Kinder K. K. Hamilton K. Allen A. 11. Krway W. A. Hwiek liOtiin N'ierinun Motlio Wiiittitire llnttic Case Scroll Sadtteit Clara Slavin I.ticnsftio Hvans ICIisn Wllllatna Kate ltarkley Hugh tiilison tiuMio Thorp MiVJcinKU. H. D. Cannon Corn K. Campbell lKi emih:ii. Augustin l'liine Mary Shields Matilda tlaydeit Julia IC. Diislin I loll belle liitehlo IClvreator (leorgo I.ulu Short in. Co lins j Albert Hallnnco j A. C. Chipmnn C. V. Itann 11. H. Herter OFIMCRKfi INBTAl.I.ltt). Tho installation of officers in Mountain View Xo. X, 1. 0. O. V. at Prairie City, look place on Saturday tho 3 1 insl., when tho following named ollicors wi t.i in-Mall.-d by 1). D. C. M. K. J. Ilav lev: lliel A. A. UYiW N. (. v. ;. I lee. See. Pi r. See. Treas. Warden. Conductor. 1. (i. It. S. N. (j. I.. S. N. (i. It. S V. (i. I.. S. V. (I. . S. S. I., s. s. I W. It. Fist Henry II. Hvde Jas. t. Sullen M. Howell I sham I.aurance Win. DonahlMin Henry lVlerson U. Deardorfl" J. Lauranee Hen H. I'm i. .tt Lei; Hay J. MeMtirdo John v ust in Th ' followitir nnmed ollieers wen.' installed in the chairs of Sunrise Lslgo No. St), Hebekuh Degree I. O. O. F. at Praitie City on Thurs day the 1st inst, by Mrs. haurnnce SiKfcial Di imtv: Mifs Klecla Lnurancrt Mrs. Adeline I.aurance Jas. T. Sullemi Mrs. S. Donahlson Mrs. Thompson Hen 15. Parrolt Ifhani I.aurance Mrs. A unit; L-uiruuec X. 0. V. (1. See Treas. Warden. . (1. it. 8. X. (!. Chaplain. XOTICK. Ail js rsonu knowing thi iiiM'lves indebted to W. J. (ialbraith either by note or account, will please come forward and settle the same by the 1st Iny of January, IrttU. All notes ami accounts not tcltlcj by that date will be plueed in the hands of an attorney for immediate collection. I need money to meet my obliga tions, and am obliged to adopt this inutbol to meet the rcipiiremunU. W. J. (i AI.IIUAITII. Prairie City, Or., Dee. P, 1MM). PKKUOrl ALf!. Ms Mm Boul MaJo Itny by Dr. Dar- tin's Rlcculc Skill. I'M. Hyues, Albino, rieafnr ss, rrtoreil. P. C. MeFurlano, Vancouver, ic'. atie rhcuunttirm, cured. (Jco. C, Scot ten, Albina, Oregon, ringing noises iu tho ears, mid deaf ness, cured. J. K. Connint'baiii, Wapinitia, Wasco county, Oregon, total deaf iwss two years in one car and par tially to iu the other, cured. Mrs. J. K. Smith, Prinevillo, Or, iiervotif debility aud general weak ness, almost bordering on insanity, cured. Jlenson McCoy, Dufur, Wusco county, Oieg 'n, deafmsi and ter rible puiu iu thu car und head for six months, until ho wax nearly crazy, restlessness and iismmia. Restored lo health by electricity after nil other treatment had failed. Dr. I ) trln's SpccldttUs and I'laes af Duslncss. His. Durin mako a specially ot discttten uf tho Myo;, Xoioaml '1', and nil ucivuii-i, chronic oud private diseases, sneh as loss of Mauhood, blood taint, syphillis, (;lcet, goiioi'ihoc, slrietme, sponus torshoca, iciuinal w.liiiosor lotsof dttsiro of sexual power in innii or woman. All eciilisr fewalo trou bles, iireuhir iin-nsiruatiou, ilis pluietnent, o(e . ato emfidnutially ami suucissfullv lioitdl. aud will under no i.ircuuitaiioes take a case that thoy uauuot euro or benefit. ... ST tisultatioii ip D. I'tiarges 10.1x011 fines of inivule diseases guar- anteod and never published iu the pers. Circuhus uJ iiusnion blanks sent fioe Ulilcos, iuj vast 1 i iiigtou st tool, Portlanil, Or. nomas Af a distance. l.t KnirUmt about olirlikytetva peers are ittreelora o( public eompsaksi. Tiicttr. Is ono society of bejm anil Iris In F!n;lant to protect snlmsls wbteh hu over eljthty tbuusand members. I'kaki. Bxlilnj U silllcsrritston In the rlvr r Tsy, la linvlsnd, and some valua ble j tvol have Istrly been found. It ii (he purpose ot a company of rapUillita to run s steamer on the Ne ot tlslllec, for which they have obtained a concession. J. roll's well ami tho plot ot (rrouml Kiirroumllnjr tt have Iwen sold by the Tu-k'sh U.iornment to tVo tlreek clir.i.'li for (our thousand pounds. A lus.-iiu-r In the central province 1 of India Is b g, rsvsgod by a pack of whilv.- .1, which have klllint forty cuitlv watchers, who Were chiefly youths of knit icses from eight to ixuen yer ef sje. A suai.i. estato In Mnoolnshlris which sold tlitrty-one thousand dull ir.. In 14 'and hi since had two deliai-t put InUi atldlltonsl bull !..-on::lii u n thousand five hundred do. lar last week. A ;i:i:ia.i Itloulenant-Colonel hn bon ilcprlvml 0( his eonimUslun U' uau.K' iu n rceenUy publliilied work li a,l ! tli. publln not to ir. ui e'mr, h, 1. Ik h he naj-s Is an nntiiiuatixl instlt.i lion not In aeoordanM with uiotleru sci on c. Tun rate of wairwi paid H firemen 01 '.liliw sailliift from Iiondon Is t.l I'm per immili 011 v.iyotrcsup the Medilerrunoa-i to Auttralia and New ork. lo 1 tt-. ! Cipc of tlood 1Iok. Nnlal, i liiua u-ul I 1 11. 1 it iL.,ili ftL from Cil Li ei ,utf lil.lllill. N ir loa.T o Houth Africa hl to Im lirt all she uscl, but now- cln mill.'., l!i' eonl he wlsbeS fur her own u i aud exiorti the surplus. I'd . iitnsvi'.i I that the eojl llelds of N'.ital have in reased their output ton remark ftbln de.rru-e. Ci. icif -. aw out ol favor In fivitiUmahl P.trlilin drttwlntr-roonis; they Mi;;re,t, the hour of depsrtum to xi .liu, 1 t.1,1 openly. Still, u it Is Inonnvcnli ut nut to know Uio ttmo, fsshlon naimtins .1 1 old wutelt h angina on the wall, fr.iiii.-U In an -..r.l.ilo drapery of anttiue l.ui-i-Aiie. Tbn watch oiiyht to b a fai.iil,1 heirloom, thu moro old-fisshloiied tie' j better. ) Tuutti: young soldier near Warsav , reiurned from dctmuoU with blowl on I llieli- clothes nd tho statement Hint j they had In-aUm some one they did urn , know. At the same lime a tarpaulin j llieir re.'lmeat was found murdered, i aud Hie tliree soldiers wore Irled, i.m 1 vleted and hIioI within li uty-fiiur i hour. Tho next day another subtler surri'iidcrt d ot the murderer. KINGS "AND QUEENS. 1 Tun Queen ot liiigland's saving! in ' rutiiid ininilicM are fs.irJU.OOO. 1 gi':K. M.vuiii KiiiTK, of Italy, Is fond j ft Hinukinir and U said to have deolatvi! i that her cigarette It nuire essential u J ber romfort than any llilnjf else tu life. Kx-Kivo Mlt.AM, of Her la. Ujtohijr U dose,.' nd tiHn iAindun in s, aieh ot 11 ivlTe eaily la the new .uar. I'erhni lie i.'.iy coiitiiiuc liu jjurney to Auiei- 13. (Ji'iiKM Vicmm a spends tho two hours from eleven at uhjthl till ono Iu the ittornliitf la reading or wrllliijr. Despite her Uto hours for rollrlnff to bed sbo U an erly riser. Ktxn llcunnaT of Italy has dccUtiod to 'ink I'Biilawenl for an allowance for the l'rliiiieuf Naplei, heir to tho throne, who h becomo of ago, imnaunn tho Na tional treasury Is In a doptotud condi tion. Qi'Ka.N YicroiiiA Is now unable to tak'e any uulking 0x01 elo, and Is more apt than heretofore to Ret ohlltod when driwui;. Sho rtijtrotfully ocknowlotlifi's that ulie Is able to do loss and loss every y nr. Qn.i s Huu.v of Holland, who will 1h ri'i ot during tho minority of the Trie '.! Vi'ilimlnilna, bos greatly en drareil bernelf to the Iiiiuih people by tier dumesile iiislitles. Sho has been a mutt atU'ittlvo nurse to her huslmud, and is a singularly wlso and dovotad mothi-r. Tin: iJuiM-n of Italy is oshlbttlug a t!iuleuey toward stoutness, n sinte of liilni. that is most unweloumo to her. Tu ward off this Increasing corpulence ho Mpntil the grc&to'r an of )at suiii mer iu lung and exhaiiHi.te iiioutilaiu lraiiliH, which retlueed her weliflil but uMi'd up tho royal ladleit who inumdcd her. AIIT TItEASUIlES. A OKsriM; Hirtrall uf painted by lMU In l.oi, I 'olultilnn, has. it p. claiititd. been diwovererl. 'I'm: Aceodemla delll Hello Arte of Venice bus bought from the l'erleuli f iinllv uf Itoine four pallltlliK ' by 1 arlo t'riti Hi which nntuo (ruin thei'.'Aitlu eel li'i'iioii la 1 1 e no. 'i in: dranlngN of ono of the immt fa lumu Japanese artiatt, HukuHil, now ited, bne boon broiifbl together by Ihe l.inlim Kine Arts Hoolety mid plaiO I 011 exhibition under it patron- .r'- A r rubor, France, a series of frewoe le. ffa-nl pn nervation has lMen found to the roof of tlm cuHila of tho nnlbedral. 'I hi y represent St. Stephen being motied lo death, with a iilrclo of eight prophets alioiit tho central figure. Tm: famous tlludoogod, I. Ingham, Is im.v uwnod by an lingllah gentli niau named Kpenocr, who paid ihlrteen thousand dollars for it at an miction sulo in liondon in IKS. ThlsourlouH r. lio stands but twolvo and ouo-balf Inebe high. (ii.kuas papers report that a "licce ll'iiim" iu oil I now on exhibition ut :'i'.iit;;.irt, HbUih lsglvingrlso to a llvvty roniroversy. Some ivmnoimeur uuiii t.;li 1I1 it it is tlie mUsing "Kcco llouu" p'kintidby Albort Duror In ViVi, while others stamp it as a spurious production. AecoitniNrj to the Vevay (Swltsrlan4) SMTrt, a broNKo tatue of Keplutie, in I'nii' rt-iatr, has been found near the ctiur.;liof Hi. Clara. In HIT the work men on the restorations of this church i:neirlhed marblo altar dedteaUul to Tan, tho woo.llaud god, or rather to a Uoiesu equivalent of that deity, f a vtiu-iw. Htrawlmr- 'lhut w s pretty jkmx! trirk 1 bat ws played on a gas ronipony In t hit-ago, A follow out there discou nt ' ted a meter, put a rubber. Inl r round it, and fur months they didu'l di-covor that ho bad been robbing th-to. Hlngoriy-Wbst did tbey da with him the 11? Htrawbor Tboy m.lo him ono of tho directors of the vempsay.-Ufo, A WIDOW'S aoucrrupg. ,M thwHnat ktarjr TW by lUruuin, Un, (Irrnl Shu. Mail "I saw a strange sight onoe going to how the soreagth of a woman's grief for hrr dead liuaband," aald ilr. liar nam In ou. of bU afternoon chat to a Chicago Tiibtine reporter. "The man hart boon an Invalid so long that he was hetpioM. Un lived in tho mountain of Vermont. Ills wife went with him every where, and, as the at m.Mphere In that region was ninavi moist, the wife Insisted Uist her Invalid buoltand nhonld never go out without his top coat and pair ot buck mitt, on his hands. .Xo matter whero tlto.o people were seen the msn was attired for cold weather. "He died. 1 tttendert the funeral. A lady who was present called ray atten tion to something under the uhlrl-frotit of the corpse. A closer investigation showed that tho objtvt was the top rout which tho poor fellow had worn an much In hi llfe-llme. Thn lady ank.vl the widow why ah had put the there and her reply wft that he hadn't gone anywhere without it for years ami she couldn't think of hi not having It, The cftukel was placed in a receiving vault. When It arrlred there It wat again opened for a lat look. The widow was seen to linger about the body for several mhititos, engaged In aoini thing, no one cm Id ee what. Than the casket wa closed and placed In the re reptaele. As we were Wing driven homo the widow remarked to her lady friend to whom she had pokeu shout the eor.t: 'I feel lietter now, fur I gut hi uilttn In the colli 11 before It was closed: Ho hud worn theniMu uuieli that 1 couldn't think of hi Ik'Iiiu without them.' "'llie potir woman wa so lncero about U this that tt was same year l fonr 1 could get my consent Ui think that thu sad situation had n huiiinnnm phase." ; lli-ullll anil U&rrnl.t-. Tint fact that wrong Is In many eases a moro expression of oxoimw In what was right find numerous Illustrations. Most vices. Indeed, citn on this ground claim a highly roapootnblo ancentry. , The value ot oMirMon, again, Iu Iu vadium forum (whether associated with work or play) lias doubtless ever been, as It still U, (Uncounted by the union Inherent risk. Thu it is tin. I we Had oven o grunt a Ihhiii a pbysloal over else booomes In many mind, and nut Unreasonably, the subject of conttlctlng doubts. It has been oenlone; tho rr crr stive mean hu boon pas4i and tho resulting exhaustion una And 110 Holaoo tt In rest. Oa tlie ituiu 11. "I picked up ft bit uf Information the other day," nld a hotel clerk, 'that I hadn't thought of before. A couple of men were talking In tho unlet', when ono aakerl on what day of tho week (.'hrislnms will be thin year. 'Let' toe,' replied tho other, 'I wn married on tho flritl day of May, that wa Wodnenduy. Christmas will come on Vcdiuda).' That Htrlick mo forcibly, and when 1 got a little lcUiirc 1 gathered up a lot of old calendar and investigated it. I found that It 1 true that the firm day of Muy and O'hrUttnaa of the mum. j cur occur on tho snmu day of tho week." llio l-itu.n uf llwilh. 1 1'ooplo aro laughing at a doctor In a lltllo village Iu reniisylvanlft who, In tilling out a certificate of death, Inad vertently wrote bis own nsme In Uio blank space ivsvrved fur "u&tuu uf death. " l'oiM On the r ul near this city, 7 'A 40110 ciuUiitges. Satin! weie left at this ollice with the ii-iue.l licit ihe owner ji:oo iniieity ami pay for ndverti: inj. ? . (io to the Ker! Front Billiard Hall, Canyon City, for lino wines, liquors ami cigam. XOTICK. AH those knowing Uieiutelves in dehled t-i the K tiU' of If. U, Hols by nolo or account will jilease settle the siime at once, or cosU will be added. Mas. Lot;iA Hbiji, ICkiU'lltl iv. The Pacific Prr-Wery's Celebrated lleer, the lint in Kastcrn (lunii, now ki pt ciiii-laiitlv nn tup at the lied Kim,! Milliard' Hall. Svruprhcis i-r.-vr ma . xiyj 51 1 Vat It tlm iintlioil and re-nil 1 when Hyitipof l''igs istiikr it; itispleusaut ami rcficshinif to tho ta.-lo mid nct.-r gently yi t promptly on tho Jvi.!tie), Liver ami UoweN, clean 'es tho nys toia elf. dually, dinpels co'.U, hearl luhes and fevers ami curt s habitual constipation. Hrrtin of Figs is tho only rviuody (if ha hind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho fasto and ac ceptable (o tho stmuach, nroiniil in its action and truly henellt-ial 111 iL efUcU, its many excclleul rpialities coiuineud it to all. It is forsaloiu fjOu and $1 lottles by all leading druggists. M .Nur ACTUNf O OHCV 91 THI CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. UK tnAHCISCO, CAl. tOtISHUf. ft. UCW liitt. A', r Oanvok Ctnr Ohooi. tkO or kkH u4o Iv wtlf . i awU) nikwl. All Work Warrauted Flitt-clun Holme iriihlno-vs :lllrgo Of Pot tlnnd will open Soph 1st. J. A. Wosoo, the lending penman of tho oonil, lins boeoino 0 partner in thin school ami will iual:o it tho lomlinj,' Jttislnoas College. Send for oatnloguo U-m I'lnur, (indium, Hurley, (either groiin I r wlioh') (Mii.ken fi Uy... Middlings, liiuii, Mmit;, A (Jiinill.iih'i. Ac, at DEN VER. Cliicajo, PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND At L I'OINTU last, North rf vSoutli, AT It VK i:il !1TV. ' Tlckot Auont. H C uowf-ns -Loral Tit tir Card: I itvsr iioi'Mi t'luni 11 vk in: citv. Xo. 'J, .Mail, " I-.I7 p. in. i No. 'Jii. Mined, " I 'J: III p. in. No, '."J, MKI, " 5:10 a. 111. I UKKT lIOtlNIl I'ltOVI IIAKIIIt OITV. 1 No, 1, .Mnil, " 11:07 p. in, I No. 21, Mixed, " 2: )0 . ni. ,' Nn. '.'.'I, Mixitl, " DJ.'io 1Mi I Main Line, Nik, I und 'J, (he Lim ited Kal .Mail, curry Pullman Dining and M, Cars U tweeit Poitl.illd ' nnd Chicago. All tniins daily. , Stumutie, I.t-itvu I'.u'tluiid Vollinv.! sii;.vvii:h. Omon (!oluiiibia llAV .Sunday Thtnsdny . , Moniliiy. . Piiilay Tuewliiy Hatnnliiy . . WiNlnesday iiATi:. Jan. I H '2 II. J() 'Jl J8 1 Mule . . . 1 Oregon Culuinl ia Mnlo . , . ()ix-(on IlitltM nf I'n.iuie, inchi'tintf tMiuiln and Huttli: Udiiu IO.UO;.Sttienij$o.S.OU C. H. Mi:i.i.kv, T. W. Lt:t:, (Jen. Tinflie Mr. lien. Pas. Aj,t. Oi Hopiuior. v. .v. inn. .v, 1 11 sr. ui:i.t.oi:o, Piesldclit Vice l'li'Hllli'llt. (ll.oKi.i: . CriMtint, ('anhii'i'. j. e. ininv, t. a. iiui'v, i-t nohsoK, 1 inectoiN. Truii'arts a (,'eiii'i-ul llittil.ln Duslues, Exchange all Wut.H of the woild BOUGHT and SOLD. Collet tioim uiaile at all poinU 011 Itoosouiilile 'I'm tu. .Money limned at fioin one tu ten pur emit, I'or nnv tiling iu tlacl.sinithiii that Hill .Mi t'luie can't do. At tho 111111 I'leiu h itiuch Neeu tuilea itlmvo I'nii lie City. Horse slwri 11 a Specially. W'aiioii Alula hi Pone. .v I.I. ttollK (ll'AltANTIiliD. 'he)Postoffice) Store) (MXYd.V CI I V, Ott. A- I'arrish - - 'row. A line t'K'l, of fll-.h C'ltlllil'8, NltU, I' Im .1, t.itlt.lleiy, I'ilc , I'ilc., jtlht 1. . 1 im I. I live Hie a call. BREWERY SALOON Canyon Cil.y, Or. This tuiufur resorl has been reotcned lo the titldie, and nine, as in (ho past, keeps nothing tint lltettesl Wines, h'upiors v' ('isjurs. I). ICK'KAKI), Iroir. NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon Cily, Or. da eh 'son (hunihers, Vropr, mmm Oiiiali,', Kansas City, This llestaumnt luii rocently been opened, and will furnish Monls or Lod giug ut living into. A sKi'iwl feattu-o about this hntiso is that no Chinese cooks aro employed in tho kitchen. (Jive tho Hostaumnt a trial, Jackson Chaviieuh, Proprietor. A v... A" p.. 3. A.."' .V'