Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, January 08, 1891, Image 2

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d unitary S, IS!) I.
The Xntioiml KurinOM' A 1 1 iuiico
ia nrpnjj thu necessity or tUMiding
lulditionul orunizors uito Oregon,
"Washington mid ollior Htnto?. It
will undoubtedly bo (tiitc nn fb
incut in Oregon politic nt tho
nevt election.
If the ninii who threw tho lime
on Mr. I'urnoll during tltts ICill;on
ny riot in uvor canglit ho might
yet up lis :i dufuiuu tlmt tins liiuu
wis intended hh a duiiifootiiut.
No onu Ht'L'in to want dUinfefiting
inoro tlmn tho ui:o grrnt I'mi -null.
At llio request of Senator Dolpli
tin; etiso known a llio "Oregon
wagon road cane" litivo boon ad
vanced on tho calendar of the su
premo court and are now gel for
March after the oilier March case
are dinpoaed of. They are uits
hi-ouglit hy thu 1'ilitytf .Stale for
the forfeiture of certain
road grnnU in Oregon.
"Anothor rejuililionn jKitiiiater
killed in MiRisi)ii!" in the Haul
ing telegraphic headline. It was
not a political row, however, hut a
a light hetweeu a merchant and
the postmaster, under which cir
cumstance a republican jKiAtnuutcr
ia just as liable to bu killed in
Ohio as in Mississippi.
Statistics dispel many illusions.
Vi'u had always stmpoicd that New
York was one of I lie uioU enlight
ened and progressive states in tie.'
Piiion, but we must change our
mind if the statistical Head who
Bays there are 800,000 children of
fic.Iiool age, that in, between and
21 years old, that do not attend
any school in that hlate, be cor
rect. The lirst Indian woman who Im
taken a doctor's degree is Susan
I.a Fjotche, who has received her
diploma from the Women's Medi
cal college, in Philadelphia. Hit
parents reside in Nebraska. I lav.
mg passed through the Indian
sehool at Hampton, hhe received
the assistance of theJiidiaii associ
ation in Connecticut to continue
her medical studios.
Indians and soldieis in Dakota
havo an occasional brush with
each other. Siwaihos surprised a
company of troops. The troops
noon recovered from their utirpriso
and surprised the Indians by dis
regarding military discipline and
shooting siwashes where ever they
could see them. I'ncle Sam lost
about thirty boys, while the killed
on the Indian side was cslinuitcd
at from 150 to !i()0.
A company of eastern capitalist
has been organized for the pur
jwso of irrigating about 20,000
acres of laiul lying along the Co
lumbia and Simko rivers.' There
is abundant water in the Ir.rger
streams to iirigate all tho deseit
lauds near them, and the inaugu
ration of these systems on a largo
Kcalo is the beginning of a new
era which will chronicle the culti
vation of all our arid lauds.
There mutt be tome very
naughty people in Oklahoma.
One house of the territorial leyis
hit u re has pased a bill making it
a criminal libel for a newspaper to
oven insinuate anything against a
man's character, whether it is fact
or not. In describing a burglary
under this law therefore the news
paper reporter would remark that
a gentleman named Slippery Uiek
got by mistake into Mr. .lone' at
Ji o'clock in the morning, and Mr.
.Jones' silverware somehow got
tangled in Mr. Dick's clothing,
ami ho unconsciously walked olT
with it.
The wealthiest Methodist church
in St. Louis ia llio unfortunate jkj
ttssov of a fanatical pastor who
has announced his determination
to make a vigorous war on all the
fraternal societies, which ho de
clines are the eurso of the age.
Kraternal societies nio not so mil h
the curse of the age as tuc the ego
tistical cranks who imagine they
know it ".II, and that they have a
mission to correct all tho'imagin
ary evils of the age, and run mun
dane affairs with u rule of their
own. Tho Kuv. crank is talking
about something of which he knows
nothing, If he belonged to those
benevolent secret societies ho
would not light them, and if he
does not belong to lhciu ho does
not understand his subject. In
stead of injuring tho secret socie
ties hy his mouthing the brother
will cause his own congregation to
bo broken up and scattered by die-
It Is not a ttoo.1 plan to lmve tho pout
try tiKi nonriho plx-pcn.
C.wir. witli iKHiliry iIms not Imply that
UlPJT Should llO KlHIKTfll.
TwO'TIIIIUm lord tiwlono-tlilnleonl oil
wltl kill tliu lnnfti lnhly lleo.
Always toffln with a isood liroM,
whether with ejH or with fiiwl
ItRia' ia llltliy quarter will tmtal-
ly tnciRn niiort worse of thn turkey.
riHiucnn Ik wauled hy giving too little
mi woll si liy KlvlttK Uki taueh.
With ioultrjr, an with till other klmln
of work, cure must 1 taken not to mi.
drrtoko too tnueli.
! n fowl heeomos sink seKirnto It f row
tho oilier nml doctor It. .11 the dlmt
tony Im fotiUgtouii.
It mi limmlng or cold, damp, Itl-vontll-tiletl
hoiimn urn irnrnlnt caiiKw of
oao nmouiiif tho )ultry.
. A (hmiii ftxnl for nn Riling 'owl Is
parched wheat. It serves n n oorntit
lire and aluo Invigorate" them.
Tiihuwixo the cku-hIioIIh Into the
ynpl where iho lift in ean pick them up
Is of ton the caunc of the hen learnlnir
U en I fjCK-
Win: a fowl ha deelott n full en
of oholer there I rarelv ny protlt In
alteniptliiff cure, Htilent the fowl U far
nhove the avcmice In value.
It Is not wl to (cod Uto little, neither
M It wise to feel km lllK-rnlly. I'owU
hould only have enough U innkn them
out up oli Btt nil that U thniMii to Ihrm
and ho foil more frequently. Val of
food or starling fuwU nro extreme
whlnli every hreeder nhould avoid.
UliA.v, ini'til and ground imIm senldnl
make an excellent niiwi for lnylni; hen
on nolil tiny. I'eel It In the iiiornliifr.
and at iilicht (,'lve wheat, allowlnic an
hour or more for the lion to ncr.ith for
It, a the projier mode of f'lnir ffrotn
li Ui throw It lu litter, uea as leave or
out straw.
I!iii:at In iroiii'rallr rOBahliit
at thu troineiit naval Hiu'crnnt I'ranoe
a oIimh' neeoiul, Suine nnvt.l olllcurs
are Inclined to rtivono llioonler, putting
France lint.
Tuc anhmnrlno war-liost ha led to tho
ItyliiK of hnlliMtim from wur-iihlp. A
ImIIooii hoverlii); over a hlp i.'mi deU-vt
every movement of 11 mihiiiarlnu heat
ixmiliiff to the attack.
It Iir lieen proposed to mnko the up
per half of war IiaIIoouh of very thin
kteel and tho lower portion of ordinary
Imltotiti material, the whole -i r n ;truc:-
in! :m to hold hydroireii linU.'aJ of ordi
nary kih.
A nr.vK'K tins hoen uliml.ted U) lie
ItrllUh Admiralty hy whleh. it U tuitd
the l.irui'Ht Imttli'-slilp lu the iinrlcl
can, In four mtiiule, 1m protivleil from
the atiaek of any nuir.her 1 f UriKikR-
no mailer how klllfull.v tln' may W
'rua-Mlnl-iterof tho .Spanish navy hai
Mforo the Cahinet Council In .Madrid
plan for thorough reform. Ill propo
salt liiolmle tliu hiilldliiK of IwoKreei
hnltlo-hlui, the pantua or eoiiHlruo
'.Ion of 'ovi'm! torjK'do of thu flrtt
a-id '-' 1 id i'l:i'UMR, and the armlni; of
all tho batlte-HhliH with isnunou tif the
htloiil moJolit.
'I'm; lantern vomoI alloal" In declared
lo 1m the thlrly-two hundred Ion war
nliln l.ulll for tho Aruentlue Uepuhlii.
I lor hljitoHt nuns are Ino el;hl-lnah
irini", "In' has twin fterowx, and en
rlni'H i.hlfh. in iloveloplii!t nearly uiuo
iluiimaiid hornvpowor, carried her
throiiyh a six-hours' trial at n speed of
twenty-one thousand two huiulroil and
ihirly-HOvcn knoU.
'11 1 fc; Ihreo-lenvml Ivy Ik daiitfiimuH, it
aliniMi luv.irliihly ln-ig poisonous.
I'ivk-i.i: vi:mvlen nro porfoully harm
low and ean li" haudletl with Impunity.
l'uiiio.v Muinachti may ho iMMltivelr hy tho Utile whlta liortlc
i.'htoh they grow.
M'uacii Uearlui; red iierrlos are
harmtixw; the herrle. far from Ixilm:
daniforoiiH, yield an aold mol aroahle
to tho laite, and withal wholeome.
Horn tho iHilaondry nml poison
sumaoh, though iiuliko lu uppeamnue of
fullaifo, hnio HlnillarivhltolierrleMi(roiV'
in:r In amalt ulcmler rltmtoin from the
axll i of iho leiivus.
I r U unlit that tho itottiou from the
ulltis of Inmi-.U may ho .1. ktmyivl and
the Inllnmnintloii outekly ulluyed hy ro
Haled and (fi'iicrouit appllentloiiH of the
Juliio of raw onions.
Siiac In an ' llio lent aiiliduU' fur ear
lullu acid MiiHlitilf. and nhoutd hi
1,'lven a hihiu 4 poiuH.lii iifU'r ihe pol
nan hn lieen taken and ihtkUIi'iiiIv
iMtitlnued until all toxic ymptoius haie
A tiMl'l.i: and olleetunl remedy for tvy
polHonlujr U Mid U) Uo ttwoct Hplrlts of
nltr. Italhn iilfeeled pnrU twoor thrin.
time durliik tho any ami thu next
mornlnjr little traoe of tho polou will
1 r It woll 10 know thut wood lyo Is an
aultd.iUi to poliHin Ivy. lloll wood akhos
In a liuir a few moment. IliluUmo thai
it will not ho too kurib. yil leuva It
(julle (Uronif. I'alut witli It the alUlct
ed prto, and in ten minute v;iti oil
with oft, lopld water ami anoint with
vaseline. ISepeat till 11 euro U oltuctod.
To He as t'irif -shells hrlntfx sorrow.
1 1- parks iKw.tUir lu Kolden nhoner.
from thu chimney Money looinln(f to
lr the cat wnshCM Its face with dainty
toui'lies of olvoty paw It' a uro kIkii
of rnln,
Ir a rooster orows three thnen before
llio door visitors may lie expected dtir
Inif tho day.
To i.:ra friend lay her iraol on
your lied is miro to ho followed hy a hl-
rlou quarrel.
To lunru.v for a forgotten article after
h.ivlnir MtarUHl Ih a l(n of ImuI luck
while you aro awny.
Irnluok of your hair does not ldaie
up when put Into tho flro It Is a sl'n of
an early death,
Ton 11 rat to run aero tho hearth In
front of you lsnsl;n that aa uuewy Is
Kolnto do you hurt.
Full S.u.k I have .'10 lontiof hay
measured at llig Meadows oil
Canyon creek, which I will soil for
$ 1 t'lii cash. M. M. Adamuo.v,
Y liHnilMt H UviiIvnI.
.UJ mJ hMlrt ! Ik-. -I
Ilk., jemmfl U.ta4 w IWI
Hl-,UUM,.LriH,. (Wf ft.f AN
H. l( I.HlltlM.
W Aitul-ll
I -I
.Will- 1, w
tniy n.HM., IkorUk I itel
h.nI. u all ,ur llM ! th wul IkUUftV
1 ,. ., ...J I t , -n rill. ,..r I... iiiUlaWn I l
hi. ii. 'nn u,vi o., n!uu, mm.
IIki.iooi.ani, through IU lnnorion
tion with the Herman Umpire, ban hoen
mode part of 1'ruMlo.
Tin: one part of thn world In whlrh
no native ptpet and no natUo smoker
l,:.w Wti found 1 Australia.
Tun cultivation of Indigo I heeomlns
k I'ltciiMre lu .laitan that tho (Sovorn
uent Um paed a law ropilntln It.
Tiicuk re Uwl&y In Amtnilln i.ihki
more (.'hlneito than nine year wo.
'lure are oter ,0(K1 Oilnwe In
A 11, trail nnd 4T,(sM In Tmnla and
Xew Xe.iltid; a rather larxo plftall
. upulallon, ooulderlnK the stie of the
Tut: Australian rahhlt ft doe not
I., n n, althouKh Immente niimtier of
h' prollflo rodent arc killed dally.
An many no U.aoJ.DUO rahhlt kin
!mve lieen rxportoil from New South
Wste lit one year, and the nnmlier. in
tUHol of diminishing. Is said to he in
eroaatn hy leapt and )ounds.
I'liou a paper read liofore tho hloloi
leal eotlon of the llrltlnh AHoclatlon
l,y I'rof. XowUin It appear that the na
tive fauna of thu Sandwich Inland I
now undprxolnK modification and it in
danger of extermination on account of
the change which nro taking place In
the vegetation of tho Inlands.
Tin: Knifllih and (ienimni aro mlxliiK
up the nomenclature of New (lulnoaand
the aurroundlng Inlands in a 11111 hoo-
fnthlon. Tlie (iormuns have re
lumed many Inlands oust of New
'lulnea, whleh since their dltotjvery
):ir j(o hfcA iHirnn name (riven to
ihem hy the llnlUliinen who found
Tin: moil exiUlltenmhrfddery Is that
which come from I'.iyal, In the Aore
lftj:uU. ft is done on a line quality of
hh tlnir linen. After the reiUlIlo iiiim
hcrof thread aro drawn, tho remain
ing are woven hy the needlewoman Into
a Mimre, mcidicd (,'rouud, on which thn
pattern of leaf. Mower or vine is rtklll
fully anil daintily darned.
Tin: supply of camphor on the hland
of l'ornnti.'i has decrentiHl to an aliirin
ln extent. The Chinese (iovciriiiiient.
which Iiiim had a monoN)Iy of tho trade,
hh tnkon 110 pnlnn to replace the Ireen
cut down ui ih fresh ones, and Its very
largo Inoome from the luduitry him
kvii nluced hy Hoventy-llvo or cunt.
A I'l rrMiuimn youl'i has Imjou arrested
for ateallng a ptuno from liU m.ilher.
A caxaiiv hai learninl to articulate
"Hweet pretty Ixiy." tho coiitnutly re
H)ated addreiw of Ibl niUtrem.
O.ion meutloiiH the cam of a gentle
man who, In liU Bleep, ooinHHMil an ole
of nI.x utaiuas and el It u mimlu.
(Il'rln XortliiM'Htern ICamtanltsnnwisl
one day. n,lned tho next, anil 011 the
third day the thermometer marked VJ
A i-AUMiat at lllver.slde, Cul., hat
taken eight crept of alfalfa from one
ileal till Heason. It li worth Hoventeeu
dulUr per ton.
Tiiciii: are Iho women and one muu
living at til'J AmherHt Htruot, Toronto,
who lrep eiery night lu their respect
ive COllllH.
It Ih estimated that to collect one
pound of honey from clover, o'
kill of clover must ho deprived of
ncutur, and :t, 750, 000 visit from Ik'oh
miut he made.
A mono the honthlacks of Wiuililugtoti
I a uolornd man who ha liMt his right
arm and right log, hut nluglo-hamldd pol
IsIhm hooU with nimtnesH ami dliipateh,
.ind ho has a good stand and a fair run of
It Is entliiiated that more than a mill
ion rattle and other animal died hint
winter in the extreme Veloru and
SioUlioni Suites and Territories of neg
lect and Nlarvatlou, and prohahly hun
dreds of Ihookaudti were froieu to death.
A Sr. l'lMliitHni'liu dally rexirta thai
one of the MtndenU lu tho t'ntvenilty of
Kharkov Is a living
ity. lie has hi heart on the right side
of hi hreiiHl, hi liver under tho left
rllm, the spleen on the right lde, and
iho light lung U longer than the lufu
(.'iiivipn.,::i:i h.ivo often heen taught
u nail on t.ihle and wcep out rooms.
1'hey renp-ind lettir for training pur to ueutle treatment than to ncvor
liy, and much eau he done with them
'atly hy permitting thorn to go hungry
for awhile and then giving or ultjiliold
itig tho fruit.
BakorCil .Oregon.
A MBitltb niHl Mllmt llwtnm Cor; (ml
Th-HMfh Nuiinal Oinw lur Ilia ItklMlnn ,.(
IV iel.t .
ij 4iul utng Uiii. htu.l,i.t cm chut
it mil llm.
tlt'irlrH,l llir am.i 1.11 n,i,ilm
l'u lW U,I I'lUhuun, I'lior b A.
IIANCollli, I'iU.I.I . I 0.. .S ,. ui-1 il,.iilui, nl.
nr en fuiu I' II W1il11, . 1'iih, IimIuI i!.. Cum
mrrt-Ul ,kuiiliuu,l. lulni'i , im-im.
Have nciw received tho largest and
Grant County, which they will oifor for
rules. I can 1
3f2-u across rSSffJ
- .Air
IMvm mr 4
U : H. j 1m MM mm M k
have made arrangement to
In order to got now subscribers and
to induce old ones to pay up.
We therefore oiler to all subscrib
ers who pav their Htibfcription even
to date and fl! for one year ahead,
a free copy of Judge's. Library for
one year. (Sood inducements oiler
ed to new subscribers.
Sample copiesiof "Judge's Libra
ry" can be sieunjRt this ollice.
Call earlv aml'avoid the rush.
In tho Ooiinly Court of the State of
Oregon for (Irani county.
In the ui.Utor of tho Estate of
1 C llorsloy, deco.isoil.
Notico is heroby (jivoii to all wlioin
it may cotirern tlmt on llio 'J'Jd day of
Decernbor A 1) lS'JO tho uudorHigiicd
was by consideration nml older of
tho lion, the County Comt of tho
State of Oregon for Grant county,
duly appointed Administrator of the
Kstnto of 1". C. llors!oy docensed.
All porsoim having jiiHt clnima
against said lCstato nro horeby noti
liol to piescut tho sniiio duly verillod
as by law tcijuircil, to tho under
signed at Canyon City, Or., or to M.
Dunlin, attorney for sniil Kstato
wit hill si tiioiitlm from Hie iluto of
this noti 0.
l1'. P. Hor.n.KV, Adiniiiistiatoi
Diled al Ciinvoii City, Or., the"
I'tMh dny of Dot ember, A. I) 1SD0.
Notico is horoby givon that ().
I'. Clomp was on 'lio lliili day of
October l.s'JO by tho County com I of
tho Sinte of Oiegoii for the count v of
Otunt duly aipoiiitfa.l adiniiiihtiiitii
of the cslato of Joiuoh T, Mnel do-
conned, and all porsons having eliiimn
agnttibt sniil ostato 1110 Kijiiiidl to
pivsonl thoin lo said uiliiiini.strator
with tho proper voucheis tberofor nl
Ids rckidcnce or plnco of business in
Canyon Uity in said couuty within
mx months from tlio datu of this
Dated this thu II 1st day ol Decem
ber, ISO 0. O. 1 UllKHM',
1aii,I OIUcc nl lUifii. Ormfuii.
lire. it. IMll.
Nutlrv li Inrrtiy (Itch Hut the lulluolu.-imimj
miIi Im AM uutl.-v lit liia InUullun to uul
SimI ,r.H( In iisoit of lilt rlaim. iiul Hut iiM
4vu( Im iiixIv Uloir tlir mulit) I'l.iW ,.
lirmil cimiiiI Or .1 C.hi.u, ( In, Or. nu l'li. h,
iMil.ili. liAMIII. UK. I'm II No. IM
fur li.. .) SW ,(uar so, Ti IS, It M I!
II lainv tlic f.ill.iMlii ullitcki to rwi lilt
contuiih'Ui,' ii.hi. mi, rullltitliiii uf
imi.I. Hi .!,. I Olner, J.ilm W I'utm'l, lun'1 SI
ll.itl.r. Ji li..l,ili, ill ol J..I111 or.
HI.. J, II, II. mhuioi, I'.f.'lit.r.
Dart &
most coinploto stock of n-.w gcotls in
talo at prices that defy c.mpctiliou
Healed Proixisals will lto received
by the County court of (Irani coun
ty, State of Oregon, until two o'clock
in the afternoon of Thursday, Jan.
S, lS'Jl, for the care, board, "lodging
and washing by the day or by the
week, for each person of all" the
County Poor and sjtch jwrsons an
may bo declared 'County charges
ujk)u Grant county, except the two
Iniys known as the "Kcd Williams"
loyH, for tho year commencing on
the 10th day of Jan., 1H01 and
ending on the 10th day of Jan.,
The County court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this l(5th day of Dec, 18J0.
Hy order of the County court.
(5;o. SiiKAHKit, Clerk.
Ity P. IIoitst.KY, Deputy.
To all whom it may concern: No
tico is hcroby given that C. M. Smith
hns m.tdo a general assignment to 1110
for tlio bonefit of all his creditors.
All creditor of 0. M. Smith, aro horo
by roijuircil to present their claims
under oath, to me nl Caloh, in (Irani
county, Oregon, within Hiiro months
fiotn the date hereof.
J. 11. HiKi'.ii, Assignoc.
Caloh, Grant county, Oregon, Doc.
IS, 181)0.
or OitKoo.v rou tiik Coo.ntv or
Ill the matter of the adoption of
Kmily Isabel Green, a minor.
To Mr. Green and MrB. Lillio
Oreon, parents of above named
lCutlly Isabel Green:
Vou and each of you will
please take notico that on the 10th
day of December, A. 1). l.S'.K), a jw
tit son, duly signed and verified, was
filed in the above named Court by
Abraham Kads and Kmily Ends
his wife, of which jxjtition the fol
lowing is substantially a true copy,
"In the County Court of tho State
of Oregon for the county of Grant.
In the matter of the adoption of )
Kmily Isabel Green, a minor.
To the Hon. tho above
named Court:
The undersigned your iietitioners
would respectfully represent that
they are husband and wife, inhah
hunts of the State of Oregon, rcsid
ing in the couutv of Grant.
That for the past six and a half
years immeuiatclv preceding Ihe
iiliuu of this petition, we have had
in our care a minor named Kmily
Isabel Green, the daughter of Mr.
Green and Lilhe Green.
That said minor child is aged
seven years and eight months
That her saitl parents aro neither
of the 111 in this State so far as known.
That for more than one year prior
to the lilmg or tins ctitiou said
parents have willfully deserted, nml
neglected to provide iirotwr or any
care or maintenance whatever, for
said child.
That petitioners have no child of
tlieir own, ami arc able to bring up
and educate said child in a jirojier
ami suitable manner.
Therefore your t'titioners pray
your lion. I otirt lor a decrco and
order for the legal and due adoption
of said minor by your iietitioners.
and that her name be changed to
.Susie hmily hads. Signed)
Aiikaiiam Kahs.
Kmii.v K.mis."
Which said petition was dulv veri
fled by said A. Kads and filed ii
this court.
Wherefore, bv entry in the Jour
nal of said Court bearing date of
the l'Jtli day of December A. D.
l.S'.K), after reciting the prayer of thu
petitioners issued the following or
"It is ordered that a eopy of the
petition and order therein, be served
on Mr. Green and Lillie Green
if found within this State, ami if
not, to be published once a week for
three sucessive weeks, in the
GitA.vr Cot .NTv, a nowspajwr
of general circulation, published at
Canyon City, Grant county, State
of Oregon, notifying said Mr.
Green and Lillie Green to lie and
appear at the Court House in Can
yon City, Grant county, State of
Oregon, on Thursday, the fifth day
of February, A. D. l.SUl.attho hour
of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of saitl
day, then ami there to show cause
if any they have, why the prayer of
said petitioners shoufd not bo gran
ted. Done and dated this 12th day of
December, A. 1). lS'JO
(Signed) G. I., Judge.
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is Mijistantially a true ropy of the
petition filed in the above entitled
proceedings, and the order of Court
entered therein.
. Gi:o. SiiijAiimt.
I ska 1. I Clerk of Ihe County
Court, Grant County, Or.
1), M I mm & lu'.
1 Jilnlr 1, lino )i i nl l'l,,cJ
H 1 I
1001 I L. muled FREE
liu ..U sei ...I 4itJ 1 I,,. I icjton'.l
i.uvi'i'tt 11 it uciirr man ivcr.
Lictv 4lt 11 in ns i arj(t
ft -wtr er f-tt.J re.ttt
1I1..11IJ 1111J for li.
D. M. rCRHY & CO.
L ljr;lSciliuiin iuihc icrM I
For the Ladies:
Fur Caps, capes and mitts; fine and
cheap dress goods; fine and cheap
facinators. The finest line of shoes
in Eastern Oregon.
For the Gentlemen:
Elegant fur and wool caps ; fine line
of winter overcoats. A neat busi
ness suit and a fine dress suit. Also
a full line of furnishing goods and
for the general trade. We offer you
such inducements m the grocery
line that we defy competition.
Prairie City - - - Oregon.
NKUO.V Josia, fltiaT.
(Incorporate!. I'ui.l up Capital Stock 825,000.00.)
xxanxprxvriaxT, oo-wr.
Commission and Forwarding Agents. Cash ad
vanced, on mud Consignments foLSPJ- Wholesale
Dealers in
Ar mour's Packing House Products.
Shipping direct from Kansas City in car lots we
are prepared, to furnish interior merchants with ams,
Bacon, and, Lard, at the lowest, wholesale prices, saving
shippers freight from Portland to Beppncr. We sell the
trade only.
M. C. L. & T. Co.
Sacvruor to Otciliult 1 MuMrlck.
Canyon. City - - - Oregon.
I Constantly on hand a, full assortment of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots Shoes, Groceries,
Ctc, Ctc, Etc-, at Jicasonable Prices.
mo.xHiouou.1 oo 110000 ooo uououaouoaoDa iwoonowioooof
I "T
I 'T "
i r
Ileppner, Or.
i i
t ! J i I J l J J.. . .
Dealers In Genoral Merchandise. ' r
i " ..'
A Kirge Assoi tmi'iit ut Iweit l'rii'cs. (!oxU Sold at Helrook Prices.
Trade of Grunt County Solicited, mid Special Inducements Oll'ortxl.
;n i hi r j.
Canyon Cltv
If V ha ve received, and
of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Blan
kets, Quilts, furdwurc, Crockery, Glassware, Etc.
Also Fancy and Staple
a full assortment of Patent
W Public ratroiiuito Solicited
3VLm.11 Ox-cIoi-m Promptly Attouctod to.
. P. CRE5AP,
siLVKii ,jf- fa war WAXES.
Groceries), Flour, Tobaccos, Cignro, and ono huntlred and one otbur
varieties, clioaj) for ensh, nt
The 0 IdStund, C anyon City.
T. E, FELL, Manager.
i i
i i
i r
" j""
i i i j . i ;:j
opened a. well selected stock
Groceries. Provisions and
Medicines, Nations, JCto.