IT THE GMNT COUNTY NEWS. Xiiiilopou cloivt -A 31 d tli'l'OO. .4,, 5 Volume .7. C.'LY)V.Y CITY, aiUA'T I'OU.YT ) 0 If ICCO.Y, TllltttSDA )', JAA'UAHY ,S ISOI. When ho n ai hi d t'.t Unv of tin- boat the ua i just making n landing, and In cnolhcr minute tlm gatis wtro opomsl tiinl ho walked ashore llo lingered a tnoiiiDiiti'iri -ttio. (iry Hshso wlih tho Idea I.f t rtuliiJjUTnij to lillly and plead ing U'uipnrnry Insanity, but that Indi vidual .did not uppcar Tlio crowd mrtfod oil tlio foiry Lost, ami hurried I .y Dram. Out) laily evidently ricin; nlied lilin, for ho hoard her nay to her escort: "I'oor follow, his voice must liavo lioi'ii u'ciiilorfiil leforo ho ruined It hy drink." Middled hy this dotiblti -barrcicd In cult. Draiuhuii his head ami mailo oil i'iK):ct. whlih runs parallel with tho '"'-'msy Ivnnla tracks for a fuv blooks. tho Unit crossing ho turned to tho i li;ht and parsed over the confusion of rails at tho Imminent risk of his life. There, la no more dangerous jilaco on tlio faco of tho earth, hut Dram was In a condition of mind whom collision with a KhlfltiiK engine would have been a re lief to his feelings. A freight train was being made up on a blilo track, and Drano crawled aloiiK In the Hliadovv of It till ho eatno to a car which looked us If It miuht bo entered. Ho was on tho point of trying It, u liuit a flpuro appeared from tho slfadows. Drano was about to run, but perceiving that Iho other man had a similar inten tion, ho understood the case at once. "Hold on," Hald ho, "1 won't hurt you. I'm looking for a free rldu on this train, and ho are you. Isn't that ho?" "Vou'vo eullcll It, boss," said tho fol low, "that's my gamo." "Well, I'm In with you," returned Drano. "You know moio about this business than I do. What shall wo do?" Tho tiamp answerod by deeds, not words, llo prlid open tho door of tho car and crawled In Drano followed. Tho car appeared to bo freighted with pig-iron or bomo other heavy substance of which very lltllu niadu a load, for there was pionly of room. Drano and his companion found the most comfort able place thov could In the darkness. To tlio forinor'B great relief the train tvoon sui ted and ran with llo stop for nearly an hour. Then there caim a halt, l'rcsontlv Diane In .ml a man" stop just outside Die door by which they had on tons). "Jimmy," said a uilco, "nomobody's boon gelling Into this ear." 'Thunder and turf," whispered the trump, "ue'in in for It now. They'll Hond us u). There's Jimt otiorh moo for us. You Stand on ono hide of tint door and I'll sfand on llio other. When they climb In we'll mal.o a break," That was exactly what they did; and ns Drum happened to lump out directly tiHiu the ln-ad of tho braketnuii on guard, thov cscapisl. In the lea of a fence, a few minutes lalei. Diano uaa joined hy hi'i lato no U.iiuUui o. whom ho had outrun with case. Two or three others struggled up Immediately af lor. "They've cleaned all tho boyd (ill tho train." the tramp ovpUluCsl. "Wo'rn hung np hero for sure." Thoio 11 an a hasty consultation, and from it Diane I.miihhI that they wen near an old barn uhhh was well- 'Usl . V 1 I r J-7 T; liu iimakk M.Nds roil III.', c.w.u.i: .now n to tho "piofoslon" as a harbor lig place. It was decided that tho best hlng to do Has to put up in this place or tho night Drano fell litto l ho lino, .let after a march across some Holds, ho ulcred tho tramp's hotel with tho mot oy crow. Counting, thosft already In It, who were aroused hy tho entrance of his imriy, thoro won nearly a doieti In all. J'liroiijfh a ureal )iolu high op In Iho vail the moonlight stituuiisl. ami In the elide thus liiiykcd out Iho strange ;'tiiiiiniiy cat duwii und m ) aictl to c-' change miiiio friendly gop before go In;.' to sloop. I lake it you're, now to Iho profes sion?" said tho man whoso acquaint i. nee Drano had mado In tho freight yard "What's your namo?" , Drano told hlni. Do you spoil It Just like any other drain'.'" nailed out unu of tho moil. There was Koine good-natured laugh tor at IhUi and then ono of them asked Drano whuro ho came from, lie on douuiml to ukutvli brlutlv and ao- ' ' III' i HI . w hi h hd )d I. ill t. li... -M'nt situation, lie thought I. i..l,-l.t Int. n I tln lii. It did. Thiyri--:.:.lid him ft a tln.t-clasu humorist, tirl.l&lir Of rOttt im'ldrltl i1ido1litil. ' totfk U UBn , limr." Mkl .me. "I v.-a a "frntfomnfl and ari holar hiy U-fotv jostehlay. It mh ihs to me thm I notyoM Ja Mr. tiould'ii ofllco. I Iropisd in to sell hi in a couple uf rail ri.::d'.: don't you remember." It w.c. utterly lmossihle for Drano to convince them that ho wau telling the truth. Tho morf ehutcly ho stuck to facts tho louder they laughed at tho ev lent and variety of his genius fur false hood. "He'd mnke a good delegate) for tho lort'r-ntlm." nalil .Inhtiny. "What's the i lalti r v. 1th .vadlng lilni to I'lttubiirgh v. lion tho inoti wilun nsniMnhles?" "lied reprrsent all the liars In It," re-p.indeil another, "In a way that would more than do 'em jnstltxv" ' I can't promts Ui go," sold Drano, "hut the t'li'sl iiihii of you who llnds me in Kain.a'i City and learns the truth of what I have told you shall hawa hun dred ' uinln chance too to work.' "I II sell my chance in that hundred for a pipeful of plug," said th man i. ho hud put Dnuiii In nomliiiitioii for the oliieiilion. "As for the hauce tjgo to -work, I don t waul It. I'll give it iwav " A1', -gether. Drano did not find this issem'-'ag. of th'i unfortlinato so Inter sting a.t hi' had thought It might he lie w'thdrew from the circle and 'llmU'il high up on tho hav till the rait- cis v ore Just over his lo ad Then he lay dif u to sleep, and dreams carried him i Hither and far ditloront scones. At liri thurii wer picture i of home, and thejt tho familiar faces faded away ai.d i:i th 'lr place came one which hinl Iiirprinl'd iliolf on his heart more clcirl than h.' kn -w t!i. face ol the woman whom ho had hofrioudisl and who In turn had remembered hint. Throu.fh Uran.To and dilltcult'ihe wa piir.ntng her. Tlirre va dan-.'r .iround them Isith. huddenl) h o r tis k hi i and tiled to upeak to In r. hut hi. mjIi t would not coino. He wuu chi.k ln(f She '.ceniod to r(ad the agony in hi.x yes, for her faco grow pitiful. Do was ilyliij? at her feet. The hot ..uiu asi a 1 1 rill 1 red glare upon ti I til. It v. a-, desci ml nig from the heneus to hum him to a Indcr. Willi a struggle ho threw tho hideous vi .Ion fr.i.i hi in and awoke. Tho roil glare wan '.till In hU rtyeu, thy iihoklnu In IiIb throat, 'I'll'1 liafn a tin lire. Alicftdy tho hay holqwilm wa liliulng. cutting "I' hi r-Mapo. The fflinvke wa like a visible demon clulchln;,' hllil. Ill gropisl t.i the wall and put Ills lipi to a little space 1m tweon tlm hoanls. socking for air. but till hut ajsir from i.llhln rilslusl out. and ho could not breathe. Tho thrtu.Tht of death In that utraii.T place erov.k-d i-hii him -a fate ol which iln.-o who loved him wculd m-vi hear--.hU adies MHIllcril to the wlnd. I'ratilUaltr he struck the hourd lh for him with hi. clenctKsl hand It yield ed. Hui.e pruiig 'p In hi i In ail ll rained the retl( n need. 1:1 he t. at tt fiK'ti its fast -nlnj-s. a'ld thei wlth a hist (Hurt he forced hli bod.i through t lie open ln;f and swuiihlmsr li -o the (round. I'llAlTKi: V IIIU WIKAUl.t .in I r It is a inUtako to Judge wholly hy ap pet. ra lite, for own Jcntoy tauil wa nut crcatuil la valt.. To tlm gi'iitli, yield ing tint ifr of that ulHtniice D-ono owi d hi i preservation from s.Tiuii i in piry when he eatno tumbling doivu the side of Iho barn. As It was, the sh.xk xn4 lolent, He dragged lilin.wlf with oui. illlilculty u thu 1'' f a ruck (l itre an I made a hasty csumlu.illon. whlih convinced llltu that no bono., were broken. Thoro was a soreness in his throat and lungs which mado uery breath ho drew socm full of throe-oor-noriil tiles, but un the w hulii ho was In fair condition and able to walk, which was fortunate, as no other moans of get ting away wore at baud. Ileforo hlni was tho blazing barn, now ono inSVsof lire, llo re II ec ted with a hIiuiIiUt that iHThaps some jsior wretch had perUlnsl thoro, and he be gan to reproach himsolf for having lnade no cllort to rescue those who had boon his companions In misfortune. Thou thu recollection of the way tlio llanies had loapisl up oyer the hay as sured him that lib need not charge him self with cowardice. Ho ns'allisl the fact that ho hail cllmliod up on tho lull and that the others had remained (to low, whoro doubtless they had been awal.'ouisl while tho tiro smoldered, fill ing tho Ixirn with that smoke which had nearly boon tho death of him. A crowd had now collectisl atMiut thu barn, and ho decided to go down and mliiglu with It. Ho did so, and tho Unit words ho hoard wore- those' "Some blamed tramp has set this barn afire Kveryonoof 'em found In tho uounty to-day ought U be put In Jull." Drano did nut wait to discuss the question, llo took a hasty and unccre- Tcmli.u lcare. lor half mi hour he I'loddisI through plow oil fields, and climbed fciiii-v till at leliKth he came to a factory of otm sort from which sever al little branch railroad track t ran to the main Hue near by I n ight cars were iM'Ing loadisl there; slid Dram', v.iti hlng his i huttcc. got ahojid of oho umdwervrd. Un the top of a big hu lie HUotchod his weary llmU and fell asleep Tho train was In mo. Ion when he awoke It ran on for nearly an hour he thought, without .'.toppltif Then came a lot i f bumping and switching alut followed by a prolon(rcil paioo l.lslen ing he heard u strsngtt sound like the plash of waves. Ho crept to the r.lde nt iho car and found a drexlce through which he peered. To his astonishment ho found that he was sailing on a broad river A great city lay to tho right, an.l It did not take him long todbicover that It was New York. Apparently the me tropolis was a hard placo to gel away I rem. Tho float which bore the freight ears was ptitdiisl against a pier. Drano stood up and strotchisl his crauiHsl HnilM. "This Isn't exactly a vostlhulisl jsilace oar,'' he thought, "hut I have at least cento through to Now York without change, as Hie limc-Ublcft say," and ho thrust his hands Into hlsentpty peckou. Travel by frvlght-cnr without a hand Isig has lut dliuidvautagcs and among them fa tho lack of water, soup Mid a chance to brush one's hair. Drano looked out through the hole In the side of the car and wondered whether, out of re spect to cleanliness, ho ought to Jump Into the dock. Then ho noted the color of the water and decldisl that ho ought not. However, he ivwlwd to glo an Imitation of a good cltiien making his toilet, so ho picked up a piece of btoki u glass from the floor of tho car, and prop ping It against a daub of ldai k (mint on a box ho com hisl his hair w ith his hands, lifter which hodeohlcd that he was ready for breakfast. Hut the rolls and collco didn't coiuu. lly tho oxoroiso of discretion he t caped from the car and from tho pier, and stood again in tho streets of New York. Thou initio more wandering, morn hunger, moro perplexity. At noon ho found himself in a park which looked familiar. Ho dropped uMin a bench and tried to decide whether it was the ono where ho had sat with her. Then ho askisl himself frankly whether he would rather situ her at that minute or a sirloin steak with fried potatoes and a cup of colfee. "I don't know,' Ito muttered, burying his faco In his hands. "It's a hard tjuos tlon. I must he In love." Ho tlxisl his eym on the ground and woudorisl why ho didn't Mud a half dol lar there. No doubt thoro were coin enough burbsl In the dust of New York stroew to pay his way to Kansas City. Why couldn't ho llnd one'. lie begun U accuse his gut.rdlun angel of i rlous neglect of duly. Shu ought ul b ust to th tow enough In his way to get him breakfast. Ho (Hiked around In the little Ueaps of rubbish at tho ends of the 1h ni b w ith the toes of his dilapi dated shoes; but his guardian angel ap parently hml no chango to spare, lie lldu't tlud a K'iiny. The only article which dilfered from the general collection was a piivo of pastolxiard w hlch lookisl like a tlieale r heck 1 1 hail evidently Ir'oii dropped wry leocnUy, for tt was scarcely .oilid utall. llo remembered, w 1th a sudden itart, that restaurants sometimes i.old tlckeUt that were gmsl for a mi al. With i hasty hand he i.nut'hod the piece of paMeboanl from the ground and rood: "This ticket entitles the liearer to one I'lirklsh lnth at Hubbard's. No IW West Tweiity-Kvonth street An extra charge for alcohol or electricity." This U tho way that l'au takes advan tage of a man's position to insult him. It was nut Drauo's fault that he had not washed his face, and It was aggravating to have a hint like this thrown out by fate to embitter the results uf her own iloltigs. Drano wits on the ioliit of tear ing the ticket 111 rugu and disdain when III bettor Judgment checked him A Turkish bath-hotiso was a nice, unlet placo toTost. It oilers the greatest of luxuries on a hot day. True, a severely tlHirotigh bath Is not a good thing to take on un too empty stomach, hut still ho was sure that It could not make him (eel any more hollow than ho did without It Hi arose and began his search for West Twenty-seventh street. It was not far away, and in loss than half an hour he stood lu front of No. Vi. A handsome building It was; terhaps a little too or nate.but eminently siiggesllvo of Un ary. Draw entered and presented hli ticket at tho desk. The attendant stared at hlni. "How tin dlckous did you got this ticket?" ho asked. Then Drano saw that ho would have to llo. llo was determltnsl to got inside the bath now, and a small matter of falsehood should not stand In hi ..: . Ills moral sen no had been gradually weakened by the evil coinpaiilorilit; ol his clothes and ho was In a condition to stretch tin fabric of truth's spotless robe till ho spill It up tho back. "IaaiI: bore," liescld, "I am qultea reg ular patron of this placo. You don't riniog llUo mo because -well, to tell the truth. I've boon on a haul spree forau.-ik and have got pretty well torn up. as you nee, I'd like to sober up lu re in the bath and then I'll send out for a suit Of clothe In which I can begin an era of reform by going homo to dinner "What's your name?" asked the at tenilaitl, hesitatingly. Drano looked oyer his shouldi r a tr to litakl sure that nobody could le ,ir him declare hU real Identity, and II. u bending over tho desk huwhlspend "John II. Nmytti. You rcmomlHir th nauiOi don't you?" "Wall. I've hoard It before," tho clerk admitted, "but I oon'l placo you." "Ant 1 mi ehontfisl by a singly Week of dbauUorj7"MU Draiio.fcadly; then. In a still men' coahd.-iitlal unit ; "You nuiit Hvall my nam.v I upell It with it Y. The clerk smiled." ' I i i -s ii s all rltrlrt. Mi Smyth Shall I lake . are uf your valnabh 'You're late i.ijr voun-' ft lend." i-Ald Diane. ".HiUii lnsly t tse l iukinif van-of tt.eii. In a way th t U-nls tde safe di n,t vault ci.t of sight." TI.echrk luii;-hi-d and I'ave Diane a Utile ki In. ii;r n a n b's r band dc tlgnnl t j Tu .bout the lath r'u wrist "Nninlx r ferty-uiie, ' In ialb.1 t-an attendant who conducted Dlune tu bin dri'-sln-f -ixota. What a d tl.tht I. a t- lay aside th. rajrsof uv rt.,: When Dtuue ti-vrcd frufti the llltlo nsnti i lot hid unit In i 'tet, he t-Mt u m hit wlifriWr, i:inhW hunger relented for a time, and he enjoyed hi-: bath Ihorwughly. It wr!i two o'clock by th. maiilflcenl time-piece which stiwd among aitlllela! llov.irn In therreat hall of the bath, win n he relurmsl to his rsHitu and his rags. Ills sou) mid body rils'lli-.l against h( m i:tore itrongly than evoi Is-fore. 'Iliey iMntra iUd painfully with the luvtti-y by whteli he hml Ueon stir rounded, HritrnMlthlschalrwIth bin head in his hands ami groaned stood. 1'nlnl ness had followed the hath, and lfvl Is ( It a;gr.f.Uod by the sight of nif il ciijojin.r r.'llsan.l loffee. while tbi y n Clineil i pen the diiati'i In the hall. Hi atimst msJe up hli u ind to order breakfast, and trust to lu;k togotnna.1 alive without ) a) ln' for tt. ' Here you are, sir. number forty-two," sohl a voice; and Drano heard an at tendant uhcr a man Into thu next ilrcsxing-rooni. "Thank on, si.-" he heard the fel low say a minute later. Then he knew that the man lu the next s-tall had tlpjssl tin atlei.ilant. They ta!ksl tog. llicr a in Ir. i. te, while the visitor li.qi.ired alwi.t the hath and the re.itai.rant which wa-i lonneclcd with It. Then ho tipped the fellow sgaln. and got inure tl.snks. "lie ha i j.lunly of money," of course, Draiie, "why shouldn't b jrlvo some of It away? Why shouldn't he lextd me some? Why shouldn't I cllruhov or the pnrtlt.on al.d u foliate the loan myself while l.i s ci.t uf tt.e way?" The rags were lorruptlng him. Th-,v sei n.isl actual) to talk, to snggi -t i my. malice, and theft. " '( let theo behind m gnruieuU of Satan," he said, smiling hlltefly; aud he arose and walked out again Into tho I. all An obliging attendant prepared i dhati fi.r liliu; and he had no nooner stretchiHt hluiwdf upon It than ho foil asleep. Drano was awakeuisl by tho voice of Iho man who hail occuplisl the dresnlng room next to his. llo lookisl Us and saw a welt-built young man so far as the sheet In which ho was wrapped al lowed his proirtlntis to bo seen -preparing to take the next divan, i he stranger was alout Drane's weljrht and het;(ht, and they r- wnibbsl eaeli other not a little, despite th" fact that slillo Drano was a hand -nun mail, tho other v.oiil.l never haM-Im'.-:i suvd of any thing more scrlou.ii than tho powsalon uf a goud llgure. tine face nan almost a caricature of the other. Drano could not belli thinking how much he should huvo resembled his neighbor if his own life throughout hail beeu llko tho last few days. The stranger ordered some breakfast, and the attendant drew up a little tablo, so that It stissl between Drain" and his mom fortunate follow -ha her. In fact ll was as near to one as the other. "If Ito oatH right under my nose, this way," sit Id Drano to himself, "I shell 1 woo in e a raving maniac." A luxurious re pas', was ordered, and thou thu stranger lay down upon the divan and went to sleep He did not awake when the attendant laid the cloth nor even when the lunch was brought. Some gentle shaking brought him partly to his senses, so that he was able to sit tryi and protend to bo awake, bulwhiui thi' attendant weut away he fell hack upon the plllowand was asleep again in a tw Inkling. s Then Drum- i stomach arose and road the declaration of iudepcudenre. It would hear no excuses; no reproaches of conscience. "Life, liberty and the pur suit of happiucs..," was Its text, and it argued lu a manner not to lie answered by the prii'cpti of mere honesty. I Initio stretched forth his right hand, j and secured a roll. Almost immediately , thereafter, as nobody was looking. In- ' Hsscsod himself of the leg of a chicken, lielllg honest hy lut ui le returned the bono to the 'trang'i i table. Other portions of the bird ful lowed, together with sundry Irinl si- I latoes, and such llko cmhclli 1)11111 ui- f the feast. Then ho washed down hi scruples with the stranger's oolb 1 . an I went back lo his room a b 'Iter 11, ...i lint then came the rag-, ajfaln md not oven the steilallilng mi.m r f a stolen meat could koop hlw fr.n 1 i mp tatlon. He put Oil Ills undor. loihni " and then I'UhmI by tlm half-oi"ii .h.i. , Iikiuiu;: in at tho rteU slcd I'.iii.i. tit . Th y uiockcsl llilili they an Id: "Yn'e j got to como (lotfn Ui our leyi I, .w.u'u stolen a hr.-ikf.i .1 011 our a.'cuuiit. and Hifjlictt of all in Leavening Power. RoYa ABSOLUTELY PURE ltd st l.i ... . 1 lit you'll do beforo we t ' !. I .!,- 111)" II- . 'ui t.tered and turned nway hit . . 11 v.a.nt that lils (ouu-ienco ' t.oubl d b.s l No. Indeed, lie had1 l.'.t li. . . 0.1 I 'nee in the pockot of his ,th. r In the ones Iho thieves 11 .t l lal eri. ho 1, .niden-d, hy the w.u ..bother the fellow had lieen ablo 10 1.U..0 .1'i.v tTioraT Mto of It. Hut his .it idd. r mi caused by hli dislncllna not t 1 put on the suit which hud no ... a 11 nee In Its pockeU In otlmr .-.i.vl-. n dollars. 1 o t.hon h. turned his bead away tho rurrid cl.xhe.'. were responsible for It. ; hi 11 t It-- tnii-.t alsu have Ix-en reapon ill f.K-lu. noting that t!.. d. sir of No, 1 .. ,.;.ir. t.nd for the teutptatlon a!... h of thai know). -.Ice The .ii-t'-u n corded atralnst man led to I ii--. and Diane now felt the wi Ight ul a leartut licrtMHy. Ho. t(si, would idu i.;.l Is' 1 lothisl. Iwundir tr his (rrments'"irotild lit me outwardly a'l well ai his bleak fa il htti .1 mo l.itturdly," be lutitlertsl. and then laligtie.l hv!:ely. Nohodj wan wnti hlng. llo pitslosl Vbt slran::er's door open a little. Yes; Ihey were 1 :;e. lieut clolbea, to Judge by tho Hit! he could see through Ihecrock of the door Dirnsedln that w.iv Draiie cjjI I , ilib!l ih hi 1 1 loiillt y in 110 llfii'; and no doubt ) ass the w hob altair oil a-, a Joke. Thus he thought, fur the ssir follow was really half cm.-. .1 by the per pi 1 xlntf experiences of the last few days He pushed the door sllll further; he wa. 1 1 implored It seetiod that he iild 1. car a derisive chuckle from tho rag 1 in the next room Ho ncarcely looked at the ilothes. but hustled thon on. all hut the coat, which be tarried Into th" bill U susc a alrutifn fis-lnis; came on i- hut. that he bad h- 11 It be fore. I'ndi ran el fi,; lljflit bo turn d iia.sma i.v -111a s, 1 1 1.1 1 of tho gnriiinnt Inulde out and rcd the owner's name wiltlin there It sic laiwrcnco Draiie! llo had sioli 11 hla 'jwn elolhen back ngnlii. Yes, 1 turn Ans 110 doubt uhoiu it Tho occajiunl of No. I J had beeu the vrlglual tramp who hail aiTompllshed the xi h..iig0 In the lintel so nicely, and had ufleiwaid eolloetisl the tele Itionej older nt Now I linen. The IsHkcUiof ib coat w or o (nil of Drane's pttperu. lie tun llicin oyer hastily, and ecu Id nut discover that any were miss Ing. Ilia wa'ch and a considerable sum of money were there too. He wondered al tlil-i bccnu i prudent itontoris tome such thllt;; t at the .li-.-U, but then ho relli i t. .1 thai a thh f dl.trtiKU overylioily, and hale 1 lo li.iad over hi 1 plunder w lo 11 he doesn't know who may Is- v. at. hit; - Drnne wai never u eminently fled III libl life. Tin cloth.' i r" ii,.i. , bin brain to It 1 proper balance ,.li .0-.. .t once. Do how he ionl.1 Ii n. Is-en brought to the point i f 1 nl in another ;i iisnii. and ho was ln-l.i '. al the thought, though delighted lit tin' 1 suit. He strolled through the hall aal noticed that the thief was still -I. .-.iu -Itenide U ill) lay the remnant', of tl.. lunch. Drnne would have been cla.l to stay and watch the Mini. v. lieu le waked up. but he had decldi d to go mil and 11 tld a policeman to lake tlm thief Into o 11 ; loily. There was uono In sight when ho sti-p4'd to th" door, llo stood there a mot-.. :.i. Ii..;. ,111 .1. - 1 1 l.i 1 i . h in While ' . I- I ' pUi . .i . 11' 1 . . I 1. 1' I t .1 it he . ' . . . i. . . . th ' ..: lit'it t'.ial In' could nc p .111. . 1 tie- im I. : . 1 I : 1 ' l III It... 1 ' i. t 1 1 if You Have No upiirlllp, liiillgi'slluii, I'lulol. ni l', Nlrk IIi-uiImcIio, "ull run iloun," lu lu If I losli, j 011 h III 1 1 oil Itlo roiuoilj- j oil ticcil, Tlirv I ono 11 1 lliu weiiU sloiiiiirli mill l.nllil in Hi flHKulug t-ni'i a les. Siilli't't'is Iroiit mriilnl or ill slciil 11 ci iiimiU ti III I Iml rulluf f rnui llii'iu. N li elj siigur cuuloil) Hui.i) i: i:i:vviii:ici:. 1 S. Ciov't Kcport, Aurj. 17, 1889. Baking Powder As Drane emergtsl Irtim the building the IhlnrT ho 'Viw was tho hluo coal of which he was In search. A burly member of th fois- t;Ksl on thi edge of tin' t i.lewill:, ns If plains! thereby tin- hand of j-. itl.-e. "llo. w-..iderful oi the workings of chalice,'' thuaifht Dnsnc, as h" took lu at a ('lain the adtantagea of the slum lion. "My Inch chtti;;risl from the 1 it -stak I Ity oye.i Is aled ou that ticket." He decided not to call the ulYlcor Into the bath so lon;r as he showed no signs of (Tliv: iw.ty. but to wall till the thief came out. cl.ithed in his raff. I meet a fate still wot ie. lloohuckbd with n no an 'a tii fat lion nl tho .hoitKht. His 'Mi km mi "I .Mil 11.11 I.N." exjx-rlelice should have tan;'bl hlni to pity tho HSr fcl':.- but it didn't. Tin 10 can be 110 rt al sj rip 'thy li.tweu o'.tly appi'ir I ami tin h.ibltli.ii til . of IMVerlj. 'I In l.roll.i'rlt.hsl of u. in can never be ai coniplli.hisl evt pt hy put tlu," ull the w 01 hi In one unvurylng tinl- tlllt'l. So Drunc stissl there v. aiting for his . I'V.'iigo. Suddenly there was a hulibuh atthedisir. An attendant rushed toil huri lislly and bnikisl ulsiul. Kehlnd tt 1 1 it Drano could aeo the thief expostu lating with tho man al the dusk. Thou tho atlomlHlit's eyes fell upon Drnne. "Arrest that man." said he to tin (si Ucomaii; "he has stolen a mail's clothes lu our bath!" "Come with 1110, sir," said the olllci-r. laying his hum! upon Drain -i f.hntihlcr Th" blllllib'l till . i of 1 1 li;'e.llli e bad shut Im.iIi w,i s a;( tin, as I 1 tlm hrJ, 11 ul that autl'tnati d w 1 .inni j in HI 1 "N 1 1 SI I II j M..Vi s Hie Iim's i.f mmr pcupln nilcrabli', an.l ell' 11 Ii- nl In s. If .1. ".iriii'tlnii. IlUltix iitli r cilliii', s.iur Bt.'iaarli, n. k lii'.nl.i.'lii', Ik'f A.stlti.afaliit, "alt t'lti"" ficltni!, U11I t.uli'. ciuloil It'tiipii, ami Itii'Kit lailly of tlio buwi'l-i, aro DlStrOUU tuino uf tin) liKiro C'liiiliiiHi Aftor iii'tiiiii. H)s'pia iii! .. Ii.t ;it writ of Itni'lf. It bntlllg n-ipiiri'S esrrful, Nrsltlent attcntliin. and a 1. nn-.l y IIWo Ilisst's Katsa pAtlll.i, which art Ri-nlly. )' t nunljr and I'lncli'itlly. It times tits tt.miach and oilier iilgani, n-gulatotl tho dlgvsUuli, ctvalus a gowl 'i'Ctlti', and hy thus Sick ovcrruuiliig tin lisial "ymtw 0 turns HiiiiiM't thu jiiia. noniintno Ihellc iltw-11 of tlm illsKiv, haitlnlics tin) hcailarhi', and n lU'ilKU thu tlti.l niltnl. " 1 Imic 1 11 tinntili'il llh dysiwpsla. 1 had hut llttlo nfiK'tll.1, and what I did cat U . ilUli osie.l ma, ur did mil burn Atp.r cutiug 1 wnuid cs- Tlrn a f.ilnliioss, or llrril, all punt feeling, at lhiilh I had imt citin u) thing. My Iron Un, I think, wa tfcr.n:itcd by my huilm , whlih U that cf a painter, and Iriun hilng invn or lets tlnil up In a SOUl" room with frcslipatiit. e ,, tprlnx I took Hood's Sana- OlOniUt.ll rllb-li'i.k tlu U.tlUt. It ilid iho an liiuiicliti) amount of Rimd. It gavn um an aitlli', and my hssl n iidii d anil tstUHisI thu craving I had c pi ili in id." lliuiiuli: A. I'aui., W.ili ilnwn, Ma. Wood's Sarsapaiilla (jol.ll.y ullitiuccl.U HV I'n psit.l onlf br I I 111 Mill A I 11 . ull.. .ui .t " I. ! 100 Dosob Ono DollJt" CITY HOTEL II UN HI III. I. T Canyon City, Oiikoon, Cli( IT II ,V- TIIOMI'SUA I'rnjjrh'lnrti. Trn.eliii incii will fiinl litis n dcnh.iiit anil (lesiialile jiliioi' a' U ll It'll In stoi. Ji( Um 11 Call FOR SALS LOTH IN k)EL A ii.osi uttimliM , lu .tultfiil .iii l ile It litfllllv li i'ltl I s il.tllll of TFTfl T LTN OT I or fin t ltf-r infill toil tint iiinl fni itin 1 iiko npi'ly to I'. (', Si. 1 or M I) ('1 ti luitti, loosl Aenls :l ('uncoil City, Or., or to IliNtn V, 1'osiu (leii'l TniHtfo, '.Ml Slnrl; kltPt', l't it liiihl, Oregon, F. C. SELS. .1'irlll.i, P ntnn.tit n-n tttn mnnuMctuirrs of Dr. Suifi' l .iluii n It.'iuudy III their nhlllly tu cm. itir.n 1. iStarili In tho Itrail. no lusttvr liiitr Uu I or of how lung ttiuiitlug. that they ntTcr In i-.ssl fslili, tho ntsito rvwnr!. fnr n .. which thev mniiot cute. ? mpiotiis of Culnrrli. II. tnlnclic, oh. Inm 1,111 ,.r ti... '. ittm '.iiiikw fullliii; Into tliniul, sum. lltn. t piodw, nuii-ry tout so 1 1-1. ut iilh'-it, tltl.V, litisrlouti, iiiuonua, piirtil.-iit, I-I.mmIjt o-nl I'Utilil, rres lumliK In it'rs, diftn-M, et tH-i torathiii or Hi imIi.i innll. r; tinnllt etli'tisln; sinull nnit luMi Imisiiiist, tui.t gcm-ml ilMilllly. tintj- 11 fen- et ilicsa itiuiptmns likely to to pnisiit at uniw. Thtiusuu.ti of cium iinull In ixiiiiiiuinti suit end In thu l-rnc II) its inll.t, issitlitinf, nntlM'ptlc, cli nin. Ins mid 1111111 pmis'tllos, Hr. fiin's Itciii ily Hint tlm worst ishm-s. "Colit III Hie llriut" 11 1 with 11 f.-ir ntinllcii ti'ius. Cnliirrluil lli ii.liictic is ri lirvml iiinl ciinil in If hr iiiiislc It tvuiiivi.i iiniii hn-iith, I .as or liuimlriiti'lit uf in. 'iis.iof tiute, s.ii. 1;. ..rl.niunr. wutrr-liis- ur wt-sk I'j.s, suit b. is.ii! . 1 iiii'tinirr, I'li'-il Milt.. I by t'n. vl. I. lie.' ef I'ntiltlfl, ss they sll fM-.pi. ntljr an-. f..l I hy ilruir eluts, at ntly .nits. Mi.iiufsctumt hy WoMllis ll. ii'Kvsdir Msen 11. AwmiCIA tio.s, KV1 Mam tlnel, lluiTi.lo, f. V, Br. Pierce's Pellets, rumlr Vini'ti.l. (Icntlr lauitlcrs or (Vtliii'tlu, Hissirillng In stw uf Uorv. lf InuwUU, S3 mtiU 11 vlnl. If You had a Vrleud About tn visit sotnn teethm of country nhM laalailut dUratc, iliinr 111 the form of .hills aud ftivrrtir lillluiiirriiilllfiit wasiarttrulaily tiff , wmil. I .p i.ImmiI Ilic Ik-.. aillles oil couhl givs him? VV will trli uu-1.1 oairy nl'iug, or prm-iiic on arro ik. Hi ii hi.'HI ihh-UU-liml tsli'Siislil. Iliinl. ll.-f . Muutiuil lilt ten. 1, 11. n 11 ilinuishiHit iiinl 11 ial plattucd ri'iiluiis. Iii-to unit In "Hit risiiitrltf. ui tin snt. il iiin.iiis .1 Ol. i.i. .11 . tin 1 mlusnisll.1 sruumn. Mill mlililliK 11 i.l tliMlttlim.i IlltlU' llic Net tllllV i'. . I. t .1111 Mil Sirtl'lll hy lin r.".sln,- lis -tm iluii, l"il ni'tiiinii lr l.'I .lal l. o' I'ltf'' 0''l'. Hi-' It-t an.l tin- h.ov 1 !., 1 a. I 11 1 r 1 1 . Hi 1 1 tut. mi It- .'tfis'ts t i.l, I , y 1 '1 . I. . tl I I. t III' t 111 I' IJI..-I lit- l' ..t-'..t .I'.i.'jJ mi 1' .ill. I Inn ..'ll'ill.liy 1 1' I 1 ...' I . . . . l 1 -I -ll'l". lit"' III I ' ' lit'! t.. 11.11. 1 tc 1.1 ..II .at nl Mint nl. it nut liil i.,ii. . ti .1. .- .I ..... 1 1 . .a 11 a liiu-l h w. 't.i1 1 . il l i.el.l.iry DR. ABORK ia now at i-o iu la no, onccor. Kill llltlsi: MHO It SNOT POWIIII.VCAM. I'lltt hOMI.I.V, lllllli: 1 lil t I HUN I 11. VI I'D t 1:1'.. i.v 1 111: 111. n 11 ui' u.i. 1 11 it t 11,1, til v u INSI INT.tMllt.S ni l. II I' AMI A I'UIIMA.M-M tl III- Tlie most sjMTily, jsisltive ninl perun nctit line lor I' at si ill of tin 1 AM Inn 1 iiinl all Thioat, llroiicliinl, l.ung,. lltitil, Ktoiuat h, I.ivcr anil Kidney Aflcciioti'.. Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in its various stages, pciiiiuiieutly ctiiul. Dn. AwiKN'rt Ouh'.inai. Mom: oi'Tnitt r must and hli MitniCATi 11 I miai.atiomi ives instaiilaiifoim icliel', builds up ami tcvilslicfl Hie wiioio consinuiioii 111111 lyslcin, llicicby; life Wiak, nervoiii, drhilitatcil nod biokrti-iluwn -otiKtilitllous, old utol )oiing iimniuMy i;uitt from ten tu tliiity .u'.iuila in fiota Ihtity to ninety ditjs. 1 Ik Aikihn'b akill and tlinr vc huts cntcrt liavo created the I'li.ili-sl nstiitn.litiictil on the DaciHc Coast nt id llitoughoiit the Aincrtcan continent, dur ing the ast twenty five year. Asthma, Catarrh of thu 1 lend, ninl nil Tlnool, llroii dual Mini Lung troiilde iiistautly icllcvcd. nl-11 liar Diseases ninl Dcaruestoflci cut id permanently at fut coiisiiltiitlo. I):t. AlKikN'Hi .sayonthc "Curability of Con oiuiptloii," and 11 treatise oil ' ' Culm i ll ol tho llcii'l." vtitll evidciiceti of bonte ex. traonlitiaty cults, mailed ftcc. Cull ot ",Wlls DR. ADORN, t'ourllt sad Jlurrliou Ht., Purtlsinl, tlni. 1 finis. Home lifali.inl, culy p .. tf.l, -.'ft hj Al..r . I . .l 1 all. i.f l I'sciAi. ( t.d.t,! a ISui tt.l, C4IUI..I J.U- ' .f I -It Hi ..l ."l. AtllHVIIED TO CALL IOR FREE COIISULTATIW LITTLE r; LWER " PILLS. 00 hot cmpt, sickcii on COHSTTATE. Qilll Pnir f , Iir te If rinmur at. 1 aii ir 1 . . 1 1 1 1 u fruiii lutlii atuu or t-mtutioii, 1 Ji 1 iffHi.(ii,i.i Hun t 1 unu 1 11 mi liliHKl Tb(1nwctl ! ul" ly At'; tsiti lu tu t III t'lH HM IK U'l txi, Uft lltluss. Li tu tk m uiu li i.itr 4JmIUu up u lrnitx vU wbicll I" nrrid lMll4Mkrt Url Ut I Trilr m4 llUtt N. trtlUf with 'lrttl" Tt Milk. Mlsl ltrttstr(tW.ft UtlU t (! ! 4 t'rtkat IImV tmt tt. U Uhii. nn. HARTtR'8 inoN TOKIO. V a frKiritita kihi urou atk ifciivruB V J .IUfcyVIIM4HLilT0KfcllhIiMUUrATKul UHlAl.Tll.ftJ VIUuHOl'rtMTtaM;TIIrruVlr TKC UB. KARTCn MEDICINE CO. ST. IQUIS.UO. IllnW 3 le- til S 1 1 ww1 '