Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 25, 1890, Image 1

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1 tll. nl.loU tie.vv
)wr Is'tvrem 'IV Unite.
itioJ W'iniii inii.'iu, the
fp(l i ii oubttiim, tlK-ivfun'
in tht U'-.t for ii.Im i tiin.
Is ii iiiwmihi' for tlio
j . i .If, IhImhihi; fur tin
nsiile mul ui iiiy, tlio sell
tinieiiU of tlio j0i1u tif
iU own (limit t 'mint v.
mi i
I lii'j
m v
1 '..." .7 .
r..rmr city, au.vr cul'.vvy. ohiwo.y, Tiivnxn.i y, dhchm unit ss, moo.
A'uinlrr .'0.
.1 i 1 11 i
rn xcTi:it i
ium AMI t tm MS.
Lawrence Drone awoke with n abed
1. p from a J nam nf poverty Dotibt-
I minf people won lil liko to know
loiv hndid II. Soijiii uf ut Imwi tried
it ami '.tiled. Wo have struggled with
Ibis nightmare oven when our eyi
twroopen. nnl hnui (intrant It olf In
vnrlonn shape It haunt tlio shadows
or this woril. Mr. Drano, however,
rtuoko; but before sending htm our con
l.patubitions lot us scu what ho found
wMttnsr fur hi in.
The flr thing ho saw on opening Ma
C'Ves ivm a ragged coat which ti twin
bis Ann. 1 1 was a garment eminently
iiiftliflod to 1h nhVusivo to n gentle
man; ihiny. noilod ninl raii'lcd nt tho
fslgoa Mr. Drane blinked al It an In
stant mul concluded that U must ho ;i
(art of hln rii'Kiit tronhh some fancies.
"t.otioit." ho inuttiroil. sleepily, shak
ing the (raiment to the Ibmr; -yoirro n
fake. I .Iroamisl you, ninl I'm going to
imtkn up In a inlnulo."
No wonder tin was tlifol voil, for tho
ponl tltlisl tho droiiiii with diabolical ao
iiniMiy. It. hud nut boon ii vision of
t'.nnnolal omhai lassmoia atoiio; lio hail
ni'll hliintolf walking on tho upper of
iHrsgftiiKMiVor tho rooky roail of despair
IIIh first waking linrow(lon hail boon
ft great thank ftilni s thai lio u.i.i him--vti
again, a man of in ..llh ami imuhIiI
orMiotii a by birth und
i.. veiling. Then ho hail soon ttio ragged
post ntil dentiil It- ri :ilttv.
, Ho let. hi head f.'.ll upon tho pillow
Mif'iin ntlil hank fur a mouionl Into
Hhii-p. Thi'ii ho awolto with a start.
"yurop ii'ition iiImiih that coal." ho
.1.1. iini) ir'mx iMl out tho o,l(jo of tho
l.i ii. 'I'ho ront w i thoro. Nono of IU
ti . i.- point' lia'l t'ui awr.y. 'I'hu mnnmor
i xaliouiii roi ii.l tho ixIkos of tho rnr t''ipiiil M)in Iw Erciiay wrlnt
lamt ami glsy hh ovob Mr
mil npo.i tho l'il ami NLiroi! otuplilly at
tho Rtr.tngo garment 'I'ho tlyht con
fiowil him.
Ho tplotl to rocall tho ovcntii which
hoil pn ri'ili J Jiin.-U i'p Hp rompmliom! joiirncr on-itwnril fura his homo In
K'ntwiH City: tho l'liilni'iai IntoroslM
.hii h ho hml In rliaruo: tlio liot, il.mly.
tlri Aomo rhlo uhli h l.n.l hroiiplil him to
No York on hi way to Hiuton. Ho
rocallrtl li.iw lio hail foiuul hluiHolf mi
I I nil that hr hwl loihisl lu wait In
HfVf Vork lnnir onoiik'h to hnvu a iimm!
np III a hntol: hnw ho hail onloroil tho
tlfHt rmo ho ami hail wiurut.lo.l
sltplly lon.T In thowakonf tho h. ill
Imy th' ronr.i whorpln ho luy. Tlion
lu-ho4 unit hluiKolf umiii tin lutl uftor
i-t-mflvln? only MiiouU'r rlotlilnu'
l!y tho way." ll..i"jfhl lio. with a miiI
lei t'lurt, "wnw nr my clonics I I hko to know?"
ilow i-ay Ii U ' T-k qiipntlnns. anil
how i ti hdiil it In toanmvor thou.
Mi-. IJiait. 'M ha-'ly hut Uioiiiuoli i-in h
of tl.'o op-ii ii'-i-ul icvoahil no ii pi v to
I'p; very natuiaj h,"'.v Hi'UM '' !'
Mi cloth l-o.';ino thoy v.iic not ihoro.
hut ho did tuivoi-d In ilin'tnorlin: a
walnU'uat Htwl a j-alr of jinntalmMi
uhii h ownoil dUpruci-fpl klinhl)i v. ith
tli.' I'OUt,
If I wore ililnklntr man."ho im.t-tiT.-d.
In din i'i-i ph Hy. "I think that I
nloiiild find in- Mi' ' a tfrviit tffop
i.iutluii H.iiiu-H hor In I hiii Hltulr."
At tilth iniiij i iii l.o fi i"i.l hliiuM-lf con-fr..:Ui-il
hy a iuirr., mid M4 his pun ro
th i-tiin mot KIh i vo ho ooiihln't holp
holiu sHiuih ! hi tin-IJoa Urn a chsiitft'
h. .d i-on.o uvi r hU i'ount. iiaiii'0 which,
if it Hero notH4iml In in lent to that
i. '.il.-h had ovirmkrn his oloUn, was
ji-t '.n tho imiui Mnfi'ftuiisn'iUn'ctldn.
Ot cuurso l HUH out of ihow crtwikisl
l..ip I uiiiivra whli'liN-mho. kitiu'y Hnok
Ihi' li-aturos of their ilctluui Acroril
inir Ui U U i ; jua trlai". Mr Drano
U-i .1 4illlRf on hU rlh'hl i liwlt. atnl
W in ittllo'.iil with tral'l'liiun. oryhl.-ohm
BtU a 4i"Ani'nil lln r. oinllatl with
ii ih.ii-lty' li-anl. Nono of Uh-so f'r-
m.iiol clianiu hl 'i.v real oxUtonco ov-rt-pt
tho hoard, mid that wami't . l-:i
it it look Hi. In M'Hor It, Mr. Drain'
vitsa, icry uikkI-Ip.'I. nig-youiiir man; hut
Un couldn't wo It In that tflass
"Jlnflo!" bo i'x-i-lai:ii( d. as ho jrannl
upon thU optUal loonHrosity. "Thcy'io
stdlun mo aluntf v.ith my ulathort. 1
iut barn asltan.o."
lio turaiil Ui thi iiiinutiBlaUirand con
tullisl tho ilinvtioiiii for 1h iifii. I'lrsl.
lui imiguuco (or thf hall Uy. hut thcro
vnis tit rosponse. 'Hii-o he Ka' thioo
jaba fwr U'O-waur, hut It did not in mo
Kin Xt)r tt hck sudsi'vcn for thi ndf.o
n on i equally nniiriMlwiitet and utn-n
o had trlo.1 oluva !i-r tho flro dorm t
no ut ami twi'lvo fur an anil ulanco hn
vavu It u, ...
'if Uh'JT had fflvpn wo iwrwiule to
ilitif"-ii l.n.- for ibo ecrcm-r I
kbuuM toi that 1 bad d.;i.o n.y full
U il." Brimm J ri i. H': m.d thi n ho
laujrhoo, U all al i.rd. !! fell
Ih Ui akrt' f U. Jrl.allo
clotb" ubi-'h had been UH lot blui hut
v- did Ml Mini ihi ir lau scmrr'n name
i4 aildra, n -t V oth'r aHldn f
wiiil atAlt'. Ik
value, rhesus u i.. u.- i -
.11 i ...i n.,1 l.'p h 111
till- hi'
llM-' ' .
.1 .. d
I .I'
nun I o
II,.' p I ".' "
Ulid d'-'i I"
l.:i.-, .'. for L.HKa'i I. !l.o ikiih o mimiiu
ri rotor i)i..i Mr Hrajio 1. 4. 1 otuirvorulMl
in.ii.,i, ,h,i tho tni'tii'illlaii Dulici
Ho did not knaw that U.'fot.i ihcv .oiild
lli.d that w in h In tho ordinary conrw
of ilictr hukliic.H ho would U all dune
hUIi t Int.- tnd a I a ran part of otmnlty.
Smi ho didn't m.niy nUmi tL.tar lliliitfi.
I Pt hoBlowi-i! his roirr.-t lory sonnlh)
iijifni tho li-inr' of .-rrl.iln i3t'r lie
know nilmdy In Now Vork. and had now
no in(in of oKla'illihintr hU Identity
Kiidcnlly hr would ham to in.iko tho
Ian 1 lord tolciriapti to bin frlctnl i whllo
ho roin.ilniil In pawn for all further
I'hiirvi-K at tlio hotel.
"I l.o tlrnt i:ii-e.4lty wan to pot down
Xalro to tho i.lll. o. for whlio ho ili l.iyiil
hit clothos voro no douht jfettln more
and niiiro rctiiiiln oery tiilnulo Hi
vi'iitnri-d Into tho hall In hli under
chilhln.'. hut ua-i Initaiitly ilriiou hack
oy tho Klirht of a otintr woman'!) hack
That In Itn-lf wan not i-oiinidi-r.ihli', hut
Ihoro ua no ti lling when .sho mlht
turn alniut So Mr lirano retreated,
('onitdoratioli, ropnUno and pro
niuciii. kiiowoit him that thoro wai no
help for It. ho inu-t don tho hablll
menta of imverty. HUmoiiI uai full of
wrath tempered ullh adirlratloii when
ho thouht of the i-ool .' of tho thlof
who had U'ado the ei'haniro of (;ar
nii'iin mi cleiorly Ho loineuihored
that for greater '..'cutity ho had hold
lila cim 1 in iip; anus when ho had lain
cow 11 to alcep.
irvt,M'd ill tho character of I-anarui
Mr i' .mi- hastened rIoii tho hall and
intern plod tho elevator in Its dose cut
' O'H.i " M.;ld he. lth dignity.
Walk donu." replied tho elevator
ho. miarply aa the car uvirpt by It
was the lltsl humiliation of rag. Mr
5 r
J -
r r
it I llll iii.vmp opt"
lirano walkisl il.iiin aceonltui; to dl
riH'tloim. lie approached tboelerk
Homo mlnerahlo thief " bo ((fan
The dork struct: a blj hdl with alarm
I lit; force.
"VaUh."t..ild hr to a (wirier, ' put thin
ron fou nj nl Ir.imp 111t. I thought you
tired him an hour an "
"So I did. sir." fcaid Wslsb, nil lint; up
his uleoM-H, hut ho don't ruii.o lack
this llmo mill ." bin ioii .iiikI. rs n
hrouuhl up fi'iiin the sidctwtlk In a bas
ket "
Mr Drano tiirniM nUtut with II, o In
tention f stanitttiK Hie M,rtei on h
bead for hli lii.pei linoin c, a tl.liit ho
1 on 1.1 easily have dune, for be was a
oiiiii; man of lenuikul.le r-trt and
oi i llflil Iralliinir In the nan 1 f It: I ut
at In- tinned ho u his own iM.ijfi- 111 a
l"iiK mirror h t Into the a'l. He na
il,, dead boat. He at thi"
IiIm-Ioiiki .iil.-.iture of httiia'!f mth utter
1111.11 mi lit The cbarai'ti r reachiil oi.t
from the mil rnr and seLcl u ti him
with a irrij h"ioulil m t nhnki- 1 !f He
mm no d tol,iln! morally inli Cit ti alii
Hid phi. ull) to III hi (ia-ii oliiu .111 J
there Mas no more hack butie ill bu
He via the tramp all over In hi'.te
of lilin.i ll. ho phiyiil the part to the
life and mil uniiisl 10 ejiH Hon h ltd only
I lie ordin uv 1 r.'lol.ilioii of injured In
liiH-oiu-e hl. b .110 iilmi v ndl. uu ui
He alixid en the -1 1 1." of the tdcualk
and emleatored lo collet 1,1 .onsen
It v.uh Uuio to NU'i uuktii :uil.ike
and he knew it. I.M.Iei.tly he
h;i i- money, and the only i.iy to net It
that , .vdy,'11 to fealiufy tho
demands of hi linpatieii.e nar hy wlro.
Ho found a li li-(." i Ii olll and uroto
out a inixloMt ri'i Hi -tt that his father l;i
ICaiiiuiH Oty shoul'l Huud live huuJriHl
dollars at the tate of ono hundtod and
ninety thoiH.iud iiillo.i asivend or faster
if theelivlriclly could ho hurried.
It nail a branch telegraph ol.'lco and a
youni; man i.lth a hrei,d face wai In
"Soud IbU ciilliiu," H.-ild I.awronco
laylnif di n his ino'.a'(i.
' i; ji do j.'u Like me forV" 111111111111
the J on n f man, blandly
I jureiice rec.yuletl that wimn ex
pl.iii.iti.'N hik in cowury. mi ho hrletly
111I11111I the cast) Tho youti(( man
Us'Lid liileresleil, and Uiv. n il e wasoti
ourairiil. Ho entered more detail.
111. 1 1 lie youiijr man put OH t. seel ai.d
1 ii-tlul Kiullo l.aurenio reaihtai tiie
point in bis iiarratlie where the ili 1
Mimed Into pioiiiluen.'P, ami he hel
ati-d fci llnr' tho ImmilJa'ijii of his do
'eat "And then -and tbfn."sald ho U 'h
' And Hu n " i' 1 ll.e . IV v'
' ' ' ''
eninly. jeu pit the rock 1 .vk Iplo ti.t
I to I lie mul the irroeii ilKikoj dWn i" -1'i-d
I I coiMUieml yoitr prudenco Vuu 11 bad
! cnnufb "
! ' IK' you mean lo Intimate that I am
! Intojloatedr
"Net at all," replied tlio you up man:
' but you'll bate to try this nlery ut Ibo
main elfl.'e I'll Itroadvtay. It Is too ox
.'.iinif for my licites "
I'tetii thl isnltlen the tnanaifdr ro
fid to rivede. and !.areii-e mas
1 1 llpcd to renteiit himself ttitb dlrev
Hens hew to 11 11 J the n.sini(r.e It
i net a tery leii'P walk li.t -l.iiiuo at
hl parmrnts made it a path ef torture
It uuf net plain alllao a'tei l.o pot
there, fl tin r. fei it took hall an l.ct.1 of
I sinful to Cinx the tr,i'a('o
on to the vtlrp.
The atifner watnlow In coining. The
lone; cenlti)r ivxlllebi was well ad
vance I hcfi re he was notified that Ivan
iuh City had been board from. This wat
the reply:
"llato wired money to New Haven.
'S.iM-oitti Diiam: "
When Law rence read thlt tin deeply
regretted bin small cotiim.tnd of ex
ilelles. HU dUapiKiliitinuiit nearly
hii rt him.
"Any reply?" asked tho man who bad
brought tho telegram. Iawrence's loin
l'r t'ot tho lietterot hlni. and tie wrote:
"Why didn't yoliMoiid Itto Jericho?
"I.. D."
Ho cooled down after awhile, and
finally persuaded the nlk'ht manager to
liatp a iiiery sent to New llateii. Tho
answer read as follows:
"l.awronco Drano collected money
hero, fully IdrntltliHl."
When tit lit reply tia.l been read by
the nltflit manager It was evident that
h' had made up tils mind what to do.
Laurence h.iw it in hU eyes, and lie
know that lie wa.n In a had scrape Ho
prepared to get out, for lio was well
awaro that arrest htart'd him lu the
fai e. The manager tried to detain him.
Lawrence pusheil him over a chair and
lliil, hotly pursued hy a half duicu
messenger 1)ys and a few clerks, lie
wan too nlmlile for them, however, and
In a few tn 1 11 11 lei bo stood alone upon
the street, ponultciui, tired and hunrj
It Is a curious physiological fact that
a man can toltinl.irily nlmtaln from fil
for twenty-four bourHwitb far less re
monstrance from his .stomach than that will make If Itsow nor uuw lllliik'ty
fails for half that time. When Lawrence
realized that ho had not inouoy eniiiiel.
lo buy a sandwich hit liocamo hungrier
than ho had over been before In his life,
lie was positively faint, and as ho stood
upon a corner trying to divide upon a
oetrsoi of action tie qIosim! his eyes and
actually reeled with exhaustion.
A man pan hit' raphlly ahniK' ran
aualnnt him. Lawrencu did not even
look at him
'Poor fellow." muttered tho .stratinor
he's blind," and ho slipped a ten-ci nt
plih'o Into 1 jiwronco m baud.
"Confound you!" exclaimed liwtonce,
in a ra'o, "I can son i.m well a-: you
Tho slraneor oponisl hhi nyes, his
mouth and his charltablo heart at tin
same mouieut.
"Have I IIwhI to son this day!" ho
rlnl "Hero, my friend, hero Is half a for the only really Inmost man l i
New York."
Lawrence refused It. and tried tOK'lve
hack the ilium, hut tho htrauj-er wouldn't
take It. lie appeared to ho an oxcop
lluually humane old fellow. Lawrence
walked alnui by his ntdu for a feu stops,
and the idea ilruck him that hero wan a
chance to toll hi story to hi'lioviui; ears.
He lrt-o.ui Ii ah considerable hope in
Ills heart, hut lie bad pit 110 further than
hiti f outline of lilsieat tlnanclal nolld
lly and apparent potorty when he heard
tlie similiter mutter "Now ..1110; now
itame Never save It hoforo, but I'm onto
It just the sain.'."
Then he liurrlisl away, and Lawrence
w.i left alone w Ith tho dime stilt In hi .
hand The encounter hail not Ihioii
wholly iinpuill table, at all ovouM.
.. dobateil huiK' with himself uimiii
the iiiestlon how lie should cxciid hl
ten cents That ho should buy food
wllb It as of oou rso a fun-Kim" conclu
4IOII t ut bow could he (,'ot the most for
his luuney? lie tried to recall nil
(lie stories bo hud hoard of men who
had heen 111 similar depths or iioveriv
stone told by llohemian acualutauci a
who prided thomsolvos ukmi such
pi rli-nces. tn all of those thai he could
rcu. cm her tho salvation of the narratoi
had ultimately doionilisl upon thai
i-ical tiiiHleru liHlitulloii, tho fr-
lunch He bad never bad any
xp.-rli-iico with kiich faro locanso hi
.M.i a total aljalnlnor anil never vlo' .l
places vvhnro free luuclies aro found.
1:1 t he Ihullffht he knew the machinery
pitty well from tho experience of
others It was uit'essary to buy it drink
.It the bar after which one could I'd t
1 convenient counter and Koru'c himself
ivitb all the delliaclcs of the sea-ton
He looked alout Ii I III for a saloon
I'licii' was 0110 la hind him another In
11 ut of liiui and several mure In sly hi
New Vol I: Is thai kind of . 1 town Law
cuce hi ii tilted He rellis'toil that his
Irci.uislunci n did not Justify him In
.oiectlnu tflldisl den of vice where
Irliikr. inl'hl bo fifteen cents apliio
Ho must cIiih'so suiuethln,f better Hiilti d
lo a 1,'eiiHemau in adversity llosclcit
ed .1 den without any nl. dine and eu
icr.d AppiojihliiK' tho bar ho put
d. wn his ten cents and tiled to think ol
so:i:o mild disui. ll. in which bo could
tafely tako. It was utio of Mr Diane's
pi c jilarllies that ho could nut dl Ink
Jl.'oh.jltO lbUUrs, or liven Wines
wltlitiul almost Instaiitanooiii luebila
tluii. Ho never dansl drink even a
hiss uf wliio Willi tils dinner hovuuso it
a em to tils liead llcur bo ilntostul.
He Has lu a itiandary.
"Woll, yountf felliit?" said tho liar
toiider. IntorroKHlvoly. At tbuiiiioiiienl
Itwrt'ticti's eyes toaltsl Umjii this In
tit.SU INK KtW JI lUtr Al l-I t JACK, :
Itn rum.
"That intl'il 1m inimelhliie llko chliir,"
he reltivtisl. and then he said aloud:
"tilvo inp a ptass uf apple Jack "
' ' It's a little out of season, I ut I'll ?o
yer," said the bartender, and ho pro
duced tho lluid. Ixvwri nco dmiik It In
a hurry Iiksusp bo was snxljus to ,'ol
at the tree lunch It Inado tnui cwub
1 "Your app'.o jatk Is a tr.Mo alton,"
, H.ildl.o sKili."cl.i slly.
"If you do., t like our apple Jnck." tut Id
jtl.e lark."pir, "you tan tnd 11 tloul'ii
do p'.aie ice?''
I Uiw rem e Ui say that on .mh-
Olid th.i-i'l.l l.o fuuiid il tl c Ih-sl he bad
ever tasted. In reality be po..rted
wit), honor thai II was si u'"li'tr to
bis head Tl.t ro wua a n . .' bo. if t. ,k
eyes ss bo n.ade tor Ibo lui.t I. vuuiiIpi,
but thai .v not the r asoii why bo did
not lllii'. ho evp.s led He saw all
that there was -a few trannicnUi of
crackers In the Isittuiii .f it bl U1
and a liberal supi ly of pli klis! t ji tim
bers in a tin pan That was all. And
the dime vvs Irrevocably tf.ii.o.
lie Knlberetl up a few 1 lacker crtltnlw
at.d tried lo eat cue of .I i iikli-s. hut
as a lb l.i-111 tail mini II vt as not a sun
com Ten minutes Isti r bo was nut In
the street The apple J it k iui with
him and tt waa vety busy. It made ;io
llehls In the windows djlice like do
ti.uns: It tl uur hobs tn the 1 ii tneiit
11 ml 1 r his (01 1; I! tilled his brunt with s
toollsh exhilaration which Kradually
subsided into it c.infiHisl sb imo at tin
thought that tie, l.iiwniico Druue. 1
);i'iitloin:iii iK.rn and hr. d, was home
less, hutit-ry. rspi'isl and drunk -yes.
actintlly drunk uu tho strceu. of Now
Ho stniftfetod alonjf he know not how
far, It si-emed liiternitilalde i.iib 4. till
at ler'trtli he came to a brotid pirk 111 the
uilddki of the city. '1 hero ho felt upon
a txuu'll, and an uneasy sleep closisl hi
eyes. f
Cli.U'rKIt II.
tin: i-hi: f t ix tmiui'isr.
A bird was lAlllorlur in tbo it-eo
uIhivo blin when Mr. Drano awoke. IDs
consciousness returned at a jump with
the opeiiiii of his eye-, and .01 he
looked up at the jjniy sky I., murmured
" An.l rt ilnrrc.l llaarn Uruuctn' la tbo llsjr "
l'or a full minute be sat there, hi
llings lllli-il with tho freshness of morn
hit,', his mind with the shr.ll.iw oxhil
aratlou consisUent upon the lie I fuiin-
of intoxicaliou; Ill's liys slretehlsl 011
at n preHitoroiiH initio, hi-' hand
plunged into his ttousers' ssiki'ls. hi.
tiat di'tlaully poUoil upon bis left ear
Ho looked at his sliahby ImmiIp and shab
bier trousers and smiled lu iiilluilo
"A man lu my clrcumstaiitos " be
Ihouu'hl, "would never liii.tine tht a
bundle of raes may 111 eoiice.,) much
real Joy Obirloin liiortiillf. Lucky tu
see It. by dote."
This was a fatal rollcelluii,
"My clrciiinstulii-i s?" be cunttliuist
"What are they? Tb("K aro ngt n. In.
at atl. They hi to miii,i ,,m i 1, ''
His eyes were fixed Ml the I1..11.11 nt
usin a rout lu his trousers whl.-'i ad
mlttisl a small delachmi nt of c ml.
1 in ir n i 11 j hreeo fri-sh from tbo 1,. a
The smile on his face ff.ive way to am of dinust. and he snt up L
.11. 1.1. -ii Iriiutlon This tnouineii a li.i'p p iln to shoot auross bin
'a'-k which n uiiiiiliil him that the way
f the Is hanl
Ami Do 11 the fi ll, ill ll;:htf ut, cussed
-ss of tin i.ilu.ition daw noil upon him. should ho do? Whaliotild ho do?
He up attain and hsikisl hopeless'
I.- sUiut. t'lsill 11 tieucli not llfteeu
aces away was a yoiinj; vvoinau.
'i ideiitlv a servaiituf some kind, for liel
Iress was of plain material, set oil with
ntr white cutis at the sleeves, and such
1 frill of l.i.-o at the neck as only
ladles' maids .tear. Her face was con
1 ah d by .. ki-iclili f which sho held to
tier yes. r.nd which Mr Drano doubted
tot wai In a process of lachrymose
In nohliiK Ho watched 1. r with
ut ri urn til Interest, wondi ri uur stupidly
what brought her thorn at such an
hour, w bother alio had been looktsl out
mil feared a reprimand or discharge
Alien she should K" homo, whether,
iverhaps, oho Uto, bad IiuIuIkisI Iihi free
ly In bah! Mr Drano riH.'olhsl in pro
found horror at thu suestlon. Was
tl possible lint a mere accidental
change in ( in umstancos, the mere ac- i
ciiiitteuioiito of the slums, should make
hi 111 capable of eutertainliiK for tin In
stant h a thought about a woman?
Was a man to bo tho victim of Ills uur
tueiils? lu Kileiit ri p.uatloii for bis uuullorod
ollouso Mr hi .iu vitforoiuly lo
think all iM.iiuii r of pretty things about
the unhMppy yioini: woman, iuslsiini to
llllii ii If she must bo bountiful, lip
iliH-out. Injured, lovely and so on. until
preneiilly, his adjectives having l.ei-n
tin 111 limes exhausted, he hud worked
jj u r v j !
1 'rs. V
iik iiin.s'r iiavi. 111.11 wp.m.tii wirn 111:11
himself Int. a fair froniy uf Interest
iluiit bor He longed to sou her face
but that she kept pen:iutPnlly con
i-ialid; to hear her voice, hut Put oven
a low sob rowanlisl bis attentive 1 'ar A
ilKiiioui more ami lie would have re-
uuicd bis mix-rablu solf cunleiuplaliiiii
iut tils inloroi-t In thu yuutii woman
a as by an uiiexpit Usl epl-
l- 1
I t fl
1 A.'nw the park IMHH' slwllio Idly a
I urtii such is lio- night w.inderer In Nov.
! Vors t uv i.itt l at an) hour. He won-.-.11
.1 p rot. d i.ilb and the e t
umi uu uf mi toulnp dlnoc rho c.i ,
; .nr f Ins bl.l on i.osl vas luctieil up ,
lioiit his ii vs. but tt wan Hut bult'iniil ,
I was oh ar that tin bail dined win It
.n.l pi mil tilth a cikiI hiternai-Js
mil was .in coin hmt oil principle.
lubliiitr 11 ssa i.UH.ii ol Ki'iitlemalily be-
uiiv ior that uno should ala ays be In Usl
:iy suiiriso.
Mr Drano did not obsprio this tst-ui
11 prisperoua Indoli nie until It pau.i .1
li'tH-tiy neio-e llio vveoptntf yont
noutan. It was clear ll...t tho man
i.t.l'i'.Md her. for sho sttilt'd
euly and ttttik her koicbl. f trolu her
)es Mr D-iop's bniKs cmt, I
ttid li.t watt bed the act 110 with nic
than eurloslty Ho saiv the joiinif man
step licuu-r to th" bench, put tint hi
hand towaidn the louti woman and
inovo as 1' ho would Kitd.iwh hos'.Ue lu ,-.
Ilosn- the yti 11 ( ilso bast'ly
tnd try U walk Asr but the man laid
lis h-iii.l upon 1 or sboi.l.lcr. A socond
I.iU'1 ah.l Diane bad adjust it. fi-lb:w's
vrlatvvitha Krp D-a'. inade tho j..lnt
lack Thin bo doubled the a.-iu bo
held aciosu the other's cbi st ..' ti dd.'iity
that h.' wa tit. uu back a 1 ac or t to.
"You Infernal liattip!' cried the fellow,
ami ho was follow I njf It up with tun
tfuaito toitcti stioiincr when Mr. Drano
interrupted him.
Speak n single Wold that falls in ro-spt-til
ui this woman," said lie, "or rain,
your tlnuei' to do her an Injury, and I'll
iironk every bono In your tsslyl"
I "Well, take Iho chippie and--"
M Mr. Drano Lis' (w tii'tiro and l.-noil. 'd
the folloiv down. It was it straiubt,
iulck blow and It clovd the disturb
aiico as woll as the eye of iho
Sn.ui who ns.-1'lvisl It. lie sU.-cer. d to
his feet, Krow 1ml souiothlni, aljout tho
)kj1Ioo and walked rapidly away.
I Mr. Drano turned to the l.olj'a maid,
j who, very pale, was leiming heavily
, uflrtt a tree.
I trust that I did not frighten you,
ibo said, "I'orhaps I should have U'en
less v loleiit."
The maid did not reply at once. .She
lookml at Mr Drano in a date of sur
prise until a (.lint color crept Into her
oheok and a .suspicion of a smile cruised
her llis. Then Mr Drano remembered.
Ho (rl mcisl ut his remnant of a hat
which he held In his hand, uud Ills eyes
Imunsliately fell, but bo found no com
fort In bis IsMits, where they rested. All
his ifiintllity ilcparted on tbo Instant,
and he shifted awkwardly, trying to
speak and moiety inumhllup. With the
tamo Irn i.l.itihlo oaucherlo ho passed
his hand over his chin, and tho roiich
itubblo tbcto Kave further c viilolino of
his absurdly miserable situation. The
yolilitf Wom tli soemed to loalUo sume
what of his emotions, for her face lu
stuittly Lisuniim serious and sho said,
"I 'itu sure I own very inucb to your
kindness, your couraifc, your muscle.
Truly I am very tfratoful."
Mr. Drano knew that lie w.i blushing,
and. he wondered whether his face were
lean euoiiifb Ui show It. lie looktsl lip
ml in w the yoiuio vvoiuaii's blue eyes
n-jfsrdinc him eompassbmatoty,
"I feel as If I must nMtff Ian for ad
Ireslii)f you at all, miss," lie half stam
mered. "I forgot my woll, my lostb
01110 itpiM-nraiico. It Isn't 111I110.
mil t my fault; in faut, I am not exactly
tlio 'IiIiik you siK'."
"ili, foru'lvo me If I have appean d to
notice any t )i I nur but your i;o.slm ss,
sir." otclaluiisl the yi 1 11 ri ur vvoinau, ap
priiachiiiif hlni liupiilslvoly assbo o.
"you have iloulitless boon unforluiiato,
pel haps scon bolter days. 1 am sure
you aro a pi'Ulloinau ut ,,,art, uud I am
grateful, ludeisl I am, Iwllovo me," and
without further ado she look his hand
ami prossi d It warmly Iji both of hois.
Mr. Drano winced. Thoro was the most
delicate condescension lu her iiiaiinei
and tone; her action said what wordi
would have rendered olfousivo: "See, I
rcctnfiiUc your nobility of character. 110
111 it 1 1 r how ugly Is jour disguise, and I
am not ashamed to aeknow ledge It." To
ho thus troatisl by a servant!
Yesterday this Inloroslliie; youni; per
son would have slammcris! in bis pros
once, hung her head, and would have
heon overwhi'liiiisl at ris-olvlnif a serv
ice at his hands. Now, forsooth, she
speaks I'raudly, airs her superiority,
condescends to grasp Mr. Lawrence
Drape's band' The unhappy man biyati
to experience profound resentment at
this conceited lady s maid when a sur
prising change III her maimer aroused
his curious Interest. She lot fall bis
hand as Impulsively as she had
It, hlushisl painfully and lookist at her
whllo little hands which she folded be
fore her.
"Alas! I forgot," she said, and her
Hps trciiiblml. "You can not un'.or
staiid, of coiirsit. (Ih, dearl oh, dear!
You sol , 1, urn, am not al all w hat you
see mo, or what you think I am."
Mr Drano hastened Ui glvo tbo Unto
his riH'uul emotions.
"1 11111 sure, miss," ho declared, gal
lantly. "I have seen you and thought uf
you only as a lady lu distress to whom
It has been my iinulhi) ml plnasuru lo
render some small assistance."
Tbo young woman looked up again.
Her eyes worn brimming with tears,
nevertheless she laughisl softly.
"1 can not help It, mlsonthln as I am,"
she said; "for your wortlsdo sound so
incoiigtuous," and shu glancisl as If In
splto of herself at Mr. Drane's titlturtst
"Yes, miss," rospoiidisl Mr. Drano.
humbly. Then gathering courage from
thu reiniiaiiU of lit pride ho added
And do you know, miss, I have thought
too miino hisiui virur nifiov, nun 141 1
nudn no disguise of boklug at the big
.1 1. .. L I 1...
culls, tlio emblem of her social i.llluii
"I do not wonder," she repll si, calm
ly, "for I am nut 'mlsa' at all. I am a
"1 am deeply grieved!" exclaluiisl Mr
Drano, hastily. "A blow ol that nalurn
coriiluir upon 0110 so yuniifj must up so
1 pip tmletxl "
Thpfpvvas a most Improper twinkle
In Hip youMf woman's eyes as sho re
sponded' "1'rrty do not dlstioss yonntelt My
vtldowhiMsl came so unoxpoctvilly, was
mb 11 surprkp. In fact, that It was
I more of a shock than tt blow. There
wow eei tain compensating clreurn
1 stances, but, of course, I ought not to
' speak of such a matter lightly.
"No, I supisiso nut," ndmlttisl
Drane, rather dubiously
In his
. wretchisl sttiialloit -vie felt an extraor
dinary Interest In this miuiik widow,
j am j," wondered aifalu latfuelv how It
' came that she was away from her em-
I ploynii'iit aldaybtoak. Sbo was lapping
j the ground with her foot thoughtfully,
e.-lilcntly hohlUitliiK ulsitit Coiitluiiliig
her iiiplaiiiitloii. Mr. Drano was nut -1
orally cuilou.-i. Clreunistancos bad
brought strangely toethur. What
could bo butler than to exchange con
lldencos? llolH'gau:
"You have been so goisl, tiiadaui. as
to ndmll the isisslblllty of my having
seen bettor days. That In dii'hliillv the
ease, and 1 menu to see belter ones yet
If luck Is not wholly against 1110."
Then ho sUippisl abruptly, for the
const lousnesa of tils situation over
whelmed him, and he (ett the absurdity
tif cunllding In a mere servant. The
young woman did not notice his manner.
"It Is yuu vv ho have been goiNl," she
said, "and you ought to know more (uliy
how you have befriended mo. My story
1 1 a ntrango one: people do not cnsllt It,
but I trust you will believe me. Lot us
i. down, foe 1 am fatigued with anxiety
and sleeplessness."
Still this same irritating coudoitccu
sbiu from 11 lady's maid! Mr. Drano
thought ruefully of his limlr.igghsl ap
s'iirani'o uud admitted that appoamiicns
Jtisllllisl It, U hat becomes uf thu lino
"A man's 11 in-iu fur a tluil,"
win 11 every body estimates him by tils
apparel? Ilow can the ragamulllu main
tain bin own prhlt) w hen ho known that
the rest of the world Is against him'.' It
Is folly to kick against appearances, and
w hat Is folly Is un-li'M, and what Is uso-
I ss i.hould not bo hi Id; ergo, a man who
appenra to ho a vagabond and dlsrnputa
hliyls n vagabond mid disreputable, and
so much tho worse If bo stubbornly en
deavor to maintain the contrary. Sip h
was tbo bitter train of reasoning in
dulgisl by Mr. Drano as be and the fuir
y uing widow wi nt to tho bench Inn .
ivbtcli she had hi on driven, fur sbo wai
fair, iiutw llhslauilliin; sundry ovldotico
of a sleepless night, and 1 11 ton sting In
spite of her big culfs ami lacn frill.
"To begin, us 11 vvuinau must, n
neither end of the story," she bog.n
when they wore sealed, "you must know
that I isHtsosH immense wealth."
Mr. Drano rose iju'.-kly,
"I hog your pardon for tint luterrup
lion," be said, ' but do you hspp'li to
have any of that with you?"
Alsiduo,' sho roplhsl, dim..l y, "au.l
that Is not the worst of It."
"It's an bad as II can ho for the 11.0
inent," M-. D.-.iiio insisted, n-i b c--tiiuo-it
III seat. "Yo I i.ei', 1 would hav-
1 11 vi iy glid to give you my note f.
live huuilrisl If you had 11 convenient.'
Tho young woman looked al him
"1 should bo wlckisl If I did Until"
siio to help you, HHir mall," she sunl,
gravely, "uud I trust the time may com.
speedily when 1 shall bo able lo do so."
Mr. Drane was slung, but not cruslnsl
"You must understand," he etc la Inn d.
"that I should repay it. l'vegol pliml ,
of money, Dial Is, there's plenty In
longing to me, and I can get It If 1 . an
on .., prove my Identity."
The young woman's eyes were dilated
w llh Wonder and doubt.
"Strange!" she said, ulowly, "fur tha'
I I exactly my own c. no. Voil shall ti Ii
1110 your story presently. Listen t.
I mine. 1 became mi oi' at an 111 1 1
ago, and until a little ibau it ) .11
ago I livid with my guardian, a wan.,
j friend of my father's, In liultalo. A
( the I i 11111 of which I am about to spe..l
1 with some particularity I had jusl .tl
tuned my majority, so that I coiiliolhd
what Huh' properly bad Ix-eu hi'
'iiiealhisl Ui me. I still llwsl with m.v
guardian, however, and bad not llioiighi
seriously of llm fad that I was al last
( absolutely a reiHinslblo being lu tin
world. Thoro had boon some suitors
for my hand, but to none had I shuivn
the least favor. That they in ro all sin
cere I h.ivu mi doubt, for my fortum
was too slight lo bo 11 t.'ifipUlluii
Among them was a singular young man
of really Immense riches. Ho was gen
erally urislltisl with being tho kicor
' of thirteen millions."
I "Doucisl tiuluuky figure," lntorobid
Mr. Druue.
j "You shall see," said the fair liar
ramr. "I eou'.il not bring' myself to In .
j towards this young man as I believe u
'woman should towards a husband, al
, though I had no reason lo entertain anv
. thing but respi't for bis characler. Mi
guardian pleadisl with mo lo make j
match so palKtbly deslrabio, but I coul..
not consent. It was while this uiaiti 1
was pending that sumo uf my assoclati
arraugisl to give an amateur tnoairica
M'rl'iriiiaiico for the benellt of a elmriia
hie Institution. As fortune, or "'rluip
shrewd design, would have II, tl.i
wealthy young man and I were oast fm
opsislu parus. 1 had plainly n je. ti .
his prujsisiils to me, but bo would lie
take no for an answer, and he persist! ,
in aiiilot, giMxI-uatureil devotion tin'
could mil resent, hut which hi gin t
grow Irksome, until ut last I fe.insj tb.11
I should have-Ui marry him in order t
be free from him. I was In ibis ball
tormenttsl spliilwbeii we met one ulgo.
, , , . , ,
house for le iearsal.
no was always iiisisiintf unit v.i
1 . . . .
should U" over our love scenes again
and again, and ttio others who under
j stood tbo situation sldtsl with him. At
tho end of that evening, having teased
11. c us much as possible, ho bugosiwd
that wo csrry the sli.ry uf our play l.t
In logical conclusion by rebe.iMlng a
martlugii ppwtnouy. "It's something
we must all come to,' ho said, 'and I
imagine .hat a fellow would feel much
twlter hs'forp .lie altm if ho had loarnul
bow 10 go thisiii.1, the millions.' Tbo
others, silly you 11, things! wore I'.nM
with tho idea and witlnut further
thought arranged the furniture so as tn
ipptosout an altar, the chancel mil and ,
all that."
"A vory reprehensible proceeding,"
commeutisl Mr. Drane. Tho young;
wouun was alsmt to priM'eetl when a
gray-etiatisl olllcer. one of those guardi
ans of public parks Ironically known
as "sparrow chasers," ti ppnl up and
addreavsl Mr. Diane:
"Say, yous, do you tbint; notiivdy elsi
don't want to sit down? I let you fllcop
olt your Jag here, see? an' It's 'bout U..m
you moved on, see?"
Mr. Drano was atsiut to resent ttio In
tel ferenco when thu young woman
w hlspered:
"S.vy nothing and olieyV'J
So they rose, ami followed for a mo
ment by tbo policeman's curious-eyes,
walked along the winding path to an
other bench, where they sat ilow n ngalu.
"Olllclmis Impiidoncel" jiiutteied Mr.
"Never mind," said the young woman,
soothingly, "ho has to do something 1. 1
earn his pay. Let mo see, whom was I
011 tlio oilier bench?"
"Al the mock ehanci 1 rail."
"Dh, yes; well, leased as I was I con
senlisl to the farce, saying that It should
ho the last of :ny lover's nonsense that I
would endure. Wo went through mi
absurd rigmarole, they mado mo say
lots of foolish things, and at tho end
the young man who played tho mliilsli r
Insisted on kissing the bride. Then my
mock husband Insisted, mid - oh! dear
me!--It vvns very mortifying, and until
that w retched performance was given I
had to endure all sons of banter and
Jest, Theit'caine the trngisly. A few
days after the performance my iiittc't
hn ih.ind vvns ;hniwu from his carriage
and Instantly killed. tif course I win
shocked, together wl.b blsotber friend .
hut you may Imagine my surprise when
his v, ill was iinseitlod to .'In. I that ho
had loft, nfti r a few minor beipuesi ,.
all Ills tlli-tocl! lullllutlrl to lie In 1
wife! '
(ski: hKroNii I'.vui:
. "
Hmnrtliltig fur tho Nrvr Yrsr.
flin world ii'iiiiwiifd stifcpm of lliiitoltri 'j
Miiiiiiii'Ii Hitters, mul their cninliuiPil isipu.
Isrlly fur over a third nt a century lit a tela
sclilc, It i!rciiy iiiiiip wiuhIpiIiiI ifinulli" w el
isinia Hint uii'itt thu lliillliul iipi.r.itniica 11 1
lluiKttcr's .Miiisiiup, 'I hit tuhmblp inrillcnl
troutlin It puhlMird by 'llm llmtrttpr I'elil
I i y . riliniurgli, fa , un.lor llu'lr own linim-.l. cinpliiihig 10 hiilnll In Unit
ilcp iriini'iil. lliry roe iiiiitihig i.I.ei.l 11
liiiuithi lu tha v car uu Hits wink, nml Hit' mini
ef aaiuu fur 1kI will lie lucre than Irn lull
Hons, prlutril lu tho i:iii:llih, (ii-riiinu, C ri-i.ili
VVflth. :.'orwi'clioi, SwrillKlu II11II.1111I. II.... .
inlau and Hp.iultii l.siii'uniii's. lli-P-i to a ropy
uf It fur vuliMlilc and Inlrii'itliti: rrrnlliig 4-011 -reriilng
health, and niiiiiPiom totlinohlcili ui
to His 'Itlcney el lUxli-iti r' Htouiurli lllllns
nitiS'tiiiiPat. tirb'J lufiuiiiiill'iii, a-ti. ui. .line I
cuti'idailiiiit mul chroiiiilovli'iil lli-nn. I..-,
v,lilcli ran ho ilt'iieinlcil on fur I'.'iri'iitii'i'
I lio Atlll.lllllC f"l l-i III t'l l-lallll-.l p.. . 1
cit (roiii .Iriim , 11. r..i .iinlry ' ''
Ci 1 m Ml pails ol ih mil
in now at poiiTLAnt), oiir.aoii
Miinno'tv: nno t twur i-o'-sini., nf r. rv:n
mimixy, limit: lititnu.M i i.tttn wirv..
I. i!IK lit. till (If 1 1.1. 111 u tin. 1. utu
l't:il)IA.M.M' (Hit.
The trinst '.iceily, pi.sitivc ami perm.i
in-ill 1 urc loi 1 11t.1t ill id the I led. Asthma,
mid all Tin oat, Ilium l.i il, Lung, llcuit,
Stom.ii li, Liver uud Knlury AlTcctioin,
Kcrvnim Dcbilitv, rti Coututiiptioti, in
its vmioiis staf.t 1, pciinuuciilly ciucil.
Dir. Aihiiin's Oliiiil nai. Mnint 01' Tim vt
MttNT mid bis MitDieATi.ii Inhalations
gives iiistauliiiitoiij iclirf, builds lip and
icvilithi 'I the whole (-oiislitutioli mul
iyV.dll, thciihy pioloiigiui; life. Weak,
ncrviiiH, ilcbitit.ilcil mul biokrii'dnwi:
.-(institutions, obi uud young, invr.11.1U
gain fioiu ten to tbiity Kjtuulii in fiutu
thitty to ninety days.
Dm Aikiun's phenomenal (.kill and mar
vilous citirn have ctcntcd ttic K'cstetl
sstonisbmcilt on the l'aclllc Coast uud
Ihto'.tgbout the Atiicrlcan conlinrut, dur
ing the past twenty-five jcins. Avtbiiu,
Csturrli of the 1 L'iil, nml all Throat, llroit
1 hlni and Lung tioublc instantly iclicvc.l.
idmi liar I llsc.ucs nml Deafness oftct cuteii
iK-riliaili'ittly ut first cniistiltatio. )K.
Aiiiiu.NSi ss.iyoit tho "Curability of Con
siiinption." ami n trentlsooit "Catarrh ol
the Uriel." with t-vldciiccu of aottiu ex-.
truorditiJiy cures, nulled free. Call 01
iiildnwi DR AOonNi
l ojrtti ssj Uurrltou Sli., i'urtlssd, On-tvr
Kori HotiK lr4tmf nt, trrurtly i4ttJ, imi ti
r' lo ;t I 4il t el Ilia I'atitic ( W4.l,l4r lliu s,m4
i.411.1 ,1 ,.. tty 411 111 . .,,
l tin ilyspi plh , tlio ilelilllliilcd, tvlmlli.
it I10111 4 k cess o tt'oitt ol" nit nit or
boil)', tl r 1 1 It. in- ctposiiio lu
Malarial Regions,
vtlll Hint 'J oil's nils llio most u-eiilul
lotiinillvu (iter ollVri-a llio sollVrluir
Try Tlieni Faii'ly.
A lluorous body, iur I1I001I, slronr
uvrvi-s suit 11 clicci lot 111I111I it III result.
1 m
-1 .11
a v:
II t-'.'t
o 5- '
,1 s-
i r
" V .
. -x
O 4.S'.
s Vi m A r