to THE GMT CQUHTY BBSS, December JS.JSOO. Chinese raiso dogs for tlioir skins nnd incut, atitl timl do funning a profitable industry in their native laud. The II. S. mail is now carried over 2,000,000 of jwat routoa. Nearly n,000 new jwstollicefi have been established in 1S!)0. The last ruiii itnitiu band of wild buffaloes is now being bunted down with laMoe on l!ed Dcort, in "Wyoming. The object is to catch these survivors alive and start a bulbilo farm whereon buf faloes will be reared for shows, museums and parks. Last year the l S. received S3S,000,000 for letter postage. ,The jwstinaster general favor a reduction of postage on letters to onu cent, but Ilcnnio llnrriion who rides on the cow-catcher t f gov ernment don't go much on reduc ed jwstagc. If Oregon is to bo leproientod at tho World's Columbian Imposi tion it would bo wonso than noth ing to bo only half lepreneiited. "What Oregon needs is moropeoplo and more capital, and the exposi tion grounds i a bill-board on which to spread her advertisement. thought that I'ort Hid- well will not bo abandoned. The Indian scare in Dakota will proba bly convince tho war department that the redskins are not yet trans formed into sucking dovee, and thuy will now have an opportunity of displaying good common unnc by ro-giirrisoning all tho frontier posts. Wo do not believe the scheme for compelling tho Indians lo till the soil with oxen should bo tried. Wo are endeavoring to tench the red man religion, but if wo place him in the wake of a bull team wo must of necessity allow him to use the popular variations or profanity and bis reverence for holy things would thus become fearfully and painfully dwarfed. ' .Senator .Manderson'fi idea of "dealing with the Indians is to take away their arms and bornes and givli them working oxen in placo of them, and ho ii after the war department armed with a sen ato resolution wanting to know what steps are being, or have been taken towards disarming tho In dians. In tho meantime the war iliMmrlnient has ordered I hive uioro j reuinients of troops to the section , , , , ' I,., )!..., (.III UllU-'lllu lij un-, ni.ii.iii". The Farmers' Alliance, a an organization, has no icmesenta lives in either branch of the pies out Congress, but judging from the large number about a dozen of bills providing for the freu coinage of silver that have been been introduced into both Ihiiimi and senate it is evident thiit a lumber of gentlemen belonging to both the republican and demo cratic parties believe with lho Al liauco- that the country's ii-oet pressing wed is an inerenm in the amount of money in circulation. The census returns ahow that like the Indian and lho buffalo, range cattle are becoming a thing of the jinst. Willi the coiutant eucroaehiiionts of the homesteader and the farm, tho mining lovvn and cities that are springing up ' all over what was once tlm alnu-l boundless "range," the lays of the vast herds, and to a gn at extent the cowboy, are numboicd. Thus tho evolution goes on; Hint the ( savage and the native bulfalo; then thu hair-wild cattle with their half-civilized attendants; nnd iheu the farm, the city and civilia tion. Senator Dolph bus roportml sen - j utor .Mitchell's bill, with an amend ment meeting tho views of tho in terior department and general hind olllce, to uuthbwo homestead and re euiption settlurs or claimants who have taken less than ll0 acres of land and are occupying these original entries, to take mi furvevcd lands to which theie is no valid adverse claim, sullleJeiit to make thu full 1(50 acres. This bill will bo of considerable interot to a large number or people in (hunt county, who at the time of iieiking their'eutries were unable to take a full quarter section, and under tho present laws have been prevented from taking lands un lefs they are contiguous to tin sc which they occupy. This bill, when it becomes a'law, will allow them to take lands in any p"' t of the country to complete a quarter section. TDK CONVICTS SON. U w ft Ynunif Austr din i Stirrtrlttttrl IIIo IS ;Rllah Krlondo. Kli.rr IVIilrti ttfinir. 'Hint n Mrw Mr ! n ' iiKtlvtml IV ii i riwl Vcl II III- Manor in iti on n ii.uiiU The ytmitg men wore preMeln!freh err nt Mr. I two mj Hud M.trMiam had MtonUhwl crm-y one with hi ' !H n a r.iirUwntn. nays writer In llio K,v York Murtiliw Journal. "Why. rn ittKit like n Indian," NtM .Mm I'M-vfil.'t. 'I am tr.-.rwv than llitl." mltl th other. eU..dy. "I w horn In Awr- 1 a. th- son of a eonviet. ' i ran now n jlI 'V lhr j wnj met. drew ;;jr. Tli" vminjr lioal fluihod angrily. "What do you mean?" he akcd. "Voa know very well that if you're the dsn r.f a wi:ivlct ve tfl aa-wclrit- with you, ana o 1 .1 trlt tho ooM-liman to hro tho carrlago rnmly for Mm fire. ..Vlork train." IIU vu;i3 boat' plain peaklnt did not eem to glvo the other nay unil ne, for ho answered, with a abort lautrh: "All rlffbt-aa you please- Iut you may riiantfe yetirmlrot about my not Im ina cil niiili to owwcUte with after you'v heard ror story." Prink 1 Urtl uncrrtsln at tnl mo ment, anil then nt down itJ I ml-r d un easily at tho other, f.-bo hcjran: "My father wan arrested twenty-eight years cj.-o on tho rharjre of killing his undo and trl d lor lho murder. Tho i-tn. iy. whjch wan entirely clreum Mian''pl, M not oiiBlelent tt hanjr blm. I titv.i niw ilamaalnK tHat. In anltnof bit i.iict Milcmn proteatatloai tit Inno r nee. lie wan trananwkMi (. IHu to tho )rfHl aettlepwiUof Anttrnlla. 'tie was taVen tbrr. ami lor ten yrars worked like a lae. Vltb a chain and br II dr fflnir at hla hec-la. "At tb" "i I ( that thae another eon vlctdl d In the ntime prtuon. v.bero lie liad i nl tot highway mbliery. four yoAt aft. r father wn Iraii'.iK'Pleil. m iiU denlh-lKd he cJiifeaeed that he mui-dr-rtd nr f.nher't uncle, and pavo mlnuto di lalln of tb- i.lme. and even nld ibo place where be bad htilden the knife wlilnb b" bad md In the erlme. anil alto where he had bidden the murdered innn'a watb and Of eourv my fiithrr waandeaaedand ; ever tbln dune for him by lho (lov rnmenlf.f New Mouth Wale to aboiv how deeply every one regretted thai an Innocent should have auffered for so lun,?. "In a year be married thedanpbtcrof n merchant nhnhud vUHcd the pilaoa wiry oflrn :n I lieen a r,lnUlerlnx anel to htm and t the other convict. "After llvlmr a abort lime In Mel 1w!urnelil:idlllkeot tho elty a belnx tho place where he had aalfered so wuuh unjually drove him to move awsv. and with my mother be wont far up Into tlm Interior, la the brush, mllea away (rum any human Ixinff. except tho nallv, and there l.ullt a li(j but and lived for tanlvo yrori. 1 wa iKirn aoon nfUir our new home was rinUlie,!, and In 1m than two yoam after my brother oame. We grew up U (jotlior, with no eomtanl.mahlp 1ml eneli other and the few native who lived In the mountain near u. From them wo learned bow to throw the litNim iimiiB ami draw the bow, until, younsr wo were, wo escelled even them In their u. Wo nouhl brtnir down the kangaroo with the liow at one hundred yanlt. oven If it waa running at full upeed, anil amaah n bottle set liohlnd a treo one hundred feet nway with the iMHimeratig. "When 1 was thirteen and my nrotner ; eleven father dlaeovered irold farm, which by that tlnm had on hla grown to thousand of acre, and In two iiiontliM tho country wa llooded with miner and ho was worth SAoo.OUO. "My mother prevailed upon him to move lwtok to .Melbourne, where he It now the t Inventor of New South Wale and oiio of tho richest mon In Australia." "I bog your pardon, my deur fellow," nxclnlmod Prank, eagerly extending his hand, while the ulhein nrowiled around him with ixually profuwi upobulen. Hut. to their astuiilthmont and eharln.b did not oem to notice any of the prollered band, but, with n nulcl mile, turned tu Prnlik. "Now that you know how I eamo tu handle a bow well -a also bow a man can bo n eonvletod folon and yet bo Innooeat of any erlniu It would make your slock of liiformutlon stilt uioro oompleto If you could learn that omi If a father It guilty of crime it doe not make his son any tho lew honorable or tit to assooiaut with tho world. Kvory man's honor is In his own bands, and Is not nllooted lu tho Hllirhtesl by what others may do-It Is judged by bis Maker! And uow, my own ueetis trim no win no dear Prank. 1 will go to your house ami pack my valise, and If you will have tho oarrlae reaily for the live ocloek train 1 will relieve you of my prowmco." Anil, In plt of bin friend' protesta tion, the boy that afternoon whook from blsjuut thu ditatof the llouaou uk'.uU). Ilcrlinlluii nt C'mtnl. Cravat U a oorriiptlon of ewbat or eroat. It wai Introduced Into Prance by oino Prenelt ollleeni on their return from (lormany lit l3o. ay the Dry (iood Chrotilrlo. The Croat, who jruarded theTurkUb frontier of Auttrla, and actixl a beoiiU on tho Hank of tho army, wore linen round their nock, tied la front, and the uittoere wore munllii or Ilk. When Pranoo oriraulwsl reirl- inoatoa the molU oi mo t.runw mrw In ('lib i) 11 UIU HltMM Ul fctl itMkoloth wore Imitated, and tho re8iineiilvasoulleil"TheltoyMCraat." Miuli l lln WmtliT Of nil current location, this U tho ono moat frequently aked. It U, la fact, the irret iMiealioit of tho day. No body to speak uf litiurle: "Is he Hon ei.t?" "U he patriotic?" Kvory body put the ijucryi "What I he worth?" Money 1 not morely the commercial aUimlartl of value, but too often the erl teilonof lutclitl position nnd the touch tune of character. Noti. i: All tllOHi indt bb d I" . 1'. Duncan will . ome forth and let u settle before .lanuaiy 1st, ls'.M. and commence anew. W. V. Pi n -n I,.1iii Dnv. Or . Pee. 7, l'"1 1 1 MONEYii t . lMf M vM. iim ' i.,...i all i -uf (mi- l. ...I h) lulu. w o..Wl tl ... " I f It H I it I ' I - ' i!lfiW TO DAY. Qj8KAI.K! PKOPOMAIA Menb,l l'rojKwnlii will lie receivwl by Iho (Vintv court of (Irani ttntn tv. State of flreirnti.iutlll to o'clock S in the fiftertui'm of Thurrdny, Jn. H, lM. for Ibr enre, boartl, MXlgniK niHl woabin by the ilny or by the wfek. for enrb iktwmi of nil I lie County I'wnr nwt. rui n jkt.hh hi may I d.elnrcl Coiinly ebart ' tinon (irant roi.nly, cr..t ll.e loy knotrn an th Mbd Willium-' love, for thfl yor cinniiienrin i.:i thn KMh day of Jon., 1WM and ondlng on the 10th day of .Inn.. ISH2. The County rourt irrrc tin- ligbt to niet any and nil bid. teffi&vr 1 , (!ko. siikahkii, cierk. r IMMIommcy, Deputy. ASS 1(1 N HU'H KOTICIt To all whom it may concoi n : No tice U lienby Riven tlmt C. M. .Smith lid made n tfeiicml naintr.eut lu mo for Uto bpiu-lll of nil hia crtdib-n. All crotilon of C. M. Hiuitli.nrc hoic Iry re()iirel to picent their cUiuiH uitiloi on'1". t ni" ol Cn'oh, in (inu t county, OH'K i witl.ia tlnej imiutl.a fiom the dal licroof. .1. II. IiffKKii, AnsiKiioe. Cnbib, (Jr.tntoouiily, Ongon, I) -r. 18, 181)0. CITATION. I.v thk Cocm- CoeitToe thk Ktatk op Okkoos ran Titfe Coi'.vrv or 0 It ANT. In tho matter of lho adoption of I lCmilv IsabelCrecn, a minor. ) .Mr.' (Ireen nnd .Mm. billie (Irecn, parents of alwvo nnined Hndly IsoIk'I (Ireen: ; Von and each of von will please take notice thnt on tho 10th dav of December, A. I). 1SD0, a kp titfon. duly signed and verified, was fllad in the above named Court by Abraham Uads nnd lCinily 15nds his wife, of vCbiclt iwtition the fol lowing is sublanlially a true copy, to-wit: "In ibeCounly Court of tho State of Oregon for the county of (! rant. I u the matter of the adoption of lCmilv Isabel (Irecn, a mimr. To the lion, the above named Court: The uudersigivd your sli tinners, woubl lespcclfully icprcheul that tlu v are hubnnd inul wife, inhab itant of the State of Oregon, resid ing in the county of Grant. That for the past six nnd a half yea's immediately preceding the Tiling or tins pstitinn, wo nave nan in our care n minor named Uinily Inibell ireen, the daughter of .Mr. - Urcen and I.illie Orccn. That paid minor child is aged seven year and eight month. That her said parents are neither of tin in in this Stale so far as known. I That for mure than one year prior ! to the tiling of this jK-lition said parenls have willfully deserted, and j neglected to provide printer or any ' cireor maintenance whatever, lor i said ebild. 1 Tint ct't'o:icrs have no child of their, and are able to hring up I and educate said child in it projH-r ' and stiilahlo manner. ! Therefore your litioners proy ' vour Hon. Court for a decree and I order for the legal and due adoption ' of said minor by your elilioners, : and that ber nnmu he changed to 1 Susie 1'niily Uads. (Signed j AllCAIIAM Uaiis. I Kviii.y I'!Aih." I Which s:iid ndi.ion was duly verb ' fled by said A. Kads nnd likd in ! ltii court. ' Wherefori', by entry in the Jour- II... i.i mi,, ...... .n......., -.ww. tho l'Jth day of IVtenibcr A. D. I Mai, after r filing tho prayer of lho .. !. i .1... f .n .... peiaiomT IMUKl Wie i.riiunuig vi- j dcr: I ' ll is oi tiered that a cony of lite 1 p, litimi and order then in, I e nerved ! on Mr. (Ireen and l.iliie llreen ! if fuuu I ivitldii this Hlale, and if , n il, to be published once a week for three sue. es-ivo wcks, in the Ohast Cm M Y Skws, a im.wvpaper of general lirculation, published at Cunt on City, (Irani cmtuty. Stale of O.crfon, notifying saiil .Mr. tirtsm ami hillie (Trecu to be and appear nt the ("ourt House in Can yon City, (iraiil county, Slate of Oregon." on Thurxlav, the flflh day of February, A. P. 1 Mil. at lho hour of 10 o'clock in the fore ikmiu of said day, then and there to rhow cause if any they have, whv the prayer of said jictiiioucrs slum id not be gran ted. Pone nnd dated thin Pith day of Pccemkr. A. P. IKWJ . , l ifill 11 . Nglicd It. 1. lUKKl.TINB, dUiige, ; j ,c.rt.lty certify tint the foregoing is substantially a true copy of the oellliolt filed ill lite above entitled proceedings, ami the order of C'oiut entcrcil therein. (ito. SlIIIAIIHI. I hi u i 1 k . I l'i Count v " i'. mi in. iitt Ci'iintv, Or. THE BEST. 1 i ,.. - I'll ,i , H0'"l SEED ANNUAL 1001 IU i" . ' 1 l-MUb. 11 i :. -iil. ! 1 I" I o i i.i, h ,. tntcr Hun ever. I ciy 4...ii u-. i.j'.w, (..., ',1 lit I In ll A '" D. M. FEHnV A. CO. 1 I-lrv'ftl s..l.mcli 111 lln XCM. DETROIT. MtCM V a AfWUfCEMT! (he Fur Caps, capes and mitts; fine and - - cllGap ClVe33 gOOO.S; . . mi., laCmabOrS. JL ilo llUUb lliiV Ul ouuop in Eastern Oregon. i Elegant fur and wool caps; fine line of winter overcoats. A neat bus' -1 ness suit and a fine dress suit. Also1 . .no i- A a full line of furnishing goods and T for the general trade. W e offer you 1, MlllJll lllLtLltJC;JUlXV54.J.uo line that we defy Irtririe Q'tfn - i m:Ijm JuMjs I'l'KsT. (lil,.,r...:il..l. I'.iid tip MQRROW COUNTY II iU V X" INT 3i: Com mission and Forward ins! .d Aon Is. rininrd. mi. Wool (oiisi&iiiicnls for lS'Jh Dealers in Armour's Packing Ifouso Products. .Su'ifiiii'J direct from- h'ansas Cilij in car lots ire are piepared lo famish interior merchants trilh Hams, llacnn and Ltrd, al the. lowest irhnlesale prices, sariii'J shippers freight from Forlland lo lleppner. W sell the trade on lip M. C. L. & T. Co. GIDNKP.AL MI2IK;iIAWIS.3. Canyon Cltv II ( hare reeeired and opened a irellseleeled, stock nf Cents' Fnrnishim: Cohds, Hals, Hoots, Shoes, Hlan h'ls,()ailts, Hardware, ('rockerij, Classirare, Fir. ,'llso Fancy and Staple (Irueeries, 'nwisions and a full assort maul of Patent Medicines, A'otiuns, Elc. gtff- I'ulille I'nlroustgo Solicited 3VXil OrclorH rcomplly Attonelocl to. Hiiimimi 10 o.iili -iirti GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon Cily - - - Oregon. ('onslnnllii on hand n fall assortment Dry Goods, CoHi!n, Jl iols ,y- Shoes, Croce. 'u ,s. h'lc.f tile., A7n-, nl Ilea sona hie J 'rices. j. :. ) i:uit (n.r. :Pri BLACKMAN Heppuer, Or I I . I i Donlors In General I I I' I A l.ire A sunt I ni. 'ill ,il lx)Ai':.t Priii Soli, it -.l, ttu ! Tr.tde of Ci4nt County I ! " LAMEST ESTABLISHMENT IN EASTEBN OR sr. i ro.YFJ! ) jlooh's? ,N inoL srppuis, fit Ll -UK ii' F.IA'C)' W'.lHFti. Oroceries, Klonr. Tobaccts, Cigars, and one hundred ami one oilier nil lit m, i heap for .'ash, at The OldSt.ind, Cannon Cily. Ladies: Trtrtn XlllC ailCL CJlOap , - rvlVlmno' ihv (xiittienati: t flio O'VfinpVTT' xjul uuv OJ.vwvjr competition. .... M. DURKHEiMER & BRO. - - wreo'oa. .r r.. ii. iusiioi, tub if. ! M . k -.'r.,(H.'iO i ) LAND & TRUST GO. 3 t , OD-N, (Utsill ad- I Wholesale T. E. FELL, Manager. Oregon. y V ll k MuMrlrt. ni in- i i i Morcliandiso. ' I I - .. I S Hoods f-'nld ill lle.lnk Piiie. uvl.d lli.lti.-i-llteiiti tlll'i i...!. FF IIEPPiVfSR, V 1 nil lull fAC .MoUfV ni cry Mini. Clothing, Taney ( iioil, A ; hive ariiveil i , lt c n n r. -n Irs at VUo litem . ... .1 wilili r iirem ,; uls ni njer jiuc .hut u'c im.iI, a Urge lot of S!i)d 1 , vtlL per 11- for cwdi. We, Wmt( Part of Your TrtIe. lleppner is your nearest, best and cheapest trading and shipping pt int. You should atart in coiniii;: thin way at once. No use to wait, as by so .loin; you lose money oei trip. ur Pdegnnl Two Story Hriil; Ktoro is Cmnplotod and wo hiiwi it lilUd to ovoi (lowing, with nil kinds of Suited to the want of ICoslem Oregon trade s!I'Vj .dim io Keep a, Very complete .'Issortmcnt. Vnnr m.1em . an be filial for nnv kind of Hood needed on a 1'arin or Stock, witboul leaving our Store, with any othor inarket in uregou. hry HoodsClothing, liool, Shoe, TninU Valison, Hals, Cap", C ti pets, Cncliory, Wall Paper. (Irocdie, Ilnivlw.ue, Jewel" Cook Stove nnd l'.angcs, Tinwnre, l'.iint. ()U, CJ ltiBH, Wool Kneks, 'I wine. Lime, Solpbiii , Knglish Cement, limited Who, JlhicUinilh CohI, Sun Jim) 1'idiforiiia Sad lb)h, Mitt Spur, Temn ,v hiitfgy Uatncss, Sotting MjieliineH, Clock, Watches, Chiiiiiton lteapers and .Movvcrw, Horse Itakos, I'lows, Ilanows. THE CELEBRATED '. MITCHELL ! WAGON OitCM better s.itmtnction for rough mountain dislii. ts than any other kind in ue. l'nll line .dway in sloe!.; alfo Hacks nnd IJucl;bo;ml. Ill oriir to in erase on IraflG wo nolo ilio follorapiiror Good .ixrtii OTvti. .I.St, lOOl, o, M, r II W, . ni). lCverv purel.a.-er who buys Twonly-Kivo Dollam woith ($.Ti.0O) ntrelail, ol Oiv HochU, CU.Uiin,!, Hoot and SIuoh, lint ninl Caps, 1'. ncv (looih, t Inula I'urniliiii; Cioods, Htc, at our Store, will bo piesontcd -wlien lho uoooh am paid for with un r.lcganl Hound Voluine, of ovr 3 -JO pagos, m eludii.g (!." to inn FIN K l'UhL l'AO li HT13KI. UNO HA VI NOS. o huvo four dilTt rent styles of Hooks, each wonii nt retail 1.0a Smnll oidei by on uliovo g..odi w ill count I'm total amount noedb.1. K i'dt CUSTOM KH (i i: iS A IMtE.SKNI'. Wo gunrantoo satisfnotion in goods und piicdi. Htff- l'liede book aio too bonvy lo send ly moil, as tin y wui;li s'Vi!ii poiindH each. II Id II FST I'ltM'H I'aiil. for Sheen Pells Will h.p Conaigiiiui nts of IVIti lo Cliristy & Vic, or Allen tV Lewi. Mini orders e.irofu'.lv ntiouded t Cute us n trial and cdl at our storo wlien von eoii. t lu lleiM,cr. Yours Trulv. COFFIN & RflcFARLAND. (Hr-ppner)- uaex i 1 1 Curria'Ji . .si i l.S.- M : S Sllul1 AT SMK STAXI) j&X I in, ;;;, A' Ihtchhoanls Made Lo Order. ite hii.Mil.l- Diseoipit I'os Cnsli JAMES & JONES. rroprielors of The r$dj iimff More. Keep conwtmilly on DRUGS AND Pnlftnt Medicine, 'loth t Articles Omul, Tooib Nt.ii, i ud ll-.r J'.tii'ihrs, Hr.giai' Hult diiea, lrfinip, bunp Oil. Olu-u., I'utty, Cliiin-ys, ami and cm ri thing to be found in a lleut--class Drug Stoic. Nolliiny but Pure, Freshjjrugs Dispensed. Older front disb.ncc will reeeiw tirompl attention. 1'reseiiptionn nKpecinltv IlAKKi: (M l Y OltKOON I 41 ! anions SUCVKfiWiUS TO- fi,iTa.Ysrt4i s- JOHN DAY, GRAMT CO Have novr received the largest ami niMt oemjilcte ttook of n:w good in Crant County, which thty will offer for siloat nrifCt that dffy ciapMition FABLAND OREGON. nil ul (Hill I II... I.',!! (....; r.f 11l-v flflt,.l w"i " Ne vo 'a,s pillSll tmtierna an i h Fine y " I...f Ilrr. nil. i v.w...i-. r. . .. live, lo be nob I in loa 'ol (V 2 cl al prices low unoiigh to conipeto 3 la so a. Canyon Cily, Oregon Keep .-oM'-tantly on band .ml fur i:ilc, ii'ii. hksiioi s, titled and unfilled, iiIm .'. .;i NAII.S, I HON, STKKI., . ii : , wiiiKKi.CTitKi:, ni:ck .lKl:s, wiikkls, si'iiiMis, i SKltlAOE IIOI.TH, 1'H'K II.W !.! -.!, AI.KIMIK HAXnNB. ! i.i,i:i: ami wKimKi", tiki: H-..N-, Ktc, ICte. band a complete stock o CHEMICALS- of Perf.iincK, Soaiu, Powder, Pulls, JX'IRT, . OREGON. St d ti r-a i o n ... . 1 ii'j 4