Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 04, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, Dec.
1 1 mined.
HenlUi IwjMwing.
lht to folk OhrUttnn tren.
Storm ctoiil littgor on the lmw of
tbe moHhUIu.
Horn,. tf6r." 90, to wife of J.
Kow Umt whs holiday ! nut pn
tni to edtahmte lit" othotn.
Dr. I (onlay. w'Iirn, iaMrimiiiyill,
him! kit rbwth la epctod at any Ikmit.
There io much rejoicing ovor two
pritoncr who rwtuni than ninety nml
in no who eacaH.
It. lUily Duitiit Imil a oil I from
W'nik, and tuts gmio to minuter to n
llock in that nUte.
.). It. Hobb, father of Mm. U. W.
Parriili, tliod at hi home in lvut
Portland liiat Thursday.
CHhar incmlksr of 01. Miller' fam
ily Iwvo tlio fcvHr, nml tlny hiul mmi
unttotilty in ntnling numon.
Slwriir (Jmaap lun wine to Halem
mill in itxtvected in nrrin hero with
Win, U&nrgo nUmt not Tuesday.
Samplo copied of the Xi;wa aro mail
ed cult and south every uok. We
want, mid must have immigration.
Kv-l)oputy County C'lnrk Sutherland
o.xpocta to lonvH in a few duv for bo-
low. Fred llorrdoy occupied hi chair
in the ollice.
Johnny Hughe nml tint lvo Utyn
are developing good iiiart. proportion
on Hlk creek, ouch having taken out
good ont this Rummer.
J. II. W'hito writes and icipionU us
to announce that ho will give a free
lfoturo on Natioualimii at the court
houiw next Friday ovuning.
7v. lino. Solliugor and hur son Al
lioit took their doimrtuio last week
for California, where Min. Solliugor
will visit hur daughter -Mi. Sproul.
If tho farmers of tho John Day val
loy had aRHUraiicu that a Homing mill
would 1h huilt next summer thero
would Ik) sown an increased acreage
of spring grain.
Too lmd that there could not ho a
county seat at every itostollico a sort
oi suli-eounty-sout maintained without
taxation. Will the Hon. Legislature
take up this niatterl
Wi! expect .soon to see the lamh lie
down with tho cougar. Tho mild
eyud fawn that tipoits through the
htreets is on tho host of terms with
his companions tho town dogs.
Five touchers were iroont and up
plied for certificates at tho examina
tion last week. They were W. W.'
Wood, Addio Kiollur, Itowomi Liss
woll, .Maltio Steele anil Annie Jlri
orly. In front of tho Niiwa ollico stands a
section of a petrified tiee, kindly do
natod to our kurio kuhinot liy .Mr. W.
II. (Jlark, who found it on the hill
near his coal mine aero tho John
Day liver.
If a homo seeker comes into your
iiuiglilwrhood ciicotiiugo him; ho will
not hat m you. And peilnipn ho will
help to produce food for the people of
ti'rant county so that a few more
may eiroulatu.
Oopo Horn rucoivid intelligence that
I. M. 'rhompHOii, who adopted ono of
his liahies on tho death of its mother,
had died. .Mr. loro stortod to Al
liuny Iruit wook to pmide another
homo for the little one.
Tim shelter of stock from the win
try blasts is nt last recching tho nt
tDtition that it should huo neeiel
ywirs ago. Stock laiwu-s in l!eir al
loy nml other cold places in our county
am now gloriously prepatod with cut
tle and slmep sheds.
Slnim Kros. have ietunii-l home
from tiio scenes of nctiuty in their
mius on F.Ik creek. Horace has Ummi
placing his hytlmulic ckiim in leadi
m3 for next eaon's run, while John
did ashussiuent work on their ipuut.
elaims, Tho Uiys brought some lino
looking ore out "ith thorn.
'nbfoot minco ins nro away lo
himl iniiico pies of I'jutoni Orogon in
)oint of I'OUhtruotioii. A passengur's
lunch Uisket I'onUiiiml a pie from the
misty land. Tho mscugur throw tho
pio out of tho City hotol window. Wal
ter found tho jioor pie, nml said it had
only euoiiifh stivugth left to feebly
Uuk at him. It was awful thin.
.1. T. Mays, owner of sovurut valu
able mining prortio in thu (iieeu
horn country, jnismnI througlf hum on
his way to I'oitkuid a few days ago.
.Mr, J lays left at tho N'uws ollico a
number of kjwcimuuK of silver onj from
his vamp, tho sight of which will con
vince any ouo of tho groat future tho
(irounhorit country will enjoy in thu
way of piospority.
A iubcriUir asks why wo don't
print nioto news. Wo don't know
whether thu fellow was only "joshing"
or not. Once in a while wo do "print
uioro news" when anything woithy of
mention occurs in tho community.
Furthermoro, wo extend an imitation
to some of those who nro coutideiit
(hut they know how a nowsiiapnr
should be conducted, to just get in
and guide tho helm of this fumily ,
journal foe u vuwk or two, wl.en a
nun with u tin bill nicking around
like a uhickon, could scarcely dig up a
news item.
KvoryUxly who attended tho Kill
Tlwtiksgiving somo 30 oouplo con
fiw mi onjoynbln titnu.
A Wyoming cow I toy olojwd with
another innn's wholo family con
stating of n wife mul four children.
The ghwt (huiciiig litis Uvn
iilmiulonwl hy thu Clicyuiino In
(linns nml thu Mcsuinh crnxo is dy
ing off.
Hhler Sam Driver i opclod to
drive over hert nliout the I'Jth, nml to
dnliver a hftuio mi thn following .Mon
day evening.
r Carlo llonham is over from his
South Fork much. Iz iwtodic is
llouHshiug, but theio U no mail line yet,
Mot Uoe, who usiil to 1m) iKttt-
muster t CbK iMit whose rtsalillHo
now i nir Snlem, is ihi a husiuem
trip to (intut county.
Tho nhortnge cntiHod hy the stonl
of cx-Cotmty (Mork .Mix' of Hakur
City and his confotlorntei, rpoently
oxjkmoiI, lma 1m.k1 nindo gool.
James Scott, of Kugt'ne, was
knocked down and rim ovor hy a
hicyclo ridor the other day and one
of his ears nearly torn oil'. What
boonme of the is not
Shooting aerates alMiund in plen
ty ovor the northwent. It icems to
1k a contagion. One man wan
killed at lleppner, two were engag
ed in a shooting affray at Dayton
Inith died and one was fatally
hhot in Athena.
I'nclo Sam in having a picnic
with hia wards, the redskinx,
throughout the northwest. To
Hpenk plainly. 1'iiclo Saimid'H In
dian jKilicy, as forinulatel hy the
cllcminntc diideH of tho eastern
states, iH just Hiinply idiotic.
l'rof. J. .M. Du.Mosh nod family
are giving entertainmuntM in Phil
adelphia. They are no doubt a
good "wild west" bhow- Tho I)e
.Moss family are well knuwn in this
part of Oregon having, "tdiowud" in
Canyon City a number of times.
The production of hops i.i one of
the most profitable industries. It
is a product almost unknown in
(Irant county which judging from
samples produced for ornament, is
one of the hest hop countries in thu
A loss of stock this winter, coupled
with high taxes next spiing, would
Kiukrupt half tho rauchurs in (irant
county. I't us lxk on the cheerful
side, however, ami pin our faith to the
long ricks of hay, which, article wo do
not have to import.
Notu-T. I will reopen tho New
Hotel, Canyon City, on .Monday next,
Dec. Stli. The tallies will Ihi .supplied
with mi abundance of fisxl projurcd
by white cooks. No Chinese cooks
employed, l'atronago solicited.
Jackson Ciiamiiuiis.
Prohibition received a black eye
in Nchra.ika, where an amendment
to the constitution providing for
its establishment was submitted to
tho people of that state at the late
lection. 1 lie returns show that
it was badly snowed under.
1'etor Peterson has just returned
to I.akeview from a trip to Wash
ington city on behalf of tho re-
establishment of Fort Ilidwell. A
largo conununitv, partlv in three
states California, Nevada and
Oregon is o.oso(l to depredations
of at least 2iK)() Indians who can
not be said to bo pcacahly disposed
toward the whiles.
The "l)cst dressed" men in
ICurope are having their trousers
made two inches longer in the leg,
and then turning them up at the
Ixittom. I he rural lad who suc
ceeds to ins miners unmeution
nblcs and feels sensitive in regard
to tho woful misfit can now console
himself wilh tho gratifying thought
that he is a leader of fashion.
It has been truly said, that about
the only thing we of l!rant county use
mid do nut imjHiit is coid tood. We
send our money nvtuy for aiticlos we
might produce, such us llour, Uicon,
lard, butter, eggs, canned ljof, soap,
mul other urticlos which our farmers
could jmt as well prixlucu and renli.e
a good price fur. So long as people
refuse to make cents where they think
dollars oiitfht grow, money will I hi
While tho rod men are flocking
about a man whom they claim to
u .Messiah, and indulging in
ghost dunces in his honor, a party
of people ed!od tho pre-iiiillcniaf-
tsts have gathered together in .New
l ork in annual convention and
are iiieHiieting tlio speixiy coming
of thu Lord. In this instance thu
Indians havo got tho start of tho
The stories of thu cruelties with
which prisoners in the Colorado
statu penitentiary are tortured aro
almost beyond belief. The Spanish
inquisition uuvor carried thu art of
liuniun torturo to any such ingenious
and diabolical extremes. One of
thu favorite methods of punishing
a convict pursued at this institution
is to confine his head under a
faucet, from which the water falls
Iron by (Iron noon his forehead.
i'hougii simple and apparently
harmless, this is onu of thu most
excruciating punishments that can
ho inllicted. Tho victim, who
remains in this ikiaitiou for hours
at a time, i& driven ulmcwt to
distraction, and in mewt cuon never
recovers from the shock,
The noxt legislature will probably
create several new counties in
Ah Ciuiu, tho Chinaman implicat
ed in The Dalles bank robbery, hns
received his sentence two years
in the penitentiary.
Additions to Maker City extend a
distance of six miles north and
Kast and west tho additions
are not so extensive.
Sarah Althea Terry has jumjKHl
into notoriety again. She took ex
ceptions to something a lawyer
said in San Francisco the other dav
and publicly slapped his face.
The man who places his valuables
under his pillow and drops to
sleep as jieacefully as though they
were in the hotel-keeper's strong
box is too innocent to le K)sseese(l
of money or jewels in this wicked
At a revival in a colored Metho
dist church at llirmiughain. Alaba
ma, recently two women were
seized with a frenxy, and get uou
each other hugging and shouting
until both droped from exhaustion
one of them expiring a few minutes
Iron .Mountain, Mich., has a cow
club. On joining each cow-owner
pays into the treasury To cents for
each cow in his jtossession, and
when a member's cow dies an
assessment is made, and 1 10 is
paid to the loser. After the initia
tion fee the assessments are all the
members pay into thu club.
Two idiotic practical jokers of
Seattle jwurcd out the collee in a
companion's lunch and substituted
ttiriieutine. The man took a drink
and doctors were several hours re
storing him to consciousness. The
fools who propct rated the outrage
were glad to compromise the matter
by paying thier victim f "ils,).
Old Chief Moses has returned to
Stokaue from a visit to Washing
ton, lie has been interviewed by
the Keview.and mournfully declares
that he should have applied for a
tension for his son as well as him
self when ho was Kast. He in-,
eideiitally added that his sou had
been dead two years. Mooes has
evidently been studying very
closely the habits of his pale-face
The Kast Oregonian states that
stock and sheejtowncrs in I'matilla
cutinty would ho compiled to trust
largely in Providende this year to
bring a mild winter. On account
of the unprecedented lack of rain,
there is no grass in the country and
stockmen will be eouitellcd to feed
during the entire winter. Thero is
not one ipiartor enough hay to
stand a siege of cold weather, and
tho outlook is gloomy at present.
The sjlico of Seattle have a
troublesome Chinaman on their
hands. (Juan Toy, aged !), has
been cast off hy all his countrymen, I
because of some secret reason, and
was begging on the street when
he was arrested for vagrancy. Ho
served fifteen days in jail and
when released refused to go. lie
says he cannot live with Chinamen
anywhere and that no white (or
sou will employ him, but the
silice are unable to make him
tell tho reason.
We may have religious liberty in
this country, but it does not look
much like it when a man who
believes in observing Saturday, tho
true Sabhath of tho fourth com
madment and tho one which Christ
himself kept, it) arrested for plow
ing on Sunday and his conviction
is sustained by a state supreme
court, as has been done in Tennessee.
I'ntil religious enthusiasts can no
lunger invoke the aid of the law to
compel others to live according to
the customs ami tenets of their
faith, we cannot claim to have Another troublesome matter is
genuine religious liberty in America, that of pensions. It's hound to
West Shore. come up in some, shape or other.
The Messrs. Smith llros., owners It is claimed that hy tho end of
of an extensive horse ranch on the tho next fiscal year the annual
Middle Fork of tho John Day, MiyineiiU for pensions will havo
yesterday received from the east a j n.n,.,w ,?-JUUU,()0(),()00, which add
fine shipment of horses. A des. L,,, toother exuiises of tho ( lovern
cription of then, is as folIow: wiU UJ11unt to t.0I18itt.r!lby
Orsuu," four years old; weight I , . J
JKIO; winner at 'J-vear old at the I "lori! llm" our rCiC01I'lii
Percheron Horse Show at Nooent le Mont of the men who have had
Hotrou, France; at .'! year old, win- anything t do with census-taking,
ner of first prize in same show; also, j liviu Francis A. Walker and
winner of hrst .riiwtt International , (.ol (..,,.,.,,!, ,) Wri ,,t favor tltJ
LiK,sit.on ... f Pans. Whng , ,.glul)ihmtl!Ilt of lllient cwll.
r rench coach, winner hrst pno at , , .' , .t , .
Illinois State Fair, at Peoria; win-1 " ,!1,rVM- 1,1 v,,'w of ,lu,( .'.,,! '
ner of first prize at tho (;rt.ut ! which the prehcnt census o
American Horse Show in Chicago. ! '"'-' W(,rk, a change
Two black Pereherons, aged six 1 of some sort from existing con-
years, purchased trom W. I. hi- i
wood, of DeKalb, Illinois. Maker
Mike Little, a Portland hack
driver celebrated the annual thanks
giving holiday by blowing his brains
out with a thirty-eight-caliber re
volver. Apiouruiicos indicate that
ho eiiioioitted tho rawb net with
malice nforel hotn-hl and delibera.
tion. After taking on a comfortable returning from a shooting match
load of whisky, ho loaded his with all the honors, and ev.dunt y
weapon and went to thu dock bo-1 intending to "set em up to tho
t ween Oak and Pine streets. 1 lo j hoys when thoy get homo. In
plaeed the pistol to his right temple, 1 t"Irnng tho j.icturo thus we
and in another instant ho was a ' 'heerfully reply in the alhrinative
corpse. Little owned a -10-acre ' be (Ireat Divide for December will
1 . . . . . I. . si... 1 i I t 1 1
farm on Hood river, which ho was "u i'iu mrgesi aim ocsv unmoor
anxious to improve by tho oarnings S' printed. In order to accoui
of his hack business. It seems , modato both reader and advertiser,
that he was not making tho money , the taja-r will be enlarged M per
ho had calculated on and duspoit- , tent, and tho edition will bo in-
doncv drove him to dosnoration. ,
This condition of mind, coupled
...hi. ti... i: i it ...
tho rash act in which ho took hits
Illllj LU1T llllllljl. IIIlllIU Lllfl 1111 1(1 ,
own life, I
Coulson and Csslalno Come to Canyon,
The Jailor Jumps With Joy.
Last Saturday evening Henry
Ovcrholt, David" Wanton and .Mr.
Jackson of Hear valley arrived In
town accompanied hy the two pris
oners who escaixnl from custodv on
, the preceding .Monday.
I he story of their catiture can be
told in a few words, although the
account of their wanderings and
their many successful efforts to elude
l... .in...,.'., mi ....t
uuiccin nil uiuiih'3 ih'h;(
the incidents all told. ;
Ovcrholt and Jackson had been '
pretty close uihhi them, and saw I
them enter an old cabin near 1 rout
creek, lower end of Silvies valley,
late Friday afternoon. They waited
a while, then crept up and called
the fellows out, who rescinded and
ard looked into a couple of gun
barrels when they reached the door.
The Spaniard had a knife, but was
induced to not use it by the .ujori
or eloquence of firearms on the
The prisoners were secured and
convoyed to a lodging place, and
next day were conveyed to town.
The Spaniard hated to he taken,
and expressed a wish that he had
killed his cotnimnion,' who had hin
dered his llight, and then escaped.
He grew wild after being returned
to jail, and wanted to kill every
ImmIv who had anything to do in
getting him there.
Whatever the result of the charg
es them Mould have been it
is different now, for the additional
crime of housebreaking is liable to
j he Itooked against them. .las. Uoh
I inson's dwelling up the creek was
J broken into and some clothing and
i provisions taken. Martin Lucas'
j house near Soda Springs was also
burglarized and a needle gun taken.
A coat and the gun were found in
tossession of the fugitives, who
wanted to throw them away when
Sheriff Crosap deserves credit for
his successful efforts to return them
to the lockup from which they es
caped. His cx iienses bv dollars
will reach up into the hundreds, but !
he has
discharged his ollicial ohli-
When some men can't have any
thing else, they have a habit.
Co to tho I ted Front Billiard
Hall, Canyon City, for line wines,
liquors and cigars.
('hot (luernsev returned home
Wednesday evening of last week,
from a tri to Chicago.
Flour, (iraham, ltarley, (either
ground or whole) Chicken feed, Hye,
Middlings, lira,!!, Shoits, iVe, Ac, at
The Pacific Hrewcry's Celebrated
Hecr, the hest in Kustern Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap ut thu
Hod Front Milliard Hall.
It is rejtortod that the I'nion
Pacific will soon have a force
employed along its line filling in all
the trestles, so that there may bo
no danger of accidents from rotton
Kverylhing points to prosperity
in this valley in the future, and
it is devoutly to bo wished that
tho period of depression which
has prevailed during the past few
years has at hut drawn to a clobc.
We would like to sco Oregon
projM'rly represented at tlio W 'orld's
Fair. Her rosoiirces aro iihundaiit
and she deserves a j.ioiniiient
place in which to exhibit herself.
The legislature, when considering
the amount of money to be appro
priated fur this purpoiic, should he
liberal hut not extravagant.
unions ouunt to no mane, r.niier
present methods should bo improv
ed or census-taking bhould he
abolished. Sunday Mercury.
Wu have
(real Divide
lure, entitled
received with tho
of Stanley Wood's
a characteristic pie
"Are voti wid us,"
reproKontir.S two jolly yoilllg fulloWS
creased im per cent. Over HJ.WXJ
copies win
no 1 no j
aro very numeroua,
I . ..1 1 t I mi
interesting and attractive and
k5t's artistic excellence.
Somehow or other tho story Imh
leaked out that l!ov. Mr. Luce and
the Ni;w. mnn had a runaway last
Saturday. The story is true in a
great many resiHfcts, hut we ditl not
walk home.
Since it has Ih'coiiio known wo
will give the true business away,
which is this: On the morning in
itiestion we two set out in Mr.
Luce's carl, profiled by a gentle ;
nag. to visit rrairie Olv. e halt-
' ed al lower town and exchanged the
r... it... ii i t.:..i.
imi 1111 mti. iioc iii(; , 1111 u
all'orded more comfort. Nothing
remarkable occurred until we were
returning home in the evening. Mr.
Luce stopped and traded homes
with Key. Mr. Kails. The new ani
mal was hitched to the vehicle, and
as many nu n as were present sbod
around admiring
in m n Tii i hum.
Thin Mr Luce and the editor
climbi d in ami started homeward,
and my, how we split the wind for
a few miles! After that, with a
liberal application of whip, we had
nearly reached John Powell's ranch
when the eotor-colored half-brother
to a mule let in to kicking with all
the tower and vigor a 7-ton grass
hopper could command.
We, then, (if an individual may
speak for the party of uvntlunicn)
sighed for a lodge m some vast wil
derness where thieves do not break
through and steal and where the
swapping of horses is unknown; and
had it been tossible, would have
preferred to view tho scene from a
standjioiut not nearer than the op
jHwite side of the river. With his
nose to the earth the varmint ran
into the fence and broke thr handle
oil the buggv. e then "got nut
and unhooked. Mr. Powell hcltcd
with the brute, and Mr. and Mrs.
Powell extended us thoir hospitality
until the stage ca.uo along.
When we reached home the choir
was rehearsing in the church and
wo both got out there to help them.
We devote space to this explanation
ill refutation of the .statement that
we walked home in the night and
were halted by John Fisk in mistake
for the escaped convicts who travel
ed under cover of darkness.
Uidios' mid t ieiitlemeu'.i wrupi and
rubber good at Sels Mroi.
I love to sit before a blazing fire
and watch the figures in the Haines."
"Vhell," said Isaacs, "dor Measure
ohfdot, doponts (archly on dher
Attkxtio.v Ciimii.uiks: On Tues
day, Dec. Hit, will ho held election
of ollleors of (len'l Hancock Post
No. ol. All ComradcH desiring the
piospority of the Post, come. Hy
order of tho Post.
The theory that whisky is
necessary in the treatment of
pneumonia has received a blow
from Dr. Hull, of New York City,
who discovers that in the New
York hospitals (If) per cent of the
pneumonia patients die with
alcoholic treatment, while in Lot.
don, at the Object Let-sou Tem
perance Hospital, only fi percent
Twg men, liill Dougherty and
Herbert lugersoll, were arrested
at Sail Diego, Cal., and lodged in
jail there charged with stealing a
double team from a liveryman.
I loth are tough characters. From
letters it appears that Ingcrsull
has been operating in Oregon
under the name of 11.11. Hill, 1
where hu may have got away with j
a livery team as that is his method. !
Our new "ad." from the enterpris- I
nig linn of ( itiliii A' Mel' iirhtuil,
lleppner, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a fine large book,
which retails at f l.(K) each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, boots and shoes, hats etc., to the
amount of i'J.'.OO, allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
( live them a trial order, when you
send away for g(tods. '
Thero is considerable talk of
tho gold mines on the head of
Spraguo river in Lake county.
Tliu ( iiiylord I'ios., original dis
coverers, have worked down the
sides of the ledge, and huwi also
made a tunnel into the hill. They
expect to commence active work
on the lodge in the spring, at w hich
time numerous prospectors will
probably be fou ml in the hills.
Assays of the quart, vary .$:!() to
$05 to tho ton, according to the
locution in which the rock was
Whether on pleasure hint or
business, should take on every trip
a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it u I
most pleasantly and eH'cctually on
the kidneys, livor and I ovvcls, pre
venting levern, neatiaclien anil oiin r
fornifc of Hicknotm. For mile in "itv
. 1 t .
and -fl.lX) Iwtth'B by all leading
Three More Remarkable Cures by Elec
tricity. -The New MoJe of Treatment
Rcvolutloulilni; the Practice
of Medicine,
Mr. Kditor: For twenty years I
was aiiueteu Willi Heart ditlease.
palpitation, kidney and liver coin
plaint. Had Iwomu dcsHindcnt
after trying all known remedies
with no success, until I went under ,
Dr. Darrin's treatment hy electricity
Now 1 am able to work and feel
Hrfectly well, and would advise all
the nlllicled to try tho new mode of'
cure. I'oiloHiee, Sunnvview, Or I
J. V. Siiamii.i:.
Deafness Cured lit 0 Minutes,
have been deaf for past fifteen
years. Dr. Dart in cured me with
electricity in twenty minutes. I
reside two and one-half miles west
of Portland on tho Humeri road,
near Isaac Harues' farm.
JoSKI'll Tiiatciikii.
Card to the public: I take great
pleasure in giving my name in
favor of Dr. Darrin, who has cured
my Imiv of salt rln-uin and eczema
of seven years standing by electricity
and medical home treatment, re
fer to me at P.oisfonl, Lewis county,
Washington. K. tinnriTii."
The Doctors ara crowded with
patients fro... HI A. M. to S P. M.
Drs. Darrin are nodoubt the hardest
worked men in Portland. The
doctors have a large country
practice and send their electric
remedies to any one desiring home
treatment for any curable chronic,
acute or private diseases, which
are kept strictly confidential.
One of the doctors is visiting
diU'erenl towns in the state lo better
accommodate those who find it
iiiiH)sible to come to Portland.
The head olliice at "HJ Wash
ington street, Portland, will run as
usual. Consultation and examina
tion free. All classes treated free
from Hi to 1 1 A. M. daily charg
es moderate, being mil v f jo a month
for each dtsi ase, or m that p.oKir
tion, as rases may n 1 1 1 1 1
Both the method and li lilts when
Syrup of Figs is taken; itisplenxant
and refreshing to tho taste and nets
gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver ami Howels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
coiiftipatioii. Svrtip of' Figs is the
only icmedy of its Kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste ami ac
ceptable to tlio stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, its iiiuiiy excellent qualities
commend it to all. It is forsaluin
r0o ami $1 ltottles by all leading
MMiurACTUitro duly nr ins
louisviuc, nr.
.nv ohk, k. r
Maxes tlio III 1 1 i t m.viy pc.j.lo nil.i-rnMo,
and i ft. a !. .v! to stir , I. .tr t.oii. In, inn
sficr imUiij', "ur nt.-rit.ii li( t,i.-k lii-.i.l.irlio,
licatll urn. Ii ".( npi lite, alalut, " .ill khiio"
(icliiii:, li.ul Uslc, ro.itoil t"ii,-u.'. an. I trn-Kii-
larlty of ttiu l..wil, aru
DIStrOSS oiiiu of tliu mora common
Aftor Mint'iiu. iIih-i
p ti ""t K'1 lt,,,lr" "
tli.lin, i,.,juti'j ran (ill, tH-nUti'lil
attontlon, siul n ri'iiuuly liku ,
p.-irlll.i. ni-ti cull), )t tuiily uii'l
tnVk'iit!)-. It tuiu'j tlio stomach ami other
orxsiii, rrt; tlio illsotlon, crvatui a
iimxI sin'otlto, nml lijr tliui Sink
(arri'omliiK tliu local ijmit- u . ,
torn rcimaoj tlio njiupa- HOntlllChO
Hullo (flci'la of tlio illiait, baiiU)ir tlio
hcdilarlio, umt rilrcslio tlio tlrcil uiliul.
" I havo Ix'i-n trouliU J isltli tlywla. I
liad tut llttlo iij 'I U to, nnil what I illil cat
iinnrf (llttiuttnl hid, or illil mu
l-iuun ,m0 B00i ,u mur
UUrn alifr c.illns I woul.l rio
rlrno n falntiirn, or tlrnl, nil koiio . ri.nit.
at tliouch I hail not eaten miytlUni;. My Iroii
tJc, 1 tlilnV, w.ii nset ateil ! my l.mlncn,
hich l that of n lulnttr, mul from telni;
mure or leu liut up la a Crtnr
roulii Willi fielilialiit. ,
priiiK i t'i iiwhi stomach
rllb-liKik threo Imtllei. It llil mo mi
ImmoiMo amount o( kimmI, It cavo mo an
ai'H'lltc, ami my foul rllhel uml naihrliil
Urn rraVllig I Imil cretloiCAly ciHrlriiciU."
(Jrxiiiuu A. I'aoi., Vritvitov.n, M..-J.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sot'l hj tlilrui.-!liU. fl. tii tot fi rruii I only
Ijt I IKKill.t CO , A.uU... allot, lnr'l, Un4l.
100 Dobos Ono Dolln-
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
oh. elrl ttllli UioJewrll.M nngTrt,
Ol. "illi lli lw it mnM '
WhM ni)oiir J-Mrl mkImIuiI aro your lae1
w. tlli o n If. mini iiiHli-rgolii( Ilia Irjlin
onlvMt ttlil, h rmliloiialile iHirlly lmMn on
IW ,p ..Im, rtiomli to Inl lln .ill) tleol tlteoulll
ihI riHliimiiru of Hie oh -I rolioit, you tm-xh
dun ii, kw )ihii limllli mul Iwunm ili) tlt'iU
k m V, m tliimuoiilt ilo mini mirli mtuttf f
Onvli-r iirlirlirumnliietMiymi uouUI ullllniljr
nil jinn Jnrl uml "1 1 your .i rritnln
hat l-llli. Tlito ou i aii ,!,i If )"0 nil! tint ro
ort lo llm u of Uml nvi niimllv known
nt llr en-n-r't l ulili' I'li-M'rlilni. I lorn
lMl or ttnlrflll Honirll liltM llm ity It M
IIIIMll kttlOt II IO (Ill-Ill,
l or alt itornini-iiK in . IrrntiilMllli- nn-t w enW
rmMHi j-t'ullur In iiioit, ft It lti-irir nann1'
i-At-l l,y iloHMttit. tutilrr n inmlllin irunr
nolrn rYiMltllK- loiuil.iiirrt. Ilml II will nln
MiitnieO'iit In cifry iHe. or inoiivy will l
rmxhl IliN Riinoiilri- lux Ihiii i-rlivlr-l on
tli- w.tih- ni'wr. mul rnlllifMUy eanliil on I
lor limn) )
.i IiiMit"iiii loiile, It linMirlt (IrriiKlli In
tli wliote tj Nii'io For r-litiioiiii-iivo'rUy
llr rtt-rvr. . I V mini l'le llplloo It llu' l(rrt
il iiUily U---n.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets
iouUlo nJ
iii-nn (lit
Ui i-r, Monim Ii nn-t Ihoi nit one n tlove.
hoU by ilrutcltU. :i coiitt u Ut,
Notice to I-'rclcht CotiBlcnera.
We will advaiicu freight upon
goodti coiinigiied to our caro and al
low .'lo (lay ft mu date of oxponno
hill for remittance, or carry account
laid upon tho first of each month.
tloodrt consigned for accounts
which are allowed to run over duo
will be held for charges hereafter.
ShipperH who will not pay promp
tly when allowed .'10 days, nnmt pay
('. O. D. Freight advancing ih a
cash busincfiH.
T. K. Fi:i.i..
.Manager lleppner WarchouHo.
October -'llth, I-S'.IU.
For anything in Hlack.smithing that
Hill .Mcl'lure can't do. At tho Sam
French much sexeii miles alxtve Prai
rie City.
II shoeing a Sirria 11
'(tJii Al (thing Doit'.
WoltK (il'.MtAN'I'FHD.
('. A. 1 1 1 1 1 : A , ril.WK liKI 1.0011,
l'lonident. Vice-Prchident.
(!i:oiuii: W. Co.shkii, t,'nhier.
Transact! a (ieneral lliiiiklug BuHlncti.
E.r change
r-M all Hirts of tho world
OollectioiiH Hindu at all poiuU on
ltouMimihle 'PitrniH.
.Money loiined at from ono to ten
per cent.
JHDPostoffice Store)
. I.- V a wish
A line stock of frenli ('audie, Nut,
Tiilmccu, Slutinnery, I'ltc , ICtc., jiul
H'ceUid. line lllc II call.
Canyon City, Or.
77 .v popular resort has
hoaii. reopened, lo I he publie,
and now, as in he past,
keeps nothing hat the best
Wines, Lita ors Cigars'
fi. I. HICK.Otll, rropr.
Holmes ItiihliK-HH COIIi-gu O!
Poi thuid will opon Sept. Int. .1. A.
Wohco, the leading peninan of tho
count, halt becou.o a partner in thiu
aahool and will innko it tho loudinjj
IliiHiuoBH College. Hond forcataloguo
I! in
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
AND I.A0i:S.
,i .
-tl -.
, 1
Ml '