Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 04, 1890, Image 2

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December Jp IS 00.
The fact tlint sixty ur c?cnt of
the Bcnmoii, of the V. S. navy,
nrc foreigners, is not to bo deplor
ed when we consider tho tendencies,
of ft life in the nnvnl urviec, and
its elfect to disqualify men for
industrial pursuit.
Latest advices from l'inu Kidge
agency Nebraska, arc to tho elfect
that the Indians continue to bring
in their Bqtmw and childron,
which is taken as a sure iu by
the army H:op!e that there will bu
no lighting at that point.
Tho Idaho legislature will
congross to give ami grant the
arid lands in that state to thu
people to aid them in its irrigation.
It is claimed that they benefit no
one in their present condition, and
for this reason it is thought con
gress will not hesitate to turn
tiicm over to the people.
Attorney-Cicncral filler has
furnished PostmnHtor. (Soncral
Wanamaker with an opinion to
the elfect that guessing contests
aro not illegal under the lottery
laws. This will have a depressing
influence on the spirits of .Mr.
"Wanamaker's zcalotiB subordinates,
but they can comfort themselves
with tho reflection that tho church
fair is always with them.
The Kansas farmer- wjio was
elected a district judge will take
a sixty days' course at Ann Arbor
University to fit himself for the
bench. It used to bo considered
that, bcsiilo an elementary legal
education, it required tlie"lnRnbni
tions of twenty years" to make a
man a judge; lint tho Farmers'
Alliance of Kansas has quashed
all that old fashioned nonsense.
Kinncror William of Germany
is progressive, and his recommen
dation for the more extended into
of machinery in agriculture should
cause the maniifactureros of this
country to feel jubilant. All tho
great machines which have done
so much for the farmer all over
tho world were invented and are
manufactured in this country.
Tho active interests which the
Kmporor "William has taken in the
welfare of his subjects is worth
lnilliousof dollars to this country.
Vast and diversified aro the
material resources of Oregon.
Iloundless the opportunities pre
sented here for the profitablo cm
ploynicnt of capital and labor.
All our leading homo pursuits are
destined to undergo early and
rapid expansion. Tliero can bo
no doubt of this. Wo have
already entered on this the stage
of our second growth. Hut on
nonu of these domestic industries
does tliero await such phenomenal
growth as that reserved for the
business of quart mining. It is
the ono thing in which we have
the raw material without stint,
unexampled facilities for its pros
ecution and that cannot bo over
done. The question of free coinage of
silver is going to make a ruinpuc
in congress and tho general im
pression is that it will be adopted,
although it is still opjwsed by Mr.
Harrison and his Secretary of the
Treasury. Hut it is whispered
that Mr. lUaino has mado up his
mind to bring about frco coinage
at this session of Congress as a
special concession to tho Farmers'
Alliance, which ho is said to bo
particularly anxious to conciliate.
There will not be much dillieulty
in getting a bill through Congress,
us the Senato is already on record
as favoring it, and it was charged
that it was trickery that defeated
it in the House at tho last session.
Tho question of tho head of tho
next republican Presidential ticket
will bo considered this winter by
tho leaders of that paity, and tho
wirepulling they will indulge in
will add much interest to Washing
ton political gossip. Just now
Air. Hlaino has it all his own way,
but weather he can keep it that
way, ovon ir he desires the nomi
nation, is problematical. Mr.
Harrison thinks himself entitled
to a renoinination; Senator Slier
man has not abandoned all hope;
General Alger is still in the field,
and from tho Pacific Slope comes
the news that Senator Stanford
lias entered the lists and that his
platform will consist solely of his
proposition to loan out govern
ment money farmers at ii per cent
per annum. It has also been
strongly hinted by Farmers' Alii
anco men that iMr. Stanford win
lmvo the support of that organiza
tion if ho wantB it. Tako it all in
all, the jirospcct is for lots of very
lively political news this winter.
Ilia Nat ft I Hrlirinit uf (.'0itratlim In
trill ml liy ltotin (Irnlil.
A form ot practical Insurance ngnlnst
Wfttitts under ailvlseinont la till city,
In which a Icirxe portion of the laboring
Iteoplo should hotlpeply lntoreUsl, says
the Ihmton Herald. A worklng-awn I
often thrown out of employment ami r
iIumxUo (treat tllttrcwi lieomise lie has
llttlo or no money laid ly. and I un
able to provide for hi liotirtl and lodg
ing while out of employment. It tuu
lieen Ufflroated that b people' mercan
tile company might to formed among
themselvcft whlrh would undertake to
pruritic hoard and lodging with land
lord at tho rU of i, 86 or a week,
on aueh term that, after one month of
regular payment, ono woek'a board at
half pay might If plarod to the credit
of tho interested parly, M that if ho
Hereout of work or kick, or otLerwle
dMabted. he might not lie brought to
dlwomfort becauae ho could not pay his
Imard. At lhl rate In U month a
man would bo entitled to one and a half
ninnlba' eredlt for board, and in ono year
Ui three month' credit for board, which.
l half rate, would only coat him tho
price of ono and ft half monlhi' board
TliM plan, If It could lie carried nnt,
would bo a great relief to hundred of
working people who aro suddenly (tum
bled or compelled to bo idle. It would
be linMiiwlbe foranylKMly to fall rapidly
In debt to auch a company, and only
In cat' of extreme misfortune
would iterum be willing to ui
render their certain innunuioe of
food ami lodging, tflilch would grow
larger a the year rolled by. A com
linny of thl kind would neod to
have a remiioiiilhle bnoklng In order to
secure public confidence, but though It
hut never lieen attempted, It oould
etntlly he conducted on the lal which
In common to similar undertaking.
I'ayinenU would lm made U landlord
the name n now, anil tho company,
after collecting a twenty per cent, dis
count every week for a month, could af
ford to give ono week's oredlt and do
limine on that lntl. Thu credit
would not ho tranfcrabln except by
eminent of tho company of director,
and would lie dealt with by them In the
nnie innniior as If they wore a llfo In-
urn nee Hillcy. When such ft company
wn CHtablbihed lla range of restaurant
or lodging and lioartllnjclieusen would
bo huoIi a to moot tho wants of all
olae of people. ThU I o sytein of
ciMiM'ratlvn elfort, but It would be a
company Hint could accumulate capital
and Increase In resources In propor
tion to lla !ncinlMrhlp. It would thus
lie a na(o Investment for Individuals
without Involving thorn In any personal
resMinslblllty beyond what their regular
pnymenU would demand,
Thlt tirganliation In not jot In exist
ence, but It Is ono of tho llrst practical
suggeatlona for self-help which has
sprung out of tho movement for Chris
tian Hoclall8in In Ihttton, and when It la
properly ileteloHl and liMiight luio
shape It looks as If It might meet a pres
ent and pressing need among people
who aro not forehanded and are not ne
mistomed to making Investment fur
llieuitelveM. 1
Noma of tlio lUncur. (if Hi'lf-liitorlnc In
Sclfilootorlng Is always daugerous,
except for the simplest allmentM. lew
person iimlersland the slguihVancu uf
tholr sympUims; the dllllculty of diilug
ho U greatly Inrrentieil by tho complex
nature uf most dUoase, and the modifi
cation of treatment demanded by In
dividual temperament and hereditary
tendencies, liven If the patient knows
whal alls him, ho I not likely to know
tho remedy, tho site and frequency of
the dose, and thu proper regulation of
the diut In connoctlou with 1 1.
How profound Is the general Ignor
ance upon this subject Is shown by the
enormous consumption of quack medi
cines. Multitudes of people try one
mMlruui alter another In utter blind
ness. If all such compounds were thrown
Into the sea, It would savo every year
million of dollar and thousands of
During tho prevalence of a widespread
epidemic, solf-doeUirlng becomes peetil
iurly perilous, I'ear I in the air, and Is
more contagious than small-pox Itself,
t'niler lu I nil nonce men My to drugs,
either to ward oil tho il resiled attack, or
Ui cure n disease which very likely ex
Uut only In the patient's exi'ltetl imag
ination. Thu impaired condition uf Hie
system under this ill-advised dosing In
vites the very attack which the dosing
was intended to avert.
Tho newspaper announce that a par
ticular drug i being employed by di.-t-tlngillshed
physicians; It Is extensllely
advertised, and a credulous ptiMIe
makes haste to nrocuro It. In many
sueh cases tho drug In question i
merely lielng experimented with
cautiously by the physician, and likely
enough, when they come to compare
notes with each other afterward, it Is
discarded altogether. It may moot one
symptom of the disease, but on the
whole prove to bo attended with great
Again, In most epidemic, there are
various type uf the prevailing disease,
This whs eminently true of tho late In
llueutn. In many cases the hmcI1 seal
of It was the lung and air passage; In
others, the brain; in a third class, the
digestlve tract. Of course the remedy
nei-ded to 1m adapted to the particular
tyie. I'urthf r, It needed to lie adaptinl
to the singe of the disease. A preiu-rlp-tlon
appropriate to the fever stae
might be ery harmful In the later stage
of marked depression,
Hut the people took no rogulzum-c of
these fundamental facts. One of tin
druira most In use was quinine ,ni
effective rrmedy In Its pluce, but a l nl
ousotto out of its place. TlenuM. u .
lirst ctfoot i to stimulate, Its latin ir . t
I gnatly to depress. Nothing .i.H
lie mure baMrdous than to lutinlul i. r
It In the later s'age of u d.'.n-.ln" a
disease as In tents. A writer in t1,.
.Medieul Advance bclleveii thut m arl ,
nil the moio dangerous s.vfupuiiu I i u,.',
epidemic were due tuthvtiidlseriuuii.iii
usti ui qululne.
Wo have this dy apKinteil N.
llulisou our duly aulliurixed ap-nt
for tho eolleetioii of notes and m -counts
tine our Cunyon City llrancli.
All accounts and notes must be
nettled by Dec. 1st., or costs will be
added to the kuuic.
,1. Dl ItKllt IXIKIt A l'n
Canyon City, Or.. Nov. ! ivu
Slip Wat I'rctlal ! Orn. atel llr Uf
I M'mtrr .Smr.
Mother who aomellme feel dlsp-t
to murmur at the rtstrlctlona Involved
In the care of llttlo children may learn
a bhson from thl pallielin Incident,
narrated in the Horn Magaalwe:
1 was tired of waahing dlahnat 1 was
lired of drudgery. I had always been
to, and I w disaaOafled. I never sat
down a moment to read that Jamie
didn't want a cake, or a bit of par' v
cribble on, or a bit of r.p l
bubble. "1 d rather le lu prl.n. ' I
said one day, "lhan have my life toad
out mi." as damie knocked my ill"
when I was writing to a friend.
Hut a moment came when I had v
pbtte lea to wash, one chair 1 t-i t
aaay by the wall In the di: in;,' !, ;
n hen Jamie's little crib wa . pi.-.. ..
Into the garret, and it has nev i (
down since. I had leen unusually fn t
fill and duwontenteil with him th-i
damp May morning that bo took tin
croup, (lloomy weather gave me tin
headache, and I hail lew patience then
than at any other time. Iy and by be
was singing In another room:
I want te tw an snfvt,
and presently rang out that metallic
croup cough. I never hoar that hymn
since that it doesn't cut me to tot heart,
for the croup cough ring out with it
Ho grew worse toward night, when my
bunband came homo and went for a
doctor. At first he seemed to help him,
but it merged into tnltammatory croup,
and was soon over.
"I ought tu have boon called ooner,"
said tho doctor.
1 have a servant to wash dishes now,
and when a visitor comes I can sll iluv. n
and entertain her without bavin;: l
work nil tho time. There 'i co Huh
lioy worrying me to open htu jaeli-hiiife
and there are no shaving on the tl.N.r.
The magazines are not soiled with hoik
ing nt tho pictures, but stand prim iinl
neat on the reading-table, just as I leave
'Your carpel never looks dirty," ay
weary, worn mothers to me.
Hut my life U a weary as theirs
weary with sitting In my parlor at twi
light, weary with watching for tho Utile
arms that used to twine around my neck,
for the curl that brushed aguint I'n
cheek, for the young laugh that ran;;
out with mine as we watched the hlssin ,
cool lire or mad" robblta with the shall
ows on the wall, waiting merrily to
gether for papa's c.imlng home. I have
the wealth and caw I once longed for. but
at what price? And when I ace olhe.
niothcrtiwlth grown-up sona driving li
town to church, and my hair silver' d
over with gray, I think what might have
been bad I murmured loas at the provi
dence of Uod.
r i
Letter Ltat.
MhI of letters remaining un
called for in thu iKtHlodlco at Can
yon City, Or. Dee. I, 18WJ.
Levi ltoberlBon, II Connor, N li
IVtsoiih calling for the nlove
will please say advertised.
M it. Ansii: U. I'akkimii. I'. M.
tu now at t'ortTLANo, oncooH.
Hiiniiosr. vtito cinxit rossnirvaM. fvit
lais u.i.v, mini: i m.u )it. r ri.ui.n w itu
in i lit: in. ti ii or am. hut him. unu
ri li'lAMT I t UK.
'flic nioflt .p-n1v, positive and prm
lieut citic for CaUi ill ! the I Ica.l, Asthma
nail till Throat, liroiuhisl, Luug, Head,
Stouiiu-h, Liver and Kidney Affections,
Nervous lk-1ilily, etc. (.'ousuuiptUiii, iu
its various stages, pcrinnueiilly luicd.
Dr. Aiiohn's Okiiwnai. Mopk or Thxat
n k nt slid his MKiiiCATr.n Inhalations
gives iiutantaiicoiui relief, builds tip and
icviulies the whole constitution ami
lystciu, thereby prolonging life. VcV,
nervous, debilitated nnd bioke iwlowu
.-oin.litution'i, oli I nil. I young. IiiiiuIIj
1'iiin flout ten to thirty oiimU In fioie
thirty to ninety day. C
I)h. Auokn's phciiomciial skill and mar
vctoiis cures have created the p,icaten
SHtouishnu-nt on the Tai-ilic Ceitt and
throughout the American continent, dur
ing the juist twenty-five years. Aslhum,
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Hrou
chial and Lung trouble instantly relieved,
alio lCr DiscaHCsniulDt-nfiicsaoflci cuted
IKruianeiilly ot first eoitstiltatio. Da.
AlMiBN'S essay oil the "Curability of Con
eiiiiptlon." Hiel n treatise oil "Cstarrlt ol
the llead," with uvi.Lucc of eotne ex
Iraortliusiy cureji, iiiallc-d free. .Call oi
nddrvsa DOi ADonN
Fourth on J Monlioa Ht. VurtUnJ, Otvrtr
Ilotna rfliinit,ftil!v jjrWil, e.,t V'
CJutiKtt )-- tijj .it ift i
Throat Affection
Voting cfFlcch
Or nny Dlevueuirrf I'm Tiimicnml .iinji
nr iMtiiitml, lurli of Slr n Vh or Snr
J'oirrr, (oil run Ve riliri-, .1 mi I ( iir. il l)
With Hypophosphltofl.
AtU far itrolC .'iMM'iluit mel ht no ex.
j.fmeillim or foll.,tnttun M.l,ir yu (u
iyjil i ul.illiif.
Sold by (ill neuuuM.
SOOTT 6l UOWNE.Chomluto, IJ.Y.
iVoff our Jrsh I rices J or iVcrl j
rPltirhj ifats:
Full Holler Flour at 6.00 per Bbl. ;
Extra C. Sugar " 09 " Lb. i
Liverpool Fine Salt 4.00 " 100. ;
150 Coal OU, best 4.50 "Case.
And every article in our well sehvte.l sts-k ti Ik- sold at eorrem(liiigly
II 'o curry Ihr largest Slock ami sell at Prices that
Ih'j'ij Competition,
'lease girel as a call and be cniicinretl of oar assertion,
asnr U'.hVT )'()!' It Tit. 1 HI'.
Yours 'I'ruli.
Irairie (1i(j - - - Oregon,
(lie -.l. I'.inl ii
Commission ami Forwarding .'I gents. Cash a d
ranceilon Wool Consignments for .1801- Wholesale,
Dealers in
Armour's Packing; House Products.
Xhi)ing direct from h'unsas Citij in car lots ice
n re prepared to famish interior merchants with Hams,
Huron and Lard, at the lowest a'holesale prices, saring
shippers freight from Cortland to fcpmer. II c sell the
trade on tip
Rfl. C. L. & T. Co.
Canyon Citv
II V hare recciced and opened a icell selected stock
uf Cents' Furnishing (loods, lluls, Hoots, Shoes, lilun
kels, (Juilts, Hardware, Crockery, Clusstcnre, Htc.
,lso Fancy anil Staple (traceries, Hrorisions and
ft full assortment of Patent Medicines, .Kalians, Etc.
-3?- Public I'ulroiuigt! Solicited jgf
lVi.i-l Orelorw aCromplly Attonctocl to.
SiKirM.ii i.i iii.
Guiiijon Oil u - - Oregon.
Constantly on hand a fall assortment i f
Dry (loads, Clothing, Hoots A'- Shoes, (traceries, (
Etc., Etc., Etc-, at Eea.ouabte Prices.
i. (Yi:icii(ir. "
loonoauaoooooiiotti)iuo.M'uiMp'ffiii4ii-iiiv-iuitiinoj .i.
I I l I I l I ll'l
i lieppner, Or. i I r
l i.i.i i i i i l I
1 , Dealers In General Merchandise.1 ,
A Lxi-i. Aaitoitiueiit ut Loweat I'rice. OcxhU Sold at llediock IVices.
Tnule of Umut County Sulicited, nnd Sjitvial liiiliiceinenU Otl'ereil.
0. P. C
iiK.i i:n in
ST.ITIO.YEIIV. HOOh'S, ,s;r(v,V7'',i(5
SI hi 'EE ,y- F.'LKCV U.UtES,
(rocerM, Flour. Tobacco, Cigaw, ami ono liundrwl nnd ono other
vnrietien, iheaji for cnnh, nt
The UldStund, Canyon City.
it hihiioi', tiikak.
I M'.. k t J'l.intii.Oii.)
T. E, FELL, Manager.
X Mi.lilrirlt.
T "T
Von can Bvo .Money at cvory turn. Our new Fall Stock k Drj Goods
Clothing, rney (!ood, &c have arrived. Ye have Ladies plush
Jackets and Cloaks f t' I-tol j.aUeriis nnd hMch. tt'ine hp.ty
w inter drcm.H gixiil nt low or jiHoch Ih.m ever before men in Oregon.
.hut lfccivid, n large lot of Seed Kyc, to be sold in ton 1)U (" 2 cttt
jier fli for ensb. t
We Waal Purl of Your Trade.
Heincr is your ncttroHt. best nnd o1iohio81 trading nnd nhiiing jH int. -
You aliotiM Htm l in coining thia way nt onco. Ko nao to wnit.jns by so
doing yon lose money every trip. Our Klognnt Two Story Uriel; Btoro is
Coiiiiilolod ninl wo lime it iilled to overflowing, with nil kinds of
Snitotl to tho wnnls of ISasUirn Oregon Undo
II'V? ,i'u)i to Keep a Very complete ,'lssorimcnt.
Your older. nn bo filled for nny kind of Ooods needed on a l-'m in or
Stock ltniieh, without lenving our Sioro, nt juitMrn low enough to compote
with nny other mnrkul in Orogon.
Dry (loods, Clothing, Hoot. Shoeo, Trunks Ynlihox, HiiIh,
Cnj), CiujoIh, Crockery, Wnll I'ajier.
Orocoriea, llniilwure, '-.lowol" Cook Ktovm nnd linngOK,
Tinwnre, 1'uinU, OiU, 01ns, Wool SnekH, 'I wine.
Lit no, Suljihur, Hnglinh Cement, llnrla-d AViio, RlnekHinilh
Conl, Snn California Sml lies, llitts . Sjmrn, Tenm t lluggy
lliirnesH, Sewing Mnihima, Clockt, WntcheH, I'll iinjiion l!e.i)ctri
ninl .Mower, Iloreo link or, IMowh, llnrrows.
CiivcK better s.itisfnction fur rough
in uc. Full line ulwins in stuck;
Ill orOer
Good itiltJl JTlli. l3t, lOOl, (iirhtir II We . 111).
Uvcry lUin-hnRor who buys Twenly-l'ivo Dollnrs worth ($25.00) nt rclnil,
ol Dty Ooods, Clothing, Uooti mul SIiooh, HitU nnd Cups, Funcy Goods,
Oonls' rurninhing Goods, Ktc., nt our Store, will bo juosontod whon tho
goods nrc imiil for with mi Klegmtt llotunl Volumo, of over :it!0 jms-os, in
cluding (i!) to lno FINK FULL TACK STUHL KNOKAYINOS. Vto lmvo
four dilluiont ntyles of Hooks, each worth nl retnil 1.00. Smnll onlow by
until on nbovo goods will count towards the lolnl nmonnt ncodod. EVFJtY
CUSTOM KK GKTS A l'KFSKNT. Wo guurmitco sntisfnution in goods
nod jn-ices. g&T Tlioso 1kjo1;s aro too heavy to Bend by moil, its they
weigh Be veil iuuiulu ench.
11 id 11 EST I'll ICE Haiti fur Sheen Celts Will ahip
Consiguiui iuh of l'elts to Clmty ,V Wine. r Allen iV Lewis.
Mnil ordi r .urefully attended t-. Give u. a trial and call nt our store
when von ci'iim to llcjumcr. Ymns Trtilv.
COFFIN & McFA'RLAND.cllrppnor).
; I fines tV 3$M son.
A l'lUr ( 1A. V V(. ON SHOP AT SAMU STAND j&.l
iuges, Uuggies A' Duchhourds Made to Order.
A ICcthottabh Discouul Tor Culi
ProjirielorM of
The 1iitf Brag Store.
Kooii eoiistantU on haml n roiuilele slock of
I'alont MotHeinen, Toilet AiIicIuh, l'ei fumes, Soajis, l'owdor, Fulls,
Comlw, Tooth Nuil, Clothes and lhuhhes, Dniggint's Huit
drii'8, lianijis, Ltiuji Oils, GUhi., I'utiy, Chiiioyn, nml
nu l everything to lie found in n Hull -class
Lrug Sioio.
Nolhing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Orders from n diil.iiice w ill recri e iinuujit utlonliou. 1'iosii ijitions nsjiecialtv
4-. ji
Havo now received the largest anil most complolo loek of new goodi in
I Grant County, which they will oiler
:9 11
r - testis
Goni Id HdMHer ana Sn Ds!
mountain di.itrict i than nny other kin
!fo Hacks and Bnekbouuls.
t Canyon City, Oregon
Kii p
an 1 t !
hj ' 1 1 1 v mi hand
.lie. Jlnlv-1 -llnl ,
Illtid :i ti. 1 ui. fitted, hIm)
ll'il:-i UI, I Ui i.N. MKI I .
i (. vi , w :!U i i i.rui:is, m: k
(.1.K-. IIEKI.S, SI'lllNii-,
i vi:i:l.i,l. liiil.TS, 1'lrK IIAN
I it I.-, SI.KlMiK II A.N I i.N KM,
i imi - and wkimikm, thu:
i in in, Ktc, Ktc.
fe!IOarfCo f
for taloat price that defy competition