Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 23, 1890, Image 1

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    THIS .iYliW'8
I a iKMwpnr for tl
Kojir, tailoring for tin
m))Iu nnd loicing the m'ii
timmiUi of (ho jmojil- of
iU oh 11 (irnnt County.
r x a mm
Is the oldest itcw'stsi
jwr The DiiIUm
ninl Wiiim-iuuo rt; tin hir-lf-st
circulation, tliervfniv
is the lavt for mlci tiling.
.Yitmh-r ' .
Volume .V.
Or, a World-Wide Chase.
.1 IV VA 1 1 A SI I."
icowiU'-.itT, iaij
During ihe Journey to San Paola on
Uu- following a,y. Jtnl Wilcox UwU tlio
opportunity t have a lutitf talk
HtiU lVrry ltr and ascertain what
that you;if man know alwut tlio many
transaction which had taken placo bo
lmn Vilaifi and Orandall.
.Nitnollnu's tlio young Hn?llliman
jjot very communlcatlvo (or ho wns
naturally a Jrw pn-hearUl sort of a
fi'lluw, not mort than twonty-mmm
years of ae, or tlicrcnlwutit.
Wilcox IlkcH him to wull that ho
nskod l.ovt'1 to glvo him a llttloof his
history. Haiti l.ovol: "If 1 toll you my
history you may not think to woll of
me nftoryou hear It as you do now."
Oh, I Jam say, llko most young uinn
who drift to Krlsco, you hnvo lod a
kinder wild life, but it la ovldont you
worn prinHsl with a pretty good uduca
tlon Iwforo you startl In on It," waa tho
"Vcs," said the Ktijrllshm.wi, "I sup
jmiho that's o, and Mnen I lft Oxford I
iiavo aeon life through the 1,-nli'ldoscopo
of many promlseuous journey Inifs. 1 left
home UifoM I m twenty, itl through
n itochI pile of money in Paris and llrus
srls and then suddenly found myself" In
New York. I played the raeoi, gamblis!
and knocked around from ono job to
another and altoKi'tner led a llohomtan
life. Hut I feel llko olKrliig up now;
It isn't necessary for a fellow tobonv.ttf all hit life, and I'm ready for thu
i-hango. i Un't mnro than throe weoltN
rtlnen I handtod tho chiM for tho last
time, hut I have done s itli it for keeps,
lty tho way, the very last gaum I sat
down U In the same room that Villas
ijues froiiuenlodand he-dropped ovor flvo
thousand dollars that night. It was thu
laino evening he sold tho mining .stock.
He often used to como to that dim, and
some of the boys there ltnow a (food
deal about him, hut I Very much ijuos
tlon whether any of thum would toll
you much."
'(Hid," remarked Level's nowly
found friend, "I'm (lad to hear that
your are ll rist of your wild life, and,
what's more, I liellevo you. So from
now on you will please consider yoursulf
jiriat5 secretary to .tool Wlliiox. I
never di I put on airs before, hut
I Knew I ain't too old to begin. Is It a
"Why, you astonish me. Mr. Wilcox;
.hut I will try to desorvo your confi
dence." "All ritfhi: I count myself a pretty
j;ood jUd'T- ( a man when 1 mo one. and
I think so far as 1 am concerned. I
nm H.ifr in i n.;.i,'..i juii lur an unlimit
ed p re .!; t.e iUiy iiiestlon wo can
bottl '..i o alourf," .kddjl Wilcox In
a jn manner.
"Hut what," ho continued, "wns that
you said about VeUstjuer U'inu known
liy the Ix.ys ill tho Katiiklliir house?"
1'erv.y then reioated what ho had al
ready rocountod, and Mr. Wilcox said,
ttiat the kuowlodo mlht bo useful In
hunting down the rascal. t
, As lioth Mr. Wlh-ox and tlio Knullshl
man were (foal talkers tho oonversatloi
was kept up In a lively manner, and Ik
was mil lonff lieforo Wilcox knew al,
about 1'crcy from his childhood up.
As the train pulled up at San I'.ioli
Mr. Wilcox said: "Ah! I K''. ') I"'
you've lKen more of a fool tlian an In
tet.lional scamp."
The remark was full of truth, for
IViey Iivcl was never really bad, only
one of those lads so especially common
nmonjr the Utter I'.nirlUh classes who
lierome utU'rly reckless in tho eaitor
pursiiit of "folly as It 111"." Vot
throui;h ull his ups and downs ho was
nonchalant, easy tempered nml cool as
nn loed cuciiniU'r. Alwaysjio could
II iid time to part his hatr In tho rlht
place, no matter If the house was on
lire; br.t he could also l rolled upon
to re: i'Ii the outside safely. And no
matter where r lew dit ho would
sink in life's turbulent waters, he in
variably came to the top aifain smilini,'.
Jr-S 'X?
I I.
Alwayi philosophically contented, lit
never lost hla temper or Uauio unduly
uxcltod, and aftflr a varltsl exsjrlonce
covering a rantfo of occupations, from
speculator to hook-can vassor, ho iloalod
Into frandall & tU's olttco, and from
there, nk we hnvo wen, to his present
iKMdtluu. And this last muo was to
(ilittliffo the whole course of his life.
When doal Wilcox wont to hod that
nlifhtho Jilt wrUln that Anton Key
man's roleae was near nt hand. Ho was
now entirely confident that Velasijui'
had murdered lkdaro, hut ho was not
the man i." act rashly or with unduu
haste. , , ,
S , 1.. en.' iud' d te leep on his reiH'tlt
dl-ei,i rie-i, 2nd make dlsdosures later.
Next morning he and I'crey Ixivet
itartiil oter to ei Mr. IVlartK Sho
mo', them at tho door and said "Oh!
Mr. Wilcox, I'm so (jlad you hae come,
.sorietlitnir ol ftrttai Itnportanco 'hat
They walked Into tho hows ami Into
tho library, whoro Mr. Wilcox was as
tonished to mm one of tho workmen
from tho cellars seated. The door was
closod, hut, at Mr. Wilcox's rtuest,
IajvoI was allowed to remain In tho
"This man," said the unhappy widow,
"has brought something bore which
will probably prove Uiyoml a doubt who
It wax that killed my dear huslwnd.
Yesterday ono of this man's boys was
bathing In tho stream which flows nt
the root of tho hill yonder," said tho
lady, pointing from tho window ns she
spoke, "and, In divine to I'lck ohjocW
from the mud In tho lxittom of tho
river, found this weapon."
Hero Mrs. Dolaro produced an Ivory
bandlisl stiletto uhi the hnndln of
which wascurod the Initials "I V."
"(Iroat Kims," exclaltnud Wilcox,
"wo shall prove that snako k'11'"' soon
er than I oxpected."
Then a loni; conversation nnsut-d and
the workman was asked to re)at Ills
story to Wilcox, and s) much onrosMid
did ovcrylHHly Imh-oiiui In tho recitation
that In the exciloineiit of tho hour It
wai foruotton that l.uwd had not Ismhi
Hut Mr. Wilcox sM)n madu nmonds
for his forueltuliiess and told Mrs.
Dolaro of tho value of bin nowly-forinod
There was much to be said atioitt tho
new clew nnd Vclasiuex's former his
tory, and I'urcy uurtnodup and Iwcamo
almost outhusiustlc mer his prospocttvo
Thoy discussed how every thing
should Imi nrranitcd. On tho morrow
they proiKMo'd to (fo to tho lawyer at
Santa Uos.i. and Inform him of tho now
'1 bey supposi-d naturally that Volas
(ii( had little bloa of his crime IioIiib
discovered so soon, If ever, and that
he was probably on tils way Kail. So
they did not raise a hue and cry at oneo
but decided that It would bo far wiser,
and more prudent, to be sure they woro
tight before koIuk ahead.
Tho next day they all starltsl for
tjanta liosa, the county seat, whom the
trial was to lie held, and Wilcox was at
last full of ItopO that tho unfortunate
Anton would s-hui bo reloased.
A consultation was held with the law
ytirs. but they did not deem it wise to
take steps to Gocnro a warrant for
Velasquez's arreit; they advised wall
lii until after the trial of Anton Key
man. The trial was set for ten days later,
and al that time nearly every adult In
habitant of San l'noln was at .Santa Kosa.
The witnesses who had anpoared be
fore tho coroner hnd tho (fraud Jury
were again calhil, and diirllif the II r I
part of tho prtK-eedla( there was only
a rojicUllon of the former 1,0. ii 'J at tho
lnue:.t, no nnwiliaclosur,jli.!la(rnru..
lint lUere was 11 tumult of excitement
wtien I'n.-cy IS.Mufurt I.ovel had beoli
called and his teitliuony talon.
What ho said . furnished unexpectenl
dett lepinent to all except the pilncl
na'.s '.11 tho drama, and created not only
durprise but Intense indltfimUun i,mon
the K'iplo.
Then the hoy who had found the all
lotto was callisl and examined. Tut
v.eapiin was pnsluced and the s i vuuts
of tuo Deluro honsohold were called to
tust.fy that they had seen the weapon
-ii-vera I timos lylliK on tlio hutvaii in
Mr. Vela(iiOi's room.
Other witnesses followed, who bpok.
In Blowing terms of Anion's character,
and then the judgo comni'-uced t
charge the Jury. He told them lhr.t Hi.
Unlit could not bo Justly transferred
from the shoulders of tho prisoner t
thuue of t'cUiuizon tho evidence (!v. n
and matlo prolonged referonco to An
ton's auifry talk wit Uolaro and tin
fact that ho followed thu mnnlered
man out of the cellars.
The Judtfo was just sutti;ostln tl.c
re isonableuess and probability of I'.ey
man 'huUnif couiuiilted tho foul deed,
when Percy l-nel, who had Uun care
fully surutlnialnif tho stiletto. Inter
rupted. The yuuMK fellow had noticed that
the point of the weapon was broken
Only uu extremely small fragment f
the p-dnt was mlsslny, but it .a largi
ouoiltrh to ln Ilell.'rtl. lie hnudeil the
dagger to tho lawyer for tho defense and
drew his attention to the fact. Tie
lawyer understood its puriort in a mo
ment. In a rather rudo and hasty muiilier,
hut t.uch us tho invasion demanded, he
culled upon tho judtfo to desist in In.
summing up, and asked that further
evidence be taken.
The judjfo. who was strictly 1 111 par
llal, remarked that in such a case it woi
hnnlly possible Hint so blunt a poiu1
could have penetrated tho dead man'
lody as duoply as Dclnro's wound, hu
that this was n mattor worthy thu ut
most consideration of thu jury.
"Yes. Indued it Is, jour honor," said
tho lawyer for the defense; "but per
mit mo to suiriresl that measures bo at
unco taken to Hnd tho point of tlil
wuaisiu lioforu this mini Knyman Is uu
Justly oouvlctod. Tho most likely p'aee
to II nd it would ho In Helaru's Usly, uud
If It Is, then thuru will not U much
doubt as to tho Identity of tho t.cluul
"It seems hardly credible that It would
have broken oil Inside of the body.'
simgestixl the judge; "wo van conuult
some proessloiwl ndvlco on tho mat
ter." "Then tho Ust man to xct that ud
vice from It Jool Wtloo," was th law
yer's reply.
"U.t Jool Wilcox Uo called to lUv
stand," said the judge to tho usher.
rpuii beinif sworn Wilcox g .e hi
opinion, aa an 1 11 1 1 n U :niiii and m a
inali w bo bad workel all kiml . of l-'H
Iron ami f..-. 1. i. t or cold. Said he:
"It I be of the stiletto had not
bin prip- rly tempi red, it la highly
proluble that in striking against a lono
in a maa'.i Hly It would break oil."
"Then tho liody shall lie evhumml
and the ph-ee of utcel sought for," said
the jn.lfr.'. Whereupon the court ml
J'liirnrsl until the follow nj day.
Th .t saw afti'tnoon tho Is sly of
1) Oaro wa-i exhum hI an 1 sure eno igh.
the plr.t of stool v.-ai found sticking
to tin- loltoniet the l -f tnhoulilcr blade.
The doctor proluccl the fragmcit
next day In court nn.l It was found to
IU 1 itclly to the stiletto.
Then the Jud " omplol-1 his charge,
but on ai;ly dlfferrai lines, the conse
i nee b lot that Anton wnsdl chargid
witlu ul tho jury once hosing to leave
their seata.
The crowd ch"ensl him as he wont
out and one of tho first men who met
hlr.i was Joel Wtlc.ix.
Anton," ho uld, "It was 1 thai
Imtigbt the I'o-'-ida vlticyanls, and 1
hope, my boy, Jon will go lack to your
old place and manage It for me."
It was a ll.Tht-heartisl nnd yet a and
paity that went Kick to San I'aola that
night, for few of them had yet forgot
ten the iwiuoryof tholr lost friend.
And Wilcox, kind old fellow that he
was, went that ni-fhl to try and console
tin' de'olato widow, and Informed her
that he had arranged to render all pos
sible aiststanco 1.1 tho dutoctUes In
cipturiiig the munlerer.
At the conclusion of tho Interview, at
whlcn 1'etvy lxel was present, they
all dif.drd to loavo Han I'aola at unco
M.'i I. laro to tro to her friends and
Wilcox and his young aldo to follow In
the wiiko of tho guilty man.
rilAlTKK VI.
"If Mr. Wilcox and IV'rcy are not liack
hen- In a week wo might as well return
to New York. It Is gutting late in the
i.eason, mid really, mamma, I can not
endure much moru of the nolso and bus
tle of this hotel."
"Have a little stleiire. child; wemay
bear from them any day."
"Oh! mamma, if yu could only know
how tired I am of being Incessantly fol-
"HAVi! a i.trit.K Mont: r.wm.Nci:,
IowimI and shadowoil by suitors of all
sorts and conditions and ol being made
love to by old men and smooth-faced
youths, you would say go, at onco,
and let Mr. Wilcox follow us."
"N ', m- c'iihl. It would nevor do to
io ii-iltl we hear from them. There is
uu all- ruatito but to wait."
V.-.-y well. Juii as you say. mainmn;
but I ai.i wry unxlous fur a change,"
The 1 1 t :h aker was Aruiida Helaro
I;,. , n y.'.ri hud elapieil since nho left
the Mliejul'ds I.lni bluu sklos of tho I'.e
clllc hloii nnd now she was grown into
one of tin most perfect of Hud's creat
ure a beautiful woman. Tho rich
Southern blood which she had inherited
fro-.:i her parents llngisl her cheeks
with a subdued tlush of perfect health
iio wax a lull, graceful girl, and a per
fect typo of Southern heuuly; though a
decided brunette sho was nut so dark as
to lie dlsUugulhed for it With her
liouuty sho seemisl to hnvo inherited
also tho sweet dlsosllloii of lu r mother,
togothur with tho frank opeii-hoartud-1
1 o of hur falhur.
Motlier nnd daughter wero sitting In
a prlvato parlor forming one of their
suite of rooms at tho West Knd Hotel,
I.jng Ilranch, whom they had lieen
sooudliig the summer. It w-as only dur
ing the last two years that Mrs. Dclnro
had onjoyod much of hor daughter's so
ciety, for they had necoisarlly boon
thrown very much upnrt owing to thu
mother's set determination to personal
ly assist in tho search fur her husband's
This employment, which had kept
her traveling all the time, combined
with thu fact that A nu Id a had bueu al
tending school at n convent near to
1'aris gac them very little opKirtuulty
of doing together.
Mrs. Dclnro really showed very llltlo
slru of the struggles sho had undergone
lu her features, though a cIomi oIimtvc r
uil;(Ut have noticed a settled and do
t rui I uud expression which told with
out Iho of words thut sho was a
worn 111 living with a puroso.
Ami Indued her puroso was stern as
over, for as sho sat on this bright Sep
touiU r morning talking to her daugh
ter, her thoughts were far away with
her two staunch friends, duel Wilcox
and Percy Iov), who had left her two
weeks bo lore to follow up a clow at New
0 leans. They hnd only written twice
since tholr ik'iKiriuru, and oven then
hul given no particulars, so that she
was aukioas and longed to know
whether or not thoy woro mooting with
success .
Often and often had she waltod llko
Ibis I eforv, hut her Interest had never
flagged, nor hor desire for enge.111ce
become les . kavtl When In c.nivera.v
lieu with her two 1yul friends 1 he al
;.y 1 i-.pohn hopeful),- ol tho ultimate
t.uccem of her life work and (re
cjiieutly luiiuir.tod that sho fully ox-S-t
e l t.j tee lA'O'l W l.isijuei fco to
1 1 i'Ii f re il '.th ibouid c.ill her to met I
lu 1 I111 't'Uiid.
Tli V v
of one thing sho had tson scrupu
lously careful, and that was to hao no
wonl regarding her husliand's cruel
death uttered lu tho hearing of her
daughter. Still, Arnitda knew of the
manner In which her father had come tc
his sad end.
Hut to the girl tho tragic nllilr had
never been so real and terrible as to her
nicther, and lu recent ye.irii, aa tho wal
ler was never referred to lu her preo
once, tho whole story, which so much
ilfevttsl her entire life, was burled In
the obi U U111 of shadowy youthful mem
orlos. o
Tho ciiiivorsntUm at the opening of
this clmit4'r might lead one to Imagine
that Aruiida was of a rather peevish
temperament, but such was not the case.
She ha I justcauso to complain, and was
literally bored to death. Sho had been
ought after by every unmarried wearer
of pttitaloous and suspenders during
her stay nt the Ilranch. Kaces onu day,
a garden arty the next, then a hall,
followed by yachting excursions nnd a
hundred other Inventions for killing
At all such society events, her pres
ence was looked upon ns a positive
necessity, until at last tho poor girl
was almost tlrixl out. No wonder thou
that she was anvlous to get itway front
It nil and seek that rest In New York
which was nlMolutely liupossthlu at a
place like l-ong Ilranch.
dust ns the concluding words fell from
Armlda's llpstliuro was a knock on tho
door, which was answered by tho maid,
who took a card from tho hctl-hoy and
handed It to hur young mistress.
Aruiida glanced at It languidly and
then turning to hur mother with a pilli
ons g.u on her sweet face said:
"Another Inlllctlon."
"Who Is hero now, my doar?"
"That horrid, vulgar Mr. Illodger,
who is so fond of saying: 'I, idles, Mr.
Stephen Hhslger nt your srvIoj.'"
Hero Aruiida roso from her reclining
posture and gavo an Imitation of that
gentleman's unique stylo of Introducing
himself; tliuu turning to her maid she
"Tell tho Isiy to show him tip."
As tho boy went away, something
like a gurgling Utter sounded ns If coin
ing from that progressive youth. In
lest than a 111 1 11 11 to the Ciller was at the
pirlor door, which showed that ho must
h.ivo waited either outside, or very
near the elevator, for ho certainly did
not hnvo time to 0011111 from tho olllco.
The visitor was a man wulghlugsomo
thing lu the neighborhood of two hun
dred pounds, and had n face ns round
and ns red as tho setting sun on n
winter's day. Stop by stop hu had
risen from tlio lowest ranks, until ho
had llually attained the mighty distinc
tion uf bultiga millionaire, said millions
having lioen noiulrod by the practical
application of tho bcIouuc uf turning
tallow Into soap.
In his early days ho had known Mr.
Wilcox Intimately, and tho acquaintance
had recently boon renewed with pleas
ure on Isith sldos. I'onsoijiioutly Mrs.
Dclnro and her daughter felt It Incum
bent umiii them to entertain thogunllo
man when ho called.
Since converting his soa-bolllng busi
ness into a stock company and thou sell
ing out his Interest at an enormous
profit, Mr. Itlodger had found a great
dual of time oil his hands. Ills wife had
long since passed to Ibo "hotter laud."
and ns ho had no relatives to hamper
him he deiot -1 his time pretty much to
his own company and that of his llfteen
year old boy, who was, at least physical
ly, following In his father's footsteps -bidding
fair to outrival tho celebrity of
tho l'at Hoy In Pickwick.
The older lllodgor had, like many of
his Ilk, lu these his Wtcrdays of wealth
and leisure, turned b s attention to
books and study In the fond hope that
ho might pass for an educated man in
that society toward which his Inclina
tions and ambition now led hlui. Thu
lesull v, as that smattering of hupcrtli ml
kuowlislgo which Is soexceedlugly dun
gerous; fur ill his uuguidod search in
Hie higher realms of knowledge .Stephen
llludgiir hnd nut dimmed It necessary to
Improve his grammar, and ns a conao
iiionoo his conversation ofl-tlmos em
bodied 11 strung" conglomeration of tho
classic sciences nnd line arts, dished up
In miserably bad Hngllsh.
Recently this genius had developed
Into it Isiet mid he wns never seen out
without his scrap book under his arm,
lu which he had pasted his own elforts,
written on foolscap in 11 large, round
hand, together with numerous choice
nieces which he had ulipMd at odd
times from tho columns of he Sunday
p.iM'rs. As this worthy Individual en
tered the parlor be Uiwed low nnd said
with it broad smile, precisely as Aruiida
had mimicked htm a moment before:
"Hood morning ladles; Mr. Stephen
lllodgor at your sen ice."
The two ladies returned the greeting
and the usual every day iiiestious re
garding health and the weather having
foltuwcd, Mr. Hlodgur drew from the
side pocket of a loud-patterned tourist
1 s w
at, UVIIIU."
Jacket which he woro, a tablet, and
said: "ladles, I hnvo been sitting In
unlet seclusion iiu thcaiids bh.vlow , a
,v 1 ii' 11 ii.)
! by a large sun umbrella and i.iy
thoughts. As my eyes wand -red across
the expauie of ocean, the in use
took p 'i dun of my '.mil and I was at
once liiHpired to write an isle to the At
lantic Here is the sbint.i in Its
uullnisbcd state:
Ail.i'iH.'. tros I anil last expanse
tf -.tb.m-, lllin;f zm -"
Here Armlda liitnrruptod tho reader,
saying: "You will pardon mo, 1 know,
Mr. Itlodger, liocauso you hare come
hero to court criticism, but do you not
think that 'Seething, IntUltu.- ' im' re
minds onu rather unpleasantly of a soap
bulling process','"
"That may lie, hut wo onu modify
Word painting, Miss Armlda. This Is
only In tho rough." Then lie continued:
" t'fon wbu.c loo3i while wlnffit sjilps
lty da ami nlbt il s roam "
"Then," said Mr. Itlodger, as he com
pletiil tie lint ntania, "I think thai
will work up Into something ory nent,
not tossy Isiauttful."
"Very," said Armlda uud her mother
in unison; but wuctiior tuey in
trmul or not would hao Umn dllllcult
tod.'tormlno from tho mnnnur lu which
they gave their assent.
"You did not know that I nm also a
(toot, did you?" said Armlda to Mr.
' Indood I did noL Hut 1 am really
not surprised thai we uan add poetry to
your many nccoinpllshmonts," he gal
lantly, If awkwardly, re ji smiled.
"Well, I enn not exactly lo oallml a
po.'t," was tho reply, "but 1 occasion
ally indulge lu clothing my thoughts in
rhyme. Sometimes I really do feel uen
tluientally Mctlcal, mid again at other
times 1 am nfrald my crude elforts are
the result of Indigestion or something
equally unpleasant. However, I write
my verses nnd leave my friends to Judge
of tho propelling power."
Armlda passed Into the adjoining room
nnd soon returned with a scrap of paper
on which were ioiiclleil a few Hues.
"Hero," said she, "is something I jot-
toil down last night after you left.
Shall I read it to you?" And somehow
there was a merry twinkle In tho girl's
eye, which passed unnoticed, however,
by the sedate Hlodgur.
"I shall be delighted to hear you do
so," wns Mr. Illo Igor's rosHinse. So lu
a dear, sweet voice. In which the slight
ly mocking tones could only havn lieen
discerned by far sharer ears than
lllodgor possiKHod, Armlda read, aa fol
lows; 1 have lovers anil Waui lull a iloien.
Who H'lor mo ibtjr lj ilsy
Nut l i t iciitlmi a ear. liauilsomo cousin,
Wan in ulwiifn, ulovli! In mrway.
Hut tli-y ti ire nm an much with tlielr chatter
And norry mo hall todniilu.
Till It's rosily a noml rtul matter
I tKKK'SS c'ou ouo jiumi of hitfalli.
l'or, you know, tur jouhb. hlntily dressed
In nut my Idosl nl a man
(AIUioukIi I iiinti'i 1 lio comes liamly
Wl'i-ii i' wish HDine amusement to plti)j
lai.iy a mail who Ii pertly,
V.'Iiom.- hu r lias 11 11 111:0 el gmy,
Wbii make bl 1 Ujw "lowly uud courtly,
Ulirs bis arm Willi "Allow 100, I piny."
1 man obo raa 110 v or be twlltud
With Itclu t too fiesb or to Rraon;
A iiiui nil 1) nod bnrdly be Ittod
Tor fcwni-s of years ho bas trout
A man lu cau low like a f albcr
A well 111 11 bcurl braUcu swale,
With 1 MKt lci-.i' that tclln htm 'tis raltHir
ITawtmi to "slsy out la tbc rata."
When tbo Mtt light uf aveuhui Is fsdlag
And liuitu'd Ii tbc nul y eorlb.
V.'l'cn di'.rhu' 1 1 old im:ii:i la '.h:.UIus
Aa.' lied uri tlio vulocs of inlrlli;
Vlii iitlu llllod hum of milurp Is soolblug
my cars,
Aud 11 au rlil tbruuyb the alienee sounds,
S 1 -ti f f..r 1 'i Invert f I'Hy
With bis mild two buudrcd und.
During the rending Mr. lllodgor sat
enraptured, and as shu Mulshed ho mur
mured: "Hoo-autlful." Then, continuing in
a louder koy: "Why don't you wild that
10 Harpers', Miss Deluro; they would
Jump al the chalice to publt.hit. Th -sentiment
It admirable and inagulllcent
ly expressed."
"Oh, I'm not at nil anxious to nub
Into print," waa the reply.
"On tho contrary, you ought to be d
lighted lo give such literary ei
to tho world," resioiidcd the old wil
ower, who secretly felt that .Wuild.i h id
taken a graceful way 01 pujiug Mi.,
compliment, never ilreai:iinn' thai In
was the butt of a joke in ih in-
"The world would lie till the beti r
Otf If not oppressed Wllhsmb ellutloii (,"
she iiuigtly replied.
During this time Mrs. Delaro had re
mained In passive silence, but Mi u iw
poke upuiotly and asked' "Do you ever
have your poems published, Mr. lllod
ger?" "Well, I have sent many In for con
sideration, but 1 fear that they do not
gel the attention which they merit and
are east aside," ho answcris!.
"That appears strange. Surely your
name In Itself should command n fair
and Impartial (i.auilntluii of your lit
erary work?"
"Yes, that may 1k; but you see. mum
(Mr. Itlodger was lapsing into the soup
buflness again), I'm only known in
soap butler, mid editors have no use fu
such as we. We may. and do, have mut
ter to send In which possi-i.en nn rlt,
but 140 money can make those inl,-,liiir
ors print It willi n name llki Hludgci 1.1
thu foot."
"That Is a pity. I fear the rcadiin'
publlc In that way Is the bner of son.,
rare gems," sild Mrs. D.daro.
"True enough, but there l no In l
for it," sadly replied the pool. Tl.i 11 b
0011 tin ued: "rloiiid day I will j - n 1 1 1 -!
my collectioi. at my own oxs u..e, ,.n 1
so give It to tho win Id."
With these words he picked up hi
hat and bade the ladles a court) on
As soon as ho had departed Aiu.ila
burst Into a Hi of Immoderate i.uight' 1.
"Ills earnestness Is too much for m . I
can not help laii'hlurf. I'.irdoii m .
mamiua," she said.
Mr. Itlodger had not been goiiow.v
long when H10 ball-ly a'dn 1 inn i"
the diKir an I luii'l' d lu a 1 1 ', 1
Mrs. Ikelaro. She ipenel il
and. a tide road t'leco it -nt . .. .. ; e I
fcll.'O ! Ilol . le-sl)'
" hat 1 1 It, mamma?" anxiously asked l
A rm Id n
I "H Is from Mr. Wilcox, my dear, lie
and ler) will Ie hero In two days, and
wc go to New York."
Hut she made no allusion to the fact
that they had been lead oil on a false
den. and for tho fiftieth ttmo had Wat
tored her gathering hopM. I
H educed Kates to the Noith Pacific In
dustrial Kxposltlon, September 35th
to October 251I1.
For the North Pncific Iniltislriitl
lC.Kilinii to Iw held nt I'ortlitnil.
lite Tnion Pneilif will soli tirkeln
fruit) nil tit kil ttn(iotiR on mil lines
of the 1'iii'ilie Division, from Sej
lemlur '."ilh lo (U-tolier 'J.'ith. mi
Momlnvn, Wnlnomlny ntnl Kritlnyn
nt the fnw rule of one nnl one-lil'lli
fnre for the rotitnl trip, with fifty
ft nl nildiil for ivilm'sion to 0u
('nil on any agent of the I'nion
I'tieidc SvhUmii forilelnileil iufurmit
tion. T. W. I.KK,
(lon'l lnns. A;:eitt
Any one with oVfrelive i-ye-ighi
rnn he cuiteil witli Iho right pair ol
eye Klnmm or .pe tnelen ivl tin
tvntchmukorV nt ( itnytin t'ily.
. -
Reduced Rates to the .'"otthwett Iinlus
trial Exposition, October 1st
to October 31st;
For the Northwest Industrial K
IKisitiuii to hu hehl nt StHiknne Fulls
j the I'nion Piii'ihV will k'U tieki ts
I from all tieki t KtntioiiH on rail lines
of I he Piieilic I i vicinii, from h'to
' Imt Inl lo (Mohir .'list, on .Mon
thly, Weiliu'Mhtyii ninl Friiln .it
the low rate of one ninl om -liftli
fnre for the rotiml trip, with fifty
cent milled fur ntIminHion to the
Call on any agent of the rninii
, Pni'ihV MvKtt'iH for (It'tniled iiifni iiia-
lion. 'I'. W. Lki:,
Clen'l Pass. Ant.
- . . ... - -To
the Delinquent Tux Payers of Grant
County, Oregon. '
In in 1 iinlnnci' with tho rei-om-mcndiilioiiH
of tho g,mnd jury and
thu order of the (.'utility roiirt to the
She-riff of Clraiit fotinty, to folleet
nil tlelinqtient taxeH, von areherohy
imlilieil thai all li'liniiient taxoH
mtlBt Le paid on or hefore the Int
day of N'ovciiihcr. IS'.in, and that
itiilcn"' ttill he I'hurnid for the eol
lertion thertHif after that date.
O. P. I'ltl'SVI',
Sheriff ( i runt Ciuiiily. ( r
('uii)oii City, Or., Oct. 7, IV.Hi.
Kkukrii Hut of (Irnr,
)if malarial tfU.'iun', tho human manlilnrry
naunot half p.'tferm Us iilUiw. I liquation,
roetstlon, evaruulhui sru iliaurtbrnl, th
blood boeouii's wnicry, tlm ncrvca fcchlo, tlin
iviunlenaiiio 1,-lieiliy, ulcvp ili.lurl.wl ami
appetite ivvrl " Tcrrlliln Is this illicaio,
Ifll Ua roiiCilcie ril. 'I'lii re In, however, a
Lnowii ftiili'l do to the uiliuuiintlnMiiH.n, and
n oortaln safcaari unuiuat It, tu malarious
tocloin of eiir x.iiith hihI West, In Koiilh
Amnrlm, (lu..i"iiiula iui'1 en tlm liiliiuin nl
I'sii.ima, aa u. II 111 11 aiKiuiirliiii ountrliia
Whine iho m'oii i-i' ciiftt- II114 htliiilUihlo pin
vxiiloo nii'l renifil y, ll''llri'a Mnmiu'h
I llilti'm. nan, UiirlnK nm ul tinny livn )rnm,
I bi'rii iiui oiii'iitiii( Iho urea n( lu uo-
, luliiiai, mid ih in.iii-ti.itliih- lit antcrclftu
I tsluc. Irnr 1 oiHlnliil. il iprpala, cnuall.
I piitioii, Lidii. 11..11M1', rlicuuiutlim and do-
1 tillly nro u.l rcuiidir.l .y it.
ia, Kansas City, Chicago.
MmsI, North a?v South,
- AT -
IJVIilUC C'f't'V.
H C ROWCH8 Tlckot Atom.
V t rH' it. Dl4 rftluUlatha
I .r - I iti ri, KM tlit
lt lftltjrMih ti(-flft,
t f A , IudiitloB.
I k rl hrtr. M'h and lif-l
f ro. I f)lintbml4
T ttmd fruit toon ItlnU
nr 1 ii'irifMl m til C4
iH UAinjwH muK
Hti uiilf x-l'l f' Uin (-. i u.ArHf h ntUfnttl
fuoioii-iw. ui tf.(Hi oiiibiitLt4 miTi
tSlaallf I UU flM ( 111' lU II ttU I 1 lKHlt,
Abaolutoly Pure.
A drum 1 f !ui : ir 1 .'. in i ' d -r.
I lie, In t of ,i! 1 in ' , 1 nice, .11 11 th.
I S (lo. 1 1. uu. i.t Hopitt, g.
17. 1S81I.
Intollifjent Jiondora will notloe lhae
n re not "11 1 r - t r ... " oil elnssos
uf itlaeni'H, hiii .Mil, iirit ia result
Iriiiu uilUoiilu t Imr.ilfl
Vcrtifjo, Hc.u'aclie, Uyypepsin,
Fevers, Costiveness, Dilious
Colic, Flaliilenco, etc.
l'or Iho llr urtM iihti.i'irn'''tl
'( M , (nit uii- it u'.tr' i .1 - t i i h iow
llilu lit in 1 Uo u t ' nt !,'. li i ;!(!
hoi.i i; ah uir:ui:.
Thi'c.1 A fT-ctlcn
Or niiy I)lr i.e 11 'e r. 'e Tfii-'i '.m.1 uiiyi
HIM lMflllMlf, ll.A ' Ml.i' t. 1 , .riie
'oierr, r I . ' 1 . 'ii . I .1. I ' m 1 d l
With Uynaphospi)'i(.-a.
.1 nk in' .-'Ti 7"vim'.I..ii .11.. I ,UI t'
I'fllllillhllt III' liIfl II.- ' wi'.' I''" lu
tirrrjil nMlint' .
.Silf nvitilfiliH.
SCOTT .t ttOWHE,Chimlt.ta, N.Y.
ion must: n no tiNMir I'o-.siiu.iftM. rnt
htlMM.V, 111111: 111! Vl1t.Vl l'l, Ul.ll Mlllt.
is 1 uu m.uitor m.i.tihtui.i, i.ivk
l.l.l.M tM IM H ;l,.ttaf AU A
I'liltHA.M.NT Cl'UK.
The most sK'ofly, iKisith nnd prrtui.
milt i-iirc fur Ciilni ill uf tin- IU 11 1, Ahtliuiii,
ninl nil Throat, Hrum-liltl, J.uiik. Ih-art,
Stoiiiiiill, l.ivrr ii'iil Kiiliitv ARtctions.
Ni-rxous Debility, 1 1 t'liuminpliiiii, in
its vntioiis slni s, piriimiu ntly rurisl.
I)K AlKlKS'S Ullll.lNAl, Mum. Ol' Tkkat-
mi. nt nnd Ins MuutCATi'.n Imi tiTio.N.s
Vjivcs iiisUiutaiKiius iclkf. Ion!.'--, up ami
ii'Vttfilics the wlii'lc roust 1' ut ion ami
) stem, llli'iiby iinliiufiii lib-. Weak,
iiiTVous, ilrliilituti d ud bi'iltcu-dowi:
.-nti'.tilutions, did nnd jutintf iiii.iiiiildj
unin from ti ll to thirty jimmd . iu flow
thirty to uiui ly dins. r
I)n. AlioKN'8ptK-!ionieniil5l.i'' ntnl iruir
vclous t iiiis have crc-atid tl nual,l,l
ii.tiiiiisliiiK'ut on tlu- Pailfii- CoaM mid
tlirnitxhoiit the Atn 1 U-uil rortiiutit, dur
iuj; tin- past twenty-live yenw A tlniui,
I aUirrh of the II1111I. n ml all Throat. Dron
i l.isl and I.linn Irinilili InMiinlly ri licvi-il,
H 11 Dise.f-i'SMiilDtafiii-K'itinci curcil
pcruiniii'titly ut 1'ii.t coivult iti . Da.
Anons'rt 1-ss.iy oil the "I'ui.iln .tyofCmi
Tiiption." mid a tr.'attsoou ''Cut.irrli ol
1 iic Head." with cviilfiHVS of solui- ex-
IraoT-liiinry cures, mailed Tree, " Cull 01
adi'.u vi
l ojrtli sad NmrUs'i St., i'erUand, Ore, t
T ir Home, Mcurtly 1 '. Vi .1.
oil 1 1 I c.ii' u( ll 0 I'aciac 1 '. 1,1... 1
1 h
. .i
C.IIU'.l llT t i III i 'II.
,i.V(). B'J'V, OU.
tl A- lUtrrislt - - I'rojr.
A (ino stook of frosh Oamlii's, Nuti,
Tolsicwi, Stu iuMiuy, lit.., Kt, .,ju t
ncoivt'il, Ciivu niu 11 cull.
Hi n n
3 B
f Yoa mm