a THE GRAHT CQUHT HEWS, October 10, J SO 0. Kinnm I. .Morris tnkcn to tlic asylum from Washington county is crazy from the tlinuulit tlmt her relatives nro nil nguinst her, nnd tlmt there arc serpents about her.' Slie ocl;c to keep on tlif friendly (.i-ii- nf tin .1. vii v setting niil for him v!frttiy Jf foul, N The hiii-.e of if'piwiitiiti'vf'i Im nt lust dupo!! of !i very old clniin t hn In been before kuiiivss fur nm'iy J'r for llio relief uf Wilfinm J. Martin, a pionoer of tin stutu of Oregon, who in INI!) f iit iiiffliod n tin: nber of mttle to the military jot at Fort Hull, I'tHh, Intt f ni feu to jet n balance of about 7u.'0 due linn on his contract. The United States contains about one-twentieth of tho world's population, but it consumes 28 per cent, of the world's crop of sugar. !J0 percent, of the world's pro duction of collet?, nearly one-tlilrd of the world' production of iron, about ono-third of tho world's steel nud copper, and more than n quarter of the world's cotton and wool. nr, SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT: Of the county clerk of (Irnnt county, htnto of Oregon, showing tho Amount and number of cliiium allowed by the county court of said county, for wlmt allowed, amount, of warrants drawn mid amount of war rants outstanding and unpaid, from tho 1st day of April 1890, to the illst day of September 1800, both inclusive: Date: Allowed at tho M iy July and fv-pt. terms of county court and Forlombor term of circuit court. "N " It T ACC'T AM.Olvri). All 't ' IMM 1 UOWI'I'. WAIIIlASTS PRAWN' seus pros, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Canyon Cltv Oregon. COFFIN & M9FARLAND. IIEPPNER, OREGON. roads and bridges county pauper Hi cull court jiihtico :ourt r'cord.) Hhlioair-, tiriittihu. Ati1. ' . com t house, ninl jml M'pr.awd fflt'p county oloik county sliriilT bounty on wild auimds stock impector kuttiiiintuu tun! public iontrit tftwt couniy jii'lgo counlj coiiimisbioiiora road supervisors Insane janitor nud watchman coronets itHpiMts county IreflKurur aiMiOflsor, Flection district attorn t- prisoner!) teachers examination (Irani county vh Lake county Attorneys foos Total amount claims allowed ("") Total pmount claims drawn AMOUNT 01' 0UTSr,MIN'0'tt'AIIIlASTH UNPAID Outstanding unpaid county WAt ranis on tho .'UHt day of September 181)0. F.itimuted interest accrued llicioon who wish the tho insig-American TIiobc Editors United Stntoa to give iiilicaut little Contra! republic (iiiutomahi a shaking up on account of the killing of (Jen. Jiiirrundiu on u vessel carrying our flag would cheer nu elephant into making ait assault upon u mouse. Tho United States is too great a country to play tho "bully" with its small neighbors. In ono copy of u New York paper wo read of a man who at. tempted suicide and explained his net by saying that he was hungry and wanted to dio, and of a .Now York woman who gave a small dinner nt Newport, the cost of which wiv? 810,000. Such con trasts as those are always iiti prossivo and in tho hands of those wlu) choose to make capital out of them are apt to be irritating. The llev. l)r Talmage be Moves that people now living will be able to make a trip from the United States to Jerusalem with out crossing tho ocean, lie re ferred to tho nroposed railroad which is to cross Jicluing Straits on a bridge thirty miles long. If any of our readers are thinl iug of making a trip to the Holy Land we sliouhi not advise them to wait for the completion of the 1 'cluing Straits route. Tho fact that (ienoa proposes getting up an opposition Columbus exposition in 1 Hilli hns stirred our Chicago cousins to action at last. The news came over the water that the South American republics rather favored tho (iuuoa idea, and the fact became appaieut for tho lirst time that Chris, discovcicd thoir half of the continent in a general way along with the United States territory. It is a relief to know that our Chicago triends have linally been aroused. Com petition is the life of trade. 1,71) IT 1.1.1 M fiJ l.r, :t tfi i;i:..r.:i 1 1 r,ii !,:i,ti utj 1,117.7(5 us n.) r.im si'j lltfl .()!! (500.01 1 17.K0 18- 00 UJO.'JU 210. ir..7o io:t.:8 (;oo. (M.no '2'.'2M 855.5 1 &U.7.1 r.(M) no.oo sid.nr.o.oo ruixciiMU (i8,07.1.:il. f08,07;t.:n. i,'jo.i:i i.i no n; Wc hare received ti.nl opened a well sclevled slock or flails' Famishi iJ C nds. Mils. Hints, SUnrx, Ulan- Yf'-Wkvls, On Mm, lardwttrc, Crockery, (Hasitv.trc Etc. 1 .MM. I ii i;i:tn.M ..13a,, Fa urn and Slat.ie (irnccrics, Provisions ana tt I'ltllttisorlnuuil of I'ttlcnl Mrdicincs. Notions, Etc. Rl Mi ;.'.;n ij 1,117 ill rji co i ::u'.i.'j:i ;x Oil noo.oi 1 J7 so 182.00 lso.w 210.--15.70 io:i as coo. cj.t.r.o u:t'2 ro HS5..VI .vj.7r fi.00 .10.00 ?io,rif.o.oo INTKItlUSr. 8(5,0 in.8(! lVlvll f (5,01.1.8(5 Total luiioiintof unpaid county woirranb STATU Or OHI'.UON, m CofNTV or (JiaST, J I, Clt'orfjo Siioarcr, county clurk of tho county of Grant, slate of Oregon, do hnruby certify that tlio foregoing is a true and corroct ntnteinutof tin' nnuiln'rand ftinount of claims allowed by the county court of mdil county, fornix inontliH ending on the 31st day of Sopt. , 1890, on what account the sumo wore nlluwed, and tho amount of w.irrautu drawn, and tlio amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as tlio same appear upon thu i coords of my oilico and in my ofliciul custody. Witness mv hand and tho Seal of the county court of add county this 1st day ol Octolicr A. 1. 1)0. C5KO. SlIKAHIJIt, Couniy Cloik. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT: ., Of tho amount of money and warrants received for taxoM, and money paid to tho county treasurer by tlio Sheriff of Grant comity, Oregon, fur tlio six months onding on tlio !10 day of Kept , A. D. 1800. to amount iiixi:ivi:i) ni'iii.No Tin: months or Dato 1800. In coin and currency Apr f 7,(i3fi.-ir. .Mav 4,.m00 Juno 0IJ7.OO .Inly $ 7fiC39 Aug I 1(57.75 Sopt 8 735.00 Total rcccivod In Uouiitv W'nrmnU, f I '2,02(1.35 1800, Apr SS.-kS0.90 To Grand Total Keceiviil 15V AMOUNTS PAID DUltlNG Date 1880. To County Treasurer, Apr May Juno 81(5,1 lfi.-l I $8,151.1:1 (0:i7.0() Sum talalpaid county tioasurcr Amount on hand STATIC OF Oltl'XiON, Count v or Giiant, 1,0.10.11 July 51,520.37 829,010.08 T1IH MONTHS OF: May IHy C '2,282.70 Aug Hejit ? 1117.75 97JI5.00 , f 28,(18:1.83. . ... :i:i5.25 Total ....820,010.08 I, O. 1. Orcsup. Slieriffnf said county, do hereby coitify tlmt the foregoing stateiuent is correct and true. Witnusi my band tills Ut day of OctoW A. I). 1800. O. P. Ol lty W. HlvSAP, SberilVof Grant County. SOUTH WOUTH, Deputy SherilF. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of tlio county trcaHiirer of Grant county, Oregon, for the Hix mouths e ing on tho ItOib day of Suptoutber, A. I). 1800, of monoy reeoiwd and paid out, from whom received and from wbatnourco and on what account paid out: HAT I! l"800' AMOUNTS IlKCIUVKII. niOM WHAT lOKNKUU. ioruci: ttix- v ni SCHOOL To what amount on hand from last renoil To nm't icc'd fiom nhcriir Taxes T,i nm't roe'il from iiedlrs liceniio The Milwaukee Sentinel thinks that it is a little unreasonable to evpect the average man to keep track of all hi family relations. There are gunealogical cranks who ilo this, who keep a couiplute re cord of all blood and marriage lies, who have family trees with branches running off' into tho re motest connections to that they can toll in a moment nil about their brothers-inlaw both lirst and kccoikI hand and all that. Hut most men are too busy looking after their immediate personal af fairs to devote any tune to this Bort of thing. Kvory person admires courage mid in some form or other in tliu live of every ono this desirable (inalitv is oxhibitcd in soino do- cree. No class of nconlo exhibit i courage of a better quality or to a greater degree than those hardy anil honest men nnd women who are the poineers of civilization in n now country. They must leave their homes nnd loved ones for un certainties of life in a now. land. When they know that it mtut bo years before tho luxuries, or per haps many of the comforts of civ ilization can reach them. They have no society and perhaps al most no neighbors. Day by day and week by week by hard work the littlo clearing around thoir cabin grows larger but tho change from wilderness to cultivated farm is very slow and privations and discomforts r.ro many before the railroad and tho town come close nnd make the farm hinds of great i value as additions to the growing j city and the owner, a man of wealth. i do do do du do do do do from clmk " J P liquor lino i riiNn. 32,53(1.81 22,070.80 10. '2,o:i3 :i;i stnto treat nub ol fund clurk Tiial feus ' altys fooi " estates KhuriiV linos 111. 20. 317:25 riiNt). 2,813.72 5.712.91 107.50 32 75 2,5U9'.95 170.00 1 1 ATI". 1800. I AMOUNT I'AIll OUT. llv ain'ts paid out on Co. wiuranm "' " " " Hchool Supt's! warrants lly balancefund on hand " " Ncbool fund on hand A int paid Stuto Ti easnror Iliirimy Co. warrants on hand Lake " UttatoH(nn deposit) Statu Fund 858,050.28 81 1,700.81! '(IKK I. KIINI).SCII00L rUNI). 0,731 11 1, 510.(53 0,032.24 lll.OOO.Ol 1,383 57 317.26 37U1 8 1 1,1 1-1.20 10,21 SJ2 1,187.04 8 "3,(578.98 s STATU OF GltKGON, P.t1K t V fit-' f.UAVT I, N. 11. Holey, do bcroby cortify that tho foiogoing is n tine and correct ntatoiuent of tho" amounts roceivod, paid out and remaining on baud, In the county ticasuiy of said county for the six months onding on tho 3Uth day of Koptomlwr, A. P. 1890. Witness mv hand this 30th d iy of Sept., A. D. 1800. N. 11. HOLUY, County Trcasmjcr. " II" ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT '"' Of tho Financial Coudit on of tho County of Grant, in tlio State of Oregon, on the 30th day of Scptombor A. I). 1800. LIAiUUTIKS: Dale Sept. 30, 1890. To warrants drawn on the county treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid n'J r"or To psliumtod amount of interest accruuil thoroon u.uiii.b.i Total Liabilities $74,110.17 ItKSOUltGKS: Dato 1690. ,, . lly funds in hands of County Treasury applicable to tho pay- moutof county warrants V,r'or lly funds in bunds of shorilV ':i lly ostimated unpaid curront taxos applicable lo p.iym t co war ills jj,6W.00 Harnuy county warrants on imnii Lake " 10,000.(51 1,383,57 l'ublh ri.li iiiinut Solielli il oauyji iy Orclei'H X AtlOJKloCl to. ni:uvjn josw, riuaT. V, It. IllillOl, TIIKA& (IncoroniUsl. Paid up Capital Stock 82.1,000.00.) MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUST CO. This is fliii' Miiii'lcrs; Come to Hcppiier mil Sse Us! Commission and Forwarding slgcnls. Cash ad vanced on Wool Cori'si$nmcnls for J SOL Wholesale J)calcrs in Armour's racking House Products. .Shipping direct from Kansas City in car lots wc arc prepared lo furnish, interior merchants with JIams, llucon and Lard, at the lowest tvholcsala rices, sarin shippers freight from Fortland to lleppner. Wc sell the trade only. M. C. L. & T. Co. T. E, FELL, Manager. 1890 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT -HY- Total Iteuources. S31,7ilG 00 M,DURKHiMR&PR0, We are now daily receiving a full line of Fall and Winter goods, in all branches, for the Rancher, Stock man, Miner and City Trade, and it will pay you well to call on us to purchase your supplies, as we have an abundance of goods for one and all, at prices that defy competition. We want your trade, and will guar antee you "The Lowest, Cash Going Prices" in return for the same. Respectlully. M. DURKHEIMER & BRO. Prairie Vily - - Oregon. V O OtM) O OO O OOO O ttf OO OOOO Q-O fKt o oo o o o o o o o o oo a o O CM oo Sucte itor to U.i-ili .It A. JliilJrUl. -IlKAl.KIl IN- GENERA.L MERCHANDISE, Canyon City - - - Oregon. Constantly on hand a fall assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots ft Shoes, Groceries, Etc., Etc., Etc-, at Hcasonablc Prices. i). a. ovi:ituoir. lt(KIIMHHIIOIl)lDaO0MaOUIIOUl4IDIHalOauOI000KIOt H. BLACKMAN & CO. I Z lleppner, Or. T Merchandise. rzizn -r- Dealers In r Genoral i . j i i A l.irgo Assortment at rx)woit I'riccs. (!ools Sold at Ilodrook Prices. Trade f Crant County .Solicited, and Special Inducements OU'ered. I I I LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN EASTERN' OR. . P. CREBAP, IlKAMIlt IN STATIONER V. HOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SILVEJt ft FANCY WAJiES. OrocorioH, Flour, Tobaccos, Cigars, and ono hundred and ono other varieties, cheap for cash, at The Old Stand, Canyon City. Yon can save Money at i vory turn. Our new Fall Stock of Dry Qoodi Clothing, Fancy Uoad,'&c lnvo'nnivcd. We havo Ladies' plush Jackets and Cloaks 3f the Litest patterns an 1 styles. Fine hoavy winter drew) gods at lower prices than ever boforo seen in Oregon. Just received, n Inryo lot of Heed ltye, to bo sold in lo:i lots (ft els per lb for caiili. We Want Par! of Yonr Trade. lleppner ityonr nearest, bent nnd choapest trading and shipping pcint. You should stait ia coming thin way at once. No uso to wnit.ns by no doing you lose money cyeiy trip. Our Klegant Two Story Urick Sloro is Completed and wo have it 'filled lo oveillowing, with all kinds of Suited to the wants of Kaslorn Oregon Iradn Wc Aim lo Keep a Very complete Assortment. Your orders oan bo filled for nny kind of Goods needed on a Farm or Stock Hanch, without leaving our Store, nt pricoH low enough to compete with nny other market in Oregon. Dry Uoodti, Clotliing, Hoots, Shoos, Trunks Vnlisos, Hals, Caps, Ciupotn, Crockery, Wall Toper. flrocorios, I lard wn re, 'Jewel" Cook Stoves and ltnngcs, Tinware, Piiinls, Oiln, OIiihw, Wool Saekn, '1 wine. . Lime, Sulphur, English Cement, Harlx d Wire, Dlstcksmith Coal, San Ji.so California Smllles, Hilts . Spurs, Teanut Hnggy Harness, Soiling Machineo, Clocks, Watches, Chunpion Hoapcrs nnd Mowcrn, llorso Hakos, Plows, Harrows. THE : CELEBRATED ! MITCHELL WAGON Gives belter sitiHlaction for rough mountain distriotn than any olhor kind in ue. Full lino alwnyH in stock; abo Hacks and Buckboards. Ill orfler In in criam our trade we make llm llowinioffiir Good tLXXtll Jvii. 1st. lOOl, (OrUUr II We ice lit). livery purchaser who buys Twcnly-Fivo DolIarH worth (-C.00) at retoil, ol Diy (ioodn, Clothing, HooU and SIiooh, Hats and Caps, Fancy Goods, (outs' Furnitdiitig Goods, lite, nt our Store, will bo piosontcd whon tho goodh nro paid for with an Klogant Hound Volume, of over it!i0 pagos, in cluding Of. to 100 FINK FULL l'AGH STliliL HNC.ItAVINGS. Wo hnva four dilTeront Htylos of Hooks, oath woitli at retail SI. 00. Smnll ordont by muil on nbovo goods will count towards tlio total amount needed. KVliHY CUSTOM lilt GliTS A PlUiSKNT. Wo guarantee satisfaction in goods and prices, g !&" These books nro too heavy to send by moil, ns lliey weigh Heveii pounds each. CHEST PRICE Paid for Sheen Pelts Will ship Consignments of Pelts to Ciirihty & Wine, or Allen A: Lewis. Mail orders carofully attended to. Give us a trial anil call nt our Btort when you como to lleppner. Youra Truly. COFFIN & McFARLAND. (Hoppner). J lines S) Ma son. Canyon City, Oregon Keep constantly on hnnd and for Kile, hoiisksiiokh, fitted and unfitted, also iidiimk n mi h, nto.v, sri:i:i.f i OAI , M 1II1KI KTItKKS, NKl'IC YOKKS, Wlin:t.S, HI'ltlNOS, ( AIllll Mil. 1IOI.TH, I'IC'K IIA.N DI.KS, SI.KIXIK IIANDNKS, HiKixiKsnnd wkdoks, tiub i iion, lite., lite. r-sT A F1HST CLASS WAGON SHOP AT KAMli STAND JRS Carriages. B aggies ft Backboards Made lo Order. t& ICe tHoitalilc Discount Tor Cash -JTJ JAMES Sl JONES. l'loprictora of rPhe Oily Jirug Store. Keep coiihtnntlv on hand a complcto slock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Patent Medicines, Toilot Articlos, Perfumes, Soaps, Powder, Puffs, Combs, Tooth Nail, Clothes nnd Ilur Hruslirs, Druggist's Sun dries, Lamps, Lamp Oils, Glass, Putty, Chinoys, nnd ami everything to bo found in a lirst class Drug Stoic. Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. Onlors from n distance will receive prompt attention. Prescriptions nspecialtj HA K lilt OITY, OltEQON Haptnnstall Dart & Cp Hucei-ssons to- JAPTONSTALL ft DART, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO,, OREGON. Have now received the largest nud most complete atock of new goods in Grant Ceunty, which they will offer for lale at prlcci that defy competition