Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 09, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, Oct. 0.
Winter bUsU.
Ooniinuml try.
fruit picking ti ro.
I tovi- do yon lik lit
Pkmso haol that wnod now,
llwnl of omtliwtUwi the 20tli.
l'rsifitr Wd fnrell to tlw dteit,
!MntT of gtr -1 hmlth and inore to
Is there not natural gat in (!mut
ftabsiribe for Ute N'kivs at om and
Iks happy.
Thrw yir hi sUwrs artt soiling for
$21 Mr Hol in Ike county.
Alex Swele of Portland arrived SuU
utitty night and on Monday lit out on
a visit to Hunt.
The Democrat rtitwrt pickpocket
lmvitis had a profitable stwtsort diiiini;
Ute fair t I tnk or.
Irgo nuinlwrs of cattla, I torso and
slntep 1mvj lwon driven from this conn
ty this soason, and still irioncy id wiry
A smart youngster nt Pmirio City
collided with the minister during ser
vice last .Snltlmth. If you attend
church rtMeet the services.
.lolm McCulloiigh started to tin;
railroad Inst 'i'lmnuluy with annthor
Istnd of lint-stta which ho will ship to
the east, having found u leody side for
the others which he took away.
CSnint county should have n "blood
ml how association" or soumthin of
tho sort. She undoubtedly needs it
neck stretching association, too, to
piopcrly stand oil' tho blooded horso
thieving associations.
An old minor mimed Jack .Murks
who had Iwen woikin;; n claim on the
Middle Fork took sick lately, and win
given every eoiufoit tlmt tho minors
could bestow, llo was lumoved to
Pmirio Citv when he would leceivo
letter cnro, and diod tho re lust Sunday
A man who had hoi'ii working for
P. Can's at .Mouumt'nt (lisujipt'iu'il
from moi tnl Lsion last Thursday night
and simultnnoouH with this phunouioua
n Itoi-so di!ia)ioartd out of .Mr. Caris
jKiaturti ntr ly and a saddlo fiom hia
Imrii. Of courso tho throe wont away
togotlior, but won not followed imino
diatoly, theroforo thuy may novor Ih:
Alcott who purchased cattlo in this
valloy is making for himself ijuito a
IkuI ioiutation, and is liable to gut
into trouble if all ioMrts uio true. Ho
is accused by tho stockmen over in tho
North Fork eouutiy of allowing thuir
outtlo to mingle w ith his herds and
thou attempting to drive them oil', wo
have been iufoimod. Such actions are
certainly not a very good recommen
dation. John llorburger who returned from
Uaker City last Sunday with a few
hundred pounds of freight tolls us that
the road coming out from 1 laker is in
a fearful condition. 1 Io loaded .Monday
lxifore, and was just a week making
thu trip. Sujtervisors on that end of
tho rood should stop liooiniug town
lots long enough to do some work on
tho highway if they would hold tho
good will of (!mnt county toamttors.
Stock inspector W. V. llinton was
in town Monday on his way homo
from the upper South Fork whtuo he
lias Wen to inspect Mime Umds of sheep.
Mr. llinton is evidently tho right man
in tho right place, for ho has devoted
his entire time to inspecting sheep and
cheeking tho ravages of tho prevailing
d innate. Hince he has 1hoii inspector
the number of khcep ailliutoil with the
"scab" bus U'en reiluceil from several
thousand to only a fow bundled.
In the M. U. Church next SohUtth
evening ut 7. 30 the usual service will
be hold. The putitor C. H. Luce, will
conduct the hei ice. The lir.t half
hour of the eric' will give place ton
oarefully pri-jarod seiice of song. Se
lections of MUi oil music will l render
ed by the choir in a body. Both con
gregation and choir will unite in sing
ing some of the celebrated old hymns
that are familiar to all. Strangers in
the city are cordially invited to all
Died, at l'mirie City, Sep;. 'J 7, Hi
loy Taylor, g 20 years and I months.
The boy had lnton sick but a few days.
The funeral took place from tho M. II
church Wednesday. Itwv. C. 15. Luce
prenehud the hurmoii. A nuuiUtr of
the sympathetic people who tilled tho
church, after a lust look at the re
mains followed to the cemetery where
they weie interred. The parents do
.lire to thank thu citiz-ens for every
kiudneis that was shown them duiing
their alllictioii.
John Moiell, an unfoi tuiuvto young
man of Harney county who was taken
to the insane asylum somo years ago
and dismissed after being pronounced
cured, sull'ered fmm a return of his
alllictioii lately, and was Iwing watch
ed. It Hpjieared to bo nothing more
herious tlmn absent inindediioss, how
over, and Morell's frionds permitted
him to elude their vigilance, and ho
wandered a way and was lost for a few
days. His dead hotly was found by
searching parties in the Stein moun
tain country with all thu clothing torn
oil', It is the opinion that tho HVr
follow ieiuhcd from the oold which
vns rather intense for a few nights in
tlmt altitude.
dud llnguewood and family have
1 moved into town front tlw much.
Keep it Uifore the pulsMe Grout
county want a railroad and moro Hour
0. W. Parrish has mured libt otticw
into Uw Imildfng adjoining the iwst
atiko. We notice Frnnk Poster mi our
stroeU, he lwving returned from Port
kind. lttMtl tin' first g then suhscriho.
Wu give you i good lttiry to run near
ly all wintttr.
Gins on the mutt will net Imvu
much time to grow this yenr; tho ruins
come too Into.
llyton tlio clminpion Australian
wrestler icwwl another )int nt Ma
ker City Inst Sunday.
.Mr. I'nrrisii returned Sunday from
ltakor, nnd ivpotU u stormy ox per i
onc on tloi inoontnins.
.Mr. tJmrlmtt who camp over from
the .Malheur lust wook reivotU Hit inch
of snow in that country last 'nturs-
An Mp-t!ip-v.ll-v oirl is skuI tolmvo
gone home nnd rriml Wuum slut was
not tlm wto wlm run away with I'rof.
'I1e llumliolilt Co. has purclmsed
the Chiiw ditrh of Yott I, nnd will
H4o it in sluicing the toiling uwny
from tho duni.
Now suWriU'rs will lo suppliwl
with this" number of tin Nkw.h, con
taining tho opening chaptors of tho
now story on first go.
Sou tho now "ml" of I linos .Vin
son on iiuothcr go. Tho yu will
do you gcwxl work, anil make it to your
iuturost to Nttroni thimi.
I'Vom nil over tho county comes
the cheering ro.tort tlmt nwo
stock is in UHtor uur.dition tlinit
over hoforo at tin's time.
Lightning lipped open a house or
two and shocked the occuKints during
a storm at linker Citv last week.
15intern storms have followed the rail
road to Oregon.
People who want to read an inter
esting story should at once subscribe
for the X i:rs. Send vour cash direct
to this olhce, or pay it to the jiost
master. Semi-annual reports of tho sheritl',
clerk and treasurer are in the hands
of the pi inter, and wilt bo published
in next issue. Our sjhico was too lim
ited this week.
Duncan at lower town is the only
tinner in the county. (lot him to re
place those old wornout tovopites of
yours with now ones, and thus prevent
a conllagration.
The coons, every one of them, car
ried two "nizzahs" Monday night at
Prairie City when they showed there,
because the people over at (iranite
told them that Pruiriu kids wore holy
One of Jas. Lofton's cows was cut
with a hatchet and nearly bled to death
not long ago. A young Portuge who
i working for John SogerduliI is sup
posed to have committed this tleudikh
attack on the poor dumb brute.
Hill Kent whom tovir.y every one
uUmt here knows, is in trouble at I ta
ker City. He stabll a lr keeMr
named Kd llulery, the nmult of an old
fond. Hulery will get well, and Kent
will go to jail in default of a ffiOO
Miis Ibmlhit is pleiuixl to announce
to the public that Mis. Itobiusou will
conduct her milliuei r business during
her absence in Portland. Also that
she will .take pleasure in tilling any
order for drww gxls or other articles
the ladies may desire to purchase.
Persons of a siiMirhtitiuu turn can
lind food fur retbvtiou in the fact Hint
of late whenever there has been a fu
neral in thiMipper part of the valley
two more lave followed in succession.
Three coi-omui were inteirod in thu
Piuirie City cmeUiry from Sept. i!9
to ( )ct. C.
Sales of leal estate in this county
are tew. People ale not anxious to
sell, but many can see u it opening on
government land if they could sell a
farm for cash. They could hardly sell
now, for buyers are scarce. Wait un
til a railroad build aensw the county
line and then watch the cash anil real
estate lly.
Alio Thorp of Haystack, has return
ed to Crant county. Concerning tho
ltl repot ts which were lately in cir
culation id-out him Abe tells the Ixmg
Creek 15agle that his sudden disap
pearance fi out Cnint county was occa
sioned by his attending court at Con
don, ami says his neighlior' stock with
the Thorp brand luul nothing to do
with his disappearance.
Tlio Prof. Mclvnnhisa colored
ininstrolM enmo (o hand, performed
Tuesday night, thun hit tho roatl
for Prinevillo next morning. Tho
Itoya uro sure fnist colorn, wool, nnd
ono of tliein a yard wide. Their
music wits well rendered, and the
Prof, is wonderful in hiri banjo pick-
i ing, violin execution ami in histibil
' ity to play on ami (jet music out of
two cornet at the tamo time.
Tho linker City Domocrnt tmya
this tribute to a (Inttit county lioy:
"L'lnytou llinton, tlio ritlor of Lit
tlo .loo ami Ionian, it a clever
littlo jockey. 1 1 u redo livo tacen
(luring tlto'fuir and only lost one.
During his sojourn in tlio (Jiioon
City ho itiado many frionds slid
their fondest wiho will follow
"When the lenvas Iwgitt to full."
It'i that time of thu yenr.
l:. S. .Mftrslml's mo next Thura
day, nt the Court houw door.
Miss Claudle Foster is a student
of the "art preservative" in this
C'lwt (Jnerusfy has gone east and
hi jKKtition in Crewtp'.t store is fill
ed by Fred llorsly.
Freighter.1 coming in almost ev
ery day with winter supplies of
goods for our morclmnU.
The returns show that there are
!'!)! Indian and 1(11 white people
on the I'tnntillu rewrvation. '
Correjtondeiiev wnnteil in every
precinct in the eountv to wild the ,
liappeningi of tho neighborhood.
Idaho's firsrt Mate flection held
last week resulted in a majority of
atH)Ut JWU for the republican.
Ionian the Tom Williams hoi-f.o
won tlio I mile dah at the linker
Citv race lust Saturday, time
John C'ahlwl mado a living trip
to this place week, probably on
hueineaa cot nice toil with the anle of
his mine.
Titles are inorlanl in some
countries, hut not in this, where
every academy is a "college" and
every banjo plover is a professor.
People aro continually writing
and talking against the deadly lit
tle cigarette and yet their ue
seems to increase rather than to
The State of Orgon should provide
for the publication of its own school
looks, thereby liberating the people
from one of the most accursed
monopolies in existence.
The people in the foot hills of the
Cascade mountains scatter grass
seeil in the ashes after the moun
tain tires, ami assure uood fat beef
and plenty of butter thereby.
On U'ing ofliciallv apprised of his
nomination tho future Coventor of
South Carolina was all'ectod to tears.
Ordinarily it is the man who is not
apprised of his nomination that does
the wailing.
The sale of Cabbel's "La Hell-
vue" miile to eastern capitalists is
n titt at ro! fill ( I rn lit fftlinli' Imetinl
the front. It means extensive re
duction works and costly mills on
the proiwrty.
Subscribers often complain of not
getting their News. Well, stage
er jieople. Hut when you inil to get !
drivers are often forgetful like oth
it call around to the ollice and vou
shall ho supplied.
An exchange snys there aro Hour
ly 100,()0Q insane jwoplo in tho
I'nited States. There must 1
some mistake. Probably our con
U'inKjrary meant that there are
nearly UXj.Ouu sane people in thu
I'nited States.
Iindon is a pretty good kii d of
a city after all. McAulil!"andSluvin,
the two blows, just before getting
ready to mush each other were ar
rested and held under heavy Uimls
to keep the ieuce, an evidence of
an increasing civilization.
Judge ISoisc, of the Third Judi
cial District, has rendered a decis
ion to the ell'eet that sH-cial acts
of the Legislature of this tato
making appropriations for the open
ing or improvement of public high
ways arc unconstitutional.
Kven Jay Could has a kick
against the census; he claims that
he and his family were overlooked
by the wonderfully expert enu
merators of the republican census
of I.V.Kj. No wonder so many h o
pie of less consequence wore not
roti u ted.
Miss Cupwell struck a job teach
ing in the asylum for the blind at
Salem, ami resigned Iter jsisition in
the lower town public school. A
young man from the east whoso
name we have been unable to learn,
has U n employed in her place and
is teaching that school.
The successful ami economic far
mer will not leave his machinery ox
jioscd to the weather but will pro
vide for storing it away as goon as '
done with. Save your machinery,
lluying new machinery every year
and letting it ruin will bankrupt
the best country in the world.
Tho man who said that tobacco
never prolonged life was not jtosted.
An Kuglish ollieor, while smoking
a cigar in India, was beized by a
tiger, ami us the beiut was cariy
ing him nil' ho touched his lighted
cigar to the aiiiuml's side, and he
was dropped like a hot potato. If
tho ollieor had been smoking a
cigarette the tiger would not have
come within thirty yards of him.
Miss Mu ry K. Seal, a patient in
the Oregon Statu Insauu asylum
jumped to her death from a four
story window at tho asylum. Shu
had been in tho asylum six months,
and on various occasions mads at
tempts at suicide. Shu was work
ing in tho sowing room ami going
out slipped up stairs into an em
ploye's room where there aro no
screens on tho windows. She was
missed and a search instituted, nnd
was discovered just in the not of
jumping to the ground, u distance
of sixty feet. Nut a bono was
broken, but slm diod four hours
after. The jMitiont was from
Kugenu, Uuiu county.
Georgia has gotio demoemtfe by
an inurotiscil majority.
Shcriir Creap give notice to
(lelinquont tax jmyors to-day.
Thu lantl grnhbers aro laying
their plans to induce the legislat
ure to make a further reduction
in the prico of State lands.
11. C. Flageollet of s'n Francisco
in in town on iegal bunineHS conneo
tel with tho nettlenicnt of the es
tate of his hrothor, the Into Frank !
Flngcollet. j
Foil Sam: ImkmI cooking nnd
eating apples at fifty cents a bushel,
ai .vim. rmiiiiw orciianl in l anyon
( ity. Alao some excellent a-ars
for cooking or eating.
The West Shore urges the peo
ple of Oregon to put forth some ef
fort to make a creditable Stowing
for our State at the World's Fair in
Chicago. Will we do ill
lolm Wanamaker has Wen
leiidinir circular to the xplc
here aMunu them to buy hi "cheat)
clonings. i join ilo it; mtnixo
1 ... , 7. .
Home merchants.
Nkw Oooiw. Just arrived a full
stock of both staple ami fancy goods.
Oive me a call, and you will be sur
prised at inv prices. '
IJ. CI. OvKltlloi.T.
Theie will be a scries of religions
services held in the Orange Hall at
II It . .. I
j .lonn nay negininiig calumny eve
j iiing next, Oct. 1 lth. anil coiilinu
j ing over Sunday, which meetings
will be held under the auspices of
J the Advent Christian Church. All
I are cordially invited.
j The until who lights a cigar
mat tie takes trom the upper
right hand (nickel of his vest and
gives you one from the upper left-
hand jtocket iiicpirc admiration
for his diplomatic iualitios, but
becomes an object of rank mis
picioii forever after.
Mart l.eaverton, a cnrK'iitcr at
Long Creek, fell from a now houso
and win killed too Into for us to
publish the accident in tho Xnvs,
in our publication of last week,
but that made no difference to
Kor Mart. Funeral sermon was
i preached by I lev
I ...
lailey Dustin.
We understand an ollieor has
gone to Fox valley to servo pners
on a man recently married over
there, who for" oil' the names of thu
bride's ihi mid ma to a letter mini-
tin' him iHTinission to iirocuio a
Ih'fiue, she being under age. Par
ticiihtrs will bo furnished net
Tliero havo been numerous re
Krts during the ast yoor about
the Cabbie, or La Ilellevuu mine,
being sold, but this time then) an
M?ar to be something in it. The
ireliininarics uro all arranged, and
tut. little remains to settle thu bus
iness for good. The buyers aro an
Knglihh coiiiMiny, ami the consid
eration is a largo one, says tho
Maker City Itlade.
t'jiH'r South Fork boy had a
wtd die horso race lust 'Monday.
There wore a number of contes
tants, ami the lirst race was won
by Dave Mctiill's Johnny Dean.
Tlio second race was won by John
Ilytlo's Cinch Minder time not
known. A knit $'() in coin and n
like amount in xpriug calves whs
put njr, beside the usual number
of jack knives ami such ictus on
tho side.
That old legend of the beeswax
laden ship wrecked many many
years ago on the Oregon coast,
lias again received eoitllnnntioii.
William lid ward, who lives on tho
Xelialoui river, arrived at Astoria
the other day, lirini'iiiL' with him
L'.'tO Kniids beeswax which ho had
nicked nu with the assistance of
liis daughter, Minnie (iaritse, on
tho coast near the Xehalein. Tho
ohlest white inhabitants of that
motion do not remember of hear-
inu of a wreck, but Indians
Niy it
in that (hi it of thu county
was wrecked over a hum! rod
Their Route.
The McKaulass Minstrels that
liorforiiied here Tuestlay night left
for Prinevill early next uioriiing.
Their route from theiu is Hums
Wednesday and Thursday Oct. M
ami 1(1, Harney City Friday Oct.
17; back to llurns Saturday the LSth.
.lolm Day Monday Oct. ioth, Can
yon City Tuesday Oct. 1'lst, Prairie
City (h i. and Sumptor Valley
Hotel Oct. '-'lib. Free dance after
show, mtiMi: furnished by tho Mc
Kaulass Orchestra, with McKanlari
as violinist and caller.
- . , .
To the Deliniuettt Tux Payers of Grant
County, Oregon,
lii accordance with thu rccoin
mendatioiiH of the grand jury and
the order of the County court to thu
Sheriff of Uruut county, to collect
all dclimpient taxes, vou aro hereby
notified that all dcliuipiout taxes
must bo paid on or U-foro the 1st
day of November, LSDO, and that
mileage will I to charged for thu col
lection thereof after that ditto.
0. P. Ckksap,
Sheriff Crant County, Or.
Canyon City, Or., Oct. 7, 1SUU,
Ootn Hm KcI Front Pillian!
Kali, Canvon City, for flno winw,
liquors and cigars."
It in estimated that tho numlKir
of a?eniter carriwl hy all the rail
road in the world average rt,5(K)f0(X)
a day. j
Tho sunbeam that travels !).r),CXW,-1
(XX) mile may Ih stopted wveu (
feet from earth lv a cheap urn- i
The Pacific llrewery' Celehrntetl
IWr, the lKat in Hastern Oregon, is !
now kept constantly n tap at the !
Kel Front Hillianl' I Intl. I
Seven varieties of fishes examiti
i 1 by naturalist aro found totally
j binl in tl,e deep en. hut have eyef
when inhabiting shallow water.
Over 20,000 aciea of land have
Uen loittrattcd with the Maker
Valley irrigation tontpany for a
supply of water from their canal.
The I'nited Stalo should profit
by the hiatory of every nation on
the face of the earth, and every
restriction should Iw removed from
. 1,1
j capum
boycott is Ikmiik established hv
Atlantic steamers against cowUiys
who aro returning after Uking over
consignments of cattle. The actions
of the men arc declared to Ih outra
geous. A healthy laugh occasionally, is
an act of wisdom. It shakes the
cobwebs out of a man's brains and
the hyiKvhondria fmm his ribs far
more effectually thnn either cham
pagne or blue pill.
Colonics of old soldiers, whoso
names are on the I'nited Slates
pension list, aie to be found in near
ly every foreign country. In tier
many alone there are .rlitl; in Oreat
ltritain, IT.'i, and in Switzerland (Hi.
Hurley and wheat for sale at
liundlach's. Also a lot of winter
rye which will grow seven and even
eight feel high if sown in the fall,
one half bu-diol to tho acre if inten
ded for seed, but if for hay one hush
el should be sown. "
Brownsville witnessed a stpmw
fight last week. Two squaws, after
having bought n w hip each, began
quarreling over tho merits of the
colored crackers, and I eing unable
to base their judgment iion color
alone, they Hogged each other un
til loth lay down uiwn I he walk
and cried.
A Pleasing Scms.
Of health ami strength icnowed
and of ease ami commit follows the
Use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in
harmony with nature to eH'cetually
cleanse the system when costive or
bilious. For sale in .lOc. and fl.00
Ijotlles by nil leading druggists, u
Letter I. Itt.
Letters remaining uncalled for
in the postollice at Prairie Citv,
Or., Oct. 1, IS'.IO.
I) S llirdon, A (1 Wilehcln,
W M Allison.
Persons calling for the above will
pleasf! give date of advertising.
Ill. K It. Mrll.W.KY, P. M.
Reduced Kates to the Northwest Indus
trial Imposition, October ist
to October 31st;
For the Northwest Industrial V.X
jiosition lo b held at Spokane Falls
the 1'iiioii Pacific will sell tickets
from all ticket stations on rail linos
of the Pufifie Division, from Oclo
her I ( (o October Hist, on Mon
days, Wednesdays ami Fridays at
the low rate of one and onc'-tifth
fare for lhc round trip, with fifty
cents ailded for ml mission to tlio
Call 011 any agent of tho I'nioii
Pacific Svstem for detailed informa
tion. T. W. Lkk,
(i'cii'I Pass. Agt.
N ( )T ICH ()F ')TsS( ILI'TION.
The firm of Overboil ,V Muldriek
has la-en dissolved by mutual con
sent, John Muldriek withdrawing
from tho firm. Thu business will
lie carried on lit the old stand by
I), (i. Overboil. All accounts duo
tho old firm must le settled with
John Muldriek.
1). 0. Ovkhiioi.t.
John Mri.imicK.
Canyon City, Or., Sept. 10, I Kill).
l'jclfic Ilrcwcry Hccr,
Notice is hereby given that I
have this day established an agen
cy for the sale of the Peer manufac
tured at the Pacific llrewery, Uaker
City, Or., within the county of
(inint in Canyon City, ami that Mr.
II. Stuusell is the authorized mana
ger of said Dejiot. All orders from
Crant county for this celebrated
lieer, either in Uittles or kegs, will
k filled by Mr. Stttiisell.
Hkkkv llfST.
Proprietor Pacific llrewery, Hakor
City, Or.
Notice is hereby given that the
Prairie City Public Schools ojmmiimI
011 Sept. I, 1X1)0, a period of
nine months, under verv favorable
ill .11
sit .Siltlttsl I
auspices being supplied w
modern apparatus and first-class
teachers. The board of directors
have decided to admit a limited
iiuiiiIht of outside pupils at tho
small sum of ?5.U0 mt term of
three months In either room.
Apply for admission to
W. J. Oai.biuitii,
I MoIiiipm irti!:iosH course Of
, Pot (land will open Sept 1st. J. A.
1 Wosco, the leading penman of tho
j const, has become a partner in this
school and trill make it tho funding
liusinoaa College. Send for catalogue
0 m
FmtT tok Salic To those wishing
to buy fruit and vegetables 1 will say
thai I am selling apple nt AO rent
er box, or "ft cent jier lx when the
lx is furnished at the orchard. All
kinds of grain taken in exchange fot
iruH. Also n mi niirtmmt ot veg
etable for sale. Koitlence two inilo
Mow John lay, on The Malle mid.
V. Li i t. Prop.
The school loar.l of Canyon Cilv
desires to inform the public general
ly that thev will admit a limited
- .
number of outside pupils (oour pub
lic school for the small sum of 15.00
for the entire term, for each scholar.
The school board ha taken groat
pains to secure a fine eoriw of teach
er from the east, and feel justified
in saying that they think they will
have ono of the very best schools in
the county. By onler of
Boa 1111 Of DlKKi TOKS.
Our now "ad." from the enterpris
ing firm of Coffin A McFarlaml,
Ilepnncr, speaks for itself, ami it is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to frain new trade they in
tend presenting a fine largo lsMik,
which retails at -f 00 each, to every
rot. ill purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, boots ami shoos, hats etc., to the 1
amount of $2.1.00, allowing until 1
Jan. Ist fo make out the amount, j
(live (hem a t r i ! order, when you I
send away for goods. ' " I
It In Unit Impiilt . 1 t'.o MihuI, wlilcli, sc
eunmUtliiii In tlii ..u,,:i ( thu u.vk, pro
duops iaiilb-: :'.y In ; 1 r 'lllnc; whicli
caut ialii(ul 11.i1a1.11 i.'in in ti,o arm,
lii, or foi't; i!.'uli'.i' ultvit III Ilifl
tyr, esr. . r 11 . . ..f n cuilng lilluitncM or
dea(nr; !.: '1 !j iti iirljtln nf ilni'lin, csll
oclolii gmnUci, r tlio 11..11)' tl-r In uillotit
Unlit!y n. ii! . I tn "1 mi 1- " wlitth.
lanU'lllllg lllmll llii. I, 1 . i" 11 in llllilull
slut death. Ik-li.,: II. . m, -.1 .1. rirni, it If th
littul nl 1 il 1 1 .- 111 ..! !t.ll, fill
irry tow icriit i-iis.i,., fnc Iiuta It.
lly t.iklui; lt.Ml' S-ir'-spsillli, vtltlclt, liy
lh tfiiiatkuMo rurra II I1.11 si iniii lilicd,
ultvii Wlu'll nil 1 III. 1!. . .i.c 1 linn (.ill, (. hl
ln.iviu It, if 1.1 ; 1 ti ni ami jMcullar
inritlrlnii IiT' Hi' il.t. .m. H n.n nf those
cures sro 111111 v.nrdrilul. If y.m sulTer front
CMfiila, to mu. 1 1 tt- llikl n.m.ti.irUln.
" My (IsuitMrr Msry ni sfllh t-d vt Hit seruf
old till she lMiinn lx jcariuf bjt. I.uiiiih
funiird In her nek, mat run of tliriu sfter
ftTowutg U) tlw lln if s 1 Igeou's rs, Uecairic
s runutos sure fur nt 1 r three y.-sn. Wo uvn
br Hood's K.iiBa-uilll.i, whrii the Uniip ami
all tntllcalli tin of nrof'tlit rnllnly ills
Sfipestetl, slid now f . run tn lo it lioaltliy
Chl.l" J H f.M.t 11 r. Nnuiltlit, K. J.
K. IW Ik aurp t-ici-t uuly
Hood's Sarenparilla
5ol4bIIUti,-. t. fl.lfi)rH rrairwlosl)
U) V. I, IIOOU.-. ' , i:Mtlitoim, Iuufl.
lOO Doses Ono Dollar
Mm Tfnnit Tlnnlnun
1U flUll JLIuillBii),
'ini-i-i ni .V Cnsst h;hs.
I'ivo Tliuiia ud I Sin'. i 1m or over, of
choice Winn i n ln an I i.OOii 1
tons of eider vim ;; tr now oiTcred for
salo nt low h cnhli rules.
I will si ll aip! m. by thu quanliiy
ut tbo nr.-liiiuj 5 i i-yiitH per liox oi
I j eeiilH per iilllli), I Vi.ll IN If AMI.
Speciu' mill it lucoil teltiis offored
on heavy an' oik. m for the entire
crop in the (itch.tnl
The above det.i.'iinlo f rntc b bold
good during n ith' iin time, or from
Soot. 'J.'dh to Nov M, l-t0.
lly el in itUeiiti. in, pruning ami
cultivation, t can imw olTer to Uio
public sitp'en of mi;
ermr size and lis-
vor, ami ax c" l
pui" vanotius m
AM to bo fulli.d i,...t or ci of ilto
Cnyrado in tuna in Ciiiio it ml seu
and jutljje fot ). in M-lvi ti.
Oichard M'n.ite t-.. iioIi k ertht of
loliii 1.iv,iiiii i.i.c b.ilf teile hiintli of
the Pruirio Ci' v mi I .Inbii Uny loud.
Itcsidt-nee in Poplur ( i rv .- noitli el
llio orchard
3Z" Hard eider, renin cider ami
Kwiet cider
'roo to customer-! vvhilo
I. (t,
Ji IM:II A !tT. I
Your Alleinii, stockaiBi.
The (iutiIIai li fni hi one mile fiom
Cimvoii Cat , will I. hold on N'oM'tn
Ul loth, ti tlte hi,; best blibbr. It
contains tin seel ions of laud in a
1 ody, of which StH) O'-res are j;ool
plow laud, all feu id AIhi twu tun
aim? stream mi (be land all Co year
suilicient by w..t(ir all slock. AUo a
dileh oarrjin;,' abmit ."e'o iueliis of
water ou tbo I nu f"i init,"itiou pur
poses. Abuiii rn iicris of Fall ryo
voluiiloeiiti. i 'no of Ihe best
dwellings in il.i .e h. Policy
of I ,iXHI on leilw,,', in foroe lo
Oct. 1891. Al ii but ii, i-tible, witon
shed, siuoko Ii hmo, -!i ken Imuso, a
sheep hhed bir; bold 2,01X1
bctd.aud as; Irudid tlippin itr.unno
laent, will) K'io nili,-o priviledOH
out-ide. On the vvlioln it is the lies I
eiptipped mIiC p or rattle n.ncli in tlio
ooiiutv. If.ill ivn will umw 7 to H ft
'''J1'' OIj1-v "iJoimii iiWHtdttd
at the Now Oiliar.i 15M'"Mti'H to
.. - ....
Dili part f Urf goit wjs u W bout
yrown on this p'ace, a umpie of
whu-hcan fill I be Men ut the (luiiil-
Inch Ktoro. Tln io nt e 4IM) fruit ios
ou tho place iu suieiidid condiliou,
dud haviuu abuuditiico of fruit now.
Pur terms and p .rueulun ri(uii t of
ti b. DKNNlMi, Atuutioy,
Canyon Oily,' Or.
Reduced Kates to tta Worth Pacific In
dustrial Itspoaltion, Stptsntber 251b
to October Sjth.
For the North Pacific Ittdi:(rial
Kxiwsition to le held at,
the Union Pacific will sell (ickets
from all ticket sfntloria on rail lines
of tho Pacific Division, ft.nn Sep
tember 2)th to October 2 ib. on
Mondays, Wcdnesilaj and I rtdaya
at the low rate of one nnd one -fifth
faro for the round trip, with fifty
cent added for adiitissin i to thu
Call on any aetit oflix I'nioti
Pacific Svsteiu for detail d informa
tion. ' T W. I.F.K.
n'l A ,!t nt.
Sure jj
curstta r r.n.M anently
NutTl-rnt Vmui. In ruin.
11 Sum in r SI , 1 1, t.'lai! 1, Oliin,
In I'M 1
i. .i 1. -I . i r 'nh. . lmt.
. 1 ' . in I 1. nr." I . 1, I in,: nn
.. l.:t .1 1 ' I I.) M
iv . I .: v. 1 i:i:.ii iu
nuu; r 1 .
Inr sou li ,..
( lirenli'
ii.- 1 1 iti it. 11. n.-il.
.- I l,f II, nl f'tir?o
VVnllNinrj PliTfl 5vci l iwr?ci
Having Iran terre I myini'ie I in
the lilai kninitb lniites' l.t llmci ,v
MllH-iiii 1 take this lilithml of
tliaitkiitf' the public fur p;.M p ii.. n
age, and trurt the r.:. w ill I
corded tho nw lirm 1 Lave ilso
left my accounts in t 'ie b .
It. A. Hines, with wl. .nn ,
may lie made.
Hc-p . 'fullv
C . Mil i
I ..f
I he partnership In ,
iiiy lvetweeu Miller .V
day tlissolved bv nm
I foi i .
1 1 .lit'.- I
11.. I ln'i
v. -t-
I lo
l. .It
(I. C. Miller reliriun
know ing themn-lv
Hiiid lirm will pl.-cm
ami all who have u
ft a
i: -it i
iO'l'''f i,
pr- -i it tli
(' Mm m
bain nrm ic:ue
once. i
Canyon Cily, r , s.-pi.
Hi- i
Notiie is Ik eb. i.
County Poind i !. u.i
(inint county wi.l im t
of tho County i ii . !. , . i
I louse in t 'any. i
Ihe '.'dlh day'i : o t . ..
publicly exHimi t In
llolls for the yi !
all errors wbieh u, i
made in the valtini' m
15 tc.
Dated tbi-. Im ...i ,
A. D. lMin. ( U i ' I
.i ii.
I Ml...
! til ' -If
, Mi.
l'. U-
i ii e
.1 irt
.1 IV
. nt
i it
i '
p ...
( ll
Ct.VVO. 4 I If. OU.
L- I'ttnisli
A line (.took of
Tobacco, Ktntiotun.
roci'ived. t live ine a. .
Chas. CO OB Proo,
John Iiiij, tirtinl Co., fv '.
To slop at
ii ( pillar I. on i i ii, e
V ' it lull C.i',.e :il'hi II .
i a i.i'ii lint
I'llo best of u i i.ii.ui.iibiUons fur
fMIUst.i, f'.lnl lute I uf b.JUl I aild Ii dj;-
iny n uhotiuble.
33x -cr a? 3E an x o xac ,
Oaxvon Citv
Olll i.'iV.
llooU ul Mum t . .1,
i'i or 1
All Wui'h Wnrcuntad Hikl-ila.
OaKVOM Cn v. . un,'-.
0(0 Til',s.V
'rmvohag tuou wi'.l find
pleasant auu dosimblo 1 1 .
whioh to stop.
(lltu uh u OiiU
m a