Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 02, 1890, Image 3

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t j
Thursday, Oct. J.
A )( 1 1 ct. Tr l Hiwhart's.
Sot hi notice
Omul oonnty't brmrd of equalisation
tt sdrertiaod U meet on the 20th.
(lovemor 0. C. StvvanaoM of N'evada
died but week after a lingering Illness.
leaded freight wagon Iwve rut up
Utc mack worse Unn over tliU year,
so ttttiwtcr toll ua. '
'llii1 rains descended nml tho lloods
cuius but Uie country can slnnd a
whole lot morn jnst like it,
John liny town should U called
Msiwer Canyon;" thou the two town
might love each tither more.
Harney Um have iwn rolling in- j
iri fM vllv nsltv livlv nf 11. nf- !
tor fruit nttfl other necessaries. ;
llu.iinesft with tho elitor is
. ,
pttfkillg ;
u not ao iihi.'Ii in a tininrml point
of view as tvmniphically spukkiii)(.
Harney oounty is the tott customer
tills vnlley tins for her fruit. Joad
nfter limd gries over there, and none
is lmuled Utok.
I'riday evoning a window ourtnin at
Dr. Horsley's rtMidenco was blown
into a i -undid tlanie, nearly onusing a
Ctork Trowliridge are lv ing con
siiiornble work done on their placer
ground over by Siliex vallny, running
cutJi, and so foith.
A few of the citixens of (Imnt coun
ty have Uken advantage of cheap
eurAion mies and aro atteiicunx uie
KxKsition at Portland.
The toys of the HuiulM)ldt Co. are
liiiililins n nm)i vuir and uiakini; other
preparation for a full run in their
mint) if siifticient rain falls.
A society called the "Neverswents"
has had a rousing membership t low
er town nil summer, and last week tho
chief organizer was up heru rucruitint;
the rnnkx.
In list week' Xi'.ws we omitted to
mention the arrival home of P. V. worth, who has Ihhmi absent
for the past four years, disposing of
fitook which he drove east.
If any of our subscribers have lilos
of tho of optemlwr, Octolnir and
the fore jmrt of jS'oveiuIter, 1880, they
will receive a liberal reward by bung
ing the same to this ollico.
It has Im'cii ascertained that heathen
Chinos wore tho bank roblmrs at The
Dalles. Three of them have been ar
l o tod for the oll'euso and $2, 100 of
the stolon money recovured.
Our now proof reader list woek left
a figure 5 in giving tho gain of this
county in imputation over the first
guess, where there should have Ihxiii a
'J, Did you notice tho orrorl
( i rant county's pioneers should or
ganize and hold meetings for their mu
tual social enjoyment, Jler pioneers
are pulsing away, and those remaining
Khould tighten the Umd of friendship.
This town had a fuot race last Fii
dny lii twi'ii Fred .Miuier champion of
lower t nvn, and .loe Sowull chauipion
of upper town, distance sity yardi,,
l!o a side. Won by .Mmiur six in
flies ahead.
Somebo'ly has sont u a petition to
the legislature to be ijiie;l l)y all who
are in favor of tixin? church property.
Vu will forward the same with the
name of those who call at this ollico
anil si;ii the petition.
Sin-rill' Cowing of Harney county
arrixrd here from (!n county Friday
eMinin, with Win. Page, who will lt
tried at tlio coming term of Harney
county's circuit court, for the murder
of Win. lirown ut liurna two years
One Harney county editor is teach
ing school in connection with h'u print
shop, while another one is ndveltising
for a job ut sawing wood. ICditor feci
the oll'ecti of dull timu, and realise
the beneiits of mlvcitining. Tht eth
tor no doiiht already ban more jobs on
hand than he cm do all winter.
.Mr. -I. A. Whitni in who has fur
years lieeu (irnnt county's nut indus
trious proicctor for hidden gold
Irrought home whit ijuartx to town
last week with chunks of the piecious
iii.itnl sticking to it. He lim run a
tunnel into the mount tin a Umg ways,
and feels confident of tapping the ledge
(luriiig tho Cuming winter.
Mr. F. M. PearhOn brought, to the
Nuwh ollico last Monday u lsjx of line,
large iitAt(MW, raised on his mnoh in
Hour valley. For siyie they cannot bo
Ixwten in any country, and are not
hollow like somo large Ktatoos. Mr.
Pearson raised In.i'UO kuuiU like
them this ycir. Who sioko about
Pear valley being so frosty!
From inijuiries made we loam that
('rant county's census was taken none
tfsi well, after all. We leorn that Aw
hxsuor Tiuiuis in his otilcial travels
over the county found a number of
families who hud not beeti enumemtod
at all, and he thinks that ut least two
hundred jicrsoiis in this county were
overlooked by the enumerator.
A young ludy of Iiayil!e who came
to Oregon from Peiiukylvauia a shoit
tiino ago has s t an oxamplu which
many a (!miit county girl would do
wall Ui follow. This young lwly tllixl
on 1 00 acres of good yoveruiuiiut laud,
and lust Friday she made final proof
on the suuie. We would like to see
all of the public domain occupied by
such rustlers.
Santo min.
Very inweh seatar.
Um! Drfchdmr,i now Ml Wday.
Sprinkle of mow m Sbmwberry
.Iwlgw Dnatin ooetttilM tio Pro Hods
ltorn, SfU W, U wlfeef Wm. Pi
Hotm of (Innt cottnty'i twImc
JtouKI have been sent nwr to the
) fain nml exjiositions.
Five dollar pli piece. and bill are !
renwrkaUy scarce in this precinct of
Into. rry liki ly thy livo ljn put
awny for tlio winter, like tlm gruuinl
lawyer Piiniuli and ifi ntiitwl to
llaker lnt MoniUy. From there Mr.
Farrinh intended to take the train for
IJast Portland to visit her father who
is verv ill.
New (irxitts. Just arrived a full
"l of loth aI'l nml fnncv goods.
iitvo me a can, ami you win oosur-
HrjJ n. mv orjecs.
I), u. UvKiiitm.T.
There is more Oregon Pacific talk,
but talk seems to l the capital stoek
of that nwd. Tho Sumpter alley
railroad ill tap Southensteni Oregon
now l-'fore the O. P. ileei.
Iiuis NieriiKiu who lives en Indian
creek has lumestod his crop of ola
toes consisting of SI sacks. Mr. Nier
mun lias n flue ipmlity of ot'to, and
teamsters desiring to buy sliouhl give
his much a call.
This city bun three church build
inga and only one of them occupied.
Wc don't eat missionaries here. If
we did jierlmpH some of the monev
collected for "foreign uiibsioiib1''
would bo directed our way.
The lleppncr stage line 1ms a new
ftagc station across the river from
Monument, where stages will stop
over night. If Mr. Cans retains the
liostodice his ferry Iwat will do a
I good business next spring when the
river is high, ferrying the stage six
limes a day. .
Ucorgo Xolliimer who returned
from llaker City with a load of freight
the other day dragged a valuable mar
to death. The animal was leading !
hind the wagons, and in some miuuur
thunv herself and was dmgged alout
half a mile Wforo it was discovered
that there was unythiug wmug.
A lmlicas corpus case was on
docket last Monday. Chas. Will
iams was sent over from Iong Creek
precinct committed to jail in default
of a ff00 IhukI for assault and bat
tery. There appeared to be a (law
in the commitment and a writ of
habeas corpus was filed. This wad
not sustained, and the prisoner was
remanded to tho custody of tho
IJ. S. troops will soon have to pur
sue nml hunt the howling bunds of
ignorant Italian laborers in this
country tho same as they do the
Aolius in Arizona. Italians in
Kentucky had u light with a hor
ifl'a posse, and they arc continually
giving trouble. Such undesirable
immigration should be excluded.
(Jive us in preference, the neck und
humble Cliinamao.
John Sayers who recently erected
u large sawmill near lliunfe bad the
misfortune to lose everything by lire
last Tuesday morning, including all
the lumber In the yard. Hroady
Johnson the night watchman at
Hum, tunc the llames about three
o'clock in tho morning, but on the
arrival of men on the premises noth
ing could 1h done to save property.
Wo did not learn the Mipioied ori
gin of tho lire.
Joe Pigeon win) wm indicted by the
last grand jury for robbing Pied Mil
ler is stopping at present in the jail,
where he will most likely for
some time. Uaputy Sheriff John Fisk
found him over ou the .Malheur, and
hud some dimVulty in taking the bird,
who resisted. The law was on the
side of the officer, howexer, and justice
triumphed after short Utttln, John
is anxious to make one mere arrest,
which ho says will bo hu liftielh one.
Indians should bo comcllcd to
stay out of this country, for their
wholesale raids every season ore
rapidly exterminating the wild game
in these mountains. When a white
man hunts he docs so fur the pur
xise of providing food und susten
ance for himself and family. With
a siwash it is different he hunts
because the agent at the rusurvaUou
jiockets the government money ac
cruing during Lo'h abicncu, from
the saving of ration:, etc.
That bufiiilooH used to roam over the
hill tif d'raiit county thcie can b no
doubt, although it has been nssuitud
that they were never west of Snake
river. The finding of the remains of
these moiutrehs of the plaint, is ample
proof tliat they inhabited this locality
froin a jieriod long ago up to a com
iarotively rooent date. We liuvu ou
exhibition at this olllue a jMirtion of
the skull of one of the animals, evi
dently an old pati iurch of the herd.
This telic of a now ubiKist extinct fam
ily of the miimal kingdom ua, found
by Mr. F. M. Pe.uson in Hear valley,
together w ith most of th" other large
liones, paitly hidden b.-ucuth the soil,
and in a pretty fair state of pruitirva
tiou. Pill Cmy found the muishis of
a buffalo al Olive citek yeurs ago; (Jul
(Irigsby dug one up in Pear valley,
snd Horace Shsiu found arl of one's
head in his gold mine, imbedded iu the
washed gia. l a good many feet fixiin
the SUlface, on the hill west of town.
Yes, we have hud buffalo.
Southward go tlio wfhl gooso to n
warmer clime.
Overtoil's itore is lwcomlng jam
roeil full of now goods.
Tlw finest cigars in th market
are expected daily nl l'arrteh's
postnffice store.
Arthur Master is rnoiloeltntf ihn
tower town meat market, IHHybuiui
having retirwl
.Major trifHn (ho tailor was in
town thia week measuring the gen.
tli men's legs for iwnts.
Knim jiresent indirations it i
fcnnwl that Orcgou will not get a re
count of her population.
Frank Hampton charged with
disturbing the iR-aco n ptvtsn a
hearing Monday and dismissed.
Sels l'ru have greatly improved
th ir nture Imth insiile and nut, anil
they expect their new Kootlsi before
taken n ranch on
I'd Abbott ha
the North Fork, and himself and
wife are living there improving the
W. II. Clnrk intends burning
coal again this winter in the stage
1 ollico coal which he takes from
i 1. 1.. .. .. ... .i.ii.. .1-:.... ,i. t
me piiiffo nouu uwiii me milium
assessment work.
Our jKMiple were given an opjMir
tunity to ta.'te lxnr meat this week.
.Mr. Chnmlcrs of Pear valley slew
one of the destructive sheep eaters
and sold his steak.
Stock is Wing shipped from Sou
thern Oregon to Puget ound tnnr
kcts. Thnio fellows must ent beef,
and so long as they havo money to
pay for it Oregon can furnish them
the genuine article.
We don't know nil who are at
tending the Portlnnd exposition
from thin locnlitv. M. V. Thomp
son and John Schmidt have gone
down from here, nnd u number
from lower town were contemplating
a trip.
The goverimr of Indiana cannot
collect his snlory from the slwlo
treasurer, who cannot jwy for wont
of fund!. The governor proposes
to take bpil measure to get his
ay. Tiny must experience hard
limcn in Indiana.
Indians on the Sioti toscrva
tiou in South Dakota are u.jMJCtiiij
tho coiuino; of Christ. Ho is, they
sup lose, to cover the earth with a
stratum of soil thirty feet deep,
covering everybody hut good In
dians, who will gel through to tho
surface nnd timl eritablo happi
ness in u hunting ground ou earth.
The great financial system of tho
country, upon which all of u nro
more or less dependent, should
never Iks made a football to bit
kicked back and forth between
Utical parties. The pastime is en
tirely too dangerous to the jntoplu
of the country for politics to.iogu.J
late the price of silver or green
back .
The legislative committee elect
ed at the recent meeting of the
I'.cgou Press Association, lias
prepared two good bills to submit
to the next leoislature. One is to
mciiic the general publication of
all new laws iu the uowspanors,
and the. other to provide lor a
tnoru detailed publication of county
Tlio supremo court of Wash,
has decided t tint a statute making
the. unking or inhaling of opium
a misdemeanor wu.s constitution;!!.
Don't see how a fellow could well
iioi'l inhaling more or loss of tho
smoke if lie goes to a China joint
after hi washing. I 'rutty bad
when a man inhale opium smoko j
and commits it misdemeanor there
by when ho didn't mean to.
VA Wiggard, u teamster of
Omaha, fatally thot Alliu Koran
and then blew MX tlm place where
his bruitn would havo heen if ho
had any. Wiggard left a note
raying the girl promised to marry
him but proved unfaithful. Tlio
sooner such unfortunate fools kill
themselves oir tho better for thu
world, but they generally kill thu
woman who hud the good sense to
i of use to marry tlieiu.
Thcievire a number of congress
men who would do well to put in
tlio time during the roecss in tak
ing lessons in tlio art of gentle
manly deportment, or oUu tlioy
should practice with tho boxing
gloves so us to bo butter able to
knock each other out when they
get into a row. Such scenes and
attempts at fighting as were wit-nci-scd
during tlio past session uro
a disgraco to t lie "inunly art."
lolin I., liutlur, a democratic
leader of I larrisburg, I'enu., gives
to the world an excellent substi
tute for the term "mugwump," as
applied to democrats. Mr. 1 Sutler
bolts the candidate of his party
for governor "bocutinu ho is not u
duinoorat; lie is a 4jiboost!.' " This
variety of t ho human species, .Mr.
!'u tier uxplaius, l a jiiofessional
dcinocnit who is butter and purer
than hi party, iu his own estima
tion, ami is louiicd with a set of
prize paekuge principles which can
never lie put into practice.
Samuel Trench Loses His Life Wtitle an
the IMMfe lllnhway,
Saturday evening the stage driver
brought word into town that Sam
' French had lieon dragged by a run
J away team and fatally injured. A
! few moments later and m. Welch
j came into town with the team which
I lie had caught on the road, and said
j that Mr. French had boon remove!
to the residence of Smith Proa. Dr.
Orr started up there immediately,
and n uuinlicr of our eilisciiH also
went in order to render any assist
ance that they could. Some of them
returned about eleven o'clock that
night and resirted Mi French de.ul.
The decease I bad come from hi
home in the upper part of the val
lev, driving a span of voting horses.
After transacting the business for
which he came to town he started
home in the afternoon Saturday.
alone. He wns seen by some vvoik
men when he passed Joe Olive's
ranch, and the team was then run
ning. That was the hint time he
was seen by any one until the stage
driver found his mangled and ap
parently lifeless ImmIv lying iu the
mad a short distance above Smith's
residence. He could do nothing at
ail to bring back consciousness, and
notified Mr. Smith, who removed the
body to bis house, administered
stimulants and sent to town fur as
sistance. In tho meantime young
Welch had seen the team jiass run
ning this way, and had overtaken
and caught them horseback.
Mr. French was terribly bruised,
and never gained consciousness af-
i ter he was found. His light leg
was broken above the knee and (lis
located nt the hip, and there were
I terrible wounds on the back of hi
! head.
It would seem that the toam made
a sharp turn to the left at it jioint
this side of Harry Hall's, throwing
Mr. French out; that his foot caught
and held him, the team running
over the same road they had just
passed over, only in the opioite di
rection. He dragged thus for about
n quarter of a mile, when be was
left lying upon Ids face iu the high
way. His clothing was torn oil and
his iH-rsoual effects scattered in the
dust Ataiut everything was found,
however, including a large sum of
The beginning of the end of this
unfortunate runaway will never be
known. One theory is that Mr.
French had alxmt got control of the
horses when his foot sliped from
the brake, throwing him out, and
that iu fulling he hud griped the
lines and turned the horses. Wheth
er it was thus or whether he was
thrown out when Ihc team wheeled
signifies naught, since to know it
would not bring back the neighbor
nnd friend.
The Inst .ad rites were adminia
tered and tlio remains interred in
thu Prairie City cemetery, under the
auspices of Mountain View Lodge
I. O. (). F. ou Monday. The funer
al was attended by almost every
one for miles around, for every one
who knew Sam French held in rc
mcmbrunce some act of kindness on
his part; some time when his chari
ty alleviated the suffering of his
follow beings.
Deceased have ti wifn, three
sons and two daughters, to mourn
the hiss of husband and father.
The country would lie just as
woll oir if not better, if there were
less Klitics iu legislation.
In Kansas tin y have "restibmis
sionists." They have subinltled to
prohibition once, and now want a
chance to Mibmit it.
There were dropped from the jen
sion rolls iu ISh'J, l(t,507 nanus.
There huve been added during X!M1
almost a million mimes.
The Orcgonian of Sept. 22 wus a
mumuiotli edition and contained il
lustrations mid a description of Ore
gon and Washington's manufactur
ing enterprises.
The land granted to the Northern
I'acilie railroad from Wulluhi to
Portland, bus been forfeited and re
verts to the government. This is
welcome news to the laud hunter,
for there is much choice land along
the route.
Parley and wheat for sale at
li und inch's. Also a lot of winter
ryo which will grow seven and even
eight feci high if sown in thu fall,
one nail DUsliei to tlio acre u inicu-
th d for seed, but if for huv one bush-
el should lie sow u.
Have you an idea of applying for
u patent, or do you wish to know
anything about patents, a subject
iu which everybody is interested!
Messrs. C. A. Snow Co., 710 Hth
Hi. N. W., Washington, ). C, will
obtain your patent or answer your
. i! .... II' I si I.. I...
questions. vie snow mum u oe
entirely trustwurtliy. -ml their
advertisement on fourth page.
The school board of Canyon City
der ires to inform the public general
ly that I hey will admit a limit !
number of outride pupils to our pub
lic school for tlio small sum of ft.OJ
for thu entire term, for each scholar.
The school lsjard has taken great
pains to sooiim it mw corps .ji leiu n-
ers fnnii tlio oust, and fetd Instilled
in saying that they think they will
. .. . - . i
nave one ot me very ih'si sciiooi hi
the county. Py order of
lioAllli OF DlKKi'ToltS.
Hit A It VAI.I.ttY KOTItt.
Improvement is going slearllly on
in our taller.
Brother Stark ami family
lea us for nana unknown.
Mr. J. Oliver has quite a force of
men on Hear creek making fence.
A wedding in high life at Mr.
ITeliiitck's, J. P., last Sunday. Con
tracting iarties Mr. Asa Shore and
Miss Malhwm Stark.
Mr. Sels will soon have a two
story dwelling house completed, and
I understand Mr. Parrish contem
plates the entire fencing of his ranch
on Pear creek.
heat can be raised in Boar val-
ley in ieiicciion. 1 1 any one uoinns
this assertion let them call on Win.
Allen, as he raise! about six acres
this year, as line wheat as I ever
saw. Haised, too, without irriga
tion. I am informed there is a gentle
man in Pear valley disposing of
about twenty deer per wuok. How
loiiff. oh how long! will our same
last at that rntel Peats all the In-
dianh in the mnuntaiiii, of which
there are about 200 at present.
Mr. lilanton was seen yesterday
about Ave or six miles up Pear
oreck rushing furiously, frantically
enquiring fur three artieles, to-vlt:
The Ugan road, Mr. Zwirher and
another mule. Whether hu found
them or not I havo not licen able to
Dear vollev is becoming quite
noted of Isto for hotiMjbreaking, ct
tv thieving, shooting horses with n
shotgun, eve. The horses shot lie
lunged to Mclleun v Jewetl. ! un
derstand it is the second time .Me
Mean's have heen shot. It may Im
a hard matter to decide who is do
ing this malicious shooting, but it
will be an easy matter to decide
what is best for him if caught.
Mr. I' red wiener bad his camp
robl nl of various articles of cloth-'
ing and grub a few days since, to
the amount of about 40. Another
house had the dishes purloined, and
1 understand Mr. Waddell had
aUiut $40 worth of bacon taken out '
..f his barn Adamson lia.l the lust
sack of (lour titken lliat bo hnu,
wlule the cliiblren wen
at school,
, ,
and he don't think the
wreteht s who stole it were honest,
or thov would have left at least
half of it.
4 3s - - -
Co to the Red Front Billiard
Halt, Can von City, for fine wines,
liquors and cigars.
Some one advertises in tho Chi
cago Tribune -thai he wants "to ex
change 1(10 acres of good furin
land for 1(H) bushels of Htatoes."
Mexico has decided to reduce
her vriiir am! change her system
of rccruTting. -Shu miul also do
away w-ith a revolution about cveiy
four jeurs, or her govern meiit will
hu a failure,
A man up in Washington is
trying to raise coilee, and one of
his trees is about 10 inches high
and covered with the berry pod.
The market price is not likely to
hu visably clfeotcd by this crop.
, . . . - - -Come
anil Settle!
iilhe is heieby given to all per
sons imlnbted to tho undersigned that
they must settle their accounls on or
miforo (Kt, 1st, IhUO, or the suiiu' will
. . ..... . ...
le placed in the hands of an attorney
tor eolhvti'iii.
OvKKiioi.r .t Mi'i.imii K,
i lnyou City, (Jr., Sept. :, lsu
I Notice is hereby given that the
I Prairie City Public Schools ojwned
,nn S.-pt. ', JKOO, fir a period of
'nine months, under very favorable
un-pi ' s being supplied with all
modi rn apparatus and tirst elass
U ;n hers. The bourd of ditertors
Invc dt cided to admit a limited
' number of outside pupils at the
gtnall sum of jf.'iOU ir term of
three months in either room.
Apply for admission to
To Ml Dealers,
SllllflltS ,V CoNSt NKIIS.
Five Thousand Huslmlsor over, of
choice Winter apples and 2,tM0 wid
' hius of cider vinegar now offered for j
j wie at lovv.m ciisii lines.
I will aell muiles by tlm mianlily
at the oreliaid. r0 eouts per box -or
cents per jioutid, i a-imn hash,
Specia' and reduced tenns offered
ou heavy on'ors, or for the entire
crop in the orchard
I lm iitioio iiesignatoii rules to iioiu
, eoot .juriiiK gathering time, or from
' Si 1 . I ..on
, aepl. -'lll to xov. isi, fyu.
itv cloie atiention, pruniuir and
cultiiutioii, I can now offer to tho
public M'pli s of supuiior size and tit
vor, und u i.'oh1 keeping varieties as
are to bo found east or west of ihc
Cascade mountains. Come and see
ami jtnlge for yomsoJvui.
Oichstd bitusto tvrn miles ruut ol
John JJ iy, ami one half unit) south of
the Prturie Uby ami John Day ioul
nMniM, , ,.-0,,Br flrove north oi
I ,l4, ,.,.lttr,i
UlUtl , r(..Mll ,.i(l,.r ,,
ftd.iv frie to customers while
1. It. Ul.NKlI.iltT.
C1m. H. I. Hj'aharnat UngCreck
was burnt I Tuesday, w r hi
formed. H. H. Cottrell is al Trowbrfrffo's
I ranch with fine grntlo ahecp and
; cattle for sale.
i Miller took hit i departure yes-
terdav morninu. The bora mo
' him an "ovation" the night Wfore.
! The Pacific Prewery's Celebrated
I Beer, the ltst in Kastern Oregon, is
1 now kept constantly on lap at Uto
i Kcd Front Hall.
) Hnving transferred tny Interest in
the blacksmith 1 to nines .v
Masroii I take this method of
ihankiiiu' the mil lie for nasi natron-
ago. ami int. ; tin same will oe no-
corded the n w tirm. I have also ,
left my acot:iit in the bands of '
U. A. Uinoh. with whom settlement
may be made.
d. C. Mtl.l.KH.
When tho
leoislaturo m,
Jifultiioinalt county
i ts at Salem iioxt
j winter ami chcts n seaker it is
j hoped ho will h kind ami colli'
tcou to the f w members from
j other parts of Oregon,
j A Pttiint; Bents,
. Of health and strength leiiewwl
' ftd of vase and comfort follows the
i use of Rvrun of r in, as it nets iu
harmony with nature to effectually
cleanse the svstem when costive or
bilious. Fur sale in fHV. and 11.00
1 Kittles by all lending druggists.
Fnt'iT ron flaw. To those wishing
to buy fruit and veuUble, I will say
that I am celling apple si AQ cents
per l, or 75 ceftti per b when the
Ixix is ftiini-hel at tho oi chard. All
kinds of grain Ul en in exchange foi
fiuik. Also a oxsl avsmtmeiit of veg
etables for sale. Itcideiu-c two miles
Mow John Day, on The Dalles road,
H vi. l.r. Pmp.
.4.. - - -
Our ni.'W "ud " from the enterpris
ing tirm of ( oil, n ,v MeFarlanil,
Heppter, sp.-ak-. ! .r itself, and it is
Worth your wlo! o nnd the same.
I. I.. . , .,- i, ..I.. l..,, !-
j Um,, ,,,.,, n,M! 'Ur 0 wk
,.i ... j , ,dl ..... .....
II, , 1,1,111. HI l.ini I (UK, UI I'll'lV
ntail piiK'h i -er of dry goods, cloth
ing, hoots and sl.i.-s, Lit etc , to the
amount of 2"iki, allowing until
Jan, 1st to in, ik.' out the amount,
(live them a trial order, when you
send away for goodn.
Your Alli'ti,' Stockmen,
Tho din) M i It f.'tun one mile fioni
Canyon C.iv . i ! be sold on Noveiu
bcr Uith, to ! .. l,i l.est bidder. It
contains iln. i. : i-,u of laud in a
! ody, of wlin h nun .-eii-, are good
plow laud, all feu. . .1 A two inn
ning stroamn on the laud all tlmyrmr
su"icienl to wiiter ill st ick. Also a
ditch carrying a 1mm ! inches of
water 00 iliofitriu for irrigation ui
posoa. About ii ai iee of Fall rye
volunteciiiig. uiie of, the best
dwollintra in the o p rrf. Policy
of$l,KHJ ou UpiIIiji;, iu force to
Oct. I8UI, Also lain, it .b'e, wagon
sbixl, HiiK-ke bod' ' ' '. I.i u house, a
sbeipsbed i . i i t . j. Id ii.liOO
he.t.l, and a ; h l dipping .iritinuc
ineiit, vvtth ; i . in ' pi ivi!edgeH
I otitM'le. 'ii t!i h it is tho heal
Oqiiippod sin ip or'td'le i.iiieh in tho
county I' ill iv v.;P ow 7 () 8 ft
hii;!i. m l t'le oi.iy I iol iu: i warded
; ' lh New OileiiiN lixposition to
. of Oreg n win: on W hom
' (frown on .dm nniiiii ni
i.. .1.
vvlm h can ahl' bo m n at Ibu.Ouinl
Ueh Htiero Tji,iu,.ie MK fruit lives
oil the plseo in -01' mini condition,
Ititl hnvitio itbiind mi e of liuil now.
For trms und paiu 'iilais eiepiiio of
S. S. DKXMNU, AlUniioy,
Canyon City, Or.
Please Tuke Nolle.
All person kin.v in;.;- tbeiiiselvcs
imbbtedto Miller eV Hints or 0.
C. Miller, by note or otherwise, will
jdcine call and ",'e by the tirsl of
October, !"'")
Nln r.m A Hivks,
The firm of (. -holt ,V Mtildrick
has been di.Koli d liv inuttial con
sult, John Mnldrirlt withdrawing
from tho firm. The business will
le carried orfat tic old standby
D, fl. Ovorholt. All a o iuts due
the old firm mi.-t be tiled with
John Muldrick.
I. (i. Ovi.uiioi.t.
J UK Mi'i.niuoK.
Cunyon City. Dr., Kept. Ui, lK'.K).
- - -
lUductd Rslss to the Northwtst Irului.
itisl exposition, October ist
to October jut;
For the Northwtst Industrial Hx
iHisiliou to h: h"ld at Sttokano Falls
the Ciiion I'm ili- will sell tickets
from all ti. ki t stniioii on rail lines
of ilm I'acilie I i , i-jon, from Octo
her Ist to Oct. ;M i- .'SIst, ou Mon
davH, Wnliu -d:,v und Fridays at
the low rale "f ,,t.e and one-fifth
'fare for the round tiip, with fifty
i cents added for t hob siou to the
Kx position.
Call ou anv :;i nt of the I'nion
P.ieific Kystem i n detailed informa
tion. T. W. ),i:k,'l Pa sn. Agt.
i!oluiei t ii -In cm i:oilci! oi
Poitl.iud will gpen Hept. 1st. J, A.
seo, tho leadingr iemnau of the
baa become a psi tuei lis this
seimoi ami win uifiUe it tue isadiua
Pu-incss College Si ud for cutulogtis
(1 in
RwtoMa Rats t;.e Worth r. . ..c ln
aottrlat Itopaa.t.on. ! tpttoilT :;,f.i
to October Jjlh.
For the Nor.i. P.. ific I
. on
. . . t li
Kx position to ! h ! !
the Union P' i i w II i
from all ticket : - p i
of the PaH.'i !' .n. :
temUr JiSth ; 1 b
Mondnvs, W In ! i !
at the low ol . i an i
fare for Ue round i ip.
,b buy
i to 'iio
ienta added for iei nr
Cull on any a , en', of ue I lion
Paejflo flvsteiu f. r i inilcd ii eo loa
tion. T .. I.!'!'
(K:, I IV V :il.
The partnershi
ing Is-twts ii M'
day dissolved !
(i.C. Miller rt iii :.
knowing thriu :
said firm will pi
and a!! who h.iv
said dim de.-.
once. 1
III.!1 c
All pel -u!IS
in i 1 ' 1 to
ill oi I s i''e, e.liliSt
.ctil t h mii at
i: .uv ii. .i.
Canyon City. -tp!. -', iv).
Notic la l.c ebv given that the
Ikmnty Board i I' ,tli..iioii for
(irant county vin i'iitut (ho ollico
of tlw County i : ,k, i the t oiirt
House in Can. on tvw Xiooi.'V
the 20th day i d ; 'Nft si ml
publicly cxa .. . il(f Asm ut
Holls for tin- .. . 0, and " -t
all errorn v i '. n i i v have bu n
made in the .:ii. : 1 of pu.p rtv,
Doled thi ' N ot.v of i h tolu r,
A. D. 1800. i .... .11. '1 im .
A'.- r.
. 4
Pacific lire w cry (iter.
Notice i- 1 e. . i
havo this h ,:
ey for the sc' '
turid at tie- !
City, Or., v.i
(rant iu Cm . .
H. Stuns. !l i ' t!i
gT of said !' I u'
.1 u
-1. ,
, n
tlrant county I r ilos cl
beer, either m i olt! r k ,
be filled by Al. x i, ,11.
II . Stt Pi i
Proprietor Pin lib I'm were !V!. i
City, Or.
The pr'c of !. !'! r is niei i i. h
or than it In - !. :i f ' to.; , u ..
akak.-n (i.e. n: (..-nr,
Itf nauuisl St.- .... c ' i jw i
eoannt lislf !.(. ,'i i it.-.'.
SiktoIIoii, nrscu.i'. i ' I nl
l.l.Krtt ticcomcs .iti'r., , i , i .
countrnsuro ghiutt)-, tv, 'i . i.
0) intn Lvvrlflnus. 't'. .illib) i t:.
n . 1
n 1
1.1' ill, ..II ,(ii u or. 'Ili.HO ll, li.,,,,,, 'l
known niiinl ilo ir, tho tnl wt 'i
a ."rlsl;i (ali.fjLiu.t ostiiu'. It. liiu..i: ut
Hrleio ef nr Sonlh Soa V,'i!. Iu'i
Aint M'-u, ( i an I ' '1 :'i0 '"O .n of
I', M ell n, in trim .am i , irire-n
iI.t tn .'! u ".lt , 1 .' 1st ' ;i
VMilO" .Oil O'l ' , I i 1 1" . 1" !l
llill, it., I. .rt, "ll i, I'll- 1 j . .i. i ; . i,
..tu, ...r. ul. 'i '4 '
llllliu.., SUlt 1. I.ii , ill I. '' ..
v Cnv i n.T i,!i-. u !nn.. . .'.
I' .11, MUniV'r, 'il. Ml;ri ilij-
loy sic let, I'j.l , .
sV-'s r i;
18 NOW AT PwrunM... T, in -
1 1
l UttTlltWBHHOi
UOMI.I.T, IHIlll' ....
1A lilt: HKVill
ISHUS'i'.' i
The mot i jwe.. , . ,
uentrurefort'i i '' r
and nil lliroat, "
Btotiuirh, 1... i ' '
Nervous llcln. t .
its vaiio'.is s- ,
li. Auo?(.'si i .
Mi.' sod hi . "i
givt :iitA:il, i
i . t ilic th s
. i, tln i. i v
i'.i. '.. ilc'. ' '
( i i.r!, ' !
i'l I, 'U ti II
th :f. to Itiin 'V '
I I '.H'lUN'S X '.
i-' .. i urct !r 4 .
.it I ' i ui -.t i i .
lie. ',.'imil iU ie
in ' i'.i past t. i .
t : ' r ef the n 1, 1 1
C !. .'. 1.UC,':
ni-,e.i ,. .
ii .. i.tly i '. I '
i f . I ess'. ...i '
" ' 'Oil i.r t .1 ' ' .
I u Jill. I," ' '. i . i.
l'.-.e' t I. (. i
Od.-U mI f i (
Iwr.h i.i..t r .-.K k
Nm -Hoi c I
li,.i.lii'l i i i
ly ' '
'iiiwviTifliaf M .
x i-
i . . ...n
r .. II
v ' '.
t. i
;i.vvov i uv, ott.
J- I' - - i ,.
A tin stock '
Tobacco, Ktati'iiery, ;.
receive!, (Jive iuu a cult.
y.fv .If'"