Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 25, 1890, Image 1

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I tho oldest ncvysva
pr Uitupon The Dalle
ntul Winnetiiuccn; tlip lar
Kt circulation, therefore
i the lxit for iidvei tiving.
U i iicwmpei' for tho
people, Ulsiring for tho
people nl voicing the oii
tinu'iiU of the cople of
its own (Jrnnt County.
Vol it me AY.
.Yam her JT
j J. I. ASBllllY
Editor nnd Proprietor.
Subscription 1 year in nilvmico S'-' GO
If not paid within 3 months . $3 00
Sis Months 1 50
Throo Months 76
advhktibixg katks.
1 i null j !( mo
!l inrdi 1 .1 mo
col :i mo
- col I II 1110
l oui :i mo
St.r.O ! 1 ycir $ir..oo
siuhi i yoar t:v:.w
1'J.OOi 1 voar 8-14.00
'21.00 1 veiir SSS.00
lO.UOj 1 year 110.00
xyc For stniuliiig display nils only
All Heading Noticou in Local
'Johitnn will bo charged nt tho into
of 20 emits por lino for Hint, niul 10
cts ouch Hiibesquunt insertion.
Spociulrntua to regular ndvurtiaors
we am: mia-oici) to Kikcrri:
4k Job Printing
Postern, Dodders, llillhcuds, Lot tor
hemls, XutohoaiN, Htnto
iiieuts, Invitations,
TiekoU, Cinltf
Ktc, etc.
l-ltl.STKD 10 OltllKU.
Co. Judge (I. I. 1 1 a.ol t ino.
Clerk Qi'orf,'u Shearer
Tioasurur N. II. Boley.
j Y. 11. Johnson.
1 II. IL Davis.
Surveyor J. W. Mack.
Sliciil. ().!'. Ciesap,
AaSCSSOr CIlllH. Tillllll!,
School Supt M. N. Boiiluin.
Stock Iiisooctor .... W. W. Hinton
M. 1). Clifford
Dist. Jiulgcs "'
Dist. At'ornoy . . .
. . Junius A. Fee
.... 0. F. Hjde.
A F & A MOimjcm City Lodge
No. :U meets Saturduy on or boforo
each now inooii.
o O F IIobal1 ''K"
Canyon City, regular meeting Thurs
day evening of eajli week.
Mountain Vinw Lodge No. 33, Prairie
City, Saturday evening.
A O U W Homer Lodge No. 78,
Canyon City, .Monday eenin(;n.
O C T J,,1' Hav Lisle,,, No. 80,
Canyon City, Sattmliiy evening.
C I it'll. Hancock Post No.
3 J in i Day, Tuesday evening on
or Iwfoie ci h full moon.
i o
Oinalia, Kansas City, Chicago.
Hast, 'North & South,
H C BOWERS Ticket Auent.
Notica is horoliy (,'ivon th t I have
this day appointed tliu following per
oiib deputy Block inspectors for
(Irani county, Oregon:
L. 11. Johnson Dayvillo
John II. Hukor Caleb.
John C. Luco, John Day.
John Jlluukwoll Long Creuk.
"Woods Carter Fox.
Win. Hall Pruiriu City.
K, S. Hlackwell Hntnilton.
L. M. JohiiKon Shoolly.
Uenj. Hunsaker, WuRlier.
Love llaile-y Stewart
WmGilliH Itittcr
Slock IiiBtoctor forOrunt Co., Or.
May 7th. 1 '.".
iii-at iv tiii: woui.n.
ioiiaaciiYj)KaKn.HOEsr.KAiXY. tyr
.S,r ..,! II,
er, t )i .
Ktcntrl i k
Novrll, i'
. '.. li - u .
,1 ,,
uevcr Vc in io
trulv, nil lir tniLltt
luvc ililrl ill' (tiwl four, tlmt mtnt
It Hie riwciire .-f niccet Wn.lom'i
Kobcttiiir l die jm.imnof merit, ami
iU hUtorv i urie-w The ninjiicil '.(
fect of IliU prrrnli"ii have lcu Attrt
td by DioiiMimU of til- Irwtitii; ldie of
society and the ilir It i.tlie oulv arti
cle tTcrdncoered winch jjlvej a A'jkt
at nil Hreutifut tint to the completion,
at the wuie time rrniovioj; all rni)hfen
of the face and iron ami leaving the
akin aoft, smvtth ami vele(v It haa
lonu teen the Mudy ol (.heuifitt to jktu
duce ail article that uliilc it would htau.
tiy the CMiiplciion nould alto have the
merit of beinn .Sattttlen. but thee two
imiotUnt iiialllic were nettr bought
toKettier until coinUucil in
1 lt Ifrn ItoutilrJ miut f
rr ttt wllb
,ll.rmt oftlif llJny and lif Itlol
mliT JIBfrriit trmrll ad h"r
.mifhl iM frutn JHIrrftit thyflrlim
nithout irtlff Atoullhc I Jlh ut Aftll
I uflctinc from a vtrjr tlolrnl
attack thai almott tifitrJ me la
men a miniirr inai i"
u'hfn I ui rl.iwn it n alnul (miuwlble for iu
tu et up alonr, or lo put on my tlotlin, whta
una I'rovKicncr win i iifunr. mm
OKi:CON KIIISI'.V TlvA. to mr
huttl I immrttlattly oimnunceJ
u.lnr (he Ita, It bal an tlinott
uilticulou, rflict, uil tu the aa(un
Uliineut of all the gtirtt at the hotel,
IU I . V U.JI.I ..I ..i; M aval.,
that I a new mm I ill4'
reojiumenU the tea tu all alUMeC
a 1 bate l-cen.
C. A.
llupilrtor OocMental Jlutrl,
tUula Kuw, Cat.
Q V., M. I).
I'll VHlcinii A Stlrm'on.
Canyon City : : Oioj;on.
(Jllicti next door to Co. Treasurer',
ollico, Main Street,
onit, m. i).
Cnnyon City, Ogn.
Otttc on Main Strt lu llouuii fartdtrl
.lJ Lj Dr. UuHM-J.
npbe r
At loruoj -iil-I.uvr.
Lonh Ckkkk - Okkuok
Pakhisii k Co.AD.
Canyon City, - . Oiikcon.
Olllce over John Hchniidt'a cabinet
shop; ollice hours from Dam to 1 m
Proprietor of tho
John Day Milk Rancl"
Frosh milk tloliverod daily to my
customers in John Day nnd Canyon
citica. (live nio votir order.
l, April 8, 1K IS.
( auyon Clly, (ireoii.
O liioinhis Drug Stoic, Main Htieel
Inliiis for Drills promptly li.led
No profcksioual patrousgu solicted
in' iss directions are strictly followed.
T T, M ' 7VT j. iTr
Notarv Public.
ln a 1 hik City ... Oukoon,
Wan Atront for tho Bale of Hchool
II. 1101. KY,
(Ollico opposite Maionic Hall)
Canyon City . . . . Oregtn.
All Work Warranted.
An Ol.l Salt Trllt of an Knroantrr with
Aral, I'lratra,
One soaion Uvck In tho 10'a I shipped
aboard of n llrltlnh iihlp, tho Swallow,
to make a voyage from llombay up tho
IVrntan tJulf and hivok, rlti' an old
seaman in the lloitou CoinmercUl Ilul
litln. She wm an old craft and l)r
ialler, and her crew of twelve men a
iiiaile up of four or five niUlomUltlcH. I
remeinln'r there ero two Kanakas, or
Sandntrh Ixlamlrrs, one l.ancar, a ni'tfro
urtuo, ami tho o thorn ere American,
l.mtltah ami Dtiteh. We had noarvelv
left lt.inili)- when the captain wah taken
nick vv 1th fever. Ill name wan Ahlrloh,
and his wife, who Mas a woman of thir
ty, always sailed with him. She now
took command In n general way, ami
this to tho satisfaction of the mates,
theuirh lxiih un thorough sailors. I
heurtl one of them say that she could
take an elimination or work a ttal
rts-konin, and I saw from enters she
Kavo that she knew allalsiul a ship.
We had f,od weather ami made Kod
progress until after wo were atsive Mils-
at. In the Hay of Ormiii. Then, one
fiiremsiu we K'"t a siimll which illd not
last ten minutes, but which brought
down our fortt ami main toyallant masts
and carried away a nail or two. There
was only n li;ht breeze lifter the Wii;ill
had passml, and wo were 1 ln)j to and
hunl at worla. hen an Arabian ilhew of
aUmt two hiimlrisl tons biinlen came
strum m;; down the eoast. We were
wuhin four nilli-s of tho rocky ami
mountnlnoiM shore, bat she was two
miles Inilde of us. She was no sooner
mailo tint than the tlrtt mate lie;ame
anxlo'i, amt Mrs. Aldrleh was sent for
to coini-on itiH-k. She lotik a icimh! hsik
at the stranger throujfh the h'lass, and
as she lurnisl away she iiierled of the
"l 'an we depend on thocrew to ll'ht?"
I 1iom ao, ma'am,' he replltsl.
"Have them mime aft."
All movtsl aft, and I can remember
through all the lonr years just how- she
looktsl ami etery wonl shesaid. She had
a worrltsl, anxious look, and no wonder.
ami there was a tremblliiK In her voice
as she suld:
".Men, you know that your eaptnln Is
sick. Vomler comes a pirate If thereover
was one. I f he captures us, tho-ai who
live through the igUX. will p Into the
Interior as Mlaves and woi-ko. If we are
all aitreinl we can boat ti 1 lit oil. What
do you say?"
"We'll I'lfht to the last!" shouted one,
ami the cry w as taken up by all.
"Thank !od!" she fervently ox
clalimsl. "I)le them a hrato 11,'ht and
no olio ran bo blaimsl If weareilefeatiHl.
S.Hiner than full Into their hands I will
blow the old ship sky high and all of us
with her."
We had no cannon, but wo had fifteen
muskets, a lot of cavalry nabeni, and the
i-aptalu had not dodifed about those wa
ters with his eyes .shut, lie had two or
three years before purchased a doieu
haiid-ronados or stink MiLs, surh as
are Hied iy the hlneno. These wore
brought up with tho rest and found to
be fiiM-d and lu (food condition. Tlioy
hi lulu d alMiut two Hiiiiids ajiits'e, and
ilonh Day - - Or
Hardware, Mincr' Suppliei, Etc, Etc
Ilyilraulic Pipe ami nil kind of
Tinvvure iiininifni turctl to order j
The uiilv Tiii-Hlmp in (inwiti oun
ty, nnd fiiippcil for nil iiiaiuicr of j
Chas. COBB. Proo.
J ah 11 Ihtij, C rani Co., Ores.
To stop ut this popular Iioiiku once
is 11 nin that you will eoino n'aiu
The lu st of a 'fominodations for
jousts, nnd rales of boiml and lodg
ing ixasonalilo
jx.- rcurrnioii,
Canyon City
IU. r linti'i l tu order, or null) npalir.1
All WnrU Wttrrivutuil Irat-olaaa
Kill rHf u nu4t itlitk
hukIm mwi 14 rltf
n lot:
a uhii ntum rwwtr.
nuiriia iron aiiii
MMihftrtil-tir mi llliav4
Bd itfiw c r (lifM 4Urb4U
!l 'VtUr imuI i.UI. UKIblllL u Bliri
HLV-'l-a-R.3SiK-5. W.fcJLVWftR.V!kt
lll..J.L. h.l Ikim aud ln.m Uat
Xli.ll.4oo mnl laal la ta. f
each iim lm-iHMl in n net, so that It'
is mi Id ho tossnl ijuilo a ilistam-e. We'
bwdisl our muskets, Usik our stations, '
and weri .is ready as we could be. The
captain's w Ife alternated between the
deck and thi cabin. He vas out of
hlsheiiil. which was the Iwtter for him,
and she host his rexulvor ndy for use.
IKiwn rtnmn the dhow, foot by fisit,
with tie wr a cheer from the umwd of
cut-lbrtmls on her decks, There was a
menace In their silent'1, but It hud no
elfis-t uvm us. We were dcterinliieil to
tlht, ami U ftRlit to the last. I untthe
first shot and knoekid oyer a man In j
her forisiaatle, mid then all bo)fitn to
blaienwny. She del not fire In rtHru, j
but forvisl upon our iimrler, and I ooiild
see tlfty Aralis, inch one armtsl with a
creaso, emwitlnir against the rail to be '
ready to Umnl. i
"Now, heave." yelled one of the sail- ,
ors with IholKuuhs, and Isith llhtsl she !
fuses and heaved away. j
Itefore we could tell u hat damage had
Is'en done the dhow was alonirslde. She
threw her, j,t ,j((i
catch, and alio rubbsl our whole length
and went ahead. As we saw her failure
we hhwed a ay aifaln with the ipuskets,
and every Imll found a man. Shesallisl
like a witch, and In-fore she could be
becked was a cable length ahead. Shu
had juat put le-r helm over when there
was nn explosion, followed by n great
sheet of llame, and we saw that she was
hard III U I'onfiiHion reigned from stem
to Morn lu a moment, and we added to
It by )M'prinif away at fair ranee. All
ablaie within Ilie minutes, she fell oil,
headed for shore, and was run on a reef
alatut a mllo ni ay. We saw aoino navo
themselves by lmats and rnfU. belni
swept lisin the shore by the tide, but It
was afterwards Iciruisl that upward of
forty-live men wen- killed or drowned,
and that the loss i f the dhow broke upa
bad KaiiR of pirates.
Mrs. Aldrleh was on deck through It
all, emptying tho revolver Into the
i crowd as the dhow iiassed us. and when
all was over she went down to her bus
Kind with a fare only a little whiter
and a mouth morn llrmly ,-ei. .She did
not betray her womanly weakness until
she caino to thank us. Then she broke
down and urlisl like a well, just like a
ItullriMil Tics ( I'lri'.CUj,
Adams 1'. Hopkins, of West llrlilge
water, l'a., has lllisl n caveat u)hiii an
"improvement" lu the form of jsistN and
railroad ties made of biirmsl llrc-clay.
The post w 111 bo burned Imnl, and will
have tho railing sis'iired by menus of
nails driven Into holes made in the jsmW
when soft, at an angle that will bring
tho heads together and bold the railing
llrmly lu place. Holes through the ties
upon either side of the rail w 111 admit
Isdts, tho upper ends of which will have,
washers and n'utN bearing iism the rail
and bidding It firmly in iltlon.
Klilln'a Atimrltsin
..iitin Hey has two relative In this
country his father's sister, Mm. .1, I'.
Holscn, of rittslitirgh, ami a cousin, her
son, who has aurvisl as mayor of Terro
tho n-ault la a eolllilnu, whi ther "romlng
thro tho rye," or nut.
1410 11 lull or oil-
llalnna. Wo are romtantlr rollldlnir with
aoinctxxlr or aoipt'thlnir. If It Im l with
our nrliihUirt It U with aoino On ad ilia,
tim that "knotki ua oil the track " and
ixrhapc Jltahhsi ut fur llfo. Women ipr
clally It arcms havo Io lirar tlm hruut of
tnnro coIIIiIiiik and amirtloim than man.
kind. Ill all raaia of nrrvi uilii as, tnr
linrdowu Kiiulloiia, trnilvriiraa. jn-rlodlial
pallia, alck brailailic, coiiirt-atlou, Intlam.
UlStlnn, or ulivrallon and all "frlnalo
wrakmaaia," Dr. IVrt-a'a r'sverllii 1'nv.
arrllitlou isjruet to tho rncur of women
as no otlu-r iiiisllclnu.doea, It ! tho only
uirillcluo for wnuii'ii,anlil ,y ttrUtfKliti,
uudtra pualtlve ciioruiitrr, from tr.u
luanufacturr-ra, that It will l'Iv tUf so
il. in In ovry case, or ictuivjr paid for It
will Iw ri'fuudoa. ms tnxarun( on Ixittlo
wrsprer. CvcnUlili IV. ty Wontn'a Dia. VI aa AAiV.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets
nirulalo and rlcaoau tbri liver, itoinach tnd
iKiwria, nil'
tierfrt-tlr ban
if dlUKgUU.
tKiwi-la. They are purely Vi-artnhlu ar..l
perfrctlr banahw. Ono 11 lioac. HuJJ
tj -xats 11 vial.
ir. a. so r tu wonrii,
l-llOI'lilKTOIl OK
Sim Mi & Dior Factory
Canyon Cltv, Or.
, . ,,,, ,
Suli. Doori, Window.. Olau, Putty,
Moulding, and DreMctl Lumber
Etc , Constantly on Hand.
, .. I". , , .
Furnituro lYlado to Order,
He Toll M Htnry Mint I. Cnliiprlli'it tu Sl
Iflirn nn I niprrllilriit Milli.
"Ve, 1 miv that aeeount of tho aero
naut v. i in ide an ascension from Hon
olulu . I fell into the sea to bo lie-
VrtUn d by
sharks," replied the mail lu
the : ml 4 -
I tel ..
IU d i...
ulster, "and It forcibly ro
of my own adventure oil tho
d to give us the story In all
, he hesitatingly couseutisl.
and, nee. i ling to the New York ."sun. said:
"In the v ir isno I made an aseonslon
from S.i i !' anctsco. The tippcrcurroltt
of air t -k tut- out to sea, ns In this ease
Wo had no parachutes In thoseilsys, but
the balloon was Intlatist for only a short
trip. Yi Io II ten mill's at sea It ln'gan to
ilesceml, and where do you siipMise I
"Ill the water, of course," replied the
man from Milwaukee.
"Hut I didn't. 1 gently ilt'M'eiidisl on
the deck of a large ship w hlch had been
In a storm and afterward
nlMiidouisl by her crew. She was londe I
v 1th a cargo worth jltHi.lsHi, nnd 1 sailed
her Into sirt ami got SIT.'i.ooil nalvngo as
my hare."
"You did! Yon say she wasdlsinastiHl?'
"Yes. sir."
"Then how did you sail her In?'
"IKi you doubt my wonl, sir?"
"ill., no; but I want tho particulars."
"W II, sir, 1 sailed her In, as I said
before, and that's enough. Any one who
wants any further inrllciilars will be
consider d as doubling my vera, ity, ami
It Is needless tu add that the mnii who
doubts my v enmity -!"
Here he look from his pocket s large,
long knife, triisl the edge o.i I - thumb
mil, and after il glance around n luniiit
it to Its sheath. No further particulars
were ask isl for, and the subject of con
versation was chnugis! to other jsist
li lea.
, llruphlr IVii-1'lrliiri' of l.liel)
I lll'iltl III I
In a 'I elirrii ll.ia ir.
Miiuiilcil cavaliers or gmndees, at
1 temlisl by niiiiicnms outriders, prinliico
general eoiisteriiatlon win 11 moling
Minismsly through the bntars In I'or
I Ma. livery one darts ipilckly out of the
( way of the luc lllcsoino Steeds, wl '1
M um in take special pleasure In sh .
1 lug olf wlieii half a hundred women
I and children are almost under their
The feraiiohes who clear the way for
! the great man show me ivy to 110 one. lie
' ttib.g or donkey, man or woman lhat
I comes within the reach of their corbash,
1 or whip. It descends on all alike. Ammo
j lug scenes often occur, ami some thai
J are pitiful as well, when some one gets
, hit or kms'kisl down.
Y.iilml woineUi w Ith shrieks of laugh
I tor or cries of pain, lly hither ami
thither, trying to keep the mantle ovei
I their faces In all their hurry, and tin
j yelp of curs mingles w 1th the metallic
j ring of the Arabian steisl when his Iron
alioo strikes lli'e from the pavement.
Add to this scene embroidered cos
tumes nnd housings of brilliant color..
)mfihsl witaHins, men of haughty mien,
Nubian slaves, and the varied parapher
nal ih ol thesurniii tilling Uiotlis, grouped
lu the ibuui-lw Wight of a batar 011 a
iv arm afternoon In .lime, says a writer
In the Homo-.Maker, and you haiea pict
ure utferlng the chromatlo glow and va
riety of a Veronese tempered by the low,
rich, Imaginative tone of a Itomhrnmll,
Io which two centuries have added liuli-M-rlbable
.s.lll.hne.. .1,1, 1,-, I 1,1 tho 4 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 k-
I'ulllfa of HilllKiT,
"Talk ulxiut the 11 w and downs of an
actor's life," remarked a veteran player
to a Chicago Tribune reporter the other
day. "Why, most actors live a llfe-tlnie
In a single season. The svvelleat ban
uel I eier attended and the hanlesl
got meal I secured Ixilh came lu the
same season. The hnuiiict came early
in l),-Uiber, when the star celebrated
the auniiersnry of his debut as a star.
The latter came the following spring
when we were traveling on our trunks
from Washington, II, ('., to Louisville,
Ky. It was an all-day ride, and we knew
that we couldn't eat till we eon Id show
again. Jamestown was the dinner slit,
llim, ami the manager ami I got to talk
lug over tho prospisita for chuck. I
coiiflued 10 him that 1 had ten cents In
, stage stamps; he said that ho hud a
nickel; so wo agreed to shako the rest
of the company ami feast logolhur. The
manager hid himself lu the luggage
loom at the station and I went up-towii
to n bakery, where I pttrchas a plo
w tth our combined wealth, and returned
to my friend. Tho sw lU'hmau's dliiuer
pall hung templing near by and we
oH-ued it; but wo hadn't the heart to
lake more than n couple of pickles froii
(he poor fellow, It was a dainty meal
- pickles, pie ami cako (atoiiut-c bacho),
Tho Joke of tho wholn thing was that
the star, a smooth man, had meanwhile
arrungisl to feed tho whole company
and give his nolo for the bill. Our
own selfish oxcluslveiiess had shut us
Marhlnn fur HullarlUK llrruil.
There seems to be nn limit to tho In
genuity of man. Tho latest and most
unliUo Invention that I have board of
Is a machine for buttering bread. It Is
, usisl lii coiinis Uoil with a kiteiit broad-
cutler ami Is Inlendisl fur use li
prisons, work-houses, and other re.
jormauiry Institutions, There Is a cyl
liidrical-ahapisl brush, which Is fist
with butter, ami lays a thin layer on
the bread as It comes from tho cutter.
The moehlno can I hi worked by hand,
Steam or electricity, and has a eaiiaclty
of cutting ad buttering T.W haves of
hr,.!! ,lour. Tm) ot huUr
8Ill, thu ,,,,, ,, ,,, ,
iuuutuy vt cruinlw Is said toliovt'rv
A Country Where Hie Mrvlran Hollar la
Not ItWoir I'ar.
Tho oblef com lu circulation along
the coast of China Is the M. xicau dollar
and tho ooppor cash. It takes from I, Vox)
to I,. Mm cash to mako a dollar, and aomo
of the coins In Dsn aro so MMir that you
can bn.ak them tu two Is'twcen your
thumb and finger. Theynioof the alto
of an old rod cent, ami have a square hole
In the center, lu older that they may be
strung on a airing. They are made In
dlllerent (tarts of ( hlna, and the tceroy
of Canton Is now bull ling a mint with
modiYii American machinery, which will
turn them out by the ml. Hon. In the
Interior of China those cash and silver
and gold tu the lump form the money,
'I ho slaiuliinl of weight for both Is the
tael, which weighs about an ounce, and
tho money Is east In the shape of a
lady's shoo. Ten taels of silver make
a lump of sImhiI the slue of a Chlucio
lady's foot, and If you want to pay out
less than this amount you take your
knife or n chisel ami ioumI olf as much
as you want. It Is the rudest way of
doing business, but tho Chinese, are
very suspicious of coins, and they like
the pure metal, (iold brick alsmt an
Inch long amt half nn Inch wide and of
the same thickness aro also used, hut
you have to watch these, as you do every
thing else In the shape of money In China.
In South China you will 11 ml a chop dol
lar, out of which Utile chips of silver
have lieon taken, or In which holes hare
Is'en Isirod and these boles filled with
load. You will find coins under weight
and chunks of which are conn
terfi It, and the rcult Is that every
Chinese business-house has to keep one
man whose buslues is to detect counter
feit coin. This man Is 1 ailed theschrolT,
and all the money of the establishment
Misses through his hands. Ho gives a
big Umd. and he is rcsmslhle for all
the money he takes lu. If he makes a
mistake It Is his loss, not that of the
llriu. You w ill llnd these Re lire Its con
neetisl wllli our Legation ahroud, and
they may be called the cashiers of the
Hast. They are always Chinamen, and
the foreign hanks lu Asia havo all their
figuring and their money calculations
made by Chinamen. The Chinaman
does this with his little Ihix of buttona
strung on wires; ho never makes a nils
take, and he Is the groat arithmetician
of the world. 1 0. Carsnter, lu Na
tluiiul Tribune.
Hum of ltf lli'iiiona Dial Attract Ilia
NtroliKrr Ski tu tin, (lender.
The power of fascination Inherent In
women may, moreover, lie divided Into
two kinds. A II of us have huoii the old
lady, generally w hllo-halrisl, with kind
ly, pleasant features, on which lime has
set no unfriendly mark, who still retains
all her attracllieness. Nolo how the
I toys ami girls adore her; they will go to
tier and conllde their sorrow a, their
hopon, thulr ambitions, even when they
would nut breathe a word to their
mothers. The kindly, loving Interest
winced In a lad's attalrs by such a ono
has tlmo and again llrst Implanted the
Impulses In his heart which eventually
led ti 1 111 on to an honorable career.
IJiilcWly, almost ny slealtn, Hie good
Is done by such, and the good seed sown
which will rlH'ii tu after time Into a
rich ami abundant crop. On thu other
hand, we havo iiutst of us seen, jiorllapa
III real life, certainly 011 the stage, tho
fascinating adventuress tio. by her en
thralling licauto do (liable, enslaves
men's souls and lends them (on the
stngei to dare all for her sake. Kuril It
directly oppostsl to the sweet . old lady
111 her old-fashioned chair, and those
two form the oiMisllu 'les bntwooii
Which the womun who fascinate vary.
Tysis ililler, and any one you may so
lis't has some position between these
two opKislloH. Take, for Instance, a
pretty and may bo willy womun who,
hardly of her own free will, makes
every man fall In love with her to a
greater or loss degree. She may lm In
nocent of all evil intention, but her io-
sttlon oil the scale is not vastly removed
from that of the melo-ilraiuullc sorceress,
Or, again, take the instance o( the pret-
ty young matron who, w inlo devoted to
home, husband and children, yet has
several Intimate friends of the mule per
suasion. Hut her Inllueiico is all for
good. Her fascination Is exertisl In a
worthy cause, and she has found out a
great truth that thero Is no friendship
o lasting, o true ami so pleasant at 01111
between M'rons of upslto sexes,
wheru a truu fueling of Ixuiuo camara
derie exists ninl there Is lit, pretense of
lovo-maklug. Such a Woman, If she
lives long enough, bids fair to develop
Into a snowy-haired old lady on whose
friendship tho children will rely,
llruuklyn Kaglo.
Tlie I'oelry of I .'a 1 1 nr.
That marvelous story-writer Ouy de
Maupassant says: "A man Is a gourmet
as ho is a poet, or an ariiat, or simply
learned. Taalo la a delicate organ, per
fiH'tlhlu and worthy of resiHi-t, like tlm
eye nnd the ear. To lm wanting in the
son' uf idsio l li deprived of an ex
ipilslto faculty, of the faculty of discern
ing the ijualtty of ailments, just as one
may Imi deprived of the faculty of dis
cerning the (jualltloa of a hook or of n
work of art; It Is Io le deprived of an es
sential sense, of a wr of human so
H'rlorlty; It Is to beloiiif to one uf the
jllliuuierable classes of cripples, Inllriii
piwipln and bails of ivhtch our race la com
IHwed; It Is, Id word, to have a stupid
mouth, Juat is we may have a stupid
mind. A Dial! who docs 110: distinguish
Is'twcen n langom..- and a h I sler, Ik
tween a herring ."liat rdn.iriblo Ilsli
that carries with It nil Hi savors nnd
an 111..S of the m ..) ui'd a ti .. ' end or a
i. bring, is (1 u pa, ild" 01. , to 11 man
I iv no count iii 'i.ii r,.i,.a, imd l.l.geiu
hue and a 1.) 1. , 1. ,ii.v 1, llei i.ven with
I ft military 11. .0, 1. c .n;i,d by Hoim
1'al LjiiJ u.a' U'i.'' llarijr'
Itow an Ka.trru .linlif,. Iirrldnl a Com.
pllt-alisl Can'.
Dr. Henry M. Seudder resirts tho do
cliloii of a case In an Kastern ismrt lu
which the iilco discrtmlnatlon of the
Is'lieh was conspicuous.
Kourmen, iwrtners In business, Uiuglit
some cotton hales. That the rats mlglit
liotdetlroy the cotton they purchased
cat. They agrs-ed that eae'h of the four
should own a particular leg of tho oat,
and each adorned with 1" ada and other
ornaments the leg thus apportioned to
The cat by an accident Injuns! one of
Its legs. The owner of lhat menilior
wound alsmt it a rug soaked in oil. The
cat going ts near the fln set the ragoii
(Ire, and lielng in great pain rushed lu
among the cotton hales, where alio was
accustomed to hunt rat. The cotton
thereby took fire and was burned up. It
was a total loss.
The three other nrt tiers brought an
action to ris'oicr the value of the cotton
against the fourth partner, who ownis.1
that imrtlctllar legof tho cat. The Judgo
cxamlnis! the case and thus:
"The leg that had the nil rg on It
was hurt; the cat could mil use thai leg;
In fact. It held up that leg and ran with
the other three le,,-s The three unhurt
legs, therefore, tarried t', , lire to tho
cotton, and nr ul n, The In
jured leg Is not .. I blam, d. The ihreo
partners who 01. net the limn ley with
which the eat ran to tlm cotton will pay
the whole value of the hales to the part
ner who was Hie proprietor of thu lif
Jurod leg."
An Inl. Ill jrtil Malm, Itttg.
Who nys a dog has uol 1'ilOlllgence?
A liurdliier lady set a dish of aouti out
lu her y.inl the othtrduv toeool. 'I'll..
llsh was very hoi. but b id a handle.
The house dog , it ciunc i.l,.mr to lint
dish, lunsl by the faftcliu.tlnj' frnuriniee,
contemplated the contents eno'i jh
to mm tiiai It was hla fuvorlte a-mp,
then, taking the handle bniween ""ids
teeth, he backed 11IT several rod, verv
carefully, pulling the dlslt (t"r him
ton place which he considered IksiiIi eid
er and moro seiuesteretl. Ho tvnitoil
for the broth to essd. ilevnurtsl It vltfi
Inllnlle rellah. tin 11 clraggisl the illsl.
back to the spot w here he found It .
llaugor L'uuiuivrcUl.
Absolutoly Puro.
A cream of I
Hi-IhhI of nil
I' S C10 i i
17, LSM).
.' pi
! I
I'll! oil Ilie HrtijaiM
If ymi find you aro going then hill InpftlU
of health. Tolling '.ttc.:uth. I 'n pal red Ultfisf
Hon and aaalmlUtl .11 are III" mailit of decline.
Check tlicjeoul otlnr ludlcalloni ut prviua.
turo decay with tlei kiaiid.vll.diur aul re
maining tunic, Ibisti ,. .-r's" toiiiadi Milan.
lU'Kinuiii at llo I utii.11,1 Ihv.i -Ui" itonitii'h.
tho Hitlers time-in . us lie !?li i-,ny, , orreru
Us t-rrorv, anil m'i . 11 . . on.iis'r nt worn. Tliv
tliKesiivv iinian . -I. 1,1, 1 1
ii-parale If .,111 1' , ,
plra Hlilell II ,
1 tills I. Ill" t . .
Is rd i-tu 11, 1 1
Its llasurs a.'.v 1
well, a rc.tu 1 i ,
a d Hie t .11 1,-u-, , 1 -
tin ir 11 a ral 1
lets, lien, v 1 . 1
of ni.e.M i.i .
lion inl m l '
tlmr .m.h'y
t, 1.
' n --
' -1.
. 1 me
The alysprpllr, ill, 1' I 1 1 I . t .1, it In-Ill.
rr 1 1 till I'Orx el Ollll ,. 111 I 111! or
boil)', 1I1I11I1 01 e v iu 111 11 In
Malarial Regions,
villi llnil Toll's 1'ills lite 111. ,.t t 1 ninl
rr.lorulll e cicr ollcrril the sollellli
Try TIictk r--iirly.
A I li;irola he iv .
tierves unit 11 1 i .
'III e I 1','tl, t.t . "112
I I .IO I t III I ' -IliU
HOI.I) l. l.k iniiti;
Wasting Blccaccs
Worulorful Flosli Producer.
iMnny have ;;i.intil ono pound
por day by iIh u .,
Kcolta J!ii.ii1moii !h riot 11 fMU'ict
rcinnly. It mnl' itia Urn Htiinulnt
ni(j' proportion i tho llv pophm.
iduloa ami muo Konvugian Ootl
LI vor Oil, tlio jioUiticy of both
boino; lui'tft'ly inereitmul. It in umoiI
by l'liyaiciunii all over tho world.
A'oM by all yJcii((.sf,s,
BCOTT A. QOVHE, CliOnusts.N.Y.
I 'norai 1111.1 4
Tatfc pjiic
1 Mil P i iill