THE XK WS Is the oliliwt iipwswi wr Wtwom Tlio Dalle ml Winiifinuoeii; tin Ur gent cinciilntinn, thfri'fr ii th" lxt for ndxei tiling. THE jYKWS Is a jnwjmjK'r for tho people, hiLoiiiiK for tliu people and (.ieiiix tho son tiuicnU of the pcoplo of iU own i ii nt County. T COUNTY M5M I I ultimo .7. CAXVOX CITY, (Hi A XT COUXT )'. 0 li ICOOX, THURSDAY, SE PTIC. 1 It lilt JS. ISOO. Xu in her 2G. TIE ( I AJN SB THE GRANT COUHTY IIEE IL'IMtSIIIU) KVCMV TllfRSIUV MOII.SI.NO -KY jJ. . A SIS DRY ' Editor nnd Proprlotor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription 1 year in mlruncu oO If mil paid within l montlm S.'l OU Nix Months I SO Throt Months ' ADVHUTISIN'C ItATKS. 1 """" ' ' 1 inuh ! '.) mo 61.50 , 1 yoar flo.OO it inch It mo S'.I.OO 1 yoar ' .TJ.0O J col ' :i mo lU.OOj I venr j $11 00 - col 51 mo '21.00 1 year 883.00 1 col j a mo i lO.OOj 1 yoar ; 140.00 l''or standing display mis only. All Kottdin Notices in Local 'Joliunn will bo clunjod nt tho rate of 20 ccnU por lino for first, anil 10 cts each mibcHi'iiont insertion. Spocinlrates to regular ndvortii,ors. wk xuk I'Iii:pa)ii:i to r.xcci'TK jk Job Printing OP EVKIIY DESCItll'TIOK, CIIKAl'I.V Posters, Dodgers, Billheads, Latter bonds, Notohuudt, Slnto uionts, InvitntioiiH, Tickets, Cards Ktc, utc. rillNTKP TO OltDl'.It. OFFICIAL 1)1 KKLTOKY : Co. .1 mlyi) (!. 1. Hiizoltino. Clerk George Shearer Trousuior N. H. Holey. r, . . ( V. II. Johnson. CoinmisMonors j Ll jj i,ilvis Surveyor I. NV. Mnck. SltrritY O. I'. Ciosnp. AssuKsur Clms. Tiiuin. School Supt M. N. HonliHin. Stock Inspector .... V. W. Hinton Dist. Jllllgl'S 'Disc. A fount v I). Clifford Jiitnos A. l'"ce ... C. V. Hyde. SKtMlliT SOUIliTlrX AF & A Wl C'.niyrni City Lodo No. .'I l meets Saturday on or lieforn each new moon. I O O F HoUh lod;o So. '22, Canyon City, regular mcft ini Thtiiv day ovening of inli week. Motuittiii Vi'w I.(m( So. X, Praiiir City, aturiluy oM-nings. A O U VV Hoi'ior Lodgn So. T, Canyon City, .Monday fwiiiiif;, I OX? T lJ''V '" C.miii City, Saturday evi-niu. C A ' "'" I l.iiuiK-lj 1' No. HI .Mi n lia, Tuesday fvi.'iiintc on or f -n- :i h full moon. DENVER. Oiiialia, Kansas City. Chicago, . GT PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTS Hast, North & South, AT ItiUI.U CITV. H. C BOWERS - Tlckot Acont. DEl'l' Y STOCK INHIMCCTOKS Notice is hurt by given th t I liavo thin day appointed tlio following por koiih deputy Hloclc insprctors for tiraut county, Oregon: SAMKS, L. II. Johnson, . , John H. linker,. , J oli ii C. K an, . , , John llliickw'ull, .. Woods Carter,... Win. Hull U. S. Itlackvvell,. It. M. JollliMIII. . . Hsuj. Uunsiikor, . Lovo Uuilev WmUilliH.. . . i-osTomcr.. DMVvillu Caleb. John Day. Long Creek. Foi. I'niirio City. Ilnuiiltou. Hhoolly, Wuntmr. Stowuit ltitter W W. II into v. Stock liifi"0tor for Ci rant Co., Or. . Mav 7ih, .V'- ! AXLE GREASE miTiRlrRtSE HK48Ki ON SALB ! FRAZER m:sr ix tiii: woiti.n. llawvarlotf Qualltlir unurpaitd, acluatlr CKitlulmir two U.M nt nor oibtr tiranH M .nctibyht. :3r;i;i"iiii;a:.N i im:. rouBi.r.iivnrijii3orNFUAt.i.Y. tyr A MOUNTAIN Ol' OOLD. I'r. m lk lira lil I . It ii now n little more than sev en year. ngo since two old Queens hind in inerr. brotheis of the name of .Morgan, found tliiiiiiselvus in lJookhampton pretty well "broke," ! nnd thought they would try iuuI bettor their fortunes by n prospect ing expedition. Not having funds enough of their own siillicicnt to equip tlieni, t lie y applied to Mr. Hull, then the mtinugor of the Queensland Nation d Itimk, nnd he, having known the .Morgans for years us hardworking, intelligent minor, agreed to become their "backer." That id, lio win to pro vide funds for purchasing tools and rations while thuv were out llU4t, So Ml (I 1 wcr, 1 1. . Krrntr&t i . - - w'm ..ItE'u Imlv. ntut hr Tlltirht luuc aililol tl 1 riiul force, ttn.t merit i tlir rvciirc siiccru. W.xltiiu't Kobcrtinc t Oie itvnon in of merit, nnd it j history if snricn. TVic umirix! rf. feci of lliU irr.iiiiti.Mi l ave licru attctt ed by tlioii'Uiinli. of tli. lrmliM; liulic of ocicty ami tlir- tUic " itlieonlv arti cle ever divovtreit ulnvh (;ivc a iS'ittur at ami Ueoulii't tun to the imiii1cxio:i, nt the Mime tutu; mno.-i.iy .ill loiif.lii rM of the fute ami -'run Rno leaving the Viti oft, nuiMilh mil velvety. It hat lotiK been the ntuil) -if (.lit'iiil'nts to pro duce an article that while it wouhl beau tify the complexion uoulil nlso hnc the merit of bcititf hat mien. Iut thee two iiniHJitniit ipmbties weir never brought toettier until coml.incil m WISDOM'S ROBERTINB. l'UOKKSSIONA L CA II D.S. p V. HAIUIHK, M. D. I'll hlcliui A NlltKfon. (Jxvo.N Citv : : (Dragon. Office m-xt (l(H)r to Co. Tri'iiauri'r's oflice, .Muiu Street. g OlUt, M. D. Cnnyon City, Ogn. oiTtroit Unlit Strrol In Itvitu fdruiffly ou( l'll Uj Dr. HowirJ. Q I. IIAZKLTINK. OA.NVO.V CITY, 0H1CU0N S. DEN NINO. w. Lo.vo Ckklk Ukkuo.v IAnitlSI! it Co.AI). A'lTOHNKYH AT LAW (Jan vox Citv, - - Oiikco. A. KNKiHT. DENTIST. CSV'N CITV - - OUKOON. Oflicit over John Soliuii'lt'n cabinnt ihop, olltco liouiN from '.) a in to I p m ALL WORK WARRANTED. J. OLLIVER, Proprietor of tlio John Day Milk Ran.f Frosh milk ibdivcrod daily lo my ciihiomci'M in John Day and Canyon citicH. (Jive mo votir onloirt. p c nonsi.r.Y, m i). (Siiaiu'atk or Tlir. C.n'ivi'.iinitv or I' 'N.sstvi.VA.siA, April 8, 1 H tx. t'linvou City, ( rngou. I Hid in Iuh lriif Stoic, .Slum Si i cot tnloiN for Diii'h promptly u'.lcil No profitviioniil pttlroiiiiKo nolictitl in !hs diir-ctioiit urn atrictly fullowml. A-ttornoy-at-Lnw A SD Notary Public. Pit Mini: Citv - Ohkoon. Also A ('tint for thu m.iIo of Snltool I.alldH. J II. HOI.KY, DENTIST. (Offioii opmait4i Mnvouie Hull) Cany on City .... Orogtn. i p((5Mcting, nnd in roliirn was to I liave a slmre in any diioovorio ! thoy miglit happoii to make. It j wii! some time liffore anything ! win found by the proitjKH'torsi, and nt Int tlio gnat dicoovery was liuolo quitH Hccideiitly. They luid Ik-oii prKfting nUnit tho hill on the Dec ruer, am! had found tru ces of gold, but nothing myable, nnd were about emitting that purl of tho country, when, one evening, one uf tho brother, ii.'ttiruiug to cnuip, eroded u iteep conical liill, itlHtut tive hundretl feet high, and at down on one of the ironstone bmilder. with which it was cover ed, to smoke n pi jk. lie hud no iden of finding gold there, for, till then, no onu had hennl of limliug f;old in n burnt looking iroust iue; nit while sitting there hu atuused himself by breaking a few of the pieces of ruck lying about and c iwniiiitig them. All of u Middou his eye vii caught by tho glint of gold so iinmi-fakufili; to an old digger, lie hardly believed it po s.ible, but on looking further he found KHeks of gold in other piece of rock. A few picvos wore taken back to camp, Mitiud up and wah ed, with the result that a good prospect of gold was obtained in each cae. The luck dii-cov erer of what was eventually to prove the richest gold mine ever o'HMicd in the world lost no time in tic itiainting their "Im-ker" with their find. Mr. II ill offered two DR. ABORN IU MOW AT PORTLAND, OMtQON. K)inii(isKwui) i'ot roosuu.r tii.i, rvit btiMi.i.y, iiowt: i.ii nt.r ri. iii.o i mi- 1.V1IIL III u II (It AM. Ill ll Ml 1. 1. UIK lsll.M.lMOl'S Ut.MrPi.M) 1 rt:i:)iA.K.r trio. Yhe most, jxibiltve ntul prrma licnt cure fur L .it.inli ol the lit ri , 1 . Autlua.i anil all Throat,, I .unj- Heart, Stoiii.uli, Liver mid Kidney Alio. lions Nervou Deliilitv, ctt Coiiaumptioii, 111 its vnrious t.icH, pftiiimiciitty ciiikI. I)K. AltOHN'S OKK.INAI. MODI! OI'TlUi.VT MUST mill his MKDICATI'I) Imi MOTIONS (.liven iiist.iiitiitii'ous relief, liuiliU up nnil levit.illen the whole constitution mill strut, thrnhy ptiili)ii;iiig life. UVitli, nervous, ileliilltnteil nml lirokrii-ihiui' :oiiititutious, old nml )ontiK iiiv.iriah!) i;ain from ten to Unity puiuuU iu from thirty to ninety ihivn. " )'. Aiiokn';; )lieiiomer,al hkiUnui! vt'loiis cures Ikivo ik-hUM the itali-kl (latouiilimeiit on the I'm uic Co.i-t nml throughout the Amerii nii coiitiuciit, tlur iiiK the p.nt twenty-five yens Akthuin, Cntiirrh of the Ileml, (iiidull Throat, limit i and I.iiiik trouble in-.Uiitly iclicvi'il, alno Diae.isesiiml Denfncasoftci cuieii K'nu.iiitiitly ul fust coto.ultHtio. Pit. AlK)K Si V..IVOU t':c "I'm .ilnlity of Con vuui turn " ioi. I a treatie on "Catarrh ol the Heivl." with evidences of Bome tr.i".liu iry cures, mulled free. Call oi mU!'"' DR. ABORN, lourth nu l MihtIudii Sl., i'urlliiid, Orrj, i N-i II n"! liflr.i.l, .i.rlr juclfil. f.i I. at.-4 h.l; rl, I f It llw i l,lwf in,.. w. C4uiuit i.iy , yl ta ito ... AlLINViriD 10 CAllfOH FREE CONSULTATIOH fHE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH, TCY BKCKl CTOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATE I luf I ffll llnulilfil iimiiv trara w"ll illacaw ifilir kntiir) ami Invr lri-1 many iliffrrrut trinfilirt nd hff oiiKHt aul from ihtfrrtnl i.h)iKiiu i uilh'jul lrtlf AUwl lllf mll"l S'"l I a luMfiini; fnin a trty vwlful attuk Ihul lui..t iruatrtlrl l"f Iu IK It 4 intinlirr imi o iwih urr Whrn I ul iIomu il almual iuiitlr fur rue Iu Hr! up almif ul l put oil m iluOira, whfu i kiuil I'romlriuc win li llfiilcy, wtlli tht . OKIIUON KlliNliV TI.A. 1. 1 my li'jtft. I Imninlialrly iiuiiiuritcnl u.Imk the Ira It had all Htin4 mlraculou rrfn-t, autt Iu tlic attun Ulntiriit uf all tlir zuru at tlir hutel, ttiat I a a new uiau I iri'.lSC- Ol In . (r w ilv. I utit liant.. I.. kJal I' leiluiuiurlitl Ihr lr lu 11 ainictf.ll l I at I have Urn t; a. Ti:rruK, 'lvllrlar O-v-Wfntil Hold. rauia hum, tV. P. DUNCAN, Jtmh lUiy - - - Or HK.M KH IN Hardware, Minor-' Suppliei, Etc, Etc Hydraulic Pipe nnd all kinds of Tinware inniiufacturml to order. The only Tin-shop iu (inint coun ty, nnd oijuipped for all manner of work . REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- 3 h-. 9m " friends of his Mesr-r. D'Arcy and Putlcri-on a .-lime in the en terprise, which they accepted. A visit was mid to tho site of the discovery, w hich wa' distant twen ty milcis from lioekhnmptoii, in very broken country, nml a collec tion made of pieced of Monu from various part. of the mount. Thou wero sent to the Sydney mint foi assay, mid the return showed them to contain in several instances an amount of gold equal to forty onu cc! pur ton. The net step to Ik taken was to obtain pospesMou of the land u (piickly as poitoiblo. Half of the hill was found to be included in u freehold of litO acres which lm longeil to an old Sciitchunin mini od (ionlon, wha had ecu carrying on a dairy farm in a small way for Millie twelve, yearn. His dwefling place a lint built of split slain, with a bail; roof was situated on a small flat at the loot of the mount. The .Morgans undertook the negotiations with tho re-nit that the -a hole freehold was pir ehii-od at the rate of liv dollars per aero. Very Kcldom has so val unbo u property been piirelumed for so small a price. Taking the present market value of the shares those three thousand old dollar represented twenty million. Did (iurdon did not live to learn the full viiliiu of the property he ha I siirrenderisl ; he iiad idwuvtf been a ii i tu addicted to drink, and when he gut hold of the cash whisky Hit iihcd him olf before many month liming secured the fioehold. LV'ld mining leuc sttllicictit to unbrace the remainder of the gold tint were applied for the govern mint, and us soon as they were g: iiitid operations were comiiifiic I to extract the gold from tin '! o An ordinary ten head istum pT Liitiorv wmb erected and coin m n.'cd crushing the stouo, In a vinpor batten the stone i throw n i ifo an ob'ong iron h , in w' live b.irs of iron shod with heavy of the nitue inati-iial are made to rise ullcriltttt-ly by mcutii of cams li.sod on a revolving shaft. In front of these boei in an ojkmi iny; covered by u scieeii of tine stiel with minute holes punched in it; as the stone is Hiiiuiled line enough it is curried throng the sen en by a stream of water which is con-tintly flowing through The p lU'ilered stone fill Is into in dined plates of copper which are coa'cd with ipiicksiiver; the gold, which h is a gryit ulli lily for tin quicksilver, is caught by it and held there iih tin am ilgam. The quicksilver is ut fretpiuiit intervals craped oir the copper plates and retorted, the mercury boinj' driven off mid tho pure gold left iu the retoit. This is the Usual process employed for reducing gild bear ing quail., and thoigh n very rough, primi time uietluxl, if an swers fairly well win if the g.dd is of a comparative c ire eh.iricfer Iu the .Nloiiut .Moi'', in stone the A IlOIlftn -VIIO CAN TALK I rfrylljr lina hiirl of n "hora lanirh. tut wlm I. a, i ter in nil siiliis triflnl vuli Ois Kwrrit ir-i liT H111I1 an nnlinal Tvoolcl m i'l"lHuri' t a iiilrni'lc , tut ) wuillit I ho irl graph nii't tlis trlriinn a tuintrti) yrara 01:0. Why, oven vi r) tr r. ntly a ur for i-nriiiiniptlnn, wtilrh la irniisraally arknnirli ilt'nl to l-o tirotillu afti-rlinif I lie l111itff.w1.11M Imviilx'rii Iii:i1 unii at mlrariiloii. l-ut nnr KMipIs nn rintiinir lo n-uluo Hint the ilium,- U nut In ruratlo. Dr. I'Kr'-.-'a (i.iM--n Miilinil Ilu roirry will eurn 11, If liken In limn nrel III rn a fair H it. 'J li 1 4 woria-rrnioviicl irriuMy will not niik,i ii'-nr Innva. tut It will n rtriru UlH-a. -I ens lo n lieulthy ulatu wiii n iillirr mi-ana I av f aill. TIjimihuihU tratrfully tnuify 11 llita. It ta lint meat iHitrut tonic, or airPlnrtti - mtori'r, altera, liif, or lilood-elrariM-r rnJ niitrlllt,', or llili-liulldrr, known in msiliral acliirv, l'ur Weak l.untr, Hplltuiir of lllol, llron cliltla, Attlima. t'alarili in tlin llial. ami all Unverlnir CoiikIii, It l an uritimlil rnnctjr. In ilc-anireuii'iila of I to ituinnrli, liver and towiKaa liillriallon, or !) -la, IlllloillllrfcJ, or " Uvi r Cuniialiil." ( broiilu Dlarrht-a, nml kluilrul alluunU, II U a aovi-rt iirii tvineily. lioMcn MrtUkl ilaoovrr"U ttm nnlf nielli 1110 of lu 1 lata, m.I-I t.y drutrviata, ini'liT a prlolril Kiinrnulrr, from tli.) nianufaciurrri. Out It will lncfU or (lira In every rate of iliw-Hie for which It l r-n iunrnrrilcl. or tnone fuvl'l for 11 will lx orjiuptly rrunJeJ. CrjrlfLt. im hjr WOII t' 1)11. JtlO. Alflt, I5 C (T F F E n P' " ZX3ilfjFJP brtbamanfaetur. rra of Dr. Pnc' Catarrh llrrnnlr, Inr aa luou.aU cuirvvf CutartU U Lbo Had. A.-.:. gold is so miinitciy tint that u large h-r ccniiigo tloittfl uwuy in the water and never came in con tact with the mercury. It was sikjii found by assay that fully lif ty por cent, of thp gold was thus lost, or at least remained in the re fue from the crudiiug battery. After numerous experiments- with dl kind of gold-saving appliance it was fo ind t uit tho only atislac toiy results obtained were from tho chlorfiiution process, and that is the olio now a loptetl. The ore u it comes from the mine is re duced by roller mills to a coarse powder which is then roited iu brick furnace. Tho powdered stone is them placed in quantities of a loll at a nine in largo re vol v. iug birrels which arechuiged with obloritii! gas under pre.uie: the clfect of this gas is to bring the gold into a liquid form known as ehloiido of gold. After the bar rels have been revolved for some hour the contents are turned out into large vats, ard clour water til tered through the mass and run olf at tin' bottom; the water carrier dovvn the liquid gold wiih il, and looks like a pile sherry, from the oU il contains. This is run tuto litters continuing powdered char coal. The chlorine is liberated by the charcoal, and the 140I1I i depos ited in the form of a tine gold leaf tin the particle of charcoal. Af ter a certain time the II Iters are emptied of their content, which are burned iu a retort, tin- residue being the pure gold. The thousands til tons u' 'ailiog from the original I1.11 r r were a i t rou tod by thi inc. 111 and every particle of gold recovered; uboiit throe ounces per ton v ere obtained Uirge work h ive I m ere -te I 01 piiblo of treating I0U1I ton- 1 week, and have been worked u fili for about two year. It i- -i eon leiuphilioll to illlplic it-t e before loiijj. when the ovput of gold will be double what il i it iiestillt. I p lo the present tnie iclwocii ten and llftceii mi. lio l"l tars worth of gold have be wo .. and the shaiehollor are iu t'e pleiiSiint po-ilioiiof divi I i gamottg tin itcelvo ab.-ii' live m lii hi doi lur a your as net prolit. The I'niled States export n 10 foiirth ol il t wheat, one lifili of its cheese, one half ol its tobacco and two-thirds of its cotton. Our insane Hipulatioti is i .crcnH nig at the rate of l.otK) a ycr, and is now fist approaching the mi moiisi! total of lUU.OOU The death rate from enucor per I.Udi.lMIU Ins risen fro, .1 .'tS.'i in ISIilloSIOin I SSri The disease strikes hardest at women . Tho apple crop of Conoivtieut is bin h a cuuiplete failure that nut mure than I0J barrels of eider will be nindo in the entire slate. L'ndcr thu new law, men who have enlisted in the regular army of the United States and served one year may obtain their lifcluiro.e by the payment of f I'.'l). C w lit county, Wash , has boon f et 1 led forty years and I as 7,' CKJ people. Vet Hevellll toWllsi p of II for est have never been tolli lied oy the fiMit of man. The ( Snick observe Monday us a d iv of rent; th t'erciaiic, Tuisday; the Anyri.iiii. Wcdnesdav, the K)i piiiuin, Tliti'f.iuv ; tin Tirks, Ki iday ; the ,1. W, S.iMt i 1 , the 1 luisiiaiis, Hu nt iv. Ao .. ' v. I. b . 1, . , at I'lndl iy, 1 ii ii 1 " l.l hh' r e t'-l . i v 1 11 1 air 1 i 1 Tin- . d ; .1- 1,(1. A 'el- I 11 , . ' 11 . ii r, .1 . 1 N 1 1 si e I 1 Jill ! 1.1 bote , cent- , tu l,(e , , , (jiies-n., ue 1 iiiii 1 r of a w.iieiiii him .in, I liu pr d- wife devoted to 'I vi I V When I rude grew hi, ick 1 ills fell llUf, the trnlenmil i'u full) gn-w lollj Hlltl libit. Iliai die, I . v fe troti led in th liifht vi 1 1 I -warrants hbo k .oul w hite. I'.e 1, thi MHir man Ih'H.iii to ihiiin wb.,t p ivver thtiro wiih in printers' ink; jiimcd oul uf lied and rubbed his eyes, the lt plan now is to udver lie. lie to the pritifor straightway went and sti l, "(iivo mo 11 Uild a. I VcTtiivlii...t ' MANNtlKS AT Uli TAllLK, ( A Urief Olicouie by the Kev Whanc i dcoJIe Daxter. T. 00 MIUm A Tew tt 111 irk, ladies and gen iiermeiis, is what I wauls ler mako ilis obviiiu mi tie siibjtc' ob oatin' in gintiitl; Htul, hbo, tor say sum fin uboiit iiiniim is tit tlu table ill pi rtiekler. I has In 011 rciitliu ob Into 11 book on do rtibjoc' titt table et'erket. Sum .lohnsing, of yor wants tor avoid boiii' nmnslied iu tie motif, you will keep it shut iu dese sac ml iiuciiitls. I diiln't say nullin' 1 out cutin 11 t at at de table. What 1 said was table etlerkot, which utn a boss ob iinudiler color. I'sc ycr e ins instt ad ob yor motif, and you'll lain sutliii what ycr don't know. When you am seated at tie table you must bo like tie "oat, what iiiu I purtieklfi about what ho feeds on. When a dog growle ohcr his food yer knows dat ho like- hit. When a lady or a gennerinaii Hiowls ob r wimt tley git tor cat its vice versy. Ill de luiok on otterket what I am pcrsuiii', hit say dat soup must not be eaten wid do fork. If yer ha cuitraete l do biol habit ob eiititi' tonp will u furk tn a carvin' kn To jes. drop it. In k.i-e Ii t's not oiig tutig. Win shiiiild iilwi hub clean finger n til at do table, t ka-cthir's whar doy fA ni.' e ei-pictious, but don't clean 'mil wid a fork af ter you has duiie sot down, rj hf yer want lor attend lor yor liner-iiatl- t- u-r p ck yer tcef, wait out I tie lepii .mi uccumbed and tleii e;o out liir:i:iid do burn or crawl down umlor tie tublo and piek yer tcef duie Kf you hiii tei.d u' 'or tit carvin' don't uk any ob u gues of doy will hub some ob e gixxuid, per lickerlerly uf ilar am ladies pies cut. Don't utab u raw- oyster wid ycr fork, and, holding it up, usk do hot uf hit's dotid y.t, fieka-o he may jab yer wnlde carvin knife, licnides, liit's n it 1 uit oiiipuiut in soiiiu respect. If yer stu- a b !oiiny mnisagoou tie table do t'' pit itciied alld ulllip I yor linger and .vlutlu for lilt ter come lor yer, bikie du lady ob tic house whiii'I i'i like h.i. j Kf th- ho- w ,i.i ei t r ask do ; blensill' don t ('IT I Uli i f llosll 1111(1 I I I . 1 , 1 Iook at ue prov ihIiiiiik ami nK, "What forf" beK'tse tint's liable ter fit) it ) tlu i i it mi- li -1 ii .1 it er ain't Satisfied vtitl do e;i'iib, an I dal dill's no eiiltuie iiiii inw .1 ,i'K. in. i'ii iguiiy colon.'d nigorers. At de table, lien should not tu Kt inure den Ivvu obi-M-i-nf wine, bcKase otl Iiiii, mod Miliiebodv tor steer y oil Iioiiio, I)nnjlllk lio qiehuu about what am de ingrejeiil ob de hush. Remember dot ignuuee am bliss, lllld Keep quiet j-vell of lie hot does try li r tit idonlily ob de hash by jenting Jlit in I'Vondi on de memoo. Hut Ioiiiiiio warn yer, In iIiiIiIm'iI friend, agin pie. W ir in si ore oiii'ji eat Miiuit pio, a id I'be korry for hit yvl. Shun de pio, While I'liole Moso laices up de i il d Kio linn for lb Soiif Sea I -'audei , de i tiii' will sing ; ri. n i ill i i i ,. II ,,. III,... l: ' .1 I,.,., i I Curoo HURTS, CUTS, O Iff X SPRAINS, ;2 JY BRUISES, " Ov7 riHEU IV1 A T I S M 1 KL lElVlEDYAlN g'y&RCOBS oil v 1 l. .X FOR RHEUlVlATIbM. Nnirciril Thirl) Yruri. 1-7 N I ' ' r st . lu t'tiuoir, Hi 1 or iieai Iv .to y .. i rut ui it rti'Uiua t i In om n -li i ti iihiI I ri t hn HIT I li -ltl,l i' . I- u. - . -l lari.ttOU tin W II IILlJO.N. '.-.. Wi!X , V0u,'CVxn..ltl Vh rover the iiicrecnarica luivo In c i oinp'oyi tl thry have mado a record ol outiuxe ami violence. In lNninsylvatiia, New Jersey, Iliinoin, Nebraska and elsi where they tiro guilty of abuses iuuI ciimcH which no jM'oplo soli, it wis of their right idiouhl over tol-rate The history of the I'inkerlon svslem of furnish ing untied bund to up.- upon mid overawe the puiph is r d with the bliHid of iiiiiocont people. Knticrt I'inkerlon is said to have e.xprenscd borrow that innocent persons had suffered, lidding the cold-blooded" observation that "it generally hap pened that way." Ilow much lon ger will the American p.-ople telcr ate a system that would not be per mitted in any Koropenti nation, un less it be Itussui. nml which in preg nant with danger to their righto ami liberties'. Salem has been a town for over 40 years, and a generation liu passed to the voieeloss majority since tho lirst furrows wore run in the surrounding lield. Church hells and sehoul bells have been pealing from her h.-IIIYios for near a half a century. Theio are grand fathers and grandmother in that vioinily who attended iht schools thereabout. Yet. old us is tho settlement about the cnpiiol, on last r'liluv iiilIi. a i anlhcr wiih gloaming vyc and a si-alp raising voice, einisetl .1 liti 1 lelcller half a mile lo a house when iliero woro some w . .tin ii and Oi Idrcii. I'or (lm e. ir bun ; ilis niiiinal has b en In ml nt iutei val. A bbe-k beat i'!i i -ul ,i vniinn 1ml near The Dalles one il iv lout u. ..1. and would have caiil t him hud hu not eliui' ed a Hipiiii)r Tlio ,(nr sat dinv n ai tii. i i.e ' i 'io dec noil did tin! .e.,v. u . i Ii si lean s of the I o I in y t ,,s isi ,ii, ,., '', , be ir tli oi !. i i ! -ul J j,, ,, , brub POWDER Abaolutoly Puro. A criMin uf tu. mi buUii.,r pn-drr. Hllii Kt of nil n leiivem j strungth. S flo ciiiin nt Iteiiort, Aur'. 17. 18811. -On TO TIIK Canron: Cily : Earherrsfess. Jus. .1. Frrrrl, Prop. ron nil r oi - in i a iivvk, miivvi roo " m i r i t a i Mrvr.r, i i ! I. I ' i i M lU.i ATImN, iii or.-ifiii 1" M iui4,t,,'t -li Iff lut .! : v.. Sl 0,ii . ,i I ii h t w.-.v hla i , .-.ill., i ,.i nt. Q- ii, H 1.1, I II ' 'Mil Ilt-I Hi IAi.'iiJ. tuil.lar. llt Ii -li i. a ir. a', so r tii woirrf. - i noi'iiiirroii or - v inn npv Mil Canyon Citv Or. Su'l. nr . Wind w Ulant. Putty, Mooldintr. and I) cued Lumber Etc ,) t ntl on Hauil. 0ml ' '- i I. Pi . If A k r . it I MO 101 I IW.Lf.ti All Work. Warranted, mil in in u '.j .-,11 J' !,wy. jm 1Hm n aIIBIIIIIIBII9lt8a