Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 11, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, Sept. It.
llrly is suiting in tin valley ot 1 J
rent wr twwnd.
W tvr itifornwrt" thnt private
iebeol will ojwn at I'roirio City on
thiL 1st, In rote ix-flirt nf the public
school lioflW.
.John Cwge and Cists, Itniitt who
were tswh ttiwd ffi&O for assault nml
ivttrv, nr stopping nt the jail, pre
fcrriiu to work out their. Hint doing
.lohii O. laici nml his daughter
Hub statud ytonlay for Portland,
vm. )nti pnnr. Mi ,ui', wi" attend
the I'Mifle Uiilvfity ut Knret Cmvo
during ()i 5'"l"g tortn.
Swmtr lllurknmn hm gone ovor to
HarnDU Oftiinty to interview the inst
ill mill lAVn their legislative wants.
On life way Iiuiiip ho will spend a few
days fn tills valley and ascertain our
greatest used,
The Mill intelligence Inn eoino of tho
(ImUi of XoWln Trmvbrhtg of typlioiil
fitvor At the home of hii mother in
Washington. Ho took u Imml of hor
ws from hero hut spring in conipniiy
with Prank Sels,
If the Drev?cy people want thu
linos changed go thoy can come
ovor nml votf and act with tirnnt
I'ounty folks lhoy should t-o inform
Senator Itlackmn while he is in
their country.
Col. Junius Cuniiuiiigs 1ms returned
from the state of Maine, anil if ho
en n not dispose of his hunch of horse
in this county will perhaps huy n few
tnoro anil take Wick with him for wile
to tho codfish iHtter in the fur north
em t
That thin is a good corn country is
, illustrated by the fact that on Mis
Mueller's ranch on ltoach crcok there
' is corn growing over ten feet high,
with a good ei op of earn. Specimen
stalks can he seen at John Schmidt's
.1. C. Wooley ami I'otor Thompson
of I! urns worn indicted hy the grand
jury as acoeawnos ot .vv in. rnjii to
the murder of Win. ltrown nt Hunts
two years ago," Sheriff Cresap deliv
ered them ovur to tho sherill' of Har
ney couuty whuro they gave hail.
Pariuurs iilmut I'raiiio City are gut
ting uighty cents for thrir wheat.
That is far uiiovo "railroad priceti,"
anil if the people of ( leant county eon
minted only I ! runt county llour this
jirice would lie universal, anil even
higher; liesides this'iioney would lm
more plentiful.
1'inirio City's puhlic school opened
on SupU Ut with only 'J'J pupils en
rolled, when theru should have heen
three ttinai that number. I'rairiii
City district bus the largest number of
Mjhfllars of any in the county, anil
thoy have a good litiilding ami excel
lent touchers this year.
Hev. Sam Driver of Union is now
presiding elder of this district, and
was oer and held services last Salt
hatli. 'J'he conference has not enough
ministers to go around, therefore this
as well an many other charges did not
roam it n iihtnr, hut they are to U
mipplied if any 1h found.
lYoHjHvtor Kelly has found a ledgo
of rock up the creek tliut i said to re
Miiuhle very niiicli tha oie fiom the
(Jul Deny' initio at Uohimtouville,
which 'Ts ipiiti' rich. Depth in ty ills
uloy nothing, hut let lis hnie. If it
Jin not U-en found yot 't will 1h dug
tip on this old mountain tome day, and
I llfM tlio Wiple will ojn'li their eye.
A. ,1. Camming hrought imiiiiu tine
fruit to town hut week, and a a mun
ple of the puxluctiveueiih of hit oivh
ii iil hrt h id on exliihitiuti a hniiich of
n pllliiih tli tlmt wail one iKilid iniiM
of ripo fruit, the limh aliout three feet
long and the fruit it contained weigh
ing aUnit thiity pounds. The name
w.u on oxhihitiou at this intelligence
otlice a nuiiiler of days.
'i'lii country nouth of the ('oluiahia
i ivor iii not Iuii'iIiiiiimI with mail facili
ties nt( when there is a mail route
tlie vehicl Io not run dangaroukly
fiut, hut railroad and itooiusliijis in
other parU of tlie world coinlnue U
tn iko up for ull this. II. 'A. Cuppr
who jio on the North Fork, inform
us that he rweivwl a letter recently
from the oast coast of Kngland uliich
only lm fouiton day in transit.
The odit-or of the I.inkville Suir
think Stato Treasure i' elect .Motciian
ha the duhuniing of the school fund
uhoaily, ami hecuuiw TnMuriir W'ehh
liijd hack nut of Klamath county's
inonay nutllcient to cover her ilelin
juont 4to Ux he wail foith tlnuly:
".Superintiidnt Fountain upKi tinn
ed: the iiouiity fund on the 18th
tint., hut State Treasurm- 3etch"n,
in hi ollicul frwlinu, i holding lck
ait of the itat mIi""1 funl, taking
the illegal ground that h i juntitlwl
in hi action hy the little tux ileht
which Klamath owe the Utc. .Mr.
Fou.'itaiu will ien I'hil' otllcial eye
full hy enforcing thn payment
of th mnili v a" interest on the irre
ilucihle State School Fund, and then
the new StuU 'J'r5uror willhaea
hrighUr look under I.i- !."y i.j-!row."
That iKlitor luuhl get soul" one to H.
btniflt him teganling the ".tatutu f
liinitationti" and inform hhn tljnt l'hil
is not yet the man to jump on hocausa
he iiuiiiginoft there is something crook
ed in the nllioe nf State Treasurer.
Finally, Klamath county should get in
und jsy her Stat tax and avoid all
audi cinipli itnim m future.
Mnrmv ltros. woro urnntol n !!
cento to tcll irituott, vinous ntul J
mnlt linuors in South Fork precinct
lor tlio iwriwi o one y ir.
mc..cH.g ivt it!K)H.t o.i the8urvey of
tho rem leton an. Canyon ity
rem, anil lenil.n : to c .. n of ,
Carter was iloclnrml a public high-
Tho proposcl roail Iwiling fnim
the Van Horn place to(i Molla
lny's jilaco was not ilcelareil a coun
ty road lhM-ause of the claim of Ol
ive K Faine for ? 100 damages, and
bocnure many others along the pro-
li:. t i . ii r i win u .ricn va v-nrier uim
os lino of roa.l wouhl In-, attiag- SU W,,-,U In replevin. Contitiu
oil by ronctin of its being located i wj '
, through their In.uU. . j llrkldmur lV Co vs w ,, (irftv
' ,, r V' n Tl- lh mn I -iwoverv of iimtiev ContinueJ.
j l Hi for ( l.u.h hug a briu across tfMTil vs ,, (,r Wm
, H.g al crot-k n, th.. eoun y ,aU Uiuer, Deni. McAuliir
Koa.l im.n Strawberry I utte to ,, A,la.n (!onlon-lamg.!9. Con-
lie highwav
v ',, na linn ui iiih-h II JMIir-
Win Armstrong, J W l.evans and
W 1) Ingle wure apiioitited viewers
and J W Mack surveyor of tho pro
I ed county rond down Bench
Silvertooth V Hobins were grant-
. a iicent-e w urn u)on in Mng
( reek precinct for a notl ot one
Keeney v Scroggins of same pre
cinct were granted license for the
same period.
J II Hamilton of Hamilton pre
cinct was granted license for ono
J. A. Cattanach was apK)inteil
justice of the peace for John Day
precinct in place of W II Kelly, re
signed, Nancy K Johnson's charge for
damages and account for medical
attendance for person injuries incur
red by breaking through the county
bridge near l'rairie City was reject
ed and disallowed.
Hills anionnting to f I looJT were V1 '""T lorM'lwuru 1,1 "bhkc.
allowed and warrants onlercd lh'ef ff,r wniU of answer and with
drawn for same. 1,1,1 attornuvH tees.
. . , (leo Under vs Dan Morrow in-
W. II. ( leai hut t ha sold his liar- i junction. Continued.
ney county po-weiwioiis and lat week ' James Norman vs J Y Mack
Matted for California. j assignment. Continued.
.,,,.,.. ,, , . (ieo Uundlach vs J W Mack.
C. 1'. Coll has rtH'ontly lo'en ap- HftI
iMiinted C S. conimistioiiur at lon i
Cieok, with authority to take totimo
ny and proof in hoimntertd or pro-uinp-
tion eases.
lte'. Kail is slowly lining utreugth
since his late miihap, and last Monday
he was removed to his home from
Cray's lesidence where he has liocu
since mooting with tho accident.
.1. IS. Keeney, proprietor of the
Hoppiier-Canyon City stage route lias
sold out to a man named Owens, of
California. He has also lisKd of
his 1'ciulletoii-l.oiig Creek line to the
same pai ty.
A caiiipineeting will lo held hy the
Itev's Orchard, Smith ami Dustin of
the Christian Advent church. They
have a large church tent ami will hold
meetings in it near Mr. Scmltlcr
place on the South Fork rond in the
upper end of Hear alley. A cordial
imitation is extended to all. Servi
ce to Uigin Wednesday the Kith of
SeptumUir and hold on or Sunday,
Come one, come all.
According to dispatches the Fasten)
Oregon Hailro.ul Company hu lieen
incorporated hy Pendleton capitalist.
the mucins, sot tortli in lirli-t Urn pur- :
Kwe of the ooiapany to huild and
oponitoa railroad, ith telegraph lino ,
and all unpin tenanco hsulinif fiom i
lleppiier to Uie inining town oi .uiup
ter, in Hakor couuty; uo a brunch
from Pendleton to the Cumtilla (Vani
ty Woal coiiiHiuy'k ctml iniiio. The
capital stock is fixed at S&n.OOU, di-
iihnl into $'i() iiharo, and the place
of husinesk will Ui ut Pendleton. Tho
loud as projected will ie a narrow
Kuage line, running from lleppner to
thu mines at tho headwater of ISuttor
creek, a disUt nee of some twenty six
miles, the giade Ifoiug a natural one;
thence through the Camas Prairie
iini-jlilMtrlitHxl and tint Croonhoiii
mountain to Sumptor, whure it will
connect with the propnswl Sumptor
Valley niitnxul leading from ISaksr
W. .1. (ialhraith received a t'le
gniin from Mullaii, Idaho, Thunwlay
evening, conveying the sad intelligence
that his brother Andrew (ialhniith !
had Itctm inuidertsl mar there. A State vs John A Ohrismnn as
ditatch to the Orejjonian from Mul- : sail It with a dangerous weapon.
Ian says- "AUmt 1 1 o'clH-k Sunday : Not a true bill and dofcnilant (lis-
niht a quarml aiisre Uitweeu Andrew
(ialhraith and one SnowUdl and a
light occurred, (ialhraith had knock
od Snowlmll into aiihinikitioii. Whilo
this was poini on koine one in thu
crowd criwl, "Sumrutu tliMiu, and I
one I Slack iiuiucsliiittfly IuiiihsI upon '
tiall.niith and with a knifu lahwl hi
right arm nour the shoulder severing '
the intnohn and arteries of the arm. j
The next ktroko of tho knifu was low- 1
or down and went ehvir to the hilt, j
penetrating the riht lung and goins j
trillion chsir tlirougli (ialliraitli Isxly,
linsluujiig a ftifd wound. Hkiuk was
then takui) oil' and ti und SnowUill
look to the wood. Thy woro, how
over, followtsl by Stavo l.ow-, a one
lugged citizen of Pottsv lllu, who halt
ed them with a' drawn revolver ami
held them until special olllcers Jim
Dais and Jacob lleaUr arrived from! )Cy ton tho Australian wrestler is
Mullaii and took the tsi tie -into cu- in Hums Imving lots of fun throw -Usly
and landed them in jail ut Mul the buys oil' their feet.
!z. (irlhmith diwl this tiiorniiM,. j ( t poHa u (e ml iU,vu.
From ipr. tm' uiwn hi Issly it n. . ,. ' .... ,,,,, .,,
I 1 .1 . I . 1.. ... I ,.l.-.. lf 1
was learned Hist he hus a hrwhsi", ,
J (ialhiwith, living At Prairie City,
Oro""'. uiid vvho 1m lceii teleyniphiul
to. It seem-, llial Herl! other
partio in the iiniidm-. Two iiiii uiv
ing their nun, hi ii Utiiinaii and Dunn,
were implicated m the utl'alr."
K (! 'rhotnsti vs John Carry-
pro,,,!,. Continuwl
, j Durkheimer ,fr Co vi John Cur
'foraOMtt , f mMm.
.g f ; ,.tlUrv.
m , fcI Johl,-Clirl4.v-
, () Colltrcl. Samt(i
Sperry v Co. v John Carrey
proiniswry note.' Same.
I'M C Allen v John Carrey
Judgment for want of answer.
J II Itlake vs John Carrey
1 1 tttHI
, (loo Hay want vs II A Cupper
j damages. Continued.
' W II Clark v I J Hnguowood
promiwory note. Default judgu-
I (.loo Under vs Cltas Conger
; iiaiuages. uiiiiuiieo.
, ,5 9iiyfliu vg y , Campbell,
Jr pro.njssorv note. Cause con-
KiJl'ITY llOi'KKT.
Annie It I'arrish v Poter Von
AMHrn foreclouro of mortgage.
Default und decree without attor
neys fees.
Portland Savings Hunk vs Win
Welch Ot als. Continued.
Firit National Hank of Arlington
vs Win Welch et als. Same.
W It Cunuington vs Uachael J
Cuuningtoii divorce. M Dustin
apKiinted referee to re)rt law and
facts. Kejiort, and decree upon re
ort. Theadore II l.iebe vs J W Mack
Statu vs J D Combs miuidato
from supremo court. Deft sentenc
ed to pay a line of 1-0 ami State
(lave judgment for costs.
State vs John Sweitxer-conteinpt
Deft sentenced to pay a line of i-0.
State vs lniis Collotte-contempt
in resisting an olllcor. Deft dis
charged. State vs I. eo Fat indicted for
practicing medicine without a cer
tificate. Cause resubmitted to tho
grand jurv.
State s Chan W Kami
with a dangerous weapon.
iritii-t 1
of jurv assault and batterv. Deft
sentenced to pay a fine $ .")( MJ and in
default theieof to be confined ii)
county Jail 2o0 days, ami that the
state have judgment for costs.
Slate vs John and Win (ieorgo
assault with a dangerous wcaHn.
Deft John (ieorgo pleads guilty to
assault and battery by agreement
of district attorney. Sentenced to
jwy a fine of $.MK) and in default
of such payment to Iks confined in
county jail one day for every two
dollars thereof, and that thu state
jmvo jdm0i)t for costs
(statc v j) Oillmaii larceny
( a mirc ArgllOl laku ,;.
,,.P ni..ij..m...if li.ieiainn i.. u
rendered in vacation.
Cuuso con-
State vs J W Keeney and T J
Serogging allowing a minor to re
main in place where spirituous and
intoxicating liquors are sold and
kept for sale. Cause submitted and
taken under advisement, a decision
to lie rendered in vacation with j
saute lorce ami uueci us oi teriii
time. Continued.
State vs J O Hrown, Lloyd Mil
ler and Henry Uingsmyer larceny
of cattle. ( i rand jury return not a
true bill, and defendants discharg
ed. Stale vs John I) Jlunsukor lar
ceny of a gelding, not a true bill
anil defendant discharged.
State vs Win Keller larceny of
a mare. Not a true hill ami du
fendart discharged.
State vs Dan Morrow burglary.
Not a true bill and defendant dis
charged. ;miuo vs I'raiiK iiitmptou liitini)-
"i'g. .ol a true lull and (lelendaiit
Sstatu vs Win Pago, J 0 Wooley
and Petor Tlioiiipioniiiurdor in
"rst degree. Del Is Wooley and
Thompson arraigned. Admitted to
bail in the sum of -toOOO each, and
cause transferred to Harney conn-
niaio vs i mis nam) gaiiio-
Hug. Nut a true bill ami dofoud
Hilt discharge).
'Hiu condition of Mrs. Trouhihlnu
iHtnaiit almost tiuolwiugiMl, she is still
daiigercusly sick.
u ,'J Vlllll III llllk IWhlUI
' i f ..
of t ir. Wnit lllltil wu tol a j ' H.V hi u lor uie term. o uu
railroatr ihii.iul tlifrtt is to heun adjourn-
The Pacific Hrevvvrv's Celebrated ",1 ,f.llN1"
IS,.,, ,;K in Kast'cin Oregon, is vv ""''.-- ' '
how k tit i oimtaiitlv on tap at the
Hod Front Hilliurd Hall.
Sept. fith, lSOO V the grmiil jury for the county , Kn. (Ikaxt Co. Kkws:
Kiiituk Nkws: Wo had promis of (i rant, ami state of Oregon, hero- ' Dear Sir nikI Fricml: Will you
oil our.ielf that in the wclusion of with submit the following roort an pleaw allow me gmce in your val
our iittiet lionief iiothing shoulil ! crniul juror for the Septeinber term liable columns to answer tho coin-
draw us into publicity, but c'rcuin-
KtaiuHi.i Htronger than our will are the lt and ending on the Mil day
crowding Ukiii u. and we hear the f of Sopteiulter ISDC.
"wee sum" voice urging us to the We have examined and reported on
front. nixteen indictments of which mini-
First, Mr. Hditor, wo want ji pri- Ut we have found eight true and
vato wortl with you, and Irnsi you eight not true bills. We have ex
will not care if vour suliscribors do . ainined the countv records in the
hear. Now then, do you really lie
lieve what yon seemed to infer in a
recent ifMie of the Nkws, that the
M'uOinley tronjie is the tie plus ul
tra of entertainers for the young, or
oid, either? Do van think Mcliin-
ley's very fair execution of violin
music atones lor tlie verv lmse
moral basis of their plays ami imita
tions? That he is a worthy exam
ple for the youths, and she, what
we would like our daughters to be?
Do not think ue imssess an unfound-
ed prejudice for the couple, such is
not the case, for wo once endured
an evening of torture under their
entertaining influence am) come to
think of it, we didn't hear anything
wonderful in the way of violm inn-
sic, except the prolessors tiistru-
mental imitation of a donkey, and
considering the natural relation of
cause and ellect. that wasn't sur-
prising. Perhaps you wure paid for
the insertion of the notice, but don't
you think that as a public educator
and niolder of the youthful mind,
you were just a trille inconsistent in
recommending to the puhlic such
an affair under the head of amuse-
inent? (iod knows there is in our
daily lives, many uti evil that
should be forever banished, there
fore it ill behooves us to encourage 1
atmht that iiosscsscs downward i
moral tendency, and so .Mr. hditor, dollars which limy now lie legally
don't do it again, please donl. cancelled.
Now, for my secondly, which is We have made inquiries with re
the dosing paragraph of the rotiort 1 gard to the condition of the county
by Reporter, of the teacher's insti- : charnes and believe that these mi-
tute held at Long Creek. Said par-' fortunates are properly cared for in ex pi ess pi ivale opinions about in
agraph decides at once that Kepor- , as economic, and humane a manner dividual (ktsoiis. when reporting for
tor has never been a patron of our as could lie expected. 'a body of )ioople. You say "we;"
county schools as conducted by tho ' We tender our thanks to his lion- I I oliove that to be correct, for 1
ordinary teacher, or else ho is one j or Judge Foe for the impartial and am of the opinion that you had two
of those whose indifference in such fearlesc manner in which ho has ' or three auxiliaries,
all'airs, amounts to a ciime. It discharged the duties of his ollice ' And now lastly, I will say I do
Tamils as if he might be one of
those very teachers, and felt a aliitht
twinge of conscience, who knows?
We do not think Mr. Hoiiham wish
ed to impress his hearers with his
siiK.rior intellectual attainments,
but simply to remind the teachers
that because they had mastered a
few minor points in the art of teach-i sp. em! obligations for his getitle
ing, that all was not accomplished, manly and assiduous attention and
but much more remained to le : recommend htm lor the position to ' his infamous delay, pushes his pru
learned. Or, in other words, he has all future grand juries. dent pnrK)8e to 'resolvu, resolves
climbed the intellectual ladder to a Wo have investigated all tho pro- and ro-rciolvcs, then dies a fool at
sufficient heighth to enable him to ! suntincnts that have been made fo lust. M. N. Hh.n'iiam,
' M'v l',at most accomplished of,
11,1 have onlv begun to learn, und ;
i itiii ii is oiuy i nose wiiniuu largesi iicuocrauous iy me cnarge oi your
brains w ho most clearly realize Honor to wrmit no one to influence
their ignorance; a fact which it ' us in our delilHrations ami to find
might benefit ltcK)rtcr to reincmln'r no bill whore there was n. a Built
in the future. Mr Hoitham's many cinil evidence to warrant a convic
years of touching have demonstra-! tion. Having no more business
ted to him that, to be a successful j now before us wo most respectfully
teacher of even the wry young. ne i ask to be discharged, all of which
must sisscss a thorough knowledge
of many things; a love of children
ami sincere desire for their well be
ing; h love of tho art of teaching,
and tact to keep up a nevor-lliig-gitig
interest is school exercises.
Whoever jtosscgse these attributes
has only what every teacher should
have, but tho sud reality of jKxirly
attended schools, deiuntistrates be
yond doubt, that such are Iik an
gel's visits, few and far betwuun.
Jt: stick.
Hazy, mazy weather.
(let our prices for job printing. ;
Should wo iiicorpoiuie umler !
city government i
Assessor Tiiiims is a bout
through with the work of us. ess
ing and is now busy witli his books.
Soro eyes is tho latet nlllictioii
of Crook uoiiiity wittlo, and thu di
stiiiio sceiiu to lo con II ucd to filiu
iiiiorted stock.
It's about tlio time of your for
tho stage to ho robbed, and if you
travel lcnvo your inonoy in tho
X" i:v shop's strong box before
you start.
Thu railroad boom seems to
have struck Oregon, and wo may
look for tho building of maii now
roads and branch roads within tho
next two your.
The rojort that Chot (Jucrnsey
intends going to Chicago to tuku
uhiirgo of Montgomery, Ward A'
Co's store is fulm. lie is simply
going to help escort a band of hor
ses oast.
Tho prospects of a mail route to
Stewart seum to bo blasted. lie-
cause no cash was duiKiitol with
tho bids font in is probably thu
reason thu contract was not award
in the eiiitraet was not award,
Up to this time this summer
(Irani county was fr from Forest
fill's, but now thu scenery is hid hy
smoke. Indians in the mountains
as usual are setting fires to corral
the game. Oh, for another Indian
Circuit court adjourned Satur-
" "P""' "1U "(J iulii'H WU
, iltawii.
of the circuit court", iDtninenciug
runty clerks ollice and have found
tlx in in a business ami methodical
condition. Also the ollice of the
sheriff ami th' county jail, and tiuil
them in a witisfactorv condition, ex-
copt the water pixs in tho county
jail which we tecomiiieiul idioiild lie
repaired at the earliest convenience
We find from examining the records
that there are (t I 'i,. "i.VS.Otn Fifteen
UhmisuihI five hundred and fifty dnl -
lars delinquent taxes of which
amount (i 1 1, UK) 00) Kleven thotis-
and ami ono hundred dollars tiroes-
Intuited as collectable. e reconi -
, mend the county board to issue
warrants commanding the sherill' to
' collect the samo forthwith, where
the same are collectable. We also
j lecomuieml that tlie (lelinipient
taxes that are not collec table he
struck from the tux lists and the
sheriff bo credited with the thereof
if the same can bo lawfully done,
; We find the books of thu treasurer
in a neat and orderly condition,
' We find from the treasurer that the
' justices of the peace have neglected
to make their monthly
ruiuired by law.
ieirts as
There is of resistercd scrip which
has been advertised lor redemption
(MiM.I I) four hundred ami one
dollars and forty-four cents, and of
unregistered scrip (t'll.OO) fifty-one
in the disKisal of business before
' him.
W e also tender our thanks to the
deputy prosecuting attorney, W. 1''.
Hutehcr, for his many courtesies
ami the airablc manner in which he
has assisted us in our duties. To
our bailiff, T.J. Smith, we arc tin-
us in as full a minncr as our time
would admit, Iteing guided in our '
is uemt rcsjiectfully submitted,
C. S Dt'sris,
'orenian of Grand Jury.
ll arney county's grain cropisim- i
mouse, ho the reHirt goes. '
(io to the Itcd Front Hilliard !
Half, Canyon City, for flue wines, j
liquors and cigars. I
There mo largo bands of tlio
t'matilla Indians hiititino in tlio
(Iratiiti" creek mountains.
The Kastcrn Oregon District
Al'i iciiltuial Fair beinns at Tho
)o on tl,,. :,! instant.
TIM, Hrother .lohnathan. lost
twenty-live yours ago, with a treas
ure on board, has been found, it is
claimed, in 100 fathoms of water.
Plenty of railroad talk
now a
line I rom liaker to Sumptor ami a i
line from Hoppuor to Siunplor.
Pretty soon one will strike out
south. j
Thirty years agoiciuccly a house
was built in the country, oust of
tho Kooky mountains, without its i
lightning rod. X'ow thoy are out
of fashion. '
One of the most during robber- !
ies ever oomiuittod was perpetra
ted near Kansas City recently,
where 00,000 wu taken from a
railroad train. j
. . .
Reduced lUtcs io tlie North Pacific In- 1
ctuitrUl ICxposlliou, September ijlli
to Octolicr ajth. I
For the North Pacific Industrial
K.xjtositioti to lie hold at Portland,
the I'nion Pacific will sell tickets
from all ticket stations on rail Hues
of the Pacific Division, from Sen-
tomber to October vt.'ith, on
Mondays, Wednesday nml Fridays ,
at Die low rate of one and (iiie-llfth i
fare fur tjto round trip, with fifty
cents udded for ad mission to thu
C 'ull on any agent of the I'nioii
Pacific Kystem for detailed informa
tion. T. W. I.ICIi,
C oii'I Past. Agent.
i i . - -Important
All itcrsun indehUnl to me, either
fur Clerks fees nr otherwise, aro
lierebv tiotified that the same must
In i !lVd on ol before S- pl ,iln r
l-i, 1 -'i i or i will bo add' d
Pint. Mkisi ii n
August ilt J8WU.
mtinieation in last weeks issue and
signed IJejKirter?
First, then wrmit mo to say that
ut the organizing of tho teacher's
institute a motion was made to up-
! point rejwrters for the Ouant Co.
!NKWsand the Long Creek Kagle,
when one of the teachers arose and
informed the chairman that "it was
understood that the Chant Cor.vrv
Nkws had a reporter," therefore the
institute procieded to apjxiint a re
iorter for the Kagle.
Now, this hi If appointed reporter
deceived the luiirmau by leading
linn to Udu ve that the editor of the
i Nkws had appointed his own tenor
: tcr, and on returning to her home,
' it scorns that she also deceived the
editor of the Nkwk in leading him
1 to believe that the institute had ie-
! mired him, all of which we had no
i intention of doing,
Secondly, the statement made by
this self-apjHtiulcd roHrter that the
subject of my discourse on Tuesday
, evening waa the incoiiiH'tency of
( irtuit county s teacliors, is u jki.xi
tive well modesty forbids me to
say it. The subject of my discourse
was divided as follows: First, the
reading of a iortion of the proceed
ings of the State Teachers Associa
tion held at Sah in last July. Sec
ond, the duty of the board of direc
tors. Third, the relation of the tin-
, pils and parents to our public
schools, hourth and hist the duty
of the teacher. In speaking of the
latter I said ami still say that 7ft
1 er cent, of the failures of our teach
ers is lor the want of order, discip
line and zeal :i the part of the
! teachers, and not their inootnputon
cv (o leach the ruiuired branches.
'I hirdlv, this self-appointed reporter
will allow me to suggest that it is
not an exhibition of good taste to
not claim to know it all and may
have made some mistakes at the
institute, but this will be readily
understood when I tell you that I
was III years old the next day after
the close of the institute, and many
times during tie- week 1 was re
minded of the quotation: "At
thirty man KiisM cts himself a fool;
Knows ii at loriv; at nitv chines
' Co. School Sunt, of lirant Co. Or.
A divorced husbaiid of New York
sold his interest in their bov to his
wife lor .t(0.
l'lcate Tttks Notice.
All person knowing themselves
iudebU'd to Mil!, r A- I lines or 0.
t-. Miller, by note (r otherwise, will
phase call and settle by tho first of
October, IHtiO
Mil I.KH it lll.NT.H.
Silrsycil or Stolen.
From Titos. Quuid's pasture, near
lleppner, n dark hav inure, brand
ed .IX connected on left shoulder,
medium sUe, trots well. A liberal
reward will be given for her return
to owner at Heppncr, or for any in
formation h a ling to her recovery.
H. W. Caiiiiimito.v.
lleppner, (V . Sept. I, '1)0.
- -
I.ost .Ucwril.
An oH-ii-faeo silver watch, stem
winder, was lost Sunday night or
Monday morning in Canyon City
or on the road between here and
Neil Hall's ranch Had guarantee
of watchmaker Hiiisch in back. A
suitable reward will be given fertile
return of same to Albert llinseh,
Jeweler, Ciinv on City, Or.
Holmes IfttsiiiesH College OI
Poithiud will open Sunt, 1st. J. A.
Wesco, tho leading peiiiuaii of the 1
coast, has becoino a psitnot in this i
school and will make it the leading 1
HiniiiiosNCollego. Si nd for catalogue
I! -in '
Our now "ad " from the enterpris
ing firm of Collin V MiiFiirlund, ;
lleppner, sK-nks for itself, and it is
worth your while to road the same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a fine largo book,
w hich retails at I HxJ each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, Units ond shoes, hats etc., to the
amount of $'-'' i hi, allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
(live them a trial order, when you
,.,.,i r... ..,..iu
Notice is hereby given that the
Prairie City Public" Schools opened
on Kept. 1, lH'.KI, for a period of
nine mouths, under very favorable
auspices being supplied with all
modern apparatus and first-class
teachers. The board of directors
have decided Io admit a limited
nuinUtr of o'ltsMo pupils nt tho
sin ill sum of tui) x r term of
three iiKiidlis in i ' 'e r room
Apply f I "U to
J (i VI. HUM I'll,
Namti That Cnn IJe Referred to.
Hohort Hardy, Ktim, Wash.
i Weak eyes, cured.
I Liicy'lS. Wood, Hlockhurg, Cab,
j female" troubles, cured.
) Win. Purrott, Middleton, Or.,
I deafness many years, cured.
j K- AiidertioiVSaleni, Or., Catarrh
i seven years, cured.
D. V. Kmtnett, Salem, Or., deaf
' ncss ten years, restored.
Mrs. M. K. Dav, Port Madison,
Wash., tltrtxtt dillioultv ctirtil, cur
wl. Henry Slough, Macleay, Oregon,
(IcafnoHS fifteen years, rcatored.
Win. Hunter." h'ugoiie City, Or.,
catiirhh twenty yearn, restored.
Volua Websle'r, Weston, Cmntil
la county, Or., catarrh, cured.
H. II." Kice. :W H si, Portland,
heart disease cured, three months
Drs. Darrin can 1j consulted free
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth streets,
Portland, Hours 10 too; evenings,
7 to S; Sundays 10 to VI. All chron
ic diseases, blood tuints, loss of vi
tal lHiwer and early indiscretion,
permanently cured, though no refer
ences are over made in tho press
concerning such cases, owing to tho
delicacy of the patients. H.xaiiiina
tions free to all, ami circulars will
be sent to any address. Charges
for treatment according to patients
ability to pay. The poor treated
free of charge from 10 to 11 daily.
All private diseases eoulhlontiiilfy
treated and cures guaranteed. Pa
tients at a distance can be cured by
home treatment. Medicines anil
letters sent without the doctors'
name aptearing.
Pacific llicwcry Peer.
Notice is hereby given that I
have this day established an agen
cy for the sale of the Peer manufac
tured at the Pacific Hrewery, Maker
City, Or., within the county of
Orant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
11. Stunsell is the authorized mana
ger of said DojMit. All orders from
Orant county fur this celebrated
beer, either in bottles or kegs, will
be filled by Mr. Stnnsell.
' Hi:niiv Itrsr,
Proprietor Pacific Hroworv, Maker
City, Or.
Come mul Settle!
Notice is hereby given to all per
son iudehtisl to the uudersignml that
thoy must settle their accounts on or
before Oct. 1st, IKUO, or thu sums will
be placed in the hands of an attorney
tor collection.
OVKHIIOI.T A Mt'l.lllllOK,
Canyon City, Or., Sept. J, ltflK).
I will be in the Lung Creek and
John Day country the 1st part of
Sept., with a choice lot of Thorough
bred and tirade .Merino Pucks fur
an le and also about Twenty Head
of Thoroughbred Pedigreed Here
ford Cows for sale. Thanking tho
public for past favors, I remain
. N. II. CoTrma.i..
Fiiuit ton To those wishing
to buy fruit ami vogotahlrwi, 1 will say
that I am Bulling apples at hO eouta
per Ikix, or "fi cents per Uix when tint
Imi is furnished at the orchard, All
kinds of gntiu taken m exchange fin
fruit. Also a good assortment of veg
etables for sale. Residence two miliM
Is'low John Day, on The Dalles road.
' W)i, hpt'K, Prop.
Auction Salct
l'lio remainder of Coo slock of
merchandise of (leo. (iundhich A-
Hro., consiHtiim of a ercat variety
of articles too numerous to mention,
win no closed out at auction at
their store in Can von Cite. Omeno
commencing on Monday Soptenibur
Sth next at I o'clock p. m. and con
tinuing every evening thereafter,
Sunday excepted, 'till all is sold.
Terms Cash
til O (il'MU Al'll.
Administrator of the t state of
Martin (iundhich, hvi hm-.J,
M.injr j' mu nuike Hooil'j Har iil:s miii r to a!t ctlirr incilaincs.
i'n la ii'iiii lialioa, 'r'Mrtin,
lie' t ill curative v i!u i f II.. i ji
lt k 11 Uti II 1 1 I.I I'll I
Wm ni'VrrS
I ecuiur III 111 r'W V itrrnelli
tiid tfi.nniny- S V''H Har.
3illl:a sGiy' ll" only im-dl.
cliiu wliii u cnn truly
l-e KalJO Cj yf i, 0l)P tiundreil Puiim
""VCvV V'lMlar." Mrdidiu's In
rsV UrKir nml enulter iiutttM
V"'Vrti"iiiri' l.irtii'r tlrun, amliloiiot
IVi nit. r la 111 hutil
Komi's P irvij m l n mniu.lii t cures l.lth.
ri.i uiiKiiotvn. ni l li.ii vvmi fur itself
ui mm (. - Tl i' f I - Mint Mom!
purlflcf i-vrr lllRe"vcll.',
I'lfullnrlnlU' i:.,n,i.;u
Iiouk"," tlirrn Ii iii.w
Ol Jlwsl'ii , ;irlll.l
l.otvcll, win ru
It Ii insde.
111 a ii (if nil
t oilier bluul
purlf Ivrt.
nKniii it. i. A
.VlfX ..uai ill
a trJ ..n. i.. i..
:7 . jr .v
Ok'iul lnultl Uf S3lf1
n y-r no oils" r ratutluu
S V (wflty In eo elmtt a time,
C ( KtA rd.ilacil lis roiuiuutty
-ariil I'onMciH'o amonij all cI-xkui
S of pcojila si i fctrailf .tly.
Do tint m ludurt tl to tiny rr'iwratlom,
but li sum ( , pi l p .. 1 r McUtctue,
I'lr.iKcUtt. (II,
.USlllJL ID .AlH
IOO Dqbcu Ono Dollac
zf '- tit W :. JMwr -'--Jt..-.-,. MmrAi. -1
' iIV.