Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 04, 1890, Image 2

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September., ISOO.
Lot Knroponn countries hoop
their defective and oiiininiil clnsa- (
cs. It is quito enough for 11 to
rsfiitnilato (mil civihxo tlio people
tlioy send us who nre in other re
spects undesirable in their raw-:
material state.
Mm. Cote, of Hi-ckiiiojinui, Quo
hoc, wont berry picking, and loft
her child in clmije of two hoy,
both deaf i mite, nod of itinouitd
mind. On her return she found
tlmt the donf mutes lmd killol the
chilli and partially onton the Irody.
The totnl count of the jioptiln
lioil of the state of Idaho inudu by
V. C Hunt, of the population df
vision, ruul announced W tlio con
gits hiironu is SI, '2!iO. ' In 1SS0
the K)pulntioii wui 82,010, an in
oraiuo of 5 1 ,(51 J), or 13'Urfl per
Nothing is inoro silly thnu the
nlcitiuro ioiiiu iwonlo tako in
"speaking lliuir mind." A man I
or this make will ny :i rude thing,
for the nicro pleasure of paying it, j
when an opposite behavior, full as j
innocent, might huvo preserved his
friond, or mndo his foituno. j
Tlio aiinouuecmunl that a Mini-
plo of American rolinod tin ha 1
reached thu ollice of tlio American
Tin I'laio Association in I'ittsbuitr
from the mine, of South IMkotn j
warrant tho hopo that our tin
pinto iudttttry will toon bo ot in I
motion. Thii Dakota tin oojts j
Si. 15 a ton to produce, nu .aguinat J
1.11 per ton for producing tin of I
the same quality from the mine j
of Cornwall, Kugland. AVhen tho
higluu cott of labor hero i outlaid- j
cred, these. lnm- a marvel. ,
on advantago on our h.iIo in ;
pnMluelioi. of inn tin.
. r - ., 1
A farmer named Munic, who
,. , . ., ... ... , ,
Ined in lie 1 laije cuterw c 1,
. , , . h , , ;
.. . 1 . h r ..1 r 1 1 11
mm inn' 1. 1." 11 11 1 .i 1 11 1 11 1 . .lin
ed her and the children in n collar,
barred the door and declared that
idio uiimt die for her crime. Ho
made thorn all kneel down and
pray for the forgivenos of her run.
Thiri done, ho bound her to a wood
on bench, and with a saber hacked
her head olF. lie then blow out
bin liniiix. Tho RcroauiR of tho
children attracted the attention of
neighbors, who broke opon the
door and found the little 01103 bo
Rplattorod with tho blood of their
Word ha jut boon received of
the arrott ol the notorious .luck
Mrowor, one of tho leaders of the
French faction in the French-F.v-ersolo
filed, in Kentucky. He is
Hiiid to have killed four men. I'n
dor tho old regime ho wan allowed
to give bond when arrested, and
Mrs. Sarah Davidson, a woman of
00 yours, went on his bond. Tho
energy displayed try Judge Lilloy
frightened Mrowor, and ho deter
mined to leave tho statu. Mrs.
DavitUon, not caring to loo the
bond sho had given for 1'rowur'tt
appearance, resolved, after all tho
men refuged to arrest him, to do
so huriclf. Aimed with a Win
chester and several revolvers, she
started towards Hrewor's houno.
Ho hoard her coming and sought
refuge in (light. Tho old lady fol
lowed him tliiough the woods , and
after twenty-four bourn' chase
eainu up with him, and, at tho
liiuxzlo of lier ntl". lorcotl linn to
1 1 , . 1
Bill Ml I' I VI . Il lliry IHU,H I ,
she marched him back to llaxard,
where ho now occupies a cell in
, . ., , 1
tllO lllll thole.
,..,1 " . ." . ...
Oklahoma is to join in with
Kansas and the Dakotas in I he
annual passing of tho hat in other
state for contributions to enable
tlioir people to live through nnoth
or winter. (Jov. Steele lias writ
ten a letter to I'resident Ilarrinon
calling attention to thediouth ami
dcstit.ition in Oklahoma ami it
iiuestiug that the attention of Con
gress bo called thereto. Tho pres
ident ha promptly notified Con
gress and recommended that thc
unexpended balance of Slo.000 of
tho funds appropriated for tho re
is funds appropriated ror tho 10
f of the UiLlp,,i river Ho.1 ,
drorors bo exmuidei'l .0 meet the
oent neeossities or the pooler
" 1 r 1 .1.1 1 O'l : !
neon u of Oklahoma. I hu i
right. Tho government is partial
ly responsible for the people M-t
tling in that (iod fnraken country
and it should now provide for
them ami provent tho siiH'eriug
that is now surelo befall the un
fortunate people in that country in
coutoquonco of the drouth. Okla
homa should have lrcen kept as a
reservation for cowboys and grous
ers to light ou'r. It is scarcely
worth (lohtint; for, but cowboys
and groovers must tight and they
should he given fciilHciunt territory
in n lami wuore mere is plenty 01
sand to soak up the blood.
The wnr in Central America ha
broken out with lernucd fury,
itmtcmnlu having si-cnred a new
hog of powder.
About the first thing thnl the
republican nominee for governor
of Idaho rniil after receivirg the
nomination was that hewn incom
petent to lilt tlio position. !
The tide ha turned. A real o. .
tnlo man I in gone crexy nt Sent tie. I
This clnsa of pcoplo' have long
IrecI growing licit by making oth
er people entity, nod it loom lit '
that a few of them should try thu
dtincntol fide of life awhile. '
William K. Vnnderhilt has giv
on hi chuck for So.OOO ton young
man who was bitten by ono of Ida
pot hounds. Other you men who
might wish to he bitten by this
pot hound will loam with iogret
that the animal hat been shot.
No wonder Now York immn
have taken to scouring ICurope for ;
title Willi liiisbnntli annoxod and
no questions asked. The female j
wpulntion of that city hat increas
cd 10,000 more than the male pop- I
illation witlun the Init ten years,
and they have to.
The deer law in now in force. 1
It forhidi killing deer at any time
if not used or sold for food. It id.
10 forbid linvim in ihjssoshioii or
buying or .oiling .luring the Co..
od oaoir. iiIko forhidt killing at
anv time for hide, honm or liauu.
I lucks may bo killed from .Inly 1st
to November ht and due from
Augtiot 1st to January let, to he
uncd for food only. Spotted fawn
are not to bo killed at any time.
-.-r- -
Thc ,er ,,v romip ,,,
(0(.ided to allverti-Mi "that town in
,ev.(lni, Qi(!ru nuw,K,MSUi Thl
oililoi-H in couvciitioii here
, , , ., , . , . . .
week decided that it 1 now mo for
... . ... ... ...
Chtern c'iiiiiiiiiiii ie. o how heir
uiouoy away by mi
iimucy nway oy iiiherlicing in
Ivistein journal!?, ami Hie editors
are right. I lie Homo journal will I
not only publish the aihei liseinent '
but in its editorial and local de
partments will picture the ad an .
luges of its homo. The F.iinlcrn
paper take pay for its r.piice but
neer mentions tho locality from
which tho advertisement aiunuates.
Tho fool advertiser, however, will t
always ho abroad in the hind.
Sunday .Mercury.
Thoro was n light with bare
knuckles on I ho lloor of the house
at Washington whore all thu
I'. S. laws are made, last Thurs
dav. Two or threo eoniresnion
(aflil ouch other liar iiiuT aurilicd 1
epithets to each other. Illows f.
lowixl and friends who rushed in
us peacemakers, were drawn into 1
the arena 111. til tho big stiillcd i
11 iii 1. . '
ci u u, which is nrougiii out omy to
iitenervo thu peaco of tho house,
nad to bo taken to tho scrimmnifo.
Tho scene was the mot sen-ntion-
nl that has occurred in the homo
for years. Wilson, of Washing- j
Ion, and l!oekwith,of New Jersey,
were tho comhattauts, while tho!
nee ngiii was )articipiuei in hy
a number of our law makers.
I ami Odtrc l llunm. Or
Aut SO, lw
IMOol HI li iil Vir lh nihl i !ili ul 1, ruul
ouKli Or.n, ( I njoii liv. or , i, Oct II,
1 lr, l. Ollllltia U, maLIOIIIilll I'Cr II IMJ.
j iU V'i f',.,ii 5 k 11 NW 1 "
u-iw iii Moii, iinc.,. t vns, i.u
mmlliuiAiM rf.lilcnro mwi anil mlil.aiiuu ul,
ImIiIImhI. U UKIi,.1 jUauU,. tu, Hum). 1
11 lrn. J I. Ulllrr, all -f Dat.lll. Or
Ill W . J II. lir.MI.Nulo.N, ll.l. M
Heppnor and Cnnyon City
. ns. r-r
Qt'fl i&x& T.TIUP '
UAUUU - r -v. JU1L1XJ
J. It KKKNKY Ph v.
Jiuafartalile Seats ami Careful Hrlvers
Stiigi-s leave Canyon City at I a. in.
daily except .Sunday, and arrives nt
Hoppuer t hu next day at li p. in. ,
ktoiioinv ovtii iiiitht at .Mono iient. 1
0 , , 7 , Cnuvau citv '
V. II. ('LAltK,
On tin nichnrd of
Cdiiii' to the InrgcM nii-hard in
Ivistein Oregon for all f the clinic
est vaiielis of Siiminer, I'nll and
Winter amdtM. Iimhi hiuhels. inoro
or loss, of Sununor apple now ready
for market at '1U0 per box Cash down
and no gnunbling and you shall not
go away empty or disMtinfled.
Urehard.iJ miles east or .ui)on
city, at I ruit or Poplar Giovo
1. II. Itl.VIMIAItT P.o.
Orcpii State Fair, 1890.
Under the mnnagomont of tlio Oro
gon Stnto Hoard of A hi ictitlurt-,
will bo hold on the Stnto
fair gioiiuds near Sa
loin, commencing on
.Hominy, Scpliiulicr 15, 1MIO.
And hotting one week
OVM $ 15,000.00
OtTered for agricultural, slock nad
inoohanicnl exhibit, for works of art
and fancy work and for trials of
I'oducod niton for faro niul freight
on all transportation linos to mid
from tlio fair. Importniit improve
ments hnvo liocn inado upon tlio
pruiiiidi nnd increased facilities me
o 111' rod exhibitors.
jibe Pavilion Will 1)6 Op
four iigli( during Hie
w ci It.
A "pli ndid field of horse otilorod
in Iho npoed doptrtiiiont, and fuioox
liihitioim of racing will lie given each
Unities for proiniuinH clone .Mou
J day at 1 :'M i.
rn. hxlunitoiH 1110
,"'Kt"1 lo iiia'io as many of tlioir on-
: inc".!" ?l"'V 'i' imr as
; eSi JTlhX
. m.i.. r. 1 , . 1 1
placoH oy 10 p. in. on .Mondwy.
.Man'ri day ticket ."iOc
Wiiiiau' duy lickot 2.")c
Miiii'h Hoasou liekol S-'.-IO
Wiitnmr hoimoii tifkdt $1.00
Send to tho noci(itar nt l'oitltind,
foi 11 pn iiiiiini list.
.1 T. (lltKGO, Socielarv.
.mill imltfra IwAflntf ilill , J imrUIrt imI... l
L May 1HH7,
!" ' v" ." ,i;""lll",m ihi n.if..t ,u
N II. IHII.CV. Ounuli Tim.
l'aiiim I'll), Or ,
Atf. II ISM. '
Nolieo is horohy givon that tho ,
uiiihiiHigiicd has been duly appointed
by tho county com t of Grant county, j
Oregon, administrator of tho estaio
, of D.nid limit, deceased. All por
' sons having claims agnins'. tho said
. oslute are hereby uotifieil and icqtiir
' od t.i piesont them to 1110 with tlio I
proper vouchers tlu-refor, al the Into
lesiurneo of said docedonl near
I ('amp crook, Grant county, Oregon,
I within h mouths from tho date of !
, this notice.
D.itod July IK), ISOO.
- .I.SMtsS. Hf.NT.
. Ad.ninijtrator of the esUto of Da
v"1 M,,,,t -
In tho county court of tho Stnto of
Oiogon, for Grant county.
In the iiinttur of the estaio of
Frntik Floueoliot. docoiucil.
To Chas. Flngoollut. heir nt Inw of
Frank Fhigoollot, deeonsod, nnd
all olhors intoiested in Hiiid estate.
In tho nnuio of the stntoof Oregon
you and o.irh of you nro hereby cited
to appear in the county eouit of tho I
stnto of Oregon, for Grant county, nt 1
tho eouniy court room in Canyon 1
City, in said county, at the regular .
SOplOlllDer terin to wit: On
Wi'duemhi, tho 10th day of Septem
ber IWHI, at 10 o'clock a. in . of said
' day, to hhowcatiHO if any whv
! ;"1 "r f - pf of tho ;
of Fmuk Flageollet ihteoaed, Hhouhl
not bo mmleby said court ns played
for in the putiliou of the aduiinistin
torn, filed 10th day July 1SDII.
Tho said real piopei ty being do
scribed ns folio wm, to-wit: hot No.
1 in Flngoollet's addition to Pnirio
City, in Grant county, Stale of Ore
goo, ooiiiiiionoinjj at the xouthwost
coruor of that ceitiiu building known
as iioliu 1iillMiico a lilacksuiith skoi
1 :.. . 11 I!.-,.. . . 1 '
and running llu nco fifty one feet
oHt; thence north VM feel; thence
onst foitymno foot; thence in a
southerly direction in a direct line to
tho place of beginning, and all tho
I, ots numbmod II, I ami ,1, in mi id
Flago-dlet's addition to said Prairio
City, and aho nil the light, title and
iuttu'oHt of said (Mtato, (the Hamo be
ing tho four I'u'tliH inti'iext) in ami to
that edition placer mining ground
HU ' . "Pl"' 11 ,uUl" 01 l,m''
S'iiiv I of Hci. 2 1 a s U" :"!
i.' v
" .V ' .
situate near tlio mouth of Dmi
I I..1 ..unit ill ,r lllJIl. nil- I'tlllill,
eotiiloftho stale of Oiogon, for
Grant county.
Witness my hand and tho soal of
said court ntlUcxl tliin 'Jilt h day of
diilv, A I). 1MI0.
tin m.ln. ..f ,1... II.... ll ,..
Gi:i Siikaui:h,
County ('ltuk.
hides a iklts. '
Iliglie4t .Market Price paid for
Doer and othei hides, and sheep
. II. I,I(K,
Oaxvov ('m, Oan.ov.
Smith. tV C1 far he,
SurriwotH to J II. Gardner. J
Ihi her City - . - - Oregon.
The Mosl Complete Line of Ammunition in Eastern Oregon.
I.vmnn I tear
Sights by Mail.
$ U.OO.
Lyman Spor
tint; Front
Sights -tl.tK).
Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewel rv Silverware
and a full line of . Musical Instruments.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
lliimi Or. 1
r -1
I ' "T "
' '
.L - I I ... I J ..I I I I
Dealers In General Merchandise. ' j '
1 1 I r 1 ; ;i i r
1 ""i
A IrfO'Ki Aswitmrlit nt lruest Price. GooiN Sold nt Itmlrock Pliers.
Trade of ('unit ('ounty Soliciteil, nnd Special liiduceini'iit'. OH"ere(l.
I I I I I ' I i I I
Lowest Prices,
First-class Goods
Wo ask a call from all who wish to purchase, and guarantee, our
prices tho same as at any Railroad jxiiiit, with addition of Froight.
You can always find a Complete Stock of (ioods, and wo will
make it to your iuiorost to trade with us. Respectfully.
,1. DC U A' 7 El l 111! ,jC'o.
A most attractive, bc.iutif ul .m l de
lightfiilly located suburb of
F.wiy lot u Home HMO- and on
ly $.10 to -f 75 on
Tho .Motor Lino within J-milo of 1
Pasadena now, and arrangements mo 1
lioing mado to extend (ho motor line
to this, 0110 of tho most valuable hu
hut oh ot tho City of Portland.
For further information and for
purelinso apply Jo v. V, hr.i.s or .M.
). t'l.n ru
roitn, local AKenls at Canyon
Citv, (Jr., or to IIkniiv K Dom 11.
Gon!l Tr.mKo, ao Stark ttreot, Pott-
land, Oregon. , and IIUIC, .S' ill the past,
keeps n al hi 11 i; hit I Iheliesl
I When in Hoppuer don't fail to
1 call on I.FH.Klt .V THOMPSON
77 A' JiKST TO ilT)', for ...u,..wv.r, tin in' , in., ooi and
j WIM.OW WAIti:, OKOl'Kllli:s, toiiacco,
. ,. I'.tc,, i.t.. Ageii.y for tho Ni:w
HeciuiHo they are ns durable nn the , Homi: Sr.wiNo Mai iiim:.
iiucueyc, niul r.xcel all others 111
Will run ovor any kind of ground
possiblo for a machine to run over,
and Warranted to work well in the
heaviest rrnison, ami will bo sold for
Delivered in Mn Day for $70,00
l'Vr particul'irs call on or nddresn
Agt. iludson Mfg. Co.,
Haunt Cuv
Oregon. J
WM. A. . t I MIKE.
A Full Line of
nulling Tackle,
hooks, Hies, rods,
lines, reels, etc
Fly hooks jrer
do.. "c, bv mail.
' 11
Or XCoppuor.
President. Vlre-Piesiilent.
(ii:oiu;i; W. l!o,si:it, Catdiicr.
J. I'. lllll'.A, T. A. IIIIKA, I. T. IiOIIMiX,
'transacts a General llaiiklii Basilic.
Ea 'change
-(,11 all Mllts of the wot 111
BOUGHT and fciOLD.
Collection umde nt all toints on
Ib-Asonnhltt Terms.
.Money loatiod at from one to ten
per cent.
Canyon City, Or.
""''"""" '-vsuri uu.s
';.: 1 1
.,,., ,1ll,i . . , ,,
'" " ''eopenetl to the public,
DA- Orders by mnil promptly
nnd carefully filled.
I" ' I IlJ k IV, ,l . I,,
' II' ii. liv i, i. .if m, Ai,K
i.i, V ir, i nr li i l I, a J
MVo Thu unit Htronr.
t .id I'u rj Mlii ip. it l,ulllrl fiirt-
UL'.llI niVll'l'l.llllll
il3Mp!i I vi i ;i ;i HiTn i ik!
"Wo tnako our bow, beforo tlio pcoplo of Grant County, nnd w'uU to
Biy, tint .vo have baon looito.l in l'io City of Hoppnrr, ju.t 18 months (nt
Arlington seven yours). Huring that time wo Imvu built up n Soli i
Tl'adOr having" hliipjiod inoro Genera' .Merchandise into Hoppuer tlum
my other firm in town.
We Wont Pari of Your Trade.
Hoppnoi is your nearest, bent and chonpest trading and shipping print.
You should start in coining this way at onco. No uso to wnit,nH by so
doing you loso money every trip. Our Elegant Two Story Jirick Sloro i
Completed mid wo have it tilled to ovci flowing, with all kinds of
Suileil to tho wants of I'astern Utcgon trade
Wc Aim to Keep a I 'cry complete, Assortmen t.
Your orders enn he filled for any kind of Goods needed on a Farm or
Stock Hanrh, without leaving our Store, at prices low enough to coinpeto
with any other market in Oregon.
Dry Goodv, Clothing, l$ootn, Shoos, Trunks Valinon, lints,
Caps, Cni pots, Crockory, Wnll Paper.
Groceries, Hnrdwitre, 'Jowol" Cook Stoves nnd llnngcs,
Tinwnic, Paints, Oils, Gins'), Wool Sncks, '1 wine.
Lime, Sulphur, Knglish Cement, Dnrlwd Wire, Hlncksmith
Coal, San .loso California Snd.llos, HittH a. Spurs, Team A Uuggy
Hnrness, Sowing Mnchinos, Clocks, Watches, Champion Reapers
and Mowers, Horso Hakoa, Plows, Harrows.
Gives better satisfaction for rough mountain distthts than any olhor kind
in tfc. Full lino always in stock, also Hacks mid Huckboards".
li orfler to cm onr trafle wo 11b llm llowiinffer
G-OOCl txlltil 0"Oi. Ist, IOOI, (Or latrr II W illl).
Uvury pureliaKOt who buys Twenty-Five DoIIiiih worth ($25.00) nt retnil,
ol Dty Goods, Clothing, H00U and Shoes, lints nnd Clips, Fancy Goods,
Gents' Purui'hiug Goods, Kit, nt our Store, will bo ptcsontcd when tho
goods nro paid for -with an Klcgant. Hound Volume, of over .'I'JO pngos, in
chiding i;.r. to 100 FINK FULL PAG V, STUHh F.NG HAVINGS. Wo hnvo
four difl'oront Hlylos of Hooks, ouch worth ul rotuil S-1.00. Small orders by
mail on above goods will count towards tho total amount needed. FVEHY
nnd prices. J JF Thoso books
11 soveii pounds each.
n INCHEST Ph'CE Paid for Sheen Pelts Will ship
Consignments of Pelts to Christy .t Wise, or Allen .fc Lewis.
Mnil orders c.nrcfully nttended to. Give us a trial nnd call nt our store
when you conic to lloppnor. Yotits Trulv.
COFFIN & McFAR LAND, (Hoppuer).
Proprietors of
The Citjf
Keep conntniitlv on hand a rouipleto stock of
Patent Medicines, loilot Articles, Perfumer, Soaps, Powdor, Pufl's,
Combs, Tooth Nnil, Clothes and liar Hnibhcs, Druggist's Sun
drios, Lamps, bmip Oils, Glass, Putty, Chiiioys, nnd
nnd everything to bo found in a firsl
clnss Drug Store
Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Orders from adislunco will locoive nroinntatlonlion. V
uaIiM.m? nvw
Hapfonefal! Dart & Cn
sere i:ssoiim to-
t- n s
Have now received the largest anil most complete stock of new goods in
Grant Couuty, which they will olfor for sale nt prices that defy competition
iirood 1hurvh
rn -E,-.. $lk
HAGUEWOOD Ci'., Pi oprletors.
HorstB Lonrded by tho day, week or m nth. at reasonable rates,
attention given lo tho care of transient stock.
-llK.U.KIt IN-
SI El 'EE A- PA.V( )' UAEES.
Groceries, Flour. Tobaccos, Cigars, and one hundred and one othur
varieties, cheap for .-ash, at
Wo guaranteo hatisfnetion in goods
nre too heavy to send by moil, as they
Drug Stort
' 1 ' y
.OH 1X1 ON
UK -
Lh-try Stable.
K5v--0 sL