MONEY On Improved Farms in aid IBooiU'lty In SntlMfotorv If you content pinto borrowing money will on or ntltlrow-- snna i l l $ una 1 , l, L.rt II HAM' li $ II Oil li L ,, General JOHN WACMIENEY. UKALRIl IN MILLER & HIKES. General Blacksmith Cammi City ' i , Oregon.. He It'iHip eoiwtaiitly on lmml nnd'fur .i!o, uormxiieiK, i.tted ami unlit- tHtl, nl( IIOItBR SMI, I HON, HTKKI, COM , WIIHTI.KTUKi:, NKCK YOKHS, WIIKKUt, Hl'IIINUX, I'ICK IIAM'MX, .MII'M! iiakih.iw h.i:i)oiw mid witiHiKH, tiiii: IMOV. etc., et. etc. ET A FlltST-CLASS VA(ION SHOP AT SAMU STAND. :auuiai!s iu:;uib:h a uiieiuio akiin i rfjGS- A lUSA.SO.S'Altl.K DISCOt'NT por CASMI Will nl take order for I'.U'keye Mower of Mowers. Will tiltko take order for (Jio Taylor and Kniitli Wagon, I eor Plow, awl Wo id) not for IVtor Kuhl aien'. for Ktavur A Walker's Implement and Vehicle duriny, liii itiliniine from town. Anything left with u will receive jiroinpt attention. City Meat Market.! 3a 253 Wellington Stictit, Canyon City, Oiogou. ON AY & EADS, Proprietor!!. niui.uua All Kinds Of It j- Wliolrmile mid detail. AIL nrdcrft filed 011 Short .Xolirc- 8. A.' ISEHLNEBS, Forwarding' & Commission House. Bnkor City, Baker county, - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dippiwi Powders For Sale al Wholesale Will lllwiiyx euileotol' Co uhtnill for ml ties couxigniii; to ine, htoie, tliuir ilcwiin. the I10I1I MtivJc nil goods r ;7 v, . BM !. v'.t..r!) M. I Civ .i:itn. ',.!. 1 I '..i r.i Sjjfl ntti 1 all el-e f.iiln. I'l.-e i.mI mi ' in: i.i. , hJ Il'-Jg 1 1 ' ' ' ' 'lr-nt .... lt'.vi'. e I ,! t , .. I I- ... i- vTL I OR, LUfVI3Cpri'ARD ft eiTTRUCrlS-.J- TO LOAN! Granl & Harnoy Counlies. Delays wlien Tills is linker din, Orego'K 'ml Ha City, Oregon. i. N DAY CITY. oriletr. and Hxtrai for .iiii-; rr any kind Ilolliiuptw-nllt l!nk' K.lwttlnr ami Kxtm for all l.indu of Momm, 3a iu MIKFM MR ATS hllH'Ht imilket pl'iees (ill Wuol, or fm win. I tho imiiio ae or.lii. oto., jjakku ciry s. .' 11 iciLXint. 1 erchandise H"i'SK?SWAGSN Gv 17 heh MAJtsty vicroaiA. i Almliimn Altmnl W.-IU- Kntrrt:lilni;lr n( llrr Home lift. Mmo. Albanl In the .S'rw York World: A K'xxl elenl hat I km n Mlil lxtoly in the n fti4prr cotireruinf? tincen Victoria, hut . much of It In on'oiulatM to (the falmi lniprelmm nith rtfrtl to the ejirnen that I am templed loaenil you a few nol. ahout her, and, t 1 hare had the honor for a long tlmojniitof pentoti ally Mng acquainted with hrr Majesty. 1 hope yon will believe they are trim. U Ith rofpirJ to tlio Quren'it public ev tftclty Itl needle for mo to upciilc, ii All tlio w.i rhl knows how ulio'hai fill fillet her niitmtroiH ami arduous dutlc, ml I ulinll therefore! confine inyaelf lo omtttmirlnir to Rive nemo lilon of her prlrnm life, ami tperlallr of her In Iht Sooli.'h highland homo, ai tl It tlii rn that I Imu.' Bi'i'ti licr mmt nml Imvi. Iimt thn lwt oiHirlunlly of jiulffliii;. '1'tio Quin rlo cnrly In tho morning, and nf tor lironkfant rendu ami atmwcrii licr lotuir.i nml IranftactA Imilni. ,Stn Is fonil of tliu t)on nlr, nml If tlio WMillmr ho fnviirnlilc of ton h.n licr jn Mnt takt-n Into n tcntur iimimr-liouii iiMin tlio lawn, whlrli oomimtml an i x linnlvo nml immt lmoly vli-w of Iax'Ii nn(ar, Itx HiirruiiiiilInK inotintnlini ami the valley of the Dee. After tli H ooiikw) n walk or nilrlrein a (Miiiy rnrrlntre, anil then liitinlimin, nt wlilrh mi one It over jirenent exrept iiii-iuIkts of tliu royal family. Durlnir the nftornoon tho Queen taket a lonif ilrie, often oxUniilliitf to oer thirty iiiIIcj anil always In nn open rnr rlno. She ttlniHt Into, never liefore n Mt p. in. An hour npmit In the drawing riMint talking with tho suestK who may have 1mm 'ii lnrltoil IliiUhMt tho day, nml the Queen retire to rent. The Queen In faithful to her old friiunU nml thoughtful for every Ixidy with whom idio eomcrt In tvmtart. re liieiiiherlliir the Hinnllont detnlln altout them, their f.iinllleH, nml their orvuim tloim, ami kII'K evldenre of thin at moat unexpiH'teil inomenu. A elrcum nUiiii'O whli'h hnpHnml to itm JmtllleH atrouly tho truth of this. Four yearn njfo I wai Hlnlni; at the lloyal Opera at Merlin, nml wan not oven aware that the Queen knew of my e iitfaKement there, I, Mhin nfter my ilchut, wan nlnlnrh'o dinner party at the Kinhaitiy, nml Hitting next to mo wat one of tho i;ontleuion of thoCrown Prlnrew' hoiiin. hold. DurliiK dinner he put Into my hand n telenim, tolling me to read It. This wna from thoQueeti to herdaiiKlitvr (now the Kinpremt l'rIerli-k), n-com-iiiemllii me to her nml denlrlnjf lnr to do nil dim could for me. Need lens to wiy that fler thli I wnt so excited that I eould eat no dinner, and I liidlMiil on !eepliif tho telegram, ono of my preeluiiN .Mneiilrn. licr .Mnjeatv 1 fond of iiiimto nml In n flood mniloiaii, Mie mUkIIiiI munlti with .Miilidelilin nml Hinging with I.uMaoliti. , An eunteiueiipe of thl teaulilug kIio r for tlio old Ila!lnn iniinle to any oilier, uuiat tuo Mimti time hiio can up. preeiaiu any thin;; that It ifmxl In the iiuxlerii inu'ilr. ThU I know from ex perience, .m I havo suiiif all kinds of uiukIi' to her, the now and the ulil. '1'lin (.'iii'i n Is tuiirh toui'hid liy a Hlmple, homely, ami after 1 lme Mini to ner aotifra l!kn '!!. Inn Adntr" or "Old I' dk at Home" I liavimeeu toarri In her Hhe hs heen III retirement for a groat iniiny verH, and during that tlmo hni not heen present nt ii slnjjlo operutlu perforiimtieej yet hIiii remeiiilHim well Urn old artists anil tho manner In hleh thoy rendered tho various well I luiowii mles, lfor Instauoti, when I told her that t as study lii(r the " Huguenots," and was )?oliiK ti sing It In America, she said that was ono ot her favorllo opera; that she thniiiflit Mario was superb us Itaoul, and that although Orisl Mini; ho musto Hilemlldly. alio never realitml llr lih ( of lle character of Valentine. Tho tluwoi herself hKikM after ttfi welfare of all her tonauU nml serv;mtn, ami If any one of them Is sluk sho Is tliu llrst one to p,y theni a visit and taku Diem llltlo eumforu. Durhik' her stay In Smitlaud sho takm a pleasure tltirliuf hor drlvoa In sUippliiif at various ooIUikiv to ask nfter tho wel fare of tho liiintile.H. When Hoo3cupil the Queen Is as kind and simple us any ordinary lady could ho. When she iaid mo ono of her first visita and took tea With mo my little hoy was no much struck with this that ho said to ino nfter rOiii Haagoqe; "() luanmis, what a little woman for suuli u hl tjuuou!'' It hi all this that has mado tho (Jiieuu no hulovisl liy ull her auhjocls. I have uuduavorivl In thewo few Jot tlns to Klvo a slight Idea of (Jiieen Victoria, and If In ilolnir ho I havo la trailed myholf tim much II Is hismuso 1 cull net heh) It. tlio nlniVH 1.1 in. mv iMrikjiuil eviie-rhiiiiu. .if li..i ti.Uwt.. , i r.j. i HIS FRIEND'S SON. Tint's Why tli ! .mrr Wn (llml to (inil.-e III. Cllrnl, A yoiliift mall lulls the ulUt'o of nu at, torney, says the Now York Herald, and Hives him a cl.ttiu of 3KSI to culleut. 'Vour name?" nska tho disciple of lllack tt.uio. "lilijuh Simpson." Is tho reply. Not the son of my old friend blue 'Simpson? Yea? Well, jou don't know 'lew Kind I nut to meet my old filend's (ile nut your hand," ami he wilngi the young man's hand with the utmost effusion, adding: '"I hope you will come in and see mo often. It will ho a treat for me, 1 aisiiro you, to have an op. portuulty of couverslnif with you alsiut your father." A week later young Klljali calls again. The l.iayer rushed toward to greet him, teUes both his IkuuU and ahukim them, rittlng hlrt giaul wUho over ami oor, nml evpiewting hU great pleasure i ! iiavuig nau ii in lila (tower toserwi ! l.lge's Hon. ' Then you havo Uui money fur moir" f.U(fK'esls SliupHon, I "t'orlalnly. cerUliily. Here It s, ami he hands an envelope earefully Mwh d m the young n llovv, who Uan it om-ii and lliels live rhwlo)lttr Wlla, -Wl.ert- a tho real?" asks Ulljah. "Oh. my fee Is $a," U the H'flj. t As Stui pn edge Uiwurd thudooi he Bnjs to it father's friend: "I gueM I'm luck.n t.fg 't?JV I'm awfully glad you didn't knew my gruutifaiiitr.H j . . ' j Sutldcn Dett'h. Henri ilisonim indordopod bv intxt j em eivilualion, and U inoiensin to ; mi nlniiuiet; extent Let him who 1 fiimpectN tl.e existence of thiHoausu of ' Hudilen doath tale Da. I'll si's Hum , mv, mid lot nil tiers jus n nd his Iron i tine on "Htmit Dieae,'' which will be hen', mi application bv Mac); Drttjj I Co , N. Y. If You Have No anptlt, InHlrMtlo". J UIol'nre. nirk lfmlrli, II riiu dmn," Iw Ine rintt, 7m m III riuit lliormnly you nrcil. Thr loiinip Ilia milk atitmarli nml tiullit ui.lli rllor ciirrrlM. Miiffcr.r. from rtlrrruiu tbcio. MrclyiiiKiir cooled. SOLD nVUKYWIIUltU. f CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUGH on GOLD Threat Affection Wasting cf xlo:h ()rnn) DUriir trhtrtllie Tlirn-ilaml t.niuji nre Inflnmnt, IirJk o" HlrtttQth or Arr. I'mcrr, j"ii fin ! rrllrnj and C'uml by PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypojihosphltcs. PALATABLE AS MILK. .1 tk for ifrott't .'iHii'.foii, nml Irl no rr lltiinait or follrllulo i Imlnee you la nrcfj'f i ufc.llu'V Sold 1U Hl DruuilnU. 8C0TT A. DOWHE.Chomlots, H.Y. If. mm V;i'f-irYrrf,V v 1 AL.iir.'fASLr in cvcitv nrinir.G I AGCNTS WANTED 1 CM Air C'JC MStMIBIKJ OLR f'.t LIME (' rti'tCIS KCM titlAF'I'UCATlCtl. 'i.troo.OMift. Mr SKI.miN JONIUK, rftl-ST. MORROW COUNTY (In 'orponkteil inloi the law Capital Slock 5100,000.00 (jlcucral Wnrchouso CKa R SCOTT'S OF j f ti-t-mvar i 'I n ii The warehouse has Iwo floors, SO x 00 feet, and is well lighted, a Jj'ording favorable diijlay of wools on. sale. It is situated near no other buildings and bears a low rale of ranee- Teamsters freight advanced, on order. Cash ad vanced on consignments of wool, and wool in. storage. During the, season, an experienced wool grader is emploied. The warehouse being furnished with a wool oonircss,bu!ers are enabled to have their purchases put in condition for direct shipment lo eastern, wills at a cost much below that which the wool must pay via Portland or San Francisco. THERON E, FELL, Manager. Heppner. Oregon. Ave Yaw Going To Plant mln Orchard? Tin-: PAYETTE NURSERY OF PAYETTE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. rsirllui the lattfehl Oeueral Xuiicry Stock m tho wide conn ty&a 125-ACRES-125 1 Tiees grown in tho motintuin country mo Hardy, Vigorom and Healthy. Send for juices apd catalogue Do not order your tiees and plants until you mo our Agont, who will call on you or send for our piiees Imu ranee Howell. Doalors in Prairie City, O.eon. auii At.Kurs roit tii k I'iniik Hi o s Tmplemont Co's Maohineiy, Cousisling of Mowors, Reap er, Soil Rinding Harvesters, Itukos and wnons. A full lino of Ag lit'iilturitl ImplimontH and extras for all Machines used in this country, Which we will soil cheap for Cash er on time with approved security. O verholt k Muldrick, -DKAIiKRS IX- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CAWY0X CITY, Or. SUMMONS. In tho circuit court of tlio htalo of Oregon, for Ornnt cmtnty, V. Jt.CunningtoD, Pl'fT linchol J. tiinningtoii, Dof'l t T 10 ItAL'lltl. tl. L,TNNI.OT0N, TUP. Aim)vk Naukii Dnr'T. An ortlor linvini boon inatle on tho Kith day of July 18!I0, by tho linn Mnrlnn I) PliilVir.! .T.lnn i,l 7 . . b t the nliOVU entitled COlUt for tllO HLT. I vico of Miminons upon you in tho nbovo outitlcd unit by publication thereof, now, thoroforo In tho mime, of tho slato of Oro gon, you nru hereby required to n penr nml finitwrr tho eomplnint filed ngntnut you in Raid unit on or bofoto tho iirHtdny of tho rojjular Soptomlicr term lH'JO, of Haiti court, to-wit: Monday tho IhI dny of Scptombcr A. ). nud if you fail bo to nn- ftwer or plead, tho plaintiff will ap ply to the court for tho roliof do mumlcd in tho said complaint, to-wit: A tlocreo. diBHolviiif; tho mnrrinjjo con trait now oxisline; between tho phiiu tiff and dofondant, and nwardinej plnmlin" tlio ciiHlody and control ot .Mtugnrot J. CuuniiiKton, minor daughter of tho plaintill nnd defend ant, nml for Dm cohIh and dinburh0 iiionts of Maid Htiit and for such fur-, thor relief iih lo tho court in equity, may Heeiii meet Paiiuihii k Cozau, I Vl'ttH Att'H. iu I ... ,ii s,. L Ilr ..l.cli", Cnnttl :.. n, M ' .,1 r I n.!..Uit., tko tl.O llt f I i i .a icatcdy, BSiXZTU'S IF l'- Ml A I.I. SI xe ihltl.' Pr .li.lotho bu:e ti.Kt aki! ill v )-r ioxvi:xitNT. Ml.lK.l.ln I. .4 Mil .Ykm. l'rlrx nl either le, i!.1e. jier nolllo. kllWVtl Ji '.I..' J l.rl ri. . ,., .ur.l- i.r.iMUM :o ' j i. sr.tcsti ho. V.. IU IIIHII0I', Tlli'.AH. UNO & TRUST CO. of the State of Oiogou). Paul up $25,000.00 A; forward ina: Aart-s. ! m m m CITY HOTEL MAIN (TTItKET Canyon City, Okkoon, guo tii frii a i pso. J'roprielnr.s: Trnvohnv men will find this a pleaaaul and donirublo placu at which to Htop. (Jlt) IIM II (Jit II U S. SOUTH '() irrn, I'lioi'Miirroit or StBaiiiSasIt & Door Faclory CanyonCjtv, Or. Sash. Doon, Windows. OIom, Putty, Mouldinfj, and Drottcd Lumber Etc., u'onttnntly on Hand. Furniture Made lo Order. IIAKI.'R and U'A.VVO.V CITV STAGE LINE, McCUEN A. OIIIFFIM, Prupra. :.! turai, cl o.i.Tf i.iitr. anil fut Hint K.irjf .tUnllou ulirii to I 'at curator! ofittiitngers. Chnrcci Hoatoilahlo. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho undoiBignod having been ro tilo rod to health by hitnplo menus, after ftUfTciing for Rovctal yoam with a fovcto 1 u ii ulTouliou, and tint drciid diseiiHO Conmiiiiption, in mix ions to make known to his follow , sufl'ercra tliu menus of cure. To those who tlcsito it, he will cheerful- 1 ly Hond (freo of clmige) a copy of i the proscription used, which they w ill Itud a Hiiro euro for Consump tion, Ailhmi, Catntih, HroneliiliB nnd nil throat nnd lung Maladies, lis hopes nil suft'urera will try his Homedy, as it is invalnublu. '1 Iioho dcHirinej the proscription, which will cost them nellniiL', nnd may provo n blessing, will pleaso athlreiH, lti;v. IlnwAitii A. Wii-bon, WilliauiHburL', Kings county, New Xork. XHE "CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN" Lih attained n htandnnl if excellence Hhlch admits of no superior It contains every improvement lhat jaentlve (ouliid, akill mid iiuuy-y can "AKluce. OnCANS OF INTRINSIC VALUE These no-llent flrpnim nr. for tie lr v d urn , pj,'lity t.r tone, fiilck ic.-i niisc, variety ef CMmKinatlun, nrtistia design, Ue.itit) m lial-h, p. ifet coiibtruc lion, iniikiiih' them the most nttrnntlvo, oninincnlul nml dehlrahlo 'organa In the wu Id for Hoinea, Kchoeilb, Chuivhi'S, Iah1;ch mid SoclotleM. t'utaloh'ucH on application, FllEK. vm ww m Go. 223 WABASH AVE., CHIOAOO, ILL. CstosIi, snil Trsilii M i " m-il sml U I'st nit but, nc.i t iiiluct If r Mcdisatc rets Oils Orrici it Opposite U B 1'iitiiiOrr i'l .imrcuM rr iu li. J i n 4 tll: ) rrniow rruni s.iu -i- SuJ model. ilrluif or nliCo. k Ith drwrllv. lion, Wf . If i.'nul'U or not, frm uf (litres. Our f. not ituo till mit l curtJ, A Ml to Utr m lvul.," with iisuipi of ti iii u c nu la your Mti', comity, or town, rt.ut frvo A'Miti, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Pitint Orrict. Washington, 0, C. IP YOU WI3II A COOO REVOLVER 'WTO SMITH & WESSON'S Much imnllA lumafutiuiU the ftit iht ! f all M uJ ii tui HIiiU or diMibttfumlon. h.tfi-iv Ham nifiUMih Tftr.'l m.-j! U (( 1 llril iiunlllr uruuibl r fur I' tin llulalii iltiiubUtty unit t .. .t w,,ul. 1 1 , i u r Ulir. A W iu Uf i. ) Itli hi in. II 1 ..TV UUUI- II (ftt-tt Mtl fur the k it'iim- t t , lUIiu mitt dKiur.'tu. t lit hmx V itRh fc?V ilitt'll UI l r limn.-, fciltliv AbJ Jt, . e.f i ui-. i . UMll'rM U'ttVl. llil1 t- I . i irur (ItMtfer cihiuit tutut . ilr-u Imleiw Mrllt it t lr TiT 'li , I ii II ii, J n.lll I'll V WK.niJN, FOR mn ONLY! O.o nd WERV0UB IJtllJllf f! ef Bwljr mil Mi.J, ESrcti a f a. F.M.u.i. nu..v.... H-C4KI t.iUatsuiKinri.11. iu. ,11 tuiOMiiktk,ikiikiiuirMiiiki.iirtTiiir JUiDf. IkMi.l.l; i.l.lll.( llUtk HllllllI I....,, MlMlllf t.m 10 tl.lM.4 .l((M..I.Wk Mril. U..M. l.Mfl,l. bMl, ..l...U. k.Ur4fM.Ml.k IWtH ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V, Petition Por Liquor License. To the Hon. county coutt of tlio state nf Otcgon, for Ornnt tvi.mly Wo tho undemuiKxl toui pontion on would respectfully roprcHi nt that wo .hp oaoh and all roatilenU and be Kl voters of South l'oik irt-cinct, in said county, and we ask that a li eemobo granted to Mnrmy UrotLern to nll and dispose of Hpuituons, i noun ami malt tiiuota in lehi qtiuu titiea than onogall n in unul pin met for n prixl of twolvo nioiitli from and nfior tho :lid day of Sojt. 1800. Paled this (1th day of .tunc, 1800. Loyd Miller, Him.McCuy, Michatd McNulty, Honry linj,'smyro, 1M. 0 Iliaun, A T Pond, J il Orichton, D C McDonald. Thomas Connor, T 0 Adhuin, Ocuro Kydd, J O lliown, Dan Murray, S S 1'ronn, L K Orron woll, A McMullon, .1 P K. hall, Kioil M L Onion, Want Swift, V , Wood Jim Threlkold, Win O McDonald, LowiH Adam, lwiM Denning, llamtl ton Mnxwoll, John V Powell. Notice i heioby given that on tho Hrd day of fc'opt. 1M)0. tho under signed" will apply to tho county cotitt of the state of Oregon, for (hunt county, far tho imunnccof tlio licensu inniiti'onod in tliu foregoing petition. MtlltHAY HllOTIIKlUt, Applicants. SUMMONS. In tho cirauit couit of the state of Oregon for Onitit oountv. Anm'o It Parrish, Pl'iT. i vs Poter Von Anpcm Deft ) To Pktku Von Asiiii.n, IH:r'T. In the nnino of the Htnto of Oregon you aro hereby retpiired to appear and answer tho complaint tiled against you in tho ul.ove entitled mill on or befoio Monday, tho fut day of Septembor, A. D.," lS'.K), tho samo boinif tho fiit.t day of tho next regular term of said coutt, nnd if you fail so to atiKWor tho plitintifT will tnko judgmont and decree against you for tho relief prayed for in said complaint viz: Judgment for tho Hum of ono bundled nnd fifty ($M0) dollars and interest thereon nt tho rate of ton per ecu I. pernni.uni ftom the 2ith tiny of November, A. D. lH.-ifi, anil for tho further sum of twenty ($:0.00) dolhuH, Att'ys fees, u h provided in the nolo mentioned in snid complaint, and decteeiny Unit tho n.origugu montioncd in said cunplninl bo foreclosed tho mot tinged properly docrib d in said niortngo cold iu the n miner prescribed by law and the pi r coeds of such Halo applied in payment of such judgment. You will turthor take notice that this summons is published In order of tho Hon. Morton J). Cliftord, ono of tho jiid(.cH of said court, which order was mado and dated at Canyon Citv, Oregon, on tho -1 3th dav of Julv, A. 1). 1S!)0. P.MIIHSIl A- Cozui, AU'ys for Pi li. Dated nt Canyon Citv, Or, thi 15th day of July, A. D.'lB'.K). Canyon Cily & Mitchell STAGE - LINE. Stngo leavos Canyon City on Tues day, Thursday, nnd Saturday, nt t a. m. Arrives al Mitclioll on the same day nt r- o'clock p. m. Leavch Mitchell on .Sunday, Wed. i esdity nml Fiidny. nt I o'clock n. m. Arrives ut Canyon City on tho samo t'.iv nt M o'clock p. in. Stages at Mitchell make cloe con )ii -hull with stngos for The Dalles. I'vssknoki: a.vii riti-niiiT at iu vsona- llt-K lltl'M. S. F- ALLEN, Prop. f TONIC V. l'l rirr ik. n4i rc-Utth Tl VI ft! MIMI, 41 HCftallVk, lACk of htiutl nJ llr4 pttii rTs rclt Km A E t-.O U OK. HAUTrit B IRON T(- WIO acd c-1r or UltMitUtr.kHU tilt n, -i - a Y i i tii-1 I trarl at ruubtvf If 4 t 1 I In 11 'i-llltf tr III ortblnftl lk)D"tS ilmut tfttti UUILIItl, ktlTfc. Or. HAHTCrt'O LITTlrC LIVEn P1LL9V Ql'tt'l I Ilia I kit iu hi'- iiit t ofl'O rrn tit '-pi, f Or. H.tRTCR MLOsCtNU CO., tuUuli.Uds vegetable'pahacea PHtfAHEO TH0M moors C: herbs. roHTiic rune or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIN0 ntOMA DISORDERED STATE of tiic STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVEIR. ixir t.Atr ar all DRUGGISTS & UENlRAL DEALERS THE OKLY TRUE