Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 07, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, Aw. 7.
1'mnk MeUcImn it njjont for tho
mln of Jlugli Smith' ieo in Cunyon
KoidilwiU of llunm i ill lmvo six
(toy nidinp, eouunoiiaing on 'ho 27tli,
with jmri amounting to $800.00.
ltHttltimix nro (juite niiiiierous in
tlii ooonty tlii summer, nwl acvernl
hive lKn'kiightorcd for tlieir rattle
Mr. A. J. Cummins nipnrt tho
lwiy crop on tho dimming rnncli ful
ly one tliinl heavier than in former
A header wns limited up tin) gulch
latt xvook nnd is now nittlini; nvvuy
unions; tho head, of golden groin on
tho Gtindliieh ranch.
Sam Hurry, n miner of tho Olivo
oreok country, xvns in town lately, nnd
pivis oncotimgiiig ropoit-i concerning
that section of Crant county.
The WWr shop has been newly pu
pored nnd (minted. Kerrel hns rcceiv
ed n new chair, nnd tho place limits
like n New York Imrlier shop.
Married, nt tho rosidenco of It. V.
lliinu, by V. H. Kolly, .lattice of tho
Ponce, .Sunday, Aug. 3, 1890, Mr.
Win. V. ltutiti mid Miss ll.ittio My
Hull, lioth of John D.iy.
About nil tho (ir.nit county wool
hut Won linuled to market, tho last
load from this valley being started to
the railroad n few days ago. It be
longed to Adam t.otdon.
A Ikiy and n six-pistol nro a couple
of elements of creation that khould
no or Ikj permitted to associate them
selves with inch other. Next toadc
fectio stove pipe, they nro dangerous
to any community.
A new town has Im-oii laid out on
Croonhorn mountain in the rich min
eral district, nnd chiistcned Creen
hotn City. Well, why shouldn't it
propped A few good minus can make
ii lory good town.
Lincoln Luce stopped in on hi.s way
to Hoar valley last Monday, where he
goes to help put up his father's hay
crop. He icpoitM crops generally be
low the n viroge, except alfalfa, which
did well this season. The cold and
lmckwaid spiing was lmd for tiinnthy
and wild hay.
A. C. Horu the veteran sawmill
man is thinking of erecting a sawmill
on Canyon creek, upon a quarter sec
tion of timber laud he purchased from
Hob Xcecc. He will have n largo
scope of country for the sale of lumber,
and plenty of good timber with which
to maiiufactuie it.
Mr. llettner, whoso family arrived
hero last Sunday week, cniiio over
from linker City last Saturday. .Mr.
ltuttnor recently came from Kansas,
nnd given n not very llattering account
of the country ttoyond the mountains,
Tillies are hard and poor people have
not much of a chance to improve their
condition in life.
Sloan A- Haskell have censed opera
tions at their placer mine on Klk
creek for the season, owing to the
scarcity of water. Hoince and John
.Slo.m are now at the ranch up the
creek harvesting the hay crop, nnd
xvheii that is finished will turn their
Attention to the development of ijuiirt.
claims in nortlieiu Craut.
Trowbridge and Clark leturned last
week from n prospecting tour to the
country went of the upper end of Si!
vied valley and brought some beautiful
noggoU und line gold which they
found, but it is dillieiilt to olitniu, ow
ing to the scarcity of water. It is
thought that this one draw-Kick can
Imi overcome by tapping mi ancient riv
er chauiiHl,
An Hil'ect of the hut vvoather is to
bring out tho crank who, with the per
spiration steaming down his face, asks
you "if it is hot enough for you."
Whether this piotinn has the vll'oct
of cooling tho atuiiMphere has never
been decided, but the fact rem litis
that tlm victim of the ipuust'on is sure
to get hotter and indulge in language
that savor of severe limit and brim
stone. Once more tho town has liecn saved
from Incoming itahes by the iiompt
action of tho loy and hose cuit. Sat
urday iifternoon tho lire trail was clang
ed UtciiUFu a blaze was seen sliootini;
up abovu the roof of Tom Smith's ies
iileuce, mid every ouo resiouded in
doublo-iuick. As soon as tho hoe
xvns brought to Uxir the lire died in
about the same double-ipiick time.
Tom had built u lire in his Move mid
tho pipe Uiing defective had permitted
thu roof to catch. While his potatoes
were lioiliug ho was in the front room
reading mid was unaware of his dan
ger. Miw Kiln Sels discovered tho
tiro mid gave tho alarm.
Devolution lake up near thu north
ern edge of this county is somo two
miles wide, uud now wu hear thu
startling announcement that no Ku
glish tourist nauiud Lord Bitty swum
across it and I Kick thu other day on n
wager of S'Jfi.OO. Wo dare sny that
this font has been iiccnmplishcd hun
dred of times by residents in thu vi
cinity of the lake wo must say this
even in the face of oppodtiou, for it
will nover do to let any perigrinating
aristocrat come over and have the sat
isfaction of walking thu chunk of thu
honest und humble residents of (Smut
county, (iivu our own men thu cred
it of first swiinming across l)oolution
Hilly Hunn is running tho butcher See Frank Metsehon and buy some
shop nt John day. ' cheap.
'Hie xvoather remain summer-like, Luke county lm marketed -10,-with
indications of nn arly f'l. I 000 mutton sheep this season.
Dick Chirk has enrried his lrUr j I f you fail to get your Nkws plenso
fixture to John Day and set up shop. ' notify this ollice and xxe will try to
II,.... .led lhistin can be found nt ! fl""Uh ?mx " '""I'licate copy.
his oll'ieo on (lospol Itidge, K-low the !
nro informed thnt Jihi Combs l
(toughtur nt John Day is nlllicUxl
with diptheria.
State Tronsurer MeUchai. and w!fo
stnrtd to Snlam ymtantoy, to look" up
n ptoco of residence.
Thu Misses Minnie and Itovn
Sxvnnk startwl by yesterday's stage
for l'oittond, on a visit.
If you desire to assist in increasing
our Herniation send the Nkws to some
of your friends in other states.
I'hilip IliiMon xvns cnrolossly hand
ling n revolver tost Tucvtoy, and, Ixiy
like, he shot himself in the left leg
ulxive tho knee.
(leonfjo Snodorly is seeking the old
Canyon creek gold channel which tho
minors lost four niilon ubove town.
Should it lo found busy miners would
onco more make lively times in the
Ail insane patient from Malheur
county wns taken to tho nsylum
last week. Ho is a Canadian.'ugeil
2(. Dimo novels caused his insan
ity. The niun claims to be the lost
Charley lloss.
Mr. I). It. Itinehart informs us that
his immense crop of apples has just
begun to lipou, nnd from now until
next Juno the supply xvill not fail.
Ho will sell his excellent fruit nt the
lowost market price.
Lester and Arthur Collin, tho for
mer of Arlington and the latter a
member of the mercantile linn of Cof
fin it McKarland, ilcppuer, xvere in
town a few days last week attending
to some legal lmsinoss.
0. G. Savage, of Marion county,
has brought suit against his broth
er, John Snvage, for $10,000 dama
ges for slander, lloth are wealthy,
and their troble grows out of a quar
rel of many years standing.
Hob Hay has found two trees each
containing a colony of bee.i. In the
past this xvns something unusual for
hastorn Oregon, but since tame lees
are Is'coiniug more plentiful swarms
often find the tiuilier mid take up
their abode there.
An Illinois church society dis
missed their pastor because he play
ed croquet so late that he missed
tho prayer-meeting. There is a
time for all things, but the pastor
no doubt had more fun than if he
had prayed so late that he missed
the croquet.
Tom Smith feels grateful to the lire
laddies for saving his house the other
day, and has gone and invested his
money in n new stove pipe. The one
which caused thu blaze had lccii in
use for years, and consisted principal
ly nf big holes between the ceiling and
roof of the house.
The three boys who confessed to
having burned several bams in Sa
lem recently, "just for fun," have
been dismissed with "a solemn lec
ture." Tho citizens are highly in
dignant and predict more fun for
tho boys as soon as they got over
this little scare.
Thu State Senate Committee to
frame a new revenue and taxation
bill to ho presented next session and
consisting of JJaley of I'matiHa,
Cogswell of Crook, Tongue of Wash
ington and Wait of Multnomah,
will meet in Portland for that pur
M)se about October l.rth.
Dr. Harber handed the editor u eopy
of tho Lena, III., Star, last week,
which contains no mticle relative to
pearl fishing on the l'ccatonicii river.
Pearls ranging in value from $17 to
Sl.'.'OO have been found almost by ac
cident, on laud where it was tuner
suspected thnt valuables existed in
their natural state.
Perhaps it isn't fair to estimate
tho opulation of our statu accord
ing to voting strength after all, as
history does say that thousands of
repeaters are purchased every elec
tion, and also that many of our
Washington neighbors clone to the
line, vote in Oregon for passtimo,
$2.f0 pieces and free whisky.
The Canyon City Fire Dcpaituiuiit
was re-organized Tuesday evening by
thu election of the following ollicers:
K. C. Sels, Pres.; T. II. Hugler, Sec;
(!. D. Richard, Chief; James Fen el,
Foreman; Frank Metschnii, Tiens.
The Chief and Foreman will select
their men to run in thu Hose Team
mid report at a special meeting next
Tuesday evening.
A tnto) of dirty lazy Italians who
could be milking each his 'J.OO per
day in the hay field, if work xvns not
contrary to their religion, has nlilicted
(.rant county with n hoar-moukoy
combination, mid a couple of cougars
for variety. This "show" will per
form for a cash donation, immediately
nfter which the loxs comos out of the
nearest giiimill with a jug. As to
their begging propensities, the word
does not express it.
Hop growers in tho Willamette
valley nro contracting their hops at
20 cents a pound, the highest price
that ruled for some years nasi.
Hops are a hardy plant and adapt
ed to the climate of Kastern Oregon,
and tno is kwh suggests that experi
ments bo made with them on some
of the overtaxed meadow lands of
tho John Day valley. Looks as
though tho profit would bo largo,
even at I A cents iwr jhjuiuI deliver
ed at the railroad.
In (termanv thev nro niakinc tea
irom strawberry Ionves. It closely
approaches tlio"(.'liineo article.
Some ouo who believes Unit "bre
vity is tho eoul of wit" writes:
' "1,'t (i they'll W
The weather has Won very favor
able to harvesting operations, which
are in full swav throughout the
The supremo court of Michigan
lias decided that a woman is a per
son, and can legullv fill the position
of deputy county clerk.
The shores of Warner lakes,
which have been URed for pasturing
largo Hocks for some years, are this
season covered with water.
It is estimated at the truasury
ilcuirtmcnt that thu monthly debt
statement will show an increase of
about f l.(MX),000 during the month
of Juty.
Out in Michigan n holt of light
ning ripjHnl off the trousers legs and
Inxds of William Dickinson, but
did not hurt him, though it put him
to sleep for half an hour.
There are some fears expressed
that the Umatilla Indians will go
on the warpath this summer, but
the ex)ple of I'cndleton and vicini
ty feel no uneasiness regarding it.
A eineinnatiiin who drove an ex
press wagon, and was worth less
than flHX) in projierty, died the oth
er day, and his wife had a funeral
which cost -fll'-'U and left her onlv a
horse and wagon on hand and with
out food enough in tho house for
"Observe, ladies," remarked the
professor of the magic lantern show,
"that optically in tlieir impress up
on the retina of the eye we actually
see all tilings standing, at it Mere,
t.tuiilit ili.ivn ' ' I 111 uiilritu tilii-nt"
..itcdlv exclaimed tile linker City
jr, Hutching at her skirts.
girl elutcliing
(ieorgo Francis Train has made
arrangements with thu Tncoma
Ledger to make an attempt to beat
the record for a trip around the
world, lie will leave Tncoma Aug.
7, on the steamship China, and cal
culates he can make the circuit of
the globe in lifty-seveu days.
The editor of tho Atlanta Consti
tution doesn't see any necessity for
buying things from tho North, any
how. Sugar grows in Louisiana,
is'pperinint grows in overv Southern
garden and whisky trickles down
the mountains from countless moon
light stills what more is neededl
For the World's Fair, says tho
Kitsap Pioneer, "the Taeoina mill
proposes to cut and load on the
cars at the mill gratis, the nrizc
stick of the world. They have
turned out a stick 1)U feet long,
squaring .'IDx.'H) inches, and claim
that thev can do much better than
Sokane Falls must be a live
place. Recently the city marshal
arrested the sheriff of tho county,
then tho bhorill' arrested tho mar
shal. Then the justice of the peace
was arrested by tho county judge j
and after his release he issued war-
rants for the arrest of the district j
judge and attorney.
It is estimated that the entire
hoction of country within 20 miles
radius of Athena, I'matilla county,
will yield on an average from .'! to
.10 bushels of wheat per acre. In
the French prairie, Marion county,
the wheat is generally better and
larger yield than ever before. Crook
county has an increased acreage of
wheat, and they expect to raise suf
ficient wheat for local demand.
The Chinrso government de
clare that it will never entrust the
real authority of thu navy to a for
eigner. This is in accordance
with all Chinese precedent. As
soon as they learn the trick of any
thing they havo no further use for
tho white who taught it. Thin
holds good in private as well us
public affairs, as some of our man
ufacturers know to their cost.
While removing a rabbit from his
favorite shepherd dog's mouth,
Frank Kissongor, a herder near Pi
lot Hock, waH terribly bitten in the
hand and became unconscious.
When he recovered, the dog, which
had been showing signs of sickness
for several days, was lying dead by
his side with his hand still in his
mouth. Seven days afterward he
developed symptoms of insanity,
was taken to Pendleton, adjudged
insane and sent to Salem. On the
way ho began to bark and snap like
a (log, and there is little doubt that
he has hydrophobia,
Wo get specimens of cheek in
Oregon; hut nothing that surpass
es Louisiana. A leader of tho lot
tery g:iug i that state took occas
ion in a public speech to demand
the impeachment of (lovoruor
Nicholls for his veto of that meas
ure, mid was gravely indorsed by
' one of tho leading rowspapors of
New Orleans, which referred to
the executive as "our usurping and I
! factional governor," and called up- I
on the legislature to "hurl him 1
from jvower." (
I Col. Win. Parsons, who has just j
j returned from an extended trip into
tho (irceiihorn mountain mining
( district, informed an ICast Oregoui- j
an rejKirter that imjKirtnnt dcvelop
I incuts arc being made in the gold
j quartz mines ol that reg:on this sea
son. He, wiUi an exort, made a
' thorough examination of the I'lnr
I nix mine, near Kobiusouville, on '
j Olive creek, and found that the
I owners hnd ojiened the ledge with ;
i two extensive tunnels, besides sev
eral cross cuts and numerous shafts '
and had exposed a very large body
of free gold quartz, nisaying from ;
f 2 to $ lofil jier ton. The only
moans at presant employed to ex- j
tract the gold from the quartz is an
arastra, which produced about f 100
a day during the present season.
With improved machinery the mine
could be made to yield u handsome
dividend; but as the water to run
the arastra only holds out about
fifty days each season the yield is I
limited. " j
Col. Parsons obtained a bond on
the mine for eastern parties, who
proHse to erect modern machinery '
and thoroughly develop tho proper
ly. Tho ledge is a true fissure vein
extending to a great depth, is from (
three to thirty feet wide, and can
bo traced on the surface of the
ground for fully 15.000 feet. It is
from this ledge that tho rich phi-
cers at the head of Olive creek
came. These placers yielded an !
immense sum of money a few years j
ago. Sonic very handsome seci-1
mens of quartz from tho Pluenix I
can be seen at tho othco of Uoso it
Another xery fine mine is the
Snow Creek, about two miles from
ltobinsonvillo. Nine tons of ore
from this mine yielded f!tr0.
There is no doubt that a great
many very rich minus will be de
veloped in this region within a year
or two. AH that is needed is a lit
tle capital to oK'ii the ledges and to
construct projier machinery for ex
tracting the gold.
(i. T. Frankum, who left Pendle
ton some time ago to prostect in
the (irceiihorn section, writes to a
Pendleton friend under date of July
2.'!d, that he has struck the exten
sion of the Morris mine, which pros
jiectors have been endeavoring to
locate for several years. The find
is very rich in bilvor, and assays
$1152.2.1 to the ton. Mr. Frankum
eousidurs that he struck a bonanza.
He also run across a ledge which
has been searched for for live years,
which assavs all the wav from f l
to $(iOO to the ton.
Kor Sale.
(lood eating and cooking apples
at fifty cents a bushel at Mrs. Phil
lips' orchard in Canyon City.
(let a chunk of Smith's ice mid
keep cool Frank Metschau, agent.
The Maori women of New Zeal
and are killing themselves trying to
wear corsets since they have seen
them on thu missionary women.
Texas has jailed an editor for ly
ing. That big state is getting very
particular. Next thing will be tho
jailing of men for snoring in
Out of the 7S2 registered voters
in Walla Walla city, .'llili wore born
in foreign countries, and of this
number 101 are (iermans. Of the
native born voters hut It! were born
in Walla Walla.
Ai Joy, of Cyr, is the shortest
named man in the shortest town in
the I'nited States. If any other
man has fewer letters in his name
and lives in a town with fewer, lei's
hear from him.
No nation in this wide world, be
sides our own can reach down info
the bowels of the earth and lako
therefrom eighty or ninety million
dollars' worth of gold and silver
every year. Verily, we are a favor
ed people.
The managers of Dundee Park or
the Northern New Jersey Fair Asso
ciation, who were first to propose a
race between Sunol ami Axtell, now
offer a stake of $20,000 entrance
fee, mile heats, best three in live;
winner to take tho entire amount;
date between September 2.'! and Oc
tober II.
liounor's trotting mine, Sunol,
is in training to break all records,
if possible. At the I (ctroit track
a few days ago she trotted on ex
hibition a mile in 2:1.1, the last
quarlor in 110 seconds, a two-minute
gait. There is little doubt as
to her being a faster animal than
Maud S.
The contract for the construc
tion of the stale reform school
building at Salem has been award
ed to I). ('. Sehell, his bid being
thp lowest, S2l!,ri0l). Such an in
stitution is greatly needed, and it
is to be hoped that the construc
tion of the building will be push
ed as rapidly as possible.
The company who havo recently
located ami are now developing the
new mines at the head of Hutter
creek, in Umatilla county, say thut
as depth is attained prosjiects grow
richer. Tho miners are now in free
milling oro which assays $l!0 a ton.
The Mammoth ledge, tho principal
ouo in the distiict, is now making
arrangements for tho purchase and
erection of a largo mill. Water and
timber are plentiful. The miners
are about 10 miles from Pendleton,
and are easily accessible with a
A Woman Dellbtrstcly Sets Her Cloth,
ing on I-'ire anil l llurntil to a
The most horrible and painful
means of self-destruction within tho
ken of the human mind would be
death by burning; but such seems
to have been the means employed
by Mrs. John Lane on Saturday af
ternoon last, says the Walla W'alla
Statesman, wherein tho victim do- j
lilteratoly jet her clothing on lire i
and was burned to n erisn without i
any apparent attempt at escajve or
alarm when the scorching names
se.-thed her quivering flesh.
The particulars are meager. Mrs.
i .a lie ih in(i vvue oi joiiii i .ano, wen
known in this city. Their residence
is located alnnit eleven miles below
the city, near Whitman station.
About three-quarters of a mile from
Mr. Lane's place lives John Swan
son and wife, the latter a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lane, and in the
oppoiitc direction, distant about
100 yards, is a small cabin of one
room, owned by Patrick O'Connor.
On the afternoon in question Mr.
Swansou noticed heavy smoke issu
ing from the O'Connor cabin and
ran toward it. In passing the house
of Mrs Lane he stopped and hsjked
in at the window and noticed that
everything was in order, but Mrs.
Lane was not there. Heaching the
O'Connor cabin, ho found it a
smouldering mass of, and at
the back portion was the charred
remains of a human body, the bead
lying against the wall and the feet
jHiinting toward the door.
As he states in his testimony, Mr.
Swanson suspicioncd that the !ody
was that of Mrs. Lane, and imme
diately proceeded back to his house,
hitched up his team and came to
Walla Walla in search of Mr Lane,
who had departed early in the
morning to see to the repair of a
threshing machine. Arriving here
he notified sherill' Mcl'arland, Dr.
Keylor and Coroner Hlaloek. The
latter being ill, deputized John A.
Taylor, and late Saturday evening
the piuty arrived on tiie scene.
The body was found to be lying as
described, the flesh burned com
pletely oil', and unrecognizable. An
inquest was held at midnight which
developed the fact that there was no
i ii. i ..I
! apparent cause for suicide, as the wife
and liusliaiid hail lived on the best of
terms and the relations of family
and neighbors were most pleasant,
at times the whole family of father,
mother, daughter and son-in-law
living together. At one time sever
al years ago, during a severe illness
the deceased threatened to take her
life, but it was said in rather a jok
ing manner and no attention was
given to tho threat. During the
morning of the fatal day Mrs.
Swausou had called and invited her
mother to visit her, and received an
alliru.ativc answer in a cheerful
tone of voice. Heforo his departure
for Walla Walla early that morning
Mr. Lano states that his wife gave
him a few directions regarding the
purchase of groceries, etc., and was
in usual good spirits ami health.
Near t lit door of tho burned cabin
was found a square molasses can,
which had contained coal oil and
which witnesses testified they had
never seen on tho premises before.
All tho evidence went to show that
it was one of those strange cases of
deliberate suicide, cutis id by torn
porury and sudden insanity, al
though, through tho medium of
some agency which may nover he
known, death may have been caus
ed by accident.
(ioto the Hed Front Billiard
Hall, Canyon City, for fine wines,
liquors and cigars,
The Pacific Itrowory's Celebrated
Peer, the best in ICastorn Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at tho
Hed Front Milliard' Hall.
Scrofulous eruptions, such as
Pimples, Discoloration of the Skin,
especially on face, are causd by
impure blood and will disappear
rapidlv bv using Pfuudcr's Oregon
III ood Purilier. '
Neither China nor Japan have
insane asylums. Tho crazy are
killed by their relatives, or else
chained in loathsome rooms until
they die. The missionaries are now
endeavoring to raise funds with
which to establish an insane asy
lum at Canton.
tiiiateiuala and .Sail Salvador are
at war, and the forces of the latter
were victorious in the first engage
ment, driving the (iiiateinalas
back across tlieir boundary. Mex
ico stands ready to take a hand, if
the belligerents persist in hostili
ties. FiiiMT i on Saul To tliotc wishing
to buy fruit and vegetables, I will say
that I am selling apples at at) cents
mr Ixix, or 7fi coots pur lxix when the
liox is furnished at the orchard. All
kinds of grain taken in exchange foi
fruit. Also a gisxl askoitiiuilit of veg
etables for tale. Residence two miliw
Is.low John Day, on 'I'lie Dalles road.
Wm. Lwrw, Prop.
A school teacher says that pu
piU who have acce.s to uowkjmiiers
at homo when compared to tlioe
who have not are bettor lender,
bettor spellers, bettor grammar!
aiu, excellent in pronunciation ami
read more undoi-standingly, and
obtain a good knowledge of geog
raphy in almost half the time it
requires others.
Secretary lCreuior, f tho Johns
town llooil iclief committee, has
issued a rejKirt, showing that the
total contributions icceived were
$2,IH2,!U0.!10: total expenditures,
S2.SI5.1 lO.Sil. Tho commission
has $157,200. 17 in cash on hand.
In the I'liiled States circuit
court at Portland, Judge Deady
in the case of Met onnnuglicy vs
(iov. I'eiinoycr overruled tho de
murrer to the amendment of the
bill. This decision virtually ends
the suit ami iieriietuallv enjoins
,lm to from giving n titlo to the
( loriy-iwo tiionsami acres oi land
situated in Lake county and known
' as the swainn lands.
Our new "ad." front tho enterprise
ing firm of Collin .v MeFarland,
i Ilcppuer, siHiaks for itself, and it is
worth your whilu to read the same.
In order to gain new trade thev in
tend presenting a lino large lunik,
winch retails at f l.(X) each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, hoots and shoes, hats etc., to the
amount of $2.1.00, allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
tSivo them a trial order, when you
send away for goods.
The debt of Virginia now
amounts to $ lll.OOO.OOO, much the
largest of any stale in the 1'nion.
It started in 12.1, when the state
gave its bonds for internal im
provements. This was repeated at
various times. I'p to LStJO Vir
ginia has always paid her interest
in gold, and much of tho dubt was
held in Kuropc. 1'iobably more
of the Knglish sentiment early
in the war in favor of tho South
was secretly influenced by a hope
of making their Virginia bonds
j good than will now over be known.
The debt then amounted to $!K),
000,000. Tho war stopped all
layments of interest which kept
icir.g added to the principal. In
I Still West Virginia was cut oil
from the state, taking one third
the revenue. Since then paying
Virginia's debt has been an impos
sibility. v
I'or Bale Chejp...$iuu.
One I lodge Header in running
older with new drapei and three
header beds. Will taku wheat or
barley after threshing at market
price. Oko. (IfXiu.Aeii.
Tale Notice.
As 1 intend to remove shortly
from (irant county, 1 ask nil per
sons indebted to me, to make imme
diate settlement of their indebtness.
During my temporary absence Mr.
J. D. Sutherland is authorized to
tcceive amounts due me, and re
ceipt for same.
Pun.. Mhtscii.x.v.
Oregon Press Association.
The fourth annual meeting of the
"editors and publishers" of Oregon
will bo held in Portland, the ses
sion commencing at tho hour of 10
a. in., Aug. 1 Ph. and continuing
four days. The principal business
will bo Thursday evening and dur
ing Friday. A full attendance is
10. C. Pknti.a.nii, ('has. Nickci.i.,
Secretary, President,
Letter List.
List of letters remaining un
called for in the Mistollice at Can
yon City, Or. Aug. I, IS'JO.
Mr. 1C. Shellield, Frank Courtney,
John Van Patten, Mr. Win. C.
Persons calling for the above
will please say advertised.
Mits. Annii: H. Pahhisii, P. M,
Letter List.
Letters remaining uncalled for
in the iiostollice at Prairie Cilv.
Or., Aug. 1, IS'.IO.
Mr. Sam T. Chapman, postal
card; Mr, Harry (.'rant.
Persons calling for the above will
please give date of advertising.
Hici: H. Mrll.xi.r.v, P. M.
Pacific Hicwery Ilccr.
Notice is hereby given that I
have this day established an agen
cy for the sale of the Hcor manufac
tured at the Pacific llrewery, linker
City, Or., within the county of
(Irant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
II. Stauscll is the authorized mana
ger of said DeKit. All orders from
(Irant county for this celebrated
beer, either in lmttlos or kegs, will
be filled by Mr. Staiisoll.
Hkniiv Hrsr.
Proprietor Pacilie Krowory, linker
Citv, Or.
Tefc nu! ih.r in iui-or
:i ft'luWi'.j i.u UVllv - t I..0 k.'liit')! tn 1,-row
tUrunjtU U' -. ei'l. .:,t iSw,f tliuali of
eruu'i (U'.u ,L m :itKua vxlit wreck tlio
rsjJiy bun i'l lun-ii.'! !i it II allmvtsl tu Orllt
mUilciloM ujMia Hi i.i. 71'0 I. .wiiler, too, It
l.mctltc, ami Ju U. .'. r;i.lkl.n ilo i apt
s,. cJlly 4uU iu i:i:.ti In ..iT.I ilie wrt til, ttlll ! t.-h. lm-il lirilu il. iaml at
ii. !. In.-;".:ini:i(...i'.'i,f,. i )ur Gimlet)
lUlllii-n He-tli i' ni -,u. (i Imlon, vilicli
t miusIps It vn-nx1 nriu mill ui lirllntlm
ml OVIInif tlM!. I-' i'.Ti Ui U iippru
li.tiuloU Irum l!i -.-1 rail .1 tin.. 1 1 Uii;slr
r-4Val to. Il.p-i. ii it ifi.iii,,! to tract
ii'luJIrlAllr. Hi flu ' li.U'ir..l tho Mil-
'I' ninl f' it, Mi witii Hi" mrvn
.illiil',S':i , mix alJuril Lining
1. It -ii . i . U In in-vi nt-
iti mid i n. iiu -ml nit ..nil rointtlriit
irr, iliiiiHi.urx, i ui.ttiimiian uud rlieutiia
Ux.i It alHj ftulijue.ib
What the Oerman P.esn llax's to Say
of Them and Their Cures by Ulectrl
clty. Stnatfl Zoitung, June 28
It is just three yearn ngo thin ve
ry day that Drs. Darrin began thoir
practice as specialists in our city,
and since that time thev havo sav
ed the lives of thousands of people
and restored them to health. 1 Hey
advertise their business, which caus
es many to feel prejudiced against
them, "but they do this from tho
true American principle that nobo
dy should place his light under thu
bushel, ami so far they strictly ful
fill all they promise "and, further
more, during this w hole period of
three long years, not one single com
plaint has been heard, and hun
dreds have praised them as relia
ble and experienced physicians of
marvelous skill and knowledjie, no
liody will think that wo (nil: pro
doino if we say, tint after all wo
weri able to learn of tlu-m, we have
no hesitancy in lecoinineiuling them
heartily. Physicians that stand so
successfully a three years' test'
without one single voice being rais
ed against them have proven most
thoroughly Unit they are worthy of
the public confidence ivM)od ill
I'mni thr lirinuin I t I'rwfC
Drs. Da riu's stay in this city for
the last three veil in has beeut mark
ed with great results, and though
thev had to battle with dillicultie.H
anil prejudices at urt, tiny havo
achuired in tho city as weil as in
the country such a fume that they
are the busiest physicians in town.
1 hey have sIuiIkhI esnei'iallv the
eU'ecls of eleclrieitv on the human
system, and with the aid of this
new remedy of medical science,
they have astonished Uu world
with their wonderful cures. Head
the following almost hoiclcs casea
cured by Drs. Darrin three vonrn
Mrs. A. L. (, 1 127 II St.,
Sacramento, Cal. Partial paralysis
and settled rheumatism, curid in
four treatments.
Mrs. L. lClsworth, 1 10SJ Proud-
way. Oakland Deafnesii nnd an
impoveiished slate of the ld.Kd and
general (leliihly; restored.
Iv I . mown, connected with tho
business oflice of the San Francisco
lC.Miininer noises and pain
in the ear; cured.
Mr. II. W. (i.iutner, ii-":M HiyanL
aveiuio, .San rancisco Catarrh,
which affected the cvcsiitht and
caused pain and dryness in tho
ears; cured.
0. A. oree, Antioch,
Deafness twentv-iwo war, could
scarcely hear any thing; cured in
ten minutes.
Mrs M. Ilaulv, .'i'l o.ik !i, ,
avenue, San Francisco spinal trub-
e and general (inaluhtv; cured
twelve years ago, bad no return of
it since.
MissC. It. Lunv, residence '2-12
Mission street, Sin Fiancisco
Deafness and headache twelve years
cured two years ago.
Miss Kate Norton, South Sun
Francisco Constant pain lu stom
ach for two years; cured with two
treatments and remains iiennaneiit
to this (lav.
Drs. Darrin can be coiiBtilted free
at the Washington buildiuK. corner
of Washington and Fourth streets,
Portland, and Hotel (uindolof, l a-
coma. Hours 10 to ii; eveuini!s.
to H; Sundays 10 to Hi. All citron
io diseases, blood taints, loss of vi
tal K)Wer and early indiscretions
permanently cured, though im refer
ences are ever niinle m the press
concerning such cases, owing to tho
delicacy of the patients. ICxatiiina
tioitM free to all, am) circulars will
be sent to any address. Charges
for treatment according to imtientH
ability to pay. The issir treated
free of charge fiom 10 to 11 daily.
All private diseases confidentially
treated and cures uuttrantoud. Pa
tients at a distance can he euicd by
home treatment. Medicines and
letters sent without the doctors'
name appearing.
Mak(H llio live nl in.iny hoji! in, .rr;iMo,
ami ultcii lvaili to t lNlrtiiii (lull. Ii,ikm
nllrr ralliif, Miur ktninacli, M.k lir..,i.u he,
liiMttl'iirn.liiil aiK-tlle, n falnl, "all pino"
(i rllui:, luil Uttc, rontuil tiiii;tii, nml l.ri'UU
latUy uf tlio Ih..!i, ato
UlStrOSS tumo i,( u,u j,,,,,,, cannon
Aftor yii'i'ii. PyiiH'psi.i docs
f. iil i;t will n( luulf. U
Uulin, ri'iulrt' careful, htIiiiI
attention, anil a renin!)- like IIikhI'i. Hartta-
iatllt.i, ulilcli arti suilly, jrt u, ly unit
f!k!clitly. It tunei tlio ktnliioi'll uml nttior
ercans, rei;utat(M tliu illuentlun, onulca a
P,il appetite, anil lijr glck
iivircoinliiE tliu local nyinp- u
Hun removes tlio ympa-HonclacJlO
llirllc t'RiKti nf tlm tllaciaso, Mnlslirs tlio
lui&Uarlie, ami relrvtlie tlio tlrnl inlnil.
' I liaro Ih-pii trouMitl Willi il-iK'ila. i
tail tut llttlo apain, ninl xvtiat 1 tlol eat
unnrf, (iutrcaneil me, or il.d mo
noun 1Ull0 !0(H Ux Wl ,1)ur
UUrn nftcr c-.Uiik 1 vvouM cxw
rlMien a falntnru, or tlnil, nil cno frc'iliu-,
at llioiitfli I hail not ralrn anything. My trim.
Me, I think, vva.s anEMTnteil liy my K il.ieai,
whl. Ii l that of a painter, mul (rtiu Uluy
luoio er 1im fl.ut up In a fn,,.,
room with freh paint. Uut .oou'
iptii.u i tu.k iiimki b stomach
rilla took three IhiICii, It tllil mo mi
liiiiui'iito amount (f (;oeil. It i:ivo mo on
a'ftltr, anil my (ihhI rrllihoil mul H.u fiixl
the crarlni; I hail puvl.HL.Iy eir!, .nul."
Uuiiiur. A. I'aiii:, W.itcrti.wn, M.u&.
Hood's SarsBparilla
fcoMUr u:id:u :sl.U. f 1; f'.. Ir i.r ,H.ily
liJTl' I IIUUDi ( O., Aull.i llo..l ' ml.
100 Dosou Ono Dollar
ynuMMHi IMjWgii wii i Hi. mm