Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 07, 1890, Image 2

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    j 9f
iflu.Hu nl 7, JSOO.
There is n imnuiuo case of lop
rosy in New York City. The vic
tim ift Mnuucl Ciarnutiii, 20 yearn
old, of a nolilo family in Spain,
who lias bcon attending a military
academy at ('hector, I'onn. For n
week lie lias been stopping nt n
Spanish hoarding home making
liable to his coutngoous diseaso nu
merous boarders.
Tl. is mulm-aloftd it svndicuto of
wealty men have purchased 20,000
acres of ground from the Mexican
government, not a hundred miles
from the city of Mexico, in one of
the may fertile valley that abound
in that portion of the country, and
intend to settle it with negroes
from the United States. The gov
ernment has promised protection
from the natives and lias given
other guarantees.
It has been ascertained that, al
though only S700.000 worth or
property belonging to the Mormon
ehureli was found by the United
States marshal in Utah when in
Htrueted to seize all .Mormon funds
from five to eight milieu dollars of
Mormon capital is invested in San
I'Vaneisco and other California ci
tics. This money has bcon invest
ed in real estate and manufactur
ing enterprises under the iiauia of
individuals who have made invest
ments not apparently for the
church, but for themselves. This
method has bcon adopted with the
hope that the United States gov
eminent would find no trace of the
Ctuilty men are often shielded
by the extremely technical rulings
nflowable under the law. Justice
may be evaded by the finding of a
legal Haw in the form of the accu
sation, even though the criminal
may be plainly guilty. This has
led certain state legislatures to do
elaru an indictment to be stijliciunt
which 'contains a statement of the
acts constituting the offense in or
dinary and concise language and in
Mich n manner as to enable a per
son of common understanding to
sen what is intended." We give two
extremely technical rulings: An
indictment charged that the accus
ed murdered the deceased with a
double-barrelled shotgun loaded
with gun-powder and leaden bid.
lots. The proof showed that the
accused shot his victim to death
with a double-barrelled shotgun
under circumstances that made it a
cold-blooded Tnurder, and the jury
convicted the defendant, lint th'e
Supreme Court quashed the con
viction and sot the defendant free
on the ground that the indictment
did not inform the defendant how
liu used tlio shotgun to murder his
victim, "whether it was used as a
lirearm or a bludgeon, or to fright
en him to death with it." Preced
ents can bo found to support the
decision. In another case the de
fendant was convicted of murder
by stabbing his victim to death
"in the loft bronst," alid tile court
set the defendant free because the
word "breast" was spelled "brot"
in the indictment.
Ochoco Koviow: This season
(Jrook county is again suffering
from theeifocts of an old and oft-complaiucd-of
nuisance; that is,
si loop from adjoining counties eat
ing her range. Of course the
damage done by thoso intruders
this season is not so great as it has
boon in the past, owing to the lim
ited number of stock in the coun
ty the result of last winter -but
so soon as stock shall have accu
iniilatcd to the number there was
a year ago, the range of this coun
ty will only bo sullicieut to sustain
the stock owned here, and our peo
ple should look toward the future
and endeavor to lay a foundation
for self-protection", by getting a
law pasted which will protect them
in the future, when protection will
be necessary. The bill introduced
in the last legislature by Represen
tative Williamson would bo sutli
oieut if enacted, but it is claimed
such a law would not be constitu
tional. If this is true, then let
us hfcvo a constitutional amend
ment that will admit such a law,
This is a matt r in which riot only
(Jrook overy county in the
state that has mountain range is
interested in, and a measure that
will force stock to bo ranged in
the county in which they are own
cd and taxed, bhonld meet the ap
proval of all such counties. Any
way Crook is deeply interested in
this matter, and her representative
in the legislature can do no bettor
service than labor to the end that
no droves of sheep shall be allow- j
ed to become roaming marauders,
permitted to roam at will and feed
wherever they may lind grass to
Shortly after noon the other day
according to report, a meteor fell
with a ternlliu explosion on a farm
near Washington, Kan., twittering
great quantities of rock in every
direction. One piece was iuibcu-
ded in the ground to the depth of
several feet. The rock was of a
grayish color and intensely llot
when found. The shock was felt
for miles around, many people
thinking it was an earthquake.
The census of Washington will
show a K)puation of JW.'.OOO,
while the loturns in Oregon arc
not cxticcted to give more than
12.H0,0(H). Last general election
Washington cast 58, 1 l.'t votes and
June last Oregon cast 715,400
votes. According to the voting
strength if Washington has iKJ.'i,
000 jMople, Oregon should have
110,000. There is something rad
ically wiong with Mr. Kelly's
census and it would not be a bad
idea to retake the whole statu; and
still Railroad .Mail Superintendent
Wilder says Washington's mail
service has" increased H00 per cunt,
in live years, and that of Oregon
only fOO per. cent. - Portland
I'rlnevlllo News: This week
wo were shown tlio nowly patented
sheep shearing machine invented
by Mr. W m. I ron. Like all oth
er useful inventions, it is a simple
contrivAiicc that will no doubt
provo its utility in a thoroughly
practical test. "The opinions ex
pressed by some as regards its
availibility to successfully perform
the work for which it is 'intended
are quite unreasonable, given, as
they are, without a proper study
of tlio real merits of tlio device.
This, however, is nothing now.
Railroads were opposed,) on know,
because they might frighten the
cows and make them "hold up
their milk." Vessels would "scare
the linhes," telegraph wires would
"kill the birds," iron jilows would
"poison the soil," matches were
"a wicked and dangerous inven
tiou," and this sheep idicaring ma
chine might surprise the sheep
with its noisy rapidity in clipping
olf his llecco to quickly anil so of
fectivoly, anil ponihly prevent his
growing any more after he has at
tained the age of four years.
Notice- is hereby givon that my
wife, Arozonn Howstiniti, hits loft my
bed and board without jiiHtcaiiHo or
provocation, and I will not be re
sponsible for any debts she may con
tract fioin this date.
Ai-ix Howhu.n.
Mt. Vernon, Or., Aug I, 1W.
Deer and
Market Price paid for
other hides, uud sliocp
Canyon Cirv,
Uml Ollltt t Hum.. Orrgul.
Jul) II, let".
Nellr la r Urn Out II" f.ill"liit: nininl
a.ltltf lu lllol i.uIIm of III. I'llrlillim lu tiult
fliutt fnmf 111 au-it nf liU rlnliii, n.l Hut al.l
iiieuf Mill m Ufmr tlir cunt) Jiul.-r i.f
llraht cn'iiilt llr al I'miitm i liy, in tn ryl. IS,
UK i, ill.. Jam. Cdiiwi.ll U i"'. fur
lla 3 tlt.1 I, Hrc t awl lla I mxl 1 Srr 3 T 17 ' II
M I!
Ilr iMiiira tltr fiillowln? ltiiaa In iru,r hit
C.MillliuHla rv.klrm'tl lilioai. ih! rilllimlluil of aalil
Un.l, III: Tlu"aa Slil-IJ.. Millllrl T lliumai' !.
laTlillMuU, ainl A. J. Suioiia, ut
caniun ear, or
i ti J. II, IUllulo, llc.-litrr.
IMfnV at llunn. Or
Jul) U, IMal.
Nnllrr la lirruli) vliwi "nl lliu follrlni; nin-it
clllf r I... Ill.l iMilIrr uf lila IlllrlitUMl U lilW
ftliail lUlMll til UiMirt u( Ilia tUlllt. mill ttlt ll
II ouf "HI.U molr Iwlirtr U ( uunt, link uf
llinl twuiili, nt ('jii)uii flljf. liKnon.uii Sept. to,
lwl. i: ll.l ,Nu SUI I.) uvn U.llliiy, lot tlir
K I ! SW I I iu.1 I! I fcW I-1 Src U Ti 17 M II
i: M.
II IUUUM tlir (ullaollaK Itnca.ra tilpfow lilt
caitlllliuoul fllctir H. Alul rttlthatioil x.t, aiM
lalkl, III I' TSiilllla, ill Mt. lllliill. Or, tuil
(lain Krrlrut, W II knilt, loult I'ncliillr, ul St.
it ilr.
UltS J. It. llt'STINOTON'i lUnlalrr.
IamI (!!! al llutm, Or , July 31, 1X.1
fluliti la liarrli) glim tUal tlir rl!niatlu' lultiril
tiitlrr Ilia ll I leu o hit Ihtriiliuii t" maVa rlinl
irMf In tiipjiort of tar uUliu, mul llMt aalil irnu(
lalll lw wad Ufmr lli t'uimi) eirtl. ol lliaul l u ,
Or, at Cjiiiimi Cli), Or ,. mi s.l i, UuO, iln
U.I .No. Il3 I.)' Luvluu Wupiilnj-o, lf the
Nt: I IWW Tp II S It 31 t: W it.
Mir name tlir lulluwln wltui lu fint hi r
iHilliiiioja rwtlrmr iitiun ami i-iiliiillon uf. aal.1
Unit, ill, .ilia nl Hall. John V l.ur. il.l N
l.u-. al John llijr, 'if , ainl Jom s, h of Can-
JOII I'll), Of.
J It lllllkto, lirclalrr
(10 to tiii:-
L'woi: Oily: Earlier: Slio.
Jus. .). Ferrel, Prop,
ion a nitsr-c'f.vsi ihtii, hiiwk, siivm
ron nit it v i it t i t in tiii: i stvi.i:
Every lot a Homo 50x102 and on
ly $r() to $7G on
Tlio Motor Lino within i-inilo of
Pnsadciin now, and arrangements arc
being uiado to extend tlio motor lino
to t lii h, ouo of the most valuable su
burbs of tlio City of Portland.
For further infonuulion and for
piirohaHO npply to l1'. C. Skim or M.
I). Ci.inoitn, locul Agents at Canyon
City, Or., or to llK.vav K Dosui,
Clen'l Trtmtro, 21) Stmk tlreot, Port
laud, Orcgoti.
Notico is horoby given that tlio
undersigned 1ms boon duly appointed
by tlio county court of Ginnt county,
Oregon, administrator of tlio estate
of David Hunt, deceased. Alt por
hoiih h.iving claims against tlio mid
est. to arc horoby notified and requir.
ed b piosent thetn to mo with the
proper vouchers tlurefor, at the Mo
ioniucnco of said decedent ticnr
Camp crook, Grant county, Oregon,
within six months from tlio date of
this notice.
H.ito.1 July no, 1800.
10-123 Ji:S.Htf.NT. or of tlio esttteof Da
vid Hunt Dcco ised.
Notice is hereby given to nil whom i
it may concern Unit tlio co partner '
ship heiotoforo existing under tlio j
firm name of J. Diirklicimoi k Co., is
tti in day dissolved by mutual oonsonl, I
I. ilaor letiring.
). Dt'llKIIKlUKIt k Co.
I. I!.w:n.
All lint! iudohtuJ to the above
firm will please call and settle nt
oaeo. J. DiutKimiMini k Co,
Priirio City, Or , July 1, 1800.
In tlio county court of the Slate of
Orogon, for (Irani county.
In tlio Hint tor of the estate of
Prank Plageollet, doreiucd,
To CliaK. l'lagoollot, hoir at law of
Frank Flagcollet, decoasoc), nnd
all otlters iulorcstod in said entitle.
In the name of tliostatoof Oregon
yon and ouch of you aro hereby cited
toappiuir in tlio county com t of tlio
state of Oregon, for Grant county, at
tlio count;- court room in Canyon
City, in said county, nl the icgular
'optoiiiliur term 1X1)0, to wit: On
Wednesdiiy the 10th tiny of Septem
ber IN'.K), nt 10 o'clock a. m , of Hnid
d.iy, to show causo if any exist, why
an oieor of nalo of a portion of tlio
real property belonging to tlio estitlti
of Frnii'f Klagcollel deeoacd, should
not bo nindoby said court as prayed
for in the petition of tlio aduiinihtia
tins, filed 10th day July 181)0.
The tciiil real ptopeily being do
serilied as follown, to-wit; Lot No.
1 in Flitgoollet's addition to Pr.iirie
City, in Grant county, Stutn of Ore
gott, commencing al the southwest
cot nor of tlmt ceiUin building known
as .1 ul i n L'lunnice'H blacksmitli sLop
and riinuiiig tlteiico fifty ono feet
went; tlieuco north D10 feet; tlteuco
east forty-niuii feet; thence in a
southerly direction in a direct lino to
the place of beginning, and all tlio
Lots numbered 2, II, 'I and 5, in said
I'ltigO'dlL't's mldilioii to said Pruirio
City, and uLo all the right, title and
inteiest of said oitato, (llin haiiio bo
ing the four IlitliH intere.Ht) in uud to
that certain placer mining ground
situate near the mouth of Dixie
crook in county, statu of Oro
gon, to-wit: The S of the W of
ihoSW 1 of Sec. 2Tp 1.1, S 11 'M
K V M.
Ity order of the Hon. the county
court of the state of Oregon, for
Grant county.
WitiiOKH my hand and the seal of
said court a Mixed this 2(hh day of
July, A. 1). 181)1).
Oi:o. SniiAiiKii,
Cuuntv lork.
Kooauso thuy mo ns durublo as the
I uucKoyo, ami hvcel all others ut
Will run over uny kind of ground
possible for a mauliiuo to run over,
I and Warranted to work well in the
I heaviest grasses, and will bo sold for
i Cash.
! Delivered in John Day for $70.00
For partiouhrH call on or address
1 D. B. FISK,
Agt. Judson Mfg. Co., j
j H.vkiii Cirv - Orogon
! mitcuhm. smith.
Smith iV
Successors to J.
Palter Citv ... - vreion.
The Most Complete Line of Ammunition in Eastern Oregon.
i Lymnii Rear
i Sights by Moil.
I ! r vn
Lyman Siior-
.! !..
ting rroi
Sights 1.
mil: i' run i
Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewel rv Silverware
and a full lino of Musical Instruments.
r i i i I i
T l " " Mleppner Or. r " l J r
.i i
I 1 Dealers In General Merchandise.1 ( 1 --.
t; ..l " I "T T -
A Itrge ARsortiiient nt Liwmt Prices, finuili Sold ut ltedrock Prices.
Tntdi) of Grnut County Solicited, nnd .Special Inducements Ollercd.
H r j j - j -
Lowest Prices,
First-class Goods
Prairie City
Wo ask a call from all who winh to purchase, and guarantee our
prices the same as at any Kail road point, with addition of Freight.
Von can always liiul a Complete Stock of Goods, and we will
make it to your inicrent to trade with us'. Kcsjiectfully.
,. DL'lih'll ELM Ett $Co.
Nolico is hereby givon that by
virtue of nit execution and order of
salo issued out of tlio ciicuit court of
tho state ol Orogon for Grant coun
ty upon a judgment and decree of
foreclosure and sale rendered in said
court on tho Dth day of May lH'.IO, in
favor of W W Loonoy, 0 II McLean,
II G Giitridge, Coo Atchison, M
Mn n roe, Poler Skoglnnd, L L Sharp
O F ShortS A Dean Thos Thompson
Lewis Gutridgo and II I) Miles,
plnintifl'H, and against S Ottouhoim
cr, L II Bowman and J KShitip, de
fendants, in tho mini of eleven linn
drod and twenty-four dollars and fif-ty-fivo
contH with legal interosl there
on from said Uth day of May 1800,
and ouo hundred and oigtlily-livo
dollars attoruoys feo and the further
sum of ?!):). 07 costs, I have levied
upon and will sell at publio unction
on Saturday tho UOtli day of August
1800, nt ono o'clock p. in. of said day
ul llio court houso dooi in Canyon
City, Grant county, Orogon, all of
tho following described property nnd
all tho right titlo nnd interest of said
defendants, S Ottenheiiner, L II
Bowman and J K Sharp, ttierein to.
wit: A cortoin ipinrtz uiiiiu known
as tho Ooldon .Mounrch, situate
on crook in Grant county,
state of Orogon, in what is common
ly called Olivo Mining District, mid
being ITiOO feet in length on and
along tho lodo or vein and .100 fcot
in width on each side of tho lodo or
vein throughout said longlh of 1500
foot; tho center of said initio being
at tho dUcovory hole and extending
thence northeasterly along tho lodo
7f0 feet nnd also oxtoudiug south
westerly from said discovery holo 750
foot along tho lodo; said discovery
ho'o being about 000 ynnls westerly
from tho head of the O. O. liciisou
ditch that convoys tho water of snul
Clear creek to tho bars of Granite
creek in tiaid county, togethor with
nil and singular tlio toutunouts bote
ililattu'iilH and iipiiin tenancei there
unto belonging or in nnywiso apper
taining. Terms of sale Cash.
Dated at Canyon Citv, Grant Co.
Or., this 'JDth day of July lH'JO.
Shorill" of Grant Co.. Or.
Deputy Hliorlfl
WM. A. H. 17AKB.
U. Gardner.
A Full Line of
Fishing Tackle,
hooks, Hies, rods,
linos, reels, etc.
Fly hooks per
doz., .'0o, by mail.
I i. i i
Prst) Rational iiiiQ
O T XX oppiior,
President. VicivPrrsident.
(Ikoiiok W., Cnshier.
j. i'. itm:., t. a. iiiika, i. t. ioir.ov,
Transnrts n Ceiieriil llanUni; fiiislnes.
f on all pints of the world
Collections made nt nil KinU on
Kcnsontthln Terms.
Money loaned ut from one to ten
per cent,
Canyon City, Or.
Tlris j)o)ti!(tr resort ha.t
been reopened to the public,
and now, us in tho pu.str
keeps u at hi ii ; but (he best;
Wines, Liquors iv Cigars.
ti. 1. ItlG'K.UlO, I'ropr.
When in Huppnor don't fail h
call on LKK.Kli at THOMPiiOi
for IIAllllWAItK, TlSWAItC, wool aul
irra, j;tc. Agency fur tho New
Ilo.Mt: Skwinu Machine
W33l. Ordnrs by mnil proniptly
and carefully filled.
wi'. -nr. r
HEALTH ?SrOfffi.
It thr Ijicr anj Kulnryt uij Mcinjih,.
ruict llra.lti lie, ciralca an Apr
Otf, I'u. iSa Dir lip, urc lllooJ, anil
M.Voi Th Weak Htronp.
, l'Uaitaryvilirta. ! a tlllt tli Ut i
Wo mnko our bow, boforo tho jicoplo of Grant County, and wish to
B.iy, tli it wo havo bcoa locttod in t'.io City of Hoppnor, juU 18 mouths (at
Arlington roveti venrs). During that tiino wo Imvo built up n Solli
Trado, having" shipped more Genera' Merchandise into Hoppner tlmn
any other firm in town.
We Want Part of Your Trade.
Hoppuot is your nonrost, host and chonpest trading and shipping point.
You should start in coming this way at once. No uso to wait, ns by so
doiug you loso money cycry trip. Our Klcgnnl Two Story Krick Sloro it
Complotcd nnd wo hnve it tilled to ovorilowing, with nil kinds of
Ilj trl-I Mil tr
xsi tr ii i-
Suited to tho wnnts of Knslern Oregon trado
Wc Aim to Keep a 'ery complete Assortment.
Your orders rnn bo filled for any kind of Goods needed on n Fnrm or
Stock Hauch, without leaving our Store, at prices low enough to compel
with any oilier market in Oregon.
Dry Goodv, Clothing, Hoots, Shoos, Trunks Valisos, Hals,
Caps, Carpets, Crockery, Wall Pnpor.
Groceries, Hnnlwro, '-Jewel" Cook Stoves nnd Ranges,
Tiuwnro, Puints, Oils, Olnss, Wool Sacks, 'I wino.
Lime, Sulphur, Knglish Cement, llurbed Wire, Blacksmith
Coal, San Joso California Saddles, Hilts a Spurs, Team .t Buggy
Harness, Howing Machines, Clocks, Wutches, Champion Reapers
nnd Mo worn, Horso Itnkes, Plows, Harrow.
Gives bettor satisfaction for rough mouut.iin districts than any other kind
in use. Full lino always in stock, alto Hacks and Duckbourds.
Ii irier to in crease our trade wemake lie Mlewiiieffer
Good until lot, lOOl, (OrUler II Wt no III).
Kvory purchaser who buys Twenly-Fivo Dollars worlh (325.00) nt retail,
of Dry Goods, Clothing, IJooti nnd Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fancy Goodi,
Gouts' Furnwhing Goods,, nt our Store, will bo picsontcd when th
gooilH nre paid for with an Klegant Hound Volume, of over .TJ0 pages, in
cluding Or. to 100 FINK FULL PAGK STKKL ENGRAVINGS. Wo hav.
four tliflerent styles of Hooks, each worth nt retail S t. 00. Small orders by
mail on above goods will count townrds tho total amount needed. EVERY
CUSTOMER GKTS A PRESENT. Wo gitaranteo satisfaction in goods
nnd prices. tMF Those books nro too heavy to send by moil, as they
weigh suvou pounds each.
.HIGHEST PRICE raid for Sheen Pelts Will ship
Consignments of Pelts to Christy at Wise, or Allon ii Lowis.
Mnil orders carefully attended to. Give us n trial and call at our stor
when you count to Hoppnor. Yours Trulv.
COFFIN & McFARLAND. (Hoppnor).
Proprietors of
T7ie City Drag Store.
Keep constantly on hand n comploto stock of
l'atont Medicines, Toilet Articlos, Perfumes, Soaps, Powdor, Puffs,
Comb, Tooth Noil, Clothes nnd liar Brushes, Druggist's Sun
dries, Lamps, Ijtmp Oils, Glass, Putty, Chiiioys, and
and everything to bo found in a first
class Drug Storo.
Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed.
Orders front a distitnco will receive prompt attention. Preset lotions nspecinltr
Haptonstall Oart &Cd
,; " -
Have now received the largest and most completo ttock of new goods im
Orant Ceunty, which they will offer for sale at prices that defy cimpetitioi
Wood Charvh Lirery Stable.
HACUEWOOD 1 Cc, Proprietors.
Horses bonrdwl by tho day, week or m nth. at reabouablo rates. Special
attention given to tho care of transient stock.
SI L) 'Ell
Groceries, Flour, Tobnccos,
varieties, cheat) fur cash, nt
1. Kit IN
Cigars, nnd ono hundred and ono othor