I run .mux Is UlO ollllllt llt",Vxl T U-Urill Tllt DhIIoS nnd Winni'iiiuciit, tit lur IC't eirculiitinti, tlirrefitrc is Uif lt for tuli si tiling. 77 A' A7i' ,1 ;s Is a newspaper for tin people, laboring for the people and voicing t lie sen timents of the people of its own 4.3 nttit County. I J olume .V. r..vmv err)', gjusYT coitm'y.ohegox, tiiuhsiuv, .-irorsTr, tsoo. A'uwbcr 0. Ti l HI GRANT NEWS. THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS, I UtitlIIU K KKV TlirWMKV MORNIN0 -HY jj. . ,'isjjojtr Editor ami Proprietor. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Subscription 1 vpiu in advunco 8'-' TiO If not paid within !1 months . S: 00 Six Months 1 GO Tin on Months 75 ADVKKTISINU HATHS. I inoh :i mo Sl.nO I your .'I iliili It mo $11.00 , I voar $15.00 f.TJ.OO SII.00 SSS.00 110.00 1 col 3 mo 4 uol ' :i mo i col :i mo 12.00 1 your 'J 1.00 1 vein 10.00' 1 year VH? For standing display ndi only. All Htmdin;,' Xotioia in Local 'Joliitun will bo ch.srgod at Iho rato of 'JO cents por lino for first, and 10 els eauh siibestpiont insortion. Spocinlrates to regular udvorliors. wb auk rui:r.w:i;i to cxkcuti: ijFine Job Printing or fiv.i.iv mscuti'Tio.v, ciir.AM.v Posters, Dodgers, Uillhends, Letter honds, Xntohcads, State ments, Invitations, Tickets, Curds Ktc, etc. I'lll.NTKl) 70 OlltlCll. OFFICIAL DIKKCTOItY: Co. dudgu Clo.k T.eastiior Commissioners I Survovor Sheriff A.SSUSHOr School Supt , Stock Inspector . (!. I. lliizoltim;. . Oeorgo Slicnier ,...N. II. Holey. W. II. Johnson. II. II. Davis. .... J. W. Mack. . . 0. l Crosap. . . CllllS. TillllllS. .. M. N. Hmiliitui. ... W. W. Ilinlon ...M. D. Cliifurd J.uiib.s A. Foo ... C. F. Hyde. Diht. Judges I Hist. At'omoy . . sKtMtirr .sooiktiix A F & A fVI Ciii.yoii City Lodge No. ;1 1 meets Saturday on or Imfoio ISU'll Ul'W moon. I O O F 1 loUih laodgo No. 'J2, Canyon City, regular meeting Thurv day metiing of mull wuok. Mo.iiituiii Vimv IkI'o No. !1!J, I'niirit' City, Siitui'duy ovi-nings. A O U W Homer I.(hIj,-ii No. 7f, Cinyiiii City, Monday ttvtiningii. I O G T J"1"' ""V ,'0,K'' No. 80, C my in City Satunl.iy oMJiiini;. C A R Haiti-wk Post No. .i l Join luy, Tucsdny I'vi-ning on or I for i .i. h full nidon, ON SALE TO DENVER. Onuliii, Kansas Cily, Ciiicago, GT PAUL, ST. LOUIS. AND ALL HOINTO Krisl, Nt)rlh (o-v South, AT n.vKinc cn v. J S.WILSON Tlckut Acont. DF.l'UTY STOCK INSl'KCTOILS. Nolici is hoivliy yivon th t I hnvo tliiw day appoiuloil tlio following per luiik doputy stock inspectors for Grant county, Oregon: NAM KM,' I'OSTOfflL'i:. L. H. Johnson Dayvillo. John H. Hitkor '. . . .Caleb. John 0. Lulu, John l)av. John llliickwdll Long Crook. Wood Onrtar Fox. Win. Hull riairio City. U. S. lihukwell Hamilton. L. M. JohiiKoii Shoolly, lisilj- Huiuakor, Wunor, W. W, IJivros. Stock IiiKpector forOiaut Co., Or. May 7th, ItiHO. E. E. DUBLIN GAME'S ASSAY OFFICE Tado'ratohy . .. . ....... i , i-..i ,,!. Hamnlriliy mni ri.r. ill rn . II-.. .... tt..,Mr-jl Mil,.), II. 1 , Ui-lluril,.MrTiril unit A. Bo d a s uer Bunion .uTr.i. mrnm.r. Aiinu, r:c r: iitik:i :t. :u. PUOFHSSIONAL OAP.DS. Q W. IIAHIIKH, M. I). l'lij'Hlclitu A Surgeon. Can vox Oitv : Oregon. Olllee next door to Co. Trmsuror's (rtlleo, Main Street. OKH, M. 1). Cnnyon City, 0;ri. DOW aa Mala Strvrt tn rUmi latHmly wu. M U) Ir. Ilooartt. Q I. HAZKLTINM X"Ii otORriipho e CANYON CITY. OKKUON. s S. DUNN' I NO. At loriioy-ii t-I.uir. Ioso Chkkk - Oiicron PAUIUSH it Co.AI). A'lTOUNMVS AT LAW. Oanvon City, - Oukcox. l A. KNKJHT, CVNYON CITY - - OltKOOX. Oflico over John Sohmidt's cahinot shop; oflloo liours from 9 a in to 1 p m ALL WOBK WARRANTED. J. OLLIVER, l'roprielor of the John Day Milk Ranch Frosh milk dclivctod daily to my ciiKtomorH in Julin Day nnd Canyon cities. Oivo me your orders. p(! HOUSl.KV.M I). (IIAtll'ATK Of TIIR U.SIVKHHITY 0T I '..v.ssyi.v A.-iiA, April 8, 1813. Canyon City, Ontj-on. (J lice in his )ii Htoif, Main Ktieot lidm-s for Drui promptly fdh-d No profokiiioiial patronupi nolicted in' im.s diicctioiiR ait ktrictly fullouod. O". W . IVtaolt, A-ttorney-at-Law AMI Notary Public. I'imi inn City - - - Oiikoox. AImi A gout for tlio s.ilo of School LaudH. II. IIOLKY, X 33 3NT T I i3 T . -V'M jf- rdsnsr (Oflii'i- rippn.ito Masnuic Hall) Canyon City .... Orcgtn. Vtr .III Work Warranted. A B. ELMER. Assayei 6 Analytical Chemist. Maku AhfcnvK or tents of all kiuihi of Ores. Kxauiiiio Milieu, picjiaro Maps of mid reports on wuiie. C-5T Ordcrj by mail will iccnivu prompt Atlontiou. r Itov 111, MuIkt ( lly Oku. J. L. B. VIAL & SON. II W'Y7J.A7i7,9 and J KWICLICliS, Bakuii City, - Okkooh. Itmli'i-s in WATCHES. CLOCKS, JZWELRY, SILVERWAPT, V OLtNS nml GUITARS, Moi.i) l"I.oinuit C'ulUUraU, SC" Opponilo Union Moat Market, Main H'r' I A.' IIUXTXlIOn, Canyon City Oiikuox. IUwt or ktitKa nid. In urJcr. or Dually rr altrJ. All Work Wurrnuted rinUola... r.f? wci , 1 1 IU uiiJ BTrnt': .! Nor!'-t. : t bt neM-r ; fcc im tv Irtili uliil lit tiitt'lil Unt iMinI rtpia' loi. i . Hi t mtrit s tlir rMturc .r nu-.r.. imIdiu'i Robert I iic u the m . ( n 1 1 it. ami it Mttun l in-.f. 'l'u- m.i'.i.il cf fttU of ills jsrrpurntiuii I ,nr tirr:i attrtt rd by thv'-'Mi'd oftlf '..i.!m 'a.:iu nf society mil llir Ui;t It '.he "iih nrti cte ewrtHroet !iih wk .i .Vi(-. almA Hutift Utn i tl co:nilfMin, t tllf? MUir till. i- ii !.); .ill ioiiIii OH of the fnte nml.ti.u tn; K-aviiii; (lie kin ouft, ni'"i!i u"l vilvrt. It lu 1om teen the Minl ! . !i im't in n dnrc tin Hrtuk ti:at vlnk n ni l iWu. Ity the cotnilrio: wt.iilo nlo have the ttieiit of U'tiiK .Sana rit tut tl.r- two imp'tt.iiit vjvrflilii". i- c Tirvir 1 r ug!it tO(ettirr i..'l 'imliim-il in WlSDOftTS " R013ERT1NE. V. P. DUNCAN, Jonh )ui - - - Or UK.U.KH IN Hardware, Miner' Supplier, Etc, Etc Hydraulic l'io und till kiudd of TiinvnH' iiiHiiufm lun'd to ordor. Thr only Tiii-Hlmp in tirnnt i fiun ty. and ipiipwil for all tiiniiiu r of work Zr REPAIRING A SPECIALTY f H E CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. MY BKCKl UTOr IT NOW. IT WML lit TOO LATC. SOON I h.v W HuiiMf J mnvertHh ilirx orilit VUii)t u-l lu liltl inmiv illirrrrnl irmr.ll ami Jt amilVit akl Hum illtlricat i.li.t.un llhuMl irlicf Alul Hie iMlml April I w ii8rilns: fi .in ry vlolrnl luck that aliuutt pnMlmlnl m la in rt a mannrt iimi i ji imuui, Wlirn I wIiIum'u II aIiii i! ihimII'1c lit M lift up llie. i" P"t on iny iMht, beu UiiJ l-r,..ulrnr tnt Or llelilry. wllli Hit OKIH'.ON KIUNI'.V TI.A. tu my liutcl I liuumlwlcly o.imucmnt iiuiik Ihc lt II li.l tiuil nilrutuluu. rflcvl, nml M llic mtoil Ulimtiit uf M I lie Ktiru Hi llir liolrl. In lu itjirH 1 am Ljintiv In klalr ttial I nil Ik lit nun. I Wlll4 icoauiuicnil the tea to all dttiictrill l 1 luc Well. r. a. Trrrra I n i irl..r (V i ulrlital liutcl MUM Kd 1.1 flOW'S YOUR FENCE? Wo have Iho CHEAPEST and Uesl WOVEN WIRE FENCING .Wlro Ropo Solviiuo. SO ItfUIUJ IIIUH AT vo CtHT TER U0D Ijiwn i til I" ultrr nrn1 Htork Krnctnrf, r. Ii nt wi'Vi i niMirh rrif nw .f tl ! ft I't Hrml f-.r . irilUr. lift n IIM Hunt wikk ittr iu. , (mi iui, lit. 1 rt. Mtrrl I N i. -J 1 Ml ! .n fll 1 1I i: Canyon: Gity : BarlJBr: Shon. liichurrf ,: Clarlt, Prop. for. 1 1 ii i i -I mill. vr, sii vvi I roo'ii: no.. (!' in iiik I v i i.sr srv i.k LITTLE Vkn n w Bwavs n 00 HOT CHIPF, SICKEN Oil CONSTIPATE. Sun Cute roi Sick HrAOACHr. n4 l Iroub rui' g (ti4 Tt d( cn ! nef Kiljut(t la ti ih, ill mn nr t' lw uri 4 iIom, Kf tu tkt t) ni'.rli ir 4'J piM fut up In fttfiisi flu wLxti m I -rrf it i iKkri i iiri (! If ! If iUr t4 H.l.a ( nliHiiiH1fii'lMk ltrrWrri, tl. UtU mHfi.il. oiiKii. KMii i tti i. i ir MAIM BHD I HUM TUNIC. A until 111 I.I VluullH'.lfTKIIKirlurYwta i an nrtn ra i nr'Tnaiui it. iimu iTiTrn TH( OR. HARTER MEQICIHC (0, T. L0UI3.MQ, I 11 ' o " ' X)0NE8 TON SCALES Of SGG BINGHAMTON) V Bam 8 Tin B V, N. Y. sj . IliWH a Q toV IN TJIK OLD UAYS. I'Uy.nc I-'oolball Will, Ihc SoMlers of 11. Ilolsc. ('. f lllnklr In Orqr fnat ) I noticed sottio Snako Indinti I tlio otlu'r iIiiy down on tlio rixcr- Only few vtnim nvo it would Imvo Iwoii dittigiToiu to linvt1 met tlii'in. Tlio Simko nnd I'lititiocks liuvo always been "bad iiHKlieiiic," sti'iilin nml liiiissflrieing up to it fow years bunk. They wouo u ve ry jiowerfiil tribe in IStlo, nml were on the warpath, killing all that ciuiii) into their hand from Iitirtit river all nloti tlio old oer land to the I'tnli line. There were about ti,.i00 soldier at Fort Ioie. The 1 1th regiment 1 ,000 strong, lmd just arrived from tlio beat of war back east. I. here was irreut rejoicing at Moist) City, l'entivitief, hull ami aniii.su meiilH were thu order of the day. enpecially tliiougli tin; holiday. Christinas day they had a big f'liine of football at the fort. Fill y one thousand soldiers ami eiti .en ougttgwl in the mateh. The ollieer In uoiuinaml wax a jovial lit tle bit of a man nml lie informed the people that they were all there for a good time, and the lirt man that rai.-ted a row wntihl go in the Xiiard house for ten das. The game eommetioiHl. Such crowding. Kicking, pushing ami rolling in the dtiht never win. m'cii befoiu in 1'oi.Ho. All rank win laid ioide. The governor of the territory roll ed the diiat an often us anyone. It was give and take, and thedcil take the timlcrmofct. The little commander of the pot sloixl no hhow whatever. Ho was down all the time mid could not regain bin feet until he rolled out of the crowd. New Year's day the eiti. ens of Hoifce City gave a mulch. They used turpentine 1ml U ami came near bcttiiiLt the town on lire. A rhort time after that the citi zens of I'oigu olTcicd the troops a free liinncr and ball if they would bhow them a hliain battle. They did ho, ami it was an event long to be remembered tho-e who nitw it. It hud all the reality of actual war. The Miioke and noieo from the artillery and infantry: theenv alr chargei.; the hore. i nulling up to the leveled bayonets of the infantry, with their ears laid back ami foam living from their jaw; men falling out of the Middl ami the hoitea dabbing madly away; the doctors caring for the wounded that were brought to them in am buhinccK, mailo it aiipeiir like act ual war. Some of the ladies there fainted. Soon, however, all the fun of the hoys was changed, for it gave the 'toys in bine ail the war they wanted to bring the Indians miller subjection. About that time thu icgimenlal i..artermabter was iu trouldu abo it the I o of a live-foot circular saw, It wai down on the books as miss- "I.ITTI.r. 1 1-3 l'KKI' k.il lott Iit ..icon ami inillilu't (ell trhrtn to llml tlii'm." so Iliu oi l iiurvry rliymo ..)., uml It nor. cm tn Mil lir "lnvn thrm .Inn nml lln'r'il .imn liomn mil TltiaT tlivlr lull iNhlml I hem." All thu muy l truotir loit lu.ii. tint If jroii luitu lnit your liraltU )mi lunnot nlTunl In I v Hint Mono. It will nut cninn Ixirk cif Itaown nriirit. Hutno itiplo lir.ir tluit Ihrjr jiovit Imthi r nlHiut inliU. Ttmy " let tlicill in t.ie way tliry i-amo." Aliut Iimi (.(ten lUn victims co - t'i n rnnauiiipmn't arrays. 1'iilU irry niTntljr n tiirn fnf 'unaumpllon, whlih la Uilv.raally no, kiinHrvdgto! ll lo bcnifillH kITihIIii tin, unn. kiiuM limn Itii limkiil iikmi hi Iiilr.cillmia. lull now puplx mn l"-KllinlliK to r-luo pint thu liwa.. I. ,ii, nruraliM, pr I,rrcii'.(liiiti-u Hclii luomcry wii p. in i, i. ,a.i iii .nun pun Kuril n inir trial. Ttil. vifit-rpinwiiM rrniiy w lint inakn n niir. tiilt It lll itiri (liaruoil Dili I'l It lunnny fluid wtlt-lllitlHir mi-ana linrii failnl, It It llm innat mili ni iiiiiii, iir rin'inui nawifrr, nil-llll, uf iiMl . rlisnicr, nml iiuiriiiwi, or iIkIi niiiTlllif lViuirha.VVrnl l.'HUa, Slilttlnir ut uiuv.l ....v. . -'i.ii'iaiiii. iii iiyav-iM,i4 or Ir.oljft.t.on, II 11 nil utir, Julml rriuivly, loud, " I..rkr omplalnt" u. ij iwtu nii.NA(;i:'s ( a iaiikii iii:.tii:i)v Ein4 tli wont imw, iiu inmivr ut liuit UK lUuJlii,', U) icuu, ty Oruiruit. but Iiovy n Miw Ilitit no one mint I'nlihl lift (Mllhl (liiillltionf : ',.,,, ,,,.;., . mystery. Oeneral Steel, in com maud Ht Vancouver, nunt p them to liml it, but they could hw nothtng of it. At last Oeti - end (init.t. then u'cretary of war, bcciime ititorcsteil in the matter rtitjl cunt niir icvtiiu ti (iiwl til t ..aw if it took all the troops in the;"! 1 ,n,1' co,",,.tv' rictMirtmont to do it. The iccret whs that thu (itiartenmister that the prcucnt one had i cleaved, had loaned it to a wivvmill man in lloise I'.aMti and was afraid to mark it on the Uioks as loaned, so had marie-' ed it missing. Lumber was sell-, ing at $00 a thousand ami the saw, mill man did not want to prt with thu saw. So Undo Sain, fori the good of thu country, wild it to him for Sl.'JOt) a fancy price, but he wnn coining money with his mill and could alTord it. In Fsol'i thu Snakes ami l'nm nocks inassacied an euiigiant train at the mouth of the Malheur river, that was bound for I tti imii. In ly two men oenped. They carried the women ami children oil' with them up in the mountains nml own children, and then, after sub-; jecting the women to fearful out- i u.ues, they tortured the... to death! with red hot iron bolts. A Mr. White, one of the biirv ivors, still lives iu I )onglus count y. If some of the lovers of Indian back cal had lived on this coast for twenty or thirty years they would give us a i est about abusing the kxii- Iii- IllltlS. I - unit river was a bad place for Indians iu only days. Also Hru- neai. valley, thu Malheur and n 10 n I., il... .,.., ,.f HJ-ro' mv'hroti.eraml mvs df went over hind to California, with suddlu .....I t- I... .. .... ,.r ir iv r nwiPir. w on n it iiiiti.-- . inucca, the griulu to Ihu Owj vl.en furry .. ...t...r ii...t ...a I. ...I ..I... .A .r Ale L.ltuir, in (iramle Uondc, ,wl ll,V' l?wt-, 11!m' w,w 1,11 slippe.1 her stille. We sold her to ' 1,0 lo light, the rerrvman. The day before we 1 .", 0,I'T ," """" u,l,u""h hu arrived there son.u Indians had ap- i;.f ") never eollcotcsl pearclon the opposite hunk n,j ! 'I'n. the pr.so.icrs who... Castlo al shot t the ferryman. I saw the J "! J'"1- 1 1U bullet marks oil s.nno of thu build- -J1"' of Mo"(' HM1 win t t ie ings. He mlvisLHl us not to go on n.nr of ''" at present, but we did. My lu'oth ! I;lm',, tt, ' erl.adthe rheumatic... in both n,V,"B ,lu; ''ml ,"n l'H.e..vy. barred legs so bad he could hardly sit iu . ' u,,, 'J'0, ,,efl the saddle. We arrived" safely. I "" .' ,;" "tc ' U" I"-,' however, Camp Mcl )er.nitt and '. f p M. wen. to the post sun-eon and uavu'0"0 of ?Th "l,B." y,lt.of.l"rt him " for a small phial of some villiuuous compound or other that he said would cure rheumatism. Hut it did not cure worth a cent. However, we were consoled some what for thu deception practiced on us, for that night the doctor lost the live wv gave him, along with sevcal other lives, iu a game of dtirvv poker and went home to his bed in thu small hours of the night a sadder and, lot us hope, a wi.MT ma... Thu next morning Andy Meduiro came along with a fourteen iiiulo team ami Wallace rode in ono of his wagons to Win iieiuiicen. So wu i.iadu it through all right iu spite of a broke down horse, Huiiuock Indians and rheu matism. The lust timu the linnnock weru on the wiirjiath was iu 1SU7. They broke out in liriini'iiii valley nnd ..tided down thiough Idaho and the John Day country and were loi.uded up in pitched battle in the liluu mountains back of l.u (iramle, by I'. S. troops and I'ma tilla Indians. Old hugan, their chief, was killed and lii he.cl brought in by the 1'uiatill.i- for the reward (loiieral Howard oirer od for it. 4 Hill Nye, thu humorist, savs of tin Sitlvutioii Army: Wlun tln yj know the (jreat adversity of sniiN as well as I do they will not trv to1 ss.ire him with a erois-eyed woman ! tir hive him and his host by be.itin the tamUuim', the sackbut and the landlord. Humanity, charity, to'l soap and uuselflshuesw will do moie toivurds giving Satan that "ti.cd felling" than all the union tlavorul hoiia.in.is of inisguidid men and b'eatln woman who tuck to harass the boasts of hell with a boss drum while their own children, with emp ty stomachs ami tinlnu.. dried no-cs, wis p ut homo. If )'. want clean, limit and curie t inli Murk, issitcr work, hill uoik or any wo. k in tlis priuU.iy line call at , till' Nkws job olliH. 1 Counge of a Wie n Shttitf. "I think that the bravest man 1 - , ever knew." mi-,s a writer in the New York Tribuno. "was one of wort. ; ,mmj WM Ku I v . . mm '"" K muo tlmt in v hair ifrows urnver wiien I think of it, ho was sherill i . . . t .. ." Kit had his own iimiliiir cole of morals like n yootl inany other Western nipti of that day. Ho borrowed money in the most icckluss fash ion, but he always paid it back to the last runt. Ilu never broke a promise. Hut ho would cheat at canU at every opportunity. Hi couldn't help it. ICvcrv one know that he cheated, but no man was ever hold enough to say t iu his face, for ( nt! was not afraid of anything that walked or crawled, and ho was a dead shot every time his big linger presned a trigger, lie was over six feet in huiglit, a lion iu strength ami a tiger when iu a rage. "Ilo started out alone on horse back once when he was sherilf to capture I wo horse thieves, lie was gniiu for a wiek ami people begun " " , ,K , n" ""' T "f " !,,ml e into "wn, 0,10 eve,l,n hiM "1 to a bnr. 'Wlieio are our men, Kit!' souuone ikcd with a laugh, think ing they had -lipped him. The shetilf pulled from his belt thiee tevolvers and laid the... duvvn. Then he went out to his hmse and utifustening two pairs of spurs from the Buddie ea.uu back nnd threw them jingling and ring- illilllHI me uiir eyiiilier. I V.wi r .1 i . .1... I iiu oi iiiciii icvoivers is I mil"'''. Kit ?!owb'' All thu ! lM ' " '"" '"-xts, ' he pronounced it. 'I had sixty i I I I III it mill's, tn ni n iitiiL fi tn I I liming ' 10 l,m" 10 T" lw V ",'S0'! .Wll,t 111X2 wrnftiib im iwu iiiu'hu wm'vtvi cell and had then released four other detp. iiulot". When Iv'it opened the door into the jail thu men start! d for him with a rush. Kit had time to spring through the door an 1 cloe it, and his pris oners would have been as secure in (the iron walled corridor an in their cells. Ii.it the sight of the live im u maddened him, and he threw thu door shut with a loud clai.g, locking himself in the loom with the others. "Oriiwiiig his ieolcr he leap od at the uieu, belloivinir iu his i auger. Ilo was too enraged t shoot then.. He wauled to iiun .ish them for during to uiluek liitu. J 1 1 is strength am! energy were tic uicudous, nnd he hurled the live j men into one of the iron corners. 1 Pushing the... mid knocking them 'about, he beat them over the head 'and shoulders ami arms with the butt of his revolver until they screamed at the top of thtir voices in their helpless Mgony. Then his paeons iiKiisi:s.,siii;!,i,iMis, mur. A ..ru. i. n i ii'ii-i ,, -Mliuika nv in IStii.iii.ii n.. nil. mihI u .,m l, at. Kllkn ia. In l.an. .!. mm i, . i,. h'i.n,-li wl.J'.U Ii." imiioh I' - I C i' iiiiumi llllpll..!, (.ut. -l. ii a. i. .ii i. l i h 1,1 1 i.miv Kuin l Ii Hi - II 11.,. Ii, r'llil IU. I( ullil palll III Ull.lllra ill il.i a .11,. I t linn, hm i .(Milll 'hi. ii"ih 'ii I n I hi. i .1. Ii.ii.l.y ii) ni' it.. , - p ,i ..,.) f.'li.. ,ly lulu n Cl'l'lli Hollml. II tl Intnl.. t'llujl -y iuup.nl, i (ollirr, sltniitl.ioiii, a o n I h i i li artnttuy i. b a t r u o tliiita. Iirall IS. tiournl ii'.iiia .ml rviioria, I 1 . ' 't 1. 1 I , itln ell. ilia. 11 tfW Oil liclpa im iir in,,, i nrw rnojirriiV a.mi iwiM.uimv. Mr. 1 iila llilih . p , t, KltiUL Vl.li. mi) a "llirhing 4I tpralnvl anil lnu vlpiyarin, ltu uppliislluiia uf -I. Jiiaitl Oil ( hi. l lur, 1 Mr. i.utUt N.uh.IiI. Jr 'Tf)'1li. frrtl-1-rlrUUurK, 1m. win. . Viikiin .ii. lass "I mim tail.) tut tti'li a i. '!'. hair l.tllcHl, JmnUull iiumIii II CUHEG, At 1ki i.ii "n iri rut 1HE ClUIHtS A. VOCllH C0eilUni.ri, Ki. teeth shut coc together in his great jaw, he pieked tl.c.n up ono l.y one nnd jiitcht d them into their cells, securely fastening the bolts. "Such diuiiiej and recklessness as his (ouhl belong only tn u man who did not know thu name of physical four. He was n born lighter and as a soldier iu a battle would Imvo hoen remorselessly licrco. Hut he Im l one enemy stronger ihni. he. Whisky snap ped his life when he was in I. is prime." One of thu sn.artcht lawyern in Nebraska is Mrs. Ira U. lakof!, of Hayes City. She is only ill) years old, but her cantr .;t thu liar lint so far been remarkably successful. Horses, with line nlk parnso'H over their heniK have been a coin- i. ion sight iu Chieiiiro dining the torrid weather that bus prevailed i great part of the time for t-.vo vvcokH. For the lirst time iu several yours flio colored race is iinrenrcseiited at the West Point military acailomv. There are only fmir eu'nr. d olliceVri now iu the ntniv. It is rcimrted that not a case of Columbia river sslmon has been sold in ISnglaml tlii year and tlmt 1....... .: 11 1. ! . .-!.. .1. . ... r -iiiciii hut ii-ii ii kivcii lliepreicr- enee All tin- cam. erics in opera tion have considerably more than they cvm clod. The reet-nt s. lnxil t.. etinin ill thfl Duk.itns do im' in lii uto ihni thu women there care much nl out usine; the ballot. In SinLnin county, South Hokotn, out of 1,'JtKi femiilo voters not ove- K'O vnt-d. and that is the rmintv where are the bead- piartcrs of the vuuiian suHVnt'e cam- puieu ami the bimier iiroi.ibition county of the state. Abuolntoly Puro. A ere in. of t i I ir b llifj it'it of all in I i ' I' S Co in in nt 17. lH.tl. km : j' i -I. i. MIIJJ H'llf;jlli. Hop ni, Aui:. Write fur ciial. g ... Adilresi, Hon. D-tiiul l IK-nty , U aslnngtoii, X. J. ReattyPiIqs:;;.;: wlit'ie. Write for (iituloKUt. Lx Mayor Daniel V. Ilenlty. Washiin: ton, Nnvv Joikpv. Canyon Cily & Mitchell STAGE - - LINE. Stngo leaves Cain mi City on Tues day, Thui-sd.iy, i.ti.l S.iiimliiy. at I a. in. At live.-, .it Mitchell on tlio hii im dny at o'i lock p. in. L"uvei Mitch II on Si.iid.iy, VVed nustluy and Fiid.iy. at I o'clock a. tu. Arrives at Canvo.i Cny on the sanio tin y in H o'clock p. in. Stages at Miicln-ll iiiake close con lit'ctl. li Willi hl.iecs for Tbo Dalles. I'lHSKNll. I; AMI 1 III .(.111 Al' llKASO in '. an i S. F ALLEN, Prop. Vim I'tlYT.JH'i U JV . la.. . f lun S m.il tU.pt., i ti. ti ycui it la i u inuy. Jil(ir,.l 4 ot iijiifcl ';:oiv. 'if 'ii i !m ii i . cta-iti t.-u l.iTur-.ri ;r ino . .1 Iiu ..frt en olo'.lia you t I t rn ... yi a -. .i'i all Mis ii'O-a.i j un.l unnnui.iarv upi uaiioa. U rltu, vrniL, (lr.i:ac. rn i . 0l, flail, lllC. I, Work, (!3 to OllU.ri'rt' or at.y nl In Me a il I i vnrliaiu .ia., alylsi rrnit i nn -i J.i t, a,;,-, wl it I. rrnn .ml t il.i ill irie .olnrji; COMFOnilOLY nn you rat, lasi;.-.. Ijr k.tiiu.tn ol llio vuliin i.i h .'UJ'Vaj5t. (lUII)i:, whic'i v.i Ik t,t.; j,)0 r.Cslpt of 10 ( I. la J . tK-M IKb. MONTGOMERY VARD A CO. Ul.lU Ulrhtujn v.unip Olii.uio.lix, H al lu i am, k . m I 0Ml i a Alt r a.in.r A i rr . , , t,t VtvWMi S-..J a . f.; . ' Jri&fllZL. a. .ii. i,,. ... : , ' 1 I.i .' " - on. .I. AOUN'J 1 Y.ANTKlj V'vfr'" l'IIV4(t..t . riW4-."al. tl p ii (..a r