MONEY TO LOAN! On Improved Farms in Grant & Harney Counlics. Ancl Soonrlty 1m Batlnfnolorv -If you contiiinjiliito borrowing money rail on or luhlroes- STUJtG I L , $ ST U ttC, I L L, .OH. LAU.IULKCK $ HOWELL, 1. HACUENEY. J. DK A LICIt IN General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. MIL LIS II & IIINES. General Blacksmith Canyon (lily : : ; Oregon, Ho keep constantly on lmnd mid for wile, iioiisksiiokk, tilted and uitfit- ted, also IIOIIHK SAILS, IIIO.V, HTf.l.l, 40AI,, WlllfTI.IilllliKS, NKCK VOKK.S, VIII:KI.H, SI'lllNOS, TICK ll.VNKI.rJ4, SI.KDOK v iiamu.ks tit.KiMiK mid wi:noi:s, Tint: liio.v, etc., etc. etc. O" A FIUST-CLASS WAOON SHOP AT SAME STAND. CAKUIAdlvS IHIJ(JIIS V ItlH'K HO 1 It OS .Untie oritur. A ItEA.SONAIJLH DISCOUNT FOR CASHI Mf Will alio Uiko orders for Itnekiiye Mower and Extras for same; or any kind of Mowers. Will aUo take orders for the Taylor and Hollingswnrth Hake, Sohuttlor and Smith Wagon, Dueru Plows, anil Extmv for all kind of Mowers. We alo act for l'rti-r Kulil agent fur Muver Vehicles during his aiUenro from town, receive prompt attention. City Meat Market. Washington Street, CRAY A. UADS, -IIKALKUH All Kinds Of II; Wholnulc nml Itrtall. .Jill orders filled S. A. ItEILNEU, Forwarding & Commission House. Bakor City, Bakor county, - Oregon. Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale al Wliolesalo Will always endeavor to obtain the Inchest miirket prices on wools, etc , for parties consigning to me, tore, IioIiI their ilesiie. Marie all gooda ffi Jj it""t ('Aitirih Mmlii-ino. ItisimmemliMl liy IMiyu iiiis, jlj C'uro.i wln-m all el u fad:). I'Ioil- ant ami nni-ablo to the B-fl taste. Children take It without ohjiM-tlon. Ily lnii"t. tfi HACIHE.WIS. mm m m ha w sb w t -vi J k p. Log,LumberYard a-Gity'TrucRs-h rjl FISH i Delays wta Title is I hiker CUy, Or ego", Prairie City, Oregon. V Walker's liiii)i'iiienU and Anything left with us will Canyon City, Oiogon, Proprietors. IS- FIM1SH MKATS on Short A'otice,. or forward the h.oiid at'Onlu. BAKKK CITY S. J 11 lClLXICli. m n . PATENT Lad I co Ciiaisc. IIUO&' r' - ATtHT CHAliC UI4AKL BR2S WAG2N G9- RACINE.WIS. rt .v mm Mi 1 mmtMimmjm maim jm''rjmjnmy v ia i Tho Vamliill county fnir will lie held nt McMinvillo, oh SojiIuiiiIkt a, ;i, i mid r,. Tho World's Fair Hito in Cliicngo lias boon definitely located, fronting on Luke Michigan. One limn lms sliipK)d five Ioiih of inohnir from Dalian this sonwin, tli prices ranging from 20 cents to US COIltH. Thoro !h a small F;t tluiiicn t nnin i'l Aneoiunrcn, in tho Andon inoun- ' tnins, in Peru, 10,000 foot or nltout , thrcio iiu'Iob, nbovo the son level, i "Thin is the most olovnlod suit in tho world which i jwrinanontly in- ( habited. Ukatty'h Turn of rut: ! Kx-Muyor Daniel F. Iloutty, of lteatty' celebrated organs and pi iiiiuh, Washington, New Jersey, has returned homo from an extended tour of the world. Kend his uilvor-' tito'ineiit in this kik.t and scud for ; catalogue. I The name has been changed by j vote and it must hereafter be sitok I en of ns tho "World's Columbian KxKnition." The title Worlds I'air of ISO.'I," Iiiih been dropped. At tho name time that thin change of title was made, the caitital stock was increased to ten millions. - - - Shortness of II rent h. I)l(. Fl.l.NTS I'llMKIIV blioulll 1)0 tn ken at once when slight exertion or a hourly tnual noducos shortuoH of breath or a pniu in the region of tho heniL Sond for Iroatiio, froo. Mack Drug Co , Now York. W. II. Scott, nf Coburg, an his son llert, while hunting treed a big brown bear. lie never stojijied limbing until l-r0 feet aloft in the branches of a tall fir. A rillo ball made him tumble oil' his Krch and he fell to the giouud with a thud that fairly shook the earth, making a hole nearly as large o the body, lie weighed -loO pounds. Uussia is very particular in re gard to religious matters. At h ast it would seem M from the fact that a clergyman who spoke disparag ingly of the Greek church has been sentenced to ten years' exile in Si beria. The judcoiiient may kviii i i harsh, hut he will have tune to ! learn tho virtues of silence, and ! probably will increase his reverence for the State church in that coun try. i Ai T't.Ti.vTio m:vim; .h vciiim;i l'nci's it'ilurcd. i:cry family noir ran I liavo tliu .(( Aiitoiu.ttic Sculn la ' I'lilno in the ni.trkt-t at rotliiiTil prlfc. I'nr pniticiilniH M'lnl (ur nur new IIUih tiatcil Ciu'iilar with haiiiplin of htitdi l'i. Our llliistiati'il ('tii' kIiown fvi iy p.ut if tint .Mai'liliH1 pcrffotly, ami . Is u.ntli M'liillni; fur I'vrii If jim Aurr .1 I M .u )n nr. Knuo A- Murpliy Mfi;. (', m .mil Ii7 Went iiOth M , N. Y. t ily. JOIk DAY HOTEL Chas. COBB. Proo. dohn Ihty, Crnnt Co., Orog. 'I'o stop at this poiular Iioiiko once is a sign that you will come again. The best of accommodations for guests, and rales of boaid ami lodg ing reasonable. AC La EE GREASE hunt ix tiii: woiti.n. IU woarlajQUiH !.re umuirai'.il. tuallr outlu hit Iwu tx)l.4 at ny olh.r lfra-it H 'I !!.. ImI hy, tru IITTII I. 4. 1, M I ML, roiiflii.KirVDrtii r.soi sriui.i v lyr waBtaayarr'ri-gmagH-agi him iiiiwi ni i r VEGETABLE PANACEA PHEPAHEO rnoM ROOTS Oc HERBS, roit Tiie cunc or S8 AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO rROM A DISORDERED STATE or wSTOMACH on AN INACTIVE LIVER. tor salc ur all DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. Improvements on u Itanch for Sale, Cost or worth n outSHOO piii-o S;t.",o. l'lentyof water;ooinmandsgood sheoi range. About IU) acres fenced; 10 ncres broke, bog and slice barn Hit iil foot not ipiitu lini.lied lhotiHO 1.'JI with upper rooms and shed room altaclicd l'J.2'J. Sumko houso and chicken hoiibo and othor im nroveiiient'. ltauolt suitable for funning or sheep range. (Jood grain, , oats, whoal, bnih-y nnd iyo, and liar' , ily vogolnlilos grow n on the plnoo. I All in Hoar vslloy, 1'or fuithor particulars cmjuiio at tlii ollice. i mEll Intelligent Boadori will notice tht Ms Pills re not "trarrnnlrA la run" mil ctei of dlic, lint only urlt raaull from dUonlcrad liver, vial Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costivenoss, Bilious, Colic, Flatulence, etc. Tor llieeo Iir re not wrrmitl tiv fntHbU, but uri nearly eo it 1 1 la jto albl lo tnakv m reiimlj" I'rlre.aSela HOLD UVttltirWlIJLUtE. SCOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLDS Vastbg Dicoacss CURES VVondo.ful Flosh Producor. Many havo gainod ono pound per day by its tiho. Scott s Kuiulsion ii not a nocrot rnineily. It coutaina tho Htimiihit injf proportioH of tho Hypojthos jthitcH and Jturo Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, tho polouc of both 'tcitiK largely incniasod. It is usetl by lMiysiciniin nil ovor tho -world. PALATABLE AS PfllLK. Sold lil "If DriKjitets. JCOTT S- lOVNE, Chomlsta.H.Y. rttrvri ftX im . s. .( i! i. i. . ,a ' .i . ' 'HEBr;T 2l,iTYr:VTr?M.: ADJUSTABLE If) CVCRY PEAF4INC AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE crscntoiMO ounfu Uf.C or WHEELS SCUT Ott APPLICATION. Tolkdo,Ohio. V ( 1 NKI.SO.V JOM'.H, I'HKST MORROW COUNTY LAND & TRUST CO. (Incorporat4'd uder the laws nf the State of Oregon). Capital Slock S100, 000.00 Paid up 325,000.00 General Warehouse A: Forwarding Atrts. nEPPNBn, o&u. The warehouse has tiro Jloors, SO ,v 200 feet, and is well lighted, n fording favorable diiplaij of wools on sale. It is situated near no other buildings and bears a low rale of i nsu ranee- Teamsters freight advanced, on. order. Cash ad vanced on consignments of wool, and wool in storage. During the season, an. e.verieneed wool grader is em ployed. The warehouse being furnished with a wool compress, buyers are enabled lo have their purchases put in. condition for direct sliipmcnl to eastern wills at a cost much below that which the wool must pay via Portland or Sun Francisco. THERON E, FELL, Manager. Keppncr. Oregon. Are You. Plant .In TIIK- PAYETTE OF PAYETTE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. Stilus the largest Oenoral N'usery Stock in the whlo coun ry"3ia 125-ACRES-125 Trees grown in tho mountain country nro Hardy, Vigorous and Healthy. Send for prices and catalogue Do not order your trees and plants until you teo our Agent, who will call on you or send for our prices. Laaranee Howell. Donlors Prairie City, P.egon. At-SO AIIKUTk lOlt Till: Frank Itio h linplemoiit Oo's Machino y, Co'isihting of .Mowers, Heap, ers, Self llinding Harvesters, Hakes and wagons. A full line of Ag ricultural JniplitnentH ami extras for all Machines ustal in this country, Which wo will sell cheap for Cash or on time with approved security. Overholt tl -DEALERS GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CANYON CITY, Or. SUMMONS. Ill tho circuit court of tho stnto of Origon, for Grant county. W. U.Ctinningloi), I'l'ff V8 llnchol J. Cuutiington, Del To H.VCIIKI. J. CfN.SIXOTON, TIIK ; Aiwvk Nameii Dnr'T. i An ordor having boon timtle on tho lfith d.iy of July 18110, by tho Hon. Morton I) Clifford, Judgo of! the nhovo entitled court for tho scr-1 vico of htiinmons Uon you in tho j above entitled suit by publication thereof, now, thorcforo In the mmo of tho sUto of Ore gon, you nrc hon'by ieipiirel lo np- I pear and answer tho complaint filoil against you in Mid suit on or boforo I luo nrstilay of tho regular coptcmhor term 1800, of snitl court, to wit: ; - Monday tho 1st ilay of Soptomltcr A. j , 1). IMIU, ami if you fail so to nn &A,f$x: inaniled in tbosaid complaint, to-wit: 1 A docrco dissolving tho marringo con trnrt now existing between tho plain ( tilT and dofoiidaut, nml awarding plaintilT tho custody and control of Margaret J. Cuuniiigton, minor ' daughter of tho plaintilT and defend- ' nnl tnv ll... nti.1 . 1 1 d 1 . . . n . iiionta of said suit and for such fur ther relief as to tho court in equity may hccih meet I'AIIIUSII .t CoAO, lM'fls Att'H. To euro llillou.ncM, ftL llcail.icl.c, IntuU j ail -n, Malaria, IJicr ( oirplalntr, tako tho afo mi'l rritnln remedy, SMITH'S pa t'rt IK,. SMA I.I.NIroiiomilcIlrnnitntlKl liutlle 'I III. V AUK Tllli MOIT OIIHrKSIKST. KtvtllMltln till- l.ll .V gflH. I'rln- ii f clllirr ' iht Itnlllo. fHBT:iBII I'ANW. SIZK. J.r.tUIISJ.CO.u.ii.r, JT.IOOIJ HO. i,(trr(..r.Lrl, U It. 1I1SIIOI', Tllt'.AS. Going To Orchard? NURSERY in Muldrick, IN- tor mil mm CITY HOTEL MAIS BTItntT Canyon City, Oukoon, GiiOTH riroMrso. J'roprietorjf. Travoltng men will find this n pleasant ami dosiniblo placo nt which to stop. (Jl4j iih iv Call Jr. S. SOUTH II 'OJtTf, iiioriiii.Ton of Steam Sash & Door Factory Canyon Citv, Or. Saih. Doors, Windows, Glass, Putty, Moulding, and Drc&scd Lumber Etc., uonstantly on Hnnd. Furniture lYIado lo Order. HAKKK and CANYON CITY STAGE LINE, McCUEN A. GHII'FIN, Propra. llu.l lf.mi, ro.l ccntrraixri anil lot time Km atlrntlon tlrli to far cumlotl otpaiicacia. Clmrcna Knaannnliln. TO CONSUIYIPTIVES. Tho undersigned having been re stored to health by simplo means, after suffering for sevoral yours with a sovcro lung alTection, and tint ilrcad disonso CoiiHiiinj)tlon, is onx iotis to mako known to his follow Bufl'erers the means of euro. To thoso who desiio it, ho will cheerful ly send (free of chaige) a copy of the proscription used, which they will luid n snro euro for Consump tion, Asthma, Catarih, Bronchitis nnd all throat and lung Maladies. Ho hopos all hiin'ercrs will try his Honiedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring tho proscription, which will cost thotn nothing, and may provo n blessing, will please uddress, Hi:v. Knvv'Aiiii A. Wilson, Williitmsbnrg, Kings county, Xew Xork. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN" Ihs nttalneil a stamlnnl of cxcellenco lileli mlmltH of no siiprrliir It contains every Improvement tliat jiveiitlvo (,'t'Ulus, skill anil money can produce. Tlieso exrrlient Oivans ant eeliiliratml for tlielr volume, iiiiallty of tone, quick i espouse, variety of eomhlnatliin, artlstla ileslgn, beauty la finish, perfect construe Hon, maKliiK 11k in the moat attractive, ornamental and desirable organs la tliu vwultf for Homos, Schools, Churchurt Lodges and .Soeietlus. Catalogues on application, Fiiee. (iiiioap Cottage Oppo Go. 223 WABASH AVE., CHICAOO, ILL. Carcati, a-.J t ain-l anil all I'at iiilbu-i. ,4c Msuintu fill Otia Orricc Opsairt U G I'atcnt Orrici aua we a r I,, ll . lltuu lUau lbo.0 rrmot fni u W ' I tl (wnj uioj I i riv.' .j; er pi) M, with ilwrlp Hon, Wo ml i i If it' i a' In er li"t. Urv vi i Larva. Our I. ! ilui- II I .nM n! I. uruirJ. A Pamcmlit, ImUIiIjIii I'aUiut.," u Itli iiaiiii'. uf actual ciin. In )eur Mate, cuuuly, or Ivku, ui frc AJ :ru.i, c.A.ssow&co. Ore, Pari nt Orricc. VVaiMiNQTON, D. C. IF YOU WISH A OOOD REVOLVER 'OToV6 SMITH & WE880fTS ft f in a m v r J ttit Itrt L'l.tiicv of ll iit-rfu. lu OAlibrr til ti mUii 4Li u bijiwlo ur ntrla ami Tftrt'rl mudrU irrli chtvtullr liui-cxiitl llX.'l(tl IitK-k ritriclttlfuri flnl.b, uornbllllr iiuu nmirnrr. Im not Kdniilirl l.y t lirap I. i n Inllutbml t ten olil fi thv crnulnx a rue I... Tlur aiu unro liaMe and ilaimen ui. The hami Wiu i ; T.iifoa an iiumI u..ii tl.c lrrt I. with tUui'a paiii, aiMii.. ftrulUatii of uti-uu. anil are gunr pulrvil llft. Ili.Ul U'U IikIiik thrm. auU II iour liir pannol ui i l )r..u, nil "toVr Miiltuail HllienluirfMuiiialtii! n IKcih. I'io mlal'vue un 1 1 rl vjui.,ii ni i,ii. hiio-i. rill ITU .V WKxhON, r-prliiuUilJ, ,Irim. ;0RJpN ONLY! 71 all hrWer lOttu fATMKO MANHOOD, lOtairtl aail NtftVOUB DlUIliT r I iv t D1I organs WsC3K92 WPcWPcS' WAR. VALUE iRflBiBI i-jHMifiiKa for AND V9f9cH LINO jH allis H' iiy of July a. d m iMilfr trtm b tUlii ti r.l,. (m.i.Im. w.. W.l 1 SUMMONS. In the circuit court of tho ttalo of Orenon for Orant county. Atuiio H Parrish, Pl'lT. vs l'olnr Von Aspcrn Deft To I'trrr.n Von Asir.iiN, l)i:r'T. 1 In tho nnino of tho stato of Oregon yoji nro hereby required lo appear nmt answer tho complaint tiled against you in tho nbovo entitled suit on or bofoio .Monday, the first day of September, A. D., lS'JO, tho snmo being tho fust day of tho next regular term of said court, and if you fail eo to nnsvvcr tho plaintiff will tnko judgment nnd decree ngninst ' you for tho rclif prnjed for in said ' complaint viz: Judgmo'it for tho j sum of ono hundred nnd fifty ($150) dollnts nnd interest thereon nt tho ; rate of ten per con I. per annum from tho Ulith day of November, A. I). and for tho ffthcr t,nm of twenty (SO.00) ilollars, Atfys fees, as provided in tho note mentioned in aid complaint, and decreeing Hint tho mortgage mentioned in said complaint bo foreclosed ami tho moitgnged properly describctl in said mortgage void in tho manner proscribe by law anil the procce4ls of sticli sale applied in payment of such judgment. You will tiirther take notice that this summons is published by order of tho Hon. Morton I). Cliflord, ono ' of tho judges of said court, which ordor was mado and dated at Canyon Citv, Oregon, on tho loth dnv of July, A. I). 181)0. I'Aiinisu it Cojlvi), Atl'ys for lTff. Dalod nt Canyon Citv, Or., this 15th tlay of July, A. D.18'J0. Petition For Liquor License. To tho Hon. county court of tho stnto of Oregon, for Ornnl county. Wo the undersigned your petition ers would rospoctfully reprosout Hint wo ato o.tch ami nil rosidoats nnd le gal voters of South Foik precinct, in said county, and wo ask that n li coiibo bo grnnled to Murray lirothors to sell nml dispose of spirituous, vi nous and malt liquors in less quan tities thf.n ono gallon in said precinct for n piriod of twolvo mouths from nnd after tho Hid day of Sept. 1890. Dated this day of Juno, 1800. I.oyd Miller, Sun McCay, Miehnol M,-Nully, Hinry Uingsmvro, Ed. O IJraun, A F Html, J II Ciichlen. I) C ; McDonnld, Thorn ts Connor. T C Adhuis, Oci ro Kydd, J O Hiown, D in Murray, S S Uross, L K Oieen woll, A MtMiillon, J 1' Schall, Fred M Ii Onion, Vrtrd Swift, F L Wood Jim ThrelkoM, Win G .McDcnild, Louis Adair, Lewis Donning, Hamil ton Maxwell, John F I'owel1. Notieo is hereby given lint o.i tl o 3rd day of Se, t 'UDO. tin undei tignod will app'y to tho county coin t of tho state of Oiegon, for Oral t county, for tho issuance of tho licomo mciiticiiod in tho foiegoing petition. MuilllAY liltOTIIKUS, Ajiplicauts. RHFHIFF'S SALI Ily virtuo of an execution issued out of tho ciicuit com I of the state of Oregor, for Orant county, upon n judgcii o il rendored in said court on the Kith dny of April IfvSii in favor of Alfiol hey, Fl'll and ngninst Sa rah J. lvey, Deft, In tho sum of v!IO. 17 and interest thereto at tho lute of eight per cent per annum fiom mid April l(i, 188(1, together with accruing interest nnd costs, I havo levied upon and will toll nt pub lic miction on Saturday tho 9th day of August 1 890, at ono o'clock p. in. of said day, at the court house door in Canyon City, Orant county, Oro gon, all of tho right, titioand interest 'f said Deft, Sarah J. Ivey, in and to the following described pi onuses, to wit: The SW of the SW j of Sec. 21 inTp IK sit 20 U W M, together with nil ami singular tho to-ieuients, hereditaments nml appurtenances thcieunto Wonging or in nnywito apportioning. Terms of salo Cash. Dated at Canyon City, Orant Co., Olefin, this 7th dny of Julv A. I). 1800. W. I'. OKAY, SherifTof CI i nut Co., Or. Ily J.J. Mo' ULI OUOH, Doputy Sheriff. NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. Uiul ontn al llurm, Or., June JS, Noll. n I. Iierehr k-litn ih. I,.li.wlpir nain aeiili r lin. Illnl iiotlre ( I.U lulualuii to tmVe filial lr n In .UMiurt of till cLiliu. .ml ihAi ..t.ii.r..r mil In nuil. U jre the County JuJe of Until Co,, Or . ur lu In. aUrmw lh I'ouiil d.ik at Oaiijoii I'll), Or Wl Auj U. Inlal, ill: W.IXI'II l- IIL.Ifl.V. mm .in. iiji by for Ihr S .t SK I I .uj S .I bK I (' Src it Tt 10 S 11 31 H lie iiamra IU lol!uhi- llnrH-. to iirotvlili roiitliiuo ii rmlilcmr upon ami rullltalloii of, MLI ti't'1; i.,,,hV " M, llu'h Hm"h. r-rancl. r f-'n" ! '",lun' r ,"d ' 11 Kldaid, of file 14,0 J. II. Iliattm-tox, ItrcUlrr. NOTICE OF Al'l'OINTMKNT OF KXFCUTIMX Notice is hereby given that by con sideration nnd order of tho Hon. County Com t of tho stnto of Oregon, for (hunt county, tho undersigned has been appointed executrix of tho Last Will and Testament of Henry It. Sols, deceased, late of said county. All persons having just claims against tho cstato of said Testntor nro hereby notified imd requested to nreBent the saino duly verified ns by law required to tho undersigned nt the sloro of tho Into II. It. SeU, in Cnnyon City, Or gon, or 10 Parrish & Ooznd, nltornoyii forsnid ostnte nt their ofllco in Canyon City, Or. with in six months from tho date hereof. City, Or., this , 16D0. QUI HA Stat), 4 i'.xocutnx.