Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 24, 1890, Image 3

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II. Slniwnll lim n new nign adorning
tlw front prut of hit sulooti Hint's
ewMiratcd bor.
V Win. Mitiwn, a lutn arrival, hn ao
eejited a xdtion in .Miller A- Hincs
lilrtckMiiitli short.
.Mrfc Swnek and Mr. (Jeer of Hunix
were in town during the week iuttiii
up fruit for next winters enjoyment.
A sUwk of envelopes Mr and
mrtllimnl lift Ixn received nt thin
nhoii; and will lo jirintcd up ohuiply
for juitroiis.
ItegtsUir Huntingtm of the V. S. J
land olllce, ami Mr. .1. T. Silumn, of
Hums, were in town on biiaiuikts a'
i i .1 : i. '
low daVK this :
County Clerk Shearer' family have
move! to tow,, ,ui tl.ey are fK.ipy -
iug the Frank Hut'X rejtideiice which
Mr. Shenrnr purchawl.
If your locality in ti have hon m
om during tin full let the X i:vs bid
on printitu your ostem. Y haea
large variety of jimtcr tyK and cut.
In the morning tlu-y generally kny
"it's going to U hot to-day." And
thoy mo4t tilwuys tell the truth aUiut
it, if you call it hot nt about i"0 tie-
, ', ,, , ,
.hid llngu(nv(,Kl acting deputy her-
-, ii i .,1 . ,i
week ami Iitvieil an atuicliiiieut on the
niill upon a judgmu
mi of Now York.
meat in favor of l'nr-
Census Superintendent Strange ap-
proximate the population of Canyon
Citv nt 3ir. To In' faOiionahlo we
sliould claim at leait 9,000, and make
a big kick to have the city ru-cotinted.
In Fox valley one evening l.iit week
soiiiu young folks wcro returning from
a dance and the team run awuy,
throwing them out of the wagon and
injuring a young lady named Moore
piito severely.
Dunstan, the unfortunate man who
loil hit hand by the uso of giant pow
der has since died. The shook of tho
explosion was too great for him, mid
he gradually sank until death relieved
him of his huH'criugs.
Mrs. M. I j. and her two
sons, nnd Miss Houston and brother,
all of J ink or City, are visiting iu (Jnitit
county, drinking health from the
mountain zephyrs uud catching tish
from the mountain streams.
'a Iwef buyer named Alcott pur
chased U00 head of beef cnttle up tho
vulley last week, paying $20 por head
fo.- dry cows nnd two-ycur old steers.
Kicksou is also trying to buy for ?1S
nnd $10, to bo delivered in September.
Tho annual county te.icherh' insti
tute will prolsibly Ihi hidd at Long
Creek this summer, as the people over
there are anxious for it. Having al
ways lieon crowded out that part of
thu county is entitled to the ineotiiig
any way,
Charley Duncan of John Day met
with a serious accident last Sunday.
A hono which ho was holding by the
bridle reared and struck him on the
shoulder, breaking thu bono of his
shoulder, the fracture and bruises Ik
ing very painful.
Mr. Paul Hichter, representing I
it- Co's wine house of San ;
Francisco, hus lxien visitiu
iu town
during tun weoK. .Mr. uicmor rosin
ed heie n number of yivirs ago, and at
one time was clerk in Mr. He llinan's
store at old "Dixie."
Joe McAllister who is manufactur
ing charcoal nlnne Murysville mot
aii ith an accident one day 1 ist week
by which a portion of his skull was
crushed iu. He caught his foot iu a
vinu or some brush nod fell, his head
striking a sharp stone, it is thought,
lie is now gutting along pretty well.
f School Supui intendeiit Hoiiham, has
iipiiintsl P. W. .MeltoU-rU and .Minn
Alin.i I. ucti on tho IxKird of examiners
of applicants fur teachers' cert i tic U.
This is generally uitisfactoiy, for Mc
ItolioiU is n M-ry popular tnucher,
wliilo Miss Luce is one of our "home
girls," and well ipi.ilitled fur the posi
tion. .Air. T. H. Curl handed us the' other
day a letter which he rocoiwsl from
Hon, Dinger Hermann, relative to the
adjustment of Indian war claims,
which will iu a measure explain the
cause of the delay of the government
in meeting those claims. Ho ays:
"Wu are all waiting now on a spuciul
act for the creitiou of a special tribu
nal for the adjustment of Indian dep
redation claims, and wo provide iu
this for judgments against tho govern
ment and ultimate ayiiieiit. We
hope to bring the matter up iu tho
course of a week or so."
Tlie. case iu the justice's couit cumo
otV Wednesday of last week too late
for the ro.iult to lie published iu the
News. However late it may bo now.
.. .. , if iirt. t
foine may bo iiiterusted iu knowing I
that tlie ilefeiulniit Ulas. Kami was
placed miller 6J00.00 ImiiiU to appear
bj fore the next grand jury, and tho
plainti!.' Frank Hampton wn bound
over in the sum of $100.00 to appear
before that sauui bady of intelligence.
Thursday morning just after the
Imrher uiude a tiro in the stove to boat
watur to give a man u never mind,
though, what thu tiro was built for
lib discovered the roof to ho on tiro
uud blazing away up. Prompt appli
cation of the hose and plenty of wider
subdued the tlnmes which werediseov-
eriKt just in tlie uicW ol time. .Moral! j
i.:wu nun mi Jinn hmmu iqiu. I
Hon llrown (iIojummI over Inst Sul
Imth nn his witv to Hums. Ho )m.i
Wen at Portland for several month.
If you wnnt clean, neat nnd correct
job i ork, jnxiter work, bill work or
nny work in the printing line enll nt
tlm Nnws job olllce.
Wliilo in town hut week .Mtwsr.
Unym nnd Turner lionded the Xelwn
UuIhxwW silver ledge on (Jreonhorn
mountain, at wlmt figure we did not
Hroady Johnson is expected on
tlio next stage from Hums with it
crazy Harney vnllov Indian whom
he will convey to tlie asylum.
The Indies of the M. K. Church
nt l'rnirie Citv will mvo nn Ice
(renin nnd Ihispbcrry Social nt
the church on Saturday next, the
'Jlltli inst., coiiimeiieiiig at 7 P.
ri. i . . , ..
4"r' lopkcns tiitni Ins
i i i .
only help in making n living litis
ilnLH or bCUI, Molen. As the
; lor-Mn...,,. . .
quite likely some thief lias been
monkeying around.
Hugh Smith purohuHiwI n lmin1 at
the sheriir sale Monday, nnd him
gone ti iimkini; liny in Hear valley.
Hueli will t'H'ct n ihon Mm and en-
, j ,), mte.Ur biiMiiww nt IturtK.
j a rtixtler for trade, and will do
i yt, ,y putnius.
! ,, . ,,
: the jK)stoltice nt Mums wns
I robbed of nlout ?."()() hut Sunday
(hri r 10 flf ,
. ' lir , I "I
miMioiis. Wu understand then
. , ,, . . .
is a "eiue, as a eeriiun pany lost
n cousideruble sum nt puker that
it i ii ir
1 tliam unci l-rnnu Meks
! were lnven tr ml before Justice
Cnttnnneh at John Day on a charge
oi stealing a Morse iroiu .Mrs. ( nr
riu I'nmsby. (tillium wns bound
over in the sum of !I00 to appear
nt the next grand jury, and Kick
wns turned loose.
Judge Clillbrd is inked over the
coils by the people of Harney City for
commitudiiig thu county records to bo
moved to Hums, There is no need to
feel "sore" alniut it; if fairly l-ateii
Harney could not expect to retain the
seat of goNormmtnt, while if Hums
wns not entitled to it the law of the
laud would not have given it to her.
A content is ln-big wngud, we under
stand, mid this point of law ni:iy I'
carried into the . U. S. supreme court
lieforo the case is ended.
Wo uie in receipt of n letter
from thu postmistress at Hritteu,
stating that thu reason thu mail
for (irauite is often delayed is that
it Is placed in the through muk
and goes to Baker City. Mail
from linker that should stop nt
Ihitten often comes to Canyon
City for tho sauio reason. Wo
cheerfully publish this statement
on behalf of thu postmistress nt
lirtttcn she is not to blame for
thu (irnnite folks not getting their
Mr. Siltiiau of Hums, recommeudx
to our people the advisability of an
Ivistem Oregon Having Circuit for the
horses of lvutern Oregon and IiIhIio.
The races at lluni.i will come oil' in
August or SeptomleY;iiid from there
tho circuit should extend to Walla
Walla, by way of Canyon City, lmg
Creek and I taker. The people of
the John Day valley ought to get a
track in readiness at some point and
have ii few days racing during the fall
mouths, and other hmuU joining
would complete the circuit. There is
money in it for the community that
has enterprise enough to prejHire a
track and get up a purse.
The Cheyenne Stock Journal
gives the following udvico about
handling alfalfa: "ICvery fanner
who is prepared to be so 'should in
putting up his second cutting of ul:
fnl fa alternate it with straw, either
wheat or oats. In stacking put the
alfalfa iu green, or after it lias wilt
ed one day. Cut it just ns it is get
tine ready to blossom. The straw
will absorb the juice and thus be
come nearly if not ipiito us valuable
as tho alfalfa itself. To be at Its
best, alfalfa should lie cut when the
btidri were well formed nnd not be
kept until iu the bloom, its was for
merly the custom. It should also
be placed in stack finite early before j
it bits entirely dried out. An arti
cle of alfalfa hay to be at its best
should come out of the stuck iu
winter bright and green in color,
with all the leaves intact.
s it. S. Matt'ii of Stiawlierry volley
had two horsed stolen out of his coi
rall u few nights ago, wo are inform
ed. It seems that the Inuiuess of
taking other people's horses has U-en
carried aliout far enough iu (inuit
county, and the only way to ellectual
ly stop it is for a few of thu guilty
pai ties to suddenly slidu from a horto
with a rope around their neck point
ing upward, Hiudly a week passes
u,ttt the Nnvvs looi not chronicle some
ottM, f J,,,,,, stealing in (iiant county,
and if the thieves are caught ami held
I ior ii mi nine uiiiim out ui inn nu n
r ..!.... .i.... ..t i .... ii...!..
friends and ullios are sulliciciitly nil
mttrous to clog thu wheels of junticu m
that the guilty escape and are ready
to resume, their nefarious occupation 1
while the county treasury is willed
iqion to pay all uxpuiues of capture
and trial. We do not deniro to print
uii obituary of any of our valuml sub
soribors or m-qualnt'ilice luingod by a
mob for stealing horses, but if tlmy I
are in that businoM nnd do not dosltt
,vu may have to. The peoplo w
1101 SlUIKI It IIIUOll longer
The U.S. Marshal wont from lln-
i , ., , ,
ker Uty to the Monumental mine
I the other day to enforce the man -
date of thu l. S. circuit court which
; rendered a judgment in favor of V.
.Miner ngnuiHl tlie Kastern Ure-
gon (lold and Silver Mining lo., of
Indon. Knelnml. fir (In. mi.n nf
When the Moniimenlal comnnnv
became so involvwl that it could
proceed no further, about thu year
IS8I a mortgngo wns executed to
I.anr Kniifmnu, who reprenented
the different cretlllori. Tliist mort-
Huge "ns subsequently foreelo.ed
and Kaufman bought iu tlieproor
ty. taking title in his own name a.s
trustee for several parties, among
whom was ('. S. Miller. Kaufman
then eiiiKiwered one W. K. Parsons
lo negotiate a sale of the mine to
Kuroiwnn capitalists. Parsons wont
to !ondon, orguuized the "Knstoru j
Oregon Cold Mining Coinpanv,
i. mined, wiwi a cnpnni hiock oi
jC2."U,(KXJ, nnd sold the mine and
mining projierties to this company
for the sum of A"2(X),000. Of this
sum Kaufman was to receive
(XX) cash and X.'lo.tXH) in paid up
stock of the company.
Kniifmnu then in discharge of
hit trust an trtisteeof Miller, align
ed to Miller tHXtO of said shares.
Miller sent the ilinres to tho compa
ny's otlice in London to have the
transfers regUlered, but the "bloody
llameriean" stood no show with tho
Johnny Hulls across the ocean, lie
dually sold for little or nothing, nnd
when the president nnd two direc
tors enme here a little over a year
ago he got service on them with the
result of a $2-1,000 verdict.
Dr. J. H. Scott has returned after
an ulMuuce of several mouths in New
California and Oregon fruit grow
ers will reap a rich harvest, accord
ing to rejMjrtf, for the ICnstern markets.-
We sneer at the Siamese tor wor
shipirg the elephant; but think of
thu money that is paid here annual
ly just to see it.
Hrother DeVoung, of the San
Francisco Chronicle, will please ac
cept our thanks for a beautiful
souvenir chroniuling the occupancy
of his new building.
A diver who was working at the
foundation of a railroad bridge near
Boise City, Idaho, gave a signal to
be hoisted quickly. When he got
to the surface ho held fast a sixty
live iHiuiiil salmon that he had
caught by the gills.
V'That tho Sumpter Valley Rail
road iill be built this summer is no
longer a question. Work on the
road will no doubt be commenced
iu a short time, judging from the
material arriving for the construc
tion of the road. Yesterday a car
load of horses arrived at tho doKt
and more are to lollow. This looks
like business. Democrat.
At n recent meeting of tho Anglo-
Jewish Association Huron llersch j
opjHisi'd the emigration of Hussian j
and other Jews to Palestine. lie I
said America was thu modern laud 1
of promise, and he was prepared to
supHrt any well-defined scheme
for aiding Jewish emigrants to set
tle in the I'nitud States or any part
of America.
A year ago this month Hiram
fiibson's baud of stock sheep num
bered 2,2(X) head. Of this number
fifteen hundred head went through
the rigors of last winter without be
ing fed -they wintered on the open
range. I tits spring the Imud shear
iu r-,-"'i.iw norm oi wool, n wns miy uud said: "l in sorry, ma am.
record can le beaten in tho enmity, j but I'll have to leave You next
we should be glad to chronicle it. i month. Me and mv voung man
Prineville News. nrt. j.j,, t0 married then."
One of the western (Irani justices ! "VVr-v uo11' M7." replied the lady,
of the M'aco was appealed to the 1 '"'I''i however that you have glv
otlu r day by a woman who wanted " '"tter careful consideration,
a warrant for the arrest of her bus- '"( eouiitMl thu cost in case ono
band for not supporting the family. makl,H """"take in marrying."
...I fair. Ill" II . ... I . r ll-ill..'
Why,' slie says, "lie lias brought
homo onlv two sucks of Hour, a
bushel of K)lato6s and a cow iu two
weeks. I have said 1 would not
livu with him another day, but as I
have just set a lieu it seems hard to
break up and leave."
The secretary of the interior has
transmitted to congress a letter
from William McKusiek, Indian
agent at the Sletclon agency, South
Dakota, stating that thu SUsetoii
and Wahpctou Indians of Luke
Traverse reservation are iu a most
destitute condition, the drouth of
last year having almost totally de
stroyed their crops. He asks that
$f)0(X) be appropriated for the pur
chase of provisions to keep the In
dians from starving.
Special Kxcursloi) to Salt I.aVe City.
On Tuesday, July l-'thh, low
-..i.... ...ill I... ..ii. r... ii... - ,1
in thu luxury of a salt water swim
... - .. -
nt the celebinted (lurlleld Beach;
making u daylight trip through thu
beautiful Cache Valley and enab
ling sisseugeis to view the magnifi
cent scenery of the Snake River.
Tickets, detailed timu of trains
and general information onu be oh
tainud iipon application to any tick
et ngont I'nioii Pnpiflo .System.
T. W. LHH,
Clen'l Puss. Agont.
. , . ' iii eiiivi ioi uiu '" national Lobor Congress in that
trip between rniou Pacific points . , , , ? ,.
a.,,1 Salt l,.ko City, giving all an c,,y- , 1 hu idea of holding the con
opportunity of visiting the great I ' ''"'rtood to have ongi
melroDolls of t'tnh nnd induluinu I '""-''' with the oflicor of the
In t liinflitr nf iti t .r-mtvcrtil f
?J . T . 'Tl, V
i vuv iu uiu Ullllill l it'll?, minim
i,,.rlrnilP .,., vrMtu ,1(i t
1 Whitmior were npHinted to nssess
damages claimed by Daniel Math -
, ?ws0 l0' toaiou oi mo rono pass-
",n j"oeo.
1,1 l,, ""niter of the petition for a
county road trom tlio Iox valley
road whore it crosses llencli creek
to Hear valley via Mt. Vernon anil
liriili'i' iln Riimn U'ltn ruiiwIiNl
becnuse no twnd had been liled as
liy law required.
Hie county nyscssor wns granted
further time, until October 20th, to
complete the assessment of Crnut
Anntinl rcjiorts of tlie clerk, treas
urer and slierifl' were approved.
Hills aggregating the sum of
0S7 wro allowed and warrants or
dered drawn for tlie name.
Hisliop Turner, a Ceorgia colored
divine, savs that this country owes J
his race a matter of f -IO.OOO.fXX),-1
(XX), or atiout fifty times thu amount
of the national interest boaringdebl 1
for a century of unrequired slave j
China ptoposcs to retaliate
against I no t niteil Mates tor ex
cluding Chinese by shutting out
Ainorieans from "the Celestial
realm. .Most of us will not worry
much ovur the matter.
Frank Jnrvis, who wa recently
round guilty of incest with his
daughter, tins been sentenced by
Judge .Stearns to three years in
the penitentiary. If he Is loally
guilty of tho crime, life imprison
ment would be too good for him.
In voting against the coinage of
silver, .Senator Dolph, of Oregon,
jnjoys the distinction of betraying
the trust imposed iidoii him la
the people of this state ns express-
ed in thu platform of both politi j
eal Mirties iu tho Inst election. '
While Oregon nnd Washington
are rejoicing in the promise of an j
unusually abundant harvest, our '
neighbors just over the water In .la-
pan, nre starving on account of a
failure of tho rico crop Inst year. I
The Niifluring among tiie xoror i
classes is very great, many of them '
buing obliged to subsist on roots and
Iu a letter to thu Philadelphia
Times, Hon. T. W. Palmer, Fx-
Minister to Spain, writes: "Thu ,
Spanish people are peaceful and j
eocoable self-respecting and re-sH-etful.
Treat a Spaniard olitely ;
and you are alwavs sure of good 1
treatment. There are fewer eapital
crimes in Spain than any country
I know of."
It is announced iu Huston that
the scheme whereby all soda water
and beer apparatus interests iu the
I'nited States were to be ainalga.
mated Into a trust and sold to Kn
glish capitalists, hns fallen through,
the broker who was engineering tho
deal having cabled from London
his failure to organize the necessary
It is said that nfter tho census
question "Whether stiiFuring from
acute or chronic diseases, with
name of disease?" a Milferer wrote:
"Consumption, heart disease, pleu
risy, bronchitis, diabetes, softening
of the brain, Ilright's disease, tu
berculosis, and thirty-seven other
complaints." lie had been read
ing a patent medicine nlmnc mid
thought ho had 'cm all.
A servant girl living with a lady
Iu Iowa came to her mistress one
. ..
"." ;. am i g'"" eosi
uiu inn wiiiii iviin uiu iiiimuoiaie
reply. "He has to buy the license
his ow n solf", you know'. 1
An exchange very truthfully
says: "Don't bin mo your newspa
per man for what hnppcrs in tho
community. If there is anything
iu the life of thu place that you do
not wish to go abroad to thu world
blame yourself that It exists not
the jmper for saying something
about it. It is thu editor's duty
to make a typographic photograph
of the town each week, ami if you
take a houiuly picture, don't kick
the instrument to pieces, hut try to
got a butter oxprussion on your
face next time.
One of tlie features of the
World's Fail celebration at Chiua-
ttt irill In tint liililiurr it nit Iittsn
r H ,M,U'
. f l. l .f ait
American rciiuraunii or i,noor,
The presldeiit of tlio Federation
has issued a circular giving an
outline of thu work preliminary to
I tin . . ... i , I i , i i rf tin, iifiiii.riL. .i
IIIU wi fiiii '!. IUII uiu luniuwa
, r .i i... '
"- I"-'P.' "iflrant county for this celebrated
considered by it will ho the adyer- huri (!i(llr sf ,,,,, or k . w,
nihility of forming nn interiintion- , ,e fllMj , Mr. ,Sn,lll(.l.
al labor organization to which ov- ' Hr.viiy Ki'st.
cry workinginan III tlio world may Proprietor Pacific Hrowory, Hnkur
belong. City, Or.
T Uoputy Shcriir Kisk in nt his
ntifil rtiwtit tmt t Att limit ittir lmt fit
n ... ...,,.., ,, ..,
vi iu uiu nni i iuiii miiiiti
nll. Onivnn Citv. for line wines.
liquors nnd cigars."
1 'p10 j,u.jic Hrcwory's Celebrntcd
, u(ier t,0 l)0sl j KnstorI, Oregon, is
now kept constnntly on tap at the
Ked Front Milliard Hall.
The prison imputation of Kngland
Iiiih fiillnn oll'so much of Into years
that out of 11. 't prisons A7 liave
! h,H'n nlttmether closed. IVrtinps
t'"H ",l't foinething to do wttli
1 l"-' i"'iuuu ui niuvneaii priBuim.
; MToiiuoos eruptions, sucn as
Pimples, Discoloration of the Skin,
I osKXMallv on face, are cnuscd by
j impure IiIihhI and will disapcar
j rapidly by using Pfunder's Oregon
Hlood Funtier.
Silva Porto, who committed su
icide iu Africa, wrapped himself
in a Portuguese (lag and blow
himself up with font teen barrels
of gunpowder. Now the question
arises, was tiu worth that much
Thu silver problem may now tic
considered settled as far as eon
ureas is concerned. The hill us it
j enme from tlie conference commit
i tee provides for thu purchase by
thu treasury of -1,000,000 ounces
of silver each mouth. This is not
entirely satisfactory to the extrem
ists, but it is regarded as thu best
that could be douu under the cir
cumstances. Few people would select I'ussin
as a country in which to live, hut
one may be reasonably certain of
getting unadulterated food there.
Persons convicted of selling adul
terated and injurious substances ns
j food iu I'ussin are liable to a tine
of.?'-! 10 or three mouths' impris
onment for the II ri) t olVeiuo. 'I hem
penalties nre doubled for thu sec
ond ofTensc, uud for tho third tho
person loses his civil nnd political
rights. We can learn something
even from Kiifsin.
The mooted question as to wheth
er or not the male elk sheds his
horns each year, after the manner
of deer, was discussed by the press
throughout the state a few years
ago, without being dellnituly settled
pro or con. The buck elli at Dr.
Dellar's ranch near Medl'ord, savs
the Jacksonville Times, settled the
question satisfactorily so far as his
case was concerned, by shedding
his antlers in the most approved
fashion both lust season and (his,
and now has his third set rapidly
shooting heavenward,
. . a
To Wuo.s it M. v Coni-kiin:
I would like for the man who
liorrottcil my lock-chain from I'M,
Shullield while ho was driving my
team, or otherwise took It from my
wiigon while my horses worn gone,
to return it lo me or to the team. I
shall trust to your honesty to do so.
J.vs. A. Lo.ton.
t mi -
! lU:.vriY's Tot it or tiii: Would.
' Kx-Mavor Daniel F. Heatty, of
' Heatty's celebrated organs and pi
anos, Washington, New Jersey, hna
I returned home from an extended
tour of tho world. Head his adver
tisement In this paper and send for
For Sale At a Harc-do.
One pair of sorrel geldings ft years
old, by Mt. Vernon: are out of trot
ting mares, are well broke and gen
tle, well mated and are tho making
of as fast a double team as there is
in this part of tho country. For
further particulars enquire of
(ti.nitm: (iii.vni.Acn.
Closing Out Sale.
The stock of goods belonging to
the late linn of (ico. (iuuillnch A
llro., of Canyon City, Oregon, is now
offered to purehnsers at cost for
cash. The books of said firm nre
positively closed, but cash pur. has
ers can procure bargains by calling
(iKO. (ll'XDI.Arll,
All persons indebted to the estate
of Martin Cundlaeh, deceased, or to
either of tho firms of (Icorgo (Itind- !
laeh A- Hro., and James Norman A
Uo., are urgently requested to coinu
forward and settle immediately, as j
the the business of said estate and !
partnership mi st nr. n.osr.n. All '
notes and accounts remaining uu-J
paid after '-'0th of July next will be '
placed in tho hands of an ollicer for
f!no. Ol'.SDI.ACII,
Pacific Urcwcry Deer,
Notice is herein given that I
have this day established an agen
cy for the sale of tho Heur manufac
tured at thu Pacific Hrewery, linker
City, Or., within tho county of
(irant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
11. Mansoll is the authorized inana-
Herol said Depot
All orders from
A Hold Swinilllnp Scheme.
Mr. Cyrus Hussey, Assistant .Sec
retary of the Interior Department,
nnd Mr. W. M. Stone, Acting com
missioner of the d'eiiernl I, nnd Of
fice, snys u Washington dispatch,
have evidently ollicially encoernged
ono of (he greatest shark schemes
that tho recent history of the Wash
ington departments a'lTbrds. There
are, in the (ioneral Land Office,
over a quarter of a million of pat
ents which the government ought
to have delivered to the patentees,
but which, somehow the government
tins up to the present time failed to
deliver. Mr. Thus. II. McKce dis
covered this, and the idea occurred
to him that he might mnko nionev
oy obtaining the names and ad
dresses of the pntentccs and ofi'ering
i.f iH-i-mi' un-ir jwiciiis ior a ivvcniv
me uoiuir iee in cncn case. .Mc
Kce is superintendent of the House
document room. He associated
himself with two lawyers, and pro
ceeded! to blisinesi. b'eini'
with the following permit from
Commissioner Stone to swindle tho
settlers of the I nld-d States.
'l on have the consent of tho
general hind olllce in kcoui-I mr III
present owners of lands the patents
inoieior which nave been from vari
ous causes retained in this olllce,
instead ot living delivered to them
or their grantees."
Hitssey who was known to be a
ileep dyed reoundrel when he was
apM)inted, ao sanctioned the pro
posed swindle, as follows;
I have received vour letter of
.Nov. at), x ith circulars inclo.icd,
nsking permission to refer to me as
to your character and standing, nnd
It gives me pleasure to say that you
have my iiennission to so refer.''
All kimU of Nitent medicine for
sale nt Sels' store.
Our new "ad." from the entcriiriu.
tug firm of einn (V MeFriad.
Hcppuor, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to gain new trade thev in
tend presenting a fine large book,
which n-tails at f 1.00 each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, boots and shoes, fiats etc., lo the
amount of .?'.:,.( H), allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
One them a trial order, when you
send away for gondii.
Music for the celebratiun of the
Fourth of July, 1777, in l'liiladel
ndelhhiii wns furnished by a baud
of Hessian prisoners who had been
captured a few mouths beforo at
Trenton. Though tho "Star Span
gled li'iiiiner" nnd lnil Coluin
hia" hud not appeared in the list
of our national airs at that time,
it is on record that the music fur.
nished by these Hessians, the most
detested of all the soldiers tent
over by King (icorgo to subdue
the independent spirit of colonists,
"giontly admired.1' As thu lies
sinus had no principle at btaku in
the conflict that was then at its
height, being merely hirelings of
tho Ihiti.h king, it is fair to pre
sllinu that thoy u-oro ns well emi.
lent in the occupation of playing
for a celebration nf the declniiition
of Independence us tlu-y would
hnve been had I hey been piping
strain of in-irtial music to encotir.
age an attack it jkiii the colonial
troops. He this as it may, the
llosslans played and the pn'triotic
peoplo of loyal Philadelphia enjoy
ed the music that they made theiu
1 HI years ago.
A cattle king of Arizona, whoso
nnmo is not divulged, but who must
bo K)s0Bed of tin exceedingly
peaceful conscience, is at the Pas
teur institute, at New- Voj-k, for
treatment. A uileeat ate oil' the
patient's ear while the latter was
sleeping the sleep of the just, in
front of his cabin door, in thu land
of sage brush and cacti, and ho
fears hydrophobia as a result of tlie
wound which deprived him of his
right auiicle. Oregon is noted as
the laud where K-nple can sleep
long and soundly, but it will have
to take off its hat, metaphorically
sH'aking, and salute Aii.ona, as
outranking it upon this nioM)sitiou.
True, wu have a record of a case
wherein a man slept on while his
wifu was shot and killed in the bed
beside him, mid another wherein a
woman snored Kmcefully while the
same tragedy was being enacted
with her husband in the title rolr,
but the evidence showed that tlie
muii, in the first instance, wasd.-nf,
and that tho woman, in the other,
wns not an afi'eetioiiato wife, vvhos
ears are ever on the alert for that
which forebodes harm to her lord,
hence Oregon must yield the palm
to Arizona, as the great somnific
suction, where u man can sleep un
til he gets his nap out, oven though
ids ear bo chewed oil' by a rabid an
imal iu tho interim. Orcgonian.
IIji.'I Clo Off llrfiro Vnc tiro Krcilr,
rrtutti&rlf on a Iuk v-mmtj-, lie .'.illjr )ira
I . . 1 1 I . You caiiuoI l, I'CiinU at lo ay, un
l nu am acouir.; a.... J wall Die trailor' tojrH' vi'I-i imrum, IIimUIIci'i
hUiniAi'h IlklUM. ui"-: ui neiuiuN,
..(rliinaUitu -.. i-i,uiiit h '! itixottion.
..fsiu.t in mu. !,. iii tin i n. iT.inie '!
t' liTi,U'll ( un ity i-.MiLnl or ui.urliiili).
wiiii SimiiI i Mi if i m .iIit, n.'rr-muc..
Iiii-iraicil tijr O-sv l, ! Illin.iiiei4 ntiJ
coi..liiMein, Ok' linn i n-iKU ro-
iimiitu. 11 liniari" ii for f-mil alto
Ketriar lo yur l.i-lo, ant norciil It (nun ilu
KiinwiiiK Willi ymi. wh lliuru surli A
CKlnlll I III n j( fir 1 1.0 ;.( .1 .ciiulu irio,it a
v h.i 'Mali 111 ilrcu-i ot lim bi l umVail local.
SC.iii irlno ttt.it1 lo r.ii'.ol ly HI ireinml
i"UnitaiJrti,liii.i'ii i.uiiiHct. an. I mluini
Inner ktllo.1 .u imiway rv-.liiuraul. la nwn
rum. ilieil liy thai Uiiu.r, wlucli gye n ijulmua
alto lo rlicumtUiui, Udccy troullta ulU m-iomuiu.
From Professor J. P. I.ooney, Principal
Kulton Public Schools, in I-'ovor
of Drs. Dirrln.
Kditor Oregoninn Dear Sir: I
am not in tho habit of puffing ad
vertising doctors, but I cannot let
this opiwrtunity pnss without men
tion, in justice to the nlllietod as
well as Dr. Dnrriu. Tho doctor has
cured mcofa trouhlesomo catarrh
and bronchitis of seven yenrj' stand
ing, by electricity and medicine.
The cure is perfect and permanent,
and I will answer nil letters ml
dressed to mo at Portland.
.1. P. I.oo.vkv.
There is somethinc nbout the suc
cess Prs. Pnrrin nre meetinu with
which is Jruly haul to credit, yet
wo have it from persona whose vor
acity we cannot doubt, that their
curiu are remarkable. Tho ubovo
case is peculiarly striking. Profes
sor Loouey is a man of undoubtful
integrity and wvll known through
out the statu and nation. Tho
nliovoeird nbout Drs. Darrin i'h
IHisitiw proof of (he unexampled
success which attends their treat
ment. It shows how radical nn
well as uin-xiKcti-d, uro many of
their cures, and Imw chronic, diseas
es of many years duration are tilla
ble to resist their .kiil, ami is but
one of the many i-iikm wlil-h tho
doctors hnve uud-ii taken, and is on
ly one of the scores of patiutiU whom
they have redored to h.-alth. Thu
author of the above statein.'nt, wo
have full assurance in saying, was
actuated iu publishing thu same by
no other motive than gratitude foe
his utire and a desire to muko
known the means to others ns un
fortunate as himself. When wo re
flect what a gteat boon h health
when we i onsider that without it
the slightest uppr.noh to happiness
is iniposidbh that it is, in nhorr,
the greatest earilily blesisini; can
we be othi nvise than iiuniensniubly
sui prised to fhd anyone who Iiiih
lost this grvnl tret's irv, nnd hesi
tate to follow a plaiidy dt lltiv d path
loading to itH icv. v ry'.' Tu see a
sick man or woman i olect or re
fuse to visit Dr, Dnrriu. who may
do him or her seme go ui, niol (un
not do harm, i equally an inexpli
cable invsUri'. Try them, at all
events, coinm n shho would sur-
gest. A consultation will cost you
nothing. The do -tors could fill
this page with restMinsible certifi
cates, but thei- in so widespread it
is tinuooossnrv. The doctors treat,
nil chronic diseases at their parlors,
iu the Washington building, corner
Washington and eoilrth streets,
1 '
" Mr. Wannainaker says onu cent
letter pontiign is coining. Nobotlv
doubts that, but when (
Tlie Imimitanro ot jairlfyliirt tlio tilonii r.m
nol l.i iiicieiUmiiti-il, fur ualuuil I'tuo bluwl
you cannot rnjny cooil lu-allh.
At Dili eaon nearly i-vety nno n-ii1t .i
tuoil iiii-illeinu In imtlfy, Vltullio, nnil t iiilcli
tlio MimhI, ami uu n.k you l.i try Hnoil'
Pnnillnr H.iroirlllJ. ltnln-uiiilieni
r CCll I let I aj I,,,,,,,, ,,
create! an fi)rUle, nml tones tho ilisnOon,
nlillc It rraillr.ili-n i1im-m Tim ullar
eoinlilii.illoii, iroorln'ii, r.nil in-pto.-iUaii
of lliri veci-tnlla ruin 'tie uteil give to
Hikm- Hariiiarllli in-iiil- -T'r. Ifoolf
lar curallio mviirJ. J.a ' J lloGII
oilier ini'illeiiioli.K mii li ,i rrr r-l of lUmJerfiil
eurei. If you li.iv. i. n;. ),,i,r n,uu t
litiy llanl'sHarsniurill.l iluimt liu llnlin-eil to
takci any otln-r ln-ii-i.l. It h n l . ullar
Mrillrlue, ami 1 vv itliy nr rni.'il e.
IImhI'i H.ira; r.:'H'"i'i ) il . : r ,:;ti.
J'ic, arcit ly f 1 I!-- 4 i, C" , J.outii, Man.
100 Dooos Ono Dollar
The Road to Wealth!
Cinnol be luccc:itullr IfiitleJ .llli
out yooJ health. To reach wealth or any
coieltJ position In life require tho lull
poiteulon and operation ot all the lac
utile kind nituri hil endoixil ut mllh,
Ihut condllloni eanr.ol eiltt unlcuf-o
phjilcal being It In perfect torklny
order, and thlt It Impottlblo when llm
liter and tpleen are turpld, thutobttrucl
Ing the tecretloni, earning Indlgetllon
and dtptpila, with oil ol their accom-
pining horrori.
English Dandelion Tonic
eniti a tpevllto Influence oier the liter,
eiclttt II to healthy act Inn, reioliot Itt
chronic engorgemtnlt, and promol-t the
ticretlonti cunt Indlgetllon ai d contll-
pillon, tharptnt the appetite, tonet up
the entire t)ttem, and makct l:le norlh
Tlio ilyiii-Hlr, llm tti lilllluliul, m Iii-Uk
r Iroiu tun- of mull uf luliiil or
buily, ilrliilt or cxitoMiro In
Malarial Regions,
vrlll II ml Tult' I'lIU llm iiiokl uciilnt
rrkloruilvo t ior ullVri'il tlio kiitloilu"
Try Thorn Fairly.
A vlcuruu linily, iiir lilmul, htruns
Konrceumt u i lii'i-iliil uilliil w III t-ukutu
Xs M W ?JK.
V Aiww wirwrtwHi 1
. ,
-r- it
-X .
-.V ' .