THE GRANT CQUHTY NEWS, Thursday, duly 17. LOCAL BREVITIES. All kind of jmUmt mulleins for ShIp at SU' store. MtM Alms. Le is tenoning scltoal ntKpanisit Culctt. Jns. Small sold hi crop of wool in Sn FraiKiiaco (4ii your, we nre in fo me J, fer S2 mils rr jkhiwI. Ho soimwd early mid Imd nmnrkubly elanu wool. A reward of 925.00 wns ottered for Urn cantoro of th Umatilla bonw llilorM aful aa Mr. ItUntmi muLurHt) mie of them he ihwild lwve at lws-t luULUtat sttm 'SheiiH' Creaap went over to the up per Jmhuii rork mihi itrrtMLeo uimi. Itiiriu for hitting Prank Hampton oer lha 1imI with a leer faucet at John lMy aoino time ago. Crops on the upjier South I'ork nie r)Ortel tw looking fine, a tltey do in all mrts of (irant county. Cultivated flekt and the wild htock mnjv) nrc t i t 1 it .7 V"1 "i ' driver, K.l. MlmllielU will Toot up at tiirw of year. om luiIirw, dollars. John Heatty and wife, ju.t from j .n,0 uw of tllP ,itUt, yonmit lWudwrg, Scotland, .uTiv.Hl m town ! MM tml amwim Mnw j0in Inst 1-ri.lay m. their way ta Dayv.lle , ,)av , A, wn, fmm), u ffnv ,,VH whore they will locale. II.m elau of ! m t,e nerimer ranch hv oina iiiuiiigrauti is what (Jmnt cotuily (lijnumeu. ueods, and thev aw welcomed in our . - ,,,1,,, " S. Southwoith Is CiiwipV olfico deputy. Mr. Simmer has no togolar J. I . .McU,y, the .-illcieiit black- , (e)Uty upjuUrd, but es-clrk Meacb smith nt Ommte was in town Him , ,uill ,,, ut . Sutlmi bkiHl are ist woek, assisting the Unmtdla enuity ; ; i.i,,, ; i.:. ..iii. sitoriii to capiun ins norie tliiuvcs. Mr. McCov has Ikm.ii an- pointod n i-eular deputy by Shcritl' Jas. lxftou lPturiuHl from llcppner lust I'riilHV, linviug with great ditlicul ty found his three horses aUmt thiity miles from enmn. I he u i vr wh took the team over could not be found or heart) of, and Mr. Lofton was idud enough tn get bis team luck without hunting for any stray drivers. Mr. Ivd. HeU of this city h one of tho firm of llrock it Sels, drugiiit.i, of HHImImh'o. I'M. has k own up in Can yon City, and it is the desire of nil bis friends Unit he may pronper in his lar ger field of biudnesa. At present bo has charge of Sels' store here, and loaves the ding himiuuui in charge of his .utmir. Messrs, Hays and Turner, miners in tho country adjacent to Cnmite, i'iint iti inti n M iittiln n ml mi Iwt X i:ws a ploiiskint call. TIio.mi gentle - moil reiwiit propiicU good lor ir a hely quart, mining camp in th it Miction. They were over on county road busi ness, and should have good roadii into thy mines. xToin Smith while tiding after tock on his ranch up the alley one day during the week had ono of his legs broken aUive the ankle by his horse, falling into a bidder hole ami falling ii, mt, liliii 111 ll.tili.i- llii, l.,-i,l- ou 1 tonus and roioiU the patient get ting along as well as couitl ho expect' od under the circumstances. Tommy Moliwan the genial propri etor of the ltaker-C-anyou stage lino gave us a call tho other day and in formed us that he would hereafter ad vance charges on express matter for nHnsiblo pa i ties over here. This will prevent much delay, for instead of having to send the cash to It.ikor Ik for ft tecKuj;e ean lm fonuirdod the stago will luiiig it tight through. Subsci'ilMirs often complain of not receiving their N nvs legulaily nt some of the iou0icej. This can be no fault of ours, as tho tapers nro rogu. I u ly mailc.l here in package for isich pottjfiioe. Po-itiiiui,trs are gonojidly pretty careful,, but sometimes a wiper will stray into the worng man's lsx. lien you lad to receive your wa will try to furnish you with an extra copy. ' Deputy Kherill' Jones of Umatilla county c ha seil two horse thiol e into this county and last Saturday at Hiiokhdicrry Pint ojiptured one iiiiiiumI Stallbrd. The other, a Stanih "gum xur," run to the tiinUir ami could not Im found, but Sunday lit was seen on the road up Canyon criwk afoot. The ollicers wuih imtitiwl, ami Monday the thief was captured at Soda Springs by D.ivid lilaiitou and held for deputv Minim iiuiiua. iney umy biuiuii ihi.-wi j upieoe, anil whilu staked out on tho i :n i ....I.... i... siuo-hlll tho Suniard s horse choUod , himself to durith, leaving hint afrot, Uiskiitg his oiiitute ealur, Ihey wiiro both given u shoit time to rest in the Jail here, and then taken to Pun dit) ton. A sad mishap imfel Win. Duiutan of the Middlt Fork country Inst Thurs day while ho wits using giant powder. A stick exploded in Ids left bund, blowing the Land complete, y oil', hu sides injuring the other hand ami oth erwise injuring hhii. Dr. Piudnii miis sunt for and univixl there xoinu twou- tv hours after the .lei-blent. Ho at j oniHt irifiu-tned the family that Hliintl tation of tho hand would m naoessiiry, mid if tliey desjied to cull iddilional aid it was neoessiiry to do so nt once. Dr. Fell was sent for but for somu on use was unable to touch the place in a imis'jiiublo time, and ns the band was then boiiiniug to moitify, Dr. Prudeii adutiiiistei-ed chlorofniiu nnd aufmnHi;l tlis operation alone ipul wo uiiilerstmid to bus pcrformpd sov oral suob oMiratious alone taking oil' the liauil nbovo Uio wihl. At lastau uouiits Ui itiaii wns gutting along as wall as could ho oxinwtail unilor the urauinsUuM uml owing to tho warm Tle Joint Dnv wnirou rend from IVmlhtUm is now flniilssd te thoCnnit etmnty lino. tfmtit county is rewly lo jwy nil outatnnditMf warrants rogistorod prior to May Ith. JSS7. .1. Diirkheimar nntl I. Baer came over from Burns .Monday ami report business good over tliam John McOuIImtgh lm Uwaht ttt of Alv mIviiihi,i mi ........ ti mnL-inir 1ii'ili ..... .i,.'M Attorney Parrish who went with John Devine to Burns on legal busi ness U once more nt his ai of duty. It I a melnneholv fact and much to lie regretted that good pcoplfl wIm) want only what k ftzhl often i wlut want nlilv i)nl i riwlit ! get what is left. j CommiMi'onera coutt i still in ae. , inn when thii N'kws i prinUKl, eon , idernbl busineta having emne U'foin i the lKrd nt this term. The daily edition of the Hakcr City Hlade, which took the Aacoci ntwl Press distiches, baa suspend ed for lack of patronage. .Ins. Lofton resrts that bis loss I " " I I IVl Ilk V r. tl 1 Mill W VI tUZ & Mrs. K'idd was caught last week selling whisky to Indians at Pendleton, and was promptly ar rested by a C. S. marshal. " Pen dleton evidently bus some bad kids. Col. Mason of the Agency, and Henry Miller of California, IdIIi it'p- ' 'renting the Pacific Liu- Mo:-k Co., operating in Harney county, ur in town last week on business fur the coinnuy. David ltlanton inform the Nt:ws Unit haying is pregiesii!i( in I tear val ley w ith a big crop, and that the val ley has lecuiveil a muulier of new set tlers this iuiiiuiur, all being well plwis ed w ith the country. The M-ople in linker county want a K)stollice between Haker City and Canyon City, nnd have asked that William Parker be appointed post master at Parker's Station. In all probability this will he done our borsenian have decided that )e cavusc must go. This ikihv 1ms served a puroso long and well; but like bis original owners he is doom ed; and in a few decades he will live only in stories that arc told. Duiistan, uholokt a hand hint week by an explosion of giant powder uai an old Cornish miner, nnd had used the explosive all his life. Those are the men who ifeiierully Ixicome careloni in the matter, however, and meet with accidents. Some one lout a copy of last u nek's Nkws in the mountains and t'lmiley lliinu saw a Wr reading aliout the iiumeusu huukleWry crop nvur noitli. As a o0tisiNuouc0 Indir tracks have U'eii muiiHrous orossing the vallny alut Dayvillo. Nothing like adver tising. (.'iiinite folks complain about not receiving their Nkws until a week nf- ter publication, when they should to- cetve it tho next day. The until bnves heio ThunHluy morning, reaching llrttteu Friday morning seml hours lxifore tho stage for Cnmite leaves, and if it is not put in the through sack mid sent to linker it ousht to U. bent up to firanite. If such is the ease the defect should Is. remedied. . . Mi ' Pouun 1 ttthe regulnr meeting of llobilll O. O. I'., last 'I hursdnv even ing, I i-.t. Deputy Oram! Master, A. J. Hay ley inttiltod the following olli- cer: S. Oir. N. (i.; D. I. Aslmry, ! V. (!.; D. (i. Ovurholt, Tieas.; (!. 'l, ! Hazeltiiie, See; J. A. Whitman, Warden; J. J. MuCullough, Conduc tor; i. D. Iticl.urd, I. (!.; Phil MuUcIiau, It. S. X. (!.; Ini Sprniil, I.. S. N. (!.; N. II. Holey, It. S. V. C; I. J. HaguowisHl, I S. V. !.; W, It. Cuitnington, It. S, S.; J. W. Powell, L S. S. John Fisk ami Tom Douglas liave , .. . i n t . t .. iKjtn leturue'l irom II Hunt alter lliu escape. I piisonwrn 1'isk from Oreun- ,0, n tnouiiUiin ami Douglas from linens. Wo understand that Fisk chased them awhile and lost their trail, and that Douglas hoard of them in Harney county. This is icoountsl e : i.:i f.i....i ii..i.. i.;..i 7 l' ,'" rlmslnir litem iiiiiiiiul I i rtmnhoril mountain wh.ut his horse slinneil ami -a - they got uway fo, him. Hither this j and sent into Harney county, ' nut Isyiug nil jukes aside they liave not I oen uniighl. and purluip never wjll while the county foot (ho bill fur nil ttinj.U to get them Holt. Hall tho Harney uounty cen sus ouuuieiator who tut nod bis job over to another man, had his trial 1st fnre Judge Dendy, at PoiUaml, and we nro Imppy to my, was promptly uc cuitUl. It was found tliut .Mr. Hall, nut coiisideiing himielf ooniieteiit for the work, bud placed it in the hands nf one wlia was, and so fur from intend ii (4i commit any oH'cnse, had tuusl his liet judgment in oiidunvociiig to fcuoure n eiutieintion. As lliu work was well douo Mr. Hall wan id lowed to plead ignoraiioe and iitpouiio toncy. Itwasaiisky piecp ot busi ness, but does not (tpMinr so bad iiow, since Mr. I (all lias oouta out all right. COMMISSIONURS' COURT. Court met in adjourned term Juihj 3. II. Statisell was Knuitix! license to sell liquors in Canyon Citv pre cinct lor a iieriod ofUn months. Sam Cnrncntcr. W. B. Onrnenler ; and T. K. (iurneo were npiwinkHl j viewers ami (lew. Knisley surveyor , of ,1,c I'll county road leading ' iro' me junction ot Ulive and Hour ! creeks to Austin. The c laim of 1'. Oaris for damn - ges hy reason of the location of tho IIoppncr-Monutuenl wagon road through his lauds was disallowed. mine and showing ti a fine body of part it 1ms taken in helping to sub l!etort of the coinmi..siotiers a p. ' ore containing black sulphurets ami due the wilderness and fit it fur the , jted by act of the legislature to ! I000'-' tl,e frol Ib'ppner to; ! Monument was approved, and that I Krlion ol the road situnlod in (Irani county was declared a county j road. ' " I Hills to tho amount of f"2t,2..'H5 were allowed nt the adjourned term The Ploenix mine has recently started on bis successful tramp in and warrants ordered to Ikj issued j been Iwuded to eastern capitalists to Kentucky to subdue that patlic tlierefor. ' for $ I5,(XH). j ular part of the wilderness and civ- Court met in regular seasion July ' The Mitchell, or Little Virginia, : ilixo the natives, he tmik along bis thb, and Umds of elected ollicers J i "till showing up a tine vein of free ' father's blesM'ng and this knife. As were approved and certificates of 1 milling ore, nnd hoisting works are j lime rolled on Col. Turner's grand election issued. ! being erected thereon by San Fran-, father joined Mr. Hoonc, and that is Court was besieged with the us-1 cisco parties. This mine it is claim- the reason we came into jossesiun ual amount of road business, and J od is in linker county, but the line ! of the knife nnd its bisloiy. !S3tm of the petitions set aside by Iwtween the two counties is in such j In what is now Hoonc county. reason of their not Ix-ing made m legal form. , On the Application of J. C. Clover, John Winkle was declared a county charge. Win. tiillia was npHinled consta ble of Warm Spring precinct. ltoad lending from junction of Ol ive nnd Clear eteeks wns declared a public bighwnv, and tho siiwrvisor ; was instructeil to oismi same fori iniblic travel. Same, in tho matter of the road leading from NW corner of Sec 27. Tp 1 1, S K 'ill to the 5)" mile jsmt on the Peiidlelon road survey. In the matter of Olive K Prine and another sensou wo may reason for damage in the sum of f'-VKRJ i nbly exjicet nioh' substantial work by reason of the location of a conn-1 ! If done in the vicinity of (irecn tv road through the nremises of i Iioru mountain. saiil Olive K Prine, L. Sweek, Geo. Haker and Sum Franklin were up jHiinted to rn-soss Mich damages. On application of (I corgi- (iund Inch Prtd Miller wasdcclaieda county charge, being unable to earn n livelihood for himself by reason of IhkUIv infirmities. Five dentils from sunstroke oc curred at Chicago, Wednesday. Hands for tho bay fields are in demand, being rather scarce as usu al. wise man and a fool under stand each othor letter 1 1 nt it two wise men. it is so easy to make promises and it is to hard to got other people to ucep tliem. !v, A magnet bus been discovered Hint will attract gold. It may cause a revolution in mining. The close M'lifon on grouse ended on (be loth ins!. It is said that they are unusually plentiful this year. L. W. Smith, of Reuben creek, Josephine county, picked up a uug- r, ji-t weighing i)X.'JU ono day recent- Tho Cuited States laud ollice in this city is well "ollicered" two colonel? tu id a captain. Dalles Sun. VSumll bands of entile have been j frook county this vonr at ml aVerngo prioeof KJ.IXJ per head, This is considered low, taking Into j (...nHilerntion the loss sustained biht ! winter, , 1 A great gold discovery has been ! .I"",ll ,nt, 1 ,,M-I. Colurn.lo, and It 1H 8ui1 ha. f 1 -S . ,tKH),(KK) Worlll ol Kold 111 Hiilllt. II lllls lie true it will lie the richest the world. find" in Old Aunt Peggy Hnrnes, a color ed woman, nged 10") years, died Julv Hd, ut Petaluma, 'Cal. Shu ; was born in Virginia and was a slave until sho wns brought to Cull- , fornin In the fifties. j Tho navy department having re j ceived informatioii of trouble iniiui j nent U'twecu Salvador (luateninla, bus onlered the I'liiteil Stales hlfi1 lllitfkl Ifiiiiiistl ilinl MMikIIu ii. nr.,. j rt i ip, is, i i n t a uuun n occd together to Central America and look after the protection of j Ameriunn interest. 1 Tho La Hclb vuo mine at Cranlto is in that sltajm that ils purchase by u wealthy syndicate is daily ex pected. Wy Iiomj tliitt suob a re sult will folluw and feel confident that whoi..fc(K.ver may beenmo ll,e ... ." l'"""T,B v ". ..r ti.i. .1 mi "j "nvw im,,Bt) ' rt-'Ft It -Ucn)- ILi s i . . . . aii 1 minimi editor received a gilt uf a barrel of very bard cidor from an admiring subsprllmr, and the next tlirco issue of bin paper brouglit Idiu seven libel sulls, four lickings and a notice ol his dismiss al from the fold of the hard-shell Haptist church. When nu hipiihlp editor uses bnn cjder for inriiio matter, tho results siiiuetimes verge on the terrible. Hubert Bruce, of Pendleton, who is tired of rending of runaway acid dents, is jierfcctilig a licvjcc'tp. pre vent ruiintynys, and hn onpliud In tto patent office fur protection. Tho jdeu is a novel one, never ilrcitiiicd ufby uny previous iiivonlor. .Mr. Bruce says that lie will Ih able tq perftct bis invention it) spelt a man ner that it will save tunny a broken neck nnd limb if generally used. NEWS l'ROM ORUKN1IORN. UniTon Nkws: No doubt n few facta in regard to this mining sec tion of (Irant county would he In teresting to your readers ami give the world some knowledge of what wo aro trvitiK to do. The mining ititcrcjt is looking uj, anil new discoveries nro from time to time boinjj made, which augurs wen lor tne iniuro 01 mis enmp and the surrounding country. j A new discovery has lately lieen ' made on an extension of the Morris I mine, lying to the north of that born i Mr. born silver.' Turner rejiorta a gooil diseov- ' cry made on his mine, the John I.. ; Millivan. It is Iiokm1 that this t strike is as hard, solid ami rich as any of the $.V),(HXi Mrikos that John I., ever made in tho prixe ring. a siiajie Hint the only way we can tell what county we lielong to is lo watch the sheriiraml assessor when they come over in their ollicinl ca pacity. I'or the good of the com munity in general the boundaries should 1k more definitely establish ed and the mines of this country thrown into one county or the oilier the writer prefers (irnut county, Capital is all that we need in do- ' veloping some of the best mines ' here to Ik found on the coast, nntl : enpitnl is slowly making its way i into our camp. This year will mark . a rami siruie in developing worK Hrii.ioN. Hoto tho Itcd I'rout Hilliard Hall, Canvon City, for line wines, licuors ami cigars. A man whose wife's good looks were tho only anchor for his love, says: "Sho is a thing of beauty, and a jaw forever." The census enumerator got donU on n man's name, which is of ten more thnn tho owner of the liiltuo could ever get on it. The King of the ISolgians recent ly traveled LvlOO miles to nrosciit l,n.v itersonnlly to Queen Victoria it bou ipict measuring three feet across. "I come high, but thoy would have me," remarked tho Texas horsethief, ns the Ihivs swung him i "p to the tallest tree in the group. ,' The statistics of wild boasts n ! India for I.S.S'J show thai they do not grow any less deadly. Twenty. , two thousand, nine hundred and seventy jiersons were killed in ISM), nn increase of 000. ' A Pcnitsylvaiiln Judge refused i , iiaturalintiou to a Chiuaiirui. The j 1 light is spreading. Not long ago ' 1 It was easy enough for a Chinaman j to gel his papers in the east tu du ll.uuc of law. I Any book of Homs which has tho ! word "tvrant" in it can not pass the KusfUn frontier. The Cnr : thinks it a direct hit at him. An Kuglish book was lately tabooed be 1 cause it had the sentence, "Cod's free air." All tho air in Kussia Itc hing to royalty. It is siiid that a btrgti number of bornes have alrendy been driven j from this side of the mountains in ; to the Willamette valley for sale, i Though Webfoot is not a first-class ! horse mniliot, a good many bunch. I grass htiises are sold there each , vcar. Ochueo Hcview. ' If Mrs. Page, of Ingerwill, Texas, i keeps at it she will soon have a largc-sUcd I'amily Ixiok in her bouse bold. Sio nreseiited lier husbnnd with four little Pages the other duy, and hati previously contributed three pairs of twins tn tho house bold. Hut there's lots of room in Texan and the ople of that slate mod not fear a crowd fur some time to ennui. . . . . . . . "ne night during the wcok a horse ' ooionging to a i iiiiiaman nciow John I 'ay and a horse and two sad dles, the property of John Sllvics residing tin the I'd at valley nwd, wcie stolen. Some people have an idea thai the theft wns committed by the esciiKid Jail birds, but the nrulmhilitifs are that some other lliiefiir thieves are operating on their credit. No contract bus been awarded yet to any erson fur carrying l lie inn'! hot woe ii ihia plane unil Mew. nr. Tlicic l always a delay in such n.utlers, hut in thisasb the time is stretched out lunger thnn usual. Uncle BjugiT lleriiinuil will liave tu prtHl the ieprlilleitt want their mail are sitting on the anxious sent .' . ,. ,w,,m" V ""T"' yvviuM iMiuinuniiiy, mo younir man residuiit of San balvRdur, u in Chi-. osuo. lie savs: " lino Is trooblt. 1 '"lM:. ""., 'V"'" ,B. 1 0"u'." urciving in nu uie uomru i meri- can republicans. 1 understand that ' large shipments uf nriili ttml mil- Uiuuitimi Imye Uhui Hindu (luriiig ' to lust two ttr ibrco weeks from Han Francisco. If this U true h bitter warfare is sure to be waeed. , , . , , , i , , w ' resulting in much bl(KMlim. A Knife Anil Its llistwy " Turner who resides Col. W. M. nt Greenhorn mountain and is large- ly intereatcd in mine, there, mo - the editor with a common iHH kei knife while in town the oth- 1 er day, that has a peculiar history, inasmuch as its useluluess dates lo the lime when this country of ours was hut little more thnn a wilderness. The history of the knife is such an one as would entitle it to an hon ored place among the archives of the government for the prominent bubiltttion of the millions who call our glorious country their home. No greater a iiersonnjio than Daniel Hoonc s rather Innight the knife at an bumble village in Ohio, paying therefor two coon nkins to a trailer. When Daniel became of age and Kentucky, where the greater num Iht of Hiwne's exploits were had, Daniel and the elder Mr. Turner wore riding along the road relum ing from a Methodist cntnp meeting, and slopped in a turnip field to fill up on raw turnips. While they were busy doing Ibis I bey did not notice n bunch of redskins who sneaked up and stampeded their horses. The two men were now in ! n sorry plight, and must light their i . adversaries band to hand (they had bows nnd arrows, but would not shoot the men, but were Having them ' lot u .urw. ...nnii- put on aniie up lus sleeve and assumed an atti tude of humble icsignatlou until ' the Indians went to see and bind him. when he struck right mid left with his faithful blade, felling sev en Indians to the earth. At this opjKirtunc moment sonic horsemen coming along the road frightened I the remainder of the band and they j made off. I Thus, from lliu humble occupa tion of peeling turnip the knife was suddenly transformed into an tdixir of life, and was the means of saving Boone and Turner from a death at the stakeand making slenk for lieliau dogs. Several yonis before bis death Boone presented the knifo to Col. Turner's grandfather its a keepsake, and as time rolled on the historic memento descended into tin (nickel of (he Col., w ho now piescnts it to the Nkws iis an evidence of good will. We prize both very highly. , . I'or iUc At a U.uyaln, One pair of sop el geldings .1 years old, by Ml. Vernon: nro out ot' trot ting marts, me well broke and gen tle, well mated and are the making of us fast a double team as there is in this part of tho country. For fui tie r particulars ompiire of llllolllli: lit'Mil.M'lt. . ci lint weather is still doing bust nexs nt the old stand nil orders promptly attended to from '.) a. in. to 7 p. in. A memorial in favor of free wool has Ui u scut to (ho Somite Finance Commuted by tliu Wool Column its' .Wodallt'iii. The heat was so Intense last Sun day in the Imok country of S.tu Di- : egu county that it melted Uij hon ey in the hives, The Pacific Brewery's Celebrated Beer, the best in I'Jnsterii Oregon, is now kept constantly on tap at the Bed From Billiard Hall. An eiifderii paper has made the startling discovery that the Hies are not m numerous as they were last milium r. 1 1 will Iniic an ollicinl count Ui make nnvlxHlv believe it, 1 says an Kv. The farmers nf Haglc valley, Ba ker county, uie willing tu mini rue t the sale uf Ibeir bay nl 'J per ton. There is an abundance, as well us in every seel ion of tho country, ami what to do with their product pux.h s them. A straw hold In the mouths of tim e ruts drew the attention of Sum Bailey of Nnsbville, Mich, to the strange sight. Thoy were traveling ulung the road, three nhreast, and Hani discovered that the two outside rats were thus lending the centre one, which was old nnd blind, Vnncouver llcjjUton Several weeks ago a young man by tho name of Mattsoit, of litis county, but at work in Portland, swallowed a b-cch while drinking mil uf a luiso. As soon as it got into his sioiuuch it took bold. The young man went to u number of leadinu Portland , m t v. i. .. : t a i. . . ' i i lot inu IH I atUllt'OII was u robust Hwedo, but within I Hecks he had wasted uwuvvorv :r ; ". advised him to go home nnd take his treatment- tu Iwd ami keep ., .. ... . tuk n big jug of firewaU r home will. nlrt.T.a ..f..ll" t..r .1 'n mi. am Kept lull lor ll.rcv days, 'inn y t ho oec b Uul t hunk from the avJJn lip. l.Kl nnd Ul gu Mnttwuii bsgan U improve - ni unco and is now as well s ever. It is said that a iiuiiiIkt are now I trvinu this new reinedv lo kill a I t.wli i.r. ili,.. i.u. i 1 ii......ti ii. p ,VB Wi9 in thotr Ktomnohs. l .Many North Carolina negroes , took to the woods to dodge tho eon 8Um ' ' """ iT ' ,,H ' a , ,K,rw" Ht 1 l"r uwetted onttlo at per hmd and lieinl. The wild strawberry crop in tho mountainous districts of this coun ty is abundant, nnd the berries are unusually large In Cincinnati tho price of coal is niglier lieeause I he men who shovel it ami deliver it demand that ice water lie furnished them Just cause for complaint about the SiunshcN intruding and running game out of the country can now bo found the woods arc full of them. The tunnel under the Hudson river between New York and Jersey i City, which has Ik-cii so much talk ed nlnnit for a dozen years, is now Hearing completion. Well informed cattlemen esti innte Hint there will not be more than IHOO bead of lieef cuttlo for snlo in Crook county this fall. There nre usually more thnn twice that number. A great howl it going up from va lions cities nnd towns in diU'erent parts of Hie t'nited States over the censes oniiinernlion, the complaint in every instance being that the i . . .." . population is greater than reported ny llio enumerators The nMlotllcc department has de cided to make no more compromi ses on failures to ieiform star-route services, but will pro-wiito the con tractors by both criminal and civil action when they do not carry out the agreement entered into. It is the editorially expressed (minimi of il. I'i ( iiei,,,:.ii. il,,.t ( nn.,,,!,,,, ,,f (), lt.i.isluturo from .,.,... , L't'ii should insist on the huildlnjr of a branch asylum in thin part of the state next year. Thirteen "Veueturiait Sniritunl. ists" in one resilience nt Fttllcrton, Los Angeles county refused lo an swer ipiestiotiH of census enumera tor on Ihe ground that it was "against the dictation of their great spirit to answer ipicstiotis." Hcatty's T..i h up Tin: Woui.n. Kx-Moyor Daniel F. Beatty, of Bcally's celebrated organs and pi anos, Washington, New Jersey, has returned homo front nu extended lour of the world. Head his adver tisement in this p:tHr and send for catalogue. A person or a placo might as well be out of the word us out of fashion. Therefore it will bo in order for Canyon City to make a kick nt her census enumerator soon, for fear he won't out the population of tint phico high uilDUgh. That's the way they're all doing. An ingenious statistical! bus made the interesting calculation I lint tin; women of the Cuited States Use enough paint on thoii faces every year to paint 117,000 houses. Vet whi le is tho woman who will not upbraid her husband for oceasiounlly naintini tho town? . r Tho French Minister of tho III- terior rccnitly ordered a complete ; census to be 'made of tho carrier i pigeons throughout Franco. It is . shown bv the returns that in c,,. ! of war the army con icly upon the . : . f . . I r Mi! .. services of half a million of these hirtU, It is said thai Wiinnmakcr has uspirations to lie the republican nominee for president in IMli!, ami that he is trying hard to elFect it compromise between tjuny and Mngco in I'enni.yhniiia. llosttvs unless then' Iwo bossc can agree upon n iandnl tc for governor, IViiiisvlviiniii will Ik- it doubtful state in 'ilvi. In I TU') the state uf New York had a Mipuhilinii just about its large us the present Hipuhitinn of Oregon iiuimly :t(),l'J(). Tliis iiuiy give in. idou of the weakness if tho L'iiIIimI States 10(1 years ago coiiiaied with t heir present strength. The i-lntu of New York now contain nearly (I.OOO.OOO of inhabitants. Tlntt Onigni, will havens many 1(H) years hence may be letiitrded us iirobablo: imleell lb it number may be ruiehed long beforti lliu cxplnilion of 100 oars so in I id J I v do nil tho forces of modern life aeceierulo the mine. meiits mid Itnsteii Uiu dostlny of lliau, Xo ciodit sboiilil be given to rumors emnnatiiur eillier from Yictoiiu or Washington, of warlike j demoiuliHtloiis in llebritig sua. All the evidence points to it per feet uiiderttaiidiiig between our state department ami tho British loreign olllw; that tliu c.xistint' ' ' , ' " '' be obtuined for a iieinuuieut 'agreement for pmlooticm of thu li.i nu .1...11 i... i .mi i . ial ntirfccrioii bx intm-mit nnn Inn thon'tv. It I. nrobablo that lb. " ' . 'V. " l'"""1" "' H" wi ut both o-dvcr....i b,,vo in-. . . .. 'lo11""? U'U'W V"", wl,K'h .w, Ims""" 'T1' dcir.o.istraiioiib 0,1 IM,rt of liUer. IhoKuMi I will have iiooccusion U lnvo tho boltoui of the Pucilio iwrmx ulih H.iil.i, i.. ii.:., - - . w,i kiii'io tina suninier. Urouoiiimi. I'RKSS ENDORSEMENTS FOR DRS. DARR1N. - It has been runiorod that the well-known socialists in medicine, I the Drs. Darrin have given up prac tice bore. This is a inistnko; but ono of them has left, be having gono i to make further investigation of sur gery in London and Paris hospitals. ! The balanco of the corps have in ' vested largely in property through out tho Northwest, and will remain J') permanently. Mercury, June what tiii: "wiM.coMi:" has to .say. The succcsb with which the Drs. Darrin have met with since coining to Portland three yenra ago Iiuh been phenomenal. Judging from the record of remarkable cures ef fected by thorn and the immense patronage they enjoy, tho gentle men will have to inako up their minds to become crinnncnt loca tors in the oil v. Welejin., Junu'AS. TWO I'ltOMINK.Vr l ITI.K.V.'t 01 ,': Til KH opinions op mis. kaiiiiin. ii. i: WOOIUN's OIHlIt l.l'CK. Mr. ICditor: Say for motlml Dr. Darrin has euryd me ol granulated eyelids. The nuts of the evelnshos ! 1111,1 hecome disc ised mid gave mo ........ i i. ...l.l . :.. great trouble in rendim. Medical and electrical treatment by Dr. Darrin has cured me. liefer "to me at Powers' furniture stn;e, 1 Ut) First street. Portland. 11. I-I. Wiioiu.v. insciiAiuiiMi i: Mt i piiKii nv i:i.i:c- TIIII'ITV. Mr. ICditor: 1 have been troub led with a discharging ear sinco .1 years old, from the ell'ects of scarlet lever. I wns ctiicd by Dr. Darrin in one month. I icsid'e at the cor ner of Fighth and IC streets, Port land. Jaioii Li'itiiu:. Drs. Darrin can b consulted free at the Washington building, corner of Washington and Fourth streets, Portland, and Hotel (iandolof, Ta coiiiii. Hours t)o.ri, evenings, 7 to S; Sundays III to PJ. All chron ic diseases, blood taints, loss of vi tal Kiwer ami early indiscretions permanently cttied, 'though no refer ences are ever made in the press concerning stu b cases, owing to tho delicacy of the patients. Ivxantinn tions free to all, and circulars will be sent to any address. Chargen for treatment according to pationtn ability to pay. The poor treated free of eltnrge from It) to U daily. All private diseases conliilentialfy treated and cures guaranteed. Pa tients at it distance can be cuicd bv home treatment. Medicines nntl letters sent without the di.oiora Maine appearing. ... n . Scrofulous eruptions, such ns Pimples, Discoloration of tho Skin, esecinllv on face, are onus.d by impure blood and will disappear rapidly by using Pfunder's O.ogon Blood Purifier. Pacific Urswery llccr. . ' V. . . " ' t .,;IY1M uml 1 Notice is hereby i. mo mm uny estaiuisiieu an anon- estnblii mr the sale of the Beer iitniiufin:- ,n.r,,,1 nt (1 Pacific Brewery, Baker J, (.)r'' uill,i" the county of 1,1 ('a'.'-v"," !U"1 111,11 -Mr- " hlni,h. 1 l1"' "'ithori.ed imnii,. j ger of situi Depot. All orders from (runt county (or (bis celebrated beer, either in bottles or kegs, will he tilled by Mr.Stnnsell. Hknkv Ill'ST. Proprietor Pncilic Brewery, Haker City, Or. An exchange says: "Soii,r, one wants a now wall invented fur Ihe girls. That's tight; invent om. j which the girls will walta out and help tho old lady clean pigs' feet and stud' sausages and sling dirty shirts in a wash tub Invent ono of that kind and se how soon wnlU ing w ill beeoim. Its unfashionablu stoga nIiik'H." Our new "ml." from the enterpris ing firm of Collin V McFarlnnd, Hi'ppner. speaks for itself, and it in worth your while to rood the suine. In urdor to gain new trade they in tend presenting a line huge book, which retails at t I.ihi each, to every retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth ing, boots and hIioi s, fiuta etc., to tho amount of .fli-ViM), allowing until Jan. 1st to make nut the amount. jOive them a trial order, when you i t,,,u' away for goods. Cloilni; Out Sale. The stock of gixsls belonging (o the late firm of (iio. (itiiidluclt X: Bro ,of (.'iinyon City, Oregon, is now oflered to purebnsers nt cost for cash. The hiAiks of said firm aru positively closed, but cash pun-lma-ers can procure bargains by enlling soon. Oku. (ii'.viu.Acii, Adininistratop. Notice! All persons indebted to the estate of Martin (lundlnch, deceased, or tu either of tho firms of (leorge Ouiid Inch tV Bro., and James Norman & Co., arc urgently rwpiosted to como forward and sottlo immediately, n tho the business of said estate ami partnership mpht hi: ci.hki:i. All notes ami nccoiintH romaining m. pnitl after UOth of July next will bo placed in the hands o'f an olllcer for collection. CiliU. til'NlU.Acit, Administrator.