THE GRAHT IMN K, ,777 1 7, J 800. According ofnsus returns mid .!. il. l,l iniiiiimun ii in utiuuiii uoiv imu rnlo or livo pon-ons to ovury voter will not hold good. . Thop.ronor. tion is nearer ono to four, 'mid in ninny cases there is oven it loas ra tio of jMipulntion to voters. Two suicide ocelli rcil at Tneo- I ... o ..I.. I ..I.. 11,1 .....i 1 a" VT "l " " . "... . ' n .,tn; nil o. young ...en IUR ('rounds. cr had been discliargud; the cash ier had been mildly criticized by his chief for some real ot:tto in vostmonto: and the insurance agent had received a letter from "Collie" insi.-ting that he ipiit I drinking. John Sober and bin wife got lonesome on their farm about ten miles fiouth of Wilchita, Kiuisns, and coucludoil to make a isit to EOiiio friends about two iiiiIch din- taut. Thin Sober couple had three ; 1.1.1 i 1 1 1 Biuall cliildrcn which uioy tun not want to take with them, 1-0 they locked the children 111 the Iiouho and role oir a good lime. While they were gone the hom-ein which the children were i 111 prisoned took lire, and the threu children were roasted alive. (Sovornor Nichols of I.ouiianu ha vetoed thu famous lottery bill which the legislature passed. In hit, veto menage, which is of great length, he refer to bin message- at the opening of the Foioii antuii. jKiting this legiHlation and urging Its instant rcjectior for variom reasons then net Torm. Ho cou cliulos with a inot urgent protest against the assumed condition of poverty of the slate, and says the bill will continue to meet with his moot determined opposition. Miss Francos Willard made a strong plea in tho International I School contention at I'itlsburg in favor of teuiporaiico lessons in the J Sunday school. She proposed that four Sundays bo sot apart in each year for special instruction in thi line, the international committee to furnish appropriate lost-ons. There was Btrono opposition lo i this proposition from members who wore shocked at the proposal to desecrate the Sunday scliool by secular teaching, and the subject was finally disposed of by a weak resolution that decided nothing for fear of olfending temperance peo ple 011 thu one band and fanatics 111 religion on the other. The constitution of Wyoming contains certain pec i 111 features iiiii Hii viwirn ill HOC. OIIC II IN cashier, 'one an inuimuro agent, j gbty "d unkruptcy, Hoy wonm , j and the third a bar keener; alT, m, '"' " . . 5, " To Pirn,, Von Ahi,:..n, D.x't. far as can be coujcch.rod, upon ""-, 1 " " " ' v '? In the of Ur. state of r..i..i I. MM... I.,., tfwn. roilini nun no not murium iu irtiv-h ltro mrobv icon red to not known in the constitution of 1 nmii ami malt liipiors in lots 411:111 other status. It assures to women ! tithw than one Kallnu in mod pieeinei ilu. riiflit .r kiilTiiiire. i-vemnt for a iifiriod of twelve months fiom homesteads from forced pale, fixo,. j eight hours for a day's work in minus ami on public works, con tains a special provision that 110 women shall ever bo employed in mines, and declares that no one but a citizen of the I'uited Slates, or one who has declared his inten tion to become such, shall bo em ployed on state, county or innnici pal'work of any kind." The 11 wa ters of all natural streams, springs lakes or other collections of still water" are declared to belong to thu state. Tim Atiitruliau system of voting is virtually umhodietl in the constitution. 'I ho instrument contains, besides tlie.e feature, a great many things that other states put into their statutes. Speaking of the Chinese minis tor's threat of retaliation, I'epio scntativo Hermann made thu fol lowing speech in congrem: 'The ininibter must have been taking something. The Chinese general ly are shrewd, silent and sugauio is in diplomacy. Thu ipieetiou of excluding tho Chinese is a labor question of this country. There is not a lal oring organisation in thu Cuited States that will not maku it its own. Spunking for tho I'acifie slope, I will say that tho Chhicbo government may do what it ehooe toward preventing Amiirican capital, American com merce and American iicoplo from . 1 L ' ' .1 , f goiii'' tneie. ijiic ouu uiiiig is certiiin, and that is Chinese cheap laber can't come hero. No amount of threatened rclaliiition will ever euu to us to take 11 backward lep on that (iiiestiou. Cliiuoso retali ation will he a dead loss to t lie Chinoo. To place any ohtuclcs in tliu way of tho immigration of American citizens, the importa tion of American cattle ami the Importation of American products to China would bo for ( himi to out oil hot own rose in order to ,.pito her face." At thu commencement of tho Christian em four fifth of tho population of the Konmn einpiro wore slave. For several couturier? in Koine slaves were legal tenders valiim! at about SIS each. Hut i V""IWI wllt'll (,: War sent nuitircc titkoti in Kngland totho Ifoinnii Mnvo mar- kot, owing to their jmlo face, no i one woiildpurelmim them nt ny price. If poor jyplo would only ochpc trving to imitate the rich; if tiioy would Icnin to shun the credit y tern, the fashion v.tcn. and every i . - . , ; - i , ,f at oneo on the top roum Oregon City ha a darkey boot black who has seen tho world. In IS 18, ho savfl he lauded in Con- stautiiiojilu an Stewart 011 an Amur- . nun i.uFivi. nu ':iu 11 enui 1. ( distance when he met a Boston man ho know was keeping 11 nub. lie houw, and mado STo, exhibit- , ing liimseir to thu ualivoi Wlio weio astonished at thu sight of a colored man. i. I twenty (120.00) dollars, Atl'ys foes, in thu report from the somite . provided in the nolo mentioned in committee on nei.sions giving ihe ' complaint, and dooccing that widow of din. (ieorge CWka'11'0 '"orlgngo n,on,.o.u,l ... sa.,1 r w.rvrt .1 .1 ! ciiuiiilnint lio foreclosed and the pension or S100 per inoiitb there : ,,' , 1110p,,ly described in are resolutions by dilferent states , Bnj, Inori,,Bl. K,d j il,0 nmnnor and territories thanking (leneral proscrilwd by law and the pioooods Crook for the excellent service he ( of .nicli mlo applied in payment of had rendored in the Indian wars. niu-h judginont. Among them is a joint resolution I , .Yo ' tnrtl.or lake i.o'ico Ihul of ,het,rcgon legis.alurc of Sep- "iV'V teuilM!riJI, iw 111 winch tiencr.' tXu.i Indians und opening to peaceful lettleinent '.10,000 mpinro miles of country which tho Indians had Tor- merlv occupinl. (ieneral Crook ' Z .. , . , r ,. was invited to be a guest of Iho state at Salem. The resolutions are signed by John Whitenker, speaker of I he house, and II. F. I lurch, president of the scn.ito. NHW TO DAY. rZZ777T.7 iTiT7rrAie tho Wnte for eatiiKgii A'ldieis, Hon. D.iiuil I'. Ihiily, W wihsngton, N. J. Blfrn) PiflKOs'vo".".' tvhi-ro. for catalogue. Hx- j Mayor Daniel F dually, Washing , ion, Now .Joisey. I'fltitioa I'nr Liquor Licentt'. j To tho Hon. county oom-t of (ho! stale r.f Oroon, fur (Irani cMtnity. i Wo tho uinlmsiKned yout petition- ' ers Mould lospoelfully reprosont that wo nio o mil and all icsi lontt nnd In nl voters of S'liith h'oi k reciuct, in said county, and wo ask that a li -, eenso he granled In Murray llrotlicrr to sou ami iiisiioso or siiintuous, vi and iifler tho .'lul dav of Spl. IMMI. ' Dated this liih day of .lime, IH'.IO. j l.oyd Miller, Sun McCity, Mii-hael j McN'ultv, lloiuv Kiii)sinvi(, lvl. C l Dranii, A I" Hind, J II Criehton. D , (; .MoDoimIiI, ThomiH Conner. T C ! Adhtlis, (looi)o Kydd, J O Hiown, Dan Murrav, S S Cross, L r. Greon- j well, A Mo'Mullou, J P Sehall, l'iod 1 M L Onion, Wid Swift. F L Wood j .liin Thrwlkeld, Win G McDonald, j Lowia Adam, liwis DtuiiiiiiK, Hitiuil- 1 ton Maxwell, John F Ponoll. Notice is hoieby f-iwii t lint on tho !lrd dny of Sept. 1 !)(, 1 lie uuder sigiied will ajiplv lo tho county emit of the slate of Oioeon, for Grant ooiiuty, for tho isiuaneoof tho license mentioned in the foregoing petition. Mchiiw HnoriiKun, AppliennU. SUMMONS. In the o.rouit 00111 1 of the t ilu of Origan, for Grunt o tint y. W. It. Ounningtoii, ITh ) vs liaohel J. C'liuninj-loii, Dsl't, ) 'I'll It Mil U. J. ClNKIKuT'N, Til K Aativr NtMKD Dur'r. An order having been nuide 011 Ihe ltilh day of July 1800, hy the Hon, Motion D ClilVord, .ludjte ol tlm nhovo eutitled court for the ser vice of huiniunn upon you in tho above entitled suit by publication thereof, now, therefore In the n nnn of tho eUto of Ore gon, you are hereby icipiiioil lo ap pear and ailiwer tho uomphiiiil filed ngitiust you in twid suit on or befote the fit at day of the reuulur i-"optoiulir term 18U0, of said court, to wit : Monday tho 1st day ol September A. D. 11)0, nnd it you fail mo to an swer or plead, the phtiiititr will ap ply to tho court for tho relief de manded iu tlm irnid complaint, lo wit: A decreo disolviiij tho umn iajje con Iraot now i'.isliiij In t ween I ho phtia tilT and defendant, and awarding lilaiulilV tlm cnsi-jdy and couliol ol .Margiiet J Cuiininytoii, minor daii(liter of the plaintiff und defend ant, and for thu eoU nud disbn mo ments of said suit ami for such fur ther relief aw to tho court in cipiit." may seem meet. P.Mimmi & (Viu, PI 'IV All's. It. in nil old Hiving timt charity begins lit homo: lint tin is no rcnton Hint it should not go abroad. ' A niaii should livo with tho world ; as a oitizon of thu word: ho may, haven preference for tho tmrtieu. htr tiiturtor or wiuart', or uven al- Icy in winch lio iivos, initiioiiioiiM liavo a gont-rouB iwiing lor uto welfare of tho world. KKW TO-DAY. .SUMMONS. In the circuit coin t of the ktnto of Orun fr,r Grant county. Aniio u VnrM Vjr ) i Otcgon j niinoor 1 mid niiRwer thu coiimlitiut tiled ! ngaiiiNt you in tho nhovo ontitled ' Hint oil cr lnfu!o Monilnv, the Hint j day of September, A. 1).," Ifl'.Hl, tho 1 mimo being tho liiHt day of tho m xt viitil. lrtii rt until 1 1 1-1 utkil it A 1 1 I 1 Li 11 in 1 it.i ill ui nil it vu (iiii nut n iwu fnj) lo nUHWor tho I,iHitilV will ! miio juiiginont nun uccieo agaiimt jou for tho udb'f prnjed for in Hnid complaint viz: Judfjino'it for tho 1 ' f ono liundrcd nnd lifly (?lo0) dollars and iuterust thorium at thu rate of ton per con, per annum from the 'Jiitli day of Novoiabor, A. I). UiSH, and for tho further Hum of f , , of mM , w,ij(,I( . It' S1f frS til v, A. I'. lh'.U). rAiuiieii k Ctuttn, , , Atl'yi for I'l lV. . !" ,ltf "-Ur' th" loth d iv of .July, A. I). I81K1, " FOR SALS LOTS IN PASADBNA A moxt atiimtivr, Ix'nulifnl mid d li''! v lociUil subuih of PORTLAND Iv ry lul a Home ."(t.ldj and . Mi to ?7i"i on KAS)' TJCHM8. on The Motor Lino within J-milo of , Pasadena now, and ai iniiyoiiiciils me 1 In-ill mado to extoud (he motor lino I to this, ono of Hie mosl valuable sti Inn ds ol tho City of Porlland. For further information and for 1 1 . 1 . . ., 1 ... , ! purcimso app.y u, r. 1 , or .m. It. Li.iiTtiiut, local Agents nl 1 anyou City, dr., or 10 Hi.miv K IWu, Gen'l Tiustie, 111) Stalk ttriel, Poll- ami, Oreyon. F. C. SELS. VSGTOR MOWERS. 77 IC BUST TO HI') Itocaiuo Ihey are as dur.dilo as tho Huckoyo, and Fxcol nil others iu motion. Will run over any kind of ground poHsible for a maeliino to run over, and Warranted to woik well iu the heaviest ;russis, and will bo sold for Cash. Delivered in John Day for $70.00 For patticultrs call on or address D. B. FJSK, Ajl. .ludsou Mfg. Co., lUxfuCirv - Oregon NOTI0H FOU PUHI, (CATION. Inii OAt lluriu, or , June . ll. 1 rvuiiu i urruuj uiu iMfiiiinv nanml ' . ..V..L...I..I ..Jl.. .Ikl.l. l . u . . . t . M,,l,' IMM Hl,r H. Ill, lll.t-llll-MI IIIAMV 111191 irMil III Up'i nt hi, cteliu, iiiil tlitl will irwi will lx mH I .., Uw l'"itni Juilii uf Ormit l'u,. Or , ur Iu liiWi Ui ( '..muj cloil. ,t en)on C'lu. 'r , M Au j 11, IMM, vU: Oil So. tm b WALTKIt W. UKHKY, fw tho l-t N'K II tiiil N I SKI I S,r ti Tli IS S II St tl III) MtW III UUUH HtltllMK tu irOrlll, ronlhiMo if i.kI.Iiuu upun d rulil4lloii ..(, nU IuiH. ,1,; Kruik H W, lluvk Suillh. rrnd, licllh. ut IUihIuu, Or., Mid O. II lllo'-ril, at I'au jriw I'll), Of. I.t J. II. Uriimgtoii, ItrgUtvr. N'OTICH OF APP0LNTM15NT KXIiCUTltlX OK Notice is herely jfiveu that by con i'!erntion and order of tho Hon. Con lily (.'on it of the stale of Oregon, for C i 1 nut county, the undemii'iied linn U'lin aiipoiuted uxoeuliix of the Last Will and Testumfnt of Henry It. Kels, ilecAMsed, lute of said county. All pjiKons having just elsiins n(niiiht the OfUto of said Tcstnlor are hereby uoliticd ami iviuostcd to iiivacut the sjiiio duly vcriliod as by law reipiiicd to the iiteieiiiiiuil at the stoie of tho lute II. It. Sets, iu Canyon Oily, Or jf", or to Parrish ,V 0zad, atioi neys for said eatatu at their ollleo in Canyon City, Or. with in nix mouths from tho date hereof. Dated at ''auyou City, Or., this Uth day of July A- O- lo. I.m im Sti.a, l'.veeutriv. 1 mitciihi.i, smith, . 3 i III (S Smcessotfl to JidllCI' C'lltJ - Ull iMlUJ. lUl& 65 KrJ VUI-i V IliUO. t The Mosl Complclc Line of Lyman Hear j Sight by .Mail. j fo.UU. ; Lyman Spor 1 ling Front ' Sights $1.00. Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewel rv Silverware and a full line of Muxical liiKtrumcntH. ttr- UKPAtlihYC; d SPECIALTY. H. BLACKMAN & CO.: J ... I Jleppner Or. LTJ- t:i.l . I I 1 1 1 Dealers In General Merchandise. 1 1 j 1 1 1 ' r A Uirjje Atuottmi'tit at I-oweit Prices. CimkIs Sold nt HiHlnuk l'rioes. Trade cf (,'noit County Solicited, nnd Sperinl liulih i'iimnU Oil'ervtl. , , LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN EASTERN OR. LARGEST STOCK, Lowest Prices, First-class Goods AT J, DURKHEIMER & GO'S, V rairie We ask a call from all who llrfl,. .,., nl ...... un:u.tau 1 1 ' .. . ..- , .' u" '" " "j' u, v. .. .u .., uiaae 11 10 your uiiureai 10 innio wiui u. im k-viiuiiv. Dl'h'k'll EIM E'li $Co. SHF.IUFF'S SA LK. lty virluo of an execution issued out of the ciicnit court of tlm state uf Oiooon, for Grant county, upon u judtjeiuent lendered ill laid court on tlie Hith day f Apiil iSMi in favor of Alfred lvey, PI'll. and against Sa rah .1. lvey, Deft, Iu tho sum of fllli. 17 und inlet est tlioteon nt the rato of eight per cent per minum from said Apnl II!, lKMi. loyethor with acciuiui interost and eosts. I have levied upon and will sell at pub lie nuetion on Saturday thu Uth day ! of AujjUHt 18011, at ono o'clock p. in. I of said day, at tho com t hotii-o door in Canyon City, Grunt county, Oro (on, all of tho riyht, title and interest of aiiid Deft, Sarah .1. lvey, iu and to the following described promises, to wit: TheSU I of the SW 1 of t-'ec. 'Jl J in Tp II) S It -ill H W M, together with ull anil Hinguiar tlio torieuientK, liercditnmoutH nud apputtonuuecs thcieunto boloning or in nnyviko iipputlainiug. Tiirms of sale Cash. Dated at Canyon City, Grant Co., OiOj-on, this 7th duv of July A. D. IK'JO. W. P. G HAY, Shorili'nf Grant Co., Or. Hy J.J. Mot FLI OUGH, Deputy ShorilV. NOTICU. GiHiut)' w.Ut. Wiilii UU i.f rv'l.lrl Mlurtii May 4. IHH7. Mil tl i.fU.r, Iu 1,-um il liitui .",uwUi. 419 In 111 UI la pUI un lurtvMUtlan aiwl n.Url will caw fMW ibl. Jit. N II. IWII.KV, i'..uul Treat. Cii)Oii L'it, Or , July i. IUW. NEW market; Or eg. John Day JELLETTE DOUGLAS Prop'o I I M.I 111 IN ... All kink, of meats, fiesh vegetable J and farm produce of etcr.t chisn. j This enterprise has just rccentlv ' Won re-established, and'will al all times endeavor to nceotiimoiLle the I public with eveiy thing and all tho I in.uKet allurtls. I'tiivo us a CV1 liny a few of our mining ligation notitfo. W. A. . ( I AKKK. gr I i UlUVlid. .1. IS Gardner Oregon. Ammunition in Eastern Oregon. A Full Line of Fishing Tnckle. books, IlieK, rtnld, linos, reds, do. Fly hooks per do..""Oc, by until. 1 1 ! ! I I I I j I - - - 'eooti. wih to purchaM, and guarantee our ,,:.. .ohlition of l'roi.-hl. 1 . , ... , ,n Of Hoppnor. c. a. it 1 1 1: v, nitxK Ki.i.i.ono, Pieidenl. Vii-e Preideiit. C 1:01101: W. Consiui, Citkhier. J. I lllll'.t, T. A. I1IIKA, 1. T. llOIIMI.V, Dinvtoix. 1 Transacts 11 (,'eiieral llankliu Eulue.. !)' ))!) ! .1 l lllliyi c 11 all paiti of tin1 win Id BOUGHT and SOLD- Collection nmde at all poinU en l!taiuiniihle Tornm. Money loaned at from one to ten per cent, BREWERY SALOON Canyon City, Or. This popular resort Juts been reopened lo the public, i lid nuic, (i.s in the pas, keeps nothing bat the best ll'lnes, Liquors Cigars- ii. I). ItlCKAKI), Proir. When iu Hoppnor den't fail to oal I on l.HIi.Hlt k THOMPSON for iiAittiw.tiiK, iistvAio:, woon and wii.i.ow WAin., OKiH'Miu.H, luimra, i:ra, i:tc A(,".i'y fur the Nkw H0.M1: Srwiso M ti iusi:. D. Ordfis by mail piomptly and caicfully filled. IT IH TUT II1EAI. MUDICINR ,,,'' I .. . I Si- tin . lh, wi A,.m 11... . I md Mitkrii Tim W'nuk Htrong. l .iil rr) nlirrv, l u liolllm l lor COFFIN & ilFARLAND. IIEPPNER, OREGON. Wo innkc our bow. before tlie penplo of (Irani County, nnd wish to my, tUit .vj have b-en .ctol in t io City i-f Ho,pner, ju t IS montlm (nt Arlington uten t iid). I'uring that tune we Imvu built up n Soli'i Trade, I'Avitig' Bliipjicd more O.-ncrn' .Mcrrhftti'lino into Hoppncr tlmti any other lit 111 111 town. We Waul Pari of Your Trade. lloppnoi is your ncuroul, bent and cheapest tmding and hhipping print. You hIhiiiM Blnrt 111 coming this way al once. N'o uo to wait, as by po doing yon lone innncy every trip. Our ISIftgmtt Two Story Uriel; Store it Coinplolcd niul wo have it lillud (o ovorllowing with all kindn of .Suitoil to tho wnnlH II Vj .- lo Keep a I'ert complete Assort men t . Your orders rnn lie filled for any Kiml of Cloods nenletl on a Farm or Stock Itanoh, without leaving our Store, al prices low enough to competo with any oilier market in Oregon. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoos, Trunks Valises, Hals, Caps, Cm-pots, Crockery, Wall Paper. Groceries, Hordwrtie, 'Jewel" Cook Stoves and Itangos, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wool Sacks, '1 wine. Lime, Sulphur, English Cement, Harlx-d Who, ltlaeksinith Coal, San .lose California .Snd.Ilos, Hitts .t Spurs, Tomn t Huggy Harness, Sewing Machines, Clocks, Watches, Champion Honpcrs and Mowers, Hnrso Itakos, Plows, llairows. THE : CELEBRATED MITCHELL WAGON (litcs belter Hatisfaclioii for rough mountain distri.-ts than any other kind in uc. Full lino always in htock, aVo Hacks and Uuckboards. Iii iriler lo ii crease our M we inaRe tim followiipilliir C3-OOC1 until Tnu, 1st, IOOI, 0r later II Wc Ml). Hvery purchaser who buys Twenty-Five Dollars woith (.?iTi.(J0) at retail, ol Dty Ooods, CloMiiiiK, Hoott nnd Slu es, Hats and Cups, IVncy Gooda, Oentn' Furnihin; Gooils, Flc. at our Store, will ho piesoiited--vhon tho IjoodH are paid for- with an IClcnitt. I!ound, of over .'I'.'O pages, in clutlinjf (i.ri to 100 FIN K IT'LL PACIO STKHL FN'OJIAVINOS. Wo lmvu four diflcroul stylos of Hooks, ouch worth at retail 8-1.00. Small orders by mini on above gooils will count towards tho total amount needed. EVERY CUSTOM Kll (JUTS A PIUvSKNT. Wo guarantee satisfaction in goods und prices. iSS These hooka aro too heavy to send by mail, as thoy weigh seven pounds each. IHCH EST ritTCl; Paid for Sheen Pell a Will ship GonsiKUiuimtH of Pelts to Christy ,fc Wise, or Allen k Lewis. Mail orders carefully attouilud to. Give us a trial and call nt our store when you come to Hoppner. Yours Truly. COFFIN 6c McFARLAND. (Hoppner). JAMES & JONES. l'roprioloiH of The City Drmg Store. Keep constantly on hand a comploto stock of ut , M . DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. l'lilenl Medicines, 'Unlet Articles, Perfumes, Soaps, Powder, Pull's, CoiiiIh, Tooth Nail, Clothes and liar Brushes, Drucgisl's Sun dries, Lamps, Ijiinp Oils, Glass, Putty, Ohiiioys, nnd and everything to be found in a first- " class Drug Stoic. Nothing but Pure, Fresh Drugs Dispensed. Orders from a distance will rocoivt prompt attontion. Piosiriptions napeciallv CITY, OltKGON Haptnnstalf Oart&Co - blTlXshiitlH TO- llAPTOXXTAU. $ DAPT, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO,, OREGON. Have now received the larf;oit and most cempleto stock of ntw goods iu Grant County, which ihey will offer for salo at uriccs that defy competition -THU Wood ftfittrch HACUEWOOD Co., Proprietors. Horses Wauled by Iho day, week or m nth. nt reasonable rates, attention givtn to the caro of transient slock. 0. P. CIRESAlPi STATIOXEIIV. SI LI 'At Groceries, Flour. Tobaccos, Cigars, and one hundred nnd one other varieties, cheap fur "ash, at of ICnHtern Oreijon trade. JJ very Si able. pel 1 Special iik.i.i:h ts nonh's, school srrriAES, V KLY( )' WAIilCS.