Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 10, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, -July 10.
Jordan, the Torn Williams, homo,
won tlie Itnlf mil nice nt IOtig Ureok
lat Saturday.
ViIsWot, nf Silvias vnllay, throw njwn
lit ltowaq PHdny night nml tlusw who
were patriotic shook their too until
Harney county' records have nil
1kcii moved to Hunts, nml Unit city
now enjoys the imtmnI distinction of
Iming the county seat.
A Urge number of jieople picnicked
il N$da Hprinn station on the Glorious,
nml caught fish from Sitvim river and
oobl from the prevailing dampness.
Kcursionits ami campers in tliu
mountains will 4mo not set nny f or
is fire, for there is a law njraiutt
such lifting, to I w enforced by the IJ,
S. government.
Tho linker City Daily Democrat is
the only oue of our exchange uliicli
inurle 11 practical display of its jmtriot
ism, leing stieukcd nil over with tho
national color, rod unit blue.
In tho K'vcn counties comprising
the Sixth Judicial DUtrict thoro worn
111,000 votes imllwl nt tho hut oW
Uwt. ! iKlgv Clifford received tx ma
jority of 2,107 out of thin number.
Wo struck 11 thick stratum of cold
weather between Friday nml Wodnos
(lny, while tailing through tho sands of
time. Voiily, tho wonthor thin sum-
nier in n puzlo to tho most wise
In 11 few years when wo got means
of tninsoittinii Grant county'n soda
springs will furnish 'tninornl wntor"
oipml to nuy on tho continent. All
the country needs is hut for tho public
to find us.
Two genuine "' 19" prospoctors,
witli buckskin breeches urn! n uck
aniiiul, passed through tho city .Mon
day, on thpir way to tho inotintni ns
adjacent to I tear and Silvioa valleys
in toaich of gold.
I'y a wtock of a freight trniu on
the Union Pacific talovv Haker City,
Mr. Win. Altuovv lust some horses
which ho was shipping, and others
wore crippled. I ho cause of tin
wreck was a cow on tho track.
In some portion of tho county the
hay crop will not bo ns heavy as i
should, owing to cool weather, buti
there is nn abundance of hay boin
harvested more than enough to feed
(Smut county's stock through a hard
It has been generally understood
that Judge Glill'ord was elected for
only two years, to fill tho unexpired
term of tho late Judge I son. lie has
received his coitificnto of election, and
thnt says for six years, ovor the signa
ture of (iov. Pennoyer and Secretary
MoHrido. Clifford secures the prize
of a full term.
The mere faot of the prisoners es
caping from the juil Sunday night
caused a "creepy" fooling along the
spine of many. It was just two yours
ago Saturday night when two priso
ner murdered deputy shoritl- Lock
wood and escaped from the jail, and
the excitement of that occasion is not
easily shaken oil' or forgotten.
Canyon City has net lon on (ire
for some time, but that is no indica
tion of her jieriiiuuoiit security from
the devouring element. She has a
hose cajt, and no uoniMiuy. Her citi
74111 ought to keep tho cart woll greas
ed and in running order, for many a
city similarly provided with apparatus
for extinguishing tiros has burned le
cause of neglect,
A Iwnr made a visit to tho sheep
oump of Kenneth Mcltao away up in
the wild of the I Hue mountains south
of this valley ut tho witching hour of
midnight lately and watched the sotn
uutiibulent Utility of the two herders
for the space of a while, and then, not
finding nny snlt I neon or fresh mutton
hanging in the camp he concluded to
sample a herder or two by way of whet
ting his appetite. lie therefore up
proaehod one of the sleepers and gnib
had him by the shoulder, pulling him
nut of ties blanket. Of course the
herder yelled aj only frightened sheep
border can when glim death in the
jierton of a 900 pound Isjir is fasten
ing his grip about them. Their ciios
struck terror to the heart of the Iwur
and he ran away from them after
scratching oue of the men pretty se
verely. It is safe t-i predict that they
Imve not slept on tho ground in open
air since that memorable occasion.
Mr. John Luce informs us that his
alfalfa crop is fine at the present time,
and U being mowed. The average
yield throughout the valley will lw
two tons to the noro, some more and
soma leas. Mr. Luce's eiop will, he
thinks, average over two tons to tho
a ore at the two first cuttings, and tho
last crop will be porluq a ton ami a
half. Just think of this, live and u
half tons of hay from one acre of laud,
in one iummer. One ton of alfalfa, it
is estimated, has the nutriment of two
tons of timothy if fed to cattle or
sheep, but horses will not do the work
if fed on it that they will do on timo
thy. As a bjdf nml mutton producer,
however, it is the Ik, and when this
aountry 1ms a railroad so that fat stock
am lie shipied, the stock business of
tho John Day country will bo rovolu
tioni'.ed. A few years ago alfalfa was
only nu exjteii mental crop in this val
ley, while now them is a large acreage
of it. It thrives nu liench laud that
is nlinut worthless for anything else,
which uukoi it a much more dodroblu
Judge Clitronl issued n writ of innn.
dnmus coiuiiwiitHng tho clerk of llur
nay county to remoo tho records from
Hnrney to Hums.
This wonkl 1 nn exceedingly miny
summer if the weHther did not turn
cobl evry time it got ronily to rain.
Mnrk this down ns n wentlier proplie
It i osliiimled that Ix-forc tlio
present activity in the cnttle mar
ket clow?, fully lfiO.OOO Animals
will Iks 8hipKHl to tho oast from
Now Mexico nml Aritotm.
Hni it ever occurred to you, gentle
render, tlmt ynur clmncM of heaven
will bo grmtar if ymi stop borrowing
your neiflhWs pnjier and rail nnmnd
nt this olllce and suliacrilm for oue of
your ownl
Itaker-Sumptr roilrmd stock is
still Ix'ing suWriUil along the line.
We are doubly inlerestwl in the build
ing of this road, for eveiy mile nearer
it is built to this vicinity make the
MssihiIity to ship fat beef nml mutton
grenUr, Wide lesser freight rates.
Our friends, the bears, w ill please
not sit the woplo who go up enmping
this summer. The mngo for lrs is
much lietter on the north side of tho
valley in fact, dear lienrs, we are re
liably informed that chokecherries and
huckleberries are thick over by Hog
Stanley Wtxul's "fireat Divide" for
July is the handsomest nuinlMir of this
excellont join mil ever issued. Illus
trations of wiwtern scenes are all first
class, and the art supplement alone is
worth tho subscription price. Send
10 cents for sample copy to Tho Crent
Divide, Denver, Col.
ijevornl places in tho county hnd
celebrations last Friday, after all.
The liveliest was at tho Summit
House between here ami Hear val
ley. There thoy had a shooting
nmtch with nn Irishman for a tar
get. 'o are informed that Ad
unison shot at his son-in law John
Muloaru seven times with a rille,
but failed to make a hole in him.
( Mr. J. W. Waterman was in
town the latter part of last week
for the purpose of contesting the
election of t!eo. Shearer to the of
fice of county clerk, upon tho
probability of illegal votes having
been cast in different precincts. It
was then tco luto to ser'e notices
of contest if there had been suf
ticient grounds, so the mattur was
ltiscvidoiit that tho escaped
prisoners made a key out of a two
Kiii fu and unlocked" tho ouUidu
door of the jail, poking a wire
through the grating urd lifting
the lock so the key could bo in
sorted. Three knives were known
to bo in the juil, and only one
could be found after tho boys loft.
That ono had been tempered in tho
fire and used for a tile.
. In some paits of the country a new
scheme of swindling has Immiii brought
to light. A fellow appears at the
house of a farmer seveiid miles fioiu
town, and showing sampler of cloth,
tolls the farmor what a grand liargaiu
he can obtain in town on a ceitain
day, and by buying a suit a nice hat
wnl lo given free. I en dollars is ad
vanced for a nieinltorship ticket of this
syndicate, and thnt is tho last seen of
the agent, tho cloth, the samples or
the $10.
Chief Homily, of tho Walla Wal
la's, was in Athena several days
this week laying in supplies. He
has just taken unto himclf another
wife, making the third for this jki
lygnmous Siwash. Sho is a bash
ful, dusky maiden of nineteen sum
mers, and cost his chiefship w?ven
choice cayuses. 1 loiutly is quite
Americanized and owns a scry line
farm about seven milca from town,
and bus some hi-u-skookum wheat,
judging from samples he had bteu
displaying this week. 1 Ins means
hi-u-inuck-n-niuek. Athena Prexs.
Kd. Shellield is another good
innn gone wrong if all icporta and
suspicions aretrno. Hhtllleld drove
.las. Lofton's team to lleppnor af
ter a loud of freight, ami white
there hired a fellow to drive tho
team back, baying that ho intend
ed going up to Idaho to Uit some
relatives. The follow started over
hero with the load of freight, and
while in camp tho first night three
of the best horses strayed or were
driven oiL They could not bo
found in thu entire country, and
.Mr. Lofton took over somo horses
to tnko their place and bring ovor
tho load. It is a had looking
statu of affairs.
A romantic story comes from
tho Warm Springs to find its way
into the columns of tno Nuus.
Henry Laii ranee and Khodu Tuck
er, who were working there, had
been smitten by tho little god of
lovo. Her parents us parents
who liuvo forgotten that they were
once young themselves will sometimes-
-said to not he in u hurry.
Tho young' folks hud learned at
Sunday school to never put off till
to-morrow what can bo done to
day, and nt three o'clock on the
morning after tho ltli they stitiltd
on it journey to Idaho together,
nml ero this nro only one. When
thoy return i.o doubt all will bo
forgivoti and they will be happy
ever afterwards -it is hoped so.
Three Prisoners Escape From the
County Jsll Without Legal As
' slstance.
For some days previous to Inst
Sablmth evening the three prinonern
confined in tho county jail lmil been
opprcss-eil by the hot wenthor, nml at
times they were K.'rmiUed to leave
tln ir rooma ami cit on tho woodpile
in the dmde, or play nt pitching
hot!' wlimn in the court houneyanl.
This nmufH'iiient wiih (liversillcd by
th jailer once in n while locking
the iron door between them ami lib
erty. The boya'liti not seem to
rellali thiu latter jmrt in tho pro
gram, ami laid plum to have it
done away with. Their plans were
well laid, ami laid to stay, for Mon
day morning tho quofction was very
I uroiierlv naked, 'where are the"
iirifouorH?" The cold gray walls of
the iail echoed, "where!" They
were sought and were not found.
Clavton Johnson ami tnas. nil -
va, awaiting trial for the too com-
inon error of horse stealing, and Dr.
N. II. Young, under bonds for
threatening to kill a number of Kr-
aona in Fox valley, hud made their
escape from the jail in some myste-
Hons manner Sunday night, and tn-
ken with them two of deputy sheriir
Mc( ollotigl. s pistols. A solution
of the problem wm-ermnU their
llight waa .wore dill cu who,, ;
wns nscoriaiue.. w u.e jail
tn n viv cv f, ..i.tiiY
called at his residence two miles
west of town, gave him Some letters
to kiep, and asked the loan of his
horse to go to a certain plnce, and
would be back in a few days. Dus
tin thinking all was not right, tried
to persuade Young to remain until
morning, but he said business was
pressing and he must be oil". Dus
tin then directed him to a point on
the range where the horse was not,
and started to town to see what was
wrong at the jail, but turned back
fearing the escaped prisoner might
return and alarm his family.
Diputv therifls were started out
Monday, in directions it was most,
likely the birds would go, but two!
of tbein being professionals it is pre-J
sinned uiey will sieai some good
horses and make their capture very
It is said that la grippe is again
raging in northern California.
Thu nw county olllcera have enter-
od upon the discharge of their duties,
and everything goes swimmingly
The Famous South Peacock cop
ht mine, situated in the Seven
Devils district, was sold to a Itoston
syndicate for a consideration of
$'211,000, cash down, on the 1st inst.
Aitliur Mosier returned from Pen
dleton lately anil thinks of locating
on his much in Louu valley. Do
says ('has. Cray who used to lie the
butcher hero is chopping railroad ties
on top of the lllue mountains.
Hugh Smith and Homy Kichardaon
returned .Monday from utteuiling tho
races at Long Cieok. "Thu Widow"
run very wery woll, but some of the
other animals were so much fastor is
the reason that she did not win.
Dr. Young appeal od on eaith two
or three times after ho escaped from
jail. Wo understand that he worked
around to John Day and toik break
fast there Monday morning. He evi
dently was not anxious ul-out ocu
iny. The two thieve were the ones
the ollicers vveie after, and thoy up
poarod to overlook tho medicine man.
A cruel joke was played on Judge
Cliilbrd the other day by somo
hoodlums who lit his buggy lamps
just before the judge started out for
n ride, and this fact was not discov
ered until he returned. That's
nothing, however, for wo read in an
cient hibtory of a man who contin
ually carried a lighted lantern dur
ing the day, looking for an honest
Judgo Sols visited his ranch
last week. Ho sent a couple of
inon out on the mountain to shoot
an oik, but the elk could not stand
tho smoM of good whisky and to
bacco, therefore, ho tiirnod his
head to tho wind ami is running
yet. Tho mushroom crop was
liliahted, also the hoop polo and
j pumpkin crop, but iish were plen
Jiutno ltulitou tried uu interesting
ease hut Monday lit which a horse, a
futher-iu-law, a son-in-law and a gun
uoio the jmrties to the suit. Junius
McKay sued F. M. Stark for the ro
eovery of a horse and a gun which he
claimed to have sold tho old man and
ivceived no pay for. The price of the
hoi so, .'lft,(0 was to be siiil in plow,
iug, and thu gun, $Dt.0U, was to lie
siil for or to uy for itself in sawing
wood. A jury after lieiug out delib
crating and weighing the evidence
rendered a verdict of 51H.00 in favor
of the plaintiff.
ions expressed, nut all the good , " w... ......
they did was to give the people ,1""t ' T""1 . ut '8t , .VOI,rf,
something to talk about-titev h.-v the .Iu,,Mn 1 ,,ay V" ,i,)2,,y'
could not bring the prisoners back:. has. Xn '"v "est of Suo;
Denning was accused of getting 'l'd'". ner the top of Old S,
them out on a writ of hnlas cor J '"ountnin. uslungton.
pus, but proved his innocence. V July 1S1,. 1,0 "n-inora-Some
one suggested to look under i ln.v f" people of Idaho, for
the-bed, innvbu they were not gone. I on that day they were declared free
This was frowned down, and no ac- lul,! independent, and Idaho took
tiou taken in the matter. Judge lr place among tho sisterhood of
Dustiu being placed on the grand j vfttos.
stand stated that nliout twelve U Cattlemen who have been riding
o'clock Sunday night Dr. Young J on the range recently in Crook Co.,
llutiry lionie has uocontml his
old jKJsition nt tho City lirowcry,
ns head brewer.
Go to tho Ked Front Billiard
Hall, Cnnvon City, for line winea,
Iirpiorn ami cigars
5roth it ThomiwKm nro having
tlio hotel improved by thu addition
of somo new paint.
Heceived from below, at II. K. Sels'
store, a full and complete stock of gro
ceries. Sjmcial inducement to cash
buy era.
The nveraga Texan feels humili
ated by tho fact that latest cyclone
in that state killed only fifteen wo
pie. Oregon doll's her cap to Idaho,
the new born ncrosa the river and
bids her welcome with heartfelt
f They have got n new name for
the gimlet-wind cyclones in Kansas
and Missouri. Thov call them
electrical storms
I'lie Democrat savs the hiidiwuv
j leading to Itaker City ought to U
1 unproved and the iRHinle are stam
ing in their own light when they,
neglect to do so.
The weather has been very dry it
l)t.l xor(e cuntv, Cal., an.fthf
"H,!C,mr miys that unless rain (nb
(.w,w 0K tho whole cont
j will be quite short.
; u ; Umt 40lltht,m ,.t
, cik (,0 . nm u , J,,
n,n,8 thnmgh tho Sinkivju
m()UIllaill!t. thu8 TclnHng the IliV-
milteria 1 1 v and thegradv
j feet
All MllflOllt III1IIIMIF llllltllll II1M
snv thu grass is lietter than they
have seen it for years. While rid
ing they could turn their saddle
horses out anywhere and thoy could
get all tho grass they needed.
An effort will bo undo by Cina
tilla county representatives at the
next session of the state legislature
to pass a bill providing that work
on public highways shall Imj done
in the spring, when travel is nt its
highest and good roads are more
needed, instead of late in thu fail,
us. at present.
fraiiK uiiprut is preparing io
rlonve Pcmllotiiii in n few iluvs with
a small party of prospectors on a
trip to a point fifty miles beyond
Canyon City, whure gold was found
in paving miunlitios by a partv of
Kiinniigrants some twenty-five years
lino. They were pursued bv In-
Kdians and were unable to develop
their find, which it is supposed 1ms
never since been worked. Jacob
Jenkins, who will aeiimipaiiy the
e.H-ditiun, was among the immi
grants mentioned, ami discovered
the gold. On the return trip, Mr.
Duprat will visit bis mine in the
(ireciihorn district. Fast Oregoni
an. The Fust Oregoninn says that
there is a report that a colon v of
colored people is being orgnnucii in
New Orleans to settle in Powder
ltiver valley. The promoters of
this scheme are W. C. Ilindmati
and J. It. (lard tier, who intend lo
cating them on lands Imtweeii here
and Wingville. it is the intention
of these gentlemen to start various
industries for the employment of
the colored Hople, among them be
ing a distillery, mention of which
was made in the Hlado a few days
since. Mr. Hindman is very enthu
siastic over the scheme, while Mr.
Gardner is no less so. They nre
both of the opinion that it will re
sult in great benefit to Maker coun
ty. Made.
Shaved-Head Hob, an Indian who
shot and killed another Indian nam
ed Mig Mike, in P.urney valley, Cal.
in December, and who has since
kept hidden in the mountains, was
found and arrested last Sunday,
ami takod to Heading by two con
stables. They overhauled him,
with several oilier Indians, in a cab
in. The ollicers had n lively time
niuking the arrest, and for a while
it looked us it a war would be nec
essary. The Indian and his father
were "in the cabin, and met the olli
cers at the door with Winchester
ritles. Hob showed fight, but one
of thu ollicers compelled him to
throw down his gun. An old squaw
present secured the rille and was
going to shoot, but upon being eon
fronted with a six-shooter, bho sur
rendered. A Trans-Continental Innovation,
Sleeping car passengers from Pa
cific Coist iKiints via the Chicago,
Milwaukee A- St. Paul and Union
Pacille Overland Fast Mail Line no
lunger have to wait in line ut Coun
cil Hind's Transfer Station to obtain
s'eeping car berth reservations east
of the Missouri river.
The new- arrangements made by
thu Omaha and Chicago Short Line
of the Chicago, Milwaukee iV St.
Paul Railway obviuto all such de
lay and annoyance.
For further particulars enquire of
nearest Coiijmjii Ticket Agent or ad
dress J. V. Casey, Truv. Pass. AKt,
oil Stark St., Portland, Oregon,
John Day, July", 1800.
UniToit Nkws: Tho glorious ea
gle did not enliven the 1th with any
unusual noiw here, yet at Mr. Wor
king a very pleasant picnic was em
IM l'.v wurfiU'riiJiIo iiumUer of
I ""r rotninnmtv. Also at Mr. IW-
1 M,AW ? n.m" M,r.,y $mU .
met and enjoyed themselves on the
- I it.! II.. .. .1 ....
um.g.i uMiiii v ,ni-Minn on
sucli occasions, liosiiios talking over
mailers ol imiKittance mat may in
hiv i.v ii iiuurc nnu.p uie oisuimii
wvera of our "best lamihe, or at
least eliange Mime ol llieir names,
i lie curly luiv makers nave no-
gun to pile up the fragrant alfalfa
lor future reference in quantity and
quality entirely satisfactory to the
most exacting. Mr. W. D. Inglo
has a line ei op of some '20 acres and
a force of four men are now stack
ing it. Messrs. John (leorge, J. F.
Hudson. D. W. Jenkins, F. Trefry.
J. A. I.aycock and I). N. Luce, all
have a number of acres each, which
have yielded well, mostly on high
bench land. John C. Luce is on
his piece of '2" acres with a force of
six men. He thinks it will turn oil'
two tons to the acre. Mr. Win.
Luce has cut his crop which is on
IhiUoih land, mostly on gravelly
land, and it has done fine. There
is a considerable acreage of seed
sown this spring all over the county
ami the alfalfa crop of Grunt coun
ty and the fat steers and wethers
that will bo fed on this crop and
sold by hur stockmen will be a mat-
itr i if milt ut i lilfi ilMiwitltiltHit in ti
hort tune.
TTrMho mutter of improvements
Mr. J. A. Lnyeock has put a hand
some paling fence around UU lesi
deuce. Mr. D. X. Luce is building an ad
dition to his house.
John Luce is building a cow barn
I 1x32, also a hay barn 30x70, 1M
feet to the eaves will hold some
1 "2." tons of hay. He is building
this especially for alfalfa.
Crops of all kinds will bo up to
the average ami in a short time
hard times will bo a thing of the
past. Pito Hono Pi ni.ico.
The Pacilic Hrewory's Celebrated
Peer, the best in Knstern Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at the
Ited Front Hilliard' Hull.
Our new "ad." from tho enterpris
ing linn of Collin A- MeFurlund,
lh pimer, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a line largo book,
which retails at $1.00 each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, boots and shoes, hats etc., (o tho
amount of $'25.00, nllowipg until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
Give them a trial order, when you
Semi away for goods.
When you want t buy a really
good and leliable time piece at bot
tom price, that is a pi ice which can
not be competed with by any big
jeweler on account of the interest ho
has to make on the money invested
in bis sto.-k, besides his clear profit,
not to speak of his other high ex
penses ns $100 (o $."t)0 a month
rent, etc , come and see wati lima
ker Albert llinseh, nt Canyon, you
can be sure that be will do anything
jMssible to please you and get you
just that kind of a watch you would
like best, both as to the outside
looking of it as well as to works
that will stand rough handling the
best. Fine watch repairing a spue
ialtv. All work guaranteed at very
moderate prices. Waltham and
Flgin watch. 's.
via the Chicago, Milwaukee St.
Paul Railway from St, Paul and Min
neapolis. "Solid Yoslibuled Trains to Kansas
"Double Daily Pullman Horvicu to St.
"Through Covehos to St. Inniis,"
'Through Coaches to Kansas City
on Morning and Kveiiiug Tiuius,"
"KUvunt Day (Wlius,"
"Magnificent Lunch Cars,"
"Pullm m'a Host Soeiers."
'The Shuitoat and Quickest Line,"
"The Host Houte to Kansas City,"
" The Pest Houte to St. Ijuis."
"The l!..t Route to Colorado,"
"To K it usas, to California,"
"To tho We.t and Southwest."
Do not fail to try it. Tho Chicago,
Milwaukee A St. Paul lUdway. J.
W. Cancy, Truv. Pass. Agt., 33 Stark
St., Poitluud, Oregon.
AH H.-rsoii8 indebted to thu ostnto
of Martin Gundlnch, decoaaed, or to
cither of the firms of George Guild
laeh A1 Hro , and James Norman A
Co., are urgently requested to come
forward and settle immediately, as
the the business of said ostato and .
partnership mi st hi: cmihkii. All
notes ami aecouuu remaining un- i
Clieo. Orxm.Aai,
Cluiiui; Out Sale,
The stock of goods belonging to 1
thu lute firm of Geo. GumTlach cv
Hro., of Canyon City, Oregon, is now
offered to purchasers at c(t lor j
cash. The books of said firm ure ,
positively closed, hul cash piirchag- I
ers can procure bargains by calling '
Geo. Gl'Mll.Al II.
Wabiiinotox. July !!, 'DO,
l!i. Okaxt Co. Xrws:
Sneaker IIcchIV apinal column
gave the Ural evidence of weakness
this week when n delegation ol re-
. ,rt,blioiiii, who favored ttw coinage,
,ut )m,i nevertheless voted with the
$lKnki'r lnst wwk t0 ln'vc"1 1,is 1,v
i : ,ifi,i.u l.i. i .. .t t.. Imvo
lm, jlvpr ,, rt.ft.ri ( the Coin
: rt,mmilUH,, crtie(l upon him
; )UU (o,, ,lin, ,hnt ,.,,rcgt.iitative
t;onger, ehi.innaii of the coinage
! TOMimiitrCi ,n,l i,,,, tnted that no
j ,ll(H.(ng (,f luinmittce would Ih
j held this week; ami that If stub
Wrta the case they proposed voting
with the democrats to discharge
that committee from further consid
eration of the bill. The seaker, al
though bitterly optiosed to free coin
age and fearing to have the bill get
la-fore the House, aaw that he must
do as thee gentlemen wanted him
to do and at once throw up the
sjtongo as gracefully as he could.
'1 ho result was, that in less than
two hours the coinage committee
had mot and nqiortcil the bill back
with n recommendation that the
Senate amendments lie not concur
red in. In the meantime the sink
er had gotten the committee on
l!u lea together and it had ri-jKirted
a resolution for tin; immediate con
sideration of the silver bill. Now
somebody else weakened for when
the mnmentus vote was taken the
free coinage amendment was defeat
ed by n vote of 151 to L'Ml, and tho
bill was ordered to confuietice. So
then) will bo no free coinage this
your. The democrats might have
secured it by voting solidly in its
1 low enormous tho xiunoti busi
ness is, may be judged from the
fact that the fees of ono Arm of pen
sion attorneys in this city have av
eraged more than $"2)(0 a day for
several years, and it is expected
that the new disability pension bill
will double this for a year or two.
The long expected contest in the
House over the Federal election bill
is now on and will continue until
next Wednesday, when a vote is to
be taken. The bill pa thu House,
but it will have m show in the Sen
ale. If the Semite was favorably
disposed towards il, it would not
get through the House, notwith
standing the caucus decree. Any
way it will not receive the full re
ceive uie lull repuoiiean vote,
though it is not expected that any
k publicans will vote against it a
few of them will simply absent
tin iiut'lve when tho vote is taken,
without being paired.
The dangerous condition of the
government printing ullice is again
grought to the attention of Congress
by a rejMirt from the sennte commit
tee on printing, urging tho immedi
ate necessity of providing for the
erection of a Hie proof building for
tie- use of this olliee. Thu longer
this is postH!ni!, the inoie diflicult
and expensive it w ill be to obtain a
silo in the in igbborbiMKl of the pres
ent building. Should a fire occur
in the prKi nt building n wail of
honor would go up from the entire
country over the loss of life which
would be e.-rtain. Hotter spend a
little money now,
The old, old ipn -tion of falsifying
the Cungressionul Hecord is again
agitating the senate. The guilty
man this time is Hvnutor Cull, of
Florida, who takes up fourteen pa
ge in making a imrsoii'il explana
tion of charges made against him
by a citizen of Florida, not one
word of whieli was ever sxkon on
the floor of th.- K.-iuto. This sort of
thing is likely to continue until both
House and Semite do away with
the ridiculous ''leave to print" rule,
and make the Hecord what it pur
ine t (o bo a rejKtrl of the proceed
ings of congress us tluy ure, ami
not as certain nu ml era would like
them to have been.
Koine years ago iknj. F. Hutler,
well known for numerous queer ex
ploits in the politb-al world, to soy
nothing of his military ami legal ca
reer, built ii great bfg stone house
opposite tho Capitol, which was
quickly named "Hutler's folly."
His son-in-law, Hmator Jo ie of
Nevada lived in it for a while, nnJ
President Arthur ucetipL-d. it a few
weeks; but it has In en mostly idle
and unproductive. At th ' last con
gress its owner tried to lease it to
the House for committee rooms at a
fancy rental, hut for some reason lie
fuiled. Now be has n much bettor
scheme. Th" 1 louse committee on
public buildings has favorably il
jsjrted a bill to buy it. Unelu'riam
MtrciiKi.i. sisiTii.
SiicccsfoiH to
1 JialiCI' Cihj
i ut? iiium Lunipiotu uinu oi
Lyman Hear
Bights by Mail.
Lyman Kjor
ting Front
Sights 11. (X).
Diamonds Wdtchcts Clocks Jewelrv Silverware
fi : i'I u full line of Mush al Instruments.
is n.iwavs rbkcw io " " '
lief of the owners of unproductive
Washington property.
Several appropriation bills, in
cluding the annual ponsion, which
have been hung tip in conference
committees for some time wero
finally acted iiimiii this week and
sent to the president.
Mr. Harrison will lo-m.irrow pay
his first visit to tho Cajw May cot
tage, the acceptance ot wlncli ny
Mrs. Harrison raised such ft idorni
of criticism recently. Ho will re
turn enrlv next wcck.
Mr. Harrison has stilted thnt ho
would veto the Hiver and Harbor
bill if the House ngreed to tho
000,000 increase made by tho Sen
ate. - 40ft '
tide Ittnnr.
Drj. Darrin have now been prac
ticing their profession in Portland
for that1 years with brilliant suc
cess, ami dining that tints thous
ands nvuiling themselves of their
wculinr practice have been abso
lutely cured oJ diseases tliaU liiid
bullied t It j skill of all the old school
practitioners. Cases that had been
given up, ami the patients who hud
H;en advised to stamd no more limo
or money in the fruitless attempt of
trying to cure an ineurat I.' disease,
bad been s ut hum the (UK-torn
olllce, frequently after rt few treat
ments, with new leases of life, re
joicing, painless and won, and
rutcbes have been thrown away to
bo taken up no more. In fact, tho
octors Imve worked wonders, ami
brought joy, health and liappinesa
to hundreds of households. Their
rooms are never without patienta
tiring olliee hours, and a lew m-
ed are the cases thov treat that
o not iccoive permanent benefit, an
the following card will show:
Mr. Fditor: This is to certify
that I have had a m1ii in my heart
and breast twenty years, and tried
many physicians, without success.
After lour mmitha homo treatment
by Dr. D.trrin I nm restored to
icilth nml gladly give my testimo
ny in his Ix-half. I reside at Si!-
erton, Oregon, where I can l.o nd-
riuMcd or referred to.
C. W. n.uiKmiusr.
Drs. Darrin can bo consulted freo
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth streets,
Portland, and Hold Gandolof, Tn
com.i. Hours 10 to "; evenings, 7
to H; Sundays 10 to 1'2. All chron
ic diseases, blood taints, loss of vi
tal iovor and early indiscretions,
permanently cured, though no refer
ences arc ever niado in the prosa
concerning such cases, owing to tho
delicacy of the patients. IC.xantiim
tions free to all, and circulars will
be sent to any nddrcss. Charges
for treatment according to pationtn
ability io pay. The ioor treated
free of charge from 10 to II duilv.
All private diseases confidentially
treated and cures guaranteed. Pa
tients at u distance can bo cured by
home treatment. Medicines anil
letters sent without tho doctora'
"amu apjiearing.
Scrofulous eruptions, such art
Pimples, Discoloration of tho Skin,
especially on face, aru caused by
impure blood and will disnp)enY
rapidly by using Plunder's Oregon
Hlood Purifier.
Itilpoitaut Notice.
All K'rsons knowing themselvcH
indebted to J. H. Tluptonstall indi
vidually, or to tho old firm of Hap
tomtull oV Datl, will please como
forward ami settle, for wo must
close tho business of tho old firm,
and 1 want to go to California for
my health. All who do not setUu
up by the I Mi of July ISfMJ their
accounts will Imj turned over to an
attorney at that date.
J. H. Uaptonhtam..
John Uay, Or., May 28, IS'.IO.
Pacific Hrewcry User.
Notice is hereby given thnt 1
have this day established an agen
cy for the sale of the Hwr manufac
tured at the Pacific Uruwery, Baker
City, Or., within tho county of
Grant in Canyon City, and that Mr.
II. Sluiisoll is the authorized mana
ger of said Dejait. All orders from
Grant county for this celebrated
beer, cither in bottles or kegs, will
filled by Mr. Htansell.
' Hknky liiwr.
Proprietor Pacific Hrowery, linker
City, Or.
WK. A. S. t'i'AUKli.
J. P. Gardner.
Ammunition in tasicrn urutjon.
A Full
Lino of
JSx fishing litcklo,
. hooks, Hies, rods,
55222fSSm. lines, reels, etc.
! ly nooKs por
don., 50c, by mail.